Best of Seth Andrews Amazing Arguments And Clever Comebacks Part 1

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I'm so excited to be able to introduce your next speaker on I'm a huge fan of his I really am the guy's amazing I'm jealous of not only his height but it is absolutely stunning good looks and golden sexy voice I just want to go ahead and say before he has to he is not known as he thinking if he goes the podcast called the thinking ladies and gentlemen my friend steppers thank you and good night I did a radio for a lot of years and on both sides of the dial folks I remember when I would and you know this feeling when you hear a song for the first time and it's it's really interesting right you hear it for the first time and you say hey that's catchy different I really enjoy that I'd listen to it again and then the radio station plays the song day after day after week after week until the biggest hits become the biggest shits you feel me you know exactly what I'm talking about and then you go oh click and you shut off I want to hear that one again a recent example for me was the song by Adele Someone Like You right comes on the radio that's different kinda nice hadn't heard anything quite like it and then the Chinese water torture a freaking corporate radio made me hate it until finally the next time it plays great song turn it up turns to please kill me this is a conditioned response right cue 102 fm 75 degrees today on our way to a high of 92 chance of showers by the weekend and coming up next it's Adele Someone Like You slick that's exactly how I feel lately about the broken record arguments that I've been hearing on my website everywhere else they were interesting the first few dozen times but they've been played to death right they weren't all that great to begin with anybody realized lately do you feel extra cognizant of the types of things you are hearing over and over and over again that have long been debunk q102 FM 71 degrees today on our way to a high of 92 chance of showers by the weekend and coming up next it's Ken Ham my granddaddy wasn't no monkey slick followed by evolution it's just a theory the god of the gaps it takes more faith to be an atheist teach the controversy you were never a true Christian to begin with you took it out of context I had a personal experience with Jesus I was on the deathbed deathbed I was lying there on the gurney and I floated up above my body and I heard exactly what the doctors were saying and I know what the nurses in the hallway were saying and no one else could have told me what they said when I came back to my body I remembered every single thing word-for-word and you can't tell me it didn't happen anybody heard a story like that what do you do with it okay uh you're better safe than sorry Pascal's wasted there's little blaze for you how did something come from nothing the eye is too complex to have of all scientists X believes in God and here's a copy of his book I suggest you read it the Bible tells me so all belief systems deserve respect America was founded as a Christian nation hey they found Noah's Ark hey there are no atheists in foxholes if it's not true how come it's been around thousands and thousands of years ignore the Old Testament read the New Testaments where do you get your morals from with a special bonus track Hitler you killed God because you wish to be gods it's not a religion it's a relationship Darwin had a deathbed conversion don't you know there are no transitional fossils proof he doesn't exist why are you doing for someone who doesn't believe in God you sure talked about him an awful lot you must be obsessed are you obsessed I think you've got a guilty conscience tell me you've heard this one before and I'm not the only one and you had to help me out with this one you may not believe in him but he coming up next on q102 it is numbing it is exhausting to see my former faith which is Christianity right constantly being defended with arguments that are not just demonstrably wrong but they have been long refuted and everybody who comes at me acts like their the first person that come up with it now we're in the information age right it's become so much easier to get a hold of information that's probably a common thread I've heard throughout the day today is the Internet the internet the internet the internet the Internet it's absolutely true you know how I found out that there were opposing opinions opposing arguments you realize what cracked the bubble is Teresa set for me I was browsing the internet found a video by Christopher Hitchens if it had not been for the Internet I would have never heard someone challenged my god the Christian God any God with such ferocity with such passion and with such well-defended arguments I have never heard it now I'm all about ideas my friends I really am and I want to live in a world filled with ideas especially good ones but bad ideas abound and we as skeptics are far from immune to bad ideas many in our culture have declared that all religious people are stupid they use hugely horribly unhelpful terms like crea and religious hard I just ache in my bones when I hear somebody well woody what a completely unproductive way of approaching religious belief right makes us feel superior get a chance to strut around and be right what have we accomplished I had somebody send this to me on Facebook that atheist a thoughtful honest ethical intelligent skeptical thinker oh I wish that was true oh I wish it was always true but the person who sent me this has not seen my Inbox right I've got anti-vaxxer atheists homeopathy atheist I've got Illuminati atheists global conspiracies the faking of the moon landing ghosts are as little green men you name it atheist right they reject a belief in God it doesn't mean that they came to non-belief rationally and doesn't say really a whole lot about what they might be thinking or how rational they are in the rest of their lives just means they don't believe in God period we have to go deeper there's a phenomenon called Spinoza's conjecture named after the 17th century Dutch philosopher Benedict Spinoza that says it's actually harder to reject ideas than to accept them right the mere comprehension is sort of step one it entails the tacit acceptance of it being true we understand it so it's easier to sort of set in stone and then analyzing and vetting and potentially rejecting it well that's a whole other step it's harder to be a skeptic tired repetitive unoriginal old hackneyed arguments they're like the old original unoriginal songs we used to hear on the radio day after day hour after hour week after week until we beg them please would you just play something else please but all right just for a second and I realize we're in a room full of skeptics but you and I are going to speak for this occasion just rhetorically to the religious who have come to us and play this particular playlist one more time dear Christian it does not take more faith to be an atheist because an evidence-based approach to living does not regard intuition assumption gut feelings goosebumps hairs on the back of your neck dreams visions premonitions voices or wish thinking to be a credible method for determining what is true there is no no context of Scripture in which stories about talking donkeys nine hundred year old humans curses levitation flying chariots of fire floating zoos demon pigs and supermen who gain strength from the length of their hair are anything but ridiculous no context no context you possibly justify Yahweh's endorsement of slavery torture infanticide kidnapping rape and human sacrifice if you take a Fire Insurance position the Pascal's wager position and say you want to believe in God just in case think about what you just said you either don't really believe and you don't think God can tell the difference which makes him clueless and not at all omniscient the eye has clearly evolved in the various stages of evolved eyes can be observed even from today from the earliest stages featuring photosensitive cells to the pinhole eye of the novelist to the complex eye of the krill Charles Darwin himself spent pages discussing how the eye could evolve there are two terrific short videos that have helped to explain this again to lay people like ourselves who don't really operate on the higher tiers of scientific education we simply are learning as best we can in our own language and there's a couple of videos I really really like Sir Dayton David Attenborough's got one called the evolution of the I in the same name of one from Richard Dawkins I think he actually did one in the seventies and did an update of it three decades later if you think there are no atheists in foxholes you must not know the story of one of the most famous in history American history now I'm not parading his photo out in an attempt to capitalize on his tragic death obvious I'll tell you I get emails in podcast calls from people who are stationed across the planet in military services well outside of those of the United States even who serve their nations proudly and who are absolute atheists for the record the New Testament does not invalidate the Old Testament it affirms it do not think I've come to abolish the law of the prophets I've not come to abolish but to fulfill them that's Jesus Christ speaking Luke 1617 it's easier for heaven and earth to pass away than for the smallest part of the letter of the law to become invalid besides if the Old Testament is no longer relevant and the Bible is God's instruction book for living right why doesn't he update the damn thing and release Bible 2.0 when yet God's instructions to us is the world's greatest game of Where's Waldo please theists and Christians please stop using the word theory in an intellectually dishonest way anybody else sick of this it's just a theory scientific theories are not merely wild tales randomly plucked from the ass they are scientifically accepted general principles supported by evidence and observed facts the Oxford English Dictionary defines a theory in this context as a scheme or system of ideas or statements held as an explanation or account of a group of facts or phenomena a hypothesis that has been confirmed or established by observation or experiment and is propounded or accepted as a accounting for the known facts a statement of what are held to be the general laws principles or causes of something known or observed for your information all belief systems do not deserve respect please your worldview does not deserve respect just because you hold it besides ask yourself if you afford that same respect to someone of a different belief do Christians largely respect the belief of Mormons do Mormons respect the Muslim faith do Muslims respect the Catholic thing most religious people don't want all belief systems perspective they want their belief system respected by the way we atheists really think it's cute when Christians stand firmly on the story of a deity that impregnated a teenage girl so we could give birth to and then kill himself to rescue billions from the eternal torture that he created and then look over at the Joseph Smith story and go that's so dumb that's the dumbest thing on the river I take a harder line when it comes to my former faith anybody familiar with my work in my page knows I poke a lot of fun at Jesus Christ in the Bible and I take a lot of heat for it but I'll tell you personally I not only think mockery of religious doctrine is appropriate I think it's necessary in some instances it's necessary there's something else that the church has borrowed and has claimed ownership of and I'd like to address it if I may there are some who see a gathering of people like us in a place like this and they say that we're just being religious this is just Church you guys are just worshiping at the Church of whoever right the Church of Sam Harris Richard Dawkins you're worshiping at the Church of whoever the keynote is right you enjoy music communally you get together to hear messages and you are just acting religious you've just substituted one religion for another and I want to address that the idea that coming together as human beings to enjoy time to celebrate the support to challenge to connect to relate the idea that that belongs to the church is absolutely ludicrous we as human beings have behaved this way well before the construct of the church this is not a religious behavior it is a human behavior why wouldn't we get together why wouldn't we want to hang out why wouldn't we want to spend time why wouldn't we want a handshake and hug and laugh and cry and do all the things that people do and why are we surrendering ground to a church that says that they own the things that human beings do naturally and did well before the invention of the church this is who we are this is what we do we are humanity we are human beings I think it's time for us to stop apologizing and you can call it whatever you want you can call it assembly you can call it a convention you can call it a tour stop you can call it a party whatever now there may be some people who are more effective or better or happier doing it by themselves but I'm convinced that on the big stage in the big picture we're better together we one person throwing a pebble against the castle wall or we could be an army of hundreds and thousands United together against these damaging ideas that are out there that are infecting our society our history books our government our children's minds we're better together and honestly our lives are better when we interact and connect together the church doesn't get to borrow the idea of community and say it owns it it actually has to answer for the fact that it's claiming ownership of something that we do anyway and the truth is folks I spend a lot of my time in the studio with a single microphone you know in a few times a year I have the honor to be able to come out and actually have conversations and connect and hog and and laugh and I'll be riding this way for a month and I'll be riding this wave all the way back to town and then some because if you'll take the romantic connotation out of it you complete me and my life is better my life is better with you you in it and I would I'm honored that you've taken me and the show and the work that any of these activists and speakers have done into your own lives celebrate what we have together celebrate the life we have and share this life together without apology because that's what humanists are that's what humanists do and we'll continue to do it until the day we die thank you so very very much everybody
Channel: Agatan Foundation
Views: 161,690
Rating: 4.8847299 out of 5
Keywords: Seth Andrews, Best, Moments, of, arguments, clever, comebacks, part, Delivery, Atheism, Antitheism, Atheist, Religion, Debate, Philosophy, argument, funny, Science, great, nice, cool, Good, Fun, comeback, answer, anti-theist, anti, theist, intelligent, bright, smart, church, Islam, Christianity, Judaism, new, morality, god, islamism, extremism, amazing, Creationism, education, agatan, one, Catholicism, foundation, Secularism, Humanism, radio, thinking atheist
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 46sec (1186 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 13 2015
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