BEST PC Settings for Avatar Frontiers of Pandora! (Maximize FPS & Visibility)

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hi everybody this is kef your favorite French Canadian today I'm going to show you how to boost your FPS in Avatar Frontier of Pandora so we're going to start by optimizing Windows after that we're going to go inside of the game a lot of different parameters and I'm going to close it with a comment that you can add in Ubisoft to unlock a new Mac setting to to have a better game but it will tank your resources so now the best setting for Windows for gaming so first of all we're going to search for game mode in the search bar make sure that game mode is activated for the past like year it's pretty good uh you're getting a a decent performance and you're going to make sure that all your resources are focused on the game that you're playing for the Xbox game bar I still recommend to deactivate this one causing stuttering crashing in some games so I'm not a huge fan of the Xbox game bar and for the capture make sure that the background recording is at off and also the record recorded audio is at off another thing that I recommend it's the hardware accelerated GPU scheduling make sure that you're searching for graphics setting you will need an Nvidia card 1,000 series or more recent it will really help with bottleneck so if you have a 1050 1050 TI 1060 even the 2060 you can expect a nice 2 to 5% boost and also you can expect like less stuttering when you're using that so I really recommend to use that another thing that is really important it's your driver make sure that you have the latest driver from a AMD Nvidia even intel if you have an igpu on your processor um so for example here with AMD you just click check for update and you're going to show you if you have the latest one you can do the same thing with Nvidia another thing that I can recommend with the um Nvidia and AMD they have an image scaling uh for the past like a couple of month um for from AMD it's called super resolution and for NVIDIA it's NIS I have dedicated video who's going to like show you how to use that you how to configure it but to explain you quickly what it's about uh so you need to enable this so for example I'm playing uh in 2K because my monitor is in 2K I'm going inside of my game I lower the resolution at 1080P and the software will scale it back at 2K and with this process I can save like 15 20% in my FPS also you can do it if you have like a 4K man and you want to do 1080p or 2K uh you can expect a nice boost the image quality will not be the same if you compare with Native but in some game it's working very well and you it's very tough to see the difference so I I recommend to to use it if you're struggling with your FPS so if you have an Nvidia card just go on your Nvidia setting go to control panel open it go to manage 3D setting and just use pretty much the setting that I'm currently using honestly they're pretty much default so the first one that you need to change is your low latency mode if if you have this technology make sure that it's at on the other one is your if you want to lock your FPS uh for an example you have like a 170 HZ Monitor and you want to stay in your gsync R uh range sorry you just put your uh FPS here at like something like 167 something like that you want to be under 170 HZ to always stay in your g-sync range so if you want to do that it will do that for all your game it's a global setting over there so I'm going to unlock it and this is pretty much it if you have access to the change ECC State I recommend to uncheck it this will slow your vram so you don't want to use that for change resolution make sure that you're playing native so you're if you have a 2K monitor go with 2K if you have a 1080p monitor go with 1080P and super important look at your refresh rate a lot of people are missing this step they buy like a new screen and by default it's at 60 so use the uh maximum ref refresh rate that is available on your uh monitor the last parameter will be your gsync so I recommend if you want to use g-sync I recommend to first of all you need to enable it and I recommend to use the enable for window and full screen so if you're playing a game like in borderless mode it will be applied also you can select just one uh display screen depending on whatever if if your second screen is not compatible with gsync you will just push it to one monitor uh me I'm not using it I have a 40 I9 KN uh for my GPU so I just want to unlock my FPS so in majority of the game I'm getting like 250 FPS and um my monitor refresh rate is at 170 htz so I just want to lower my input lag so that's why I just unlock everything but it really depend on your situation so this is pretty much it for NVIDIA another thing that I recommend it's your energy profile so write energy in your search bar go to Power option make sure that you're running something like balance or eye performance um on a desktop computer it should not be an issue but if you're playing on a laptop really make sure that you using that or a special profile for performance uh from your brand like Asus or whatever the thing is sometimes when you plug your uh PC in the wall unplug using it with the battery sometime it stay at power saver and you don't want to use that when you're playing a game so super important to be plugged in and also uh to use a proper uh performance profile another thing that I can recommend it's the intelligence stand Buist cleaner this is a software made by the guy from ddu um it's it's pretty amazing honestly um it will help if you don't have a lot of ram in your PC so if you have 4 gig of RAM 8 gig 12 gig uh after that you should be fine Windows is doing the job properly so it will free memory and it's going to make sure that it optimize your standby list so what I recommend normally it's look at your total memory here in my case it's 32 just divided by two so for me it's 16 just press start and it will run automatically and you just lower the software like that and you're going to make sure it's optimized so it's a really good software and also it helps a little bit with uh stuttering so I really recommend to use that one last thing is um I have dedicated video on my Channel about overclocking CPU overclocking GPU depending on your brand and stuff and it's pretty good because it there are basic overclocking guide I don't touch voltage so it's pretty safe you can sometime 2% to 10% boost in your FPS depending on your termo depending on your component but it's it's something that you need to look at too if you want to optimize your PC um for the best performance so now let's go inside of the game so now inside of the game so first of all Window mode make sure that you're playing full full screen a border less seem to cause like starter ring and random drop with your FPS so super important to do that make sure that you're playing native with your ashek ratio same thing with your resolution make sure that you're playing native you don't want to down scale downgrade your resolution you want to use uh some upscaler I'm going to tell you a little bit later uh resolution yeah exactly so refresh rate make sure that you're playing native Again by default mine was at 60 it's a bit weird because my monitor is 240 Herz so also make sure that you have the proper one after that for temporal upscaler you have the one native Native from the engine the ening like this you have the uh FSR Tre and the dlss so let's start to talk a little bit about it the big difference between FSR Tre in this game and dlss first of all with dlss normally you will have three to four FPS more than your FSR FSR look a little bit more sharper uh it's a bit weird normally you have a slider in games when you use FSR or dlss to adjust your uh sharpness uh it's not the case in here and the weird thing is uh I'm pretty sure it's a exclusive deal with AMD and UB Ubisoft but you can't use the frame generation with d LSS so if you want to use it you will need to use FSR Tre and put this one at on I want to mention something about the frame generation with FSR 3 it's pretty new so first of all it doesn't work if you're using some overlay like MSI After Burner uh it will not work so if you have question right now and you didn't know why it was because of that also when I stream when I use my OBS and I'm in game capture it seems to cause a lot of issue in put lag after a couple of like 15 20 minutes I'm starting to to to lag like I see my FPS it's at 120 but it feels like 60 or 70 some weird stuff is happening with the frame generation in this game so I'm not sure it's because maybe I have an Nvidia card and it's it's not fixed I know it's a new technology but it's not working well for me with my 4090 so uh I want to mention that if you're not using any recording device any overlay and stuff like that that normally it's pretty good you can get a nice 30% boost with frame generation but honestly me I really like to just play with my dlss I don't use the frame generation I feel like my game is a lot more snappier uh so that's why I'm using the dlss because I've have an RTX card but honestly you can use FSR Tre it's working very great and also definitely test the frame generation if you're struggling with your FPS for the scaling quality normally I always recommend to go with ultra quality but honestly in this game you're not getting a big boost with ultra quality and I did the comparison between quality and Ultra quality and it's not a huge difference and with quality you're going to get 12% more FPS than Ultra so definitely go with quality for Avatar also to make sure that your uh FSR or dlss is working make sure that your scaling mode is at fix I'm not using any vsync I don't want to add any input lag but again you can use other technology like free sync gsync or even you can activate your vsync if you want it's not a huge deal and the frame rate limit you can definitely lock your FPS if you're struggling um with thermos and stuff like that also I saw a couple of people um and I did the test they were limiting the FPS with the frame generation so for example if you're playing the game and you're always around 100 FPS they just log their FPS at 100 and frame generation was a lot smoother uh so if you're getting like some 170 120 190 and you have a big fluctuation in your FPS it seems to cause an issue with frame generation so anyway I'm pretty sure they're going to patch it and they're going to improve it so for Quality now uh for the graphic first of all motion blur deactivate that you don't want to use this depa field dis activate also you can expect 2% boost in your FPS after that you have the shadow portion over there and it's pretty huge so my recommendation is go with medium for the quality low medium and medium and dis activate the shadow proxy you can expect 20% boost over there so it's pretty huge uh and also it really depends on your computer right now and what is your goal do you want like IPS because you have an high refresh rate monitor so my first recommendation is really start with the upscaler look at your FPS if it's fine don't touch your graphics start maybe at ey or something like that and if it's not fine definitely adjust like I'm going to tell you it will help you a lot for your FPS after that you have the reflection part uh I recommend to go with specular reflection at low diffus reflection low and environment reflection quality definitely you can run in at eye here you're going to have like a 6 to 8% boost in your FPS but it will stabilize your FPS you will have a lot less drop depending on what you're looking in the map so it will help a lot for uh to stabilize your FPS volumetric effect it's pretty much the second parameter after shadow that will provide you the most of your FPS I don't recommend to put it at low or very low something like that because the game looks very very flat so my recommendation is go with medium so if I compare the ultra to medium you can expect a nice 15 to 16% boost in your FPS if you combine the volumetric fot with the cloud one so super important to use that and you will have a decent image quality for the world detail extra streaming distance go with zero object DET detail 8 to 12 depending on where you are right now if it's running great or not bvh quality you can definitely run I uh mro detail quality I recommend medium you will have a nice 5% boost in your FPS particle quality this one really depend if you're looking at particle and you're dropping like crazy in your FPS go with low if not definitely go with medium scatter quanti density you can go with medium you can expect a nice 5% boost over there did fade go with on like it's almost plaso I just saw like one% difference sometimes sometimes not so definitely go with on Spotlight projection go with 250 destruction quality medium and tation you can definitely go at I if you have a very old radiant car definitely go with medium but you should be fine with I with Teran uh distillation really important to look at your vram over there so this is your max vram this is the ram that the game will consume so always have like 10 to 15% empty to just make sure everything is running great also if you have a very very good computer you have a Mac setting that it will not be activated when you're going to play the game so you will need to add a common in your Ubisoft launcher so let's look at this so in your game you will click the dot over there go to properties you can put this uh launch uh argument so uh unlock Max setting I'm going to put that in my video description so you will have a new setting called Max setting and honestly the games look very nice with it but I have a 490 with a 7,800 x3d and with dlss I'm around like 70 75 FPS in 2K so 1440p uh so it's taking a lot of resources but if you want to test it you can definitely add it on your launcher so that's about it guys if you have any question about this guy just comment in the YouTube section post me your rig CPU GPU and RAM I will try to help you the best that I can and don't forget to subscribe to the channel peace
Channel: Kephren
Views: 4,828
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Keywords: boost fps, avatar frontiers of pandora, rtx 4090, avatar rtx 4090, avatar frontiers of pandora rtx 4090, avatar frontiers of pandora 60fps, avatar frontiers of pandora graphics, avatar frontiers of pandora pc, avatar frontiers of pandora boost fps, boost fps avatar frontiers of pandora, optimization guide avatar frontiers of pandora
Id: vcS4CiVN3WI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 24sec (864 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 10 2023
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