Best Tips For Building - Grounded

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what's up gamers how's that guardian my name is epic pins and in today's grounded video i want to talk about some tips and tricks on building stuff that the game doesn't necessarily tell you and stuff that you may have to figure out or by watching someone's videos get a little bit of help along the way i mean i feel like the veterans probably know a lot of these but if you don't hey here they are and if you guys know of any more tips that i might not mention here please leave them in the comments below i mean everybody can benefit i can benefit i don't know everything about this game there are a lot of things that i don't know and that's why i have you guys you guys keep me on my toes all the time so without further ado let's get to the video all right guys very first tip slash trick in this game i want to kind of give you is i have to do with pallets now for the longest time i didn't use pallets i was like what's the big deal i don't need to be able to store them you can just throw them on the ground and they sit there well now they kind of disappear over time so don't do that get a pallet it does store it but what you can also do once you have a full pallet or even if you don't have a full pile it doesn't matter you can move these and your stuff will stay on there so you were able to go out especially if you're in an area that doesn't have a ton of weed stems and you have to go to a location like for instance when i built this the best source is across on the other side of the picnic table there is a huge winds weed stem forest i would take the pallet over there run all the way over there stack it up and then run it back so my only tips here are is make sure you have the palette completely full it's just you know it's it'll be a waste of time to bring a half palette back and don't forget that you can also not only can you carry it but you can put a full stack in your arms first and then carry it just by simply removing its location now i will also say make sure you drop it every now and again as you're running because if something were to hit you such as a spider or a bug or anything like that if it is in this mode it will snap back to the last location so if you've run a very long way and you haven't done anything with this it will snap all the way back and then you'll lose all that progress so all you have to do is just set it down and keep going if you see yourself come up on a spider just drop it real quickly as fast as you can so that you can move it back so this is the best way in my opinion to move a large sum of these things you can do this both with this palette and also with the grass palette so keep that in mind it's a very useful tool i use it still to this day because i always like to build really stupidly in locations that don't have a ton of weed stems and wheat stems are useful for pretty much every build so there's number one all right guys tip number two now i'm not 100 sure if the game tells you this or not i'm pretty sure it does not i or at least it didn't when i first started because i i never use this for the longest time so you know that you have you'll learn that you have the ability to pull up a construction menu that allows you to or that allows you to pick out the pieces that you want to build um wonderful and also it's pretty much where you find everything that you have the ability to build such as like a workbench which would be early on in the game you'll need to build to that so once you place the item down you have a blueprint of it you can see where it goes love this feature in the game one of my favorite features i wish this was something they did in a lot of other games but this is one of my favorite features in this game because i can essentially build my entire house for the most part and know the layout and that things will fit in the proper place where i want them i love it love it love love it so another great thing is the moment you lay down a blueprint you get a shopping list or a chopping list at the top of your screen so if you look at the top of your screen it tells you exactly what you need now it doesn't tell you what you need it for but right now i know i only the only thing i have for a blueprint up right now is this so i need three grass planks four sprig two sap three grass planks four sprig two sap and now i have my shopping list and i can go out and grab exactly what i need that way when i'm out grabbing the materials i can always refer back and bam it's right there now when i was building one of my larger bases at one point it said i needed 450 stem so i knew that i needed a lot of stem granite did i count out 450 no but i knew i still needed a bunch and as i was laying it out every time i would take stem back i knew that when i went back out i can look again and it started getting lower and lower that i was making progress and that i didn't when i finally went out for the final run i didn't need to grab more so just remember that once you place a blueprint your shopping list will be at the top now i will say if you're going to place a blueprint you should build it as soon as you can because the you know you leave it out like this you may forget where it is in the world and you're just gonna have a random list of things up there that you don't remember what it's for so keep that in mind now before we move on to the next one i wanted to add this in real quick so this feature is in the game currently i do not think they're going to pull it out but i will mention it for right now if you do end up leaving something somewhere and you cannot for the life you remember what it was or where it was if you start doing this you can go to your game options push your option menu go to debug and you can actually cancel nearby blueprints so if you do that it will cancel and it tells you right there that you're going to cancel one building only thing i have available right now would be the workbench i just placed so i say yes go back into the game and it disappears so that means my shopping list i knew where it was is now clear that's a way that you can do it so guys just keep track of your blueprints and you should be fine all right moving on all right guys on to tip number three building layout make sure you have a good understanding of some of the mechanics in the game when you go to building so if you're playing in survival mode uh your choices go come down to if you want to build aesthetically or if you want to build practicality i am of in a favor of both i tend to go more aesthetic and it's not very practical so what i can say here is like as you can see like so i am i have the double walls right smart so building double walls is some of the some of the best ways that you can do it adding in uh layering as you go because what happens is the ai will attack through this and then they will attack this wall and then they don't always just break straight through so if you add different layers as you're going through you tend to stop them up just a little bit longer and help with the raids and they won't tear down as much stuff but as you can see the flaws in mine are i wanted aesthetics i didn't like how the door looked here i wanted a gate so i knew that building this gate would be fine but they probably can jump over this for one because i couldn't get the height where i wanted it so and two it's a single layer so if they bypass the walls at all they can come straight to that gate same with over here i couldn't get the curved walls to fit out over here properly so i left them out now this is just a hollow shell and they have a single door they have to get through if if they choose to hit this first so far it hasn't happened i choose to take on that knowing full well that it will it could cause problems i do think they are working on they have talked about working on the building and adding more building material supplies so currently mushroom walls mushroom bricks are the strongest so that's why i built my castle also it looks like a castle wall obviously so now while we're talking about building layout i want to discuss because this is i've done this a few times in my builds this is probably the most perfect build i've come up with for me not saying this works for everybody but for me in terms of in terms of storage so you're going to find out that you want a ton of storage because you're going to end up with a ton of bug parts a ton of different things you find throughout the game you also need a ton of material to do things what you may not know is before i get off track again you may not know is that you can pull from these you do not have to go to each individual chest and take the things out of that you need for crafting when you access your crafting vents whatever you were in the range of if you'll notice over there on the bottom of the side of the screen right there it says nearby storage 22. i have exactly 22 chests in this bottom chamber i purposely laid it out this way so that all the chest would be on the outsides and i i dolled it up a little bit with the with the extra walls here but all the chests are on the outsides going around in like a little semi-circle so that when you enter in the workshop here every single no matter how close i am to these every single one of these can access all 22 not that these two things need to access all 22 but wherever i was going to place this workbench i was going to be able to access all 22 chests because nothing is more annoying than having something stored in a chest that's just out of range which i had in my old previous workshop if you guys watching my older videos an old workshop i have which is kind of like a big barn style workshop where my workbench is placed i can't reach the final three chest unless i stand just far enough back well that's where i stored some spider parts and things like that so when i went to make things like mask of the mother demon or something like that i couldn't reach the chest i needed to reach so this is one of my favorite ways that i've just that i've tried that i've i've built there are some other really cool ones that i've seen some people come up with and then some people may want to build i don't think i need more chests than that but you can obviously add a whole nother row here another layer i have some i've seen some people have some a crazy amount of chest and storage but they have a crap ton of stuff they're probably never going to use in this game i know with the stuff i need i know the stuff i use and that's what i keep in here this is just a little tip plan out your storage because you can draw from it when you use your crafting stuff so plan out your building essentially and that's what i mean by building layout plan out your building understand how um how bugs attack start learning bugs attacks and stuff like that and playing out accordingly all right guys on to tip number four i believe uh this is just another quick building um tip when you're trying to transport a uh a lot like a stuff that you have to carry so in certain when you're trying to transport things like like your uh your stems or your big grass planks when you're trying to transport those guys across the yard or even crossed a short distance if you have a location like up here where there's there's quite a few stems that i can take advantage of and well there's grass everywhere but there's quite a few stems i can take advantage of and then my house that i was building on is down there so you have a zip line you can actually drop things on your zipline and they will just float down there now i will say do this in kind of like small like a little bit less spaced out sections because you might freak it out a little bit they could potentially fly away or disappear um if you send too many down at once so you can do that and then all you have to do is just hop on the zip line yourself and they will be right there waiting for you when you get there and you just pick them up and now they're down here um you can obviously however long you make your zip line this is just a short one i've always had from up there down here but you can do that i think it's a cool useful tip if you aren't uh if you don't have a pallet with you and you're like oh my god i have all this wheat i have a bunch of wheat stem i even had to leave some up there because i didn't bring it down here so i have to travel all the way down there and go all the way back up well you can just send them down the zip line and then travel all the way back or travel back up there and or grab the ones you left up there and then come back down yourself that's simple and they'll be down here real quick you don't have to carry them all at once so pretty useful just keep that in mind all right guys my very final tip is base locations now i'm not going to do a whole extensive base locations video i actually already done that in the past and the the ones i made were prior to the home stretch update but they still hold pretty much true for the most part except some of the the faction raid stuff i talk about is not necessarily as a big of a deal as it was back then so i'm going to link that video up here you guys can check that out if you want to but i'm just going to give you two of my favorite ones and just kind of an overall look at a really great location so this is my all-time favorite location um it is on the edge of the pond over on the side of the big tree over here just at just access right there i built a spiral staircase to give me access to the upper yard so i didn't have to go all the way down there to the to the coals to go up every single time so this was one of my favorite locations because i have access to the lower yard then with this spiral staircase i can get all the way up to my house that spiral staircase i can get all the way up to the upper backyard where all the new content supposedly is going to be keep that in mind i think this is one of the best locations it's probably the one that i would recommend the most now granted you can't get here early on but i would work on getting here as soon as you can for any other locations i'll just say um one of the best ones and everybody any any new or any veteran can probably back me up on this uh but this is probably the best starting location now before i even brought you over here i guarantee every veteran said to themselves on top of the wooden post now there's a wooden post fence that surrounds the flower bed over next to the large oak tree getting on top of these on either side there's some on that side over there just past the um the little uh lantern thing there uh but either one of these sides are fine uh just getting up here is is pretty simple a lot of the times you jump on you can either jump on nails or here for instance you can just climb up this little dried leaf so these are some of the best starting locations because you're going to start at the machine which is right over there it's very simple uh if you can see the little pink thing or the little you have little little towers and right in the center of that right there it's going to tell you to come over here like you have the game makes you come over here to find this base so you have to come over here pretty early on and as you can see i already had some stuff set up over here because when i first started this playthrough however many hours ago i made a base here this can be a simple base you don't need walls here you don't need a roof here i just put up a simple i had a bed here at one point i put up a simple little tint there so i could sleep i had a crafting bench and i had a bunch of storage here and storage down there on that one things cannot get up here spiders nothing can get up here they will not climb up this leaf you can piss off that spider right there he will just stay down there hissing all his little heart out as long as you can get up top here they cannot come up here i don't know if that'll be fixed changed whatever but as of right now the only things they can get you are flying things and none of them are really around here there are some mosquitoes over by that can but as long as you don't go piss them off they don't come this far actually i'm pretty sure they won't come this far anyway even if you do piss them off you're right next to burgle for any burgle things you need to go drop off there is a research uh facility right there for any of this analyzing you have to do think you are in pretty much i would say almost dead center of everything so you were within dead center of most things you need to get to maybe maybe the um the little sand pit over there is the furthest thing out but for the most part you are dead center oh actually you can see i had some storage right there uh but this is one of the greatest starting areas in my opinion i don't think there really is a better one people can correct me if you'd like to i guess but i mean the old ant hills right there the other ant hill the red ant hills just down this way a little bit you can follow this all the way down yes there are a ton of spiders a ton of orbeez right in this area but the truth is there are true truthfully is truthfully they're easy to avoid to be honest with you they don't as long as you just watch where they are they don't really bother you they kind of just sit and hang out and occasionally they move now i will say a junior he's right there actually a junior orb weaver does pop up every now and again and he kind of stays over here in my game so he doesn't really bother me that much granted i can i'm at a stage i could kill him pretty easily um but just pay attention to that i mean you can take on junior or weavers pretty early on so but you have all the resources here you have weed stems you have grass you have dry grass and you have acorn ev every material you need for the most part is right here so there isn't there is you know like i said on the other side you can go over there as well anyway guys i hope you liked the video if you did please hit that like button below it does help with the algorithm it really does it really gets me out there i cannot thank you guys enough for the love and support follow the channel subscribe you guys know you love the content subscribe to the channel if you like this i'm gonna be here for grounded especially when it drops we're gonna be ready and a day it drops i will be live i promise you that i will not miss that i don't go live that often but i will be live that day we will be checking out as much stuff as possible i cannot wait guys i honestly cannot wait so follow the channel subscribe hang out with me and hey have a great day evening night morning whatever time you're watching this and i will gladly catch you in the next one peace out [Music]
Channel: EpicPins
Views: 56,207
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #grounded, #building, #tips, #tricks, #xbox, #gamepass, #pcgaming, #survivalgames, #survival
Id: axAJXmEi6U4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 48sec (1068 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 17 2022
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