Bandit SG 75 with King Shields

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so here giving you a good look at how the king shields work protect this car the house and from keeping mulch into the grass area and into that little border that they've got around there full of rock uh further in the video you'll hear many things hitting the shield which is why we use them we developed these patented soon out soon i hope you all enjoy this video i'm just gonna let you watch it and not say much to it outside of uh i'm not gonna speed it up it's all just real time if you listen close you'll hear many strikes into the king shields and some of them are pretty pretty good hits reason being is you know we're grinding a blow over stump they've got roots that are hanging out of them sometimes you you grind on the edge of that root and it'll chuck the other end of it clear across the yard um you know you you've got the wheel way up in the air it's not pointing to the ground it's pointing in the air so when you're grinding on these things you you do have some things that get launched so put some shields that protect your customers properly protect their assets that's what we do here this customer had obviously a home and a car that was relatively close to the stump and we just weren't willing to take the chance of having something strike the home or strike the uh call so we put the shields up first take some you know another 10 minutes worth of my time big deal 10 minutes worth of my time is a whole lot more worth uh having to deal with on how am i going to deal with this dent in your car that i just put that i didn't tell you i was going to do um now i got an insurance claim where i got cash out of my pocket and that's a free stop now because i got to pay for somebody's something so protect your stuff protect your customer stuff and they'll appreciate that makes you a whole lot more professional and viable of a service as well people are more apt to refer people that actually care about their property so sit back enjoy the rest of the video if you have any questions leave them in the comment section and i try to reply to just about everything i get sometimes i'm a little delayed as i'm trying to put more videos and other things up and you know it's a uh i'm gonna do one of these day in the life of a stump grinding guy or something got some awesome marketing techniques and i think what i might actually do is start creating some videos um that actually teach people how to do a better job stump grinding um how to be successful at it and if you're watching this leave me a comment tell me if that'd be something beneficial to you if it is you know i don't mind doing that we got some pretty unique tools that nobody uses in marketing for stumps i can assure you of that and almost hesitant to give that out because it's that good but uh hit me up and enjoy [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so so do [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] so so watch the wheel right here as i go forward and just cut a slice through those roots that way when i'm swinging left or right i don't pull up more roots in the process i cut them and then i'll sweep them to the right into the grind area that way we leave a nice edge on that grass leaving the customer with something they can actually work with instead of roots that are pulled up because we if you sweep to the left like i am right here and we didn't do that sometimes it pushes on the root and catches a tooth and flips it up pulling it out of the ground whereas if you create a slice and you just go right on in a line you can actually create a stopping and slash starting point for yourself to cut the roots into the grind area and stop so that you don't go any further into the lawn or wherever you're at [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right here's the finished product king shields did their job kept everything off the car off the house and out of that rock area that's behind the wall of shields here you'll see in just a second this is a large grind area they just want us grind it flatten it out for them no special special cleanup um but to see there's nothing i have to clean up out of this rock or the sidewalks or the lawn right here so it is good to go you
Channel: Kingsmen Enterprises
Views: 814
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Bandit SG75, Stump Grinding, Kingsmen Enterprises, King4me
Id: N5c0YkUOtKs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 0sec (1320 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 08 2020
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