Erica & Rich's Relationship & More | Season 3 Recap Part 2 | Love & Hip Hop: New York

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sorry Daisy in my days on a chair like you know just dancing I'm Erica Mena's and a lot have happened in the past year RIS Thomas is now managing me and helping me establish my career in a much better place I've been doing tons of photo shoots and now I'm in the studio getting ready to release my first single was good so rich books a maxim shoot for me today which is kind of weird for me I'm used to doing all this stuff for myself you enjoying this yeah this is the type of shoot that I think elevation not that anything is wrong with the one we did last week well this is the one that takes you to the next level this is I can't all of a sudden now you know be super selective and not do certain things that I used to do your aspirations are bigger than just doing the urban magazines like you've done them all now it's time to be like oh you know what I gotta take two steps back to take four steps forward I just take full advantage of the fact that I'm versatile I could pull off anything pretty much so I take advantage she will never get the respect she deserves as a booty model from the people in the high-fashion world and if she doesn't understand that and we're wasting our time there's a reason why a person starts that king or whatever and goes to maximun goes to Elle you can't be all over the place you have to have a focus that's how I eat that's how I survive I'm able to alright only pull off what I do pull off now okay in order for this to work you have to have the ultimate confidence in me that yell I have your best interest at heart well I've never had that but now you do turn the passenger-side feel comfortable to doze off guys seriously they'll pop the water Jones in because I can drop but I'll let you drive but I'm not gonna I'm not gonna keep you from you sure don't you got it at this point me and rich are definitely together and we're establishing where we going as far as business and personal and that's the part that I like most is that he's actually taking a risk I'll see you later [Music] so the other day rich actually said it was okay for me to talk to him and Erica about their relationship now I know how rich gets down with women and I've seen how Erica can get down with a dude if he does all wrong I just need to make it clear to both of them that if this relationship gets messy which it will that it can't come back on me so I'm gonna just jump right in because I feel like rich doesn't give me the whole story like he as far as what jumps around YouTube time we don't even want him to talk right now no I want to hear from you what exactly is going on we're rocking rocking out for sure what's been with you here at app to see is that our something like that yeah for Richard more of a personal thing like rich personal so I got a new tattoo it's actually a music know and it's art the do me off in the to this moment I'm still a little bit thrown off so I don't know what to say we had a conversation right I'll tell you like I'm gonna be serious I know how rich is I see him with a lot of so if y'all are really with each other you gotta have to keep his focus because you could be the one to get your heart broken because he really doesn't care right really are we gonna have this conversation like I'm not sitting here yeah you've got bought me that's just basically your loss you could say that will calm and collective right now but again I have seen erica has already given herself this image to wish she spazzes out like the Tasmanian Devil in the wrong places rich got that same type of temper like this is not gonna be good for us at all I don't need this on my image if you this up it's not only gonna come in the vlogs as a rich you know dump Eric or whatever it no they always find a way to turn it back on me and it's gonna be some bull and took the whole brand everything that we've been trying to do I'm taken back by a tool because being up this is your best friend I'm surprised she doesn't even know about this we meet what you have time am I gonna go tell somebody like I don't understand but it hadn't even been that like the reality was she clearly saying it has been that what are you talking about this is simply this that we don't even hanging again I can't hear you it's not yo are you serious yes stop no I'm serious I'm dead serious I wasn't hiding anything circumstances had it that we were never all together in the same in the house we're just having a cop being interrogated you told me to talk to her so now we're having this conversation with narration we weren't having the conversation but you're the one who's been with you're mad that your best friend is a girl because she's supposed to be I don't even understand why he got upset or angry because this was your idea rich you wanted to do this so now we tell her and now you defensive this don't make sense like own up to you when it's not his playing he's wrong absolutely this is where are you willing to deal when there's not more ways no because I can't walk away from this this is so early I don't have to deal with like this that's the difference here now listen about what you came to do and this is early you can walk away by flash slip it is I know I'm no lorry out for some time now we've partied and hung out casually throughout the year she has a mixtape out right now that's doing its thing I think it might be a good idea that we might collaborate and do a song together it definitely can't hurt yeah but the leading lady is all over the street listen I look like I'm so happy at how it turned out like people with Delta me with that we're gonna do something together whenever you ready I'm Lori I'm a rapper the best rapper in the whole entire world I write my own stuff picked my own beat so you better get used to my face cuz you're gonna be seeing me a lot more from now on so what's going on with you dawg I got myself caught up in like a mix business with pleasure kind of situation are you talking about wait I think you're talking about yeah rich by the day we sat down with Liv and she's basically told me like oh he has my joints fine but did you tell him that she told you that he got mad that he was super defensive I've never even seen this side of rich before ever I can't see myself having to deal with that not even for two seconds I shouldn't have to yeah the chances you take by mixing business with pleasure is that you could lose one the other or both the lots at stake right now and there's a lot to lose and that's what makes it scary so to hear he invited me to an event that she was hosting of town hearing Erica and Lori Ella gonna be there so I know they don't beat me up about doing this record I know at some point is gonna come on double double double double double yeah it's all thank you I'm gonna go around on the end rich thank you I'm a drink I'm a drink the beautiful women saying that I can appreciate a beautiful eye if rich decides to flirt with another in front of me because that's a gamble he's taking I'm not female that bags your favorite rappers favorite model so then to the day I give to I don't care I know they talked about that record a little bit what you're trying to do with that I know we talked about it the other day you talked to this this be trippin say no more Aaron handed me the other day and she had some people do I reckon together I thought yeah that's my homegirl up now hold it down I don't see where reckon between y'all two benefits her that you know better than anybody else though no record we're not doing it period I'm out I'm a goal-setting [ __ ] my real quick yeah you're gonna do that you go that you're not doing the record you go do that you go show you and I'm going to use leak and I'm out and I'm gonna do that and I believe you or not know who are you to tell me what the dude like you're not my manager I have management I remember last week you were just talking to me and complaining about this thing you gotta do your home know what you want to do figure out your plan do it like don't wait for this tell you you gotta do this then you got to do that for what like you don't have a platinum I gotta you wanna tell me what the bundle it can't tell you lore'l decides to keep going back and forth adding her two cents and whatever was going on with me rich that sucked me over the edge no save me but doubt they come out see you you say hey I come out you say support I support as well we do thank you yeah little baby I'm ready to go I'm ready [Music] yo I'm telling you as my man I'm ready to go so we go no SPECT the way Erica ran up for me in a club and was like I'm ready to go that Dame flying she's not gonna do what's happening we're supposed to move as a unit so when I'm ready to go it's time to go the way you approached me and said I'm ready to go because exactly is her best bourbon you want my go is that what it is my guess your girl said it's time to go if that's an issue that's on them coming no she really walling out yes you need to calm down that's it she be bugging like me they take that drink from her hanging out with Erica you got to kind of be careful cuz she always get into something in the club I just seen it from you did it so I get it you baby son Mike what you gonna do kick him in the head like you did your baby father I seen that on worldstar and all the blogs like everybody else so I'm not trying to be that home movie homegirl okay ain't you supposed to be somebody mother and you talk about you out in the street gonna kick and then a head and all that that's not cool Erica [Music] so I told rich I go sit with his girl his client his boo thing whatever she is about why she acts like a damn fool every so often now looking forward to it but I'm all had the conversation the last time was to each other it was crazy I wasn't really registering okay like yandy's here like I just need an event it was even supposed to even get to the level that it got to like I really needed to have a heart-to-heart conversation with it's kind of uncalled for I think it seems like yeah now that I've definitely reached a new point in my life and it's like no more having to fear be scared or you know Nemean be that way what are you fearing what do you see like it isn't it what it is is that I was literally sleeping with him I think it's enemy loving him giving it my all and all I could do was be the little you know meaning there's gonna be times where I up and I can't explain it moving forward like I can't be that anymore I dealt with a lot of it on my own because in my mind he would eventually learn how to love me and everything will be okay before I used to be so ashamed I was only ashamed because not because he did it because I let it happen I let it happen consistently but do you know how many women how many young girls are out there they want to model they're beautiful and they're going through the same exact thing and you know this story you can't be ashamed of it because probably every other woman still has little bit sorry for me because there's no reason you'll think people aren't feeling sorry for you or judging you when they see you at the damn fool you know I gotta be honest after hearing Erica talk about her past and the things she's been through I feel a little different about her but erica has to realize people don't want to work with a lunatic please believe you don't have to be that way to get where you are or where you want to be there are opportunities that might have gone by the wayside because of that I mean I thank you for opening up to me you know it definitely puts you in a different perspective next event hopefully it'll be a lot better but exactly very good so I'm gonna get out of here I gotta go pick up the baby okay okay it was gonna be me mama okay so today's Erica's birthday and we're going out to dinner so I'm hoping that we can put the past aside for a second and just have a great time happy birthday thank you welcome doctor totally Andy I realize what's her fast gotta stop being so tough sometimes let me start off by apologizing yeah I was at fault big-time in the sense of how I reacted the other night studio you begged to come in and apologized on your birthday and I appreciate it I mean I was wrong bronze rocks what I will say though is I kind of spoke on it out of anger but I really didn't mean it and the cleavage issue it's always showing uh I do think that I should be more of a priority what do you want I don't care if you have you weight studios at once I need a session just as much as your other artists and parties need a session and because I am Hawaii this is what I do studio session Rockwilder he's gonna put you in you're gonna do this thing it's crazy me and rich have been on a pile and we've been looking for the perfect single and we found one when it comes to this whole rock wall attract it's definitely a club banger and everybody knows me from being a party girl so it makes sense to go with it until rich sent me this where do I go records [Music] [Music] [Music] you know I'm telling you I thought I was coming to die laughs I told him do now put me in front of her cuz you know you get to that biting her lip that shaking cuz you're gonna bust out laughing that holding your stomach till it hurt I don't wanna do that to that poor girl she was just crying to me I can't do that to that poor girl I would have absolutely done something easier but you know pick this slow belly this is the one that's like the life changer like it's like high-risk high-reward tight I could be a believer in II think she's off Oh God my family means a lot to me especially my mom who was actually my business manager as well whenever I'm dealing with certain situations I always reach out to her so just talk to guns obviously the conversation centered around Erica and he's under the impression that I should just let it go just let it all the way though I don't even know how I got to this place with this thing he's looking at me like that actually I know how I got here I know how I got here you're in a personal relationship with somebody who is your artist what's happening with you know what do you mean you don't know you in love I wouldn't say that but I would say that we've already embarked on a journey this girl is dangerous Richard you know what you have to do to help her you know what you know what I hope she needs children a manager she's a psychiatrist [Music] we roll up to Erika's hosting events I'm pissed off I got Pete with me he's here because he wants to make sure that I stick to my guns and actually let her know we know exactly what's going on you're not gonna throw a party in New Jersey and nobody's gonna hear about it what's going on no no you tell me I didn't know you were coming same old same woman what do you mean it was the exact same face that the kid has when he knows he has his hand in the cookie jar you're caught you're busted same old boy they couldn't reach you doing they couldn't reach me you're unreachable for for this why would I be I mean I'm not reachable you just go and you book your own gigs right that's what we do or they act in a holster it's no real big deal I know rich is furious at this point but at the same time I'm a hustler I've been in a day if I'm gonna get paid to party why would I ever turn that down I'm looking crazy young again yet again cuz you're right here booking you're on your own five years how many years you're gonna keep doing these same parties these same parties how long how long you gonna get two bottles your homegirls taking my record you're done you're done that wasn't limited to a rep pulled a obviously he's mad so when he mentions that he's taking back his song and he no longer wants to manage me I knew that was out of anger and frustration you good yeah good yeah yeah me yeah no contract I'm supposed to answer the phone for you not much of beck and call because of some vagina at the end of the day I don't know if her loyalty facade was a fraud because now it's very evident that she moves clearly 100% for her I felt good I felt like the freakin burden was off my back now I can just fully go back to doing me let's go find out let's go back the way it was before we met it's me oh yeah let's go it's not an experience I'm good yo you know what everybody deserves when they're right to have that i-told-you-so moment live was right she did it her moment what you want you miss me no even I was hiding from the truth I'm positive so you mad at me why I'm mad at you why it wasn't like a freaking [ __ ] wouldn't you say let me tell you what what I did wrong and we tell you what let me see if you actually realize what you were doing wrong hmm it was a personal situation shorty got on my good side but why would you want to with somebody like that you want to run this truce to somebody who run in the streets for everybody like it's cool for you that's how Richie Dollaz wants to be known then you just like oh once I kind of my senses live we'll get it I don't even know why you had in your brain core that's supposed to make me stop talking about this because basically sure to use you she got you on the set but she told me so she ain't got no problem giving you the it's cool yo I'm on Dollaz unlimited I'm sorry what you don't know I'll be sleeping with Richie Dollaz he [ __ ] cuz you sleeping with on me he's thinking was to like he was not flying mama yo yeah you think we did a lot and that you had to come to the realization that you was wrong fix your forehead don't act like you don't know I'm talking about basically had to tell brace that he was being asked for the whole time the whole world knows I was trying to not have the world know that my manager is a douche bag but ah too late just want me to say I got caught slippin can you say well I know that you and I notice what you do we smile because you don't really want to own up to it but like these things oh oh you're right I'm wrong I let my emotions get the best of me I'm back I'm sorry there it is that you had okay I just hope rich has his focus straight now like his head has to be all the way in the game stay here rich me and you buddy we done know so now what you doing with this record that you think she sound good I've got to know which one it is what do I go joint you gave yeah absolutely lost my Ridge absolutely looking like I really I really am still disappointed in you like a record that she wanted to give to me you gave it to a non singing person you ain't wanted how about I take that record back and I'm gonna do it instead of my version how about that you don't care no more you back with number one right now I'm super creep I'm still thinking about Erica and the hurt that she would feel if she heard it on the radio I mean the reality is she didn't do what she was supposed to do and this is business now isn't it like I'm back to Richie miss you [Music] the reality is I bought a record at this point I can't just let the record archive I can't just throw it in the back burner somebody got to cut this record in this record needs to be given to the world and I'm not gonna give to somebody outside my camp [Music] [Music] when Liv asked for the record I always tell like I have to at this point take away all my personal feelings and not wanting to be a jerk and all that kind of stuff and just follow my business mind what what app you can take a break from it I'm the player what's the deal so you feel for you so you in love like you right yeah [Music] [Music] what's up - what's good tell me work you're just here working nice song you didn't want that's not gonna be having this conversation with this thing here have no choice but had to come um not really I don't need to discuss in her face it was more than just while I feel betrayed it was like wow he actually followed through with something oh here we go but he turned up now we turned up need a minute right yeah give me a minute please with me right now no no no you've been hovering this song over my head since the time I laid it down this is my song and now Livia singing it I need an explanation right now I'm feeling super betrayed dude like I would never do to you something that you want more than anything something that I know you deserve you don't deserve the record I don't deserve the record - guys don't deserve the record we haven't signed my contract secondly you've been taking bookings on your own thirdly you don't want to be managed Erica [Music] - halfway like tears the sad face the great story at some point it's like the girl who cried wolf but you keep saying oh I'm sorry I'm gonna do better gimme gimme gimme I'm sorry I'm a fixer but you don't fix it and you don't make amends and who's the one losing me in its I'm the only one losing cuz I'm the only one giving you want me to give you every finish talking about I bought the record I put you in the studio I did all of that for a chick who's not even signed to me for a chick cuz that's what it becomes in essence what the contract did was legitimize this so I'm not looking crazy out here by wreck is giving records to people doing this looking like a meatball enough is get ready not go sign the damn contract when somebody's trying to help you ask you to sign a contract and you're not doing me no favors sweetheart like I don't even feel the emotion right now because I know I'm right that I've done all I can do to help you and if you don't understand that I'm on your side or have been on your side the things that you do is what made me go away you made your bed now it's time to lie in it it's just like you're not comprehending that yo this dude really rock with me he's doing this things out of the kindness of his heart [Music] this is the one thing you can do and you can't tell Richie how he hid what his feelings are you can't tell rich away when you have no feelings laughter just meet a peace of mind for security from my [ __ ] family not too long ago when I left my son's father with nothing I had to leave behind my home light so I'm sorry if I got into a relationship with you that just so happens to him Bob business that makes me very scared so jump headfirst Erica listen oh you're gonna listen to me now you felt some type of way Chuck well I want it most just to purposely hurt me and you did a good job you did it no yes I am no you woke me up you woke me up and I thank you you know why cuz now I can go back to being me I don't I don't I don't got a little feel anymore I'm gonna be his number as it comes I guess what I'm gonna get me a song and I'm gonna be on the radio sooner or later like with or without you that's how you just made me feel right now you just gave me the only cake not like seriously thank you thank you are you really woke me up like reality check like you can't trust nobody not even you sleep with [Music] stiffening up dated on and off like the last three years slept together on and off for the last three years we hadn't been intimate in some time but we were but we have been intimate since I was dating Erica took you long enough when Tiffany really came to me and she said Erica was hitting on her I was like you know at the end of the day Who am I to stop what you guys are doing if Erica's hitting on you then by all means do what you do now I'm getting information that's coming to me daily and if short he's not gonna come clean about it what's the next best thing that will live the other thing you know what live I know it's been a minute no sorry I've been talking behind my back no I needed to talk that cause what I told how about everything that's been going on as far as okay I need to talk to someone literally I'm going crazy I put myself emotionally physically in a situation with this girl I have to talk to me she saw me calling me come I love you come hang out with me Tiffany told me Erica told her she loved her I was like yo she's a really really pretty girl she knows how to turn on that face welcome to the club what do I go for me I'm saying you need to wake up we're gonna work I didn't do nothing okay I'm not telling you no I did something probably no one in this world would do for you right now I'm like I love you to death granted we're not together but we we rock you know what we got we got what we got and we'll always have what we have you know but I'm not getting any appreciation what do mean there's no appreciation I appreciate you to the utmost you cannot watch you think that's fair to me don't do that I know what you're doing for me Tiffany so now what are you asking me to say no I'm asking me to pull you out you asked me to pull you out cuz you into a deep yeah okay I'll put you up so now what why are you crying don't want you lying about what you're crying about it's too much why it's so nice look at me who you who you who you were in up are you where you want to be huh where I want to be if you do the right thing so what's the right thing what you want me to do tell me that I want you to stop with Erica you know I'm on your team always big be on my team show me that what I did few matters you're right so I'll shut it down you've equipped me with the information that's ultimately that's a decision that has to be made in short II gotta go [Music] so a year ago today I collaborated with Lady Jaye cosmetics and I put out a series of lipsticks this launch party is kind of big for me it helps establish me as being an overall business [Music] so it's rolling Haven but we go up to the nail lounge and just wanted to be very very clear I knew that Tiffany air called messing around the reality is Tiffany's loyalty to me made her call me Erica's disloyalty to me allowed her to be deceitful long story short I'm feeling away on my way about this relationship I'm feeling away about a bunch of stuff fell in a way about the opportunities I've giving you nothing come clean about you have yet to come clean about everything everything I need to know everything that's known you need to know so you feel comfortable you feel comfortable with the information that's been given it's what you choose to believe everything basically you know this whole relationship has been a lot but yeah like I'm trying to figure out it's even real like when it comes time to claim you don't like analyze I'm sick of the deceit I just needed to come clean and come clean that we can move forward in mom while I'm trying to understand like what's real what's not I don't know you tell me you don't girls know more but you do believe opportunities when I brought a Tiffany's name I was letting you know that I have honed in on the hundreds of chicks that you probably been with and we've picked one that I'm addressing if you keep continuing to not be able to come clean I'm gonna call it a fini and then there's no way there's no way to try for any woman to purposely befriend another woman just to deceive her and basically make trouble with her relationship it started off different was what it is [Applause] after the punch I'm like you just happened and maybe this is our event this is our lipstick event maybe this wasn't the best time to do this at that point I was like I gotta get to Friday here because there's never my intention to put anybody in harm's way it got physical we got violent it got crazy I didn't won all that didn't really give it much thought I felt betrayed by rich more than anything you've had someone purposely played me like a fiddle and you're supposed to be on my team [Music] with everything that happened I never really got an opportunity to tell Erica that we're done I'm done she's been done but I think that all things considered is that not implied by now is that not already known fact [Music] because everything had come to a head and because I was finally able to expose the knowledge that I had been gaining over the weeks I didn't think she'd want to come around to my surprise I get phone call long story short I don't think it was smart of you to put me in that situation but then again I don't really think you were really thinking of me and I get it for whatever reason you feeling some type of way it's bigger than that for me it's bigger than that believe that you need to know this girl the whole time mounted you know her you talk to you times in the past I did my research then come to find out y'all be rocking out for a full year and that's hired the reason why you made sure that she befriended me to get whatever information I get from her am I wrong deception breeds deception why not were there why not tell me crazy Erica is mad that I was sleeping with Tiffany when she was sleeping with Tiffany it just goes to show you how crazy this whole situation has become when you can be mad about something that you were doing so you're really coming at me like I was wrong you were here you did this you're the culprit the other day but without once again without take a responsibility for your actions and what you had to do with this took the time to actually I fully cleaned me in the car pulling teeth for you to go out into the world and claim me real quick and send it back home in a dollar van like what's the point you ain't claiming me justification of it all there's no justification but the way we went from I saw you one day just fine next minute you bringing in another [ __ ] claiming that you mean you just told me and different things Erica has false Erica is not a good person she's deceitful she's a liar you don't choose who you love I put it on the line for you I said the world I'm a rock with her because I felt that strongly about you and we're gonna rock and we're gonna ride a duck then I get a call at a birthday party and it's dissing his dad in this like oh my god she's hitting on her dad is doesn't that you'll rich your food the company all the other 150 things that made me a fool because if it was just that incident I probably could have got past it you bringing my happy home down in terms of my management but it's cool because you know what you was worth it to me you was worth me and live beefing and live with it had to figure it out the reality is you went down this road you embarked on this journey of deception I known everything for the longest [Music] it wasn't fair to rich instead of me just telling it like it was I just insisted on covering covering and denying and deny [Music] I just don't want I don't want people to think that I wanted this I try to hide it to prevent Mis [Music] and I also very want to lose rich [Music] Here I am contemplating driving off and letting it go who cares but I owe more than conscience that I might have been a little too hard I get out of my car and I see Erika get into her car listen to me okay we gotta figure this oh this is ugly and it had to get there for us to get here I just need you to promise me that at the end of the day you're gonna figure this out you're gonna do what you need to do you're gonna talk to somebody you're gonna put your demons aside and you're gonna be ready to come back with somebody who's ready to put trust in you and you ready to put trust in them because it don't work if you don't do it it just sucks because I know I really hurt this man and I also know that I really ruin my relationship with him you need to do this for you and you know what's crazy all the book aside I'm your best the best decision for Richie is to move on washing hands of this and move forward with life is that Who I am No so much has changed in the past year since I stopped managing gym and it's been all for the better [Music] things are going really really well with my boo mandeecees now that I had the time to concentrate on him we've been together now off and on for about six years and finally we're living together and things are looking great and the best part of it has been the past nine months I've been lucky enough to have mandeecees and his son from a previous relationship in my life but today I'm bringing home my first child Emir Harris who's born a healthy seven pounds and nine ounces I saw my condo moved in with unity it's I think it's time for us to get a bigger crib I know she don't want to be away from my mother but it's time for her to step up and meet a woman of her household again with some in how they silently means realtor realtor for what please do do you move in so mandeecees has been all my back about moving into a bigger space really move into a bigger space I don't see a ring on this finger and I guess me photos go half on his house without that there's so much more than just needing space you're asking me to jump out on a limb with somebody who has the time I don't even know if it's really serious how you know that we are pretty much shacking up with a child all right so what that mean that's holding you back from moving no image of my boyfriend well I want to buy a home with my boyfriend so that's a problem c'mon let's go okay meri let's just let's come on let's just go get married most like that's how you remove that your proposal mandeecees has a lot of growing up to do our situation is good but it's not great and really I want it to be perfect I'm sorry that's what I expect but you can do something about it make sure you not liking pitches that's gonna get you that scratch and get on your face kind of like you wait time sleep to attack me I didn't attack you I threw the iPad back in the morning so the other night I snuck in looked in his iPad and I saw that he was like in booty shot excuse me is he on his mind and you talk about marriage and engagement like in booty shot is one booty you need to be liking and that's my boy we've been doing gold I'm in DC I'm not taking away from how good we've been doing I want to continue to be on this path but going and I don't want to have to deal with my man who claims he wants to marry me like in pictures like how it like come on nonsense you know I love you love our son I think you know there's five like my most happiest moment of my life right now so I'm gonna do anything to jeopardize that if like in pictures on Instagram is bothering your eyes stop I appreciate it all right that's cool I'm gonna talk about this prenup who's gonna marry you I'm Uniqua so I feel really bad about how I sprung the Newsome NDC's about moving to Jersey so I decided to take my put can Bella's advice and to shoot a video I'll call some directors friends call some producer friends and voila yeah I thought I would do something special since we have a necessarily on the best of terms since this whole moving situation the bottom line is wherever you are is where my family is but you know I just thought it being next to mom and having her close by I just thought it would be days I'm gonna Josie ain't gonna be no two family house and then gonna be known walking distance to see your mother right Jersey yeah maybe choice oh my god did you have you looked around do you remember this hotel this is the hotel we stayed at first you know why I'm remember I didn't get any that night I wasn't in remember night yes it was that was that first night you spent the night together we hugged and cuddled and you whisper sweet nothings and I love yous in my ear right I'm saying I love you that bad we stayed have met hotels how can I remember one it was nothing special about that one to remember are you ready for your bright thinking yeah I'm saying bungalow in a parking lot no it's not a parking lot I'm gonna give I get every night my knees always tries to play the tough dad but deep down inside he's a softy and he can appreciate a little romance I want to show you something show me what that really really worked hard on [Music] [Music] hey hey hey I think he's gonna shine like you know what sweetie this is sorry easy in my days on a chair like you know just Daisy [Music] damn sound like damn so I was really getting in the mood you know to turn that TV off come on [Music] before I had a mere haath admit I was a little thick UM's I wanted to stay that comfort just in the right places six-pack round booty thick legs you know I wanted that body back since I had the baby I've been working out with my cousin Maurice who's an ex NFL player and a personal trainer [Music] I got crunching I got a wave like that backless I got pull-ups everything you think I do why I gotta say sexy for this next man I got keep it tight my cousin Maurice has been absolutely amazing he's staying on top of me and making sure I do the right thing keep going it's getting you before and afters it actually works eat right exercise three times a week I'm actually smaller than I was before I got pregnant Maurice gotta find a beloved time to time to check him checkmate good - why you playing posting pictures on Instagram about a pool there's DC that's the way I run my business me but she posts in pitches are her bent over with high ass hot dogs out she said it was fine well she didn't she didn't say that cool why anonyme no riche you just can't be putting pictures on Instagram without people knowing DC that's my cousin you know that's my girl Joe DC you don't come at me like that I'm telling you because all I'm saying is that listen I got a job and Phil if you want me to take the picture down tell her and then have her come to man I'll take it down come on now you be disrespect y'all DC what you're working out while I'm talking to you we don't know who you playing with that must I could care less about I will put him down you ain't that serious in this house I mean I'm serious just because man you've affected my work on it so I'm gonna about you being at peace you stay that no lose time you want to say that please I don't care about you being a trainer take a picture down take down now I'm not cleaning this whole your girl I'm not taking pitches down I'm out when I catch on watch let me call you stupid ass I'm gonna stand up like anybody to do something yo let's talk about positive things you know talk about like having a pretty little girl what we start thinking about kids we should make sure our relationship is where it needs to be I'm not bringing another child it says you ain't going nowhere you ain't going nowhere yeah but I want my children I have my last name so we can have Little Miss pretty Smith listen me not having a pretty Smith then I say miss Havas's that's facts that's that's holding em with me my last name will be heritable well that's what it must go well actually speak louder than words so act like you want my name to be have it say we won't have to have a conversation no more than money enough said [Music] it's for ha like it like always it was time for me to propose I had to come up with a strategy plan come up with something that was different you know give a house of her dream and give a ring of her dreams I don't I don't know how to do it I'm trying to figure it out I'm trying to do everything right so I can make this day special for her it's so big I just went different for my kids you know I grew up in the streets I used to hustle I went to jail I did my time I came home and I've been doing right ever since you know and I prayed that I'll never go back when I have a man teasing my whole life change I just won't be better for him so you know that's why I just want to get you out of the city and get y'all and a good environment where is everything is everything stop crying I [Music] just want the best my family that's it I do love this house but there are certain things I want to have in place before I [Music] had a family before I bought a house with somebody I wanted to have that commitment before God and know that this man is here forever and never leaving me because that's how I feel about you one day we get today those voices first let's think about the kids and the children first that's why I've brought you to this house the check is already written so if you like it as Ross whatever you want however lovebirds doing [Music] haha hey all right just home where's the bathroom straight right by the garage the three-car garage come on let me give you some look out the window yeah well come up okay I was super super nervous because I never got on my knee and my life to know female I never gave nobody no ring I don't know how to get on the same romantic so come in is this can we kiss Mars this is beautiful it's alright you know I love you and I can't live without you and I'm never gonna leave you and since you say you never wanna leave me she just loved you I knew he was gonna say yes first of all me yeah he was talking about marry since I met like this first day I met you know and that's why I fell in love her cuz she was like you know if I ever get a husband I'm never leaving my husband I don't believe in divorce and I was like you never leave it she was like hey I'm never leaving my husband and that might it's tough on me so we've been talking about marriage forever oh my gosh that's so beautiful you picked this up by yourself dad took a minute no way this is beautiful so now we can talk about I'm baby girl yeah it's like what I'll leave you go now I love you and we are gonna keep you company while breakfast [Music] I've been dreading waking up to this morning all night this is the day that Mindy C goes in for questioning it feels like doomsday I don't know how long this will take I don't know what the questioning is about [Music] I just hope I can keep it together ah that's perfectly you guys look so cute Nathan I can't swim I can't imagine what's going through mendeecees mind when he has to see his son off to school [Music] so listen they come to a point you know and you'll see me for a while I mean you just know I love you away what does that it just it just mean you know just know I love you why do I not see I'm not there I'm not the pineapple [Music] all right rageful school now yeah that's coming to me home [Music] so be good in school line [Music] first chance I'll get him see you okay [Music] [Music] babies crying hey I'm not not Connie I always hit that same power [Music] worth case scenario [Music] if you don't turn around and walk right back out [Music] what does that mean I mean I'll be fighting the case how long does this kind of stuff take well it's so long it could keep me I do not [Music] we were just getting ready to say till death do us part but I never thought it would be something would depth to take us apart I mean I smile for the boys I'll smile for work [Music] so heartbroken [Music] I did everything I can to prevent this from happening I changed my life I did everything I can it's still happening [Music] people always tell me if you go to jail and taking a womanhood you I'm not just any woman I'm your woman I know you know I want you happy even if it ain't with me I can't think I'm on my life right now today without you we have children and love each other I know one of the hardest things ever to do is not be different my songs in you but part of me feel like a failure you cannot feel like a failure I'm not gonna let you say that that little boy you didn't fail him you didn't fail me [Music] it's time to get this old boy right asmin DC is cool and calm and trying to keep it together for me I see the hurt in his eyes I know that this is something he was not expecting this is not something he deserves come on [Music] when we got to the courthouse and we had to say goodbye we kissed each other but the look in mandeecees eyes said something that I needed to hear his eyes told me that this is not the end [Music] which one doesn't quote donate yeah I want to go surrender myself between oh yeah house okay all right [Music] I just miss him so so much hey y'all it's sugar Yandy if you liked that video made sure you subscribe to the new Love & Hip Hop YouTube channel cuz it's about the beat you see all the new stuff we're gonna pop it up there alright period boo
Channel: Love & Hip Hop
Views: 2,890,678
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vh1, love and hip hop, lhh drama, lhh fights, LHHNY, Love & Hip Hop New York, LHHNY Drama, Yandy Smith, Rich Dollaz, Erica Mena, Olivia, LHHNY Season 3, Love & Hip Hop New York Season 3, Lore’l, love triangle, Tiffany Lewis, Mendeecees Harris, proposal, Betrayal, season 3, yandy mendeecees, erica mena rich dollaz, yandy smith mendeecees harris, yandy smith dance video, mendeecees fights trainer, mendeecees propose to yandy, erica mena tiffany, rah ali, recap, supercut, binge
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 7sec (3907 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 02 2019
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