Grounded Community Base tour INSANE!!!!!!

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what's up Gamers here we are with another awesome bass tour we've got timber here with us he's going to show us around his world how many days do we got on this thing how many days we got here 485 or so 485 wow that's impressive briefing up on 500. creeping up on 500. apparently he's got some pretty cool stuff to show us so we're gonna check this thing out man you guys are awesome don't forget to hit the like button comment down below what's the most thing you like the most about the most of the build with the most of the most I don't know I don't even know what I'm talking about comment down below what your favorite part subscribe notification Bell check us out on Twitch in the description show this man some love in the chat let's check this place out man see what we got going on let's do it let's do it a little like Armory space nothing too crazy just uh some turrets and it's just kind of like a starter based type thing I guess yes sorta sort of what what is that is this my castle man this is my castle I've been working on this engulfed bird feeder yes Pagoda base to end all Pagoda bases wow that it is Jesus Christ dude I can't wait to check that out what the heck thank you what is this little puny wooden base there I don't even care about this anymore what the heck right yeah this is purely a sacrificial base because this was the only place I used to create raids I have my name on this whole base wow is this the care package it is I didn't want you to get too hungry or anything everybody always gives me care packages it's so wonderful it's like I just I wouldn't want you running around naked and alone even though that freaking spicy stuff okay right and your new favorite build's in there too oh I got you you're tick makuhita my dick Michael yeah so uh so you can either take the Rainbow Road and go underneath oh that's sort of the fun way or you can run on top and then you can see the whole face better so I mean up to you I want to take this Rainbow Road this sounds sick slippers on we're zooming nice and quick yeah look at this holy yeah so the main base you can uh jump I jump in the water a lot to get all the way down from the roof yeah I would imagine so oh my gosh crazy yeah so we'll start with the outside yeah this is the uh sort of front entrance it's got turret Towers on both sides or literally around 360 Degrees the whole base uh just just so everybody knows Timber has an architectural background which is probably why this looks so freaking cool anyway continue yourself I love building I love building yeah so yeah so another Rainbow Road I love these Bridges I was having fun with the uh the ash cement stuff so this leads you to the sap collection area depressive I didn't even think about it here it works super well and because I've got seven trillion torches in this base I go through this stuff oh yeah yeah yeah never ending it's that's amazing I didn't even think about those logs out here that's a huge tip yeah they work yeah they work really well and you can play some on all of the logs even the weird ones going straight up and stuff so it's uh that gets like 120. that log is like what I have kind of flat too so it's easy to walk on yeah very nice well I love it uh like the architectural stuff so we got some like flying buttress designs over here around the outside of the whole base that's so cool I'm kind of obsessed with the the crow roofs as you I love the inlaid like uh mushroom walls too like that's just enough yeah depth to make that look really sweet it's sort of something that we'll get into when we get to the inside but this is all uh kind of a custom build it's not built on the uh that locking points connect points that they do each wall of this base is built individually on itself wow they kind of all overlap they look like they're all connected but once we get into it you can see there'll be little gaps and stuff it's kind of a crazy I went a little overboard holy mushroom Forest yeah so I got some super size because I use a lot of mushrooms yeah as you can see yeah I got my little Jurassic Park base over here to hide from the infected stuff that's all the way yeah who was gonna be there so yeah no kidding dude I hate that they're there too yeah it may destroy this endlessly so I'm constantly rebuilding and repairing it so it's kind of miserable yeah I would assume some places over here to get up and down from the water if you fall in oh there's a nice little boat ramp a little boat ramp yeah uh then over here is my like basketball court that I'm sort of working through not finished yet that's one of the to the finished projects but I still haven't gotten that basketball throwing or the pebble oh yeah dude holy smokes but I built it out so it's the perfect distance So eventually I'll get that that achievement you know that's pretty crazy yeah I was like I'm not in love with the style yet so I haven't fully committed to it and then this is just weed stem collection you can just go down there to that little space and collect all these pallets and fill out oh yeah that's not a bad spot to get pellets from made it made it super efficient with the zip line too it's like 10 times faster than just going and collecting everything dude this thing looks nuts I love this thank you thank you I've like probably two weeks ago I had just started the top on top of the pagodas I actually really like this I really like this a lot actually just this little I might have to do something like that to fill in my little streets yeah I was like just looking for details and stuff and I saw that you could grow this special Clover here so I did a super gross So eventually I'll try to cut it all down and get four of them if I get Super Lucky but yeah yeah I did that I did that today with sprigs I was trying to get the like the four Bunches of Sprigs yeah yeah I have a couple of those inside the base uh over here I got a little Barn for the pets and uh Wendell because he's a filthy animal he's a filthy animal he he stays in here and he never leaves good then more pallet storage grass storage and stuff kind of felt like that was natural on top of the barn space and I was like I really love like the materials in this game like the different blocks and stuff and how not just using one type of block in every type of build so each space that I built out I've kind of tried to have like used different materials try different shapes yeah I like I like that you know I'm not a huge fan of just a plain Jane I love seeing like over the top weird stuff yeah and it makes it it makes it like the details of everything yeah it was it took me forever to get this built in a way that worked around this quarter this is the only thing the Pagoda is a glitchy mess it lets you build however you want in it falls through it that quarter you'll never build anything on that ever that's crazy so this is the first floor this is like my uh Workshop building area got all the uh nice all my storage all the crafting stuff my little bed I fell in love with this base purely because of the Science Station oh yeah it's so convenient it's the most convenient thing because I'm constantly searching for Crow feathers and lint and Burrs and stuff to fill up this ridiculous base because when I first started this this was all weed stems and stuff and I broke every piece of it and rebuilt it right right yeah that's awesome with floors and stuff and and the freaking Firefly lanterns too those are yeah a grind and they're everywhere I got a lot of those uh yeah so I got a kitchen and that stuff we'll go up to elevator last to the special newish area I love all the mushroom like roof details and stuff like that made everything pop a lot yeah yeah it looks super awesome the other interesting thing about the base is if you look like in one of these um there's actually it's a double wall so there's a full wall is what makes the depth on the outside and then there's half of a space and then another wall okay on the inside so that's kind of how I got the depth effect to be like inside the Pagoda in the wall That's crazy dude yeah somebody get them fantastic what's in there to be a little more special and then you can kind of see it a little bit better in here this is amazing second level is uh continuously Blown Away here thank you I put a lot of time in this so I'm loving the crime but uh so I got my drying racks water the exactly what you've been doing the growing beds yeah yeah yeah stuff just looks a little bit cooler oh what the heck oh I gotta do this is that just regular mushrooms yeah you just grow the little white mushrooms it's kind of a pain because you it's the same things as the sprig to get the super growth ones these are right too but they fill up the full space that is wild yeah I've never even seen it look like that before that's crazy yeah followed some guy on YouTube and he uh had had him in a build so I was like I love it just some guys know that guy's name but he knows me some guy uh Atrium space in here you can see up to the next level just kind of messing with things I I do love everything about this the ceiling freaking details this is crazy yeah it started it didn't start getting really cool and interesting like I felt the same as you where I had a huge patch where I was like I hate this game now like I want to keep going but I can't it's dying and it happened when I started adding all the detail and stuff and then just like yeah especially when they added the like break and get all your when you can break and oh yeah yeah that was huge game changer yeah got a little like seating area out here oh nice okay there's a wall the too special but it just it had a spot there was space I had to do some with it you know yeah uh if we go up to the next level I this is kind of all the uh little new stuff that they added in the newest patch so I just have everything kind of laid out in its own little area oh yeah just loved all this sign sets and all that stuff I just got into that because I finally finished buying all of the stuff in the science machine so yeah the clocks are super cool man I'm I'm actually like really impressed like they actually keep the right time and they ding dong every hour and all that yeah and they make like this is what makes a base like really come alive it's the little details and just having it yeah and that's something I've always sucked at but I'm actually trying to like dive into now it's tough I always always start building just really big things and then I am like oh God it's just really plain now yeah that's like my biggest advice a little tip for you is uh always have like a reason for why you're building a space it makes it a lot easier to kind of come up with like what what it's going to look like why the shape is the shape it is like right it's a lot more of a theme exactly like this just a big balcony that goes around the entire base that's pretty awesome fun chandeliers been messing with the lights and stuff because of the new update loved all the change in lighting and all that too yeah those look pretty cool too they look insane on like I got some stuff up higher that's cooler lights that's a that's a fun little mess right there in the corner there yeah it's uh that's part of like what I was saying each wall is built independently of itself so like they kind of in all these Corners they kind of meet in weird ways if you pay attention yeah you have to really look but they all work right it's kind of funny like thinking back to when this base first started it was uh just a gla a grass floor and I was placing one grass floored in those doors and centered all of these walls on these exact like openings so it would work as I built up higher and higher isn't that awesome when you get weird with it and then it starts to like come together yeah it got so exciting that's kind of how those uh underlit Road things I've been working on now I'm like oh my God I found him I found a mechanics that I could that actually works yeah like same thing you're uh your minor hat stuff I had figured that out and when I was building my Armory up on the roof and I was like this I didn't know that it actually lit up so yeah yeah you started almost the same day you started working on that cool little space to show off your armor I was like dang that's a great idea to make the Mantis creepier here because I didn't want to just copy your idea right right right right no feel free man that's why I do it so everybody can figure it out yes it looks it's super cool the boss area just kind of like all the big stuff and then uh over on this side if you can squeeze through all the bug stuff yep I have a little outdoor another little space that's got all of the bug mounts all of the wall mounts the statues kind of like some of them are a little glitchy because the Pagoda sometimes lets you place on the walls and sometimes doesn't let you oh yeah yeah this concrete from the Pagoda like almost gives you like a additional Building Material because it looks so much better than the concrete walls too right it doesn't have like the wood in it and stuff yeah I really liked making the Pagoda and like for me building here was like it gave it just the build some direction for the whole thing too which was really nice made it a lot easier to like come up with how does this space look because it's already predetermined right right right I had to get them all built had to get all of them in here and they're all kind of organized with each other a little bit goes all the way around to the other side very cool man yeah so that's the uh the main part of the base we got to go all the way back downstairs now okay because I don't come up here often I was about to say is this the part where we get to see the super secret elevator yeah the super secret elevator so I'm hoping that this works for you because I know multiplayer is really fun and works amazing on jump uh yeah it's mostly it's mostly like cross play with Xboxes when things start getting weird ah huh so if he's just stand in the middle and hold forward there's a wall at the very end and you just don't hold forward once you're about to hit the wall just go and let them let it do itself okay the last one you just let go and it'll uh bounce you bounce you on up all right looks like we're good and it kind of self-corrects if you go for a little while if you just kind of bounce on it there we go there you go we're good and that's the other thing yeah so this is the upper area I like that I felt I've never felt more like a ping pong ball before right I enjoyed that was the only way to get to the top of the uh the Hat because you have to go all the way out and around oh yeah yeah you do have to kind of it was a blast uh yeah so this is my Armory space okay got all the armor sets all the weapons set up built around the firefighter lamps yeah they're all the way around in its exact battery the whole way and all of them have the three uh porches on it too so and then there's torches everywhere so it was really fun building all of this yeah that's yeah that's expensive yeah it's like if I was gonna build a mega base like I was it was going to be as bougie and as fancy as possible Right absolutely what makes it cool dude these humps but everything about this is so sick I can't get enough of this thank you yeah like it all kind of worked out I'm kind of impressed how it all worked out I know it's it seems really really well planned out but a lot of them just like buildings breaking oh that would be kind of interesting I started like I had to build out and around the like brim of the pagoda it's a build up here like I had to connect it to the walls to be able to build up on top of it right all of these through all of this so it was like it was a very interesting process and it's yeah I could imagine so if you ever love a frost if you ever want to build up here like this just know you got your work cut out for you yeah you really have to plan well at the beginning but I fell in love with like the ash cement and like I saw people start doing like the triangles like this and like flipping them loved it have a bunch of little kind of seat places like you come out and see over the base and everything I started messing with all of the roof material croak Crow roofs and stuff right kind of like attached weird and they have they allow you to do a lot of interesting shapes and stuff so I really enjoyed like kind of pushing the limits of the building in this game because like you can see here like how this meets uh that's because the walls are totally separate from each other so like this one yeah is connected to this wall but you can't perfectly connect it and they like overlap weirdly and stuff so I just kind of like them as they work yeah yeah I don't blame you uh we go up to this area we can look past that part yeah so that was all the armor and stuff this is sort of just an open space that I was having fun with I could love these openings and it allowed you to get up on the roof and stuff this goes all the way around and has different colors on every single side oh wow new lighting is so sick yeah it's just like it looks so many so many Rainbow roads here yeah I just I fell in love with all the different colors and couldn't decide so I made each side its own color this is insane man and then the last kind of like big area is if you come up here this is my zip line return okay space so all the zip lines up at the top Tower go out and come back oh I fell through the hole oops they uh go up and they come back at this area [Laughter] yeah that looks amazing this is something kind of like uh yeah yeah I remember seeing this kind of backlighting thing on another bass tour video so that's pretty sweet yeah I just kind of was like I I saw someone do the backlighting and I was like I have to find my own way to kind of make this into my base and I thought making the top of the Pagoda like a big Lantern unfortunately it doesn't load the light far enough out but I know it stinks it would look so cool right across the map to see it was like glowing Pagoda so yeah yeah it does the light rendering doesn't work very far but at the same time if it did it would probably make the game lag a whole lot oh I can only imagine my game doesn't love how much I've built it definitely right and like the crow lands right here and he doesn't glitch weirdly enough yeah I didn't even think about the crew yeah if you're standing here well he uh lands it's amazingly it didn't happen until 450 days into the game I was up on top of one of the uh he was around lasers and getting a crow feather naturally and he landed on top of me and I got stuck in his butt in the inside of the crow and you could I couldn't move I was literally stuck for 10 minutes till he till he went somewhere else on the map just sitting there and the crazy I came back sat here and was putting the crow feathers on and he did it again this within like 10 minutes it was like so it does glitch out a little bit that's crazy but yeah I remember there was another tour I did where I uh you just puked again I'm sorry Bubba go sit down and relax please he's just still sick man I don't know like he's he's running around like he's like he's fine but and then all of a sudden just arf's everywhere I don't understand what's wrong with him right now that sounds like a rough day really yeah yeah for sure oh God what did I do so that goes up to the top of the zip Tower which we'll go up to I was gonna show you one more like a little Bridge area down here and then we'll go up the zip Tower and and over there yep where we got yeah so if you come over here and go down this is my third upper yard Traverse I want to get up here so it's like a little fun Bridge is when I really started experimenting with the crow roofs and stuff because oh yeah so cool and they work really well with like the different angles and stuff I've got slowly building them out I got I've got such a cool idea for a suspension bridge at some point I can't wait to get to that point but it's so far away is yeah you don't want to smoke oh okay there he is now he's dead no he's dead I've been messing with the different builds in this game and try to like because I've been trying to like Theory craft some new stuff since right everyone kind of just says I like this armor set and I've never been someone like once likes one armor set yeah some of these bills I always like the underdog different yeah so like I've been messing around with the ideas like wearing like the lightest armor you could possibly wear aphid Clover Center body and then an eye patch and like challenge mode or like this would be the uh biggest stamina fastest exploring the map sort of build right like underwater builds been messing around like the bill like actual building like same stuff you wear the might or the pupa hat oh yeah yeah red and arm builder kit yeah the builder kit it's like I have one way over here um I was messing around with the idea of because I love I never use the uh the termite armor and I never really see anyone except for like I am Cade he uses a little bit of it right fun builds that you could use with it because like no one pushes those like individual armor pieces yeah yeah use with other things so let's see what I do what I didn't know for the longest time was the fact that you don't need all three pieces to get the bonus effect you just get an increased bonus effect if you have all three yeah so so for the longest time I didn't even realize you could mix up anything I thought you had to have the full set to get the bonuses but is like I've really enjoyed the wizard hat the ox Beetle chest and then the moth leggings because you get ranged cut with your Frost staff yeah and then faster charge time with the chest yeah it's a really good combo instead of just one over the other so it's kind of there's a lot of potential in this game especially because I'm there's open spots as you can see I'm really hopeful that they'll uh start adding some other stuff because I'm like oh yeah Lady Bird armor why is there no stink bug armor yeah yeah there's a full Gat set or something like that like that yeah I think that I think there will be I think it's just gonna be a very long process kind of kind of like Minecraft you know like they update Minecraft like once every six months with something new I think I think it's gonna probably be something like that I think they're going to continue to add in this game forever good though like yeah if they just like every six months eight months 12 months ever just once a year they came out with new stuff yeah I would always get back on oh yeah absolutely I've literally nearly 300 100 in this game like not 100 on the report card but I have three Trinkets and a couple gold cards left so it's like I'm playing this game I fully plan on getting every single piece in this game at this point yep just like we've talked about the previous people too it's like I don't even care if they release a DLC and it cost 100 bucks I'd buy I'd buy 10 of them exactly exactly finish it off by going up the zip tour zip line uh Power okay I feel like we need a running start here full speed hold forward never let go okay full speed forward the whole way oh dang and hold hold forward all the way up to the top too okay the last one bounces you twice also it's a little goofy yep I'm trying to find the there we go all right it's working there we go yep oh you did it you might have to jump out and this is Maya Zip Zip Tower area so just been messing around with all the marshmallow Marsh mushroom marshmallows the marshmallow blocks I mean they might as well be marshmallows they really are they should make it yeah it's food it is yeah but thank you thank God they didn't make it the top of the mushroom so it was just like red and white polka dots that would be awful yeah it looks way better this way very good yeah this is sort of the last place on the base tour and we can uh sort of uh yeah get a fade away I could always sleep and make it day too so it's a little easier to see but you could still kind of see oh yeah yeah you can definitely see it it's insane man it's huge I'd say uh honestly all I've really been doing is Pro feather collector simulator yeah yeah I had I had a lot of this built and prepared but to finish off I've I've built every single crow feather on the top of this when we first started talking nice it's gonna grind oh God I got a lot of work to do percent of these zip lines go to where a uh crow feather spawns oh that's close to it that's funny because that's what my life is in this game but it looks so cool I couldn't I couldn't just I couldn't not do it has to be done it had to be done right it's an obsession and I'm happy about it so do you have plans like after this is complete do you have like other other building plans anywhere or I think I think I'm gonna take a little bit of a break from the game at least a week or two I'm kind of uh a little burned out from finishing it off for the last two weeks yeah I don't blame you and I'm really hoping soon that they release something new and then if maybe when they release something new I'm gonna come back because I thought about I have the start starting part of building a castle on mobile right it's a little difficult because you can't actually glitch any of the materials through him so I got you a little more precise so I don't know how that's gonna work I've also thought about over on the uh the rock Pond uh waterfall thing oh yeah yeah Mountain thing I thought about rebuilding Hogwarts there because I'm kind of that would be cool mess with Harry Potter so that that'd be a fun one I've started the blueprints over there for that and then I've also thought about building a sand castle castle in the sand castle and kind of see what that starting like building over the sand Castle's current dimensions and so I started that a little bit too yeah I've thought about I've thought about engulfing the entire sandbox in a pyramid and just making the whole thing to where it's night time and so that would be crazy that's right I was curious because I've created some Shadows over there and I do think you you can create your own Shadows by building so you wouldn't even need any of the sizzle protection if you did it so it would right yeah that'd be that'd be super wild well all right man well thanks for showing us around this has been absolutely crazy I cannot believe what you've done here this is awesome I hope everybody enjoys this as much as I did for sure what's your uh what's your what's your word if you guys have watched the video up to this point we usually do it in the middle but I totally forgot because I was so shocked the whole time I didn't honestly didn't even know where the middle was I didn't know if there was an ending uh but uh big one what's the word what's your word what you got we're doing we're doing timber timber okay we're doing it yeah all right get my little uh my little plug in there yeah so so yeah make sure you guys drop a comment down below with the word Timber hidden in it I'd love to see that I can't wait to see what these people come up with it's fitting right yeah leave me some comments leave me some comments on what you think of the base I don't think there's anything I should try if there's things you like I I love pushing a limit to building in this game so I'd love to try new stuff and do maybe an update video oh that would be dope an X build that would be definitely I'm not I'm not done with grounded man I'm definitely not done all right guys well make sure you like And subscribe [Music]
Channel: Seethrew
Views: 127,299
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: grounded, grounded gameplay, grounded tips and tricks, grounded tips, grounded tricks, grounded tips and tricks 1.0, grounded playthrough, grounded update, grounded 1.0, grounded letsplay, grounded mega build, grounded castle, grounded castle build, grounded mushroom blocks, grounded zipline tower, grounded zip line, grounded game, grounded lets play, grounded tips and tricks 2022, grounded tips and tricks for beginners, 1.1 update, grounded 1.1 update, build ideas
Id: ogn4JkXko3w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 45sec (1725 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 02 2023
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