$500 Budget Gaming PC Build Guide - Ryzen 5 5600G (w/ Benchmarks)

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yo yo yo what's up guys hope all is well welcome to another pc build today we're working with the budget of 500 bucks total cost of this build came out to 545 usd and this build is aimed at people that want to play fortnite and valerie a competitive fps talking 144 fps they'll also play other titles as well of course but mainly if you're looking to just play esport titles that aren't crazy demanding like this is the build for you it's gonna get you in the door at a great price point anyways guys we're gonna break this video down into three parts first we're gonna be going over all the parts we're using for this build and their prices and i'm gonna show you guys how to build it step by step i'm gonna be with you the whole way through second we're not gonna install windows 10 and any necessary drivers we need for our build and at the very end we're going to be putting it to the test against popular titles so stay tuned for the end because that's always fun let's jump into it how we're going to make this happen at such a low price point is our ryzen 5 right here we're going with amd's ryzen 5 5600g it's a 6 core cpu but it has integrated radeon graphics gaming performance is legit and i can't wait to show you guys at the end of this video this round has 267 dollars right now on amazon now moving on to our motherboard choice we're gonna be rocking a gigabyte motherboard with a b550 chipset this is the micro atx form factor it was 100 bucks four ram slots eight usb ports that's a lot for this type of board cool so a micro atx board cost for a micro atx case this is cooler masters budget 50 case originally it was all black we spray painted it red made it a bit more exciting the juice that we're going to be running is bronze rated juice by evga 610 watts this is evga's bp and this ran us 40 bucks right here so because this power supply is bronze rated it's going to last us you know you don't want to cheap out on the power supply because if this dies you could kill other components along with it so we're covered here 610 watts is also enough to upgrade to a future graphics card which you definitely are going to want to do with this build i mean this build is meant to be upgraded in the future as far around we chose 16 gigabytes it's rated at 3 200 megahertz and this is xpg's gaming e45 ram it's in the black colorway it's gonna blend in this ram was only 53 it's a good price for our storage this is very little storage i mean we only have 250 gigs here of course if you need more upgrade by higher capacity but this is crucials m.2 ssd and this is where we're going to be running everything from 35 bucks we're going to jump into it as soon as we go over our funko pop spider pump red it's going to match our red case and that's it guys only six parts for this build we're gonna fly through this really quickly because it's a very simple build guys first we're gonna be working with our motherboard and our cpu so let's get this guy open it comes included with a stock amd heatsink okay so first we're gonna want to get the lever to the side and all the way up now if we take a closer look at our cpu there's going to be a golden arrow on the bottom left-hand side of it and on our cpu socket on our board there's an arrow on the top left-hand side so we're going to line up the arrow of the cpu with the arrow on the cpu socket and then we're going gonna just drop it into place it should fall right in it did not that's okay let's try again but we definitely don't want to push down because we could bend our pins and that's gonna damage our cpu we don't want that so just hover it over and it went in so let's put the lever back down tuck it in there you go now we have to install our cooler so the stock amd cooler already has thermal paste pre-applied so no need to worry about that be careful not to smudge the paste on it though and we're gonna now remove these all right so we're gonna line up all points of the heatsink four points on our board so i'm just lining it up and there we go so i'm gonna be screwing in opposite ends so get this one attached a little bit moving on to the opposite one get that attached a bit and the last one all right cool they're all attached now so let's go ahead and finish off all of them it's not gonna let us over tighten guys just keep going with your screwdriver and once it stops it's good to go now the same for the remaining three done now we gotta connect the fan to the motherboard right here guys labeled cpu fan done moving on to the ram we're always using corsair you know so cool change finally okay so the second slot let's put both of the levers back and the fourth slot same thing we're doing that so our ram could run in dual channel the ram only goes in one way so we got the indent of the ram lined up correctly on the board let's put it into place and now we push down with equal force both levers clip back up and same thing for the second stick get it in there and equal force with the thumbs done there's some clean looking ram it's really simple storage time guys we want to get our little m.2 and one of our m.2 slots we're gonna put it in this one and the screws already there sure you're gonna wanna take it out put in our m.2 there it is now it's time to get our motherboard inside our case so first thing we want to do is we want to get the i o shield from our motherboard box so line it up correctly like this there you go it's in all right next thing we want to do before we get our board in here is we want to make sure that all the motherboard standoffs inside our case are where we want them and we actually need to add some so let's do that right now so if we take a look at our micro atx board we have three points on top three points in the middle and two points on the bottom the standoffs we need to add are included with our case it also comes with this standoff tool so we're gonna get a sand off put it in here and then secure it with a screwdriver so two standoffs are already included right here and right here we need to add one right here one right here one right here here here and here so we're adding six standoffs now we're ready to put in our board get our board in here i'm gonna line up the ports first into the i o shield and almost lay it down and line it up with the standoffs now i'm gonna secure all the points with the screws that came with the kicks motherboard's in let's get our power supply out now okay so for this case we want to secure our power supply by first removing this once these screws are off then this little cage comes out now we're going to secure our power supply to this so we want the fan of our unit to be facing down and secure it with the screws that came with the tires to play let's make it easier on ourselves just going to pick it up and line up the four points it should look something like this guys i'm gonna do the other three points okay our finished product so let's put it into our case fan facing down and we're gonna secure the bracket to the case okay guys so we have everything secure inside our case now next we're gonna do is start connecting cables so we're going to have two sets of cables power supply cables and on the back the case cable so the case cables are to connect our ports like our power button and usb ports audio and of course our power supply to power wired everything to the back so it started off with our case cable first our usb 3.0 cable is going to go right here it only goes in one way make sure you line it up straight and then push it that one has pins and we don't want to bend them now our hd audio cable hooks up right here also only goes in one way so the hd audio tech is going to be facing down last case cable is our little jfp one cables which connect right here so first our power led cable we want the plus on the left and we're gonna hook both of them up to the first top left pins like that for our hdd led cable if we turn it around there's a little arrow so we want the arrow on the left hand side and that's going to go right underneath the cable we just plugged in so there it is on the bottom two pins so now again on the bottom our reset switch goes right next to it but this it doesn't matter what way you plug it in and right on top of it our power switch again it doesn't matter what way you plug it in there you go jfp one is done so now moving on to our power supply cables we're almost done guys so right here is where our cpu power cable is going to hook up and then we're going to be hooking up the big 24 pin power cable right here we want to make sure we connect our 24 pin power cable like that and we want this clip to clip back here guys all right so i lined it up and i'm going to push in so it clips there it is next up here our cpu so you can't miss this cable because it's labeled cpu and again we want these things to clip up here on the top so there we go we got our clips on top and we made sure that we plugged it all the way in so now we're gonna connect our case fan to our motherboard it's gonna go right here system fan so we plugged it in i'm gonna tuck in the cable there we go all right guys can you believe it we're done the job if you were following along this was a super quick build now we're going to be throwing in our funko pop in there and i'm going to install some rgb lighting well he looks dope guys we're just going to put them on top of the power supply yeah it looks good right all right there time for the first boot up and here we go let's go ahead and give this a little wiggle and he's rocking out awesome guys good job we did it this is a super simple clean easy build and it came out so good it's beautiful so now we're going to install everything on here if you haven't turned on bell notifications for the channel yet be sure to do so you'll be alerted for the future builds and other projects we're gonna be working on that are gonna drop here on this channel all right guys let's install stuff and there's spiderman oh [Music] all right guys so we're going to be going over four things first we're going to be installing windows 10 from a usb flash drive second we're going to be installing drivers third we're going to install a game and then last we're gonna make sure our ram is running at its rated speed because by default it's not and we wanna get our money's worth first we're gonna plug in our usb flash drive i made a video on how to create one of these it's linked in the video description or you could buy a windows 10 usb drive from best buy so i plugged it in and turned on our system i'm going to select custom if we had more ssd drives hooked up to our system they would all pop up right here we only have one so we know what we're picking that's where we're installing windows so it's copying all the files from our usb flash drive to our ssd and then our system is going to restart once our system restarts and we get to this screen we can now unhook our flash drive all the files have been copied over so amd's drivers have stopped me from recording right now i'm going to use my phone camera so we're on amd's website and we're going to be installing our ryzen 5 5600 5600g driver i selected windows 10 and i'm going to be downloading the 21.10.2 recommended download so every website we're visiting in this video will be linked in the video's description and it went to our downloads folder let's open it up so we're installing the radeon graphics driver install [Music] done and there it is our radeon graphics driver for our 5600g is ready to go so now we're on our motherboard website selecting windows 10 we're going to be downloading the audio driver for chipset nothing for lan that's how i'm connected to the internet by the way guys through an ethernet cable downloaded that and under utility we're going to download rgb fusion this is the program that lets us customize our lighting inside our case okay so here they are we can't install them yet we have to extract all the folders first once we extracted all of them by right-clicking and clicking extract we now don't need this anymore here are the unzipped ones and now we're going to install all of them all our drivers are installed now time to get a game we're going to use theme as the example one of the many clients on pc we're in my steam library right now and let's install siege now we're downloading siege and it's 81 gigs so i'm definitely gonna have to download it play it uninstall it and then download some more games because this is a small drive we're rocking right now guys so now we're gonna make sure our ram is running at its rated speed so we're gonna restart our computer and when it's restarting we're gonna keep pressing delete on our keyboard all right there we are okay so we're gonna head over to advanced mode we're gonna go to tweaker we're already there and we're going to go down to extreme memory profile and we're going to select disabled and we're going to select profile one so as you can see our ram is now going to be running at 3 200 megahertz what it's rated for before it was only running at 2600 megahertz so let's go to save and exit yes and our ram is running at 2 400 megahertz still i know what's going to fix it we're going to update the bios that's going to do the trick so we're back at the motherboard's website those 10 and we're going to select bios let's scroll all the way up and we're going to be installing the newest version of the bios f14 download all right let's open this up get it over to our desktop we don't need this anymore this is installed and again we have to extract it here's the extracted bios so now we're going to hook up an empty usb flash drive to our system so here's our empty usb flash drive and we're going to drag over our bios file which is f14 to the flash drive now let's restart our system and boot up to our bios again delete we're back in our bios and we're going to go over to q flash right here bottom right as you can see we have the bios version f10 installed so let's click update bios and it's going to automatically detect our usb flash drive and here's our f14 bios you sure you want to update yes and now i'm going to press this to start when our bios is being updated guys you want to make sure your system does not lose power because if it does it's going to corrupt the bios then it's going to be annoying to have to fix that it's going to render your system useless until you fix it so make sure your system does not lose power right now all right guys moment of truth advanced mode tweaker extreme memory profile profile one save and exit yes all right let's check oh here we go the anticipation when it comes to issues with your system updating the bios tends to fix the problem no biggie though it's easy alright guys so finally done let's frag [Music] so we're going to be playing siege at 600 by 900 resolution 16 by 10 aspect ratio and a 90 fov graphics settings here they are so for 900p the resolution we're playing cj right now doesn't look that bad looks pretty good actually i mean i can see what's going on at 90 fov of course i would love a lot more fps like 144 fps but 60 is of course playable no worries oh oh no i'm gonna blast someone back to narnia guys [Music] oh all right now the time oh we got one guys let's do a ninja interesting i learned a little bit of siege yo this guy's right on top of me bro teammate he's up there teammate we're gonna be playing halo 3 at 720p resolution and here are the graphic settings yo we're getting 190 oh ghost battle we're getting 170 fps right now very good very good get him get him get him get him [Music] oh [Music] [Music] don't forgive him see that's why i love halo 3. just a social match i had a pretty good time so for valerian we're going to be playing at 1080p and here are the graphic settings here we go guys let's win this valor and deathmatch [Music] [Music] all right guys gta 5 time we're playing the game at 1080p resolution and then we're going to try another res later on here are the settings all right let's get up close and personal backup has arrived well that's the performance at 1080p let's go ahead and turn it down to 900p now all right 900p definitely definitely gets us higher frames let me get on that turn man yo i've never used one of these in gta yo what oh snap all right well gta's performance is playable all right guys we're playing fortnite then now playing cupid's crossfire is what it's called and we're gonna test out a lot of different settings right now we're playing it on performance mode native 1080p resolution we're getting 100 fps this game looks like rainbow vomit [Music] oh that was a nice shot all right we're gonna try some new settings we're still gonna play at 1080p res but now we're going to turn down the 3d resolution to 80 our goal is to get 144 fps there we go it's above it for the 144 hertz monitors easy so next 100 resolution scale and 900 people so this performance is very similar to 1080p at 80 resolution scale oh we're popping on nice oh we're on a roll we'll try 720p why not okay 720p a lot of fps right on target i missed the banana up close and just hit by someone across the map only one all right next game it's our war zone settings 1080p but we turned down the render resolution to 66 for more fps here are the quality settings [Music] [Music] [Music] oh that was a juicy match that was close all right guys that's a wrap i had a lot of fun testing on our rig thanks for all you guys support i'll catch you guys in the next one peace [Music] you
Channel: CRATER
Views: 690,144
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: GAMING PC, PC GAMING, RYZEN 5 5600G, PC BUILD, 500 GAMING PC, ryzen 5 5600g gaming pc, gaming pc build, gaming pc build guide, how to build a pc, best gaming pc, budget gaming pc, budget pc build, ryzen 5 5600g build, pc gaming 2022, 500 pc, ryzen 5 5600g review, build pc gaming, cheap pc gaming, pc, amd, amd radeon, joey delgado, joeyslittlemind, radeon graphics, ryzen 5 5600g beenchmarks, 5600g, budget pc, budget gaming pc build
Id: H_U6Xyx0uuw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 12sec (1152 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 24 2022
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