Best of Christopher Hitchens Amazing Arguments And Clever Comebacks Part 3

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that a person exists who would say now that i don't believe in god i'll stop giving money to charity i don't care anymore i don't know i don't think there is such a person and if that were so it would be a very strange religion that they've been professing who will organize good works why is it that in survey after survey religious people do give more and religious people watch less television and have used drugs less than alcohol this is what religion is downtown it has social utility very impressive to me okay often it's very often the first thing when it will debate with catholics they always change the subject to charity right away with jews it's usually a little later you just say that they and with muslims and with muslims and with muslims it's it's all the time because what what else can they they don't want to defend their faith you just said the opposite they just said they didn't what you didn't believe you don't do it to defend their faith they don't want to say they don't they feel easy talking about redemption salvation but but look at the good work if you talk to the mormons they'll say you should you may not think much of joseph smith and i say you got that right but boy you you should see our missionaries in through the government will do the work if religion doesn't exist what has this got to do with the existence of god or the validity of religious claims it has nothing to do with it social music is always introduced as a time wasting tactic wait wait wait wait wait don't applaud that nothing to do with it he's just it used to be believed i mean the number of gods now is it it's infinite and the new god is created almost every day by some cult or other but it used to be that there was a belief that gods were in the trees in the in the woods in the springs in the sea and the clouds and so forth polytheism of a kind then something a bit more polytheistic like olympus where there was at least a location for the divine but it was multifaceted and then monotheism getting it down to one so i regard this as progress of a sort because they're getting nearer the true figure all the time i actually rabbi yes yes progress um maybe which is well which by the way is why the vatican in its old days was very upset by the concept of zero didn't like zero until the most important number of all the number without which you can't do anything um which wasn't there in roman numerals no it was invented in islamic civilization i also struck them as a sinister import from from in part of us infidelium from from pagan lands but also the trouble the concept of zero was very troubling for theism and must be and and does indeed remain so it's one of the many many ways in which theism is not compatible with the scientific worldview again piling on completely unnecessary assumptions and also inviting inviting a question that will make you uncomfortable if you say that no it's because god has given you free will i have to ask you how do you know that well are you assuming that we have free will one one are you assuming that we have free will if you're answer if you ask if you want to then give me another question give me another source you answer that question with another and i'll still answer it okay i will still answer it even though your question is an answer to mine rather not an answer a response to mine um the view i take about free will is that of course we have free will because we have no choice but to have it i i'm a diamond i was and so i wasn't at some extent and i still to some extent i'm a dialectical maturist and i also think there are some there are some ironies in the universe's well in history but to say of course we have free will the boss says we've got it is to make a mockery of the whole concept and it's also to invite the question what kind what kind of tyranny is this that you want you want in all supervising all deciding person i ask you first what sources of information do you have about this person's existence that i don't have that are denied to me i'd like to know and second why do you want it why do you want to arrive at a terminus of on freedom where there is a celestial authority upon whom all things depend and from which all things flow why do you want that and how on earth do you know that there's any case to be made for its existence yes please that's it i don't think that's a terminus of unfreedom i think you're only free when you've declared against it frankly that's the beginning of freedom is the emancipation the tyranny the tyranny of of uh theocracy yes islam makes very large claims for itself very large claims indeed it claims to be the last and final religion the last and final revelation when you see bumper stickers everyone says you can't reduce major things to a bumper sticker it's not my idea to have bumper stickers saying islam is the solution it's a well-known slogan actually of parties associated with the muslim brotherhood they say islam is the solution for everything it takes care of all your life and the one to come sexuality political economy banking diet relations with other religions everything it's a total solution what is creepy about the word total hope i don't have to tell an audience like this it's the first five letters of the word totalitarian it's absolute it's absolute it's all-inclusive it's it's unanswerable and oddly for religion that makes such large claims notice another thing about islam it doesn't particularly like having these claims questioned or scrutinized in other words this as there are just as there is with all religions an inverse relationship between the claims they make and the evidence they can produce for them you must have noticed that with islam a younger religion and perhaps therefore more in its first flush there's an extraordinarily strong willingness to say that any challenge to its absolutist claims is by definition profane and profanity and blasphemy can be the antecedent to very severe punishment and often are for muslims and for non-muslims and this is not a road of peace in my submission well first one day you're right that science has made many things more comprehensible to us and it's explained things that religion used to take credit for in other words now we know there's a german theory of disease diseases are not curses or revenges from heaven same with earthquakes and so on the stuff they used to teach us and many of them still do is nonsense evil nonsense as well as ignorant nonsense but it's also taught us just in my lifetime an enormous amount more about how little we know we're much much more ignorant yes than people who lived before galileo we just because we have a now an increasingly large idea of the fantastic expanse of the un the unknown um that's precisely the moment at which to say that skepticism is what's necessary inquiry uh debate doubt where's faith in this where's the usefulness of faith there there's no use to it at all socrates who as far as i know existed but may well not have done it doesn't matter to me no one will insult me if they say socrates your your great hero didn't exist try it on a muslim tried on a christian their prophets didn't exist or show people that moses is a myth they start hurling themselves about making menacing noises very often sovereignty said you're only educated when you've understood how ignorant you are and you're only going to even find that out by doubting everything all the time there's all the difference in the world between that outlook and that mentality now and mentality of faith and second on on on metaphysics which you i noticed take refuge in several times already this evening like what is love um is something poetic or is it prozac very good questions but metaphysical ones those who say god exists and intervenes in the world in other words those who say there is a religious god the god of religion are saying that redemption is is on offer to human beings that salvation is on offer to them and that if they reject the offer they can be in really big trouble now don't don't start talking on to an audience like this or if you don't mind to debate a debate partner like me as if religion was a private matter because everybody knows that if it was there wouldn't be anything to argue about it's precisely because it claims to be a total solution a complete solution to all problems available on on on pain of death sometimes in some forms but available to you if you'll only have enough faith where we just found out that faith is probably the most overrated of the virtues and the one most at least useful to us in the real dilemmas that we actually have to face i send my book available to find bookstores everywhere that as as long as i don't have to hear about it i don't mind what people believe if they say well thanks to joseph smith and his gold plates i have real faith you know and i've got a family and i have friends and i have a real system and so i said fine fine just don't come to my front door with it don't ask for a tax break for it don't ask my children to be taught it in the school did you sign up shouldn't i hear about it and i asked i asked them a question i asked the question in the book people think they have a personal relationship with creator and they're the possesses of a wonderful secret it must feel i've never felt it i presume it feels great why doesn't it make them happy they're not happy they can't be happy while everyone else believes it too they go out and proselytize very often and here's i can't let your your last answer go very often the guys of charity you notice how often that religion rather than answer the questions that i've put like how do you know there's a god what evidence do you have for it which you say well lots of good people do good things because they're religious well let's say the most recent repressing case uh richard dawkins denied a few others in the response to the haiti earthquake set up a an emergency charity for people of non-belief to give to because so many charitable organizations are in fact proselytizing groups so we raised about two million in a weekend and all that money goes straight and by the way thank you if you go to richard's website you can find out more about how to donate to this because it's permanent it's going to stay in being all that money went straight to um doctors without borders of course and the international red cross which though it has across isn't a religious organization both these organizations already in haiti they're proven none of the money goes to support any missionary activity none and the scientologists and all the others who turned up in haiti and the people who turned up and age to kidnap babies to convert them to their faith and the catholics who turned up and said standing in the ruins of their own cathedral with a quarter of a million haitians buried under the rubble said god spoke here today and you should listen to his message don't tell me that's good don't tell me that's good that's wicked it's proselytizing it's proselytizing with the helpless using them as objects of charity and conversion it's lying to people but there's also a lot of room why is the leader of egyptians huge chris egypt's huge christian minority suddenly compelled to make a tv appearance because one of his bishops had said in a interview that he thought that some of the verses of the quran showed signs of having been added later on and to have been later accretion and pope shannon was asked for the television to say it's not that didn't happen this it couldn't have happened it shouldn't even be discussed so that it is has to be claimed even by non-muslim subjects of a muslim state that there is after all because no christian claims this about the bible anymore no jew claims it about the pentateuch after all yes there is just one book that's completely word and letter perfect from the first time it was not even written down but recited now demands that you believe the impossible do not lead to peaceful outcomes nor do they lead to peaceful or tolerant regimes and i'm not going to ask you which muslim country you would like to live in i don't know whether professor ramana will tell us which one he would pick if he had to because i don't have to ask you a question like that was already in your mind i mean i think it's very good to know that we're born into a losing struggle i think that the stoicism that comes from that and the reflection that comes down is very useful i'm not very impressed by people who say well i wish it wasn't true so i'll try and act as if it isn't it is true everything is governed by entropy and decline and annihilation and disaster and um you're born into a losing struggle and because you're a mammal primate primate mammal you know you are and you know you're going to die and that there'll be a lot of struggle and pain on the way i don't want a world without anxiety and grief and pain and struggle i want i i can't get it no one's saying but those who offer it to me i spurn the gift i don't want what you want i don't want the feeling of eternal love and peace love and peace very very overrated in my view one reason one reason one one of the many reasons that i should despise all religions equally but one i and i do in a way but one way which i prefer judaism to the its rivals is that the emphasis is more on justice than on love i want to go to the rapper why is that not misanthropic of you that attitude this isn't throw it doesn't mean i have to hate people well it's it means like it means i respond it means i respect them and it means i respect them enough not to offer them false consolation i do think it's important the realm of illusion will not help you to cure this condition now you're right i was surprised to find myself saying professor when you say that the problem is not the book but the reader in the case of the quran that is certainly true of me it's true probably of every book i've ever read that there are difficulties i have with it or capacities i don't have with which to approach it understand it but if i read in the quran i certainly say well i i i can't tell whether this book is the word of god or not i can only doubt that there is such thing but i can hope that this was a bad day for god um can't i and i can hope to live in a country where i can say that and get applause ah yes and and even and even mirth and don't think that isn't a precious thing and don't think it's being compromised i'm coming to that um i don't like the idea of a paradise reward for martyrs don't like it it's not me somehow don't like the account don't don't like the early accounts of village squabbles with the local jews who've taken a look at the new claimant to be the messiah and decided about him what they decided about the previous claimant he's no good he's not up to snuff do you think the jews are ever going to be forgiven for that by the way for rejecting two in a row i don't think so and i don't see why they should hope for i don't see why they should hope for forgiveness either um and still i'm allowed to stand here and say this and there are many parts of europe i couldn't do that anymore or i'd have to be very careful in who i'd invited for the audience i couldn't do it easily on the air couldn't do it easily in print couldn't do it easily in public couldn't do it on certain campuses couldn't do it with certain publishing houses now all of this has been done to us by the wrong muslims well let's get together then isolate who these wrong muslims are who've imposed a culture of violence backed censorship upon us and let's get rid of them and have an honest discussion about the text and the reader and i think the ball is in your court professor on that just to stay with my own profession the thing i know best not one major media outlet print or broadcast has yet shown you what the danish cartoons actually look like yale university press which commissioned a book on them which was to include the cartoons as how could it not eventually panic yale university press panicked and published the book without the cartoons over the objections of its author everybody knows what i'm talking about the president of the united states and the head of the joint chiefs a few days ago were so pulverized with fear that they had to address personally in pleading tones of christian nutbag in florida who might have been or might not have been about to commit a minor act of blasphemy is this the culture that islam wants us to have in relation to it one of if you like preemptive submission preemptive cowering backed by the fear of force because that is not multiculturalism that's not that's nothing like the gorgeous mosaic that's actually the absolute negation of what a multicultural system would be like and a multicultural system has to look rather a scance i think on a religion whose preachers and websites openly openly make threats against people like myself against the jewish people against the hindus who heaven's sake aren't even monotheists can be killed in almost any pretext against and and very very and a very important point and i have to make it and against the wrong kind of muslim now professor don't i'll say this as mildly as i as i can don't um you may not be aware that you were and i'm certain i don't want to increase the area of unexpected offense taking that's been so hugely broadened by the sensitivities of of a religion that has the answer to everything but i'll just say i don't greatly care to be told as if i didn't know that an iraqi life is as precious as an american one um well if you'll pardon me i won't share any of my griefs with you uh but i've never had one or had any known anyone who had one who's had the faintest consolation from religion and indeed being told as the christians tell them that they're off to a better place and so on i think it's positively wicked thing to do i think lying to the dying for a living what what what self-respecting person can do that and you know it's a lie because just tell me how you know it's a lie since you assert it again and again because the person saying it cannot possibly know it to be true and therefore they don't have access to information even if they believe it it's a lie yes it's a lie but how do we create for those who aren't able or don't desire to walk around in despair or to walk around in irony in a world that brings can bring plenty of despair try it try it fine but i think it's manifestly clear lots of people don't choose that so what does atheism offer well it offers the chance of living without illusion which i think says the philosophy philosophy and literature will do a great deal more for you they're much more there's a lot more morality in them there's a lot more ethical discussion in in dostoyevsky say but you will present them a society in a real society we're going to be very busy i can only appear in my own person here i i even say that at some extent it works me this irony i think is tremendously useful uh as uh as his philosophy especially the philosophy of spinoza especially in times of anguish and the the realization that there's no false consolation can actually cheer you up but once you face the fact that you're born into a losing struggle things immediately appear a great deal more uh manageable in some ways um and really of the remarks against this maple not one of these remarks couldn't have been made by a devout member of the muslim brotherhood and what i want to ask him is this if anything of what he says is true is he really saying that he would he would prefer me not to be myself not to be an unbeliever and someone who believes in in irony and uh of the unilateral world but i'd be morally better off if i was a wahhabi muslim for example it's me as a woman okay i mean according to you i would be able to me the question you're not allowed to answer it for me you imply i want to know if you really mean and i want to know i repeat my question who has the authority to assume fatwas is it sheikh haradawi who sometimes very much express respect for who on al jazeera gives advice on all kinds of things some of them innocuous sexual matters and so forth doctrinal rulings sometimes upon the legitimacy or otherwise of suicide bombing if directed at israelis not just jews of course but no no we draw the distinction on the other hand hamas which does the suicide bombing doesn't draw the distinction if i can't issue a fatwa against hamas if i'm a muslim if there's no one who will and they won't surely someone could say we don't think hamas should have on its website and manifesto the reproduction of the protocols of the elders of zion a christian fascist fabrication that is one of the warrants for the nazi exterminationist solution i mean surely that's a question for the un anti-racism committee on a spare day or or since that spare day never seems to come for some muslim authority to say no brothers don't don't do that it doesn't come it doesn't happen look on the website it's still there now you you would do better i think professor if you identified yourself as a member of a very small and critical and endangered minority someone who really is against all this and will say so and will also decry the fact that the religion itself can't seem to throw it off but you seem to have that a little bit both ways my closing statement is this if you want diversity as much as the professor does as much as i'm sure many people here do religious diversity cultural diversity um what you need for it is this you need a secular state with a godless constitution like this one choose to speak as you did of the ottoman empire as a place where they were not just muslims but christians and jews is either not to know yourself or to expect others to have forgotten or not to know what it meant to be a non-muslim under the caliphate or under any similar theocratic muslim authority to this day know what we need what secularism is the only guarantee of religious freedom and yours and that of every other muslim we will defend but you won't be surprised that we have some questions for you in the meanwhile thank you may i ask christopher hitchens you have debated rabbi david walpe on this subject you've debated the reverend al sharpton yes what's the difference between these debates well the reverend al sharpton is another case of the damage done by to society by religion because once it was agreed by the rest of america that black people are best led by preachers and once it was agreed to write out of the civil rights record the heroic black secularists like bayern rustin and the great black union uh leader philip randolph who actually organized with the help of united automobile workers the march on washington once all that had been forgotten and we decide yeah black people they really love their preachers then once dr king has gone it's one succession of junk demagogues after another all of them given the mantle because they're in holy orders there's no fraudulence you can't get away with in this country if you can get the word reverend put in front of your name questions well i'm certainly not going to criticize islam for not having a pope and in fact it would be your your vis-a-vis in this discussion was horribly an error in any case and the christianity never had only one pope and still doesn't i mean there were several catholic claimants to the papacy at different times just among roman catholics but today i mentioned one of them the pope of the coptic christians based in cairo the the eastern orthodox don't call their leader the pope they call him the patriarch but the christian world is full of pope types usually anathematizing one another the pope is just the word that innocent americans use for the man who claims to be the leader of the roman catholic so i don't think it's possible in fact to have a moral authority within religion because i think the two things that's so sharply divorced but this doesn't this doesn't lead to just uh chaos because and it certainly doesn't lead to the dictatorship of minorities or or extremists in i'll give you two examples quickly in the case of the moral blackmail of denmark that was backed up by a physical threat to destroy its economy and and burn out its embassies across the world well coordinated attack of sabotage against a small european democracy the organizing group was the thing called the oic the organization of the islamic congress groups all the muslim countries in the world is an increasingly powerful lobby at the united nations hopes to pass an international resolution forbidding all criticism of religion all forms of blasphemy and profanity every ambassador of those countries in copenhagen went to mr rasmussen the prime minister of denmark and told him under the threat of violence he should change his law so as to allow as to allow him to determine what went into the danish newspapers and when he said he couldn't do that things got a lot worse that's the ambassador of egypt and the ambassador of turkey and the ambassador of important countries in case of egypt containing an enormous christian population coming to you as if they spoke for a religion either this claim is true or it is not it's self-evidently not true but it is certainly made don't let's be in any doubt about it and don't have let's have any doubt that it means to extend its influence over the people who are sitting in this hall second very quick the fatwa against salman rushdie in other words the offer of money to suborn murder for the crime of writing a work of fiction in his own name by the spiritual leader of shia islam that's what the fatwa meant then means now was after the murder of many people associated or not with the publication of the book repudiated ostensibly by the iranian government after long pressure and lobbying at the united nations about 10 years ago i think that was but i've been since then i've had the pleasure of going to friday prayers at tehran university twice to hear the sermon and on both occasions there were banners and slogans saying that the the imam's holy sentence against salman rushdie will never die it hasn't died with the imam khamenei's death warrant will always be carried out not i think a very good use of the premises of a university i can't speak for whether it's a good occasion for friday prayers or not well it brings me to a second point you see there's something shady involved here some people say that islam and islamists give themselves permission to lie to non-believers it sounds like the sort of vulgar paranoid thing that an islamophobe would go around saying doesn't it it's very easy to disprove except that it hasn't been as that example will just illustrate and these are not minor threats these are threats to the very core of what we believe uh is the essential thing for society which is the ability to ask questions to read the books we choose to pursue unfettered investigations and these are flatly negated by the by the claims of a religion that says it is the answer to everything i'm i can't i can't paraphrase him properly but you really want to get hold of it's easy to find on on google a lecture given by lawrence krauss i regard as the greatest living physicist and it's about the quantum um and it's about a whole universe from nothing it's exactly how you get from nothing to something in fact quite a lot of things um one means by which this happens is the following uh every second that we're speaking a star the size of our sun or bigger goes out blows up or goes out that's been the case every single second since the first moment of the big bang it's a lot that'll be a lot of suns going out um as we speak and there's a lot of annihilation isn't it there's a lot of destruction it's on a it's a rather what you might call almost a wasteful scale it does have the positive outcome though that we are all constituted of those materials we are made of stardust now i find that a rather more majestic and wonderful and even beautiful idea than say the idea of the burning bush a bit more impressive uh gives you more to think about are they mutually exclusive are they mutually exclusive wouldn't god make you a strong as one has the virtue of being true and provable and studyable which the other doesn't and i i do think that the verifiability of something is is a virtue are we simply material yes we don't have bodies we are bodies until 50 000 years ago there were four other kinds of biped humanoid not unlike ours still living on the planet died leaving no descendants we're the only survivors of of those people um that family were the last they we don't know if they had gods or not so you think certainly explicitly no religion ever invented it appears to have known that these creatures even existed because the the religious are forced to believe that the only really significant event that happened actually in the human story happened about three thousand years ago and the mystery is inexplicable are we just waiting that's not true no it's the right place no factually all of this all of this all this massive big bang cosmological churning and destruction and then and annihilation which is parallel by the way on our own earth where 99 of all species that have ever been on the planet have already gone extinct leaving no descent all of this could be part of a plan there is no way an atheist can prove it's not but it's some plan isn't it with mass destruction pitiless extermination uh annihilation going on all the time and all of this set in motion on a scale that's absolutely beyond our imagination in order that the pope can tell people not to jerk off right when i say the american constitution is godless i mean i was quoting the title of a famous study of it by professor israel kramnik what i mean by that is to say the us constitution only mentions religion and god in its preambles when it means to say the ways in which they must be kept out of the public square that happens to be fact about our constitution and the reason why we still have it otherwise the republic would have been destroyed long before and that its first amendment says that religion can be no business of the government a statement no muslim society could begin to make thank all religions are wrong in the same way in that they privilege of faith over over reason but they're not all equally bad in the same way all the time i mean if i'd been writing in the 1930s i would certainly have said that the roman catholic church was the most dangerous religion in the world because of its open alliance with fascism and anti-semitism which the damage from that our culture has never recovered from and never will but at the moment it's very clear to me that the the most toxic form that religion takes is the islamic form the horrible idea of wanting to end up with sharia with a religion governed state a state of religious law and the best means of getting there is jihad holy war and that muslims have a special right to feel aggrieved enough to demand this i think it's absolute obscene wickedness and i think their religion is nonsense and the entire in its entirety the idea of what god speaks to some illiterate merchant warlord in arabia and he's able to write this down perfectly and it contains the answers to all you do don't waste my time it's but just i was very struck because this is the core question um so we might as well revisit it today's truck this week reading i'm sure you saw it the pope's brother monsignor georg ratzinger who runs the choir school in reagan he's discovered recently there's been some unpleasantness of this school um which he was the steward for about 20 30 years he said he didn't know about any of that and surely claims not to have taken any part in it but he said he did used to smack the boys around quite a lot he said until bavarian law changed and made it illegal for teachers to hit children well i don't want to be told anymore that without religious people we wouldn't know what morality was he didn't know this until the secular law intervened yeah and taught him how to behave now wait wait wait what is the church defect what is the whole racket of the church in this protecting yourself from it's saying they were ordered don't go near the courts don't go near the police we'll we'll sort this out among ourselves and they say they're the people who prevent us from succumbing to moral relativism i'm not hearing it from them i'm sorry it's insulting to be talked to in that way the great recent governor of this state mr romney wants to be president okay there's a constitutional issue here mormons are supposed to say that their profit as they call their leader his word is sovereign over anyone else's including the constitution of the united states so romney has to say and finally people did force him to answer the question well do you think that about your profit he said no the constitution takes precedence in all cases fine so to the extent that he's an acceptable person it's the extent he's not a mormon the discipline of the discipline of secularism the discipline of secularism is necessary to civilize these superstitions well sharia just means law i mean all people say sharia law uh making an elementary mistake and of course it it's not the case that every thief has their hand locked off in muslim society or every adulterer gets stoned and i'm and i'm perfectly sure that's not just because it would diminish the labor force so radically or so to speak disable it um i think it's more because of something i've claimed to notice elsewhere which is the religion is man-made and so there are enormous discrepancies in how these things are promulgated and also how they are enforced um and the most countries and societies come quite early and easily to the conclusion that their own religions are in one form or another uh not not really practicable um they say i mean after all in um in saudi arabia women can't even drive a car whereas in iran she can vote not for much but she can as much as a man can let's say her vote can be stolen and degraded as much as her husband's or her problem there's an infinite variation ike's i don't know it i can't shake what i was what i heard saw once on the bbc from someone whose career in london i followed if you know him you wouldn't like him um chowdhury it's a well very well known noisemaker around london complaining about secularism judaism all this kind of thing and he's been in trouble with the law a few times and um was interviewed on the bbc uh went on about how nothing would change until the green flag of islam was flying over downing street in buckingham palace and so forth and was asked i thought quite mildly by the bbc interviewer said well if you if this is the way you feel about sharia and about the total islamic rule wouldn't you feel happier moving to a country where they already had it and which is i mean a polite question but a rather cheap one i mean uh but still i what didn't prepare me for the answer charlie looked straight at the guy and straight into cameron said what makes you think this is your country i thought it's a very good question now why do you feel i know i think i know partly what i feel what if it is necessary to affirm that and of course a muslim will should learn the language should obey the laws uh should observe observe the customs and so we what most immigrants don't feel they so as we absolutely have to say that the answer i suspect is that it's embarrassing to notice that in places like as far apart as sweden and as spain there are groups of people who say their countries should be part of the caliphate and that that's why they've come here and if it wasn't for those people you wouldn't be in this position so it seems to me that uh to be in order to be consistent you should you should fear them and dislike them find them morally and intellectually repulsive at least as much as if not more than i do and i don't say that you don't but i do think that that is that is the urgent uh priority on the ladies question about where would be the best uh country to live if you were a muslim and wanting to be a member of a sexual or gender minority or i think she said a female or a homosexual um so hard to confuse um actually the easiest the easiest place for for you to live in that case would probably be i was thinking about it while professional would probably be this will be my closing state would almost certainly be either bosnia herzegovina or kosovo culturally culturally muslim uh democratic uh open societies in southern and bulk and europe that were saved from obliteration by the power of the united states which has never had a word of thanks for what it did and which remains a secular country with a godless constitution that's a note that's a note on which last best hope of humanity thank you all right
Channel: Agatan Foundation
Views: 2,000,276
Rating: 4.8335896 out of 5
Keywords: Best, of, Amazing, Arguments, And, Delivery, Atheism (Religion), Atheist (Religion), Antitheism (Literature Subject), Religion, Debate, Philosophy (Professional Field), argument, funny, Science (Literary Genre), great, nice, cool, Good, Fun, debate, comeback, answer, Christopher Hitchens (Author), anti-theist, anti, theist, clever, intelligent, bright, smart, church, Islam, Christianity, Judaism, new, morality, god, humanism, free will, theism, three, muslim, islamism, extremism, rabbi
Id: Jb5dvXwDL3Y
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Length: 40min 29sec (2429 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 22 2014
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