Perfect Sous Vide Turkey - Instant Pot

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so it's been ten minutes and the legs are yuppie oh I'm just kidding you're little always stop going to speak louder hi there so my disastrous story about Thanksgiving is that I tried to defrost my turkey in the fridge and I gave it five hours for every kilo as per instructions that I've seen on the web and it did not defrost in time and I was preparing the turkey to bring to my aunt's so instead I bought a ham but now I have this turkey that is defrosted and it's the day after Thanksgiving and now I'm having the family over at our house for Thanksgiving turkey and today I decided that I was going to try to sous-vide in the instant pot now you need the instant pot smart in order to sous-vide because you can control the temperature from your app and so what I've done is I've created a script that you will find on my blog to reach a temperature of 145 degrees Fahrenheit and we are still waiting for the water to reach that point now now sous vide cooking is when you're submerging food in a plastic bag to cook at a constant temperature for a long period of time and that is supposed to guarantee a very juicy end product so that's what I'm going to do with my turkey breasts today for the legs and the wings I am going to put that in the regular instant pot duo and before serving tonight I'm going to roast everything under the broiler to give it a nice brown skin so I have already started preparing my turkey breasts and I'm going to put them together put them in the bag and show you how to sweep I've already cut up my turkey so I have my wings and my tricky leg in a bowl just off to the side and these are the two turkey breasts that I've carved out I've already salt and peppered them on both sides I'm going to put this is the fat end of one side in the skinny end of the other side and I'm going to take the other fat end and the skinny side and I'm going to put them opposite each other and fold it into each other I'm going to take my ziplock bag and what I should they're just coming this way yeah you should have then I put my aromatics in there as well I've got a couple sprigs of thyme and sage just put that in there and some lemon zest lemon peel without the white pills and I'm going to put in a couple Pat's of butter and as soon as my temperature of the water where the water reaches its temperature I'm going to submerge this into the pot of water and we're going to cook it for about two and a half hours so using a thermometer I measured the bath and it is 145 degrees I'm going to put my turkey in once to leave the ziplock bag open at the top and you're going to submerge the whole package in make sure that the meat is fully submerged you'll see that the plastic bag will take out all of the bulk air bubbles okay and then we're going to seal the plastic bag if they say these that my work well but I don't know there we go Hey human error huh now I'm going to let this cook for two and a half hours hoping for a really juicy Turkey I am doing roast turkey not really roasted well it will be in the instant pot I'm doing the turkey legs and the wings in pressure cooker and the instant pot and I am sooo vegan the onion oh that's a word so eating the turkey breasts I'm not sure if dude here is going to create two separate videos or one whole video for tricky or no videos are no video at all but I'm going to salt n pepper the wings in the vise and I've cut them up in two parts I've got drumsticks thighs and the wings are also separated from the drumettes and the wing it's not using all this butter yeah your I've put some olive oil in there already in the pot is hot and I have it on saute just going to put in tablespoon of butter - I'll see my wings first and then my grandpa you know you should turn off your devices when you're going oh yeah so I've browned all my tricky parts thighs legs and wings but the wings won't take as long as the thighs so I'm going to pour in a cup of water put in my cribbage I'm going to put the thighs and the legs in first and I'm going to try to stand them up I think that that will actually work and then we're going to cook this for both 15 minutes 10 minutes and 15 minutes and then we're going to depressurize and add the wings also going to throw in my sage and thyme that I have tied together so I can easily fish that out after I think you said that before it came apart well let's try it then tie it with a string last time this time tie it with a string so you about that alright close and lock a lid make sure it's on sealing and I'm going to this is the duo so I'm going to manually set it for high pressure mister for 10 minutes okay and now what it's ten minutes is up we're going to release the pressure and we're going to add the wings and cook it for another 15 minutes stand there release the scene now I'm not as afraid of the venting because I used to do and lock the lid the legs already adding the wings down put the lid back on sometimes you have to make sure there's no pressure in there to get the lid to lock on properly again after you have release pressure make sure the knob is back on sealing and we're going to cancel that manual for another 15 minutes on high pressure turkey legs and the tricky ones are done see how they look not bad what I'm going to do now is just remove them from the pot and I'm going to roast them under the broiler just before this time for dinner and we'll get to a nice crispy skin on them you promise oh no no promise be crispier than what it looks like now and then I'm going to use the juices at the bottom of my pot for my gravy so excited it is an absolute madhouse in here what's going on alright so I finished two meetings or sous-vide the turkey breast look at how juicy it is and I browned the skin under the broiler we had also finished the dark meat in under the broiler and everything looks perfect looking good okay thanks for watching if you liked the video please hit like and subscribe Happy Thanksgiving so how was the turkey the turkey was fantastic it was really much more moist than I would would have ever thought especially the breast meat I'm usually a breast meat eater and it was getting no joke it was mind-blowing ly juicy so it was pretty darn fantastic I'm a big fan of the big believer in the sous-vide method of course finished off with a roast I think next time next time you'll be seared with butter that would be like the next level on a pan yeah I think that would be pretty yummy yeah next round next round if I ever do Turkey again you will know I will if this is the way I think look it I don't think I'll ever go back to oven roasted turkey again you know so for all your IP users out there you got to try this weed method it was pretty scary and I applaud Flo for taking a risk especially on a big family gathering on a method that she hasn't done so kudos to her for going out on a limb and trying something different and it turned out really well yeah instant pot smart Bluetooth all the way all right so signing off for Flo is me the guy behind the camera
Channel: Flo Lum
Views: 81,443
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Instant Pot Smart, Instant Pot, Turkey, Juicy Turkey, Sous Vide, Cooking (Interest), Bluetooth, App, Iphone, Recipe, Thanksgiving Recipe, Thanksgiving (Holiday), Food, Instant Pot Turkey, Sous Vide Recipe, Pressure Cooker, Electric Pressure Cooker, Cooking, Kitchen, Thanksgiving Turkey, Pressure Cooking, Perfect
Id: mqbqjt2KBnM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 42sec (822 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 16 2015
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