Best of Cyn Santana (Compilation) | Seasons 4, 5 and 9 | Love & Hip Hop: New York

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ever since me and rich broke up I took some time to kind of get myself together and on that journey I met a girl named sin Santana there's a real special connection between me and sin and it's been a very long time since I've felt that way and put the cherry on top she's beautiful and sexy as hell I know you like to pull a but I figure I'm bringing here somewhere a little bit different and sexy it's nice we should have gone to Chipotle I know it's just spot but I want to bring you somewhere different why are you lunching I like you wait so much and that's the scary part that's what makes me blush then oh we love that I haven't felt like this in a long time or so ah so flattering you know I've never dated a girl I know you told me I'm like in shock right now what do you feel about it that late I don't feel like running away from you because our friendship is so like it just clicked like I've never like had a girl confess their love like this I've never got on a date with a girl never there's never been a candle well there you go that's why I wanted to bring me instead of Chipotle I love to Toledo we should go there after whoa go there another time on the real I have different feelings for you so you know so we can see where it goes that's only one but you have to promise me something we have to remain friends no matter what no matter what you promise I promise it's understandable that since hesitant I'm hoping that with time I can win her over I have no idea where this is going or where it's heading but right now I'm so down for this ride it will ultimately ends up somewhere good even if it is friendship but I'm not gonna are you forgetting what I want that's my boy this just for you your boobies look great yeah I don't want you to feel weird who would gather mix because you know so much about having a bridge fun didn't you moment ever giving me the opportunity or wanted to help me with the music stuff as much as he just like it's weird because the same do this computer gun guy cory gunz you know what American likes off my face because I would do things without rich knowing and even go to rich like Olson here man well don't mix business with pleasure what I was saying he's a lawyer has to only person in the world [Music] so I was not with [Applause] [Music] niall a bizarre you know minute what you've been up to go to music and you trying to get by the show finally you know this is really cute actually what should that today I forgetting stuff together for the calendar but there's actually something I'm going to talk to you about I don't like that when you say that it's never good I met with rich you met we're itching at a time it was a business it was a real like serious business meeting like I want to hear barrage and it's not even on some like I'm jealous like that's your no I know I don't know I just really don't like what he did why do you need him you don't need that guy and I'm not the only one that feels like that and that's what I was talking about homegirl nya Lee called me before you for she wanted to speak to you so I think I should wolf sit down like two grown women and talk I don't want to do the song wah ha we clearly butt heads I feel like the way she talks in the way you talk is it it just clashes if you want to come into this music industry you want to comment on some cool everybody so just don't burn bridges with nobody because you never know when you're gonna need them okay so speaking of burning bridges we shouldn't burn our bridge the bridge either give it a chance clear it again three listen if you feel like you're I need this come come with me so you can see like just to sound right there and just yeah said I'm a follow you like always but when some wolf happens you better run away from me cuz I'm be like I told you saw his whole just for you to listen to me this is one of the main reasons why I mess listen she's a writer dime and she keeps her 100 her opinion doesn't mean a lot to me but so does my loyalty to a rich and somehow I gotta make this work so if I almost died on her face when I meet whoo-ha could be like I told you so cuz that's not necessary we don't need to do one of that we sit down and we talk you know I've missed you why are we shopping for bathing suits you're gonna take me on a lot of romantic dinner on the beach that's very much so possible this is never known as long as our Chipotle I'm good I'm doing the calendar and I finally picked the country and its location I pick Panama we're going to Panama for real do you want to come yeah I want a goal the grand prize is that's a grand prize I won't have to work so hard because I'm gonna have this person come with us to do all the like hard [ __ ] it's the rich is coming cool yes you're gonna come because he's gonna help me handle everything I don't know just a corny people [Music] [Music] cinema I just came back from Panama and we just had the most amazing time together while the Panama we did a lot of relaxing but yet there was a lot of work so I decided to treat sim so spa days to kind of ease her back into a day to day Panama was amazing yeah fine I had a great time thank you for taking me no but I'm really got glad you came because we've been spending a lot of time together and too much I'm very tired I'm glad you brought me though I think it was necessary because you were there and the time we spent was I don't know a it was special for me Panama by frog brought me and Cyn closer than ever I gotta admit I'm really falling hard for this girl I know we'll always have feelings for rich but what matters to me right now is enjoying my time with Cyn and as far as I'm concerned I'm not letting her go anytime soon it's very new to me and you've taken it real easy with me it's no pressure you understand where I'm coming from and never in a million years did I imagine us being here now you're smart you're funny you make me feel good and I could honestly say that it's something that I've never felt before I'm gonna make me oh crap I like I like where this is going I want to take a further with jewel you know I'm like falling in love with you I don't know it just feels like that you're like I have a best friend that helps I have a companion and then I have some that like a correlate so you've given me calmness and you know my peace a little bit I don't know even if we don't end up together I think I will always know who you are and what you've been to me and that alone it's gonna help me keep you in my life because we can help each other I mean you've done a lot for me and I could stop here timing you probably don't realize it but it was a promise the very first date and that no matter what we'll still be friends we'll just know I'm ready to love Lisa I'm on the set from my show magazine cover shoot with my girls sin and I got am in modeling next to my girl makes being sexy very easy all right ladies let's take five real quick okay after Panama we've fallen so hard for each other sim was the ultimate support system out in Panama so I wanted to give her something just to let her know that I really do appreciate her look inside my boobs I got a surprise for you look and say your favorite boom for you it's the same chain you have oh babe I'm trying not to butter her up with all these presents but now that means and on a different level I can't keep secrets from her anymore I gotta let Sid know about this contract that I sound what rich before things get messy so remember how I told you I was going to study and I'm mister you know work on the music of stuff like that and I told so I was still gonna work the rich I like this already but you know when it comes to stuff like this is legal stuff like you gotta do things properly so while you're signing with him yeah I didn't think you would mind so much because I know that you know cuz you know what I'm doing you told me we're gonna work with him I thought you wouldn't do a song or two but as far as signing because last time that everything happened the way it happened is because I wasn't son I trust you I just don't trust him the minute he passes the line which I know he is the stopper or I will I don't wanna fall like let it be just music just music no I'm serious I don't just like Cynthia okay [Music] Astoria yep this is what I work I want you to hear the song the infamous track that mr. rich daughter's got for you this better be good this is the song reference track alright play it [Music] they're meeting rich to record my new song and I decided to bring sing along with me I 100 hear the song and love it as much as I do [Music] regardless I was gonna come clean listen but after talking with Alby I realized that now is definitely the time I can't have sin in Rich's presence what I even know what's been going on all right that's dope reach up do with this like finding out the song like I'll give that to him that's a dope song I'm not gonna lie to you I'm gonna be honest with you like regardless of what you feel about rich at the time when I was with rich I really wanted it to work cuz I really do feel for him and you know I'm always what like relationship yeah relationship and when he brought the track to me he was saying everything that I wanted him to say like that and caught up in that moment it was just a kiss ever calm no no serious forever like my heart just dropped no sand on her car Erica that's tough Erica no but it wasn't really nothing I swear to you it means nothing I have to laugh because if I don't ask okay so now what and and you sign to this mother when you want me to be okay with that no one's perfect I'm not perfect not about being perfect it's common sense you're clearly not over rich are you confused do you not know what you want to do like what I do I do I was your heart I want you is your heart still there oh the heart isn't there you're over rich but you're still kissing the know that I'm remorseful I understand my stuff and I attend in the day I'm not trying to lose you're saying you know how I feel about you you know that you know that to be honest I have to tell you a magazine you were supposed to be my [ __ ] Erica I am you were supposed to be my [ __ ] and this is what you're going to do everything hey I'm sorry I'm sorry and I need you to know that I'm sorry it was just a kiss it was just the kiss no more no less I swear it was just a kiss with rich I trusted you Erica I trust you look at me I'm not working with the city if you're gonna work with him that we've done I've decided we're gonna have to pick I'm not doing this I'm not doing this [Music] what are you doing here my racket my studio session it's like really Erica erica I'm talking to do the simple we're doing Billy here I told you I was here to record the song he has nothing to do with their God he has nothing to do with your Christi what does that mean hmm we do are you confused no yeah I'm confused cuz this is my studio session this is what we watch of business very you about your business absolutely you could see my girls being a bunch of business you long blend it to you for a minute personally I'm healing my Ricky I'm here on this is much sex rate can give me five seconds no y'all could take this across the street to TGI Fridays returnees restaurant this is my you see your girl and manager her and I do what I wanna do you mean respect her okay boys you know how [ __ ] y'all could get out there and just you tell her to give you the rest heavy your business this has been literally the best birthday I've had in a long time we going all out for you right now it's just a taste of what's gonna happen consistently you know what I want a thousand percent loyalty one thing about me is I have haven't always been dealt a fair card when it comes to my relationship I'm over rich pesos I'm not gonna take any chances of jeopardizing this point been clearing I brought it all the way up I get it like to disappear and I put myself in this place I'm not confused about nothing I know I want I want you and we're gonna make this happens in and I'm you want stuff and I need you to trust me when I say look me right in the eyes and I'm gonna make sure that you don't have to feel this way ever again I don't want you to not try hurt you and that bothers me what I'm told you the beginning if you don't let you that [Music] [Music] nothing I was at talking to him is not what I came here for no it's not so listen this is my manager when I go to you I don't even know you you want to sit down and have a conversation we should sit down and talk I said all along I don't have a beef with Santana I don't know her she's just some chick from Dyckman but it seems like she has this beef with dollars and I just don't know where it comes from if SCIM wants to talk I'm more than happy to I have nothing to hide but what I'm not gonna tolerate is some singing so it wasn't really with the whole rich singer cuz I like that corny I think it was the corny dude I don't think a corny for what you did all right I don't know much about the music industry let's just start off with that but your lips ended up on her lips so this business why are we in the studio kissing what kind of contract that I signed this time I just need you to respect this line you fill me how's my beautiful family I'll be celebrating I've wanted this moment from my wire because we need to make this work I don't want it to be any drama there is it there's no driver just as long as the line is across that's it we're moving forward let's just like make this work can he say sign cuz he's just the head like he some stupid just staring and laughing a popping his head yo she's lightweight hostile what's been happening with us we on the back has been disrespectful and I told her that we're at this time we're good okay we spoke so y'all going is that ball get this on and poppin I still think he's corny for what you did Thank You bird [Music] how many times you gonna call me corny and the reality is I'll let you borrow Erica you right [Applause] yeah control your birth order right phone them back of the double XL I don't know leave talk like that you leave systemic Lee babe real I call your bird [Music] oh yeah the time and you know this Erika has a bad habit of defending [ __ ] I definitely don't trust old boy everybody too far behind either Erica's always like oh I don't like fighting I don't like fighting so what you still got this fool in your life blows up every time he's around and if she can't see that then I'm not seeing her what do you want sir I need some time maybe I forgot what the you're gonna do whatever you want to do you are a grown-ass woman but if you do it it might not be no average Erica please please for her for me I gotta stop I was there stop saying I don't know what's gonna happen between us all I know that the end of the day I'm not gonna hurt you and I don't wanna hurt you like what why Erica I'm sick of it I'm so sick of it I'm over this so here I am I've been backstage with Erica she's super nervous about my performance but I know she's gonna kill it but now I have to fulfill the other half of my promise and go play nice with some your pesos very very happy these boots aren't they cute II oh my god everything you look gorge no if I cuz every hair down no I'll take it I'm just gonna pull them off just keep going I'm excited to see Erica I haven't even heard the song so I'm excited though the song is though is it is she gonna strip yeah oh yeah I said I'm about my business last year you didn't sign the contract you don't get the record this [ __ ] you sign the contract you get the record I'm just a little like you know I don't know if you can have a conversation right now I don't know how you feeling but you're a grown man and you know that Erica is not involved to somebody else and I don't think you respect our relationship I'm trying to understand where my disrespect lies if Erica chooses to kiss me the being about to do okay talking about that all right what do you mean if ever the choices to have relations with me come on are we really gonna have this conversation do you really want to do this I mean you mad because what who's mad all right so you happy so if you happy that we kissing you and hanging out and goals we don't can why you keep saying that word [Music] amiracle centimeter because what do you mean you want because I'm getting hot yeah go outside and get some here where's Africa I don't know what the just talking about what he's saying better not be true Eric already [ __ ] up once and I gave her a second chance so there better be a good explanation for this one pump of dollars 0 for sin [Music] just play this game what is the door doing this Erica disrespect me always so now he sits here chopping I guess [Music] he's talking about right now I'm not doing it you're not doing what I cannot deal with this bull there cap I can you talk about how mean you are here you're clearly still in love with this I'm not bullying this about you that's why every time where I want to go you bet teed up while he's doing now disrespecting me I'm not doing that every time now you go handle damn I'm not dealing with that bull I'm not oh you know what this is what you're gonna do you're gonna go out there right talk and the defensive tomorrow to me I'm gonna keep doing this over and over and over again and I'm not waiting I'm not I'm not waiting so I'm done I'm done with this book I'm done with [ __ ] I'm not pre ported I'm not paid for it of course Rich's weak-ass has to ruin the one day and I'm in the spotlight I just finished my big performance and the last thing I would have thought was that Richard hua his way not only to ruin my night but tried to ruin my relationship with sin so this is what we do tonight and all nights this is how much you care about me slow down relax around it's a good day that's the kind of brace on a spa training there's the kind of energy that is kind of drama buddy right just just a minute so that way it's not worth it to me mana it's so much drama I would sure like every time I'm in a situation that there's something like then we're gonna break through what are sick of fighting I'm sick of the drama I just want to me god bless you exactly god bless me I'm so tired to the point man like I really don't know where you want to be done fighting and I'm gonna be us my little French you're gonna make me happiness cause it like this you're selfish you're selfish Erica's not gonna play me like no fool we were just kickin it at my crib just one week ago let's look at our recent history she tells me she loves me she asked me to love her all while she's dating someone else then she hits on me multiple times in the studio then she calls me to smash you know what I'm sick of sin trying to tell me what it is and Erica trying to play me like I'm the bad guy there's no way I'm letting either one of them have the last word on this one and that's the damn shore now I got to go do me [Music] there's no turning back originally I'm completely done with him it's the same this cornball pulled last year he put my head my relationships and my money I refuse to ever let him get away with it again my life everything is Ritchie dollars god bless you you know how we roll for both gluttons for punishment at the end of the day we argue we fight it is what it is but somehow she always seems to find the way back to me this isn't the end of Erica or Richie D because at the end of the day mama you're nothing without me [Music] given all that's happened and gone down are you still willing to work with rich it's so complicated what y'all don't get to see a lot of the times it's me rich we have a dope connection and I think that's why we've lasted so long but at the same time it's you know it's just it's more to us you know what I'm saying so I think the business stuff we're good it's just everything else that's complicated nothing how would you feel about Erica working with rich you know I'll give him his credit he is good and Erica really wants this music thing and I support her 100% so if she feels like he's gonna get her where she needs to get to then I'm there like I'm on her corner all day but it has to be just business you can't keep me you can't bring me out when you want and keep me in a corner when you want to put rich you can't do that if y'all love each other then either be with each other or don't and just work like I do can't put me over here and be like yeah I love you come sit on Daddy's lap and Mister on Daddy's lap I come to me like oh my god I love you won't so sorry I did that to you and it's like a psycho like I'm sick of it dealing with it and like you can't expect me to sit here and have him Tommy yeah we're stuck and I just sit here like okay cool no no cuz I don't like sharing I'm greedy too I don't like sherry are you at a place where you know what Erica wants to do um i'ma start off by saying that me pursuing sin was for no other reason but the fact that I really was just like drawn to her and it was asrama time that me and him broke up and I feel bad now because it's like you know not realizing it I was in a transition phase of really you know trying to get over him and I have to own up to the fact that I do feel guilty she's crazy because what you may not realize that you've actually made me a better person such a short period of time and you know I gotta give you credit to that I just really wanted to love you and not realizing loving you I still wasn't over that love are you still like average I've been through a lot to the point that it's like it's maybe the way that I am am I still in love with rich [Music] [Applause] yes so I'm at home when I receive a text message from a friends of mine and it's a video of Erica turned way too far up followed by some very suspicious pictures of her and her female friend so here we go again to disrespect hey what's up we can happen fun we're building our relationship again I'm trying to trust you again and are you doing out here disrespecting me and it's making me and I trust you all over again I'm back at square one I really feel like this relationship why do you say that because you do this obviously this hurts you how much ever occurred to you I need you to understand you don't like me like a person ever that's not true so much what you on a different level I'm really not happy so what can make Stan happy cuz I'm down for whatever right usually we love wrestling you should there's no secret that I love you and I'm in love with you and I'm gonna do whatever it takes to fix this and keep this right you love me I guess I love you but love and respect are two different things I regarded saying [Music] I was doing my dollarz thing minding my own business when I get an invitation from the last person I'd expect to get one from Pope Cynthia the surprise surprise what's going on life is full of surprises indeed it is for the life of me I can't think of what sins got to say first Erica now sin this is crazy you're not drunk right since you and Erica are my life I actually drink a whole lot less now cuz when you have a little liquor in your system you don't really know how to act I'm gonna take her I'm gonna take this opportunity to apologize for that outburst no real talk I'm a man up right now and I was actually waiting to have this conversation which you thought about that a lot that wasn't that was crazy I shouldn't that was that's not me I'm actually very excited to be clearing the air up with rich and it's been bothering me for a while now because I'm not the kind of person to burn bridges and I didn't really like wherever tonight a sofa talking to Christy the other day right this is cool girl she came up with this crazy idea maybe you and I like accidentally ending up in a studio and kind of works on a song together you want to do music I know this is like super weird and random laugh but I want to get my feet wet you know just to start off you know my brother passed away he committed suicide so I was thinking maybe writing a song and maybe I could play the strings a little man you know nothing crazy just you and make a song and put it on iTunes review song yeah song put it on iTunes and then just donate it's like a suicide we're gonna stay tuned or Travie butters go or or something for kids you know peace applause like that we could probably figure it out how long I want to try something new you know yeah I want to step out of my comfort zone you mean let's do it you gotta take it serious outside I take everything everything 100% yeah I got this liquor it's called 79 gold okay how do you know I'm old enough to drink I want you to be the face by checking your toilet I wouldn't so for commander of records times of change so you I don't do it for the money right so you pour me you pour me a drink with your liquor and if they say it's good and we worked on out you can shake on it absolutely good conversation since Santana cheers Cheers good conversation ever since sin and I agreed to do the charity song my wheels have been spinning I recently started working with this girl by the name of freshness Paris and I think it would be dope if she gave me a 16 for this record so I arranged for the two of them to meet today to see if the sparks fly hope is Santana hey pesos what's happening but before that I still all sent a taste test of my new liquor to see if she still wants to be the face of it so you said you know I'm saying you wanted to make sure you taste approved so we had to get you to taste so it was working with finger because I needed somebody to sing on my track so this actually not really good this is why I'm here dock connector act like you know see you in a sec all right so what's going this is a nice ambiance yeah it's got a little crab cake you want some crab cake I'm a crab I'm allergic to being hungry oh well I'm working with rich now on this project I brought the idea to him he liked the idea the reason why I want to do this particular song is because my brother passed away and it's okay I'm sorry recently yeah hasn't even been a year um he committed suicide so I kind of want to make a song kind of like a tribute to hymns and have all the proceeds donated I'm so sorry for you I don't know what he was going through and I tell people this all the time like you just never know one hug one kiss one phone call could change a whole a contingent person's outlook on life and I'm always gonna go back to my brother because you know she committed suicide sorry don't cry baby don't cry you need some tissues this is very fresh for you I lost my sister when I was 17 she got murdered she got murdered yeah and I couldn't sleep for a year it's been months and I don't sleep at night it's a few guilty you know cuz I'm like I'm not type of person I want to help everybody and I just kind of feel like I failed to him because he would call me you know he would call me don't put that weight on you it's just so hard like to think that someone you knew took their own life away and I'm always the one that wants to help everybody and I couldn't help my own brother and it kills me there's no he's not here I can't I can't do anything about it but help other people which is what I'm doing all of this this means so much to me and if I could save a life I will this is something that I really really want to do it yeah you can save some lives and just do this for a good cause I think it'd be great it would be great and I want me to be I will be honored chop this is the love own strength it's a forgiveness and to forgiveness cheers Cheers after rich broke the news about him hiring sin who's my ex to do his campaign yes I was pissed I mean it's obvious he's doing this to provoke me so after he extended this whole invite to attends his little liquor and launch I decided hey why not get drunk and go visit my two favorite exes I like to get about attention everybody come to the first and foremost I'd like to thank everybody for coming out I'm very very excited about what's going on right now in my new venture and with that being said whatever II don't brand needs the sole model so let's introduce and everybody gives send a shout out [Applause] these AZ can we turn up a little bit so rich warns me that he invited Erica and the fact that she showed up means she's gonna start some I'm not even trying to deal with her right now so she should just keep it pushin and leave me the alone cuz I'm not in the morning nobody likes not turns out there's a liquor party I feel like I can get some blood do a little more I try to be brought before the festivities suck any part of it are you talking like that can I get a shot of this 49 79 whoa here we go Erica just needs to come in turn up and try to make that about herself like always cuz that's what insecure [ __ ] do but you know what I'm not gonna engage in this bull server shooter what do you think about all of this honestly I don't want to tell you certain things because I feel like it's gonna feed my feed here but you know what's wrong so is it safe to say now your real feelings are coming so it's safe to say that I see it [ __ ] is real motive the battery for magnetronic eats a pack - one - hello I just want to give a big shout-out to my good friend buddy old pal Ritchie dollars tonight was supposed to be all about me but this is what Erika does when she doesn't have the spot like she'll do anything to get it I'm so over this [ __ ] and all her selfish bulls Thank You Brittany a round of applause and honestly I love you respect you till this day no matter how many songs you stole from me nobody how many of my exes you decide to hire we love you Ritchie feed all these people so let's give a round of applause to Richie Dollaz unlimited thank you today I'm shooting the cover of blue magazine and I'm super excited and can't wait to see how the shots come out the only thing I'm not anticipating is seeing 'some so text me and act to meet up I guess she wanted to talk I gotta be honest I'm really not feeling all of this you guys can you give me a second real quick since I've got show please after speaking with Paris it helped me realize how whack this whole situation is I guess I was just used to Erica's beat us and to add to that Paris's reaction just made me realize that I need to be done with Erica for good this isn't something that I can just drop and it's unfortunate that has to end this way this is not how I saw it come like why can't you just go your way and why can I just always try and I was doing that and then you come along with rich and knows everything off listen you're still not giving me a real answer and why you did that I don't first of all if you want to go your ways and go I like dudes me and anyone want attached to know if you wanted us on why go to my ex I can't stop my life for you ever cut because can't and I don't want you to and I'm going why Kota rich I'm doing a song with rich for charity a selfless act something ever cut would never understand but of course she thinks that us working together has everything to do with her because the whole world revolves around Africa if you think I came to rich to like get back at you that was the reason I spoke to rich to squash whatever animosity was there and I mentioned I wanted to do a song with him you could pool Drake and I rich you're making like a picture of the street Erica how you are moving on has to do with you still meaning a lot of people to have connections with me okay I'll take it as you still want to be around me in some way so if you wanted us on I'm good I just need you to you know understand that there's no I don't have no harsh feelings towards you everything happens it happened it's sad Oh what I do want to apologize for that time that I'm over it no listen you need to hear her because me being as into you as I was I should have held my composure a lot more than I did and I didn't need to put my hands okay and I love you now with will I want you to forgive me on that okay [Music] rich connected me with Cisco to work on the song for my brother from what I'm told I heard he said great things for first-time artists so I have to say my hopes are pretty high I hope I'm not interrupting no no no rain for you what's happening coincidentally he's lost a brother too once I learned that I knew he can give this song the soul it deserves which told me about your situation it caught my attention because I you know I I went through something similar I don't know the exact situation but I had an older brother God rest his soul that you know that I lost and I've never been the same to this day I decided one day like to make a record about I know so I did that and so record I worked on for about two years on and off I want you to hear it yeah an idea of what I can do for you [Music] [Music] [Music] and every time I hit a song no matter how long it's been I still get emotional you know I think that's what a tribute song should do and I'm willing to help same poor feelings on to distract you know my brother was murdered in the street and you know I always blame myself because I never stopped the money but trying to stop him you know and I feel like me a guy and show him I love them enough oh it's so hard and nobody can understand when you lose something like that I got what I've never imagined getting a phone call 9:00 morning I got mine at 6:00 in the morning and I literally I just fell on the floor and like the room was spinning I was like this this has to be fake right this has to be faced as a snake tell me this is fake this is fake where's Joe where's my brother where's my brother he could have gone to my dad like that I'm going through it I'm thinking about killing myself I keep tall alive within me by following my heart and never backing down because you'll never know if you're gonna be here tomorrow I ask myself every day am i living an honest life am I facing my challenges like learning how to play guitar or standing up to Erica when she's bad-mouthing me online and my brother's memory I've learned to never run away from adversity he's made me stronger I could literally help people and save lives with the story you know I'm confident this process well you know it's gonna help you it's gonna make you feel better I'm pretty sure I know things between Erica and I aren't perfect but finding out she was getting engaged you must we broke up really hurt me for some reason I just can't shake this so I decided to pop up on Erica at the her warehouse to try to get some closure on this situation this is coming along super super-great let's see if we could make the beanies this material and then we'll do a side approach stretchy confuses me I don't mean to interrupt but I have to have a word with if you don't mind I'm sorry give me like 30 min no clothes I won't be long what are you doing here you know I'm real big on closure and I just feel like everything between us happened way too fast [Music] I cannot I'm not I can't do this I have no idea why sentence here but obviously I can see she's upset I've already moved on and I'm about to become someone's wife it's apparent that sin has yet to move on and I guess it's only right at this point that I give her the opportunity to get what she needs off her chest what's the matter I know know know why I always find myself right back here like you and after all the what are you here for as I'm like totally oblivious like I said cuz you're engaged now does your was bout all like how did that happen why why did you not just tell me like the truth did you fall in love with the sky but Wow like that you should see something in him that you didn't like what is it as soon as we broke up I had enough time to like analyze absolutely and it was time it was perfect timing for me you do not feel anything at all nothing like you're just okay with life now and everything everything just happened like I never existed to you I don't feel anything no more no like you think that is easy I feel like it's like I can't do this I can't it's no secret my feelings for sin have changed but we did at one point in time have something special I don't want to see sooner better no reality my relationship was shot has nothing to do with her being so dramatic just relax I won't even say nothing I just need you to talk you would have felt some type of way like if I tell you don't worry about somebody and then I I'm getting married to them yeah but that wasn't the case you didn't have to worry about him that you didn't he was in a relationship that was too and during our break I really was in this hole I'm not dating nobody so what you're thinking like this was like oh I'm broken up with saying I'm gonna go get engaged that's not what happened at all I know you and I both knew what we had [Music] as much as I wanted to drag it over and wipe my ass which was sometimes like I can't help the fact that I still care about you and that's the honest-to-god truth I still care about you and that's why I came here I just wanted some type of clothes you I wanted to know what happened like how does it happen you know because ya gotta see you say young but the truth is sometimes I think about it I didn't mean the heart by any means by no means ever not a friendship out of relationship not in like anything I never wanted to talk like you were different you want my friend then you became more than that and I don't know I don't I don't want to find what you man I I don't I never wanted us to get there ever I care about Erica I want her to be happy and I want to be also this isn't easy but this conversation is helping me even though it wasn't easy to see her and tell her my true feelings I did this is a lot right now I think I think we both said what we needed to say you look beautiful beautiful and I sincerely wish you'd bus like you know that [Music] hi hey why you so lonely here oh I'm just working what's up what's going on you and your candles yeah you know there's an one no rules are they this cool and I have been working really hard on my new song for my suicide awareness event I'm so excited to hear how it all comes together love you guys thank you you know whatever I might have a date after this yeah yeah is my song ready yes come along robot still got be some more work to report Lisa get an idea where you're at both got a little bit of a reputation with the ladies but I have to say I haven't seen any of that he's shown himself to be a perfect gentleman with me and a great producer [Music] I have to admit I never thought this day would come when my brother took his life I didn't think the pain will go away this song's doesn't heal me completely but it is a really good start I cannot believe that sang the smaller songs hmm that's crazy no Pharrell I can't believe that's me singing working with Cisco has been great I like being around him but something does not add up here how could the Cisco that I've come to know have anything to do with this crazy diamond shake I wanted to ask you are you stressed out about somebody no no I don't have anybody right now I had somebody that was dealing with recently diamonds yeah Diamond strawberry whatever right yeah recently I heard she was running around with wish you want to return you guys spoke about it you told him how you felt and I'll forgive him but I'll never forget it okay though soon and you're moving forward now correct and that's not yeah I mean floating and you know most recently he did you know do something really nice for me too and what do you do he brought you me him quiet he brought you to me he brought me to you or do stuff he introduced us okay I mean it's just you know you you know you been around you know you got great energy thank you but the first year so I just appreciate it you know the experience and we're coaching is cisco hitting on me I hope not because otherwise this can get really awkward nothing I mean look so well let's play the song again so there's like to get back in the zone [Music] it has been so much work but the night of my event has arrived and I am amazed I really hope tonight honors my brother and supports those who have been affected by suicide you all you look at I couldn't have done this without the help of rich and Christie so many people have donated time and talent to make this a great event but I'm nervous about performing my song in front of an audience I'm so proud of them for playing this event emotions that girls got such a big heart that it is not a surprise to see everybody here to support her but I haven't been around for a minute and I got some catching up to do it's all Rich's Gracia you know what I becomes I become the doctor Nestor he got me collecting your Krispies what I watch you guys late what about her she has a born April I know her deal with the raunchy ass sex tape out from Johnny it was probably Richie Dollaz unlimited all up in it pulls on the tape rich and Johnny that's what I want to know I know who the other person is gonna take no I'm not in the little pointy maybe she's a porn star maybe she's a rapping porn star raisin flowers working with sin is amazing you know I ain't gonna lie I'm starting to develop some type of feelings for sin the last time I try to break it down I feel like she wanna hear it but tonight it feel like some magic in the air so it might be the right time to show why I ran with it and maybe she'll give me the same thing back to be honest with you ever since I met you we spend a lot of time I just you know what a lot of light into my life man just being I wanted to let you know that you know I really do care about Siri style you know I don't want to hide it anymore from you in front and play to shoot you know I would love the opportunity to we could be together one day in my life I wasn't expecting to tell you I don't want to hide anymore I want to be around you and you not at least no cisco laid out his feelings for me was the last thing I expected I'm going to need some time to let this die just but for now I'm going to focus on the purpose of this event I was not expecting all of it no I mean a blindside since I know it's an emotional day for you and it'll be right opportunity let you know hey good luck I need a shop whoa I'm not opening the door on Cisco but I'm not keeping it closed either right now I need to concentrate on Tammy my nerves because here comes my first public performance I want you to put your hands together for the song title call how can you leave by Santana it's taken a lot of months and helping friends but I'm doing this for my brother and his memory because if I can just help one person I feel like I achieved something [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] you don't know what it feels to finally be here and sing the song for my brother the only way this could be any better is if he were here with me tonight this one's for you Joey [Music] tonight is the night say finally agree to go on a date with me and I think I got a chance to win over no I'm usually good with this kind of thing but was sin I'm not taking any chances I'm pulling out all the stops so I reserved the private room at one of my favorite restaurants and I just hope that she's feeling me too when I'm feeling huh are you good good good no I'm just you know I'm seeing well what's Benno I wanted to thank you you know cuz they even happen and everything was so fast and everybody was moving everywhere we spoke but we didn't really really really speak right and I just wanted to thank you for that you know but I I remember you telling me you know that you were starting to like me because I found something that was special to me you know I met somebody that I was really just excited about and that's flattering Thank You Cisco and I are not on the same page with our relationship I loved working with him on my song but I'm really not interested in pursuing anything more than a friendship this kind of conversation is never easy but it's better to lay it all out on the table rather than to lead him on I mean you you know right now like when it's business it's business like I don't you know I do not play that like this is especially with a song like this you know I'm listen I'm with you however you look at it I'm which one there by me saying like there's no business we did a record that's I produce medicine for all the time and then take it in a dozen you know when business partners and they take a record they go do they want with it this this just isn't for me you did I thought I was gonna like being around somebody and start to feel some type of way like this not I know happens but you have somewhat early motives no I just gotten lost money special your special Nestle and God bless you and I hope whoever it is that wants a blend and you knows what he has cuz I know what you wanna shake or she whatever but whatever him you see whatever it is yeah you're a special individual soul you know um wish you the best on that all I'm saying is that I got the idea you know care about you deeply that's danger so I gotta get past that no though I want people to understand that I didn't want it to end like it ended I did it so I want people to take from this relationship that no it didn't work out but it has opened doors for this kind of relationship to be accepted I was picking my brain for months on what I really did so wrong cuz she's been saying oh she devastated me she stole money from me she cheated on me and if that's all you hear mmm and when you see this girl playing this whole roll out of being the victim you know I'm obviously the bad guy why would you not want to clear that up why would you not want to go on to that reunion show stage look her in the eye and let the world know like this is all a lie if I was to put her on blast she could never come back from it there's nobody doing her a favor by being a hoarder because now she can be the victim she could be the sweet girl that everybody loved with the red hair that you know wants to feed the children yeah why not let her run with it she needs something to run with what did she feel that you had done to her I mean was it whatever reason she thinks that I owe her money from her so were the emotions that she was feeling really about the money stuff because it feels like she kept saying he cheated on her at her 21st birthday party the gentleman she's up and down New York now with is been in the picture from the beginning so you're saying she was dating him the whole time let's clarify the time line with you and bow-wow in relation to your relationship with sin one kiss happened okay I like to start controversy and it was 106 in part at that moment what was supposed to be was a staged scenario of us looking like we're thoughts of kiss and sin it was supposed to kind of come out half the crowd were crazy unfortunately sin had a different agenda and never showed up that day I was angry so I just went forward with it anyway and at that time I was like he's just my friend automatically I was in the doghouse so is he during that time I was really trying to fix it your relationship with sin okay and the more I try to fix it the more people getting involved and then as you move forward once you start befriending enemy enemy enemy that's when they finally hit me that it was over for me so have you guys been in touch at all how does she tried to communicate with you get back with you Oh weird meeting enough she kind of popped up at a venue that I was hosting during all-star weekend which I found it to be so weird did you guys talk absolutely not she was by the bar where I found her so I was in VIP well we know Erica doesn't mince words so soon what I want to know is what do you have to say in response to Erica's really saying that you're playing the victim it's easy to play victim when you are victim she and I know what it is for her to stick here and then she does this whole so at the bar where I found her like what is your point I understand your frustration you brought me in as a pond because last season were rich study you you're starving I was dying out so what happened you needed to go find a cute little girlfriend to bring on the show and you thought it was a little puppy but I'm not so I have nothing else to say to that girl I don't and I just want to make something clear okay the reason her and I didn't work out wasn't because she got engaged you know it was because of the disrespect the lies and just I started seeing the kind of person that she was and I just wasn't too fond of it so I just decided to keep a-movin but so we know you are fond of someone else now yes he's waiting backstage so everyone please welcome ray okay so ray Erica says that you were at sins 21st birthday party we know cameras were there so was there something going on during that time because we know Rasheeda you were there as well did you see him I don't know cuz I ain't no snitch I was there I was there what was your relationship at the time friends I was there to support her 21st birthday okay and that was it yeah that was it okay let me know you seem very happy are you in love with Ray I'm very much in love I'm in a really really really good place fine all right that is very nice to know the king is arrived [Music] things have changed for me a lot over the years my career and my maturity my personal life last time you guys see me I think I was a little unlucky in love too [Music] that's enough also I have some personal demons I was badly a lot of people can get them but it's more important to statement changed and today is a new day sin and I were friends who a few years prior to us dating and then a few years back we were both single and we decided to take things to that next level [Music] she's young passionate beautiful bubbly I'm the old man I'm ready to take my clothes off yeah oh you should take your clothes others you can go swimming now get dressed I want to see some legs and knees easy access for me since having a baby things we used to got a little busy busy like full five six times a day now I'm lucky if I even got a little tongue hey knees out I do why you don't look happy to see her [Music] I love family time but that's all Joel wants to do and it's killing me oh okay well I mean I was hoping I'm you okay what did you want to do by the pool down I'll get back to you tonight same time same place here yes we live doesn't mean that we gotta let go of each other okay so with that being said how about we take like a vacation not possible do we need to make it happen maybe I'm gonna have lots of fun and lots of sex gonna spend a lot of time together without the baby without work [Music] welcome to the jopen podcast live rendition Rory that's a great shirt by the way Thanks breeze out there salut listen just because you dress like you sold coat in 87 on Lenox doesn't mean you got it like you could only rude alright [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] silly of me for thinking that that went without question [Music] well so Joey's podcast was great but that's not gonna be all the work he's putting in tonight this little dry spell that we've been having is gonna end tonight [Music] Lexa's at home with my mom and I have the perfect plan in place and I can't wait I figured since we're to study already [Music] slow down got a room I want to do that [Music] we have a five month old baby oh yeah we might get it on and like we used to but that's okay honestly she's just being a little immature about situation driver make the next right please take me to New Jersey [Music] I want to know how he thinks it makes me feel so practically had to beg my man for some sex I'm already having a hard time adjusting to my new body after giving birth and he's making me feel worse the hotel is not the problem the timing timing is department let me finish let me finish what I'm saying [Music] [Music] between Jonathan and that whole mess and jock way talking on safaris poverty was a fraud I don't know so today I'm going to spend some time with my baby sisters but first let me put this sleepy baby down for a nap I thought whisking sent away to a romantic vacation we'll give me some special treatment around the house as usual she's got me cleaning up the mess if I didn't know any better I would think that she's kind of like an allergic reaction to penny house okay but what do you first comes love then comes the baby then comes marriage and the [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] No Fee for Fiona and when there's no ring it and then we work always my baby sister does least 22 years old got four years with a man and she already got a little promise ring and Here I am with a baby I will propose when I am ready and when I feel the time is right and hopefully that's when sin decides to take some of her wifely duties around the house more seriously take your little goofy eyes into the car and drive to Zales chop-chop sales nothing that will measure my love is on sale yes I'm booting to Simon's moving okay Joe Cody look at too many that's what I say ah no me importa 17 let's look at this salon T and trust me never again [Music] from work girl it was just psychotic man Joe asked me to go and sit down and have a woman-to-woman talk with his girl they just hit a little bump in the road and if I could help smooth out the pavement that's what I'm gonna do well I spoke to Joe we were talking I worked out the day he kind of mentions that he doesn't really understand what's going on with you so I'm like okay talk to our buffers I need to know both sides of just started I kind of have mixed feelings about Joe asking me to talk to his friend after our huge blow-up he hasn't even tried to speak to me himself but all I really care about is me and Joe finding a way to get back to our relationship I still feel like we should be in the honeymoon stage I want to get married but I want a big family I want kids right so we were like I'm ever gonna have kids in four years that happened way before and I came all this way so I stood esteem funny like all then after giving birth now I'm dealing with and then while that's happening now he's getting all these jobs me and my husband although we may seem like we have the perfect relationship [Laughter] and we also had to get to this point we had to learn ways to communicate I'm telling you how I feel for my heart I'm trying to pour my heart out soon and you're like my fitness and you're talking over me it makes me feel unworthy it makes me feel less than and nobody wants to feel less than I was literally in tears like yo I'm like screaming for help you you acknowledge that I'm I'm going through postpartum depression right and you're still telling me we'll figure it out I'm pretty sure and your postpartum depression that you haven't been to send the he fell in love with neither the things I will imagine been so you guys have to figure out how I can get that back when I was away I could only see my husband have sex with my husband that's the only if I didn't get in trouble which I stayed at this problem we see each other every 6 to 7 weeks for 48 hours he has no pawns I had no phone there was no internet there was nothing and now that I'm home we came to the conclusion you know what we're gonna set aside that time once a weekend or every two weeks I get a babysitter and he told me about that saying oh my god let me get in there Annie I want an a me I'm getting an in because how could job really spend that instrument time if you have to keep worrying about the baby if you don't feel totally safe this camera is everywhere a visual where a body can i am 1000% not with the nanny thing I don't think I have it in me to trust a stranger with my child but I am here for the no phone and quality time maybe it becomes Remy he will take care of things have been a little off between me and Joe lately but after my talk over me I am feeling better and I am feeling a little old fool I'm good I love spermies advice about putting in effort to schedule some quality time a big part of why I've been feeling down is because Joey and I haven't really been connecting like we used to and if Joey is willing and able to set some time aside for us and I think that is a great start busy working am i interrupting started no okay i sat with around me the others day it went really good she basically gave me like a different view like how to handle when your I had odds with your partner maybe we can try taking a Sunday right every week all right wait I'm a little confused right now I said send the talk to Remy so she can get some woman advice on how to deal with depression and postpartum and things of that nature the only thing that matters to me right now is that sent us back to a healthy place mentally I think she's focused on the wrong thing right now we was having a conversation you said something like well you know if I have to leave like I will but that's not an option for me at all like I feel like we could fix it are you no longer diversity' I guess that's where my confusion is no I am depressed but it I have to combat those feelings I'm doing a lot of self therapy I'm in the studio singing my little heart out it's therapeutic for me I'm staying busy like I'm doing okay right now no you know as someone who suffered from depression my entire life I can understand what sins going through right now she seems to be confusing her issues with her depression with our relationship issues and before we can fix anything going on with us I need her to focus on her how do yourself help depression you think I need to go talk to somebody else you think I should sit with a therapist and tell them like hey or I should go to the doctor and for them to diagnose me with postpone the question and put me on some pills I do not know I'm just down to try it all so I am dealing with postpartum depression but I still have an issue with our relationship I don't feel like I have to sit with a doctor right now I don't want to go prescribe medicine I kind of want to have this on my own what would really make me feel better is Joey and I working through our relationship issues together I want to be able to unload all this on you and I make you feel like you're carrying everything but I also want to be happy like I also want to feel fulfilled I'm not that selfish I want to do anything that we have to do we as a team for you to get back to the person that you were it's great that you think you're handling this a ok I've been what waving and kicking and screaming over here for however long done for my partner back [Music] I don't know what to tell you [Music] I first saw dr. Jin a few years ago when I was at a really low point in life I needed some help dealing with the guilt that I had surrounding the lack of relationship between my oldest son Trey and myself it was complicated between his mother and I and as a result I missed out in his entire upbringing my issue is my relationship with my child it's non-existent now that things are a bit rocky between sin and I thought that that could happen with me her and Lex this gives me better I left you or him and continued to do a lot of work that's what I was hoping I did I fall know what my friend or Cynthia she was exactly what I needed life support she was my everything yeah and each other and I was super excited because you know you want another chance to be a dad and do it right boy was unexpected yeah that's what did she felt that right it's 25 you know you're worried about stability you're worried about everything and doc that's when it got a little nuts yeah real morning during the practicing yeah combined with my career beginning really accelerate yeah so she was alone were you guys having conflict motor fighting a lot of conflict and I guess the part is real done is she didn't show these qualities that seemed to be manifesting today is she open to meeting me yeah when we try to find her okay I'm hoping to achieve some clarity she needs help with whatever she's going through I need help 1 how to be there for her thank you for being open to sitting down with me I really appreciate it I'm gonna go you guys good oh you're leaving oh I want to kind of get to know you want a wine we can call him back in later okay so congratulations on being a new mom thank you how do you holdin up good it's not easy [Music] tell me one more it's hard I guess one of the things is I'm dealing with postpartum depression and he is very busy with work it's not just Joe it's like I feel stuck being a young mom I don't want to feel like it's impeding my life you know and his fix is like get a nanny you know what I mean yeah and I don't want a nanny my mom she was a single mom she was working 20 hours a day she would even with people she thinks she could faster and did bad things happen with people that she thought she could turn 1000 was nine can I ask what happened [Music] I never really said this before I have a feeling like three people in this life know including Joe my model does anything you know the things that we don't talk about like that we tend to carry a lot of shame and that shame eats us up and what tends to happen is that we take those experiences and we carry them with us which makes you still a victim to whoever hurt you [Music] so when I was five I was raped but I was raped by a woman and what happened was not your fault do you get that I do but I don't trust because of that I don't even let anybody change my baby's diaper I don't know if this is postpartum depression I think what this may be is the unresolved feelings about the trauma you suffered bubbling to the surface it's coming out and depression is coming out and anxiety which also makes you feel angry and resentful and you have a baby that you can't accept help with like yeah it's the perfect storm yes see yeah you're just that's exactly how it is from yeah so then I start to feel resentment over time because I don't feel like he's awaiting you to help me and I feel like that's just responsibility as a partner why don't we bring him in here and let's talk the two of you together the assessment that dr. Jame made all the sense in the world if he was good being able to open up to a professional especially someone who was a woman and someone who has had kids and I'm not being judged one of the things that Cynthia shared with me that I think really impacts your relationship is that she was very open and willing to talk about that when she was five years old that she was molested so that has made it very hard for her to trust anyone taking care of the baby which makes it very difficult for the two of you to have any time alone together you guys clearly love each other and you actually both want the same thing people want the same things but like I hope that's enough it's not enough without the tools and without the willingness to do the hard work for you to be willing to explore this pain and this trauma you went through you gotta do individual therapy for you to be willing to instead getting annoyed and pissed off at her let's come from the approach of baby I'm so sorry this is the thing happened to you I know it's got to be so hard to trust again and then when she's ready to have an extensive screening process when it comes to having someone come and help so that you guys can have a little freedom to actually tend to your relationship and how important that is very much but this is a really good start what really good assistant stupid you're gonna get ready to move on I love wouldn't be a Remy my party if she didn't go all out and of course our baby shower is no exception she's doing the 1950's theme and we're all under strict orders to dress for the occasion as dumb as I feeling this outfit it's really nice to be out having a good time with it we've made a commitment to carving out some quality minutes for the relationship and it's paying huge dividends so we're gonna have to see time it's David the culture is supposed to be [Music] I don't know baby I'm not looking to find out you know she invited me to Costa Rica she's already a couple other girls maybe this might sound crazy but I don't think it's such a terrible idea to invite you Joe on the girls trip I could go show with the girls every today do some girl stuff and then a night time come to my man and get some lovin and some rubbin [Music] [Music] yes crashing Sims girl trip is not exactly my idea of a dream vacation the part of us fixing our relationship troubles is me giving her the time and attention that she requires whenever I have some available [Music] with your smiling you like it this is a little sweet oh my goodness [Music] I mean I knew that we were staying at a resort you know that we had a room but I had no idea Joe's gonna upgrade to the so we'd have a shave my life guardians shave I know what has gotten to my man but honey I am living for all of this bro man I can't wait to in front of this view it's gonna be awesome what this is the Joe that I've been missing Oh the Joe you put in this thing well it's an energy thing goodbye thank you [Music] lady I gotta say this is the sin that I've been missing too I'm not saying that I'm ready yet but this is the sin that I see myself Mary let me get the door cuz I gotta go to the concierge anyway please watch your step yeah watching my step listen now [Music] y'all have fun it set up like a honeymoon sure I don't think they're gonna have any problem finding old man six times together here on this trip let me just start off by saying this is easy I need to go in that pool right there I didn't have that right though I'm thinking bigger than that you talked about by the way your rock is so heavy just twisting right this is like we just got engaged or about to get married it is a moon drive right with all of this romance in the air all of this love and affection and attention I feel like we hear a little bit and I'm digging it I was talkative juju hey she was like yo since everybody came in at different times that she's doing brunch tomorrow in the morning but nothing you cool with being at the table we Andy it's redundant at this point you know I'm saying like it should be no beef with us sitting with each other we're both pros we should know how to act cheers to happiness yeah I was gonna cheers with my foot [Music] all I know is that Joey better not be playing with me a thousand feet in the air listen well well everyone here is making jokes someone to come let you know that at a special night of romance playing for only you and I and after our great day of adventuring I can't wait [Music] a ceremony machinist we going to heaven [Applause] Joe is wearing a polo that Will Smith wore in hitch that's indictment brunch outfit welcome to the Joe Budden live podcast all right I would say that I have some type of post vacation lose after Costa Rica but I'd be lying I'm feeling really good about my last live podcast at a year I'm planning something really special to go down tonight everyone gonna love to be grateful for one of the big one would like to think here tonight [Music] [Music] I think that was Gillian when somebody handed you a mic and you asked me if you were the best relationship that I've been in [Music] [Applause] you with anyone else I'm here to ask you the same thing is this the best relationship you've ever had this is the part where you get up and come to the statements [Music] if there's been a long road I think I finally understand that if I want to keep my family together I gotta take a leap of faith though you may feel like we get lost for a little bit never think that I have lost track of what you mean to me I gotcha just have me [Music] Cynthia Pacheco will you marry [Music] I want to spend this life and my next life with you yeah [Music] this is the right thing your baby [Music] when truth is is pulling me too sure when broken is what makes us you [Music] I just want to be honest I just want to be [Music] perfect proposal from my perfect Joseph I love you Oh to be honest with you
Channel: VH1 Love & Hip Hop
Views: 2,424,610
Rating: 4.7575336 out of 5
Keywords: vh1, love and hip hop, lhh, cyn santana, best of cyn, cyn compilation, supercut, best moments, new york, joe budden, erica mena, rich dollaz, cisco rosado, season 4, season 5, season 9, compilation, erica vs cyn, erica and cyn, cyn vs rich, erica and rich
Id: 0bAXmwZHUbc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 103min 13sec (6193 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 10 2020
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