Age Positivity: Getting pregnant, being pregnant and being a mom at 40+

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welcome everyone i'm dr natalie madison and here at fertility from the soul i guide women on their fertility journey and beyond i am a psychotherapist focusing on the mind-body connection and all of my programs are about connecting with mind body and heart to bring about our best fertility and our best optimal health overall so i am very excited today to be chatting with a friend about what is up with age and our attitudes about age you know this is a very common theme that comes up in our fertility world in parenting life in general people have a lot of thoughts about age and what it means to be getting older what you should and shouldn't be doing at different ages and so i thought this would be a fun topic and i'll give you a little bit of background to we have a special guest today and i'll tell you a little bit about how i came to know of lee selfius i was just bopping around social media and i saw this blog post where she shared about hanging out with her friend and expressing that she's you know got the door open for a second child and she's 47 years old and her friend said i think it's selfish to consider having another child at that age and lisa wrote in her blog all of her thoughts about her friend's comments and it was it resonated with me so much because i have heard things like this people don't usually say those things to me directly so i had my children at 42 and 46 and um i love being a mother i am 52 years old now i'm losing count you know you stop counting at some point i'll be 53 in may and it shocks me sometimes the things that people will suggest about um age and parenting and age in general so i reached out to lisal to see if she would um be willing to come on to the channel here and um you know together we could just represent what older mothering can look like and feel like and i'm so glad to bring in our guest today i'm going to see if i'm able to do my technology here now if you're here and watching live please go ahead and type in the chat so we know that you are here and you are hearing us hi lisa welcome to the show hi thank you so much for having me this is really fun and exciting we just actually met face to face not in person right social distancing but we're also not in the same location you're in atlanta georgia and i'm in san diego california right correct so yes i love san diego it's like my favorite place yeah so um i want you to tell just can you just like jump into i just think that was um the thought that came to my mind i think it was a pregnant moment when your friend said um yeah that's selfish right and that was where your blog starts and for those who haven't read it um can you share with us what happened next and for those who are here live watching on youtube or watching on facebook can you just go ahead and type in the chat so that we know this is live and you're here um can you let us know if you have had any of these if you've heard any of these kind of attitudes if you've felt some insecurity yourself if you are an older mother you're holding hoping to be an older mother um you know you you are older and you're hoping to become a mother is what i'm trying to say let us know in the chat about your experiences and lisa take it from there tell us about what happened what was going on you're sharing with your friend let's hear your side of this yeah i mean i'm just innocently sharing which you know by the way i just i love my relationship with her that we could be so open and honest with each other so it took me by surprise because i'm just sharing my heart and and then there was just crickets once i said that and then she just said kind of coily i kind of think that's selfish and it was like i i froze in time because nobody had ever said that to me so maybe people have thought it but nobody's ever reminded us where are you now as a mother and what was it exactly that you said to her when she yeah i so i'm 47 and i have a four-year-old son and i just said because my son every day he prays for sibling and so i was just saying that you know um he drew continues to ask for sibling and i just i'm like i just really want to be able to do that for him i just want to be able and not to mention i love being a mom right and so so she's just like yeah i don't i think that's selfish and i'm literally i i was i was so shocked because i've never heard that i mean like i said i'm sure people think of it and since the blog post seeing the so many comments and the reactions people get this all the time but i just never had and so i was just like and so i just paused for a second i was just like well what i mean i completely i completely disagree right because and like why is it why is it selfish to want to give to have another baby like why should my age stop me from having another baby if i can help it and you know and she's just like oh well you know you're gonna leave this child on earth by himself him or herself and you know all the different things which i get it right i get it but for me that's actually more of a reason why i need another child for my kid if technically i'm supposed to be gone in like 20 years then he's gonna need somebody to share life with you know what i mean um but yeah i was just it it was just so odd to me because it was like i've never thought of age like that like in a limiting capacity yeah right and that's what we're talking about yesterday when we chatted briefly when you don't live in that ages kind of perspective when you don't look through that lens these comments almost hit you out of left field like what are we speaking the same do we live in the same world i'm going to share with you a very similar not so kind sounding comment i came because i was gonna say nobody's ever said anything like that to me directly although there was one there was that one time i'm not gonna go there right now it was a relative on my husband's side of the family who went into some rant i was okay i am going to talk about it i was five months pregnant with my life doing it and we were at the beach party family beach party he starts ranting like this is wild like your child is going to be you could tell to me in kindergarten and you're going to pay 50 something oh my god and everybody sat there and just didn't say anything and finally i just said stop it just stop it wow it wasn't done like you're saying your friend was just doing this you know she was just sharing her heart right yeah and this was just like oh my gosh what a outrageous thing he's talking to a woman who's five minutes pregnant yes so but this is a comment that came in on my facebook ad so once in a while i'll run facebook ads to let people know about my programs for improving egg quality just to open their minds to let them know that that's a thing it's not just because you're getting older your eggs are declining and your chances are just going down and down there's nothing you can do about it there's a lot of possibility that's what i believe that's what the science says that's what my experience was so i share this free download which is in the comments below actually the very same one and most of the time people are really you know supportive you know likes and hearts and once in a while somebody just goes in the other direction they get a nancy so this one was one of those uh she says if a woman did not conceive by 40 it is selfish to keep trying after child needs mother alive for many years not mom grandma age i'm laughing because some of my high school classmates are grandmas and and wonderful for them so i'm grandma age okay look at me i'm grandma age whoa um women entering menopause raising a toddler is not really a good idea for so many reasons let's not forget risks baby will have with complications draw a line somewhere nature has its course and we should not challenge our luck with it where innocent a new innocent being is to be created she went on to defend herself some more when i said well you know said a few things she says people need to be realistic for the sake of children nature is what it is and we don't live long enough to have children at an old age without leaving them to others to raise wow i got one foot in the grave wow like somebody actually liked her comment so you know she's not the only one thinking that wow yeah i mean it's that thing and i feel like yeah but i feel like it's also kind of what's the word thinking that just because you're 20 or 30 i mean life talk about nature is nature life is life right so you have no idea you could think oh okay well i'm gonna have my kid in my 20s and then what i mean tragedy happens i mean obviously not wishing that on anyone so there's just absolutely no reason to think that you know you go into it thinking like that i go into it thinking which is what i mentioned in the blog i love who i am in my 40s i love it i love that i've experienced life i love that i've traveled i'm coming into my own that i was far from far from okay yeah maybe i'm a late bloomer whatever whatever that means but i love this stage where i am right now i am so much more patient i am so much more intentional and for me it's like drew gets to benefit from that me as a mom not freaking out with every little thing not you know i mean like me being very thoughtful about teaching him about his words and raising a kind human being yeah would i have been a good mother at 20s or 30s possibly probably but am i a great mom now yeah i think i am because of life and because of my experience and because of my my security and confidence in who i am motherhood challenges you anyway so i can't even imagine being less confident less sure and still having to do this i i wouldn't i wouldn't change it for one second for one second so i mean to each his own obviously but guess what my own is the fact that i'm in my 40s and i have a toddler and god willing i'll have another one and that thought alone is just the most thrilling exciting thought ever so i know there's so many people who are watching who are just like grinning just hearing your positive energy and i would say this what you're saying about getting wiser and more secure more confident if we're taking the opportunity to grow which i hope everybody is doing as they move through the years are we learning lessons are we figuring a few things out year by year then every year is wiser than the last year so every year we have more to offer in whatever we're doing in our career as a friend as a family member as a parent whatever pathway we're on we can get like fine wine we can get better and better with age and i think it's just a perspective that age means you're breaking down breaking down breaking down now certainly there's a life cycle our mortality and we peak physically at a certain point and then yeah yeah shoot man we start you know it happens you cannot defy gravity it goes down at some point but the our wisdom it just keeps growing exactly that's what i'm hearing you appreciate all you have now that you didn't have five years ago 10 years ago 15 years ago how could you right right i mean it's you just i mean and that's just natural you're just in a different space right i mean i remember um talking to to one of my sisters and you know and she was kind of like you know a little embarrassed because you know she's in her 40s and she still wants it and you know and you know and her and just like a lot of people you know they don't want to tell their age or they don't want to this and and i've never been that person because i'm like it's age it's just i mean it's just a number it means to me it it means nothing to me and i and for me and i i wish people would get that would just be so free to live your life and just to exhaust each day and for me the what you do in life regardless of your wage is that you make sure that you are better like every year right it's like oh it's a brand new year okay the brand new year doesn't matter if you look the same like you did last year right if you're not growing that's the bottom line you grow as a person you exhaust you squeeze every single thing out of life every day fulfilling why you are here impacting other people's lives that's what life is about once you start putting all these limitations on you like age and you know and energy and all this stuff you all of a sudden that's your energy that's what you're creating that's your universe and you literally have just stopped you've stopped and here's the thing if you're not growing you're dying there's no in between you're either growing you're growing or you're dying and you know what i'm gonna grow so every year and you know what having a kid at this age helps you stay younger yes oh yes i'm on those monkey bars i am running circles around the playground oh my gosh i mean right and i joked in the blog that i literally said to god i'm like okay if you're gonna give me a kid in this at this age you have to give me the energy to match truly i mean then my husband like i know he says to me like where did you get the energy and i'm like hey you know i gave birth to twins him and energy to go because it's not gonna work any other way i mean so so there is a natural part right to it but for me in order to keep up with him i make sure that i'm eating healthy i make sure that i'm exercising i make sure that i'm feeding my mind i make sure that i'm feeding my soul i make sure all of those things right because i want to be my best self a for me but secondly for him right and i want him to see what it's like and there are no limits and you know i once said to my husband you know when he was saying you know oh you're at this age and all this stuff and i just had to shut it down and i just said listen you don't have permission you nor anyone else to use my age as a limiting factor for me ever ever i don't do that to myself i don't live like that and i'm not gonna let anybody put that else on me so hopefully people you know do the same thing right it's like and most times that's other people they're projecting on you right and so it's kind of like that's your perception that's how you want to live your life that's great but for me i'm going to maximize it i'm going to squeeze every single thing out of it every day every week every month every year and you know whatever is for me is for me at this stage at this age and i'm proud of it so inspiring so and and so much of what you're saying is what i've been teaching in my fertility programs it's really what i would teach about living and that's what i teach about how to optimize your fertility too it's just so many times people want to know what to do you know what to eat what supplements to take what you know the timing that all this that all these micro pieces and those things can have an impact of course but what they forget is the importance of living fully and richly and when we want to come back to that if we want to come back to that notion of what's selfish first of all like who's the judge really but if we want to look at it from that perspective we could draw that word in and say to br to bring or wish another being in and not take care of yourself so that you can be your best self i'm not going to put derogatory words like selfish but it's not serving it's not serving your vision it's not serving your creation it's not serving yourself and we come back to what you said nourishing your mind nourishing your body nourishing your soul that that's the fertile energy right there anyway exactly that's what tells our body we're full we're resourced we have energy to give out more because if your body is depleted if your heart is sad if you're feeling empty why is your nervous system going to say let's devote a whole bunch of energy to a whole other being right no it's not that dumb it's like um no no we don't have enough to go around we're keeping this for ourselves we're not right anymore right so what you're talking about in this very kind of just in holistic energetic way like literally physically and medically makes sense also as to why we're more able to conceive we're helping our chances if we're feeding our body for nourishing our system from that standpoint of how will i sustain myself and another person how will i have the energy to chase this toddler around you know and if you don't have that kind of energy you might think twice about are you serving yourself and this child best to set up for this next 18 years of servitude right exactly so i think that's my job every single day to go to bed on time i struggle with that one to feed myself to you know you know to take care of myself emotionally mentally because it's not just good for my well-being but those i'm caring for yeah yeah no i mean it's wonderful i mean and not to mention you know i think what you're doing is just such a gift to so many women because yeah you get to the point because i have friends like that where that's all they're doing is just looking at this clock right and just stressing every year you know when the person isn't there or when the opportunity and and it's just just stressing stressing stressing and it's like that's not like you what you're what you're doing is helping people just a relax connect to who you are and just know that what is meant for you is meant for you and truly it's just really the big s word right which i call surrender right it's literally just surrendering because you are here you have your desires you if if it is part of your purpose to be a mom you will be but part of being a mom yeah i remember before i got married i i mean i was single for quite some time and i felt that it was coming and so for me to prepare for it i started really talking to my friends that were married and had been married for years like what is something you wish that you knew or what it you know really doing the work and putting myself in situations that forced me to be selfless right because i'm single i've been single for 40 something years i've been i do whatever i want whenever i want nobody gets to tell right because that's just but i knew being married that was going to be challenged and i'm not going to go from 40 something doing whatever i want to now all of a sudden being married and like you know and having to be in somebody's space and them in my space it's it was gonna turn my world upside down so i started forcing myself to put my i put myself in situations where i was being selfless right for friends them asking from ridiculous requests like my one friend she wanted to she got a dog and she had to go pick up the dog and the dog was like two hours away on this saturday at like 6 a.m yeah no i don't want to do that but i might be asked to do stuff like that when i'm married right so in my single nature it's like yeah no i'm gonna sleep in no thanks but in my single nature getting ready for marriage i was like fine i'll do it right so like preparing myself because i knew that was coming next and for me you know as we think of motherhood it's not just oh my egg my egg my egg my egg quality yes that's a huge major part but it's also like are you selfless are you are do you know how to serve do you know how to surrender do you know how to pivot when things aren't going your way right or are you going to throw a tantrum like your toddler i mean it's like that right like really preparing yourself it's not just like oh it's just all about the egg and so because we get so focused just on that then you miss all the other pieces that play into wonderful motherhood right and so for me you know we talked about it when when my my doctor told me that you know we should probably look at doing our eggs like wait so hold up hold on here i want to give people a little bit of a timeline because this is an interesting piece of story okay and i'm also distracted because my video has gotten really blurry are you seeing that am i blurry i'm gonna try to just do something it is blurry get the focus back in here i don't know what's going on it makes me look like i really smooth skin though your skin looks amazing thank you it's partly because the webcam is not focusing i don't know what's going on oh well here we are um it's like the skinny mirror you wanted right right the blurry webcam love it yeah um so we both got married a little bit later so i'm going to tell a little story related to the surrender piece because i think that's the s word i've never heard that as the s word but i love that um because there was a post in the same facebook group where we met where somebody said how did you what what do you think helped you get pregnant all women over 40 and half of the responses and this is a very active facebook group so there were you know like 50 responses in a couple hours half of the responses had to do with letting go and reducing stress it's like interesting interesting what happens when we shift that energy right it's not always the answer but for many that's what they felt was different when they conceived and going back to the finding a partner thing i was single for a long time too i was like by 35 i was like man what is up by 37 i was like well maybe maybe it's not going to happen and i actually went through this exercise where i made peace i made peace like all my life i thought i was going to be partnered have a family whatever and it's not happening and i i decided well who's to say that it's going to happen is there a guarantee that says you will find a life partner no and the more time i spend looking for it waiting for holding off on life because i'm waiting for that to happen more times just going by where i'm still living with a roommate like i'm a college student i said you know what no i'm going to assume that it's not going to happen and make choices as if it's not going to happen so yeah i bought a house and all by myself like i don't know if he is going to come in what he's going to want i'm going to buy what i want yes and i literally uh would put on music and i would dance uh with my broom my push room i had a push broom to sweep my hardwood floors and i would just play with the image of being with a perfect partner it was a known fantasy i wasn't trying to wish this into my lab i was like let me just dance with this perfect partner and i just enjoyed that without longing i wasn't like trying to bring it in trying to go find it i was just like maybe it'll never happen but i can still play with this dream yeah and it was that year that i met my now husband i was 37 when we met wow so meeting your husband was later too yeah completely i mean and i got to the point i mean the good thing is i mean my parents they never i mean i have five sisters okay um and they've never pressured us about getting married having grandbabies like none of that it was literally just live your life to the fullest because what is for you is for you and so i got to the point i mean i just i kind of always knew that i was gonna be married and have kids but i wasn't pursuing it right because i'm like i mean it's it i mean it is what it is i moved i was in new york i moved here because i'm like okay well it's time to settle down buy a place you know all that kind of stuff and so i did and i remember telling my mom one time i'm like mom i mean like how am i supposed to meet anybody i literally just go to work and then i go to church and like that's it and my mom's like you don't have to worry walk your path and he will be right there along your path and so i was like all right cool and so i just lived my life i i didn't think about it i was like you know what i'm gonna i'm single so i started a singles group at church i was like hey i'm just gonna i want to travel so hey we're going to italy hey i wanted i mean i was just living my life i was having the time of my life and i didn't feel empty i wasn't lacking i was living full and so when i felt the time come like literally i was just at home and my parents had come to stay for me for a little while and i just felt i felt that was me like preparing for people being in my space like all the time right like having to make that and i was like okay and i had this weird dream it sounds so weird but i had this weird dream and i woke up and i was like mom i think i'm about to meet my husband sounds weird and literally we got ready got dressed went to church and i met my husband at church that day crazy wow you're crazy so anyway so but you know my my doctor right like she every year you know we're going she's like all right what are we thinking about kids what are we thinking i'm like i mean i already had a dream 20 plus years ago and i saw my kids already know i'm having them so yeah but there's no guy what we can do every year and i'm just like so when i told her hey i met this guy i'm thinking he's the guy right away she's like prenatals let's go let's go she put me on prenatals at the moment i met him but she was still and so we dated for two years so i was on prenatals for two years before before we even got married and how old were you when you met i met him at 40 40. okay so you met at 40 and you dated for two years okay right and so i mean so literally i but i was so no wait it's that no that's not 40 42 is when i got married right so because my son yes 42 i got married so anyway so she was just like yeah but you know you know let's go let's go and i'm sweating um but anyway long story short she wanted me to just go talk to a fertility doctor you know about donor eggs i was like yeah i already had the vision i saw my kids they look like me so i mean i i know this is not the route or the path for me and she's just like i know but you know i'm like oh well you know we'll see literally we go on our honeymoon we come back i'm pregnant so let's just summarize here you've been with someone for two years you had not tried to get pregnant and your doctor said go to the fertility clinic to talk about donor eggs you have not even had an unsuccessful attempt at getting pregnant and that is the age bias right to not even give you a chance to see what like there's such a deep rooted belief yeah that you're all dried up right the number four at the start of your age must mean you're all dried up i mean but it's like think about what that does for you right like think about had i taken that on right had i really accepted that i would have been freaking out right and then of course then that doesn't help anything at all that doesn't help anything and so because i read i feel because i rejected that like i said i'm just living my best life and then sure enough here comes you know sweet sweet drew i mean now did you actually go to the fertility clinic to have that conversation you didn't go okay i was just your doctor telling you that's your next step your next step is this is what they need to shop for uh someone else's egg for you because certainly yours won't be viable yeah mine mine is scrambled mine mine aren't mine i don't work mine will work but yeah i mean completely fine so you know i just think that's like you were saying that's part of the issue right where you have the doctors and right away oh well you have to go to this you know specialist and you know and it's interesting because my my sister got pregnant when she was um 40 and she went to a different doctor that never once mentioned anything about her age like never once it was just they didn't tell her she needed all these special tests they didn't they just treated her like okay you're healthy there's no reason why we should expect that this would be an unhealthy pregnancy and they just treated her as such and i mean it was everything was completely normal completely yeah yeah yeah and your doctor was working on you for years prepping you to be anxious about not being able to get pregnant right every year saying what about now about now she was anxious you already had this amazing foundation sounds like your parents were amazing right you just kind of like breathe and trust and be open to what arises so you didn't internalize that you're like okay doc whatever you said no exactly you you made up your own mind what you wanted your your attitude to be um and i i think it's so helpful to hear that there's this whole range of perspectives and different doctors like your example your sister's doctor and your doctor different different attitudes different stories and so we really have choices over which mindset do we want to internalize and how do we want that to influence us because what i always say is nobody knows what your chances are they can look at the charts and say well other women at this age tried for this long and have these outcomes but they don't actually know what your outcome is going to be right and do you want to go in with the assumption that you can't or do you want to go with the assumption that we'll find out right we'll discover what's possible right and what that should do to our energy when we say i don't know what's going to happen or in your case i'm pretty sure because i had the vision exactly exactly and so i mean and literally and so i remember so even now as i'm telling her that you know like i said you know and she's just like yeah we looked at the numbers we looked at this we're not really sure and i said to her this is literally what i said to her i said here's the thing i already had the vision i already know it's going to happen i said so all i need you to promise me is that when it does you use my story to inspire somebody else with numbers like mine literally look at you she was just like okay [Laughter] and i'm and i'm so serious about that i'm so serious about that i'm not and but here's the thing like i already saw the vision so i but here's the thing talk about that surrender i am good because i truly believe what is for me is for me so i really want i wanted sibling for my son i already have my vision i believe it but guess what if something were to happen i'm okay i'm okay because whatever i am meant to have is for me and i'm going to maximize it and it was interesting because i had even thought like my my sister was saying you know what about you know adopting and stuff like that i'm like yeah that was just never like a thought for me like in the like i was just like because i already saw the kids and they looked like me so i'm like i never even but i got to the point where i'm like you know what i'm like if this is something in my future then you know like my heart will change and it will happen and all that stuff and i again didn't think about it i wasn't i wasn't just like oh obsessing i was just like whatever i'm just living my life and before you knew it all of a sudden my heart changed and i was like if this were to be i'm actually i would be okay adopting that was not me years ago and again so i don't know what it is i don't know where my story's gonna land i don't know what's gonna happen i just know that i'm so surrendered to god to whatever he wants for me if i am meant to give birth myself to a kid or or a parent or mother somebody else's kid or whatever the case me i am so surrendered and i just know whatever whenever the opportunity is presented to me whatever it is i will do it to the best of my ability and in the meantime though i'm not gonna stress about this about anything because that is not a recipe for success for any area in your life period [Laughter] i this is so moving to me because and i'm gonna start crying because what you're saying is what i believe so deeply and it's what i try to convey to others and i know i'm not the only person who believes this and to have somebody else who's speaking this so clearly is just a real gift and so thank you for sharing your heart in this way and i really want to highlight what i think is so key to that s word the surrender is the belief that i am going to be okay on many pathways it's that willingness to let go of the grip yes on one version of the story that this is the only way that i can be happy yes i had envisioned that i would be with a partner and probably have a family but you know what hey if it was just going to be me by golly i was going to be a great time with just me right and my friends and my activities and my travel and career we were going to make it good you know and i think that that is what i'm always trying to help people get and you can't just say it you know you have to go through an experience that helps you feel it and that is part of what i do in my seven day chill out challenge which is coming up next week for those who are watching live or during this week but that's the transformation that i bring people along is to that place of that that's surrender you really you really said it and that doesn't mean giving up your vision it doesn't mean giving up your dreams it doesn't mean being resigned correct it means embracing this and whatever tomorrow is going to bring exactly and then you win you win either way lately you have a life well lived either way whether your life includes partner or children whether you have a long life whether you have a shorter life you embrace what you have you embrace the gifts that you've been granted and i really feel you know like coming back to the um your your feelings about openness to adoption and how that shifted that ties back to i'm always trying to teach people have a plan b that you can envision warming up to this is a very hard thing to say to women who really have their heart set on a particular fertility outcome maybe they want to have a child naturally with their own eggs maybe they want to have a child anyway with their own eggs maybe they just want to be pregnant and have a child it's okay if it's someone else's eggs maybe you know they just have a specific vision but if you can't get past that vision and see another pathway as something that's tolerable and even beautiful then you get you're very vulnerable to being stuck in despair because you cannot control those outcomes and i look back when i was you know we were both very fortunate that our first conceptions were no problem so i had that that going for me as well my first i got pregnant second cycle i was 41 and a half years old no problem i had no idea what it was like to go through fertility struggles second time was a different story took a long time to get pregnant long for me expecting to happen immediately it was over a year and then miscarriages one after another well in the first trimester it was very very hard compared to the first time and i did feel that heartache i did feel that despair i went through periods of feeling really desperate obsessed i must make this happen there's something about having a loss even if it's like you were pregnant for one day you got a positive test and then it went negative or you have a miscarriage after a week it's in so many women it triggers this like severe desperation for i must make that right by getting pregnant again and trying to work out right i wasn't that desperate before i started trying for my second but once i started going through losses it came on like by golly i'm going to make this right yeah and it's like tunnel vision and that's all i can think about what day of the cycle is what are we doing oh acupuncture what are we doing you know like all this stuff and you become defined by your quest to have a healthy pregnancy and it's not living anymore right and in reality i did know this is what i always had going for i did know that i didn't have to have to have that work out for my life to be complete yeah i'd never envisioned having just one child i could have envisioned having no children but if i was going to have one i was going to have two that was part of my vision but i had also always envisioned potentially adopting and i also envisioned adopting an older child when i was i think in my 20s or 30s i saw a picture in the paper of a child at an adoption fair oh my gosh who was waiting to see if a parent prospective parent was going to choose him break my heart at that moment i thought couldn't i give the gift one day you know being the parent to a child that didn't have that going and so i always had that as something in my heart that maybe i would do and as i was getting older and the split was getting bigger and bigger between my current child and the child i was hoping to bring i was like you know what i'm just gonna jump ahead and adopt a four-year-old or five-year-old same age as my daughter and we'll catch up because we are getting older you know right here i always had that there as my plan b if plan a didn't work out so i never felt like if this doesn't work out the way my first choice vision is i'm gonna be just broken empty and that's what i'm hearing for you too it's not like this is make or break right right there's possibilities and and your mind is opening up to other possibilities of that second child well exactly i mean and that's the whole thing it's like i don't want to put just with anything i don't want to put a cap or limit on life right it's like what's the saying this if your life turns out exactly how you thought it was then where was god in it right like you got to create this where it's like if you just leave yourself open then the possibilities are truly endless right and so i mean you know somebody's asking in there you know what about like the husband does your husband feel the same and i think that's that's a huge part of it right and the huge part like why we're still here it's because you know not not he's not necessarily in the same space and that's kind of where i'm like you know well i mean i can't do it on my own so but i'm again i was freaked out about that because i was like that's my jury like initially if that's my dream you can't kill my dream like this is my dream and then i remember once again my mom with her wisdom like you don't have to worry about that if this is supposed to happen this will happen i don't have to sit there every day trying to convince trying to you know manipulate this you know manipulate and do all that stuff i don't have to do all that because like that in itself a i mean who wants an environment like that for something so beautiful to happen in the first place you know so truly that in this situation when you talk about motherhood when you talk for me when you talk about motherhood when you talk about motherhood in general but even in this stage of being a mom and wanting to be a mom and especially wanting to be a mom when the world tells you you're older and that you know the egg count might look off and the quality whatever it truly truly is about surrender it's about surrender knowing that your life is going to be fine you're going to be fine and you've got to be okay with whatever you can have your dreams and you make sure that you do everything you possibly can but at some point you just say you know what here i am the reason why i'm here will come to pass and i'm gonna do everything i can to maximize my life whether it's being a mom a sister a daughter a friend whatever it is i'm gonna pour into it and just live the very best life i can that's for me that's how you live full you know and i see comments coming in on the chat about this positivity jen says natalie with all her positivity oh she's talking about me i thought she was talking about right here me with all my positivity gave me back all my belief in myself with all the negativity a woman can hear about her age i'm pregnant with my first baby and turning 38 this year um congratulations another viewer here joseph girls productions says i love lisel she has so much wisdom i wanna oh my gosh like the time is there's so much time going by you you just have uh this hour right mm-hmm i do hey we can always come back let's do it again okay because i did want to have so many things i did want to ask how pregnancy went for you but can you give like the one minute yeah no so pregnancy like it was yeah it was going fine initially um i mean i loved every second of it right i mean it's like i think i told you like when my when my belly started to come out when my even when my feet started to swell even like my nausea because in my head i thought like no matter if i got pregnant again this would always be my first time so i loved every second like of it you know and my feet swallowed my feet anyway i ended up though you know um having a placenta previa um and so so i ended up on on bed rest um but i mean i was everything else was fine other than my placenta right like the opening was like right there so it was just very precarious and so i just kind of had to like lay low but other than that everything else everything else was totally fine i mean then he ended up coming um a c-section was scheduled and so he ended up coming a little bit earlier because his heart rate started to to um just go up down up down so i'm like listen so he came like a couple days early but i mean he was a little tiny he was like four pounds 11 ounces but he was he was like completely fine we went home we didn't have to stay in the hospital or anything like that um but yeah i mean it was i loved it i loved being pregnant oh really beautiful i there's just a lot of assumptions about how pregnancy might be this really rough ride because of age and i felt there was a lot of that like assumption placed on me because i was 42 and i was 46 with mine and i was like yeah it's hard like my hips hurt and various things but i didn't have medical complications yet sometimes there's this assumption that you must be about to have complications because of your age but the complications that you talked about are age related placenta previa can happen to anybody exactly it has nothing to do with age exactly you really want doctors who follow your case because they want to follow your case and not be you know walking around you with kid gloves because they think you're geriatric and you're going to fall over because you're right i'm pregnant right exactly i mean then to your point i mean pregnancy i mean has aches and pains so just because you're like yeah my hips hurt or there's because they're spreading i'm giving birth to a human like who's to say you know what my niece was 20 something she had her her baby she still had aches and pains so that's nothing i mean yes we're not minimizing the fact that right we're not minimizing the fact that yes you're getting older and yes i mean then you're giving birth but the fact is if you are healthy and you are your healthy mind body soul spirit there's no reason why you should all just be a bla have a black mark or stamp against you just just because your age starts with the number four like that's ridiculous it's ridiculous and it sets people up to be stressed out to have issues because we all know stress is a killer right like stress is what you know causes so much so many more issues than anything else and that is just already setting people up to think that way and for their body to follow with what because your mind goes one way and then your body and everything else follows it so you've got to get control of my mind right and what i said in the you know in the post if you say this to yourself if anybody says this to you or you shut it down don't even let it grow don't let that seed grow because if you have even a crack or anything any kind of moisture in you that can grow that seed it's gonna grow and before you know it it's just overwhelm you and you're worried and you're stressed and you're concerned and you're fearful and and that is not an environment where anything good grows so the moment you hear any kind of negativity you shut it down and you just say you know what every day you affirm that you are 100 ready and willing and open and surrendered to whatever is for you absolutely and i so second that the the influence of the mind to affect the body and there's tons of research that what we expect to happen influences our health and our health outcomes i won't cite the research now but there's so many examples of this and i really agree with you pay attention to what you let into your head and whether you let it grow or you shut it down and say what do i actually believe that doesn't mean pollyanna we pretend that you know we're really 20 years old and we can do handsprings on the trampoline and really you should be stretching out before you do that but don't assume a bunch of things that have not been proven about you exactly and i think it's just so important you know if i were to put a punctuation at the end of the paragraph it's surround yourself with people who have positive empowered attitudes because you're going to soak up what they're thinking and feeling and if you see people that are really limiting and really negative just okay you know maybe i don't want that person on my team maybe i don't want that provider maybe that friend is going to have to take a back seat for a while because right now i need to surround myself with people who have that positive energy who believe who say what are your hopes and dreams how can i support you right exactly completely agree 100 let us know how can people find you you are doing mom coaching right now you walk and talk most of you virtually walk and talk people can share what's on their minds and you listen and support them tell us a little bit about what you do and how people can find you completely yeah so once i became a mom all of all of a sudden i just was in love with all moms and so i say that i have a heart for the mom's heart and because so much of motherhood is just filled with so much anxiety and stress and overwhelm and and especially now in the climate that we're in it's just it's just a lot and so um so i you know help coach moms to get behind like what the overwhelm and all the stress what is that even as a result of so we don't just treat that we go we go behind the curtain so to speak and figure out what that is and really to help help moms build their confidence up and just really get clear on who they are first and foremost as a person get full um which is why we're full belly life you fill up in your belly and then out of that overflow you're able to pour into your children and everybody else and so we do walk and talk coaching in person and virtual because you know what it's easy to sit down inside but getting outside in nature getting that fresh air it just really helps with your creativity just with your mental space and so we do i do mom um walk and talk coaching where we come outside and we're chatting and we're coaching and we're getting tips and we're getting tools and we're just learning how to be our very best selves and you can so you can find me at full belly full and i am actually also on social media on instagram and on facebook and you can find me and i would love to be able to help any any of you moms that need just a little bit of help and inspiration and motivation to just live the best and just live a surrendered amazing life because this is only if we have just one just one life and we can do it so thank you so much lisa for blessing us with your beautiful energy um so much positive energy go rippling out from this session today um i want to respect your time i know you need to go let's chat after this because if there's any of my programs coming up that you want to participate in next i would love to have you on board please continue the conversation offline i'm going to let you go and i'm going to answer any questions that people have about the events that i'm running next week awesome bye everybody thanks for joining good luck to everybody surrender bye all right wow [Laughter] oh boy so that was really fun that's the first time that i've hosted a guest on a live stream like this let me know in the comments i wasn't really monitoring the comments very much because i wanted to be present with the conversation but please let me know in the comments how was that did you enjoy this format of our just chit chat about our our views and our our experiences our personal stories about being mothers in our 40s and up okay i am going to look to see if i'm seeing comments here go ahead and let me know in the chat was this helpful and i'm gonna see if i've missed i probably missed questions going back i'm not sure if i'm seeing the chat could somebody post something got it okay great all right so i do want to make sure that if anybody is feeling like this kind of positive energy is something that you want to keep infusing yourself with i have three programs running next week if you're watching this on the replay and the time has passed i'll probably have some wait list links up so that you can join for the next time i should do the sort of thing quarterly but the three programs are there to reach three different audiences whether you're trying to conceive you're pregnant or you're focusing on your general health and wellness i have a seven day chill out challenge program that i offer online it works for all time zones we don't do live sessions it's a recorded guided lesson and a new lesson is released each day and you are you know with a whole cohort of participants sharing comments each day and you really feel this momentum of other people being on a positive path taking care of themselves it's a very rich and special experience if you've done one of my seven day chill out challenges before and you're here live go ahead and type in the comments or if you're watching on the replay type in the comments let us know how it was for you would you recommend it to others and uh so it the commitment that i suggest is 20 minutes a day so i purposely made it to fit into the average busy person's lifestyle because raise your hand if you're a busy person i know most of us feel pretty busy oops i put this uh post up here by mistake oh there we go that's me not knowing my technology okay not sure how long that was up there um so just 20 minutes a day you can do it at your own pace um and it's it's about a lot of the things that we just talked about with liselle about embracing this moment being fully present and trusting yourself learning to listen to yourself and trust yourself so in the fertility version of the program we do talk about things related to fertility and the pregnancy version we're really focusing a lot on the the goal of connecting with your baby no matter where you are in pregnancy it can be very easy to connect think all the things we need to do and worries we might have logistics and we might miss that chance to really bond with this very special time and in the general wellness retreat it's about wherever you are where what what is that pathway to the calm home inside yourself often we're trying to build another home get to another place get to somewhere better when actually there's this short path to an easeful peaceful place that's in here and we just need a little guidance and a little bit of time to help ourselves discover that it's right here and it can be here right now for us so in the links below you'll see uh in the in the description below you'll see links to my triple chill retreat week so i'm running three challenges at once and you can sign up for the one that is best for you uh sibon says here we go sivan says the chill retreat is so special and anybody who's in a member inside my wise women's circle um i encourage you to do this again this is part of your membership you can come aboard for the retreats whenever we do them okay i'm loving reading these comments i really missed out on reading the comment there because i wanted to really pay attention to the conversation but i'm excited to hear so just go ahead and share in the chat your reactions questions that you have the live stream is awesome i love the collaboration both of you had amazing energy you know when i saw liselle's post we didn't know each other i just thought come up and i was like she's amazing i want to talk to her i think she has something really worth sharing and she hasn't gone you know internet famous she's just kind of like in the early stages i think of growing her online presence and i think she's amazing so you got to see her first you know i mean what powerful um beautiful strong feminine energy she embodies and um yes please do follow up with her maybe she'll be a guest with us uh another time in the future okay else okay oh i will treat myself to this comment your programs are the best i'm really thankful i enjoy my community of participants so much whether you're been listening to my meditations on youtube and sharing comments there you get my emails and once in a while i get responses those emails or you're inside of my membership program where we have a private community forum and lots of various kinds of support content we talk about all kinds of things related to life because it all relates back to fertility so whether you're trying to get pregnant you are pregnant you're moving on from trying to get pregnant you're parenting i really pick themes that are relevant to everybody like this month we talked about i did a journaling master class how we can use journaling to deepen our self-care whether we're parenting or trying to get pregnant all of these categories and so there's so much that we can do to enrich our lives that sets us up for well-being no matter where the path goes and if you are trying to get pregnant it really feeds into better fertility so um yes so uh 47 is starting a journey for embryo adoption beautiful one of my um good friends about the same age i think she just shared on facebook that she is um [Music] three weeks short of giving birth and that is the path that she went and she's so delightful delighted so there are so many pathways that are available to us somebody's asking is that possible how is that done yes you can with the advent of modern technology you can have an egg and a sperm from another two people combined to make an embryo and have that transfer and then you're less impacted by whatever is happening with your own age and fertility because the the most age-dependent parts are the egg and sperm coming together in a healthy way okay so let me know if you have any questions about the events that are coming up the deadline to enroll is friday friday so we are january 19th january 21st friday at midnight eastern time doors will close and then i'm just gonna get everything lined up make sure all the emails match and then monday is when the event begins so that is an event that i offer quarterly for those who are hoping to get pregnant i have a much deeper program that continues those teachings going into the mind body self-care more de-stressing practices and all of my egg nurturing system guidance so you know my story is i had two miscarriages when i was 45 years old and they were due to poor egg quality which is one of the things that often happens as we get older and then i took several months off to deeply nourish myself really restoring my energy it wasn't so much specific things that i ate or specific supplements that i took i really didn't take very many supplements really i just took a prenatal and ubiquinol which is a form of coq10 the bigger things that i did for myself was sleep more just make sure i ate well not a special diet just eating well eating enough and embracing my life and that's something that i had moved away from when i went through that period of not being able to conceive and then getting pregnant and having miscarriages i moved away from embracing my life as it was i became sort of a shell of myself kind of claw my way through hoping to get to that successful pregnancy i was very depleted i had a toddler at the time and i had to take some time to really restore myself so i really think that each woman's pathway is going to be unique to her situation but the core principles that i teach are how do you really replenish your system to be as nourished and strong as possible physically emotionally and spiritually how do you boost your system with a lot of energy physical and that more intangible energy that some speak people are speaking to that you felt from lisel and i during our conversation that positive energy is a sort of thing that also resources your system not going around filled with fear and doubts and despair that that you know um really crushes your energy it doesn't lift you up it doesn't help you have your best fertility so i also encourage being an advocate for yourself in your medical care so that you are getting appropriate attention to find out if there are particular things that need attention so i don't i don't just teach to it's not just surrender and be healthy there may be other things that need attention it could be sperm issues there could be many things that could be blocking that alignment that allows for optimal um conception okay so sivan is asking so this time the retreat has also a different path for pregnancy you're going to find out your result on sunday okay so here's the deal for those who are trying to conceive every month is another possibility that you could be pregnant so when i run the multiple retreats you can switch if you find out that you're pregnant you can switch to the pregnancy retreat if something happens with your pregnancy you can switch to a different retreat so it's very fluid that way we support you we have support for you whatever your situation is so good luck sivan i'm sending you positive energy um this week and for your result on sunday okay some getting some love for my meditation audio so some of my best meditations are right here on this youtube channel uh some of you are watching on facebook but also come check out my fertility from the soul youtube channel um i have aspirations to create um more guided meditations i feel like each one of the guided meditations that i've put out there is one of my babies like i put a lot of thought and heart into each one so it's not really easy for me to crank them out i kind of do them when i feel inspired and when i have enough time but um there's a lot more in the library back here that's waiting to be created um but my creative guided meditations are free to listen to on youtube and um you know go beyond the ones that are most listened to inviting your baby into your room is the most listened to is the first one i created um that guided meditation journey style and i love it it's been listened to over i think 500 000 times and there are also other guided meditations in the library there that you should also check out um in cultivating inner bliss um simplifying there's a there's a bunch in there each one of them has a different a different journey and then a lot of people enjoy my affirmations too these were the first meditations that i created for myself when i became very obsessive i wrote affirmations to coincide with the weeks of my cycle so that i could stop obsessing and focusing on negative things but think about what do i want to be happening in my body how do i want to hold my mindset and i wrote the statements you know the start of a cycle you know my lining is being released creating a new home for the next egg that's coming you know what do i want to be thinking in a positive way not oh my gosh my period started this is never going to happen for me you know these are the things that might go through our minds not helpful so replace that with things that are hopeful possibilities that are more in alignment with um with having that balance and peace inside of ourselves so i have a set of affirmations for each week of your cycle if you're not having regular cycles and you don't really know where you are uh don't don't stress out about matching up the weeks there are other affirmation sets like affirmations for improving egg quality that will match any time in your cycle and just don't get hung up on the nitty-gritty of you know which which one of these like a meditation isn't going to make you pregnant so don't worry about which one exactly how you're listening to it it's going to help to cultivate this foundation this atmosphere that moves you in that direction okay so um the zed is asking about one-on-one coaching sessions so i have limited one-on-one time available but what i do offer i do offer one-on-one coaching for those who are in my group coaching program which will open up to anybody who goes through the seven day ttc chill out challenge you'll get an invitation to my group program and i offer individual coaching to those in my group program i also offer a full uh i call it an integrative mind-body assessment session a consultation session for uh those who are not in the program and those who are in my program where i have complete a very uh extensive questionnaire i go through it on my own ask more questions and then we meet on zoom face to face to go over that spend about 90 minutes really going through everything that's there and i tell you what i'm sensing from a mind body perspective might be things for you to explore further or to address in your fertility program so you can see that on my website go to resources at the bottom of that you'll see coaching and just go through those links and you'll find that information there you can email me at info fertility okay inviting your baby is one of the all-time favorites i don't like to project what's gonna happen next but i have a vision for inviting your baby too i want to do another completely different journey on the same theme okay so i request you can add meditations for week five and after so does that mean after becoming pregnant is that what you're asking for i actually do have that created it's inside of my coaching program so that those who are in my program if you're pregnant you can go through the seven day pregnancy chill out challenge and then come into my program after that i do have a handful of pregnancy affirmation sets um there i just haven't made a complete enough set that i want to release it i i have all these visions of things that i want to create and you know first second third trimester i'd like to create a whole collection for pregnancy and offer that all together so it's in the works but it's been in the works for a while if you want to get my in the works versions you're welcome to come into my program you just have to go through the seven day series first so that everybody kind of has that foundation okay um i made that one last year only for the fun of it and then i became accidentally pregnant what what are we referring to make that one i'm not sure i'm following okay um okay so okay this is really relevant comment though i live in europe so the group schedule might not fit with my time zone not to worry i have a lot of europeans in the program we have some in australia as well and i gear the my group program it's called conceive with ease most of it is not live and then when we do do the live sessions i do them at i have a monthly live session at um 2 p.m eastern time so that works out to be seven or eight in europe and i have fertility coaching office hours which i stagger so that we have one session that works for north america and europe and another session that works for north america and australia so you really do work hard to make things equal opportunity for different time zones and that's the same as the way the seven day program is laid out there's nobody in any time zone that gets left out i usually do have one live session after it's over and i do that at a time that works for north america in europe but anybody can watch the replay but the core material for the seven days is not time zone dependent i even have an email system that will send out your daily reminders at six am your time in your time zone if the system is able to detect your time you will get it in your time zone okay i have a question here about uh please talk about labor and delivery that is a whole a whole thing what would you like to know about it can you elaborate a little bit on what you want to know i'm okay okay paul says i'm scared too but i think you're responding to somebody else labor and delivery is i don't know how to give a short answer to that because i do think that we have a lot of assumptions in our culture that make it worse and harder than it needs to be and there are kind of divergent pathways about how to think about labor and delivery some people think about in a very medicalized way where they want to have everything more managed and controlled medically and then there's another branch who's like hey you know our bodies were meant to do this there's a lot of ways that we can support this naturally and the two pathways look pretty different so i you could probably tell from the way that i talk about the fertility things that i'm a big believer in many things are possible that your body can do naturally and i um went through my two deliveries with minimal intervention and no pain medication i'm not gonna lie to anybody and say it's not like on the top of the scale of intensity it was on the top of the scale but i survived it was very empowering and um it was it's an amazing it's an amazing experience if you have the chance to have it um but there's just so many pathways you know lisa talked about she had a c-section there's so many pathways and i guess my thought would be to um educate yourself and recognize that there are many perspectives so learn from different people see what matches your style about how you would like to prepare for and experience it and always know that like everything we don't have control over all the details and but we can prepare ourselves to be ready for and um ready for the different possibilities and knowledgeable about the different ways that we can best support our experience okay now we have a question uh do you have anything for being scared of being a mother as in being afraid of regretting it it would be nice for neurodivergent people or people with mental illnesses so um i think that you know in particular i get the sense that what you're you're you're you're in a situation where there may be some special considerations about your capacity maybe emotionally um cognitively to um to navigate the challenges of parenthood and i think that it could be helpful to talk to other people who maybe share some of the such there's some similarities with the particular challenges that you have and and and have mentors who you can trust to give you um give you feedback about what it what it can be like and do you feel resourced i think fear can be sometimes it's arbitrary you know people have just scared us and now we're scared but sometimes fear is also a helpful flag to say hey there's something that might be dangerous over here and that means take a closer look that means let's be investigative let's be curious let's not be biased no i must not have fear i must just trust or it's scary i better not go there but let's be curious what more can i learn about this what might parenting be like for me and then there's a certain amount of trust anyway because nobody can tell you exactly what it's going to be like for you nobody knows exactly what challenges are going to come up in your parenting situation um we touched very briefly on it at the start of the conversation with liselle that you know people say oh if you have a child when you're older there's increase of risks you know uh health issues for your child and yes there is some of that increase but at any age at any age you're opening yourself up to all of the things that could go haywire in a human being's life and um so there's a certain amount of that too there's not going to be any situation that's guaranteed guaranteed to be totally safe and manageable and the the really it comes back to sometimes at some point you know making a reasonable choice say yes i am reasonably resourced to be able to handle these things find resources and support when i feel overwhelmed and i'm going to trust that we can make our way through it you know i i do think that there's something to be said for you know being honest and realistic how will this how how will this play into my life do i have space for this is this something i want to bring into my life because it also isn't a small commitment it isn't something that you can say let me try this on for size and then figure out how i feel about it when you make the commitment you're making the commitment so i don't know that's a really wishy-washy answer to your question about being scared but i would tune in and and listen and just say what what is this what is this fear what are these elements is it because i'm not confident about myself or is it i'm just afraid of uncertainty what is it and and then what are the next questions after that okay um i can't wait to start the ttc chill out challenge i've been waiting for the last two months uh i know you know i i used to offer every two months because i just hated that people were waiting because i know how much time pressure everybody feels and now i'm doing it every three months just because it is a bit of an energetic undertaking to me to do the promotions bring everybody in and support there's an incredible energy that flows through this program and i want to be well-resourced myself to be able to hold space and hold that energy so i'm really excited thank you for your patience in waiting um and you did the invite your baby meditation just to try it and we conceived in the same month okay i'm so sorry and i i can't even say your name i don't know what your name is here but you're asking about being scared of being a mother afraid of regretting it and you're pregnant and i was talking to you as if you're thinking about whether you want to get try to get pregnant so let me back up and first say congratulations and you're on the path now so there's no thinking about another choice at this stage at this stage i would say come back to you know lisel's energy about squeezing the juice and making the most of your experience as it is regret is really a thing that we get to choose based on how we look at things you can sit there and compare well if i would have done this but then i did this you don't know what that other path would have looked like so regret is sort of this weird manufactured thing that we do to i don't know to just depress ourselves and i would really notice when regret brain is coming up even fear of regret and say i can choose to make this a beautiful experience because i believe you can i believe that is in your power no matter what challenges come your way you can you know find ways to move through this and this gets to be your journey this gets to be your discovery of what will it look like what can this be and i would just you know if you have some particular challenges in your case you're talking about uh neurodivergent or mental illness it's just these are just features of what you you know some features of your unique makeup and this is your discovery to discover what motherhood is going to be like for you and i think surround yourself with positive people and believe in your own resourcefulness paula says i'm scared too right are you um okay so i am having trouble keeping up with the chat here and i'm responding to situations that aren't actually true so ultimo no me i don't know if i'm just butchering the name there i'm so sorry i'm speaking to you as if you're pregnant and you've lost the baby everybody who's watching is cringing going oh my gosh stop talking so my apologies my third script for now you've been through a loss heartbreaking yeah man and you're trying for real so you in your heart you want you want this and so that fear is just something to not nod to it i know this is scary we all feel those fears and insecurities your heart really wants this you're trying again um yeah paula you said you're scared too what's your situation are you trying are you pregnant okay so fear of motherhood how are you going to navigate are you going to be able to get pregnant and what will you do when you are pregnant what would you do as a mother i would just come back to placing your hand over where you feel the fear sometimes we feel in our hearts sometimes we feel it more in the belly area solar plexus area place your hand you can do this right now with and place your hand over one over your heart and one over your belly and just kind of breathe into that and breathe some soft compassion energy into that space and being your own kind mother breathe into that space and say it's okay it's okay to be scared it's okay to have your hopes it's okay to have your dreams and you're gonna be okay thank you everyone for your time and your presence here with me today thank you again to lisell who was here with us for the first hour sharing with us her vibrant positive energy i see a few of you would like to continue this conversation with each other you can join my facebook group as well it's called getting pregnant naturally fertility from the soul that may be a way that you can carry on the conversation you can probably also continue to chat in the comments below this video i'm not sure exactly uh how that works as we end the live stream and transition to the replay version but i want to wish you all the best wherever your whatever your dreams are i want to encourage you to hold your dreams don't let anybody be a dream buster for you don't let anybody tell you that your age is a limiting factor you get to decide how big your dreams are and how you want to pursue them i want to send everybody lots of blessings and it's been a pleasure take care everybody
Channel: Fertility from the Soul
Views: 4,333
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fertility, getting pregnant, fertility over 40, motherhood over 40
Id: RjK_hLWhZYs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 89min 52sec (5392 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 20 2022
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