Every Celebrity Appearance ft. Blac Chyna, Fetty Wap, Snoop Dogg & More | Love & Hip Hop: Hollywood

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but you know we work it out we co-parent you get that thumbs up jump through the window no he lives on me who live with you yeah see that here we can i go some appetizers everybody get interested i live with my baby daddy i find part of your rooms can you hear the other girl moaning can you i mean we don't bring people to the christmas is that the part where you are not living together no more that's just part where you just what what i'm saying where you at shut up this is very interesting to me [Music] are you nervous yeah a little bit i'm nervous it's been eight years since i've been dating this man's daughter today i'm about to finally get the meeting what should i call them mr riley he's a badass producer he worked with everyone in the industry he's won every award and he's still managed to hold down his player card you dig what i'm saying [Music] be a gentleman all right i got you i'm definitely a daddy's girl so this meeting is beyond nerve-wracking i kept my dad and dre apart because i didn't want him making judgments on our relationship this time i think dre and i are really gonna make it work so it's time to face the music my dad's coming what's up how you doing mr riley nice to meet you pleasure you know the feeling that you get when you see the cops in your rearview mirror that's the feeling that i'm feeling right now you dig i mean this isn't just a dad this is teddy no diggity riley let the grilling begin today it's just the evaluation day okay one thing i didn't know was y'all were seeing each other she didn't tell you well tell me tell me about this you know it's been like seven years we've been knowing each other it's on and off that entire time on and off why did y'all keep waking up i mean he cheated before but you know my patience for certain situations and i would be over it my thing is i don't want to see this being an off and on situation more recently we've been wanting to take a serious and you know she's thinking about moving in her and cam moving in you know i really care about her i really do love her it's very serious what me and her have i think that you and i should talk if you want to excuse us excuse you two yeah okay okay you can have a man-to-man i'm good okay i'm really good i'll be damn it's like that neil got a leader tell you what it's about to get real i hope this man still has some dignity left after this conversation you fear so there's some things i want to know where did you meet that well i met her through my old dj and you know she came over to the crib one night you know i fell in love with it since then relations on the first day is that a trick question he asked me if i had sex with his daughter on the first night so i just told him what i supposed to tell him i want to say no i've been in the business almost 27 28 years i lived that life i've been to it you know i've done it you know i lived it so living it i can tell every move that a man would make you know what i'm saying because i did it when it comes to that you know i got some sort of concern you know i've seen on youtube stuff with females videotaping you and when you under the influence of drugs alcohol whatever it is anything can happen i made mistakes you know when i was younger but yeah now i'm in it i believe i'm in a different position those type of things shouldn't be a problem now you're still on tour you're still out there and what's going to be a confirmation for me to know that they're going to be all right with me being on the road my whole focus is just on this album on making this money and coming back to her you know i want to make sure she's happy you know i want to make her happy i want to be there for kim being around camp i wanted to see that father figure from you even though you haven't had the experience all the all this time she see that you know i'm really trying well i wouldn't be here right now for me to be here it's got to be something my concern is is she safe with you we got a lot of proofing to do [Music] you know what messy ass morgan is out of my life for good i know she been gossiping telling princess all my business and i know she been telling tiara about my too but now morgan's got me questioning princess is loyalty and that bothers me because she's supposed to be my girl but there's one person that's been loyal with me from day one and always will be good to see you b randy been out of town working so we really haven't got a chance to talk about everything that's been happening in my life how are you doing for real for real it's been wrong there's so many people try to make people feel a certain way inside of their own camp like everything bad start happening can i just be completely honest with you it's you it's your choices like if you put yourself in positions where the worse comes out i talked to mom what'd she say she was just like concerned about my environment she was talking about how she liked tiara and that's like it was just weird because it's like i ain't even with her my mom just worried about who i got around i don't like your environment either i don't think it's healthy see my mom and brandy can talk about my environment all they want i know they talking about princess and i know they some tiara lovers and guess what i'm man enough to admit that i love tiara too but we got to a place where we just couldn't get it right and before things got too heated it had to end i'm putting all ownership on you because i feel like the only way we can change is taking full responsibility i'm starting to make my adjustments i need to go back a little bit and make sure i deal with certain things like the way i deal with tierra all the crazy guys i did it you apologize what if i seen her at the young work party and she just didn't take it well and then she started telling me about how i'm not happy and now people telling me about being princess and what me and her got going on and i'm just like what is you talking about like do you love princess do you ever just love it i know you love her but like do you love her like on some this is someone you want to spend your life with yeah we stray like listen be like when you're in a relationship you gotta work out the kings if you can't go through the ups and downs and you can't be together the only person that's really trying to pick up is morgan i don't want morgan talking to princess like why is morgan in everybody's business this is what i don't know like why is this messiest look this is your assistant morgan's been fired since when morgan's been fired for weeks now let me just tell you right now brother all the women in your life from princess to morgan all of them are talking to all of them you can't trust nobody princess is listening to somebody what princess is allowing it's going to break you guys apart and it's going to be a public shenanigan that's my word for you for your experience it's not going to be that you know why because as long as i can make my adjustments then it's going to be cool with these relationships that's going on everybody trying to come in here and say this and say that about what somebody said and what about another person said it just gets confusing i'm telling you right now i'm i'm i'm gonna be watching i'ma stay on you period but i had a screen yo girl wasn't supposed to text me you wanna know how i do what i know so i'm here in atlanta with the myth the legend my dog rose he's really vibing the first single so we have a lift off okay maybach music music [Music] you know i'm gonna be releasing my fourth album and you know it's my debut on maybach music you know how big this is for you right now it couldn't come at a better time congratulations on the new one thank you my wife you doing she excellent she ain't mad at me fatherhood has really shifted my paradigm i never really fully understood you know when people would meet me and they would show me their kids i get it now and you know it's contributed in the best way to my career i never had my own family you know i mean so to leave little man and you know change the transition from being at the crib and now you know i mean from family man to my music i'm happy that i get to get back in and play this music and this record is so important the music and the r b just in general i'll leave that to the game to the game i'm not doing things to be the hottest in the game i'm doing it for my son and it's motivation to just work harder this your first mmg release this your first release in a second you saw the vision when nobody else did you better believe it thank you big homie i'm proud of you thank you i'ma stay on my grind people yes because i want to take care of my family the way they deserve to be taken care of they are the reason why i do what i do because none of it means anything with our family play that one more time turn that back i like to thank my special guest ray j for coming by the gg news network until we meet again same dog channel same dog time dpgc yo i'm finishing up this podcast with my cousin snoop now snoop's my real cousin yeah he ain't my play cousin my aunties and his aunties his aunties and my cousins is his cousins cause you know what's up what's wrong in the back man i know he bugged out when he heard princess fell in the pool and always keeping 100 with him so right now i got to explain myself this is the thing don my girl was talking to morgan and i don't appreciate that my girl's supposed to be ride or die we're in the bed talking you weren't supposed to go tell nobody about nothing she went back and told mother morgan about everything we was talking about trusted in her and then found out morgan was good for nothing and she went back and told tiara everything princess makes me feel like i can't trust her no more trust is everything you know because the minute that's broken is the minute you gotta really start to feel is this worth me spending the rest of my life with if you would have asked me if me and princess was gonna get married and have babies before this morgan thing happened i would have said hell yet but you know what nothing's more important than loyalty and princess has not been there y'all be moving too fast with these girls man we want wives but we chasing video girls we got to search for what we want what's your relationship with tiara like because to me it just feels like she was the one who was really really down for you i told you my family was tierra lovers and you know what when i think about it there's a reason for that tierra and i we broke up because she had violent tendencies but tierra always stayed loyal she always stayed down and she always kept it one honey despite the good the bad new ugly like she was more of a friend for you yeah she was a friend and i heard her real bad what you looking for in life right now is a friend i got my mom i got my dad i got my sister i got snoop i got everybody talking about tiara and now that i think about it i'm thinking about her too is that the power of suggestion or was she just looking that good at youngberg's party or am i waking up from a spell saying what the have i done when i look back into tom and i go dan when i was with tierra it was a whole different kind of thing she keep popping back up in my mother she ain't popping up by accident it's because she meant for you really i got a lot of thinking to do man you're a man that's what we do we do man bro man love you boy [Music] don't know how to behave i pour wine in the tub and we could drown in the grave i'm on top of it all baby we in miami right now on the set of my new video brown sugar the honeys is here the brown sugars is everywhere lil wayne is here it's off the chain [Music] so ray drags me to miami for his video shoot doesn't even invite me to set it's almost like he's keeping me cooped up in a hotel just like he does me at home but even though i was never actually going to vegas with tiara this miami trip did give me a reason to call the vegas trip off and now i'm just wondering if the rat trap really actually did work first i walk in on my husband surrounded by all these trifling vulture ass thirsty becky's second he comes home and throws my wedding ring at me sir he has the audacity to drive off on my ass his wife needless to say things have been real tense around here hey there beautiful girl i feel so disrespected and it is very hard for me to forgive my husband so i called up my girl tiny and i asked her to make time asap thank god i wasn't calling you to bail me out of jail what the other day i'm looking at the baby he playing with something shiny on the floor i look i said oh that's daddy's ring and i said i'm going to where he's at what happened i just bust open the [ __ ] door and this is sitting down right in there four girls and the ugly ass becky with her hand on his arm [ __ ] that's a no no i would have been girl what he does not come home that night no i try to talk to him about everything the next thing you know we go from talking about it and i think he's kind of listening to him flipping the whole tommy what do you think [Music] that's not necessary you can nag sometimes and you can't just point the finger all the time you have to be able to take some of the blame you're a pretty different young lady maybe tiny is right i was a little bit over the top and max should not have thrown his wedding ring but if we're gonna move forward from this i need to be a woman and make things right our vows was the better or worse yeah and we've been through worse and i'm willing to work on better and not focus on the worst yeah i'm all for it you put it in the words the right way it could touch you you always get me right and i'm about to bust it down and realize that it's me too and see still about baby don't don't don't let that go nowhere when we sat down together dre says some pretty foul to me and that's not cool so i'm taking some time apart to do something that i wanted to do for a while today i'm throwing my first mommies and mimosas event for moms like me to mingle a bit just a little [Music] hello how are you i'm good how are you oh my god what are you doing here i definitely didn't invite my dad to the event and i'm pretty sure he's not here for the mimosas but i do know my sister has been telling him what's been going on between me and dre and he might not be his favorite person right now i've been worried about you so i had to come here and i had to come and see you so what about your relationship with surgery i hear so many things about this guy with other women people say stuff you know that more than anybody the situation with this girl that he's supposedly messed with is it something that's true what is it i mean parts of it could be true but she's not a real issue for me i just really feel like i know it i know and i understand just deserve better everyone says i deserve better and i get that i understand that and we're we're not perfect but we're working on it so it's like what he does is bad but i can deal with that you don't have to i don't have to no i don't have to but i mean i wasn't all that goody two shoes with your mom i don't know i feel like in any situation it's the good always the bad i'll take that and i know he accepts cam and he's great with cam he's better with cam than i am sometimes because my patience is like gone this is what you want i appreciate that everybody including my dad wants to look out for me but at the end of the day it's my life and i'm pretty sure my dad can relate to something great it's put me through so if i decide to accept dre for who he is and spend my life with him that's my choice and people need to respect it if you got it and you say you got it i do i'm gonna leave this in your hands thank you i love you i love you too [Music] today is our engagement party and all of our friends and family are here to celebrate but instead my mind is thinking about this whole prenup situation that ray threw at me if rey really thinks that this is gonna be forever then why do we have to prepare for the worst you look handsome everybody came through yeah what stuff was the matter i mean i just you know i still thinking about the conversation we had the other day it's hard for me to like be happy just let god do it do it right putting our prenup together sonya isn't just gonna get away with this this is my relationship with rey not sonyas if a prenuptial agreement is required to be a norwood well then maybe i don't need to be one rocket i need to steal princess for a second thank you [Music] you know i mean i'm happy but you know i do have some stuff on my mind what he just like randomly asked me if i want to get a prenup and i feel like your mom is the one who told him yeah that's i'm team princess and ray so i think that you guys should talk about it i think you should be completely honest with him about how it makes you feel yeah even about my mom you know i think you should tell her too you've seen it get ugly like you know you've been there and i was kind of pulling you over to ask you could i be a bridesmaid and i just popped up on a deep conversation actually i would love for you to be my maid of honor me of honor are you serious princess are you serious oh that would mean everything to me because i i look at you as a sister i really do and we are here for you you are family to us okay and that's just it thank you you're the prettier version of us i don't have any siblings and i've always seen brandy as my sister so of course i want her to be my maid of honor she's been there for rey and i threw all of her ups and downs now her mother on the other hand that's a whole different ball game betty has a couple days off from his tour so he's flying into town so we can sit down and meet face to face part of me is anxious part of me is ambivalent part of me wants to give him a big hug pardon me wants to punch him in the face and i cannot decide which of the four is the strongest emotion how you doing hi how you doing good how are you good it's long overdue for us to sit down and talk in person about this life-changing event that's about to happen to both of us glad that we're able to sit and talk now when you first called i was a little skeptical i wasn't really sure what to think no we're here now i'm how am i going to be here i think i leave tomorrow or the day after tomorrow go to texas so you're going to be back before it baby's born then yeah of course that's like one of the main reasons why i wanted to talk to you that's something i want to do like i want to be her father i want to be the one when she gets older that's my daddy yes i mean i appreciate that but i do want to know like what changed like what made you it was just like i just had to man up and like you know that's basically what it is like either he was gonna accept her or he wasn't he felt me and like i tell you like just thank you for accepting it after all of the hurt and embarrassment that willie has put me through i really haven't been quick to admit to myself that i'm going to be dealing with this man for the rest of my natural life i don't think that he could ever fully understand how stressful he's made the situation and how dark it's gotten for me but the fact that he's even acknowledging it it's very helpful so we'll see i didn't think we would get to this point to be honest with you i just think we should have just at least just talked or something but how like we couldn't even have a conversation without a hundred curse words it was very it was very difficult i definitely want you to know that i'm gonna work with you to make sure like you know you can see her as much as you can and i'm not going to make it difficult for you even though you made it difficult for me um i just appreciate the place that we where we are right now and i just want to grow from there and build from there and be like the coolest freaking parents like ever thank you for letting me show you that i really want to be her dad this is the guy that i knew and was dating and it's perfect but why couldn't he have acted like this for those 1738 months i've been pregnant you let me go 70 of the way by myself and now you're jumping in it's like refreshing but oh no bro you're changing the poop diapers first three months i do believe i'm going to still be on tour oh wow but what you can do is you can snapchat me those diapers i can snapchat okay [Music] [Applause] hey hey hey hey yo take five man i've been working on getting my career back on track so i'm going to meet with my old friend brian michael cox he's really big in the r b world he's won about eight grammys and he worked with me on my first album he always keeps it real with me i wanted to talk to you because i know you've known me from the beginning of my career and i'm just ready to get back there and i just want someone to be very very honest with me do you think i could do it again do you think that it's possible if we take a look back on you know what happened you know you signed a death jam signed a rockefeller you put a record out there was a hit the potential was crazy yeah and for it to stop kind of like suddenly out of nowhere you know what i mean yeah you had this record it's like bam literally one day it was yeah this next day was something different jay-z signed me to rockefeller when i was 16 years old and in the middle of recording my second album i was released from my contract one minute i had everything the next minute it was all gone and since then i've been trying to prove to people that i have what it takes and i'm worth another shot la had a quote about him making a misstep in regards to making you a priority over rihanna this la reid comment comes up all the time he signed me and rihanna at the same time he said something like he regretted not paying more attention to rihanna or something like that i don't really know because at the time i didn't pay attention to be honest with you i never even gave myself a chance to feel anything about it because when you think about what he said that's pretty heavy tell me like if you were in a room with a bunch of industry people and my name was brother what would the conversation be i think people would say that you were crazy [Music] i think all the questions would be like why is she on this blog why is she acting crazy i know that i haven't represented myself in the best way possibly and i know that that's not me that's not who i am you have an opportunity to change that the most forgiving thing that could ever happen is putting out some great music yeah right now you're in a really interesting position because you have a platform right people know your story now you have to work harder than you've ever worked before and people of the creatives that see that if they see you helping yourself they're gonna come down come on in this is why i came to be cox because he's not gonna blow smoke up my ass and he's not gonna kiss it either he's 100 right if i put out good music then people will forget the bs thank you so much i really appreciate this conversation [Music] that's this fire my guy we're trying to get this little mixtape together before we do the album you know trying to keep the fans happy i know it's full of straight heat everything so i'm trying to do something different for him give him a little different flow you feel me i got it how long are you in l.a uh right now i'm only out here for like a couple days you spoke to them a secret yo man last time we talked wasn't really that good that's why i just want to make this like clear with her you feel me like i don't want to be in a relationship with you like i don't want to be in love with you i don't want to be in fake love i want to be a three-month love whatever you want to call it it was never that it was a three-day weekend you forgot i was there with shock yeah that's crazy she said i was looking for a house for her like i was never looking for no house with you you know i'm saying i just want to be my daughter's father right now the way she want me to be corey's father i don't want to be it that way if i'm saying because every single time me and her get together man even if it's 10 minutes it's just like a story go up very well i'm a secret she let the world know so for you to think that you're going to bring me down cause because of what you telling the world you can tell the world all you want they ain't gonna help you be a better mother my daughter mother don't complain my son mother don't complain if my daughter will sleep back in jersey i'm not coming over to take a house at number two in the morning i'll see you tomorrow and there's no problem with that she had no problem with you it goes on the internet like what the you know what i'm saying like it just don't make no sense i hung around the whole nine months she was pregnant i was gonna keep it mutual i wasn't even gonna get into the middle of it but like i said you mind so i'm gonna keep you updated i'm telling you it's all one plan our one plan all revolves back to the same though i don't make no sense though man money ruin your relationship and ruin your reputation with money she can have the money because hey movie was getting along it was simple it was simple got the crib i spent like 30 thousand dollars on my throat on one day it's cool though like everything come to the light that's what she want to do this is how she's going to live her life she want to beat her life for fetty wap the artist you know i'm saying because if i do i ain't no person man you know i mean like fetty wap just make music like y'all saying hello just her name that's an image it's a brand a dude one ah like don't know me i'm really like you know what i'm saying i'll do what i gotta do cuz i don't got time for the ex the only thing that you can say about me is oh he don't come out here you damn right i don't come out here because every time i come out here i don't leave happy you know what i'm saying like i ain't with that but y'all like my loyalty is gonna be with my daughter you know what i'm saying so no matter how she make me look i'm still going to be there for whenever carving gets to that point where she needed to go her daddy like i'm always going to beat it even if me and her not seeing her out of the eye right now like that's going to be my daughter for the rest of my life right we're not a family she's your family and i'm your baby father [Music] [Applause] [Music] even if i do i'll always call princess and i we've been through some highs and lows over these past four years i mean i wouldn't even think we would make it to this point but i'm glad we did throughout all the trials and tribulations there's one thing i never doubted and that's our love for each other and now we get to celebrate that and spend the rest of our lives [Music] of it all [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] head [Music] my love has come along my lonely days [Music] family is everything to me so having my dad marius and brandy sing for our first dance i mean it's so special now that my mom flipped it around and gave us our blessings nothing can stand in the way of our happiness [Music] it's great to feel like i have a new family and after talking to sonia earlier i'm starting to feel a lot more welcome as a norwood and the most special part about it is that we have everyone we love most here to support us [Music] it feels surreal to finally call princess my wife and i'm just taking it all in now it's time to turn up and celebrate our love with the rest of our family and friends and start a new life together being me [Applause] i'm so proud of the ways ray and i have both grown this past year i'm sure we'll be tested at times but i know that the love and respect we have for one another is strong enough to see us through anything you are [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] my old homie too short then came in town and i'm with my cousin to hook up and do some shots too short is an open og so i decided to go get some oakland advice and see what kind of game he had for me i still remember the first time i make this and it was the barbershop wow when i first came to l.a and i was doing hair there i used to braid here she came pushing up to me like you gonna work with me that's the key should i always remember no matter where i see you in life i always see vacation and i feel like that's why you succeeded it's because of that person so what's next i'm ready for it that's the whole main objective but i know it starts with the songs especially the song i just did about the situation would give so what's really really going on like where are you really at with the situation you're happy who your child's father is just i tell them that all the time every time my father's day come around even though we're good co-parenting we're not good together the next one got to be like superb wrong ass man wrong why don't you hit me up with somebody you know [Music] exactly [Music] take care of that little one you know what i'm saying you got you and the good crisis of god to give you a good co-parenting relationship that's definitely what they got they definitely get along with them i'm actually content with what we got going on right now like he's there for dj when i work late nights he makes sure he's there to take him to school he go work out trying to get his knee right trying to restore his health but you know we work it out we co-parent you get that thumbs up jump through the window no he lives on you who live with you yeah see that there we go can i order some appetizers it's about to get interesting i live with my baby daddy i find part of your rooms can you hear the other girl moaning can we don't bring people to the christendom well is that the part we are not living together no more because that's just the part where he's just what what i'm saying where you at shut up this is very interesting to me i know it's hard for people to understand when i say that give and i are living together but we got to make the best decisions when it comes to our child it may not be normal but hold on it's working for us so you're married right now right yeah do you want to be men i do need to probably sit down with him and just had his talk god i need this man not to cry the key with golf is just focus keep your shoulders straight line your shoulders up straight [Music] look i haven't hung out with this in a minute so the fact that he hit me up to come out and hit some balls we're going to see what's good what's been going on man we having the new bay video premiere party and i need you there you got to come through honestly bro i might not even be able to make that man the bm mo niece she then broke up with her girlfriend what so i'm back on full-time daddy duty right now i'm very supportive of my niece and eddie but it's been a lot of arguing around that household so kim is spending all his time with daddy i think that's gonna be a tough pill for chanel west coast to swallow i tell her you're not coming you're gonna be tight yeah oh yeah that's hole in one [Applause] [Music] brown you know he's been like a mentor to me send him back the new addition after all these years is just making my head turn so i had to bring them here today so we could chop it up i was having a conversation with bobby at the barber shop yeah you know about putting my group back together when i seen your movie man it reminded me of so much that we went through but i was like damn man you know we left at the pinnacle of our career it was just everybody wanted to go their separate ways we still are young we still can do it have you talked to you nah man i ain't brought it up i don't know what space everybody's in i think you should be you know the initiator who would you call first probably bug you know i'm a godfather to his children you know if y'all two are still cool it'll make it a lot easier for you two to go to the other two for the other one razz he ain't china he's been living out there for years what yeah what you think what mario would say that's the question coming from your perspective when one person takes off and they're successful how do you feel about stepping back into something that you feel like you don't necessarily need when i first went solo i didn't miss nobody i was just like you know i wanted to do my own thing right but as the years went on you start to miss your friends you know what i'm saying you realize what's what's important and i don't see nobody selling a bunch of records these days exactly you know what i'm saying it's about touring it's about getting out there and giving the people exactly what they want i want to see i'll pay for tickets you know i think bobby is right all the fans been calling out begging for the reunion and now it's just something i can't ignore i don't know how receptive the other guys in my group are going to be to this but it's worth a try i appreciate you coming out oh man i'm gonna take your advice let's get this game started i'm gonna go highlight book first though really see where he's standing with things you feel me after speaking to og bobby brown i can see bck back on the road but before that happens i gotta meet up with a few of the fellas and see if we can really do this me and brooke's probably the closest so i hit him up first i'm hoping cam yeah yeah that's tripping me out you see to see that little dude out there you know he's going on eight next year so he could do a new real talk though people been hitting me up about b2k i chopped it over bobby brown he like just telling me it's time like the world is is missing all of the groups he's trying to get back on the road i talked to pleasure p pretty ricky and he was even like y'all can come co-headline with us right if everybody was on the same page but the position that i hold at the film company now vice president over there you know what i mean it's like that brand can be bad for my business if it ain't right for me it's really like a no when bull gave me this potential no i was a little bit surprised you know i didn't figure like it would be coming from him we worked so hard as kids to build what we built and the foundation is still there you asking me to take a risk with you it's more so like do i got your blessing to say that boog is a part of it am i the first step you know what i mean have you spoke to anybody else i talked to rash is it a situation you would say yes to moving forward without him i'm not against it but you know oh it's definitely like he's out you know what i mean so i feel like he's in a space where he still feels like he can make a hit i just want to try to put b2k back together in my mind i'm gonna be honest with you it's impossible this is the start and you know i definitely got to sit down and had a conversation with oh i feel like that's b2k right there what are you going to walk in there with into the meeting that is basically your blazing gun the bag i'm really not about to let this situation die out until i follow up on every opportunity out there i gotta sit down with a marion and see if he's willing to put this show back on the road i can't say yes but i can't say no really done you need to come to the table with bread in the same conversation [Music] after april made it clear that omarion wasn't with the b2k reunion i quickly went to my plan b so today i put together this little vibe section to see if we could move forward with this super group what's popping waiting on bull you should be here any minute i just hit him cause i got a whole lot of ideas in you know what i'm saying my black african breakfast what's up oh man pulling me out out of the works again man in all honesty i never told wood that we would be sitting in a session with ray j today i wasn't sure how blood would react to me asking other people to step into these countries i wanted to kind of fill everybody in and see how this goes i've been trying to put this group back together and all the pieces don't look like they're coming to the puzzle and you know we kind of need another name i happened to go to ray's show and i was like right what you got going on you feel me wait a minute [Music] i thought that you knew yo i came here to bounce around ideas but it seems like i'm gonna have to just audition myself fizz drop the ball at communicating with everybody from the gym basically what he's trying to say is i'm the new world marion it would never be like we trying to stun on the homie keeping the brand alive because the checks are sitting there and nobody's collecting i'm gonna be honest with y'all fair this is a lot for me right now i wasn't expecting to walk into this i thought everybody was gonna come with a right 2k yo yo i was only going to pull this out if we was all in agreement [Music] is really not realistic to me neither one of y'all or myself is at the level of what b2k left off why don't we just like see man just try to vibe you know if we really craft it the right way it could work i personally feel like b2k is a brand that needs to have original members touching that brand that's like putting a fake michael jackson on the stage huh if this dude just called me a fake michael jackson i know you think d2k is the biggest thing that you've ever done but this right here some corny i would bring a whole other wave of vocals and harmony as opposed to what was in the past to take a step up vocally shots fired so you want to follow me um no not right now yo hold up man like right now y'all both wrong i didn't come here to referee no ego bull yeah it's on me for not telling both sides about this but at the end of the day realize the bag that's in front of you don't act like b2k is the biggest thing and why we're here we've had number one records we've ran the world i'm trying to see how talented y'all are to see if we can etch i think you're on the line let's just get that clear ain't no clear well you got to get that clear numbers don't lie don't sit over there you can get to it what what i'm just saying like chill chill chill for real we could take a fate right now just [Music] what you mean i'm just saying it's just man-to-man we can take a fade and call it a day what's happening we outside let's just leave it at that level b2k might have been popping in like you still talking i'm talking about what's up fizz didn't tell brooke that i was supposed to be in the b2k meeting so this went sour from the junk fizz called mia because he felt like me and him and boog should all worked it out like me you know first off i really want to apologize for leaving y'all both in the blind i just felt disrespected bug was saying well let me come over here and sit down and tell you like i don't know what that means you got to a point where i could tell it was escalating he was becoming more and more aggressive there's two kid bulls looking at each other each other's eyes after a while it's gonna go yeah you know that's hot and i feel like you know if i was disrespectful and rubbed you the wrong way i apologize where you made the comment to say b2k is bigger than everything we've all done like individually but individually it's not fair because i'm not in a group this meeting wasn't to see who's the bigger star you know that's what got us in trouble the last time it's time for everybody to just apologize so we can all move on because this has been a complete disaster with the whole fake michael jackson it was just going to the next level to me and that's when you start jabbing too you just do it that started right here i just felt like i was being belittled no no because b2k is who they are and rage as who they are these are household names if i was disrespectful i apologize you know what i'm saying man i appreciate both of y'all being able to just come sit down and talk like me and not be out here just running miles just talking reckless and doing stupid right i resp i respect the fact that that didn't happen here's the biggest question what are we gonna do now we leave it here you know if there's business in the future there's business in the future but right now i think we just leave it where it is it's all good with me at this point in my life i can't keep carrying dead weight you know i have to move forward if it's going to be without them of course i'm going to continue to do music i want to give the people what they deserve since me what's next for y'all man keep my ass in the studio well i believe in you man yes sir artist the solo artist ain't no iron team but it's [Music] [Music] iron my move to hollywood has been great for my career but it has also been draining i can't just focus on my music i gotta make sure that the fake and phony alliances of hollywood don't break me down but i always know who my real friends are today i'm shooting a music video with my girl cashdown we know each other from back home and we've collaborated on a couple of songs together i'm gonna check out playback you guys can take five girls thank you mama back hurt you know i feel like last time i saw you we were in detroit shooting the acting funny video yeah it was winter time outside with snow on the ground but now we look up yeah blue skies green trees green grapes this mountain's over there green grass but it's just so good to know that you can come from a place like this from detroit yeah you know what i'm saying a woman you're from detroit it's hard getting off the deal wood crab in the barrel type you know i went through hell i know i was stuck in a contract for two years i couldn't release music people like ah that's why you ain't going nowhere they thought it was cute but you just dropped the vault listen it's going crazy with that record and i saw how you was [ __ ] with this workout i really appreciate you knowing some real oh you know no woman has ever like just took to me and supported me the way that you have because i seen the grind and i see your talent i see how big you're going to be i know you're amazing it's like why not try to do something big together honestly like i've been going back and forth from detroit and la a lot because you know my family is still in detroit my sister she helps me take care of my son that's good like it it's hard to be away from my children especially when my children mean a lot more to me than any other than anything but that's why you're doing it because they mean more to you if you if it wasn't you wouldn't be here you're trying to get better for you and your babies don't feel bad you're a good mama i know my oldest son alante is 14 years old and my youngest son russell is 11. being away from my family gets a little tough but i'm so excited both of my sons will be here in hollywood to visit me soon little russell actually loves california though and he's like mom it just feels different here and i ain't gonna lie waking up to this every day sometimes i do feel like my soul are you elaborate no no don't you do that oh my god hello there hey girl i met blac chyna a couple of years ago and ever since we've been stuck like glue so what's going on girl just working finishing up that baby of course what's up with you well i want to like tap into like this whole music scene oh my gosh that is like music to my ears you got everything that a star needs what kind of music can you do okay drizzy drake drizzy drake drizzy little smooth nina i don't know we'll figure it out you have to like definitely prep me because i like watching like work with various artists so at the same time like i actually really want you to like take me serious too with you you're a friend but it's a whole different britney when when it comes to this artistry you know that once you drop this music it's gonna make headlines yeah hopefully like positive because like i'm just of people making me look a certain way you are now blac chyna the artist look who's in the house [Music] [Applause] [Music] now i've been doing apple watch for a long time she's very talented we're both from compton and apple can be a little on the hard side sometimes but i understand her apple you showed up i know you look so beautiful and then you got the homie here my bro how many hello i've been on apple for so long right you have jesus she was like these people just don't get me look at her now look how far you've come with it just by being persistent right hey you know what i'm gonna be able to death but i've got to go all right come right back all right i'm so glad you came thank you so much [Music] i already work with a lot of controversial artists from k michelle to bad baby and now i got blac chyna i was y'all gonna bring some fire ass beasts for you fish i'm out of breath and i even didn't i've cooked up some beets and today is our first studio session i cannot wait you ready hell no are you ready i feel kind of like scared no you shouldn't be this is going to be your new home yeah the great thing about recording that i've learned is that you can always go back you know what i'm saying so this is where you make your mistakes this is where you cry this is where you you you have that therapy for yourself you know what i'm saying and i know that you have a lot to talk about as an artist and i want to help you bring that out for real this is like maybe like something that um might be like a stress relief of stuff that's like kind of like going on with my life i have to like look at like tabloids all of negativity i gotta be a mom i gotta be a friend you're a super bossed up woman though you've conquered so many things you know what i mean on your own and you've been strong through everything i definitely take china more seriously than somebody like april she has determination she has hustle she knows that it's gonna be an appeal battle she knows that there's gonna be critics but she also knows that she has something to say and she's not letting those haters stand in her way aside from everything um like the only thing that's like holding me back was like that relationship like with my mom and i've talked to my mom i'm working on that relationship yeah i'm so proud of you with that and um i feel like you should do the same oh yeah but it's not it's not easy doing that especially the way that my mom did me you know i'm saying like you know i haven't talked to her in like five six years because like the last time i talked to her she put me out her house she understand she kicked me out i had to sleep in my car i was like out on the street sleeping in downtown l.a you know what i'm saying i had to fight my way to where i am now maybe she was going through something in her life at that time i mean she was you know i'm saying she was on drugs she was drinking she was doing a lot so just have like some type of sympathy put it aside breathe and breathe out and just talk it through and be like the better person you know what i mean no you're right i think on it i am really hesitant about reaching out to my mom at this point i really do appreciate chyna like encouraging me but i don't know when it comes to a relationship with my mother i don't have one i specifically remember my mother pawning our items for drugs she took my baby picture she took my my jewelry she stole money from me it's made me hard it's made me really tough and i just thank god for music because if i didn't have that i don't really know where i would be honestly i won't talk about this no more i want to get to these beats you ready here we go tell me [Music] [Music] [Music] even though we used to [Music] mickey monday was a student at the yo-yo school of hip-hop and he's from the chris shaw district he's a dope artist and a dope performer guess who i brought to come check him out my homeboy corrupt young gotti if he says that mickey monday is all that trust and believe mickey monday is all that all right so you know i've been waiting to connect you guys for a long time after seeing his performance what do you think i think you're an assassin performance is hip-hop but look at him mm-hmm that's rock and roll so growing up on christian adams is the only white person getting a little tricky i was always different i was always made fun of when i was a kid for being different no matter where i was when i was here i was the only white person if i went over here in people's eyes i was trying to be something i'm not but anybody that knows me knows that this is me all day every day i work with a lot of people mike will adawa mafia akon 1500 or nothing a lot of the great producers in the world what made you want to rap this the first music that i knew my dad listened to nwa to snoop to the east side do you worry about not being a part of the african-american community where hip-hop comes from does bother me or does it about other people music don't have a color i know on mickey monday since we was kids sitting in the car rapping changing tires and he worked his ass off to get where he at right now it don't matter what anybody thinks so you working on your album oh yeah but i think i waited so long till now it's like it's a nervous thing my family always on my head about getting things together you know my policy has lost his job so it's like you know my family it's always present but you know pressure make diamonds so at the end of the day i know my star power i could be something special being different is a gift and a curse and i always use it as a gift you know me i'm one of them people that like i love my back against the wall because i'm a fighter so i come out swinging me and you're gonna chop it yes sir hello you know the yellow tonight so i just wanted to come out here and say thank you bro it's my first tour i ain't never gonna forget that being on my first tour with a legend like t-pain is huge especially when you're a new artist and this is a perfect distraction for what's going on back at home let's make it happen yeah man make it happen bro hi absolutely appreciate it that color i don't know good job thank you everyone for coming here today first thing on the agenda would be a new artist that we are bringing to the table larissa she's 22. let me say something first i'm not quite sure if you guys downloaded the links that we sent but this girl is amazing so let's see who we can connect with as far as writers producers anything else anyone wants to add i guess we rap yeah we rap that was a good meeting today guys it's a wrap i'm trisha anna and i'm a head and r for comic music i connect the dots in the industry and i get done you look nice thank you so do you know the nip is in the boardroom well you could buy me some new bras i just give you the money you get it i want you to come with me no i'm not doing that husbands always go with their wives to try them andre no they don't husbands stay in the room and wife surprised them with lingerie that's how that works many years ago a mutual friend that we had introduced me to acon i started to love him and his family i have four children aekon has nine and he's always loved my children as if they're his own our wedding was held in africa in gambia finding out he had multiple wives was a bit shocking for me how's mickey how's he doing yeah as far as i know i don't really speak to him as much but he called me recently to see how i was doing akon and i split up for about a year and a half mickey was sort of a rebound we were good friends i had needs and he fulfilled a couple of them at the time you know i put him with a new company he's a superstar you know we always believed in him i just think that the patience is going to be the key for him yeah and i hope he's happy i hope it all works out you know nothing but the best there it is yo you might remember marcus houston from you guys serve roger from sister sister or batman from immature not only were we a part of two of the biggest boy bands of our time we're cousins and now business partners we run a full film company called footage films what's going on man i ain't seen you in a minute everything's been going good you know we've been having company meetings we miss you trust me i'm like trying what i really want to talk to you about we're halfway through this tour right they keep saying [Music] immature should have been on this tour so i go and i holler i carry and i'm like oh you know gary the promoter i'm like yo i think there's a there's a tour for immature he's like i think it could work so i'm like let me bring my boy out the friends no i'm kind of happy immature need to be on stage performing for their fans because the whole reunion thing is like the big trend right now b2k we gave our fans what they needed you know what i mean jacket edge 112 genuine god they went on the 90s tour but immature fans didn't get what they wanted if i could get immature on tour and it'd be a success as well it would move me forward in my power and position as being the new young exec y'all would be doing a service to your fans that have supported you and made you i won't even lie we thought about it you know but i don't know where it'll go where it'll go right us being individual three individual men almost rounding 40 right i understand how to deal with all the different dynamics so if you trust me you know what i'm saying i can talk to everybody and i believe truthfully i believe that i can get everybody to see the big picture and we can go out and we can make history make a lot of money and do it for the fans man i mean let me talk to the boys talk to them and you can feel like the vibe like yeah i don't think it's gonna rock yeah so today is the day i'm meeting with my guy romeo marcus houston and ldb the boys from immature what's up bro what a dude though so i talked to my cousin and marcus said that he was with it now all i gotta do is meet with his other two members so i'm gonna meet with jerome and kelton and try to convince them to get on the stage and if i could get them to agree i could make a fee yeah man it's good to see y'all though man what what's been up man i know we here to talk about a few things so let's get down to business see why you got to hit me with the mafia talk like it's like i'm like what's up ronnie like i know uh time is money i have business to thank cara when it comes to b2k and immature there's a lot of similarities both groups broke up because the lead singers wanted to go solo but there's one thing that makes a big difference b2k always had drama in between us immature they've always stayed friends and been cool you know never having no real differences so i think with that factor being the difference i can really get it done in a nutshell i have been out on the road and i'm just seeing the feedback from the fans and you know continuously they keep saying where's immature you know they always toured with y'all why they wasn't on the show it's a real bag out there for y'all and right now it's no better time because the fans is in the moment i was down from the jungle unless you know everything made sense the numbers we kind of like split everything like down the middle as it is right now the breakdown between you guys would be marcus 50 and then you guys split in the other 50. it wouldn't be a 33-33-33 [Music] i feel like as a group we should all be even as well i mean i don't think i don't think honestly let me i'll just stop yeah i feel like you know that's fair because i have to do a lot of work i mean he is the lead singer and he also has another bulk of the show that he has to carry with his solo performance which is in the contract is not solely based off of what marcus is demanding this is what the tour is offering us to say hey this is the show that we would want to go out with you at the end of the day the other two guys got to realize that marcus doing five of his solo records on the tour when b2k went out we were all clear that you know marion was gonna make a little bit more than us other guys but we also acknowledge his other accomplishments so they got to do that for marcus as well if it's not split it works i wanted to i want everything down the middle i feel like i should be getting more you setting stone on 50 well i will say this the bag is not the same would it just be an immature show without marxism songs and it's almost not a done deal without him doing those five records well i'm not i'm not interested i mean if it's not gonna be split like down the middle like that i'd rather not you know what i mean i heard your conversation i heard your conversation and everybody's setting stone on what it is and you're supposed to get more and all of that we've never did that before and i'm not going for it in the future in all of my years of observing learning from immature i've never seen anything but brotherhood and love coming from them y'all can step foot on the stage without me so tonight to see them divided off of money and percentages and this and that like it's crazy and it's really throwing me off but what i will say is the deal is not done because boogie don't give up that easy so the millennium tour has been a long road and between the craziness with rash and the tension with fizzy oh nobody really thought we was gonna make it to the end but look we're almost there the final two shows are this weekend we started arizona then we head to vegas for the grand finale so folks are headed to the house that we set up for it's going down we about to celebrate but first i gotta handle a little bit of business yo yo hey hey how you doing baby all right i got big plans for my next bag getting the mature tour i show everybody i'm the man to get it done but it just hasn't been as easy as i thought it was going i want everything down the middle i feel like i should be getting more well i'm not i'm not interested so i've been talking to the guys we're filling out in i think it's worth another conversation at the very least look and what y'all see back on tour i'm ahead of the game yeah man i just want you to see the vision we can do this i'm not mad at the video you already know what's up with me yeah that's a lot of years in the game it is hey what's going on with you boys so i didn't tell you i invited kel to come sit down with us because i didn't want you to like do one of the like i i got something to do after kelly walked out the meeting i thought it'd be wise to give him a second to breathe but i reached out to him and he agreed to meet with me again like for real for real it's an opportunity for y'all to really go out there and satisfy y'all fans y'all have a brand that's legendary so i felt like let me get my boys here because rome is with it and i felt like it was more so between y'all i don't feel like he was trying to hear what i was presenting to the table no i was trying i was trying to hear it i just felt like it didn't make sense if we was all gonna come back collectively and do that as a group it all should have been equal eyes always been and i agree with that when we were a group but like when it came to the tour if i was going to do my songs or my five songs and do a set that's like you know that's another just another show yeah at the end of the day we often i feel like we can all get it back and i feel like it's something that the last concert show that we did in l.a that was one of the most fun times i ever had on stage i ain't gonna lie yeah i had a lot of fun too yeah being able to be back on stage was so good it was a good feeling no amount of money is worth your happiness and so i'll come down on the percentage now that's what i'm talking about compromise compromising for the bag baby now we can all get money if we in this together but more importantly the immature brotherhood is still intact even just being solo i always was used to you know performing with y'all anyway so that's what it is y'all got me excited but when y'all just was talking about that it gave me an idea i was thinking we always do family stuff or whatever and i've been working with ray ray j you know what i'm saying and i was thinking like blast from the past ray j immature you know what i'm saying you know ray j was in our band immature back in the day him and brandy just being honest me and ray has we have some some history i don't have beef with anyone but sometimes people got beat for me in the past me and ray j was gonna go at it i'm the new world marion let's just get that clear ain't no clear well you got to get that clear numbers don't lie don't sit over there you get clear we can take a fake right we resolved our issues like adults but now i find out that there's an issue between marcus and ray whatever it is i hope it's not that deep because adding rate to the bill is going to translate in ticket sales and more money for all of us before we can do any business i feel like me and ray would have to like kind of iron out a few things well look let me set it up i'll call ray see how you feel about it you know what i'm saying and um i think we can get it done my thing is i don't i don't want any drama regarding the tour right sure but i'm trying to say like it's gonna be good i'm sure you said that [Music] now that i officially got marcus rome and kell immature sign on for the tour i got another idea to make it just a little bit bigger i want to bring my boy rayjay out but apparently him and my cousin marcus got some unfinished business or shall i say some old issues that they gotta air out hey there you go what's wrong what's that to you brother hey good to see you i see you i see you've been expressing too i got destruction it's looking right we'll split up though man my brother what's up how you doing i'm loving it man you know you're enjoying that tour i appreciate y'all letting me rock with y'all that was a big night big night the crowd the lights the whole thing i'm like not anymore okay well see look this is why i wanted you to come you know what i'm saying up here and talk to me because i'm putting the immature tour together yeah yeah cause the whole b2k thing you know what i mean i'm i'm like hey it's a whole nother life you know what i'm saying with immature like that i don't know if you know but i'm putting this little la teaser you know what i'm saying feel good show together and when you came out on the show everybody went crazy so i'm like okay i wanted to see if you would just you know come out and bless l.a you know [Music] don't be bullied i'm not born with you boog knows that i was supposed to be one of the original members of immature i mean i did the audition but i didn't make the cut maybe that was one of the best things that's ever happened for me who knows but why would you try to put me back together with a group that never wanted me and also we had beef before i also talked to marcus about this you know what i'm saying i talked to kelton about it and i said hey man i want to kill him yeah i want to do this thing right you know marcus is like you know me and ray got a lot of history so i said yo mark i'm gonna see if red's good you know what i'm saying to come meet up here listen me and marcus houston do have a history we've both been on tv since we were young i mean we was pretty cool until i felt like i was robbed for a tv show that i was about to be on you know me and mark got into it happened and i lost myself he wasn't you know getting along now we roll man everybody is i think just in a totally different place from the last time y'all even seen each other there you go m h so these two guys haven't seen each other in over 20 years and the last time they did see each other they was kids so i wouldn't call it a beef i probably would just say it was a misunderstanding i wanted y'all to come here today because it's a lot of money on the table i talked to ray about possibly coming and doing the la show i told him about the immature tour you know but when we talked about it you said it was like some beef that y'all had about a roll or something i don't want to sit down and do any business yet because you know we have had some some issues in the past in order to come together and do business we got to sit down as men first yeah cause we never really talked like never talk to we never had an issue in person yeah i know that that you would thought like you know a situation about when i did cuts that you thought like it was it was something that you were supposed to do i was supposed to play on a show called cuts that means i was gonna be a star of a new sitcom i told marcus hey guess what i'm about to get this role tomorrow i know they gonna hit me tuesday damn ain't nobody caught me about the road i thought i had it nah you know they gave it to marcus houston huh felt like i was right i had no idea that you was even involved i know for sure but i swear to god let me tell you this is my agent she called me personally like you got to take this meeting and i was like all right i'll take it just for you i fell rock he knew i was up for the part because i told him i told him i was about to get the part a day before i got it and took my role you robbed me i felt like i missed out on a lot of bread we talking like two three m's okay so the thing is you feel like marcus calling on your play that you had already in motion and it's like it can't be but it's the game though so it was a it was a chess move from your eyes though it was just a chess movie so you wasn't even at the screen test there was no need for the screen test you can go back and forth with it but look i'm telling you right now as as brothers as family i didn't do that i didn't take that role from you i wasn't at the final audition fam because i already had the role that's neither hero dear i ignored it act like hey you're right i'm sorry let's get this money i'm too old to be arguing with god damn it my belly's big and i need to work out at the end of the day like i could have approached it different like i got real mad you know and i apologize for that you know what i'm saying because i said definitely that was just you know uncalled for when you're young and you're trying to figure it out sometimes you go into this defense mode and everybody's thinking that's true that's that way so i get why a lot of times people were scared of working with me because i'll come through and i'll be lit yeah and a little too late yeah but to go on tour now [Music] i just want to keep it simple let's do the la show and then we will see what happens with that we gotta do this man you know i think it's something there i think you should gotta figure this out i mean i i'll do it speaking of that this weekend coming up we're gonna be in vegas and i got a big crib paris home some other other people gonna be out there yeah i want you to come out you know what i'm saying him it's my it's my daughter's birthday man it ain't hop skip jump i'll try to take a jet over there real quick i try to wiggle it well i'm gonna get out the way man but if i nail this show that gotta have a title fan remature [Music] oh what's up girl i wasn't trying to make you wait too long i just got the studios how you doing hi hey so what's the drama i just came from this mother trip from hell i got into it with zell the wilderbee's hair shot attacking me pulling my hair don't know it and then i get to the mansion and lyrica's there near her got into it i caught her messy as hell whoa and i know it's your friend so i don't want to be you know what i'm saying it is it is very much so um whatever forget lyrica my mom really wants to meet up with me i haven't seen my mom in five years and the last time i seen her she kicked me out of the house but lately she's been reaching out and trying to reconnect with me but i don't really think that i'm ready for that right now if anyone understands mother-daughter issues it's my girl chyna there's a lot of her own demons that she got to deal with you know she's not well i don't want her to like drink no more my brother's in jail i can't be like taking on all those burdens and i just it's kind of hard dealing with like demons like by yourself sometimes like you need somebody like strong to like do it with you why do i have to be that person for her a mother is supposed to be strong for their kids not the other way around do you think that it'll be possible for like you guys like both like sit down together in front of like a therapist i mean she did ask me to go to church with her you know church is like not the same as a therapist i agree all of my life i've had to take care of myself because of my mother's alcoholism i still need to figure out how really even if we're gonna ever be able to move forward i mean i i said i'll think about it you gotta be like on the streets like the hooker somebody's going out tonight but you see i'm clearly not dressed i just love the studios let's go to my cribs okay can you drive okay let's go let's go let me pull out for a second [Music] oh my gosh she gonna scratch my rims no no i'm scared wait wait wait wait wait for me away from me away from me with me [Music] oh [Music] hey after the emotional meet up with my mom we've exchanged a few texts but i am really unsure of what our relationship is going to look like family's super tough for me but my job that's where i thrive and really feeling home in the studio [Music] i'm not only a songwriter but also an artist i'm doing a really cool collaboration with asian doll and it's for a single called match-up that's so raw as well oh thank you thank you hold on i'm gonna step out real quick let me know already thank you so much girl what's up bro this record alright i am so proud of you thank you two chains on today 1017. every damn room you better wear them every day you're the first lady of who to means label like you're the first female he ever signed i'm only 22 i wanted to grow and just learn and be a student i observed so gucci was like the best thing for me you know what i'm saying i really feel like you made the best decision even from the first time i met you we did that session like officially oh yeah well baby she's like my little sister singing show you know what i mean i can see the vibes but in the same breath it's like i wrote the song on the radio it hit the billboard charts you know what i mean and really being like the talent time after time i'm going to need sessions and it's a light-skinned girl it's a girl that's lighter than me it's a girl that may be a little younger than me there have been plenty of times that i've been overlooked because i'm a darker african-american woman and it's not a great feeling talent should speak for itself but unfortunately society doesn't make it that way they look at looks and what's on the surface before they look at the actual talent right now i'm writing more for myself and i'm stepping out from behind the scenes i'm really excited because my homegirl apple she's going to introduce me to one of the west coast legends yo-yo i'm so proud of that i'm so happy for you yo-yo is somebody that i definitely looked up to she is the epitome of a strong black woman who really broke through a male-dominated industry that just gave me so much inspiration that i could make in this industry i'm a brown teen woman and it's hard for us it just is you know what i mean but i got everything i'm happy that you wasn't like one of those people who just let that get to you and let you you know i'm saying lose yourself we built for this like we can't help it look how hot you are like exactly and look how hot i am like come on [Music] after reconnecting with my mom i feel like a piece of me that has been broken for so long is finally starting to heal and even though we're still working on rebuilding our relationship i feel incredibly fortunate that i have friends that i can call family hi boo hey chyna and i have been hard at work getting her music together and with mile it ain't no way that she ain't gonna kill his dad oh i like what you did with this new place oh no i was like i needed to like switch it up a little bit well i just wanted to come over because i'm really excited because one of the west coast legends yo-yo has been performing at her 30th anniversary party that's crazy i'm really excited she's done movies she's like toured all over the world i mean she is that chick i'm excited for you yeah i think it's gonna be a good thing i am looking forward to yo-yo's event we're not only celebrating her birthday but we're celebrating 30 years of her being in the game she is a successful actress entrepreneur rapper and creative i mean there's nothing bossier than that but anyway now that we've got in the studio do you feel like a rapper now i feel good i definitely have to perfect it i have to be like steady stable all that you know what i mean because it'll like reflect like in the music that takes time though even though you've only been dabbling in music for like two years it's really refreshing that i can work with somebody who's also my friend you know i've had friends in the past that ended up ending our friendship because of you know work you're friends with lyrica yeah yeah i can't i can't work with her why because she basically tried to use me and i'm just like i can't ever trust somebody like that plus she got the nerve to be online the other day talking about my body talking about my complexion lyrica starts this igb for me i mean as a brown skinned woman in america in the music industry i fought hard to get where i'm at without riding the coattails of a man and i really didn't appreciate her talking about my complexion don't be a colorist don't be racist against your own kind what did you say now you know i said something bad [Music] that's your friend and you might want to work for her in the worked hard studio i want to work with both of y'all but i don't want to be like in the middle of something that makes me feel weird i honestly think that as like black women in the entertainment like industry i think i should probably maybe have a conversation if y'all was like friends before because it's some type of like hurt somewhere but i'm not gonna like you know dig you know i'm not but you're trying to put you back in that but you know how i am though you know that once i'm done i'm done and i don't look back [Music] aiwan and i are slowly working on getting our relationship to a place of trust and understanding but summer money popping up at yo-yo's party took me back to all those pissed feelings from the past and i'm definitely struggling to let them go hi hi boo how are you blac chyna and i have been friends for three years now and she has definitely seen her fair share of relationship troubles so i feel like i can use her advice i just need to figure out what the hell i'm gonna do now i kind of ordered it before you oh you wasn't playing no game see you've been good dealing with stuff as usual what about you girl my life is a tornado right now my stuff is in storage i've been staying in hotels well if you need help i'm here for you you were the first person that called me about that uh bunny hop chick it was weird how when i saw her how'd you see her there was an event that this [ __ ] was at she had the nerve to have an attitude like i had done something to her it was just more so her attitude she's a girl she started crying it's like you crying for it looks like she hoped for more like i think she like like thought there was going to be something or something and one was like [ __ ] i was mad at lyrica you were something to do i'm going back to my wife wait one doesn't understand women with us when you do like that oh no we start side eyeing you it's like the sex or nothing don't even be the same because you'd be like you was just doing that with such and such and it just you just started looking at them differently yeah you know what i'm saying what you mean do you really honestly think that you're not going to get back to anyone okay i'm 50 50. fifth of me wants to stay cause i love him and that's my father and my child we have so many memories we have a beautiful baby together he's all i know i don't even know what it would be like to date trust me ain't nothing really not damn i would try like even like like some type of counseling yeah i've just been yeah i mean it's always like a boil like it's always like a boil before like boils over yeah i'm saying thank you and some forks please once you start focusing like on yourself and stuff like maybe it's uh starting to do music again because i did a song with um with britney a few songs actually so like working with her and now i want to do like some songs she's talented yeah she's talented i don't i don't like her though but she's talented she just like fakes that nice role but she's really not she said something about my son so if i see that [ __ ] at this point i don't wear her barney b she went along the lines to say i don't love myself and then she said some like little slide shades about my son if she wanted to fight we could have just fought now i'm gonna go ahead and go in on a [ __ ] on twitter period [ __ ] it is on site maybe you and brittany can like cash it out cause i want to work with you and i want to work with brittany because i don't want i want to actually work with like black females that's like that know what the [ __ ] they're doing if she was pleasant i could be pleasant and i can get over i think we should meet up seriously i'm gonna put us together who's us me you and brittany there's not gonna be no hostile environment it's not gonna be knit or not because it's auntie chai chai you know how peaceful i am i know so let's make it even more peaceful [Music] i got the impression that barney b wanted to reconcile so i'm actually walking into this with a pretty decent attitude but my guards are still up so what's up nothing how you feeling honestly today i don't feel that good my head has been hurting all day listen sometimes when i get a headache it's just because my wig be too tight i'm really trying to be the mature bigger person here and let's see what happens [Music] tonight i'm not holding anything back for someone who doesn't think about me and feels like i have beef with you you show giving me a lot of energy honey lyrica said that it was on site so is it on site that's what i want to know let's see what you have to say when you see me in my face [Music] have a seat hi lyrica you said it was on site is it on site it's what i'm saying is it on site okay so that's what you call me here for is it on site on site [Music] honestly i expected peace i almost thought she was gonna explain what her real issue is with me because i've never done anything to her so i was looking forward to like what is she gonna say or maybe an apology or whatever she just showed up because she's another obsessive fan like her that winter walk whole loose really loved me in real life i'm out come on let's go way out come on get her mouth that's what you brought me here for no obviously i know this is what you brought me here you were fake is it on top of me she said to keep this name energy this girl has a face that only a mother could love i could stop feeling sorry for her thinking i'm trying to be mean or i don't want to be her friend who wants to be somebody's friend that acts like this she need her ass beats i got the i got the energy energy this is an ignorant miserable pretend to be more than she is as [ __ ] leave me alone i have my own problems i'm dealing with so listen can we just sit back and put back together you calm down i'm gonna bring her back in she's just a hater she's just smack because she don't have no kid or no man she even got to cheat on her because anybody even look at her ass so oops hi brittany can we just can we just talk y'all gotta chill bro y'all throw it listen i didn't wait no don't say y'all no but you started no i didn't say don't say y'all i need you to calm down and stop being extra and just sit down as a grown-up just grow up [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music] friends may come and go [Music] all right all right i'm coming out to listen and then i feel like you should lay on top of that now okay the song best friends came out on brandy first out it was like her third single i came out i was dancing in the video did my little dance move listen y'all just go to tape check me out in the best friends video real quick [Music] you see it yeah that's me in the kango and now we get a chance to bring it back to life the fact that you sound like that is friends may come and friends may go brandi's one of my biggest supporters she's believed in me from the beginning she always pushes me to go further i've always seen your potential i was singing with you all my life and we have to do it and we do it together we launch ray j and brandy as a group as each other's superpowers please that is the map it's going to be crazy so ray j and brandi album yeah ray j and brandi album reggie and brandi everything but we still haven't read it no ray jam it's gonna be ray j brandon you know why let me tell you why because back when it was brandy's brother but right now it's ray j's sister but my wait no it's for sure now israeli sister i promise you people will be coming and i love it you didn't love it so much but i love being related you came out of every kind of shadow there was on anything in your life and you and you moved through that and now you're a genius at music you are a genius in music raven ray brandt [Music] that's dope all right so what are you doing for this next month i'm going on tour with immature are you serious well i don't know if i'm going on tour all right like wait we're doing a show next week what how did it even get to the point where y'all was able to even say hello with me and marcus well i i really i really felt like now it's just a new uh i'm a new person so whoever i had a problem with i totally wanted to put it put it to rest because i see things different now we can do one show if we kill the show it's possible we can all you know take it out on the road so but jerome though i'm a little bit like concerned about seeing him because i don't know if he knows that like what happened like with the whole eye thing it wasn't your fault it wasn't intentional like i could never do something like that intentional because i i had a low-key crush on jerome back in the day it was a book it was like a jehovah witness book that had like the sharp corners on the tie i threw the book out and then it flew right to jerome's eye and i was like in the room i remember when his eye was out i know like three don't get in the details because i i don't think i'm really super over that because you know jerome had hazel eyes and so to mess up one of them was just like but it wasn't intentional i don't want him to feel uncomfortable bringing her love back every which way brandi got a history with immature like no other she used to sing background for immature i used to sing background remember i used to play the bass it's all i love so you know i've never been on tour before i never had a ray j stage i've never had a chance to have the smoke had a rain had lights have been moving on stop i'm gonna make the show something so crazy to where it's undeniable you ain't never seen a ray j show before think about it no right well that's why i want to go all out i want rain coming from the sky all right so let's recycle the rain come down and then it hits the floor and it recycles itself and goes back up again right pyro boom explosions coming out the side i need eight dancers the best sound the best production with the best md and the best band [Music] that's perfect [Music] we're gearing up for the la show for immature and rayjay later this week and it's very important that it goes well because this is a test for the investors to see how much money they want to put up this is going to determine if we're going on tour or if we're not going on tour [Music] is going on now ray is about to outlay he didn't brought a whole entourage three djs two dancers and four dogs i don't know what the hell is going on it's like free live crew keep [Music] she a service dog emotional support for me let me fill the stage with y'all man i ain't felt the stage did you just leave your dog kid she's straight she's trying see this feels good i will never lie again cause you would only be my friend i'm not mad at it i'm really excited about the possibilities of this tour i mean it could be a real revival everybody coming together and doing something that the world is going to appreciate love and have fun too right this is a rave eiffel but my baby will always take priority over this tour family first i'm just excited everything's going perfect with the pregnancy but there's waves of emotions that happen to a woman when they're pregnant things gonna get a little bumpy things might get a little grumpy i'm hoping for la show can show princess that these long nights i've been working in the studio really mean something and now she can go wow i'm really proud of it okay so and then the rain you know how boys to men had it we go into the rain and then it goes down our boom boom if i had one wish you know what i'm saying and it goes one wish one wish one wish then the smoke comes out and then i come up off the stage like this and then i'm rising up at that point i'm teary-eyed i'm gonna try to hold back the tears but it's gonna be uncontrollable y'all hold on hold on we're not on tour yet i'm not gonna get the rain we can't we can throw water on you this is just the shell timeout i'm a little crushed by this because they should have told me who's giving them appetizer i don't really appetize okay that ain't my thing i like to go all the way you go hard or you stay at home you don't even gotta go home you already been at home all right so this is like a small stage yep small intimate all right so intimacy yeah but we can't do the rain if we left the la test show yeah we can get the rain for the tour now ray he over the top for me i need to wait to see how this la show goes before i go making these major decisions but i'm excited that he's excited and as crazy as he would make me on the road the fact that i've dealt with rides i could deal with right yeah i'm gonna be blown away with what i'm working on though hey i'm with you [Music] [Applause] [Music] this past year has been amazing my group reunited we did 50 shows some people you know i got into it with that i really wouldn't want to get into it with but you know that's family that's love and we'll get over that so until then i'm on to my next move [Music] i had enough petty drama for one year it's time to focus on east avenue and my music time to be grown i want to be a grown man now you guys see me as grown zell swag there's a lot that beyonce needs to do moving forward it's all about me i don't care who's who i don't care if my best friend is about to fight her no i gotta level up from with me i will never lie hollywood is full of haters but i know there are great things in store for my future as an anr an artist and a boss you will always be my friend i still love my wife for now i'm giving her her space but until the ink dries on the divorce papers i'm not going to give up hope [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Love & Hip Hop
Views: 3,500,109
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Love And Hip Hop, Love And Hip Hop Hollywood, LHHH, Ray J, Princess Love, Teairra Marie, Moniece Slaughter, Masika Kalysha, Nikki Muddaris, Miss Nikki Baby, Alexis Skyy, Soulja Boy, Omarion, Lil Fizz, April Jones, Brooke Valentine, Keisha Cole, Snoop Dogg, Tiny Harris, Fetty Wap, Brandy Norwood, Blac Chyna, Kash Doll, Rappers, Female Rappers, LHH Rappers, Celebrity Appearance on LHH, LHH Celebrities, Slick Woods, Apple Watts, Lyrica Anderson, A1 Bentley, YoYo
Id: 8j51zQ1eko4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 99min 40sec (5980 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 26 2020
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