Best of Christopher Hitchens Amazing Arguments And Clever Comebacks Part 6

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When he destroys someone in an argument it is called a "hitchslap"

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/ClearlyDoesntGetIt 📅︎︎ Apr 22 2014 🗫︎ replies

This should have been the video you posted.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Apr 22 2014 🗫︎ replies

I have yet to watch this video, but I had to re-read it 5 times before I realized I wasn't reading it " I Fart smeller after watching these". Obviously i should actually watch this video!

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Mossimo265 📅︎︎ Apr 22 2014 🗫︎ replies
you are asked to tell a child you you go to this church which means you'll go to heaven but your little playmates don't go to that church and therefore will go to hell seems to me to be an unpleasant thing to be saying but bless that is maybe I'm in a minority that that could be an unpleasant thing but how do you - you an evil thing which is calling your nearest sorry only a religious person would dream of say let's call it evil where does evil come from religion everyone has to understand that it is those who feel that the divine is prompting them who feel they're permitted anything and everything and it is those who are the leading most salient most violent most vicious opponents of the values and civilization that Thomas Jefferson stood for and promulgated I am making the assumption that all of you check in every now and then with some kind of news outlet and have a view of what's going on the rest of the world isn't it as plain as could be that those who commit the most callous the most cruel the most brutal the most indiscriminate atrocities of all do so precisely because they believe they have divine permission shall I answer my own question should i insult you there is no explanation for the origins of our species for the origins of our cosmos for the origins of our globe itself there is not one explanation left which requires the existence of a deus ex machina in every case we have a better or sufficient explanation people say well since we don't know we may as well say it's God are simply drumming their fingers they're wasting their time and they're trying to waste yours on to logically limbo exists for those who believe in it just as God does I'm not here to deny that it's only a few decades now since the rival Church Church of Rome the Church of England announced really no one actually goes to hell it could be that after you die or forbidden God's grace but there's no real place of eternal unending infinite torture and torment with which those who claim the grace of God and the redemption of Jesus made a living for so many years and how do they make their living by lying to children think of it hundreds and hundreds of years of people proudly earning their keep by lying to children and terrifying them and saying that because they could do that they were morally superior to us reason common sense decent ordinary decency rebels against this kind of mind forged manacle however charmingly or humorously it's expressed but hell exists in the minds of several people I've spoken to you just today on this campus in the in the intervals of other conversations for them it's real and I don't say that it's not what I want to show is that it can if it does exist nonetheless be abolished like many other mine forged miracles and man-made tyrannies that confront us and in fact that this belief in a supreme and unalterable tyranny is the oldest enemy of our species the oldest enemy of our intellectual freedom and our moral autonomy and must be met and must be challenged and must be overthrown one of our guest tonight wants to know if your beef really is it more with to say the concept of original sin and universal depravity than it really is with religion in general that you have a very specific view of what religion is and that's what you have a problem with well yes I mean I think all religions are equally untrue it is because I don't think there is a supernatural dimension to be appealed to or to be used as an explainer of what we don't currently know about our species or about the cosmos then you get along much better if you exclude that assumption and you that means you don't empower if you can exclude it if you can limit it you can limit it to a private belief a belief people keep in their homes and so forth oh sure of course more than entitled to do it means you don't find that you're dealing with a class of witch doctors mullahs priests rabbis and others who make a living in politics by saying that they have special rights because they're doing God's will which has been accursed humanity throughout its entire existence and currently I think in the form of theocracy in its various bullying threats represents a very direct immediate threat to the survival of our species so yes we'd be better off without the deus may propose a designer and i may not be able to show you convincing you that there could be no such person but the theist has all their work still ahead of them from this designer how do we get to the designer who answers prayers did you hear a thing I mean just as phrase even an implication even a suggestion from anything my opponent said that you could buy a noggin from design proven answered prayers or prove that someone born of a virgin was therefore the son of a god or could prove that resurrections occur and that by people being tortured to death thousands of years ago we are now redeemed that we are variously forgiven our own offenses by human sacrifice how does deism help you to that it doesn't it quite simply doesn't and can not and the attempt to build from one to the other is a conjuring trick of a very vulgar I think kind there is no totalitarian solution to these problems there is no Big Brother in the sky it is a horrible idea that there is somebody who owns us who makes us who supervises us waking and sleeping who knows our thoughts who can convict us of thought crime who cannot cry just for what we think who can judge us while we sleep for things that might occur to us in our dreams who can create us sick as apparently we are and then order us on pain of eternal torture to be well again to demand this to wish this to be true is to wish to live as an abject slave it is a wonderful thing it is a wonderful thing in my submission that we now have enough information enough intelligence and I hope enough intellectual and moral courage to say that this ghastly proposition is founded on a lie and to celebrate that fact and I invite you to join me in doing so thank you that's too easy I mean were for example whereas is it not written that I come not to bring a peace but a sword surely it is is it not written that those whose word follow me shall be departed must depart and be cast into everlasting fire not a very gentle or Pacific remark is it not said that if you don't give up your family if you don't give up for IFFT if you don't give up everyone who loves you and everything you love to sacrifice yourself for me you're not worthy these are strongly coercive and implicitly authoritarian or even totalitarian statements and the CS Lewis rightly says it's one of the very rare occasions when I agree with them said you may not say that the preachments of Jesus of Nazareth are all right even if you don't accept the religious basis of them Lewis quite correctly says if you don't accept that this man was the son of God you'll have to notice that many of his statements and sermons are either wicked or insane or both it's only on the belief that the world is very soon coming to an end and that he himself has the right to claim a Masonic role in this conclusion that any of it can make any sort of sense at all and everyone here knows at least some of the examples of what would be counted as wicked or insane if the Masonic claims were found to be questionable which they have been there's no intervention we go heat depth is that limit universe is not created and not designed it doesn't entail that belief no but it makes it actually what makes it seem a very capricious designer shall we say rather as I said it's an old versatile grevilles creating sic commanded to be well why would why would people be told okay I can create you but I'm going to create you with original sin misery shame death of children disease and so under just to see if you can cause a chest the mean I might not send you to hell I don't say that that didn't happen I say that I'm very glad that the evidence for it is very scanty and I accuse those of who believe who do believe it and I can't have been showing this understood on this point of having harboring a very sinister desire to live in a church a latarian system if I sister let's get let's design to be a slave masochism I think I regard masochism masochism beyond I'll say that I think masochism is a sinister and creepy impulse here mr. Hitchens question for our dr. G alright I won't take a minute to ask in the I don't just support and try and help out the those who descent from the ridiculous belief Christianity the horrible idea of vicarious redemption in other words of the idea that by watching another person suffer an innocent person suffer that you could be freed not just from your debts or your sins but your responsibilities you could cast your sins on escape I don't just oppose that disgusting relief I oppose the Judaism from which it's plagiarized and the Islam that plagiarizes from it and I give a publicity and exposure whenever I can to this who were brave enough in old times to oppose this this nightmarish belief and one of the great opponents of the Islamic totalitarianism in ancient Persia was the great Omar Khayyam perhaps the greatest poet of Persian whose Rubaiyat I'm sure is known at least to some of you and my favorite verse of this comes in the robert legaly end translation and it takes the form of a question the the quatrain is in the form of question it says and do you think that unto such as you a maggot minded starved fanatic crew God gave a secret and denied it me well well what matters it believe that to to this magnificent astronomer and scientists and physician and humanists of Persia who opposed the cruel sadistic verminous ignorant mullahs of his day I borrow the question what is your authority for saying that you know something that I don't well you promised to do it quickly so if your wife is pregnant and you know it's not you the only alternative is that it's the Holy Spirit that suff David David Hume heals David Hume deals with this quite well he says in the case of the laws of nature being suspended you have to ask yourself have they been suspended in my favour or am i possibly under a misapprehension I think it's Thomas Paine who asked some which is more likely that the laws of nature are suspended or that a Jewish girl should tell a fib we have to grow up out of this stuff you know now your problem dr. Lennox John I may say sir yes you're gay not with me your problem is with Monsignor Ronald Knox one of the greatest Christian apologists first language and they're an angular Catholic then finally a Roman Catholic who in his book of apologetics very directly says Jesus of Nazareth never claimed to be God it's not my problem he claimed sometimes to be the Sun will let people run away with that idea and to Jews he was asked that when he's asked the direct question are you the expected one the awaited one the one we want the Messiah he gave a slightly evasive but they thought profane answer now this is my account of this is correct I'm sorry to say if we were if we were only discussing ontological questions that would be all very well and it could be quite amusing I could say that you require a high degree of standard of proof for your proposition then I perhaps do for mine and you probably accept that and so forth and we could go back and forth we'd be pull Turing the gain with the essence of the matter which is this the difference between the theists and the deist is as follows the deer says may not make sense without some kind of designer the theist says when I tell you what to do Christopher I have God on my side you're the deer says he can tell what God wants of me what lengths I should shave off the end of my penis if I'm boy I'll have a male chant or of the clitoris if it's a female charm he knows through the exactitude what the proportions of that should be what the diet should be what the dietary laws ought to be who I should sleep with and in what position and various I think you can and since God doesn't ever directly appear and say do it this way it's done for him this is really convenient by human representatives who claim to act in his name so that's why I think your standard of proof should be a great deal higher because if you you're you know the reason this point is important to you is because it would mean real power in the only world that actually exists which is the material world of you over me and you wonder why I'm not keen these prophecies are of a Jewish Messiah to come and the Jewish religious authorities of the time considered and who were the nearest much closer to being eyewitnesses if the story is true at all much closer than the authors of any of the Gospels they were the people who were the religious authority in the area he was a member if he existed of their congregation they thought he was the sorcerer and a fraud and an imposter and convicted him of blasphemy because though he in fact never said that he was God I didn't think I mean there are some Christians I know who do say that Jesus is God though some who say he only claimed to be the son of the critical question is he's asked art thou the Christ are you the Messiah and he gives a snotty evasive answer at this point but it's enough to make the Sanhedrin rend its garments so all you're seeing in this tale if it Truett ordered have any truth to it is the origin of jewish-christian fratricide the of the the Jews who have nurtured the idea of prophecy of the Messiah through their prophets for generations who believe the Messiah has not yet even considered deigning showing up and those who tell the Jews why are you wasting your time the good news has already happened why did you just get with the program I submit that neither of these propositions is worthy of the consideration of an intelligent or educated human being it's it's Bronze Age peasant Palestinian superstition and underline the competition over it and interpretations over it have made humanity's life even more miserable and it was going to be other one well I know that a target Lennox has a response and I thought and in the third form of plagiarism that it takes which is the the plagiarism of Islam from both Judaism and Christianity the competition between monotheism has become really outright menacing and the real responsibility of citizens is to is to hold it down is to resist the aquatic bullying and the superstitions that underlie it and in any case it's not like saying that every living child of the Amalekites should be destroyed and an injunction by God to Moses to say he's been too merciful he spared too many children and enslaved too few women didn't make the genocide complete I I'm sorry I've never been accused over and I expect not to be from luck you know my lack of any such thing and the idea there's a moral equivalence between the two or handling the the really difficult question of a non-viable fetus and what should be done about it isn't a moral equivalence that's all so do you want to say that all unborn life is like you say in the book is a human being and therefore you should not kill it is that what you want to say to get out of this dilemma or what do you want no but I think no but I think the presumption that I've long said that the presumption is that the the unborn entity has a right on its side and that every effort should be made to see if it can be preserved and I think that's I think that's an ethical imperative is what I do say in the books I think the Roman Catholic Church makes this argument immoral when it could be a moral one by saying that contraception is not to be allowed by saying the contraception is the moral equivalent of abortion in other words to say that contraception is also murder which is a nonsensical and disproportionate position I quote some serious Catholics in my book William F Buckley the late is one Clare Boothe Luce is another by saying if the church says the contraception abortion are morally the same it degrades the opposition to abortion and by making absurd arguments as it has in the past Aquinas believed that every single sperm contained a micro embryo inside it and thus that if you like I hope hope to defend anyone handjobs our genocide as for [ __ ] don't start the Jenek tropic pregnancy Adele was a direct threat to the life of the mother fallopian tube pregnancy is instead of a direct threat to the life of the mother and an obvious no starter for a human embryo because that's going anyway is someone who should be allowed to vote this is nonsense it's casuistry it's immoral it's superstition it prevents people from thinking seriously about matters that humanism can decide for itself for heaven's sake without any supernatural intervention and morale Rho answer your next question morality comes from humanism and is stolen by religion for its own purpose humanism according to who Hitler Mussolini Stalin who you saying that Hitler was the humanist just Hitchens I've lived to hear it said Hitchens advert in Virginia Hitler was a Catholic you men are you Rosa Catholics and Hitler was a Catholic so his muscle in it give me a how how does morality exist my opinion you know official to go down with the Brostrom Catholic churches both of them wanted the worship of themselves as well as of God so I suppose no evil coming and their third main ally Hirohito the Emperor of Japan not content just to be theocratic was himself a god so anyone who says the fascism and nazism was secular he's an ignoramus why is it Roger Gant exhale I'm I think actually Chesterton says somewhere that we're where animals are worshipped humans tend to be sacrificed and if you look at ancient cultures and some not so ancient that would tend to be true I remember when if it wasn't single as one of his disciples said that he his own baby daughter was no more to him than would be say a rat or a flea or well let's leave it at that I remember thinking my first thought was I'm glad I'm not his daughter but my second thought is I'm glad I'm not his pet rat either exactly because it seems he doesn't have a great deal of sort of love to spare for anyone or or anything look animal rights can be overdone and certainly have been by especially people who object to medical experiments in hysterical manner but we have learned a great deal in the recent past about our kinship within commonalities with other creatures and we've discovered amazing things about the capacity including the capacity for family life solidarity society building and so on among pigs monkeys dolphins and others and we know because of the genome program River kinship with other much less Brants creatures and that we are only ourselves half a chromosome away from being chimpanzees the one thing this is impossible to square with is the idea of us being made an image of God that that's that's clearly over it clearly isn't anthropomorphic like animalistic alee whichever way you slice it whether we are we are primates so in what okay in that case in the image of what God or the others made it guess you know where it's a mean strictly meaningless state and that's why Christ had to come because we are fallen human beings and has to come again because he didn't get it right the first time I agree I agree with you that the grammar the question is wrong but for a different reason I don't see what's moral about Christian preaching for example apart from the horrible idea of vicarious Redemption I'll say again in case I missed you the first time what I mean by that I could pay your debt even if I didn't know you if I was a friend you're in debt I'll pay in extreme cases people to be known to sale serve your sentence in prison I could do that for you what I cannot do is relieve you of your responsibility I can't say throw your sins on me they'll melt away immoral people not allowed to be you know entitled to be relieved of their responsibilities and the vicarious Redemption by human sacrifice is a very primitive and horrible scapegoating idea that belongs to the barbaric period of human history so all pardons are immoral so no not all pardons I didn't say that I said vicarious redemption is an immoral doctor it's also immoral of the Nazarene to say take no thought for the morrow not too close not to eat not to invest if your family leave your children leave everything give up the world no investment no thrift no thought for the future just follow me like that's only moral if if you are sure believer in the idea that the world is about to come to an end which was the case with this apocalyptic I guess you never read the parasail excelence he said the the prophecy is the world's coming to an end real soon there's no point in caring about anything oh that's not a moral preaching to me at all there are many other ways in which I fail to see how any bad behavior can ever be described as unchristian and of course it's completely laughable to say Christians build hospitals they've just many Christians have bombed hospitals as have built them and as many Muslims have built hospitals as Christians have and as many Babylonians have built great buildings as Christians out if that's the best you can do that's the best you can do the on the american belief in things i virgin birth and the devil and their doubt or things like are my opinion wildly exaggerated and padded and are produced by leading questions asked of the sort of people who happen to be in their kitchens all day and have nothing else to do and what they tend to show mainly when you interrogate them is they don't even know what it is they don't believe in I would instance governor Michael Hathaway for example who says of course he doesn't believe that he's descended from apes well theory of evolution is not the governor Huckabee as the senator makes he may know something about his family tree that I've also suspected in my time but it wouldn't invalidate the general proposition so very view usually the people who don't know about Darwinism of the ones who say they don't believe in it which isn't a fair test of anything I'll just add on this point of not being descended from but having things in common with our primary cousins we do as Darwin says bear the unmistakable stamp of our lowly origin we do grow the coach of hair when we're in the womb and then shed it in the womb at about three and a half months we do have vestigial tails we do have appendices that are for the breaking down of stuff on the Savannah that we no longer need to eat and we do have wisdom teeth another dentition that we don't a longer require because believe we were we were adapted to an environment that we a savanna environment that we've long ago abandoned so of saying that you're 100 percent human is only another way of saying that you're very much 98% primate voila it's an otherwise it's a distinction without a difference right then Christianity thought it could explain everything and then it found out not everything's weight this very simple same as your point about molecules that I said these arguments predate Epicurus Lucretia sand the atomic theory Christianity used to say can explain everything it is all you need to know is is no powerful or loving or intervening all-knowing omniscient God okay will then wait wouldn't DNA explain more ah well that only shows that God's even cleverer than we thought so it's an infinitely expanding tautology there are many of the some Christians who accept in fact it was actually a catholic physicist at the University of Leuven in Belgium who first came up with the idea of what we now call the Big Bang and most Pope's not all most Pope's have accepted it some was thought of it as a challenge to Christianity the Pope Leo who he went to the can't remember the scientists name for a second maybe someone here can help me he went to the Pope said look that looks like this is how things started the Pope said if you like I'll make it a dogma that every Catholic has to believe it I said that would be slightly missing the point your holiness as for what if as they say with the origin double Yin well because the it is true to say that religion as Stephen Jay Gould said the religion and science belonged to non-overlapping magisteria I think these Magisterial in many ways incompatible and in many ways irreconcilable but it is no more true to say that the existence of the complexity of DNA shows that God was more ingenious than we thought then it is to say that it necessarily shows by its self revealing ingenuity that we don't need the hypothesis of God both of these positions would be in my opinion somewhat reductionist though I would have to say that I think the second one is more persuasive and more elegant Gould is wrong will that do Christians or religious people religion is trying to find out what how the universe began it's always science they're not no religion says it does no excuse me it's Trott it drives an altered process of scientific inquiry religion is an affirmation of faith it says it already is person Christopher it says it all you see evidence to try and point out that the universe exploded into being out of nothing and you have scientific evidence for the view that an intervention will occur to prevent the implosion and don't forget that ah let's start at the beginning I can't forget it let's start at the beginning there baby everything you said old evening I'm going to remember Joe that's for debate - no no I mean don't say you what here do yourself do yourself your faith the honor of saying it's faith definitely know Lance Bass the argument you wear you get away with it you'll feel so much better if you leave it behind you and go and study literature instead and the consolations of philosophy and the beauties of science I think the real these are things that infinitely more awe-inspiring and wonderful and majestic and then any invocations of the burning bush or back or the immoral doctrine of vicarious Redemption whereby a single human has made the scapegoat for all sins and we we absolve ourselves not of just a sin but of our responsibility but throwing our sins on him a disgusting idea fortunately never happened the question that the cultural question that remains I think is this how people going to live when they've given up the supernatural and the superstitious are we still going to need I would say we are still going to need the numinous and the transcendent that's that's a nation us - as is reason as is morality and so that the great struggle is going to be how how we find consolation and and beauty and reflection in when we have come to terms with the fact that we don't have a divine dictator to solve our problems for us and that the heavens are empty and there our prayers are not answered and that we're alone with one another and have to make the best of it I submit that that's that's going to be the great problem for civilization from now on and a lot of a lot of energy moral as well as aesthetic is going to have to be put into solving it but the beginning of wisdom is to realize you must emancipate yourself from the idea that you're that you are the plaything of a supernatural boss fortunately that's not true a sentence or two from David Hume would correct what you say a miracle is defined not as a part of the natural order but as a suspension of the natural no energy conse conse of a of the big bang which is the foundation of a natural order that it's a suspension of what it starts you may not do that however if you meet someone in the street who you yesterday saw executed you can say either that an extraordinary miracle has occurred or that you are under a very grave misapprehension and David Humes logic on this I think is quite irrefutable he says what is more likely that the laws of nature have been suspended in your favor and in a way that you approve all that you've made a mistake and in each case you must and especially if you didn't see it yourself and you're hearing it from someone who says that they did I would go further and say the following I'll grant you that it would be possible to track the pregnancy of the woman Mary who's mentioned about three times in the Bible and to show that there was no male intervention in her life at all but yet she delivered herself of a healthy baby boy I can say I don't say that's impossible wealthy no Genesis is not completely unthinkable but it does not prove that his paternity is divine and it wouldn't prove that any of his moral teachings were thereby correct nor if I was to see him executed one day and see him walking the streets the next would that show that he's father was God or his mother was a virgin all that his teachings were true especially given the commonplace nature of Resurrection at that time and place after all Lazarus was raised never said a word about it the daughter of jairus was raised didn't say a thing about what she'd been through and the Gospels tell us that at the time of the crucifixion all the graves in Jerusalem opened and their occupants wandered around the streets to greet so they'd seems the resurrection was something of a banality at the time not all not all of those people clearly were divinely conceived so I'll give you all the miracles and you'll still be left exactly where you are now holding an empty sack I'm a Navy brat myself I'm from Portsmouth and there's a famous story about a young officer undergoing rigorous examination for the past for captain and he's told to picture himself on a Leawood shore with a very strong wind driving him towards the rocks he's asked what he's going to do he says well cram on all say all sail and steer to starboard hard down on the tiller not the wheel said but the wind keeps coming it's you're still being driven off what are you going to do now it's a cram on more sail and keep the wheel very hard down away from the leeward side and but but you're still being driven onto those rocks young man what are you going to do now is cram one more sail and keep the keep the rudder and the tiller hard down on the on the starboard side and it he's interrupted said where are you getting them where you getting all this extra sail from and he says the same place you're getting all your extra wind from I want to warn you as I close they're gentle against the dangers of tautology if everything that cannot be explained everything that is mysterious to us numinous say or transcendent must therefore be laid to the charge or the credit of a supernatural being then nothing remains to be explained everything is in potential explicable there isn't there's no problem to begin with there's no point in this argument of course there's no mystery there's no need for for cogitation there's no need for reflection it must be part of a divine plan I hope you can see the fallacy that protrudes from that conclusion to is there anyone who would like to charge me yes Peter if there is no God while you spend your whole life try to convince people that why don't you just stay off was the repeat that was the question the question is if there if there is no god why spend your life and career trying to refute that why not just leave it alone and stay home fair enough well it's it's not my it isn't my whole career for one thing it's become a major preoccupation of my life though in the last eight or nine years especially since September 11th 2001 to try and help generate an opposition to theocracy and it's depredations internationally that that that is now probably my main political preoccupation to help people in Afghanistan in Somalia in Iraq in Lebanon in Israel to resist those who sincerely want to encompass the destruction of civilization and sincerely believe they have God on their side in wanting to do so the thing may be I will take a few minutes just to say something that I find repulsive about especially monotheistic messianic religion in it with a large part of itself it quite clearly do wants us all to die it wants this world to come to an end you can tell the yearning for things to be over whenever you read any of its real texts or listen to any of its real authentic spokesmen not the sort of the pathetic apologists who sometimes masquerade for it those who talk there was the famous spokesman for this in Virginia until recently about the rapture say that those of us who have chosen rightly will be gathered to the arms of Jesus leaving all the rest of you behind if we're in a car it's your lookout that car won't have a driver anymore if we're if we're a pilot that's your lookout that plane will crash we will be with Jesus and the rest of you can go straight to hell the the eschatological element that is inseparable from Christianity if you don't believe that there is to be an apocalypse there is going to be an end a separation of the sheep and the goats a condemnation final one then you're not really I believe it and the contempt for the things of this world shows through all of them it's well put in an old rhyme from a an English exclusive Brethren sect says that we are the pure and chosen few and all the rest are damned there's ruin up in hell for you we don't want heaven crammed you can tell it when you see the extreme Muslims talk they cannot wait they cannot wait for death and destruction to overtake and overwhelm the world they can't wait for for a what I would call without ambiguity a final solution when you look at the Israeli settlers paid for often by American tax dollars designed if they can steal enough land from other people and get all the Jews into the Promised Land and all the non-jews out of it then finally the Jewish people will be worthy of the return of the Messiah and there are Christians in this country you consider it their job to help this happen so that Armageddon can occur so the painful business of living as humans and studying civilization and trying to acquire learning and knowledge and health and medicine and to push that can all be scrapped and and the cult of death can take over that to me is a hideous thing in eschatological terms in end times terms on its own hateful idea hateful practice and a hateful theory but very much to be opposed in our daily lives where there are people who sincerely mean it who want who want to ruin the good relations that could exist between different peoples nations racist countries tribes ethnicities who say who openly say they love death more than we love life and who are betting that with God on their side they're right about that so when I say is the subtitle of my book that I think religion poisons everything I'm not just doing what publishers like and coming up with the provocative subtitle I mean to say it infects us in the you know our most basic integrity it says we come be moral without Big Brother without a totalitarian permission means we can't be good to one another means we can't think without this we must be afraid we must also be forced to love someone who we fear the essence of sadomasochism at the essence of abjection the essence of the Masters slave relationship and that knows that death is coming and can't wait to bring it on I say this is evil and though I do some nights stay home I enjoy more the nights when I go out and fight against this ultimate wickedness and ultimate stupidity thank you
Channel: Agatan Foundation
Views: 1,298,825
Rating: 4.8429265 out of 5
Keywords: Christopher Hitchens (Author), Best, of, Amazing, Arguments, And, Delivery, Atheism (Religion), Atheist (Religion), Antitheism (Literature Subject), Religion, Debate, Philosophy, argument, funny, Science, great, nice, cool, Good, Fun, comeback, answer, anti-theist, anti, theist, clever, intelligent, bright, smart, church, Islam, Christianity, Judaism, morality, god, humanism, free will, theism, muslim, islamism, Six, comebacks, part
Id: 9cgOzsBUJTQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 29sec (2369 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 25 2014
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