Best WordPress SEO Plugins Compared - Yoast, AIO SEO, SEO Framework, SEOPress, + More

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Everybody that is using WordPress for their website absolutely 100% needs an SEO plug-in if Google rankings and sharing on social media matters in the very least to you you absolutely need one in this video were to look at some of the top SEO plug-ins for WordPress try to help go through some the information to see which one performs better and also which one would best meet your needs hi my name is Adam from Remick WordPress tutorial videos for non-techies if you're new here consider clicking on the subscribe button and click on the notification belt and you to let you know what I have a new video okay so working to go over these plug-ins in this video and I'm also going to do just some kind of a preliminary way of testing some of its performance in WordPress but I think before we go into looking at these plug-ins it's best just kind of have a quick discussion about what an SEO plug-in even does on a WordPress website and why you even wanted in the first place essentially a WordPress SEO plug-in is just going to give you greater control over how search engines see your website is can give you control over how it processes the data that is on your website will also give you the ability to set the metadata for all of your content on your website so a good example of this is set here's a quick Google search and we take a look at it and we scroll down a little bit you can see each of these links have a title sets and then they have a little bit of information underneath the link this is called metadata and with an SEO plug-in journey to be able to customize what that metadata is for every post or page on your website now with that is you're able to set the social media metadata as well so that's if someone takes the link to a page or post on your website and then paste that in on Twitter or on Facebook or on LinkedIn or any of the social media sites with an NCO plug-in you're going to be able to put in what actually will end up showing on Facebook Twitter LinkedIn those are some examples of how an SEO plug-in gives you control over how a search engine and also the social media networks see the data and show the data from your website now a lot of these SEO plug-ins also do some content analysis that's where you are in there and it says put in a focus keyword and this would be the keyword that you would like your your than what the content you're creating to rank for in a search engine and it does some analyzing of the content so that it can also make some suggestions of how you might want to use that keyword a little bit more or perhaps in different ways this is great for beginners however if you had a website for any length of time this is kind of rudimentary type of stuff and you probably for me and anyhow I don't use that feature in any SEO plug-in anyways but I do think it's fantastic for beginners next and SEO plug-in will give you the ability to control the indexing of various areas of your website so a perfect example is when you use tags on posts what happens is WordPress creates this tag index page that's typically not a good thing so with an NCO plug-in you can decide which tags or categories even down to individual posts and pages do you want to have the search engines actually index someone can search and find that content on your website and lastly something that most of these SQL plug-ins will also do is create a site map and that's going to be a list of all of your different types of contents and it's good to be all organized in a format that search engines really like to see and process now most of these SEO plug-ins also have a pro or a premium version and there is a pretty typical set of features that you would be paying for and expect in a pro version 1 of these would be redirects so what a redirect this essay you remove or remove a piece of content on your website while a redirect would be something that tells a search engine hey we move the content it's not here anymore now it's over here this is actually very good thing in a very important thing for your website another typical feature that you would get out of the Pro version is WooCommerce based SCO's all of these things were talking about you could do that with product pages from your WooCommerce store another one would be a local SEO another one would be video SEO this essentially creates a video site map of the various videos that are on the various pages or post on your website and a last feature you don't really see this on all of them but there is one that you do and this is white labeling white labeling is great if you're an agency and you like to deliver the websites your client and let them log in the white labeling's nice not a license to resell but what the plug-in that shows in the Bakken of WordPress you can control the text there a lot of agencies and people that are quoting website projects really like white labeling features now there's a kind of a new breed of SEO plug-in that has been creeping out while they been out for maybe a year or two in these are SEO plug-ins that are kind of tied into a software as a service platform where there is an associated monthly fee and these SEO plug-ins attend to offer a bit of keyword research that you can do from within WordPress are on their software as a service platform so it ends up being kind of a convenience feature for those that don't know the keywords that they might want to target for the content that they are creating lastly I want to give some tips on how to decide which plug-in you would want to use on your website think the most important first question to ask in that situation is do you ever plan on purchasing the Pro version because if you're not planning on purchasing a Pro version and you might choose one plug-in but if you were going to purchase a Pro version you might want to go a different route altogether and lastly what is the purpose of your website is it just a brochure website is it a website primarily about blogging or you're doing a lot of blogging on the website there might be some different selections based upon that as well, go through all of those in this video's okay such as jump on into it and start cranking through these so what I plan on doing is I have a WordPress installation right here and I have these plug-ins here installed and when I'm in a dues I'm going to activate each one and then I'm going to go to the front and do a refresh and then we have this query monitor here now this websites running on my local machine so the load time is not going to admit you gotta take that with a grain of salt the only real performance indicator would be the amount of queries that get run when the page is actually loaded now the largest bottleneck this is the thing that slows WordPress websites down is typically when these queries happen on your web hosting account so that's when someone comes your website and then WordPress has to go to your database and retrieve some information so queries is a decent enough indicator but I just am putting this in here I don't want to say that if one SEO plug-in it is executing more requires more queries that it's going to be slower I'm just putting this information there it's kind of hard to compare the performance of some of these plug-ins so this is just going to give us one indication however I don't want you to interpreted as me implying that one of these is going to run faster than the other one okay so when you go to WordPress the WordPress plug-in directory and do a search for SEO you can have a variety of plug-ins that, and so there's a couple of the like market leaders the most recognizable names in WordPress as a yoke and the first one of those is Yoast SEO and here is Yoast's website right here and so Yoast is free they also have a premium version of Yoast and there's several add on plug-ins to Yoast Yoast is the number one use WordPress SEO plug-in for WordPress meaning it has the most active installations out of any of these WordPress SEO plug-ins now Yoast has been criticized in the past the for being ace a plug in that will may slow down your website there have been people that have said that I'm not saying that it does I actually don't think it has a significant impact in the speed of your website more concerned with other things with Yoast SEO so let's first share some of my concerns with Yoast and so essentially Yoast being the big 800 pound gorilla in the room it's the one that people most recognize when you hear the word WordPress SEO they think Yoast now if you view skills for any particular amount of time you'll know that Yoast is constantly releasing updates and if you look at the chains are not a lot is happening in these updates the release of point updates and then the B lots of bug fixes that next week or two weeks I think if you or to count it all up my guess is maybe there's about five or more updates per month these are updates that are really adding any significant feature and that's because all these plug-ins most of the feature sets that are already out there and they all kinda pretty much do the same thing and there's no one really doing anything additional to make one stand out over the other and that's why one of the things that I'm to be looking at when I compare all of these happens to be price because a lot of these are doing the same exact thing so then if if they all do the same thing the one you want one of things you want to look at is maybe their reputation and in the past if there's been serious bugs or issues and costs now if you followed this channel for two months or longer you know that I made a video about a month ago about a huge issue that happened with the Yoast SEO plug-in and that was in a February 2018 they released version 7 and there was a period of time where if you upgraded from a prior version of version 7 bad things happen to your website and it took 2 1/2 months for Yoast to acknowledge it even though people were asking them about it pretty much right away on Facebook and twitter took them 2 1/2 months to acknowledge and come out with some kind of a fix let me tell you what kind of happen there so what happened in this update is imagine this right here is your website content now this right here is some pretty good pretty strong dispatch and it's the words you can see I've been pretty busy here drinking this imagine this is your website in this is the that content on your website it is potent it is strong ghoul comes to your website and they see this and they say that is some good quality stuff right there well if you updated to version 7 what ended up happening just pretend this bottle water here is the images on your website and you got some great images and say maybe you might have say 30 posts of high quality content on your website but you might have maybe 200 images so you had this really potent stuff right here and then what that update did was mix the two together so that at the end of the day at that after you upgraded the potent website content that you had was no longer potent because it was now mixed with all of these images I know that's kind of a oversimplification but you know if I took a sip of this it wouldn't give me the same impact as if I took a sip of it before all of that was mixed together what I am saying was if you got stuck with this bug if this bug happened to you you got screwed and your website ranking tanks and it was a really bad situation for a lot of people now this wasn't fixed till 2 1/2 months later in the way it got fixed was you would have to install this a plugged in here that they released called search index purge and this was to purge out so the example the water to purge out all of this water out of the alcohol and so that's what this was here to do and you can see that this plug-in has over 10,000 websites that it's installed in so this was a big problem and I have a very difficult time with Yoast and I don't think I will ever use Yoast on the website again because of this a lot of people want to cut Yoast the slack the reason I don't cut them slack is because it took him 2 1/2 months to fix this problem even though people were talking to them about it professional NCOs that monitor their website traffic monitoring the rankings they were being down there door let them know this was going on but it took 2 1/2 months for a fix to get released and the way it was released wasn't even in a big announcement that most people were aware of some of the interesting to see how many additional inns and installations hit this plug-in but this is one of the reasons why I won't go with Yoast the second reason is it's a very expensive remember I said if you want to go with a professional version that's one of these criteria is that you need to consider so with Yoast it's very expensive so all of their licensing is on a per site basis so Yoast a premium on its own it's not too bad it's $89 per year per website but there's other things that they kind of nickel and dime you on you don't get everything for $89 per year if you have WooCommerce well that's gonna be an extra things like $69 let me go right here to a list of all of the add-ons to Yoast so $89 doesn't get you everything so video SEO that's another $69 per site per year a local SEO that's another $69 per site per year news SEO 69 local SEO for WooCommerce 129 per site per year and WooCommerce SEO is $49 per year it's a very expensive if you needed stages three of those and you added it all up your almost at $300 per year per website now after comparing Yoast with other plug-ins there is one area that they have kind of covered where you might want to consider despite everything I just said using Yoast and that is if you have a blog there is a feature in the professional version of Yoast that is really neat and what it does is it analyzes all of the content on your website and when your say writing on a blog post it will give you suggestions of other pieces of content on your website to interlink to while you're creating the content on your poster page so if your blogger that is actually a big deal and that to me would justify the $89 that one feature alone and this is not a feature that I've seen in any of these other plug-ins so even though I was just criticizing Yoast for all of the reasons that you heard me criticize them for here I am saying that this is definitely a great reason to use Yoast but it's the only reason I would use Yoast today and I'm sure eventually a lot of these will come to their competitors okay someone to go back here a minute click on plug-ins right here and you can see all I have installed is the query monitor I'm in a go here a minute do a refresh I'm not implying anything by there's results but if I do couple refreshes here we can see the low times about 27 seconds is on my local machine and there's 31 queries with no SEO plug-in installed so if I go ahead and activate Yoast like this in your receipts now activated I'm in a go to the front and so with nothing it's 31 I do refresh it's jumped up to 49 queries so it adds 18 queries to each page load now this is not having tweaked any of the Yoast the settings there is an out a way of going in the back and there and and disabling certain features that it comes with if you go to SEO you go to general you click on features you can toggle off some of these features okay so that is the performance impact of Yoast whether or not your hosting is fast I'm not trying to say that that that Yoast slows down your website it all by doing that I'm just showing you the difference in queries that actually occur on each piece of information that's loaded on your website account go ahead and deactivate that number to get through the other ones a lot quicker than this say we have all in one SEO pack this is probably the number two most installed WordPress SEO plug-in it is right here they also have a professional version now their professional version is more affordable and they don't nickel and dime you quite as much as you're getting nickel and dime with Yoast so a single site license is $60 a 10 pack 118 and an unlimited license is 559 and this is per year and it claims it's 50% off I have a tendency to think that maybe it's always 50% off but this is going to give you that WooCommerce SEOPress can give you the video SEO site maps it's all going to be included in the Pro version you don't have to buy a Pro version and then by 15 other add-ons just to get what should be in the Pro version okay so this is all-in-one SEO so let me go back here a minute ago and endure refresher to see the queries from Yoast for 49 I do refresh it goes back down to 31 I will activate all in one Seo pack right here and let me go to the front and I'll do a refresher went from 31 actually may do another refresh actually it didn't go up at all so that is all in one Seo pack and that could be just because of some of the settings not saying that this test is saying one thing or another okay someone to go ahead and deactivate all in one Seo pack on one is your bag is really good it's it's a good plug and a lot of people prefer this to Yoast obviously and it's kinda neck and neck just a few million installations that connect a few million installations behind Yoast anyway so that is all in one SEO pack I have a link in the video description box down below the next one is the SEO Framework I was actually on this page are trying to find a cost for this so there's a free version to this as well and then there is a paid version of this is one of the simplest no-frills type of clean interface easy to use it doesn't add much blow to your website it all SEO plug-ins a lot of people fanatically all of the SEO Framework and I think it's really good is like a quick look at the cost of the premium version and like I said before what you can expect in a premium version click on get license and here is the price you can see they have kind of a similar pricing model for their Pro version it's not cheap at all one sites $59 per year but if you are seen agency and you have 10 sites it's now 299 per year for those and so that is the SEO framework and see the logic in what I was saying that you really want to look at these things and say am I going to buy a Pro version because if you're going to want to buy a Pro version you're gonna see that there is a better option for that so okay so this is the SEO Framework it is fantastic a lot is run as they all do the same thing just do a quick test of that right now so here is the SEO Framework out click on activates and now it's activated and I'll do a refresh notes from 31 queries back to 31 actually I don't know this is lying to me that doesn't seem to accurate but what were still back at 31 so that's a good thing so that's the SEO Framework now her to talk about some of these actually I want to talk about's really and let's talk about SEOPress SEOPress is one of the newer SEO plug-ins for WordPress and its of there's a free version and there's also a Pro version now SEOPress is the one that's breaking the mold so you saw the plug-ins I showed you I showed you the pricing I showed you what you got when you paid for a version it's all really expensive you know and that's what it's like weird to me about this whole SEO thing I mean it's not like it's your page builder or your theme I mean this is expensive stuff but it's not really I mean an SEO plug-in doesn't just magically get you great rankings you still have to put the work in and so I you would think that the main tool of your website would be your page builder but I'm finding all these SEO plug-ins cost more then your page builder would even cost enters as a SEOPress and this is where it's totally different with this plug-in so they have a different model so they have the free version is can have all the free stuff that I told you can expect from a free plug-in but their paid version is $39 per year but that's not per website this is for unlimited websites so they are looking at this and they're trying to disrupt this whole way of pricing and SEO plug-in and you know this this actually seems a little low to me I've already talked to the developer the price is going to increase to a think 59 or $89 at some point right now it's only $39 so if you're watching this video in six months and it was $59 then $69 whatever just make sure you subscribe to the channel because I try to keep you up-to-date on these things but right now you get this for $39 now that's all fine and dandy but what does it come with public house with everything so you get white label and by the way it's the only again I saw that had white label I think a SEO Framework might have it you get the white label that I talked about which is good if you're an agency but you get everything with this get the WooCommerce SEO the video site maps you get just the list goes on and on everything that I said you could expect from a pro version you get it all with this they don't really hold anything back really and one of the things I really like about using this plug-in and I'll have a full tutorial on this soon as you can enable or disable every feature so you can know there's a feature that doesn't apply and you say you do not can have videos on your website we don't have to have that enabled and you won't see the settings for it in the settings don't get loaded for it there's no extra bloat so you can have the features on and off much like I showed you with Yoast a moment ago so here is SEOPress now they have a free version and you can go in there and test out the free version and then upgrade to the paid version I do have a referral link for this it said that BP crafted dock/SEOPress I just thought I'd throw that in but definitely check out the interface on this when the interface is beautiful so let's go ahead and check that out so let me disabled the SEO Framework right here now I just have the three version installed of SEOPress so go ahead and activated and we go here and we can see it's got a very beautiful very simple user interface and I really like the user interface I looked at Yoast I'd like tested every single user interface and it like any of them but this one is simple this one is beautiful and you can see right here is the ability to toggle on or off any of these features you can just click this and turn them off if that's what you wanted to do okay so let me go here do a quick refresh and we went up one query from 31 to 32 which is very minimal so this is SEOPress right here now lastly I wanted to talk about those two types of software as a service integrated SEO plug-ins let me go ahead and deactivate this and we will take a first and look at squarely now the reason I'm bringing up squirrel he is because one of the subscribers here on the digital channel has brought this SEO plug-in up multiple times checkouts really checkouts really check it out so this is squarely on the go ahead and activated now remember I said it kind of merges in sort of a software as a service aspect for and of usually it's keyword research and so here you can see the prices of that right here so they do have a free plan that allows you to do three keyword searches per month and then there's some other typical keyword research type information that would come with that like search volume to make sure you're going after the terms that people actually search your competition some social intelligence and all that so gives you this additional information that you can typically only get from the software as a service type of deal also all that information's are right here and then the pro version of that first bump up is 30 bucks a month and it's good to give you more opportunity to research keywords okay so that's a swirly I want to go here and activated there some things I don't like about scrolling right off the bat when you activate it you gotta pop your email address in which I think is fine except when I put my email address in I didn't know that I was also signing up for a newsletter and I started getting newsletter type emails of course are legit you know there's an unsubscribe in the footer of the email which is cool but I didn't know I was doing that when I gave them my email address so that was just one of the things I didn't look and there's some things that this really doesn't come to take over the user interface such as scrolling all of these this kind of category of SEO plug-ins are kinda going to do the same thing so if I go into posts here and then here's my poster to see we've got some non-standard WordPress you looking stuff right here that squirrel he does so WordPress will look a little less like WordPress\'85 Do a quick refresh here 31 queries was our baseline and then it just went up to 37 queries with swirly which is not bad so next is WebTextTool and if you have been on the channel since the beginning of 2018 there was an AppSumo deal for WebTextTool in January 2018 and this is another one of those software as a service integrated into the plug-in you should if you did by the deal you should go and check it out now what this is that there is a platform on the website that you can log into and that's where you can do all your searches you can create your content and everything like that you can do collaborations if you have writers they can write the content put the content in there and then anyways then you take this content whatever is written and you can put it right into your WordPress website it does a lot of that content analysis and everything you need to do some searches and stuff within the plug-in but if you did by this you should check it out because they just redid the interface on the software as a service side of things when you log to the website I was in there of the other day and it looks very very nice kind of the cost for this is of the same thing about 15 bucks per month if you paid annually or 19 per month if you paid monthly and it kinda gives you a lot of those swirly limits now the reason I bring this up mostly is because AppSumo has had the WebTextTool on their platform for sale for a lifetime deal in past years they had in 2018 as well they might have it again in early 2019 who knows know for me I would prefer a dedicated keyword research tool versus having one that's kind of tied into the SEO plug-in on my website they know with all of that said what would what do I use well on I do have Yoast I've had Yoast since day one on there I am a little upset about some of things that happen with the off-site express that earlier in this video but I still have it I haven't switch yet I do have a lot of written content on my website so I do like the the link suggestions that it gives me when I'm inside my website creating a piece of content that's a very useful tool and that's why said even though I'm being hard on Yoast there is a great use case scenario for it however if I was building a new website today 100% would be SEOPress and I know of a lot of agencies that have been buying SEOPress because it just makes sense when you look at the cost of it only being $39 per year is rocksolid it has white labeling and it has all these features into it so on the next website I build I'm 100% going to be using SEOPress now if you're an agency I would totally recommend going this route now I just wanted to say though to wrap this all up that you know the plug-in that you choose they'll cut it pretty much do the same thing with the exception of the professional versions and with the exception of Yoast and the content analysis are all pretty much doing the same thing you can install and activate this on your website but you've got to put the work in and you've got to use the tool configure the tool properly so what I want to do is all of these tools that I just did talk about in this video I'm going to have a deeper review and tutorial can be partial review because it was already in this video but it's gonna be more of a tutorial on how to set that up the right way on your WordPress website number to try to have those stripped out over the next couple of days or weeks now if you're watching this video just go ahead and look in the video description box and I'll keep putting the links to those videos inside the video description if there was a particular plug in that you liked and you decided that you want to use so that you can get to the total tutorial you'll definitely learn a few things if you're new to SEL plug-ins or even experience definitely show you a few things about setting each one of these up so anyways I want to hear what you think in the comment section envelope number one that I believe any plug-ins out number two was I too harsh on Yost number three after everything that I talked about did I did I leave out some bits of information that would be good things to consider when choosing one of these SEO plug-ins and number four what's your favorite SEO plug-in and did this video change your mind in any way I'd love to hear from you in the comment section down below thanks for spending this time with me and I'll see you in the next video
Channel: WordPress For Non-Techies
Views: 33,249
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: best wordpress seo plugin, wordpress seo 2018, wordpress seo tutorial, how to use yoast seo plugin, yoast seo tutorial 2018, yoast wordpress seo plugin, wordpress seo tips, wordpress all in one seo plugin tutorial, Best WordPress SEO Plugins Compared, WordPress SEO Plugins Compared, yoast vs seo framework, yoast vs all in one seo, yoast premium vs free, yoast vs squirrly, yoast vs the seo framework, wpcrafter, wordpress seo optimization
Id: ACx57pSrwPA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 56sec (1916 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 09 2018
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