Best People In The World | Brent Rivera

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[Music] this is the world's shortest woman she's 29 years old and stands at just 2 feet tall and this is America's tallest man he stands at 7' 8 and has the world record for being the tallest teenager and today we're going to get to know them starting with giod she comes all the way from India and has multiple world records for being the shortest woman in the world it's so nice to meet you guys hi geod I'm Brent hi nice to meet you I'm Lexi live hi nice to meet you how are you you look beautiful thank you I love your dress I love it I have to say she's even tinier in person and with her 30th birthday being only 2 weeks away we had a little welcome gift for her we DMD only 1 week ago and now we're literally here together I'm going give H she's very excited she did not expect that she's going to be here within a one week to see Mr Brent I feel like I'm a little star struck right now you're a big deal in India yeah I didn't need your autograph okay so we actually have a gift for you so this is relatable merch that might be too big you think that'll fit good thing we got a smaller size that's cute yeah yeah this one's more like it oh yo it looks good that's perfect it fits pretty well right and that's a nice color myv color we have the world's largest gummy bear oh my God is it too heavy yes yo this is bigger than is 5 lb 5 recog oh the gummy bear is half her body weight yeah I mean cuz she's 11 lb and this is 5 it's going to take like a month for her to finish [Music] that so she has a word record for being a smallest girl she has a word record for being a smallest woman and War for being the smallest hand that's so oh my God my goodness wow dude out of the entire 8 billion people on this Earth you have the smallest hand my dream is to get a world record I think you'd have the world record for being the most annoying giod gets carried most places since walking is a little hard on her legs we showed her around the house then she signed my board I am never washing this ever thank you and since my friend Dom was coming over I was thinking we could pull a little prank no pun intendent I feel like jod should scare him she should hide somewhere that like he wouldn't expect a person to be hiding yeah like a small place like this can you fit there yeah should you try it let's see let's see oh my gosh it's perfect so Dom's going to open it just like this yeah okay oh my God how's it going good how are you good to see you hey Dom can you grab me um a plate from that cabinet right there I'm trying to make this like salad yeah oh my God is that a person what's up hi nice to meet you I'm Dom oh my God one right oh my gosh wow that's crazy oh my this is so cool she could have the world record for best hide-and seek player I would hate to play hideand-seek with her yeah know she'd win every time so I think it'd be fun if you vlogged some of this video yes yeah okay all right well here's the camera hey guys welcome back my YouTube channel you are a professional at that every normalized item gigantic next to her including the slice of pizza we had for lunch since Pizza is her favorite this looks insane Pizza is bigger than her you want to take a bite okay I have a juicy question what's your love life like go boyf she's blushing who is your celebrity crush B me me I am you don't have to lie it's okay now that we're done with our pizza I say we go shopping what do you guys say absolutely yes you want to go shopping yes all right let's do because of her size geod needs help from her family to do everyday things like shopping but that doesn't stop her from trying she brought us to the snack aisle are you hungry still yes this is the party size lce that's pretty big oh my God anything you want it's on br's credit card the cheese puffs yeah yeah yeah let's do that can it even fit in the car yeah I think it works that's all she has room for you want these okay yeah here oh there you go right there all right next we shop for clothes but no matter how small the clothes were they were still too big on her the only clothes that would fit were for newborn babies the smallest it goes will still be oversized is it really hard for you to shop I love up but to our luck they did have her size and so she gave us a little runway show geode loves babies so when we stumbled across a 16-month-old toddler she wanted to say hello so he's 1 and 1/2 years old he literally can't even listen give her [Music] kisses what other things do you want to shop for get makeup what's your your favorite kind of makeup lipstick lipstick look at all these lipsticks I think that you should go back to the house and do Brent's makeup that is not that is not happening yes here we go oh ooh she said blue ey Shadow you got blush okay this one you're going to make me look good right Pinky Promise she can't do the impossible after checking out we then headed to Starbucks where giod got a drink that was almost bigger than her why'd you get the biggest one possible that's so heavy how is it it's good all right we just left Starbucks I think Brent is hoping that we forgot that we bought him a bunch of makeup you guys ready to put some makeup on Brent absolutely I don't know why we're doing this she's going to make you beautiful giod you better make me look good no no she starting off with a light shade oh my gosh you're in for a tree wao why did hug oh my God why is she laughing at me she's making fun of R yeah she's having way too much fun with this I like this brand better oh my god dude oh my God you look scary is that lipstick yes oh no just get it over with [Music] giod oh my God are you kidding me have you ever been to Disneyland before well we're all going to go to Disneyland today she's really wanted to gr Disneyland and now we have make her dream come true a that's awesome Disneyland all right we're Disney ready are you going to float away geod there's a lot of rides here which one should we go on first big one a big one everyone's a big one to her all right let's do it are you ready yeah I don't think this one goes that fast it's going pretty fast oh my God hold on she's like holding on for [Music] we're in line for the Teacups are you nervous no she's not nervous just me and B I guess oh my God's going to fly out of here if we go any faster gi's holding on for her life what did you think cuz it's very good she liked it l it oh perfect we went to take pictures in front of the castle and I forgot I'm with a literal world record celebrity okay so right now geod is getting mobed look at all these people winding a picture with giod she famous dude she's way cooler than we are next I surprised giod with a Disneyland churo that is huge then we hopped on a couple more rides bought a massive lollipop tried on some Dy hats and took some more pictures before having her meet her dream Disney Idol she's always wanted to meet you Mickey they're both here that's so adorable who do you like better Mickey or Minnie Mickey oh she likes Mickey more than Minnie all right so we just got back from Disneyland yes she's going to cook her dinner for us oh you're going to cook her dinner for us yes what's on the menua so giod do you cook often at home don't you feel lucky she cook for nobody not even for her St and she's cooking for you you must really like me what about your size makes your life hard even though geote is the smallest woman in the world she definitely has the biggest heart and that's what matters if you can tell your younger self one thing what would it be so I have one more request yod I say now that we finished dinner we can watch a little movie with some popcorn and we have some matching PJs to put on here's yours I'll see you when you get changed from the shortest woman in the world to the tallest man it was time to meet Brendon he's 7' n and held the world record for the tallest teenager and you'll want to wait until the end to see geod and Brendan meet for the first time Brendon is almost four times as tall as geod standing next to each other is going to be crazy I know and while we were waiting for Brandon at the airport we found something pretty cool when you press the like button it does like a fireworks sh oh my God look at the fireworks like the video see if it shoots fireworks cuz that's insane so we picked him up from the airport and oh my gosh was he taller than I expected he is way taller than you we even had to get a bigger car since he needs the entire back row for his legs so like when you get on the plane you have to just kind of duck yeah like the ceiling is at my shoulders like I feel the ceiling on my shoulders oh my what so you're like bending over you got the world record for the tallest teenager yeah when they measured me I was 13 and it was 73 oh that was totally through my kindergarten team wait what oh my gosh I mean dude I have to look straight up it's like looking at a building even the hotel room we got for him was too small his head was only a couple inches from the ceiling how do you sleep on the bed die for sure you're just sitting up and your legs are already to the end of it that's crazy so this hotel bathroom isn't really big enough no not really not really I mean the shower head is going to be hitting your chest for the most part right yeah pretty much oh my gosh oh my god dude oh my gosh yo what's your shoe size 18 185 that's literally more than I'm an eight you can't just go to the store and get shoes or get a shirt or get pants you have to custom order everything pretty much WoW D you should try on his jacket all right oh my God it's to my knees my arms are like right here I got some more Gro to do before I fit into this so the small the medium and the large after we went back to my house where I introduced Brandon to some of my friends come on out oh my God this is a man who ate his veggies growing up holy CRA it's like two of meents my mom's 54 no my dad's 5'8 what what are some of the most asked questions that people ask you I know where you're going I know where you're going with this too BR so people always ask can have a big Brandon was also kind enough to give me prints of his own handmade drawings which were insanely detailed holy crap you are talented and ironically he also said he was good at mini golf so we had to put that to the test goon there are so many people here taking pictures with Brandon it's crazy all right Brandon how you liking it so far we couldn't go normal golfing I mean I thought the mini golfing was going to be fun they like you more than Drew because I'm small what the hell after we stopped by Walmart where he was getting even more attention wow do you know where Brendan is where is he I you don't see him I see him I see him oh I see him yo Brandon hey we're over here you can see him over the freaking aisle you can literally find him anywhere in the store he's that tall his head peeps right over it yo Brandon do the thing what stop Brandon stop bro try to get it now Drew I can't reach it thanks a lot Brandon nice job Brandon nice job so it's obvious that you can grab stuff off the top shelf right but can you grab stuff off the lower shelf cuz I know that I can but I can be best okay that's what you get Drew why do you try to beef with him he's taller than you I don't know I think I'm just jealous and then we tried shopping for clothes but even their biggest items were too small seeing you and hearing your story like it's super inspiring but you're a dreamer that was the first tattoo that I ever got Dre Big B as long as you know what you want anybody can get it as long as you work towards it and he told us he's currently selling his drawings to pay for his dream car that can actually fit him I just need to pay for the materials and stuff we're inspired by your story and so I want to help you pay for that I have $2,500 for you are you serious dude yeah so you can help pay that and then you can finally have the carve your dreams this is exactly what I need to have it done so dude I can't take you enough these two individuals have dreamt so big and have accomplished so much despite their height it really was inspiring but there was one thing left to do all right so you guys have met Brendan and you guys have also met geod and now I think it's time to bring them together to meet each other oh my God oh my God she is staying straight up and he's staying straight down geod meet Brendan hi and Brendon meet geod look at the hand size comparison my gosh that's crazy so last month my friends went up against some of the most talented kids in the entire world yeah we know how that went oh yeah that was just embarrassing it wasn't good so today we have a new batch of kids that are even more talented and some of the biggest child prodigies in the entire world why I just love to embarrass you guys guys you guys are probably wondering why you're all here yeah I'm scared what's going on BR hey holy crap hey this is Kane he's only 14 years old and is a three-time world renown champion in karate Jiu-Jitsu and kickboxing he is literally The Karate Kid all right Kane show us what you got oh oh oh I have all my fingers still good can we see how big this sword is compared to Drew's head I don't trust look how big that is what the hell is that the whip I don't want the whip oh my God oh my gosh what is going oh my God okay where does he keep getting all these weapons I don't know SAR oh my gosh are you guys ready to start training we ready for you to leave going up against me no we're not oh my God we're ready to fight to warm up our strength we're going to be breaking a slab of wood yo why am I holding this oh yo was that supposed to hurt my hand it seems pretty easy to me oh oh my God you're bleeding what you did to me kanen oh oh my God all right Lexi that means you're up boy come okay come who was the best Lexi I think he's just trying to flirt with Lexi exactly we know what you're doing all right so now you guys are going to go oneon-one against Kane here here wa I never agreed to this well you didn't agree to a lot of things true but we're here okay are you true you're up first I'm not going to fight a 14year old I'm 15 oh wait w oh what the hey man I feel like we've been really good friends so far right oh my God I'm sick of you making a fool out of me and Jeremy so I want to give it another go true that's not goodidea step aside that's not a good idea oh my god oh away from me oh my god oh oh no I'm starting to not like you never liked you in the first place oh my God and if he wasn't intimidating our next Prodigy is one of the most talented kid gymnast in the nation this is Salish and she's only 13 years old when did you start that was two I could even walk it to Ben can't even walk now hold up what am I doing right now okay you guys can wear these oh my god look how small it is compared to my body you realize this is not going to make us any better at gymnastics right I know it's just going to embarrass you even more right sish yeah perfect oh my gosh my outfit's so tight I can barely breathe I like the back of Drew you know Ben you might want to work on this a little what's first I think we should stretch first get you guys warmed up all right guys run you're going to sit like this okay and then hereon you're going to sit right here lean back really far now you have to bring it up bring it up bring it up and get I will not be taking part in that stretch with Drew all right guys now let's do floor let's do some tumbling Drew is actually really good at tumbling I can tumble oh Jesus oh my God didn't you tumble into Brent's DMS one day oh pretty good the only thing is you didn't go you went Ben do you think you can do better than that nope oh you got some potential she's good at gymnastics and she's good at lying I think you should give Pearson a hug and a kiss just in case just in case what I'll see you later it's nice knowing you I don't like this try oh that was the best one that was the best one she had the good form okay they're just teaming up on me at this point all right guys let's do back hand spring w w you flip out of it oh oh w wow that's pretty good oh oh my gosh what is happening I think it was a little better than Ben let's go let's try beam now there's more you guys have to copy this routine okay okay easy oh ow ow okay okay going remember all this w w so before I go any advice yeah don't fall oh yeah come on you got this W oh oh oh oh I thought he had it oh that was not a Dismount oh oh guys I don't do gymnastics okay yeah we know Ser made Ben look like a pro yeah seriously oh I'm off the balance beam for now from the balance beam to the ice skating rink my friends were being shown up by kids half their age all right so guys this is Elena she's 11 years old and one of the best figure skaters in the entire world oh God are you going to show my friends up today yeah oh yo I'm scared dude I'm scared too me and ice skating don't go well okay guys let's get dressed dress why'd she laugh when she said that dressed into what what are we wearing bro how do they look awesome they look awesome I don't feel very awesome Li what are you wearing Safety First kids I think we're to give some tricks a try okay she's ready and we're not so you bend your knees and you P so what's this one called Swizzles Swizzles okay look cool no you guys look ridiculous oh oh that doesn't seem that hard it may not seem that hard but I know it's going to be all right Drew try it [Music] out my God I good all right I think it's time for me to give this a try here we go okay I guess that was pretty bad what let's pair up and do some performances I live she's so bad she's good in my eyes are you guys ready for our performance I am so excited to see this oh wow painful to watch there's no way okay okay that was kind of impressive what's our rating probably five out of 10 that's prettyy good five out of 10 you know you guys are not beating that that so I'm not even worried yeah good luck Drew and L I'm confused on why I'm the only one with a costume yeah wait what are you wearing I'm Elsa Frozen three 2 1 go oh spinning oh now we're just do circles oh Li you messed up the routine oh you messed it up no you tripping dude what is happening they're falling apart all right SOA what is their score oh my god get me off the ice after all that I get a three out of 10 so that means that Dom and I win the skating competition damn I'm wearing a dress and I'm a loser this is the last trick oh my God we are not doing that way I can do it no you can't Drew this is not a smart idea Drew no Drew oh Anna Anna are you okay no I'm not okay was over everybody nothing to see here all right Brandon I'll see you soon our next Prodigy is Chase he's the youngest to win two championships in scootering and has been only doing it for 5 years my friends are not going to be expecting this okay so chase you were telling me that there's an extreme trick you want to try right yeah this one's for you Lexi for me hit on her y chill what do you even call that Lexi are you impressed yet I am impressed but I mean that was still weird I say chase that they give it a try now what do you say yeah dude he's just trying to hurt us okay so we'll start off easy what do you that doesn't look easy you got this sh I believe in you we try it all right here we go oh dude I slot my ankle so hard that's like my worst fear as a kid that was embarrassing thanks Jason you're going to need this Ben Safety First doesn't even fit I can't even Buckle it oh that's how you do it good luck that doesn't really help me between me and you do you think Ben's going to be able to do this I think he's going to fall and it's going to be really funny go Ben oh oh bro the helmet fell off before I even started what you what do you think Chase I think he's very bad oh my God I'm not doing that just don't hit your ankle I can't promise you that I don't know ouch I'm in pain I think we know what this means right Chase it's Lexi's turn no okay I'm ready I have my scooter oh my god do it like this oh wait you're getting on here with me wait what when you're 14 and have to pick her up on a scooter seriously like all right so right now we are here at the gym I know you guys have been looking for a personal trainer so I found a personal trainer for you guys oh really are you guys ready to meet her her yeah her oh let's go all right open your eyes in three 2 1 oh my wait what how old are you I'm nine is she even of aged to be a trainer of course I am this is Brody she is one of the strongest girls in the entire world and can lift triple her weight that doesn't even make sense she is second in the world for Jiu-Jitsu and is on track to be an Olympic weightlifter wow show us what you got I'm totally ready oh my God first we're going to do a snatch oh my God yeah beautiful all right Liv you're up next girl power go all right so we're going to do the split First Step you're just going to drop down make sure your legs are straight I like how the first step was just do it oh I can't do it oh my am I almost what are you doing all right I think that's enough uh no it's not you thought we were just getting started just getting started what's going on oh oh oh I feel like I can do that oh oh oh holy crap [Music] oh all right so birie what do we have next we're going to do a pistol jump oh oh my god oh no that was close that was really good dude I did it oh let's go why are he all so hard this is 115 lb this wait how much do you weigh I weigh 70 you're going to be lifting almost double your weight yeah oh wait why Look So Easy looks so easy yeah a lot of weight I don't know how she lifted this okay okay so we're going to do some Jiu-Jitsu but I need a volunteer yeah you me what so you're going to get in your scarecrow oh oh my go oh she broke my arm how you feeling Drew not good why am I doing this cry baby going tap all right uh it's you next oh actually I was just um I know I really just have to grab something from the back oh my God okay okay okay now we're going to do some arm wrestling are youall ready oh oh my God that's it get her off get it got got this all right Dom you got this you think so no go Dom you hurt her I just wanted to say best girl scream of the day okay since you beat us at pretty pretty much everything we want to see what it would look like if you went against the strongest guy in the world so we have him here for you to arm wrestle him I want you well the problem is you can't even get the shirt off look at these muscles this is scary oh table she's demanding 3 2 1 go oh my God it's time to go home BR I don't want to be here Go's go let's go let's go my God my over dramatic people need to die just kidding I'm being over dramatic what's up everyone and welcome back to my YouTube channel hope you guys are having a great day and a great week so today I'm going to be talking about over dramatic people okay anyways we all have that over dramatic friend and if you don't have that friend then you probably are that friend no offense over traumatic friends will take the smallest things and just blow them out of proportion like a sneeze for example [Applause] CH oh my gosh wo over traumatic friends will tell you a story but it will be completely different than what actually happened I bombed this test I'm not going to go to college might as well kiss goodbye to my scholarships it's over it is over it's over it's over all right I'm going passing back your tests um Stacy there you [Applause] [Music] go so someone tried to run me over today yeah it was this close I almost died oh my God got killed I think my boyfriend is cheating on me oh my gosh Jessica my boyfriend Brent just liked another girl's picture who is she I don't know her name is Lexie that's his sister are you kidding me I deserve better break out do you know what it's like do you know what it's like to drown I experienced that today Mom I think me and my girlfriend are breaking up we've been getting in a lot of heated arguments lately it's been really bad I don't even know who she is anymore hey babe can I use the charger I'm at 1% nope sorry honey using it it's over over dramatic people will take everything to the extreme and then take it to the extreme of the extreme oh my gosh it took Jeremy 3 Hours 27 minutes and 4 seconds to text me back looks like I'm waiting 3 Hours 27 minutes and 5 Seconds to text him back you do it girl do what you got to do you know and sometimes you know here and there I'm over dramatic I knew it I knew it my crush Jessica absolutely hates me now why she she will not respond to my text she's ignoring me it's been a whole 27 seconds really Brent ever since we met 3 days ago it's been perfect I thought she was the one I thought she was the one until she does this like how could she do this to me oh she texted me it's all good now thanks Mason you know usually overdramatic people seek attention and that's why they are over dramatic wait wait a minut [Music] you okay yall good are you dead what he's only 10 years old too oh my God oh my God they're fighting oh my God all right so we are here with Kenyan guys and he brought five massive foam machines and we're going to fill up this entire backyard with foam what basically we shoot soapy water underneath this fabric right here and then it just shoots out a bunch of foam 3 2 1 shoot the fo oh my God no way yo wait what I've never seen anything like this I am inside foam right now this is nut how does it feel it feels so cool I'm right here our entire pool is covered with foam this is insane we need to go check out over there wait Drew Drew Drew Drew Drew oh my I forgot the fool was here oh my God how are we going to get rid of all this phone you know what I haven't really thought about that yet what did you do to the house it's literally the world's biggest bubble bath so the girls have mentioned that they haven't really been in the holiday spirit it is 7:00 a.m. right now and we're going to wake them up with a bunch of Christmas Carolin yeah it's literally like an alarm clock but better We wish you a merry Christmas you a Merry Christmas and a good morning Pearson friend I'm not wearing pants and there's a million people in my room you said you weren't in the holiday spirit so I decided I did say that you know what I totally agree with this but how about when I'm not waking uple all the way so right now we're going to wake up my sister Lexi with BS of H good morning Lexi Lexi you said you were in the Christmas spirit so does this help no this makes it wor so as you guys know our second annual Christmas party is tonight so I have a little surprise for you guys turn around in 3 2 1 no that's actually so cool what happen K last night pear pear that was so fun can I go again yeah Ben your foot's broken you know what I don't care my leg's fine I landed that so this is what a regular house looks like in California and this is what my house looks like in Cali California why is it snow yellow ew Ben what the heck I had to go all right guys so right now we're about to do a snowball fight are you guys ready are you guys ready yeah go my hands are so cold literally there's so much snow going everywhere Lexi why aren you playing cuz I think I got shot so D do you like the snow park I do except for the fact I'm freezing right now it's really cold I missed all right guys welcome to the Christmas [Music] party look at how cute where's Jeremy okay guys so basically we said it was an ugly Christmas sweater party but Jeremy doesn't know that we're all wearing ugly Christmas sweaters with his face on it Jeremy Jeremy oh you got the memo you wor an ugly Christmas sweater what we did too wow do you like our sweaters I actually do like our sweaters whoever that is is pretty attractive come on oh oh oh oh oh the jbre houses are looking good almost there oh my God I had to make sure mine was better you know what oh my God all right so right now we're going to play the gift game you guys ready let's do it nose shoulders gift Lei wanted these so bad this feels so good about toes head gift hey you just want a sign picture of me thank you br wait I could sell this for a million dollars now no you can't it's like a dollar but shoulders head get oh crap $200 all right so guys since Ben is a little injured this year Drew here is going to do the honor no what so Pearson oh my God that's AOE Pearson what does that mean can I get a kiss on the cheek no no no no so you guys have been hitting the gym lately right yeah man you guys think you're so strong and you're not and I feel like I want to put you guys in your place so I have someone here to challenge you guys right now who dude me who else do you think who the hell is this guy what so this is he's only 10 years old too Brent stop wasting our time what's going all right so nll they've been going to the gym a lot lately uh are you sure about that like like not going to the gym let's say this for the challenge okay so the first challenge we're about to do is an arm wrestle are you guys ready I've been ready Brent come on if he actually beats Andrew I'm going to be so impressed three two one oh come on come on oh my God stop stop stop cheating what all right so next we're going to see who can do more one arm push-ups Jeremy versus nidal you guys ready yeah you got this let's go 3 2 1 go go come on come on bro come on you got this dude what oh my oh my God how do you do that how do you actually do that I actually to gym you don't all right so now we're at the gymnastics gym and the next challenge is who can do the best flip Andrew you're first all right all right here we go come on Andrew oh oh forgot your shoe bro all right you got it bro come on go go all right so Jeremy you're up next I don't think he can do it cuz he weighs too much he's super fat so he what to say yes I'm sorry but no wonder why Katie broke up with you all right so nidal is up next are you ready yes okay I didn't expect that all right so the winner of that challenge is definitely need all okay guys do not be worried but I'm going to flip over all three of you plans on us no no no no no 3 2 1 oh my God he literally took Andrew's beanie all right so next we have the climbing the Rope challenge yes oh Andrew get up there fast bro oh my hands bro they're just like falling off oh my gosh oh my God he's so high oh he reached the top oh I think we definitely lost this one guys sadly I'm glad you guys are finally admitting it so now it's time to see who has the best trick on the trampoline I'm feeling confident about this one okay oh wait what [Music] that hey yo we're just going to give up right here we're out of here here you guys aren't going to be super cocky now about being the strongest ones in the group right well if you don't bring Spider-Man then yeah it is taking me 3 hours to do this and this is the final cup are you ready BR okay I'm ready can barely be careful oh my God oh my God I don't even know what to say right now true start seconding cups again [Applause] oh
Channel: Brent Rivera Top Videos
Views: 933,719
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: brent rivera, competitions, vlog, myths, challenges
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 43sec (2383 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 14 2024
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