Best Sous Vide Steak in Instant Pot | Beginners Tutorial | Sous Vide Without Vacuum

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hi everyone its Lana from Lana under pressure and in this video I'm gonna show you how to use that little su V button you might have on your instant pot and how to get some of the best steaks you've ever had now first let me start off by saying that not all instant pots have the SU V button so if you run over to your instant pot and you can't find it you're not crazy not all of them come with it and I'm gonna go ahead and put up a list of all of the instant pots ones that have the SU V button and then at the end of the video if your instant pot doesn't have a su V button I'll tell you how you can fix that so if you've never heard the term su V don't worry it's quite all right su V is French it actually means under vacuum so it may sound like this high fancy cooking term that you look at you're like I ain't touch that button but really it isn't it's just cooking something low and slow kind of like a crock pot and I'm gonna show you in this video that it's super easy it's not difficult at all you don't have to be scared of it and not only that but you're gonna probably want to cook just about everything using that su V button so you may think of SU V as this fancy French cooking term but really it's not I mean the word buffet is French and if you've ever been to Golden Corral there's nothing fancy about that right su v just is French for under vacuum and that's the way it relates to the way that you're gonna cook things but it's super easy I like to think of it as in-between a slow cooker and an instant pot and if you can cook in a slow cooker and you can cook an instant pot well su V is easiest pie now one of my favorite things to cook in a su V and that's what I'm gonna show you today is steak now I'm sure if you've been on those instant pot you know Facebook pages or those groups and they say you know but one thing you can't cook it an instant pot is a steak they are wrong that's because they've never had it sous vide and I'm gonna show you how to do that now because it's under vacuum most of the time like in a restaurant they use a vacuum sealer to seal in the food and I'm gonna show you how to do that because I have vacuum sealer however don't run away if you don't have a vacuum sealer because you don't need one I have a way that you can just use a gallon ziplock bag and you get the same exact effect as in a vacuum it cooks it just the same and you don't need to have a fancy vacuum sealer so like I said Suvi is French for under vacuum and so to explain what Suvi really is is all it means is you're taking your food you're putting it in a bag and taking out all of the air and so then that bag is kind of protecting whatever food you put in it so we're going to use stakes today so it's really making a protective kind of barrier around that stake and then we're gonna put it into water that's going to come to the exact temperature of what you want that stake to be so for me I like cooking my stakes to about 137 so the water is going to be held we're gonna Suvi and have the water at 137 and so when we put our stakes in that bag into that water it's gonna bring that stake or whatever food you put in there to exactly the temperature that you want it's not gonna overcook it it's not going to undercook it and it four steaks if you've ever cooked a steak it can be really really hard not to overcook it I'm terrible at cooking them like in the oven or on the stove or even on the grill but because the instant pot is going to hold that water to the exact temperature we want it it's impossible to over or under cook it so we're gonna start with warm water and because the instant pot is going to bring up that temperature I like to use hot water as close to you know the temperature as I can so I just you know use my regular tap water but I make it really hot and that saves time for the instant pot not have not to have to heat up cold water that really saves time you need to use a lot of water so I fill up the instant pot liner I fill it up to about the 10 cup line or two-thirds of the way and that's for a 6 quart if you're using your 8 quart you're gonna fill it up a little more but you definitely want to have enough water so when you submerge your food it's completely submerged in that hot water so before we even touch our steaks or deal with our food we want to go ahead and bring this water up to temperature and so I do that and I'm gonna go ahead and put the top on now it doesn't matter whether it's on Venter sealed because we're not pressure cooking so that part doesn't matter once we put the lid on we're going to go ahead and press our sufi button and this is my instant pop Mac so it has a touchscreen but each one is a little different and it's going to have for you to press the temperature and change the temperature and adjust the time so for steaks I like my medium and that's 140 so I'm gonna set the temperature to 140 and then the time is for steaks 1 to 3 hours now here's where a lot of people get really confused because you'll notice on Suvi recipes they'll give you a range of time now that's not like when your grandmother you're cooking with her and she gives you a range like you know how many how many cups of flour do you put in there Oh 1 to 2 cups it's not like that the reason that a Suvi recipe gives you a time range is because it's telling you the minimum amount to the maximum amount of time that you can have that food inside that water and it will hold it at that temperature I usually set it to an hour and a half because usually that's about how long it takes me to get everything ready but that's one of the great things about sous-vide cooking and why I say it's kind of like between a crock-pot and a pressure cooker because just like with a crock-pot or slow cooker it gives you that chance to cook things for a long time and have it perfect when you want it so here I have two really nice of New York Strip about one and a half inch thick steaks and so I'm going to show you with one of them how I use the true Suvi method of vacuum sealing it but on the other one I'm going to show you what to do if you don't have a vacuum sealer so to prepare your steaks I just like my steaks with some salt and pepper however you can marinate it you know a date 24 hours ahead of time if you want to marinate it you can put a rub on it the only thing is when you aren't sous vide what's important is that the bag that you're putting it in and once you take all the air out has good contact with the meat so you don't want anything like a lemon wedge or something like that in the way of that so the first thing I'm gonna go ahead and do in the vacuum sealer now whether you do it in the vacuum sealer or ziploc bag you want to make sure you go ahead and season it and again I like using just salt and pepper so I like to put salt and pepper on both sides and I'm just putting about I don't know about a teaspoon on each side and now at the end of the whole thing we're gonna go ahead I'm gonna show you how to sear it and then you that's another time where you can add some more flavors so you'll be able to add you know whatever other spices you want if you don't do it before so you're gonna go ahead and put your meat into your zip lock bag and again you want to make sure that there's no folds in there because you want to have all the surface of the meat able to be submerged in that water so you don't want any folder anything touching then you're gonna go ahead and vacuum seal what you do regardless of which one which vacuum sealer you have you want to make sure you do the vacuum seal on the highest setting you can with the highest heat sealing that you can cuz because it's in water you don't want any of that water getting in so you want to make sure you have a really good seal all the way around so I'm gonna go ahead and we're gonna press that okay so now it's done vacuum sealing and creating that seal and you just want to go ahead and make sure in check that you have a really good seal on both sides perfect and now you're ready to go ahead and put it in your instant pot and Suzy once your instant pot is ready now I told you that if you didn't have a vacuum sealer to do the Suvi it was no problem so what you're going to do is you need a gallon freezer ziploc bag the kind with a really good seal and you're going to go ahead and place your stake once you've seasoned it inside the bag and make sure you have no fold or anything because you want to have the bag touching all sides of the state and then what you're going to go ahead and do is you're gonna close it really tightly except you're going to leave a little space at one end and what I like to do is I like to use my finger to hold that open and just close it all the way up to there and so we're not going to use since we're not using the vacuum to suck the air out we're gonna use water displacement and so I have another instant pot liner because I have like three instant pots so I'm using another liner filled two thirds of the way filled with water if you only have one instant pot what you can do is before you go ahead and put the water into your instant pot and turn on the su su v button you can go ahead and do this step with it and then go ahead and place it in there now I'm using the liner for the instant pot but you can use any large container of water to do this and you're gonna go ahead and submerge your stake and then you're gonna go ahead and zip zip lock or seal or whatever through the top all the way almost to the end and now you want to make sure that it's really sealed so that you get no water in and so what I like to do is I like to use my finger because you're gonna place that and you're gonna leave a little bit of an opening as small as you possibly can and zip lock the rest of it so now that that's zip locked the part that's sealed you're gonna start to slowly submerge that under the water and then that's gonna displace all the air out that top through that hole that you have and so now you want to make sure that as you're putting this ziploc bag into the water you don't allow any water to go into the hole so you're just gonna slowly submerge the rest of it and slowly close it until it's completely closed and sealed now you're gonna again make sure it's sealed because that's really important and there you'll see that as much of the air as possible almost like the vacuum sealer has now gone out and you have a great vacuum sealed back so now that our instant pot has reached the temperature it goes ahead and lets us know and then it starts to count down so we're going to go ahead and open the lid and we're gonna place our stakes in and I'm gonna place both of them in now in a six quart you can do up to two states the only thing is you have to make sure that when you place them inside the water you want the water to be able to circulate around the stakes so you don't want to place them in close together or touching or you don't want them touching the sides and you want to make sure they're fully submerged and then go ahead and put the top back on and let it cook so now an hour and a half or whatever time you said it for once it's done you're gonna go ahead and open it up and take the bags out now you're gonna see that these stakes and this kind of freaked me out the first time I have done it they're great looking and you're gonna look at him and go I don't want to eat that that looks nothing like what I get at the restaurant well these are cooked completely through and they should be at exactly the temperature that you put them so now what you need to do is you need to go ahead and we're gonna sear them and that's how we're gonna get that crust in that color so unlike traditionally cooking steaks where you sear it first and then cook it in this manner we're going to go ahead and sear it after now what's great about that is because these steaks are at the exact same temperature that you want them done you don't have to let them rest at all you can go ahead take them out sear them get the crust you want on it and then go ahead and serve them right away so go ahead and patted them dry and I've added a little bit more seasoning just I like to use again salt and pepper but you can add whatever you'd like on it and so one of the great things about the instant pot is that it also has the saute function so you can go ahead and sear your steak straight in the instant pot or you can do it in a cast iron however you want to do it now if you're gonna do it in the instant pot you got to make sure that you adjust your setting on saute to the highest possible then you're going to add about two tablespoons of oil and you're going to sear all sides of the steak so here are my steaks perfectly seared and you know that just takes a couple of minutes and I made sure and I seared all the sides including the edges and now when I cut into them you're gonna see that it's perfectly medium-rare if your instant pot doesn't have a Suvi function it's alright no worries instant brand makes immersion circulators that are standalone and you can use them to Suvi in your pot so there you have it a perfectly cook Suvi steak in the instant pot now there's no limits to what you can do on there Suvi you don't have to do just beef you can do chicken and other beef but you can also do vegetables sunni carrots are great also eggs things like that it comes out great so if you'd like some other Sufi recipes you can visit my blog at
Channel: Lana Under Pressure
Views: 94,732
Rating: 4.7822423 out of 5
Keywords: Lana Under Pressure, Recipes, Cooking, instant pot sous, instant pot sous vide, instant pot sous vide steak, instant pot sous vide function, instant pot sous vide recipes, how to sous vide in an instant pot, how to sous vide, sous vide without vacuum sealer, sous vide without vacuum seal, sous vide steak, best sous vide steak recipe
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 38sec (818 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 27 2020
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