BEST PS5 Settings for FF7 Rebirth! (Maximize FPS & Visibility)

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hi everybody this is kef your favorite French Canadian today I'm going to give you the best setting for Final Fantasy 7 rebirth so we're going to start by the setting of your PS5 and after that we will go inside of the game so for your PS5 we're going to go to screen and video and we're going to start with the resolution so resolution normally automatic should be fine but depending on your monitor or uh your TV sometimes you can have some weird issue for example you're playing on a 1440p monitor and uh you in automatic it's playing at 1080P and you don't know why so just set it manually to the resolution that you want to play if you always play 4K honestly just go with 4K I recommend to put the VR at automatic make sure that your monitor or TV is compatible uh don't check the apply to unsupport game it cause a lot of issue honestly the 120 Herz let it at automatic I want to mention if you're playing on a 4k monitor or 4K TV you will need an HDMI 2.1 to run 120 HZ and and 4K uh but if you don't have that you can play at uh 1440p with 120 HZ with an HDMI 2.0 so it really depend on your monitor and TV allm I recommend to go automatic 4K video transferred automatic if you want to capture your console and you have a black screen and you don't know why it's probably because you're using an old capture card and you will need to put minus two and normally it will work with old Elgato capture but if you have something reset like an HD 60x or the new 4k 1 at automatic you should be fine HDR normally I always put always on or on when support it it's almost the same you don't have any auto HDR uh in the PS5 so normally it will work when uh it's uh available for the game I also recommend to put your deep color output at automatic you need to use that to make sure that your HDR work and also make sure that on your HD DMI the Deep color is activated I had that issue on my lgc7 uh an old TV my HDMI tree didn't add like the uh the Deep color output was disabled so that's why my HDR was not working so make sure that it's activated adjust HDR I really recommend to do that also if you have a brand new monitor brand new TV just make sure that you adjust your HDR it's pretty simple just follow the the steps and you will have a better HDR and a better accuracy when you're playing the game and the last one is the RGB range I recommend to go with automatic now we will go inside of the game let go back to the game so you just have two option in Final Fantasy 7 uh I would like to have something like a god of war or Spider-Man 2 that you can play like 120 Herz mode but with the graphic option so we're going to start to talk about graphic first uh it targets 4K and it's a dynamic resolution it also used temp par Rec reconstruction uh they kind of Hit the 4K a lot of time you will see that your resolution is in 4k and you will have 30 FPS that's the issue this is the target for your FPS and uh the game looks great but normally I always use the performance um setup because I always want to play my game at 60 but in this game performance mode right now is pretty blurry honestly i' never seen that in any other performance mode it's pretty bad it's using again the temporal reconstruction it's a dynamic resolution it's between like 1, 188p to uh 162p but honestly average you're going to play at 1440p the resolution is not the problem it's all the other parameter like view distance anisotropic filtering and stuff like that the game looks very blurry so right now I'm playing at graphic I'm trying to be too used to at the 30 FPS it's not that bad honestly I think I'm GNA play the game with the graphic I recommend to test both but you will see don't it's not your TV or the monitor the problem if you feel that performance is very blurry it's the game I hope they going to patch it but right now my recommendation is go with graphic performance for me is to blurry to play at 60 FPS so that's about it guys for my Final Fantasy 7 rebirth uh guide if you have any question just comment in the YouTube section post me any question or comment and I will try to help you the best that I can and don't forget to subscribe to the channel peace
Channel: Kephren
Views: 4,418
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ff7 rebirth, ff7 remake, ffvii remake, guide ff7 rebirth, best settings ff7 rebirth, hdr settings ff7 rebirth, ff7 rebirth graphic, ff7 rebirth performance, ps5 performance, ps5 graphic, best settings ff7 rebirth blurry, final fantasy, final fantasy 7 rebirth demo, final fantasy 7, final fantasy vii rebirth, playstation 5
Id: eaqWYdnPYCk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 35sec (275 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 07 2024
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