Best Plugin For WordPress SEO - Rank Math, SEO Press or AIOSEO?

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in this video i'm going to look at three viable options for the top free seo plugin for wordpress i'll be taking a look at all-in-one seo rank math and seo press but what exactly is seo well seo stands for search engine optimization is the process of ensuring that your content and your website are optimized for a range of different key factors factors like metadata your page title keywords meta description etc as well as your focus keyword or phrase that you want the page to actually rank for now this is just scratching the surface of seo but having a grasp of the basics can really help you get started and when you're ready to dig in and learn more there are lots of amazing resources available to help now if you are new to seo search engine optimization tools like rank math and seo press are intended to make the process of ranking your website and your content much easier they're not an easy fix for getting better rankings though you still need to write great content that people actually want to read no matter how good your seo is search engines are smart enough these days to easily tell if your site is simply trying to scam the algorithm and will rank your site accordingly now remember there's absolutely no substitute for great content [Music] so let's quickly take a look at a typical search result on google to see some of the key components so first of all we've got the url and this is the link structure to the site or the page itself next up we have the headline so this is the meta title of the page and is very useful it's one of the things that first of all draws you in to see exactly what this page is all about then we have the description now this is the meta description of the page itself this is where you want to focus on a very brief introduction to what this particular page is all about and finally we have an example of a rich snippet now there are lots of types of rich snippets and depend upon the content in this example you can see there's a rating for the plugin other options include things like images recipes and a lot more now they are super useful and something that you should aim for but just be aware that you're not going to get them on every result they can vary and they don't always appear on the results so now that we've seen the basics of a typical search engine result let's take a look at the three plugins i'll be covering today in a little more detail so first on our list is rank math now rank math is probably the newest to the actual list we're going to take a look at today and it's made massive headway basically because it's free and the feature set is amazing it has way more features than some of the other options out there and rivals a lot of the pro versions the paid for versions for nothing at all now there is a pro version coming out at some point in the near future which will bring some extra features but they've guaranteed that not a single feature that's currently in the free version will be removed and replaced by a pro version so it's good to know that whatever you set up today if you use the free version of this plugin that's exactly what you're going to get moving forward when the pro version comes out next up we have all-in-one seo pack now all-in-one seo pack is the second most popular seo plugin for wordpress at the time of recording currently has over 2 million active installations which is pretty impressive now you might be wondering well if this is the second what's the first and why am i not covering that well the first is yoast seo and there's been some historical issues with that in the past which just means that i'm not a particular fan of that plug-in if you want to use it by all means do but for me i don't think it's the best option out there even though it has the largest amount of installs and then thirdly we have seo press now we're going to look at the free version today of seo press there's a pro version available and we'll talk about that as we go through the video but you don't need that to follow along with this and in all honesty for most users unless you're a power user or you need something specific from the pro plan then seo press free should be more than enough to cover all of your seo options okay so that's the three tools we want to cover today let's start off taking a look at the setup process of each of our three chosen seo plugins starting with rank math now when you install right mouth the first thing you're going to see is the wizard and this is a nice simple way of getting started depends upon your level if you want to choose easy you just want to get the basics down you can choose that or advanced if you're feeling a little bit more daring and you want to get stuck in with some of those more advanced options don't worry though whichever option you choose you can still access these in the dashboard of rank math so you can access all those advanced features if and when you're ready we're going to choose easy for this example then you can see underneath that we can check just to make sure that rank math is actually compatible with our site in other words we can just check to make sure that we've got the development technical resources to make sure it runs and we expand that you can see it just tells us what php version we're running and so on so it's nice to see that we can get this check just to make sure that everything is in place that means we shouldn't have any problems so let's just start the wizard so the first thing you're going to see when you start the wizard is you can choose what kind of website are you actually running so at the moment this is set to personal blog but i can change that to any of the other options on there and depending upon what i choose we'll see different types of information available to us so for a local business we can choose what kind of business we are if we just like a personal portfolio then we can upload our image for google and a default social share image for our example we're going to set this to a personal blog but you can fill in whatever information is kind of relevant to your site okay next up your logo for google and your default social shared image pretty self-explanatory drop your logo in there just to make sure that's going to be shared with relevant and the same for your default social share image but something in there that's kind of indicative of what your site is all about but don't worry you can still change this on a page by page or post by post basis this is just a kind of fallback image for that let's just say save and continue and then that's going to go over and ask us to connect to the google services now you can skip this if you want to but there are some benefits by doing this you can see we can verify site ownership we can track page and keyword rankings and various other little things that can make things useful for us up to you if you want to go ahead and actually connect to that for now i'm going to skip that so we'll just say skip this step but you can as always go back and add these in later on should you want to there we go we're now ready to start taking a look and we can return to the dashboard we can also auto enable the plug-in updates so i recommend doing that just to make sure that this is always up to date then we can say return to our dashboard and that will take us in then to rank math and you can see our options are now available down the left-hand side now you may see different options inside you depend upon which wizard you chose what features you enabled and disabled and so on so don't be put off if you see slightly different options inside you so that's the wizard now let's take a look at what we have when we're looking at seo press and how that setup process is all undertaken so seo press gives us a very similar kind of setup wizard that we had with rank math gonna have different options different settings but it kind of works in a very similar fashion so the first thing you're going to see is if you've got or you've had a different seo plugin installed you can migrate all of your metadata your posts those key things that you may have done in your other seo tool into seo so it's great to see that and we have a range of different common options so yoast seo all in one and so on now obviously i have nothing installed on here so i'm going to just say i want to go to the next step and leave that blank as it is so the next thing you see is your site and this is where you put some key information about your site your social media and so on if you want to put that in there now this is one of those things that nothing inside this is particularly complex but it's not necessarily most user-friendly setup it's kind of daunting for new users how much information you may have to put in reality is you only need to put in the separator and you can basically move on from there but it's not that self-explanatory but you know take a little bit of time drop in the relevant social media accounts and so on just to give yourself a quick start on there you can skip this step if you want to but we'll hit continue and we'll go to the next stage which is index in now again this is one of those things that it would be nice to see this in a little more user-friendly kind of fashion for new users role indexing basically means is what content on the site do you want to allow the search engines to see that's really all it is so indexing means it's going to the search engines are going to be able to index that data and pull that up inside the search engine results so all you need to do is go through and check anything you do not want to have listed so posts and pages you want to so we won't leave those we'll leave those unchecked then we've got forms and things which i don't want to be included and so on so you can go through these make sure that everything is set up the way you want it to and depending if you have sort of a different software like woocommerce installed for example you'll see some extra options inside there for woocommerce so just take your time read through things make sure you're comfortable selecting and enabling the things that you want to we'll click continue on there then we go into our advanced options and again this is something that it would be nice to see a beginners and an advanced section as opposed to just one wizard to cater for everybody but again there's information about each one of these options so you should easily be able to sort of take in what each one does and makes the right choices but as with all of these you can go back at any point into the settings of seo press and change anything you may have accidentally checked or unchecked so you can see do not display author archives redirect attachments if you want to remove the category in your permalinks you can do that up to you and again you can skip this step if you want to i'm going to use these first two options and leave the category in place and click on continue and then we are pretty much ready we've done the basics you can see now it asks us do we want to go with the pro version which we don't we're going to leave that as the free version for now and you say then the next step is create your xml sitemap so it gives you a little sort of what you should do next will be useful for you to do if you want to take a look at that we can do that and there's also things like the facebook page knowledgebase twitter visit the dashboard review your settings if you want to and so on and so forth so let's help there should you require it and that's basically the wizard then for seo press so moving on to all in one seo unfortunately there is no wizard once you install it you just basically get a couple of panels that you have to go in and manually configure things there's not really a huge amount of help here so unfortunately all in one seo pack kind of falls down on this it's not really in my opinion geared towards those new users or people that don't really know exactly what they're doing or how to just get the basics set up so for that reason i wouldn't recommend at this point for absolute newbies to take a look at the all-in-one seo pack unless you were looking for something incredibly lightweight with just the minimal features that you need in the free version and you know that's kind of what you're looking for so now that we've taken a look at how to install the three plugins let's move on and take a look at how they each handle the basic seo features that everybody needs so let's kick this off by just taking a quick look at the basic features that each one of these has so we're into the post section and as you can see in the listings of the posts we have some basic seo details so this is rank math to start off with and you can see the seo details we have we've got things like keywords we'll get a rating out of a hundred we'll find out what kind of schema this is any internal external links some useful information we hope over to seopress you can see we get a slightly different way of giving this information and some slightly different information so you've got your title tag your meta description and an overall score finally if we take a look at all in one seo you can see we get the seo title and the seo description and dynamic content so we've got similar kinds of information and these are just sort of your at a glance options come back over into rank math and let's open this up and take a look at how we can manage these seo details and how they will compare with a tool like all in one seo or seo press okay so you can see if we look on the right hand side we've got the rank math option and at the top we've got this little rank math rating so currently we are 8 out of 100 so ranking pretty poorly we've got these three sections which is the general you've got your options then for your social and finally you've got your options then for your schema now you may have different options depending upon what features you have set up but these are the bare bones are the key things that you're going to need so we can do things like we get a preview of what our seo result is going to be including the link the title the description obviously it's not going to show any rich snippets because we don't know if we're actually going to get rich snippets to edit this information we can click on edit snippet and this will bring up this nice easy way of working where we can input the title the permalink the description we can also jump over to our social and we can set up how we want our facebook and our twitter if someone was to share this actual content so you can see it gives us a nice overview of what this would look like when shared come back to general we can also check this out on basically a desktop and also a mobile so we can see what our results are going to look like on both those so we can optimize things to look good across all these different kinds of devices now if we drill down a little deeper into this snippet editor what do we have well your title you can see go all these little weird symbols and so on and all that really is is a default way of pre-filling this information out if you don't put something else in yourself so it's the title of your website then the scp and then the site name so if this sap is just you separate this you can see the little dash in between so if we changed any of these we can mix and match if we wanted to let's just say we didn't want the site name on there we could take that out you can see that automatically updates and then we could just say wordpress something tutorial for example and you can see that updates in real time so we can see we can change the permalink if we want to so currently it says for sample post 2 which would make a lot of sense so let's just say you want to change that to something like wordpress tutorial now it's always advisable to make sure you put a dash or an underscore in between these things just to make sure that you don't have any problems in your permalink and finally you can put in your description if you want to and you'll see you've got these little sort of drop downs which we can choose various different things like search queries and you can just build these up using these sort of little short codes and you can set these shortcodes up in the default values for these in the settings of pretty much all of these set of seo tools now if we just hop over to the social tab we can see we can configure everything inside here as well so this is going to pull in featured image if you haven't set anything up and you can see we can customize various different things we can add custom images so we may not want to use the featured image but we can change that you can set your post title your description you can add icon overlay for the thumbnail you can set this up then for twitter or facebook so you can set things to make sure that everything looks good because obviously you can put more information on facebook you can on twitter and you may want to put different information on there so this is all integrated directly into rank math now if we hop over into seo press you can see we've got a very similar setup lots of the same features are available your titles and settings and you can see this is pre-filling in the information for us based upon the kind of short codes that we've used set up by default and again like i say with seo press with right math and so on you can change all these and obviously i would always recommend coming in and editing this to make sure you've got exactly what you want to get optimal results for the content that you're actually putting out there so we can set the page title if we want to we can set the meta description and again you can see we've got options in this example where we can customize these various different items so post title site title separator and so on same kind of things we just saw in rank math i'll preview on the right hand side and we switch between mobile and desktop previews so all those options are there we've also got content analysis inside you and we'll take a look at this a little later on so i want to kind of just show the features sort of side by side to see how they compare with each of these different tools to advanced we now have some more data that we can configure inside you and this is again one of those things that i think for a lot of users this may be a little more advanced and not necessarily what they're looking to achieve but all these options are there if you need them you've got the same then for your social and we can do exactly the same thing our title description thumbnail and we can base this upon both facebook and we can do it's inside twitter so all those are available to you we've also got redirections built in here so if you want to set up any kind of redirection you can do that you can see we can set up all the common ones and this can be useful you may have written a new article and you may want to automatically transfer any traffic from the old article to the new one without losing any of your seo rankings and so on so this is a great way of doing that by using 301s i tend to use this in a lot of examples where i've got a link on a site i've got a url on a site for a company that may work with and what i want to do is instead of having to give their full link which can be a bit of a pain i can simply just say go to my website forward slash the name of the product the name of the company and then you'll be redirected so it allows me to do that just keep everything centralized and make everything easy so lots of reasons why you may want to use this and once you choose it you just choose enable redirection you also have redirection options available inside rank as well so good to see we've got those options there so let's just jump back over now into seo press and let's take a look what we have inside this let's just open up this page this about page and scroll down and you can see we've got the all-in-one seo pack we get that preview at the top we can configure things inside here insert whatever we want to so just say about my website for example and you can see it updates in real time you can put in your description and so on it tells us how many characters we're using so we can make sure that we keep it inside the 60 for the title and 160 characters for the description your custom canonical url if you want to use that you can use that and all these things have help so you can make sure that everything looks the way you want it to if you don't understand something you do have help available but out of the three again this is one of those things that this just seems to be a lot of nagging to upgrade to the pro version to unlock a lot of these features we know that there's gonna be a cut down version so why not just leave it out put a little nag screen at the beginning and just leave it at that having it on every single page to me is a little bit frustrating or every little feature but like i say if you want to use all in one seo because you want something this simple clean and basic with a free version then at least you have those bases covered inside you now speaking of all-in-one seo being a slightly stripped back lighter seo tool one of the things it doesn't have which could be a big game changer for some people and not important to others is it doesn't have any kind of way of checking the content you created for basic things like the keyword keyword density all those kinds of things so it doesn't have any kind of rating of your post content however we come over to something like rank math you can see if we take a look on the right hand side again we can drop in the focus keyword so let's just say we'll drop it lorem for example inside there and you can see we can put keywords key phrases and so on and then what it'll do is it'll go through and it'll give us some information about how well our content actually ranks for that keyword or phrase so basic seo you can see we've got three errors things we may want to correct to give us a better chance of ranking and you can see we've got things like additional title readability content readability and so on some nice useful features if you like to do all these kinds of things inside your browser inside your actual website itself for a lot of people they would do this externally before they even put the content into your wordpress website but those options are there if you want to just tweak things or write directly inside same goes for seo press you can see if we scroll down underneath those basic options we can drop in our target keywords so let's just say for this example we'll type in elementor we'll refresh our analysis that will then tell us what could be improved what we're doing well and so on so you can see we get a sort of traffic-like system on here green means it's good yellow and orange means it could be improved and red means it's something we have a problem with if we expand this you can see it gives us some information about what we need to rectify and what we need to tie it up tidy up so we can easily go through our content then we can make sure that everything has all the keywords and all the things we want inside there and like i say it's nice to have this but not everybody even cares about this so seo press and right math maybe something you want this in whereas something like all in one seo could be perfect for you because you don't need it so that's the basics ticked off but how about a brief look at some of the features each of these three plugins provide and how they're organized to make editing and configuring your seo efforts much simpler now it's gonna be way beyond the scope of what i want to cover in this video with all the different options we have available in these different plugins well all in one seo kind of take it aside so what i want to just quickly do at this point is just go over and show you just some of the options you have available to you so you can kind of get a feel for what options are there but the nice thing with like say seo press and rank math if you follow those widgets at the beginning they're going to give you the basics put all in place for you ready to start benefiting from seo then you can take the time to do your on-page seo and so on however if you want to delve in and take a look at some of these advanced options and some of the extra features there are an abundance of them here so let's start off with rank math this is your dashboard and as you can see these are the modules that you can enable or disable and different ones have different settings you can go into these are the basics you have when you're in easy mode however if you switch to advanced mode will open up some extra options so things like body press image seo bb press and so on so you can come into any of these you can run into the settings and then you can configure things to get exactly what you want inside there the nice thing with this is it takes you into the relevant settings inside the overall general settings or specific settings area and then you have extra options on the left hand side that you can then go through and fine-tune and tweak so do i think this is something that most users is going to use probably not if you're not a power user or you don't really know too much about what you're doing this could end up just causing problems but the fact that everything is here laid out nice and neatly really is quite useful so if you want to go in and tweak your local seo for example you can choose whether you're a person or organization depending on which one you choose you can then fill out your logo url those kinds of things you can come in you can set up what you want for your post categories your tags your posts your pages so when we take a look earlier on at using these little sort of short codes you can see each one of those is available here and dropping down we can easily come in and find all the different short codes are available so this can be used to automatically create the category archive titles the tags post pages and so on if you don't change something yourself so good to see those options there right the way through your site settings you know there are huge amounts of options available underneath rank math and it is organized in a nice simple straightforward fashion so you can take your time go through these and check everything out test things you know get stuck and have a play about if we jump over then and take a look at seo press you can see we have a very similar kind of setup we have these modules that have the ability to manage them so we can jump in and manage if we open that up you can see we have a similar kind of layout in a lot of respects we can use these different separators and we can use site title so this is kind of doing the same kind of thing with a short code and you can see these are little tags that we can use if we want to put something else in we can say we'll put a space we'll put a separator we'll put another space in at the end of that go to more tags and then we have all these different tags we can use we can copy and paste so there are lots of different options to customize how this all works same with social networks we can manage those we can come in we can set up our knowledge graph our facebook for open graph twitter cards for all the relevant details in so you can take your time go through set everything up the way that you want to when it comes over to all in one seo you basically have three screens you have your general settings your performance and your sml sitemap your feature manager is basically where you can enable and disable things in much the same way as what we saw in the first two plugins you can see we have a range of free options and then we have some pro only options so things like video site maps local business seo and so on which is a shame because local business seo is included in rank math so it's very useful you can use that and again another real reason why you may want to consider something like rank math over a tool like all-in-one seo even though all-in-one seo is the second most popular seo tool for wordpress at the moment with over two million installs okay so let's come back into our general settings and as you can see it's a lot less user-friendly it's a lot more focused on you know what you're doing and we're just gonna put all the settings in place and it's up to you then to configure things and probably not come back and take a look afterwards but all those things are there for you for the most part you can see we've got those little tags or short codes or whatever you want to call them it uses a very typical convention that most of us when you get used to working with any kind of seo tool you'll become accustomed to working with these because they're very similar whichever option you choose to use but you can see all these are available what content types you want to manage for seo display settings if you want to link this through to your google search console to be notified if there's any problems all three of these have those options available your google analytics id and so on and so forth even using schema can be done inside all in one seo so that's the the sort of amount of settings you have the first two rank math and seo press have lots and lots available to you and then when you come into all in one seo there are less options available but the main ones are there for you okay we've seen some of the key features and how each of these three seo plugins compare to each other now i'm going to move on to some of the standout features each one has and some of the things i don't particularly like or i just feel well it basically lets the specific plugin down now let's take a look at some of these unique features let's start off first of all with seo press if you're an elementor user you're going to like what both rank math and seo press give us and that is the ability to check all these kind of seo options directly inside the elementor editor itself so whereas at the moment if we take a look at seo press right at the bottom that's where all of my different elements are my different sort of check in my seo and page titles and so on all those kinds of things however if we edit this page with elementor once we do that we also have a new tab inside there called seo which gives us access to those key options so you can see if we take a look at the top we've got seo so we can click and inside there we've now got your general settings where we can set various different settings up your seo title and descriptions and all those options are inside there including the preview for both mobile and desktop seo advanced if we want to go in all those options there your content analysis everything is in directly inside here so if you like working inside the elementor editor seo press and rank math have you covered so this is seo press let's just jump over to rank math do the same thing inside you open this up with elementor you can see there's our seo panel we click to open that up and we get a slightly different version but all those same options that we have inside the normal rank math are available editing your snippets you know you focus keywords checking all your errors and things you could correct and make better your rankings but also you've got your preview editor inside here for your social and so on and finally you've got your option inside there for your schema unfortunately this is one of those areas that all in one seo hasn't tackled but again i keep saying i think all in one seo the free version at least is more geared towards a really lightweight simple seo tool and if that's what you're looking for that might be the best option but for everybody else especially if you're using a page builder like elementor this could be something really useful inside rank math and seo press okay let's move over to rank math now and take a look at what i would consider some of the standout features in this free plug-in now it's incredibly useful to have these extra features and the fact you don't have to pay for them in this version is really really exciting these link suggestions when it comes to rank math are basically set up to work with pillar content now pillar content is content that you write on your website that is answering a lot of questions so for example you may have a post saying what is elementor and how much does it cost and you then go through a list of all the different things about it answering loads of commonly asked questions about elementor and its pricing and its features all those kinds of things well if you set that as pillar content by checking this option that says this is pillar content what that will do is that will give you the ability then to link to this pillar content it will be listed when you create posts that allow you to quickly and easily link to that directly inside rank math so let me just demonstrate what i mean i've got another page that i've created now for this testing these links so i've said it to be in the same category as one of my pillar content pieces and then we take a look i've written my article i've got all my content inside there and you can see if i scroll to the bottom we've got this link suggestions area that tells me well it thinks i might want a link to sample post too i can then use that option and that'll link through then to my pillar content so it's great to have the little sort of things like this to just make the whole process of writing important content as part of your blog and then linking that through to key articles inside the same section the same category or using the same tags or made very very easy so that's one of those cool features that i think really does help with rank math setting it apart another area that is super useful when it comes to creating your articles is dealing with the schema now if you want to get those rich snippets you need to set up the schema to say exactly what your contents all about and rank math makes that really really easy if we come over to the rank mouth on the right hand side when we're editing a post third option is the schema now there's gonna be more options like multiple schemas coming in the pro version so we are starting to see these little nag screens creep in to the interface but for most cases a single schema should be more than enough for most things you can see if we click to open up and edit this we can set up any kind of information we want now at the moment we've got articles blog posts and news articles and depending upon whether you set your site up to be a person or to be an organization will limit or restrict what kinds of schema you can use but you can go through and you can set up your headline description you can do code validation and bits and pieces to do with schemas but all done inside you in the schema generator you can see we can come in and we can choose what kind of article this is so if we were working on a blog that was all about recipes where we could choose recipes of the type and you can see that now gives us different information for the schema so things like the headline is still in there the descriptions there we've also got things like review location and preparation time cooking time so these if you get your rich snippets to show up using the schema all this information can come in incredibly handy making sure that you set everything up correctly so it's good to see that that's directly integrated into rank math the free version and with the pro version when that's released or it may be released this time watching this you will be able to have more than one schema applicable to any particular post now another thing that i really like about rank math seo is the role manager the role manager basically allows you to choose what rank math seo tools any of the different roles that you may have set up for a multi-user blog or multi-user website can access so as administrator you can see they have access to everything then as editor you may want to restrict what they can have access to so they don't have access to analytics and redirections and those kinds of things author less so again contributor and so on and so forth down so it's great to see that you've got this option inside here and while we have a similar kind of setup inside seo press it's nowhere near as granular so if i go to the same settings area inside seo press you can see we could only choose block seo metabox to users choose the role on there and block content analysis metabox to user roles so we have some basic options inside there but nowhere near as granular as we have with rank math seo so that's one of those things that i think is a super useful thing for people that have other users contributing to content on their website now if you remember back to the beginning of this we looked at the wizard i said with rank math you could use the easy mode or you could use the advanced mode and even if you chose one of those during the wizard setup you could still have access to either of them later on down the line what we're going to do just now we're going to come out to switch to advanced mode now and from there that opens up some extra modules we can enable or we can start working with and the one that i want to show you is the image seo and this is great if you have a website that you may have inherited or you're putting some seo on or you're swapping over to rank math and you've got a lot of images that don't have titles and they don't have alt tags that can be incredibly time-consuming to go back and actually configure things well you can use the image seo and that will then pre-fill out alt tags and titles and makes the whole process easy and again you can just run into the settings and you can configure this however you want to work you can see we've got those simple short codes and we can use those alongside other things where we put in our own content if we want to and you'll see it'll give us an example underneath so i love that fact about rank math seo is that we don't have to worry too much about those titles and those alt attributes because we have a tool that will at least fill those out and stop us from having a negative effect on any kind of seo so really really cool to see that option this is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the features provided by rankmath it truly is an amazingly powerful seo plugin for wordpress but there are some things that i'm not so happy about with it so what exactly we're talking about well some of the key features can be hidden away or disabled by default depending on how you set things up to the getting started setup wizard and this can really lead to some frustration so for example the redirection feature wasn't available it took me a good 20 minutes of searching online digging into the huge amounts of settings before i stumbled upon it to enable it i also think that the account signup at the beginning of the wizard may put some people off it's great to have but some people may think this is a mandatory sign up when it isn't the case you don't need to sign up but these are pretty limited little things that i think are a little bit frustrating they're nowhere near the end of the world when it comes to working with this incredibly powerful free plugin now moving over to seo press and some of the features that i really like about this now it doesn't rest on its laurels when it comes to features there are more than enough here to satisfy the most demanding wordpress seo geek first of all i want to go through and say one of the things i like is the disabled features option what i'm talking about is what we can see on this section which is the dashboard if you don't want to use a feature group for example you may not want to use the tools or the analytics it's incredibly easy just to click to disable the entire module and enable it the same thing in reverse so i do like the fact that if you want to disable that entire thing you can just simply click that one button and boom it's gone from your site the second thing i like was the import other seo tools now this is something that i think is incredibly useful for those that are testing out an seo tool don't really like it and want to switch over to seo press the fact you can simply jump into the tools option and you can import those at any time you don't have to do it during the wizard at the beginning you can do it retrospectively if you want to really is a really cool thing now next up on my list of likes is white labeling now i'm not the biggest fan or advocate of white labeling but there are times where you really do want to use it now even the free version of seo press gives you the ability to white label it using hooks now i'm not going to go into detail how you do this but if you want to disable that branding to keep a nice clean simple thing you want to hand off to a client you can do that even with the free version and the fourth and final thing i want to talk about is the seo press pro price now now this is all about free seo tools at the moment but i can't go by without mentioning the fact that if you're looking at seo press pro and you look and compare it to some of the other tools like yoast or all-in-one seo they can get very expensive when you want to have multiple sites seo press did this from a completely different point of view and they've effectively said there's one price that's an annual price for unlimited websites that price is currently 39 and has been for at least the last two years because i know because i've been paying for it for the last two years but the fact you can have all the features of the pro version on as many sites as you want for less than 40 dollars is an absolute steal still like i say this is all about free options but if you wanted the pro version you know you're not going to break the bank especially if you offload that cost to your clients now while there's a lot to like about seo press there are some things that i feel could be tweaked or added to make it just a little better firstly when you start to dive into the settings they can be pretty daunting i'd love to see the interface streamlined to make things just a little less in your face i think rank math definitely has the edge here as even though there are a lot of features and settings they are grouped and organized a little better and it makes tweaking less daunting seo press looks like a huge amount of text as opposed to the fresher more modern take in rank math but apart from that little gripe there's not a lot to dislike about seo press at all now third and final is all-in-one seo press now this is a mostly stripped down plug-in and with only three tabs of settings you can be up and running in a matter of minutes and working on the all-important site seo so what kind of things do i like about it well first of all it's minimal it's minimal settings out of the three options that we have here today all in one seo is probably the most minimal of all three that may be a positive in your eyes and it may provide the key features that you're looking for and none of the extra features you'll probably never use so if you're looking for something that's stripped down and basically easy to work with as long as you understand some of the terminology all in one seo may be the right option for you next up i like the fact that you can edit your robots.txt file directly inside you so if you're accustomed to working with those kinds of things you can do just that directly inside you can enable these features if you want to the same goes for the htaccess file you have the same ability to edit that directly inside all in one seo however this isn't something that your average basic user would even entertain working with so it could be a positive for you it may not be a positive now what don't i like about all in one seo well compared to the other offerings here today it's pretty light on features but what is the are the core features a lot of people will probably want but i can't help but feel this is just a little too light on features to make it a contender for many seo tweakers i'm not a fan of the nags throughout the settings and seo settings on each post or page to upgrade to pro when you compare that approach to the other plugins it feels very intrusive and not something you may want to offer a paying client so what exactly does it all mean then what's the best wordpress seo plugin so out of the three that i've used here today i have to say it's pretty close between seo press and rank math in my opinion even though all in one seo has several million downloads i can't really see a particularly convincing reason to choose that over the other two they're more feature-rich with more options and unless you simply want a very bare bones basic seo plugin and nothing more but in that case maybe all in one seo is right for you if it's a toss up between seo press and rank math i'd have to say you're pretty much neck and neck unless you have a specific unique feature that the other one doesn't have you're not going to be disappointed with either option now i don't know what pricing strategy rank math will employ when they release their pro version if you are looking at pro features that seo press has you really can't fault the insanely priced pro plan as i said earlier in the video 39 for unlimited sites annually is an absolute bargain but only if you need those extra features that the pro version offers over the free version now i'll throw it over to you what's your seo plugin of choice and how did you choose which one to invest your time and effort into let me know in the comment section below now remember if you found value in this video please give it a thumbs up as that really helps the youtube algorithm but if you didn't feel you got value from it well simply hit that thumbs down button twice as that works pretty well too now all applicable links for everything i've covered in the description if you want anything more on how to get started with rank math check out this videos on screen now and also linked in the description below my name is paul c this has been wp tets and until next time take care
Channel: WPTuts
Views: 9,383
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: WPTuts, best plugin for wordpress seo, best plugin for wordpress 2020, best plugin for wordpress website, best free seo plugin for wordpress 2020, best seo plugin for wordpress 2020, wordpress seo optimization, wordpress seo plugin, wordpress seo tutorial, seo for wordpress, best wordpress plugins, seo plugins, wordpress plugins, wordpress plugins for seo, wordpress tutorial, must have wordpress plugins, top wordpress plugins, rank math, search engine optimization
Id: YB2YSM0zVa8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 52sec (2512 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 16 2020
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