Yandy & Mendeecees’s Relationship Timeline | Love & Hip Hop: New York

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[Music] so i cannot believe i'm actually sitting here doing this this thing hurts like hell and if this hickory head apple faced man doesn't believe that i love him after this i don't know what else i have to do because i would not do this for any other man but him [Music] so much has changed in the past year since i stopped managing gym and it's been all for the better [Music] things are going really really well with my boom and dc's now that i have the time to concentrate on him we've been together now off and on for about six years and finally we're living together and things are looking great and the best part of it has been the past nine months liam and jesus are expecting our first child any day now and i couldn't be more excited about becoming a mother i've been looking for you all night [Applause] i'm man dc i'm from harlem st nick projects um y'all used to be in the streets got it together got in this music industry and yandy's my girlfriend did you see all those gifts how are we going to get that stuff home the father what you thought you were doing today me invited going to jewels or white party this is the night of your baby shower okay and it's over it's not over yet let's finish partying and we'll just i'll get into you all with you i don't even have to go to hollywood and get in the car for oh you know for real i'm not getting into you all right how else are this gonna get home your father is gonna drive to you more to the house what are you going to do i'm going with vital to the club the night of your baby shower this is your celebration this is celebration enough it's over it's over no it's not i'm trying to argue with you tonight but yeah i'm gonna go to this party i didn't want to make a scene at the baby shower but medici's is really getting on my nerves i didn't make this baby by myself he better get his mom right [Music] i've been lucky enough to have medicine and his son from a previous relationship in my life but today i'm bringing home my first child amir harris who's born a healthy seven pounds and nine ounces [Music] you know this little boy keep me up all night i'll be helping you know me you been helping me doing what looking at me exactly medicines and i are so blessed to have our new baby boy amir and his son little mendicides from a previous relationship i just love my family you came up as the perfect man when we first met i ain't the perfect man no no i'm working on it you're working on it but it's been a long history of foolishness i'm known to be with a lot of females but now i got my together and you know what matters to me is family and yandy and i'm ready to move this relationship forward i think you know i gave up my place for yours we've been staying at your place for a while now and now we got you know another kid i think i think it's time for us to move listen i just don't think it's an option for me i have mom upstairs why you always feel the new union must have lived close to your mom man what you mean you're a grown woman now time for you to leave the nest spread your wings and fly no please she keep fighting down the stairs every five minutes okay and what's your point it's gonna get annoying did you say my mother's annoying i ain't trying to say i'm saying it no she's not she's waking us up man so she's like alarm clock sometimes yeah that's in that and that's exactly how it's going to be for the rest of our lives medicine and i are both music managers so our schedules are completely crazy at any given moment we can be whisked away on a two-month tour or a one-week road trip so it's great that i have my mom around i mean what's wrong with that i'm still getting used to the fact that you're all minds and that you're right and that you're you know about this family it just seemed like for so long you were about hanging out you were about the clubs you were you never really felt like you were all mine because you were all over the place you know so it's hard to just move from something stable mom and dad are stable my condo that i pay for is stable you you just around being stable you know what i'm saying so it's it's hard to just pick up and blow yeah just think about it [Music] see when you do the cute face it's kind of hard all right so you're making me blush not for real please not actually please can you think about it for me can mom move in and her husband now you push me hey what's up tinker you can't whisper can i yo you want me to come with you all right so give me kids i love you right now i love our little family we have two small ones so why do we need a bigger place i'm fine with this little condo and before we talk about moving into a home together i need to see exactly where this relationship is going to get out this is the dining room it's you see the custom paint all those family dinners i want our fit down family dinners you already thought about stuff huh this is your kitchen granite countertops we have all viking appliances sub-zero how many bedrooms five bedrooms in the in-law suite because you have to have a place for the nanny of course or the in-laws okay that's true wow i never thought that i would live a life that would allow me to have this i don't even think i'm ready for this it's a fabulous great room very quick ceiling okay i love it i want to talk about things yeah absolutely buying a house is a really really big decision especially if his thoughts are buying this house together there's just some things that we got to discuss before we take a move like this this place is amazing you like it it's so big i just went different from my kids you know i grew up in the streets i used to hustle i went to jail i did my time i came home and i've been doing right ever since you know and i pray that i'll never go back when i had little man dc my whole life changed i just want better for him so you know that's why i just want to get y'all out of the city and get y'all in a good environment where is everything everything's everything stop crying oh come on [Music] i don't know i just want the best for our family that's it and i do love this house but there are certain things i wanted to have in place before i had a family before i bought a house with somebody you know i wanted to have that commitment before god and know that this man is here forever and never leaving me because that's how i feel about you one day we'll get to that you know so what's this first let's think about the kids and the children first that's why i brought you to this house the check is already written so if you like it it's yours whatever you want how are the lovebirds doing hi come on terry yeah yeah it's just a little overwhelming in here that's it it's alive it's the dream wow hey y'all talk all right just tell me where's the bathroom straight right by the garage a three-car garage come on let me give you come look out the window you need an idea it has me nervous it really does about it's waterproof fabulous hey there's the bedrooms so i want to see the bedroom well come up okay i was super super nervous because i never got on my knee in my life to no female i never gave nobody no ring i don't know how to get on no knee what in the world is this you say i ain't romantic so come in oh my goodness what is this give me kiss first this is beautiful [Music] it's all right you know i love you and i can't live without you and i'm never going to leave you and since you said you're never going to leave me then we should just be the yellow what you are lying right now oh are you serious will you marry me love you and i would love to marry you [Music] i knew he ain't he was going to say yes first of all me and he was talking about marriage since i met her like the first day i met her you know and that's why i fell in love with her because she was like you know if i ever get a husband i'm never leaving my husband i don't believe in divorce and i was like you're never leaving she was like yeah i'm never leaving my husband and that right there just stuck on me so we've been talking about marriage forever oh my gosh that's so beautiful can you pick this up by yourself yeah it took a minute no way this is beautiful so now we can talk about our baby girl yeah we can talk about our baby girl now i love you i'm gonna keep you company while i'm in breakfast [Music] i've been dreading waking up to this morning all night this is the day that mendicity goes in for questioning it feels like doomsday i don't know how long this will take i don't know what the questioning is about [Music] i just hope i can keep it together ah fixed perfectly you guys look so cute then you looking like my twin i can't imagine what's going through mendicy's mind when he has to see his son off to school so listen it comes to a point you know and you don't see me for a while i just know i love you all right what does that mean it just it just me you know just know i love you why am i not gonna say [Music] i have no idea all right ready for school now yeah come here [Music] so be good in school like great [Music] first chance i get i'm gonna see you [Music] okay [Music] i'm crying and the baby's crying i'm crying okay you don't want your child to worry or feel like they're gonna lose you but what do you say what do you do when you don't know what this rule leads to what do you say to a seven-year-old you talk to him i mean i don't know what to say i can't like he's seven years old i was there for him since he came out the hospital so you know he's like the closest thing to me it's like i never had a dad so i didn't want him to ever feel like he never had a dad so once i had him i just started doing the right thing [Music] come on let's get this over the longer i wait the more depressed i get and i might not go i wish i could stop time it feels like every second is my last second to my life feels like every breath is my last breath to my life give me a kiss i love you [Music] it's like a million kisses right all i can think about is where do i go from here where do i go from here hmm oh my god it felt really great to hug yandy you know when i got out you know to hug up kiss her and embrace her i couldn't stop smiling you know i was free act like you missed me a little bit a little bit are you really out of here you miss me of course i missed you since i was away i gained a lot of weight so he ain't even on my back about getting back fit so i decided that we should both just go work out while cousin maurice you know maurice came to visit me when i was away so now we kind of got like you know we put all the differences to the side and we got our own special bond good job yeah i'm gonna go to my other clients yeah so all right see you later see you later yeah all right don't let her beat you no it's not it's not good girls are better at everything when are you gonna learn that that's a good workout my legs are tight though all that drinking and everything else you have me doing in vegas and eating you're surprised right i mean surprise is not the word for what i was the end of the night well how long have you been planning that like what made you even actually i've been playing that since i was in jail wow i didn't know what i was i was i was just over excited to be back with my family so i just wanted to you know be more secure but in other news what's happening i did promise that we were going to plan a wedding so i started planning a wedding you got a date could be next summer or maybe the fall i'm glad you're thinking like i am september october so give me some time because it seemed like a lot of things have changed since i was gone so you know danny definitely got to get with the program you know he ain't even running like a loose chicken when i was since i was gone you know we got to get her back on track you know we've got new people working with new people you know um i mean i'm the same yandy but work changes the environment you're the same you're not just saying yandy i am how am i different i mean listen like i'm strolling through your instagram i'm seeing the way you've been dressing you know how you've been partying i see you first of all when i left you know things wasn't like that what is the problem because you got now you don't show them to the world everything is in there whatever you know what i'm talking about i wanted my breasts back to the original size and firmness and roundness so yeah i had a little alteration done you knew that i asked you did you mind you said no people used to write me and tell me listen yo your girl out here taking pictures from the back showing her booty and this and this and that okay first of all i never took pictures from the back showing my butt and a beach i took him out when i was in the water yeah would you tell me that's art yeah and that's what i said when i wrote you that isn't this a beautiful picture doesn't look like a work of art no doesn't not to me everything is pg-13 i'm never explicit leave me alone if we're going to be arguing and having issues over such trivial minor issues how are we going to walk that out there are certain things that are important and there's certain things that just should not be important but more importantly i want this to be a real thing i only want to get married once and i know you feel the same way that i feel so that when we stand up there and we say i do and i will never leave you till death do us right that it really means something it works for me should i beat you in depth so we want to get back to stomach ready all right come on i have been so completely consumed with planning this wedding and i cannot express how excited i am about our day to come but there is one more thing that i promised when dc i would do to show how committed i am to him before the wedding [Music] you look so pretty hey so today we're going to get our name tattooing each other we decided to keep our design to ourselves but i could tell you one thing if mendez decides to get my name tattooed on his pinky toe and thinks that's gonna suffice he got another thing coming where are you getting your tattoo you gotta wait and see what you gotta wait that night let's do this let's be the surprise all right but i really wanted to cross your heart don't worry be across something i don't want to question balls but let's just do it back to back so i won't see what you're getting you won't see what i'm carrying you know i'm a little nervous because this is my first tattoo ever i was never getting a tattoo in my life but i'm gonna do this for her and i'm excited and nervous here we go let's see what's gonna happen [Music] ain't got to make it too dark though you got to break fast bro [Music] so i cannot believe i'm actually sitting here doing this this thing hurts like hell and if this hickory head apple-faced man doesn't believe that i love him after this i don't know what else i have to do because i would not do this for any other man but him oh god are we done okay let me see see yours first let me see yours first [Music] all right see you like mine i love it try to jump all right old man let me see what you got oh man oh man what up hi what's good hi nathan i told you i want to talk to you so come talk to me where come in here i'll get some water anyway now that we are in full swing with the wedding planning our future is really starting to take shape and i couldn't be more excited and then i also just found out some crazy news that i have to tell him so what you came over here for i just wanted to say that you know i'm really thankful for you um it's been just amazing having you back home having you with the kids and you know watching you what are you you sure no bad news or nothing to tell me no i don't have anything but i just want to tell you how much i love you and i felt like i wanted to get you a gift no that's for me yes for you but it's a watch [Music] how'd this happen you know exactly how that happened oh man [Music] [Applause] when jenny first told me she was pregnant i was excited but then also you know i have this case so it was just like what do i do it's very complicated but you know i get through it you look nervous you know with so much going on you know still i still got this case lingering you know um you know i'm just shocked like we push this case back all the time and not think about it and it is situations like this that make you just think about the future and think about you know what's next what's gonna happen but that's nothing that's gonna affect us your baby's going to see you just like you were there so come on don't don't don't don't don't even speak that to existence no i'm not speaking into existence but i don't want you to worry about like i just told you i'm getting ready to have another baby and i don't want you talking about a case no i mean i'm excited just a lot to think about you know just gotta embrace it and it was she was meant to let me say she she was meant to be you're gonna speak it into existence right right right so god let me out so she could be here right that's how you okay so now you're gonna make those shots or you're gonna miss a few more listen you leave i can go back and get my game right okay so what did you take that test [Music] why would you have me leave this event and tell me that me is in the hospital i remember saying you were richard and you said that a man is on his way to the emergency room why are you playing with me that was more important than leaving your son in school cause i couldn't get through the yandy and the school had to call me and she's not answering nobody phone call and i'm thinking how can she forget her kid in school you know i i over exaggerated uh you know i called the driver and told the driver i was going to the emergency room just to get her attention just to ruffle her feathers to get her you know get on point like come on that's stupid go go go home go do something so what happens no just get out don't come in here guys you want to do something he's in the next room come here you got my son in the studio why did you bring my son to the studio get off of me what's the matter with you first he lies about my son be in the hospital now you got him up in the studio if you was trying to get my attention i promise you're gonna get some attention it ain't gonna be the attention you want why did you tell me my son's an emergency vote when school called me because he was left in school now i'm calling your phone you're not answering i said he could have been i said could have been in the hospital anything could have happened you have somebody to answer your phone granted you couldn't reach me because i was at an event if that's wrong that's my bad and i apologize that you couldn't reach me but then you don't call me talk about hospitals and my son putting this for me this is not for me you left them kids in school everything you do is more important than these kids right everything right this dumb ass career all this you ain't getting no awards finish i get up five o'clock in the morning and take them to school i pick them up yeah that didn't pick up me up yesterday and waited for and you can get home at 11 o'clock huh so that means you don't have to don't listen then you keep leaving these kids and you keep leaving me to pick up the pieces for you yeah you should it's about time oh no no that's nice what is he talking about i spent the last year and a half doing everything for this family while he was in jail and now that he's out yes i expect you to do more more than me sometimes i'm out here hustling my ass off while i'm pregnant with his child and if he thinks this is too much to manage while he's being a father and a businessman well too bad listen what happened i'm not gonna sit here and go back and forth with you about this right this is exactly what my doctor was talking about that i don't need to make sure i'm gonna leave your son in school [Applause] [Music] talking about [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] my baby shower is tonight and i could not be more excited about all my friends and family that are here to welcome my baby girl i am super nervous about surprising mendyses with this commitment ceremony so i just hope he's on board with me making this official today yandy harris i think i could get used to that all right i want to welcome again everyone out to uh yandy and medici's baby shower make some noise [Applause] also i know yandy wanted to um to come up and say something so i'm gonna turn it over to her [Applause] hi everybody i'm so sorry i haven't been able to spend time with all of you but i i just wanted to call um two men up real quick big man dc little madison come up here real quick so i'm putting him on the spot i just wanted to um express some things and i wanted to express some things in front of our family our friends and first i'll start with dad um i always tell you that i fell in love with you at first sight but now i truly know oh man what to love you and all of you means i commit to listen to you and accept your support i will love you and have faith in your love for me through all our years and all life may bring us and to you oh i remember meeting you when you're about six months but i wasn't there when you took your first steps i remember seeing your first tooth come in but i don't remember it falling out today i commit to never missing another first today i choose to become a harris today i am signing the certificate to change my last name however this is not our wedding our wedding is still to come very soon and you guys are all definitely will get the invitation and we'll be invited well i know yandy always have tricks up her sleeves and you know she's one that could put a cat out the hat so you know i was definitely surprised and i was happy at the same time yanny becoming a harris means everything to me you know we're one step closer to our marriage i wasn't and i can't wait to finally spend the rest of my life with mrs harris today i choose to become a harris i accept your family name is my name and on this day i commit myself to you [Music] so i believe that here are the forms where i start my life away [Music] there you go just like andy said with that we look forward to a great wedding soon to come and of her being harassed before the baby arrives right so let's spend the rest of the night celebrating with them [Applause] the past few months have brought many blessings from indieses and i we are finally married and enjoying all that newlywed bliss has to offer but if you know us you know there's always a little bit of crazy we are so cramped up in our condo we are in desperate need of a bigger place did you see his move no show mommy your move oh oh oh oh okay go man go man come here go mick all right amir okay now come on let's go upstairs it's time for me to give skylar a nap anyway being in full blown mommy mode raising three growing babies has me ready to put on my management hat and give back to managing artists and with mendys and i combined income this extra management money will help us really get the dream home we want honey why you got those boys playing basketball in this living room they doing what boys do you no not basketball in the living room why not look at that's what happens when you have children that's what happens listen so this is what happens when you have children we need a house with a play room right now i think the time to buy a house why not i signed the plea andy we don't know what's going to happen so why why why why are you trying to prepare for the worst and not prepare for the best but that's not how i live my life mndc yandy walking around here like she forgot that i have this case looming over my head and i could be behind bars for a really long time i signed the plea deal my sentencing is coming up i don't know what's going to happen so why she's talking about wanting to buy a house at least i start on the house i can't live like that i can't live pitching me leaving you with a whole bunch of responsibilities and just have you be a single woman struggling or trying to figure things out by yourself i hate when you try to have this conversation it like bothers my soul that this is something bob's your soul but i gotta live and sleep with this every single day i am so tired of putting our lives on hold because of the what is maybe mind dc's is right about the house but i'll tell you one thing it's not going to stop me from being a mom a wife and a businesswoman and i'm going to cherish every moment as i live it and that is it i don't care that you signed that plea i know where you're supposed to be and that's with me and our family [Music] i just left a meeting with my lawyer and unfortunately it wasn't good news i always knew it was a chance by signing a plea deal i was gonna have to face the music but i never expected to hear what i heard [Music] today i know it's gonna break a heart but i have to find a way to tell yandy that our worst fears might be coming true [Music] what's up man hey babe how are you [Music] what's going on well i just wanted to update you sentencing is coming up you know is there's a possibility that from that day i get sentenced that they might take me that day i'm going to be away for a while a while like a few months a while like a few years i have no idea my manager minimum is five to say what 20 years the person i lay next to every night might not be here for five to twenty years it's a possibility the next time you might see amaze when he's 23 that that may happen tell me how i prepare for that i don't understand how life is supposed to work this is something we just got to get through yandy i can't tell you what's gonna happen because i don't know what's gonna happen i knew when dc's sentencing day was going to come one day but i've lost my man one time and i'm not ready to lose him again there's just so much in this life that we have to achieve together i'm just not ready to give that up the only thing i can do is build you up so you can be strong build the kids up so they can be strong and i want to be able to be there to walk them through life just like i wish i had a father to walk me through life you know hopefully my presence would still be felt until i returned [Music] what's the next step do you think we get them in stores like what are you thinking let's move the traffic through our website and become relevant right you know they want to know why should we put your stuff your product in our store versus versus the people that are spending that much hey what's up mandy [Music] and dc yeah come here come do your big brother duties please really please all right come on [Music] pick up your car give me a call baby all right love you bye and i feel so bad the kids just bust into medici's meeting but with our life it kind of comes with the territory marion mdc gave me two beautiful children of our own but also two amazing step children little men dc in a scene when medici's on the road traveling and meetings i'm responsible for all the babies when they're not with their mamas and it could be a lot but i love it thanks for picking up the scene today i appreciate that i got you the team is so well behaved he laid back he's definitely laid back he took after me being laid back yeah i love him you know i know sometimes difficult dealing with multiple baby muffins you making it like you got 39 pounds of baby i know it's difficult dealing with my two baby mothers it's not like we have beef but everybody just does their own thing like we don't communicate much with samantha i don't communicate at all erica i just wish we could all come together so that you know these kids can see unity hopefully you know one day we all get on one page and make that happen listen i love their children like they're my own hey bro that's why i married you right [Music] yeah i gotta pray so today i got sentenced to eight years and um part of me felt relief i felt like i finally got closure but the other side is definitely going to be rough a day away from my families feel like it's too long let alone eight years [Music] i just felt like how could they sit there and push for 10 years like why would they even like i just did i don't get it don't cry now i'm no matter how far i go the love is still going to remain the same and every day don't don't cry listen every day i'll be i'll be with you you'll be with me until we back together yep it breaks my heart to see yanny break down in tears but yandy needs to stay strong for the kids she's all they have while i'm away and i'm gonna need her to remain strong in my absence the unknown is over with but now we just have to figure out you know how life changes you know i want to know like how far are you going to be am i going to be able to see you once a week i got four to six weeks financially you know everybody's good yeah but more important than financially i was the one that put all the kids together yeah bring the family together now this have to continue to go on without me so listen i'm gonna have a dinner okay so i can get all my children mothers together they have to want to you know yeah but you got to understand the only way this is going to work if we're all on the same page i've always wanted to be on the same page you know my numbers have not changed for 15 years i've given it to samantha and erica i've invited them to birthday parties i've invited them even to dinner right i have no problem getting together with the other mothers of mendicy's children i am always the one who champions this family to all be on one accord it's not always easy getting samantha to come out with little men dc to our functions or erica with the scene to our functions maybe mendizens is right and that before he's away he needs to set the tone so that this family can continue to thrive and stay together i've extended my hand several times so you have to just let me know how you want me to do this this is gonna work it has to work you know if anybody respect me enough they'll make this work that's it [Music] today's the day that my simi and little mind dc are gonna have a graduation party we're here a little early to set up before all the kids arrive and the word on the street is this troll yandy is coming in here so i know i gotta get my mind right so that i can address her properly if she decides to get out of character can we ready to have fun yes you got to take it easy though right i am you see i'm over here are you feeling better because i'm much better much better good i look better right yes you do you look like you lost some weight too i wasn't eating my stomach is turning i hear it hi [Music] say hi hi i'm trying to be above the drama and let the children see each other but yandy and i still have some unfinished business to attend to she's telling anyone who listens that i don't take care of my son i have a problem with that i like it thank you thank you i'm glad you're okay yeah i'm feeling much better i needed some rest yeah as happy as i am to see judy andy and the kids i can't stay around these women if they can't get along if i learn anything from what i went through i learned that life is too short for all this drama okay guys let's go have fun [Music] [Applause] come on i'm beyond excited about bringing my children to see their brothers they haven't seen them for a few months but when judy and kim get up to leave i'm feeling a bit set up here we go hello ladies i'm glad we could all finally sit down it's been a long time well let's talk i mean we're all here i mean dc asked us a while ago to keep the family together and we just haven't done a good job at it i know that there's some things that right what was it that you were telling my mother what were you mentioning about me i just wanted to clear the air with her that's it she made it seem as though you had some questions or you had some concerns about me not raising my son and um i guess my son living with my mother and all that yes so i mean with the issue lies is when it feels like the only reason why he's not around is because you just want to keep him away from me you are out here stirring up rumors and and making false accusations that i didn't raise my son it makes me puke it makes me puke all the bulls that you be spitting samantha your son spent a lot of time with his father and because i live with his father don't make it like my son live with you that's semantics me and dc live together so you're gonna have to stop acting like you're my son's mother especially when you don't pay no bills in my house i have the financial burden of my son well you get to sit around here act like you're raising him samantha i don't want to hear you i don't want to hear my name i don't want to hear anything you do is say sorry you're not going to sit up there act like i'm not in my son's life i'm not going to have you through that anymore i'm not this is exactly why i was hesitant about coming to this party in the first place it's not about us it's about these children let's talk about the real issue and that's keeping this family together cut the bull i'm working seven days a week okay well i'm taking care of my son so for you to say i'm not raising my son samantha we could talk back and forth all day the fact of the matter is we all have children by this man what he wants is for these kids to be together and what i want is for these kids to be together yandy's so full of it and i'm sick and tired of it and i'm about to set her nasty ass straight you have to learn your place you're saying you don't raise your son you this you that that's not the truth tell the truth even if you don't want to tell the truth don't tell it yeah that's what's separating the children you're done no i'm not done dc wants his children together i've never held a scene from you despite you saying that was a break baby i never said those words you didn't say but you applied it and as a college educated woman you know that you don't have to say something in order for the message to be don't go to what's implied go with the truth now about this break what i've always said i never knew anything about you being pregnant probably until you was about eight months when dc told me at this point he had already been living with me so for seven months i decided to stay with him because what he said to me was her and i are not together we haven't been together we played it hold on one second she got pregnant yes but we were never together well then he lied to him your husband and you had such a great space with great lie it doesn't matter what you say there's nothing you could ever say to make me feel like he's lying to me nothing erica's on her last leg trying to find some validation in medici's life but you ain't never gonna get no validation from me or my husband stop trying to prove to me something that is not cause i don't care you got used for your vagina you got a baby out of the deal thanks and good day mendicity said very clearly to me i told erica that i had a girlfriend she didn't care she still wants you had a baby 10 months behind me you're the ghostbusters it doesn't matter to me it doesn't matter just like anything that i hate about you it doesn't matter you have to just own up to where you are in life and what it is that man has never claimed you you ain't never been nothing but a slide that man has never said you were his girlfriend to anyone we got matching passports vacations listen way back 2004. i put cars apartments in my name for him that's what slides do we have the same address legally still to this day go ahead no you you don't you never have actually i do boo boo i knew yandy was going to be on some because she was running her mouth as usual so i came with my receipt i mean dc's and i traveled the world together had apartments together now tell me again how i'm the slide listen darling you have put cars in your name for him you might have put a crib in your name for him but it doesn't solidify a position with you at the end of the day homegirl facts are the facts that you bought yourself yeah little cloudy i thought it was about the kids it is it is but listen the point of the matter is the mary i'm done i really i really i did not come here it's about the kids i didn't come here for all of this you know what i'm saying what i wanted to do is clear the air figure out who's talking who's selling who what and i can't get an answer you can't be honest with everyone okay and i really feel like we could just dismiss this like i don't even need to sit here anymore i don't know what i'm gonna no no no no i don't want to deal with you nothing with me it's always gonna be the same story with indeed she's gonna be the wife and the mother of the year and me and erica it's a wrap i'm done you can't admit nothing there's nothing to discuss [Music] my girl juju is in town so me and kim decided to crash her photo shoot because she's putting out a book and i want to know all about it i have so much to catch my girls up on the drama my babies and the better baby mama crew so yeah what's been going on how the kids girl is so much going on if i had a week to tell you all the stuff that's going on well we have right now because we're always busy let's talk about it what's happening so i didn't get invited to the graduation for a little bit dc or scene but i decided to come because i want to see my babies absolutely and i claim all four of them as my children right absolutely you know it got very heated very nasty and avica was the main one that was very she's the quiet one the quiet one girlfriend this one she had all this built up aggression and anger she said oh yeah me and dc legally share this same apartment you won't tell me you share that place with who my man are you crazy and i kept calm i kept cool but the more i went home the more i thought about it i was not fishing and madison had to teach her a lesson listen you know she had nothing so i went to that house and i changed a lot i can't i really what ended up happening after all of that though nothing i left a note on the door like if you have a problem with anything that i've done please come please come see me don't see me okay she popped up at my event that i was setting up for you and then she kept threatening me she kept hurting me watch watch what's going on watch watch watch what's going to happen right i have to do what i want to do i have a power attorney over everything that that man has to do i can change the locks now what you want to do that's your husband you have the power of attorney so what's the problem who can come question you about what well with me and dc there's so much to our union absolutely that is beyond the power of attorney and the reason why i say this is because the night before my wedding uh-huh may 24 2015. i was advised if you sign off on this marriage registration sentence please not sign and you might have to pay restitution you could be responsible as well [Music] this man not only tried to marry me once and i said this is not right but twice and now i'm telling him another reason as to why this won't play out the way we dreamt it too so yeah what you trying to say like you guys are not married what i'm saying kim is i have a union with mendici but i did not go into a partnership with mendici and the government oh this is daddy hi baby hey what's up nothing like they play pin with the kids say hi to daddy hi daddy hi carla how you doing good i miss you i miss you i love you i love you more my husband dc was sentenced to eight years in federal prison for a conspiracy to distribute drugs so collectively medici has been gone for five years he came home for two years when we created skyler and then left again and has been gone ever since she was almost one the hardest part about not having been dc here is he was the huge support when it comes to the kids he's that dad that takes the kids to school picks them up reads them stories at bedtime so amir moreso than skylar really is affected by his dad not being home how are you doing how are you all right i'm doing well work is crazy i'm super busy i'm stressed it's a lot it's a lot with these kids because you see every time we come visit you when we leave and skyla is asking can she come stay at your house like our kids think you live there now explaining to the kids constantly like daddy's gonna come home soon one day it's just a lot like i'm just getting frustrated i'm frustrated you got good news yeah i know how to tell you but a paperwork so it's circulating at the region and um next week to come [Music] we have been told countless times that he could possibly come home but to hear from him not his attorney not me seeing a law pass in the book oh i believe it this time [Applause] you know that's scary so i'm just trying to figure things out figure that out i know there's going to be so much to work on with our relationship when medici comes home but also the kids are so much bigger and now with infinity in the house when dc is going to have a crash course on what it takes to raise a teenage daughter i love you so much i can't wait to feel that love all over me all right calm down calm down relax [Music] hey yo it's safari listen thanks for watching and you are now tuned in with the brand new loving hip hop youtube all right subscribe click it there's a button right there hit it right there and subscribe all right
Channel: VH1 Love & Hip Hop
Views: 163,828
Rating: 4.8704243 out of 5
Keywords: Yandy and Mendeecees, Yandy vs Mendeecees, Yandy Fight, Mendeecees Fight, vh1, love and hip hop, lhh, Yandy vs Samantha, Season 10, Remy Ma, Papoose, Joe Budden, Cyn Santana, Kimbella Vanderhee, Juelz Santana, Yandy Smith-Harris, Rich Dollaz, Juju C, Safaree Samuels, Alexis Skyy, Jonathan Fernandez, Sidney Starr, check yourself, Love and hip hop, Love & Hip Hop: New York, nyc, new york, hip hop, rappers, producer, VH1, reality tv, reality show, Erica Mena
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 53sec (3293 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 26 2021
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