Unspeakable Bloodcurdling Tragedy Inside Abandoned Mansion

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[Music] me and the bearded Explorer Venture into an abandoned mansion full of the previous residents possessions it seems the owner passed away around 10 years ago with four bedrooms being Ram full of clothes and we even found documentation from almost 100 years AG like this woman was a psychiatric nurse and what used to be an abandoned hospital I'm sure this Mansion is another mystery as to why everybody's belongings get left [Music] behind but once he passed away it was like everybody evacuated [Music] so what's going on everyone we're back out with the bearded Explorer we've come to this abandoned mansion and we just quickly went inside there's three staircases leading to so many different bedrooms and living rooms but the place is packed full of stuff so what's happened here another complete mystery so let's get right into into it this place is absolutely incredible tons of natural Decay so what is going on we're coming across like loads of living rooms and bedrooms and everything's still in here this place is incred incredible so many documents left from the guy that lived here and who is this wow so even inside these cups check out this it's real silver as well glistening off the lights there's so many [Applause] things the bearded one setting up my rig crazy Place check this place out a load of mold everywhere but check out the ceiling that's natural Decay the floor is a little bit soggy but I mean this is another living room space Sony TV but look at the mirror in perfect condition this place has been trashed you got stuff falling down the stairs there's three sets of staircases in here I think two lead to a similar area but chandelier has dropped from the ceiling but still hanging on by a thread plus when you look over here still has electric running through the building you can see the ceiling has collapsed all over the living room chairs I mean this is one living room space it's all sorts of different trinkets on the wall this thing look at the mold it's that's its main feature now is mold the story is there was an 80-year-old living here not sure if it was by himself but once he passed away it was like everybody evacuated because all the bedrooms have got everybody's stuff still inside bearded explorers down in another living room checking something out down there but once we head from this living room into the dining room check this out look at this old pictures of the family even the Acoustics have changed but check that out you still got very high ceilings in the building and there's chandeliers all over the show there tons of Crystal still left in the cabinet so this might have the most natural decay in in any of the rooms here here check out the bookshelf have you quite seen any books like that look at the mold on this bookshelf that is some serious damage to those books I mean if you touch those you're in danger of breathing in so many spores look at this stuff outside this window you can see the green scy has fully covered any light coming into the actual building but here is the cabinet you got these tiny little shot glasses oh wow look at these dolls oh they're waving seem quite friendly what sort of hats have they got on everything is covered in this white mold was like a married couple but the head has been severed oh actually I think I found it this it's the Headless bride further on down we got some more which almost look at this like the Gods in London that's cool oh God check out those and down on the bottom shelf we got some old China and more headless troops look at this stuff wow so there's white mold completely covering the bookshelf and then look at the wall the damage of black mode yeah so over here are some photos scattered out on the desk so let's take a little look at these wow wow and I think this is an old picture from the barn outside the drawer has swollen and I'm not going to you know force my way into that check out the mold all over these walls look at this going to try and just creep our way around without touching too much it's not good for anybody or the building when you're doing abandoned exploring and you do see this type of Decay it is what we look for it is I know people's trying to find pristine places but the natural Decay from these old Mana houses [Music] a [Music] so heading into the kitchen and it's relatively new looking compared to the two living rooms that we've just checked out look at this so it probably would have been redone in the '90s or whatever even the utensils still up on the side but there is there's mold inside the ovens there's a bird's nest with an egg in is it have you seen this no yeah there's there's a bird that's actually oh my God man he's actually laid Yeah look at that wow oh that's really cool could be in this the lock has been broken off so let's see so would have kept stuff to do with his money in here once I get this very liquid bottle out over there whoa Barkley's Bank 1937 that's just before the second world war kicked off still got the old checks in there that's incredible if you think about it it's almost 100 years this place is absolutely amazing I just want to say thanks to all the new members and subscribers of the channel we're bringing you content like this every single week so make sure you are subscribed a wicker basket of flowers just wered over the old sofa whoa that's a bit weird this one check his hands out so I'm going to show you the layout quickly of what we just did so there's that living room you have a little bathroom there there's I would say it's the main staircase but there's three very similar so maybe it could be with the grand 5:00 at the entrance cuz there's the it's the back door it's not the front door and then the kitchen which leads into another living room what we checked out and I haven't checked this room out through the floor did you almost go through the floor again my foot just went straight through do you know what it's lucky that was there actually to support my weight but my foot literally went straight down that know look how rotten it is there's tons of damage yeah it's you see the mold in that room as well where the water come through we'll have to be careful upstairs because that F didn't look very good in that back room so even here I mean yeah look at these everywhere look at it twist my ankle on that yeah go out there go right and then look up the end of the hallway what there's a man sitting in a chair no yeah what do you mean what I go through that door watch the hand look it come off will it yeah go through there and go go right whoa go and have a look at there oh wow yeah that's weird what's it like out there see you got all these old barns in a caravan what if somebody's living in that Caravan now weird so I'm not really sure what this room would have been for don't really know the whole place has got this wood facade maybe a store room of some sort check out some of these little bits and pieces how long have some of these buttons been in here and what body coats did they belong [Applause] to oh there's an old coin it's actually French money isn't it Frank oh that's a strange one check out that that says my Yorker on it huh at the bottom of the stairs you just got tons and tons of letters just scattered over I wonder what somebody was looking for in such a big building like this you got to wonder how does it get left how does nobody come and collect all these things from around the world he's collected Treasures beautiful pieces of furniture here's the upstairs bathroom what's somebody done in the Basin more natural Decay coming down from there look at that even the towels and blankets when were they last used the old boiler wow even his deodorant just oh wow check out this in the sink that's what he was saying check out and it's still full of there's lots of woman stuff here so the guy died the the woman left all her stuff I mean what has happened these are horrible units actually oh there I am everywhere I'm everywhere it's like the Hall of Mirrors so we're in the upstairs bathroom but either side of this bathroom are two bedrooms and they're absolutely packed full of stuff you've even got the dressing gown still on the back of the door there so into this other bedroom look at this bed frame I thought it was going to be like it's like a heart but it's not the old dress has been fully cleared out yeah seems to be a rainy day today I'm my word there's another bedroom through there so that's three and then what's that so we're in the first bedroom but you've got leather jackets fur jackets I don't know if that's real or not wow look at this like a John mson jacket this is some serious serious stuff there that's in absolutely great condition look at that oh this is like a cord one more fa jackets so in the cupboard in Norman's room are a lot of female clothing I mean it could have been his partners you got evening dresses wow snazzy whoa look at the white mold on this hat oh that's disgusting check out this dress though and a whole bunch of handbags BS and even ties where we came up where the grandfather clock's downstairs and that's Norman's room and the bathroom and I'm just going to head into the room that's opposite and this looks just as wild so wow really nice dresser in the corner that's what I'm seeing the cupboards been thrown down but check this out everything has been ransacked in this building I mean the outside is becoming more and more overgrown such a shame to lose a building like this but let's go and see what type of stuff we can see in this room it seems to be a lot of clothes and I think most of the jewelry and that has been rummaged through look at these drawers you know a few's been taken out oh mate you're absolute murder I mean I was half expected about a minute solid literally just listening I'm so glad that you didn't say anything cuz it's a lot worse when you it's a lot worse when you do something this is the woman's dresser and you've got old pictures look that could be the kid downstairs from the front room what' you think wow but even there little jewelry cases completely empty now everyone's thinking why can't he get into it cuz I've only just started growing my nail look at this little stool that comes with it wow it's actually really nice bit of furniture wow so this woman was a psychiatric nurse and what used to be an abandoned hospital I'm sure an abandon mental Asylum that's amazing so all these places are connected whoa what is this oh what is that I mean where does it start and end what that's confusing me still rammed pack full of our clothes and this is the mom supposedly but it is rammed You' got little pairs of shoes under there but all her dresses look at this night gowns or whatever they are what's happened she was a psychiatric nurse we know that now little bit of investigating beard did explore I don't know that so sh he's always sneaking up scaring the hell out of me that was quite good because he was just stood behind me so I did come in here last week with Emily and we didn't actually have time to film the building Emily was saying what is this bar in the middle of the room for wrong answers only so you got pieces of a paper just ripped up here from 1975 more jewelry boxes look at this people just come in these places and steal everything so that's mom and dad's room so let's walk cuz I think we had to go through Norman's room to get to the other two rooms let's have a look wow the ceiling this place isn't got much time left I'm sure but I think this third staircase leads back down to one of the other rooms we were in strange bow oh there look I can actually hear the rain dripping into the building here we are it's in here this is dangerous this room that's collapsing in the middle somebody else's room another dresser this one seems to be emptied out a lot but there's a fireplace nice lovely chair actually not much in here but um I do want to get around here it's probably the most dangerous part of the building but as you can see this is inside somebody's bedroom look picture on the wall just above it it's raining outside this place is going to fall down and I'm on the dangerous floor and even the walls are cracked like that look at the water running through this room just says in the hell is that on the wall it's kind of dri down like that is that some type of mold I got a [Music] feeling almost looks like a bird smashed into that that's disgusting but this should be the kids room that's what I'm thinking or is it another maybe it is the kids room all I can hear is that rain coming through the building but look at the fireplace what a shame to lose this building everything's covered in mold actually my throat is starting to feel a bit strange from going into all these rooms and getting close to all the white black spores this seems to have been where the kid was whoa that's a creepy doll there kind of a a puppet but how old is that huh still a game of cludo down there and frustration and chess there's hardly anything in this one a rug and a Mexican hat so why hasn't the Sun come back to clear this place or what mama and dad passed away at the same time the only document we found is that the dad passed away in 2010 what happened to the mom I think the sun's coming out I've got to get some outside shots still what happened to the sun where is [Applause] he right everybody that was the abandoned man Manion fair play to bearded Explorer for driving us all the way out here a little 4-Hour drive and now we got to get back over this gate and on to the next explore so catch you next time make sure you subscribe
Channel: Lost Adventures
Views: 13,312
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: abandoned mansion, abandoned, unspeakable, unspeakable tragedy, Unspeakable Bloodcurdling Tragedy, The Bearded Explorer, Lost Adventures, lostadventuresexploring, derelict mansion, mansion, body found, horrifying mansion, terrifying mansion, explore a mansion, unbelievable mansion, millionaires mansion, exploring terrifying mansion, urban exploring mansions, ghostly mansion, paranormal, paranormal investigation, creepy big mansion, Horrifying Discoveries Inside Abandoned Home, urbex
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 48sec (1548 seconds)
Published: Thu May 02 2024
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