Grounded: How to BUILD an ELEVATOR for Faster Travel

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building tall towers to set up a zipline system and grounded is a must if you want to traverse the ark quickly and safely the biggest challenge is how to get to the top of the towers quickly the most common way is to use acorn spiral stairs or ladders while both of those options work the stairs are very expensive to craft and the ladders are often a pain to build additionally at least for me sprinting up the spiral stairs nearly triggers motion sickness and climbing the ladders is not very fast what if i told you there was a better way to reach the top of your towers and what if i also told you it was much cheaper and easier to build in this video i'm going to show you how to build a simple elevator system that will get you to the top of your tallest builds in seconds and will also use far less resources using acorn spiral stairs or ladders before we continue make sure to click the subscribe button below and turn on notifications so you don't miss any future videos let's get started so for this video i built a 10 story tall tower and i did this so i can show you how quickly you get to the top of it using an elevator rather than using the stairs so as you can see we're overlooking the pond here so we're going to jump down real quick we're going to show you the different building options you have as i mentioned typically the way people build in towers is going to be either the acorn spiral stairs the grass stairs or the ladder the ladder is the cheap is pretty cheap it only costs two weed stems and two acorn tops but if you play the game you know that building a ladder in this game can be very painful because you can only build two i think it's three high and then after that you're gonna have to either use stairs to get up to it you're gonna have to build grass planks get up to it somewhere you're gonna have to get up there especially if you're playing by yourself if you're playing with a friend you might be able to toss weed stems up to them and they can build it but you can't build while you're on the ladder so that makes building ladders kind of tedious in the game the other option is going to be the grass stairs or the acorn spiral stairs grass stairs are not that great for building inside of buildings if you're trying to build up really tall because they take up a ton of space these are more used for outside at least in my opinion you can use them inside but not if you're building a really tall tower acorn spiral stairs are probably the most common but as you can see they're extremely expensive to craft they cost eight acorn shells one weed stem and six crude rope so for this build with it being 10 stories tall it's gonna take nine acorn spiral stairs to the top that would mean you'd have to have 72 acorn shells nine weed stems and 54 crude rope it's kind of a pain in the butt to get all that stuff it's obviously it's doable to get it but it's a pain in the butt the other thing i mentioned was running up these stairs it takes a long time and it also it might at least for me it kind of gives me motion sickness because you're spinning around in a circle so what we're gonna do is we're gonna traverse up here real quick and show you exactly how long it takes to get up there as you can see just spinning around in the circle at least for me it's just kind of i it bothers me a little bit so we got up here it didn't take terribly long but certainly not the most efficient way so that's the typical way of building for a tower now let's show you the way i use now which is the elevator method so this is going to use a bounce web the bounce web is let's find it in the building menu bounce web takes two bug rubber and a and four sprigs to make bug rubber you need one sap and one acid gland the acid glands could be a little bit expensive because you have to go find bombardier beetles and they don't always drop them however you only need three bounce webs to build this entire build right here so you'd need a total of three acid glands and oh no i'm sorry you would need six acid glands and six sap not terribly expensive so killing a bunch a couple bombardier beetles along the way you'll be able to get these eventually if you've been playing long enough you're probably gonna have tons of bug rubber or you can craft tons of bug rubber so let's hop on here and i'll show you the way it works and the way it works is you're going to bounce on this thing right here and it's going to shoot you up to the next floor so we bounce up it pushes in the next floor bounce up pushes it to the next floor bounce up and it pushes at the top so that was much faster to get up there didn't give me any motion sickness and it's just gonna help you use far less resources so how this works is the bounce web the way i tested it out and the ideal situation is to have three floor three and a half floors and then put the roof piece up so let's go up here real quick and i will show you exactly what i'm talking about so as you can see i built the different i built the walls different colors just to separate them so the first floor is the sturdy wall the second floor is the stem wall the third floor is the other sturdy wall and then i built this half wall you cannot place the clover roofs here so this is the angled clover roof you cannot place these in the middle of a regular wall at least i couldn't figure out how to so the way to do this is to build a half wall so i used the weed stem wall just to show you if you wanted to use a grass half grass thumb wall you can do that or the half mushroom brick wall i just use this to keep the color consisting and show exactly where it was so basically the bounce web will shoot you up three it'll shoot you up three blocks before you hit this as it takes up a half a block down there so you go one two three and a half and then you just repeat that all the way up and as you can see you just bounce on here it's going to hit you off that angle piece up here and shoot you over there if you don't put you don't have to put the angle piece but if you don't you're gonna have to make sure you press forward while you're jumping but pushing the put it putting that there will just push you forward usually and there you go so real quick i will show you over here how to build it okay so just in case you're unsure how i built this i'm going to show you exactly how to build it out here so what we have is a platform here that we're going to put the bounce web on if you place the bounce up on the ground that's fine but it's just easier to show you how to do it if it's on a flat surface so we got our platform and we're going to build ourselves a three and a half tall wall structure so we're going to go with the sturdy wall first here then we're going to put a weed stem wall on top of it just to show the different colors and we're going to go back to the sturdy wall i'm going to place a half wall on top so this is how you build it whatever surface level you're on for the bounce web you want to make sure you have a wall full wall behind it and then three walls up you could do the half wall down here and three walls up it doesn't matter you just need to have three and a half walls because the bounce web is going to be up to about the halfway mark here and then up here i use the clover roofs to push me forward you could do it without them if you just hold down forward or the w key it will let you go forward i like to put the clovers there just because then it pushes me in the right direction so we got the clover up there and we'll put our bounce swept back one thing i will say is it's easier to put the bounce webs down before you build all the walls so when i was building this tower what i did was i built up the walls built the floor that i was on up here so the stem floor placed down the bounce tower then built the rest of the walls around it and then did that for each level that was much easier because the bounce webs as you can see it's like clipping over here so if i try to place a wall on the side it might not let me let's see if it makes a wire out of me so i uh yeah yeah see as you can see it says location obstructed so i would definitely recommend building your building it piece by piece so go up three and a half floors and build your next section then put the bounce web down and go all the way up it's going to be easier then it'll let you maneuver the bounce holes around so that's as simple as that we bounce up if we hit it properly we're gonna get pushed forward by hitting that so i like to do that because it pushes you forward to the next tile over and just walk over repeat that repeat that all the way up that's going to help you get to the top of your zip line towers the top of your tall bases that you built or you could even build it to get on top of the retaining wall or any other tall structures around the map so that's how to build a simple elevator system and grounded not only will you be able to reach the top of your tallest builds faster you'll also use far less resources if you have other ideas for how to use the bounce webs let me know in the comments below it's always interesting to see how others are playing the game and being creative with the resources available if you found this video helpful please click the like button as it will help to get this video out to more people just like you if you want to support the channel even more you can become a channel member by clicking the join button below you'll unlock loyalty badges custom emotes and possibly get your name in the credits of future videos thank you for watching and i'll see you the next video
Channel: Mediocre Milton
Views: 185,901
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Grounded Elevator, Grounded Build Guide, Grounded Game, Grounded, Grounded How To, Grounded Bounce Web, Grounded Ladder, Grounded Acorn Spiral Stairs
Id: bB7hZby01Jo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 43sec (463 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 28 2021
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