Safaree Samuels' Messiest Moments (Compilation) | Love & Hip Hop

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yo i don't know if i accidentally sent her something you know if you accidentally sent something i don't accidentally sin i didn't hello oh hi hello juju welcome what's going on here like i wouldn't have wore this if we were doing this you have to give me a warning i thought we were going out for a drink or something i got it for a coat i'm still committed to finishing this paradise remix to raise money for charity and helping the hurricane victims in saint martin rebuild i'm kind of thinking about going in a different direction though so i invited juju out for a little advice but mostly i just wanted a reason to spend some time with juju i know you've never done this again i haven't i haven't i like to keep your mind guessing so what am i doing tell me what to do first things first get your hands really wet this is very sexual get your mind out of the gutter and pay attention you're just gonna start to shape it with your hands and have fun every time i've hung out with safari he's been very respectful and made sure that it was a friend thing but tonight for some reason i feel like he's trying to lay on the charm [Music] what's been up with you still feeling good from the whole saint martin trip but with this whole paradise remix right right i know yandy is your peoples and i give her her credit for setting up the whole trip but but just it's your record and you want full control over it yes i made the record by myself you want the remix by yourself [Music] exactly okay well you have the right to feel that way i just feel like you should say something to her because you didn't say this in st martin so i feel that she's under the impression that she's working with you on it i want you to tell me what to say just you know sit her down and just tell her yandy i'm gonna take over from here and no thank you i don't need your services i can kind of see where safari is coming from yandi does have the tendency to get a little carried away when it comes to projects like this but as long as safari keeps it real with yandy i'm sure she'll understand you're a rare breed of a good woman my mother said you're the type of person i should bring home [Music] that's cute why are you not looking at me when you talking to me cause you're making me blush i'm sorry tell mama that um that it's single you know what [Music] this is what we were originally here i know this printed really weird pay attention to a paper i see your eyes wandering today we're doing a full read-through for my play secrets of a jewel and i'm really happy how the play is coming together and that is finally coming to life did you read my book yeah hello hello hello hey hey so i need you to get on the stage with mr safari here we wait for bianca a-a-a-a can you please calm down bianca text me what happened she's not going to be able to make it i'm so surprised why did she call you and not call me this is so annoying i mean this is unprofessional you're going to be fine let's go i'm just saying this is so last minute though like i mean give you a help you're going to be fine we're going to figure this out everyone warned me about bianca's bad attitude and i was the only one who took a chance on her i gave her the lead role in my play and this is how she repays me you know what i'll just play sydney i ca i can't here i'll just do it i'll just do it [Music] oh so you gonna take bianca's part yeah hold on let me dream a little bit this might be the only way i'm gonna be able to have juju as my leading lady he's gonna be here tonight whoo kevin that's bae i feel it's getting serious happy birthday oh my god babe you made it i'm so excited kevin come grab a bike um i'm good babe uh i'm not gonna be staying that long kevin don't start this again tell me the truth is it hurt kevin i'm done come here i'm sorry and cut you're supposed to cut don't mess that up you can't blame a guy for trying and if almost kissing juju is what the play calls for then i'm gonna have to deliver for the sake of the play this was better okay but we need to make some adjustments okay all right give us 10 minutes okay practice [Music] what's up you got something you want to talk to me about i already finished the record how could it be finished and i didn't even approve the remix that's what i'm saying you talking about the proof it's not your song we all know that it's your song but you want to make it a bigger record right hence the reason why i suggested putting these artists on it you come on a trip and you gassing it like we doing this remix we working on this record asking for my advice in my opinion i just felt like you were being very controlling and bossy about the whole remix yes yandy gave the idea for the remix and suggested the talent but that doesn't mean she has a role in it paradise is my song that i already produce so that means the remix is all mine what's happening you want to explain she's just here tripping about the remix and all of that but what's going on with the remakes we had a convo and she just took off with whatever she took off with and you allowed it to happen and you went right along with it i was hoping to have a huge international record with a little bit of street flavor but it seems like it'd be just another safari special i'm sure to be a huge hit somewhere probably brooklyn all right so when can i hear this record black ass record i got something set up i want you to come and hear it here we go i understand yandy feels slighted by safari cutting her out of the paradise remix but now she's walking out on me yandy has the tendency of letting her problems become priority over everybody else's feelings i'm not sure if yandy nor bianca understand how important my play secrets of a jewel is to me so wait a minute are you just walking out on my rehearsal that's what you're doing to me i'm just so over nice for a coat i want y'all to give a big round of applause for my guy young guy mr strength look i'm about to premiere this paradise remix to the caribbean american chamber of commerce and industry so look someone did this without miss andy smith so yandy mr william blake can you please step up my beautiful sister samantha please bring this check for five thousand dollars [Applause] mr william blake this is an advance on the proceeds from this remix to you thank you very much for the english speakers [Applause] and without further ado paradise it was a bunch of people sending their verses look it wasn't an easy decision you can't record a song in one session and call it a day i asked free over and over to re-record her final version just like i asked mariah just like i asked jacques briefly but i needed clean tracks from everybody to do this remix john craig doing hope for his little [ __ ] it's okay i hate that god made you that big look why are you walking like that i was about to sit down [Music] okay maybe i should have let bree know that she wasn't gonna be on the track to avoid this type of scenario at the charity event but in this industry you have to be professional if you act like this you don't get booked simple as that get your things right bro i'm ready to drag i know we friends yeah we ain't that close normally i wouldn't be sitting beside my boys at a fertility clinic but i got to find out if my gun is shooting blanks or is it ready for business i can't lose man because i just can't be in the studio with hazel e man i just can't i need to go home and tell my woman look baby my nut is one thousand percent healthy it's like tropicana orange juice at its best whoa where [Applause] this is some straight bull i thought this was every man for themselves hey one you gonna bring your wife here got me thinking should i get one of these nurses to help me you got the wife with you let me call princess where are we going wait wait wait look at this this is for the fellas today you can't jack nothing jack night yeah y'all rapping a bank no we got we got a uh we got to jack off you know the fertility clinic wait what you didn't know what was that y'all got some kink going on i need to figure this out we made a bet we all up in here to try to make sure that we are healthy and that our sperm count reaches its maximum potential wait a minute y'all gotta really jet like [Music] i'm telling everybody about this no no no no so hold on you didn't know where you was coming no he told me we were on a dinner then it's day time he said he told me to get dressed up and i was like where are we going and he's like it's a surprise and i said i'm hungry he said i'm gonna feed you whoa he's about to feed you some whole other no no no no the thing you gotta save that for the cup hi hi how are you guys how you doing good good so we're here to do a semen analysis we need three cups yes i have more in the back oh my god this is too much for me bruh why did you have any comforters i could take her right or you can assist your partner if needed you better take your wife with your food i just don't want y'all complaining you might as well join the party all right come on back i'll take you right back here okay time to jack and i we went in we did our due diligence and it's over with now i can't say too much for a1 because he had wifey come in and help him get the job done but hey we'll see the results soon i'm a little nervous right now because i'm really trying to have a baby with princess and on top of all that i do not want to do a track with hazel and lose in front of my boy hey i'll call and book the session for either one of y'all that's gonna be dope safari featuring no it's gonna be dope a1 safari [Laughter] hello hello hey doc what's up what are you doing hey dad how you doing all right we happy to be here doc so i have your results got the results it's a little bit unorthodox to go over three results at the same time yeah well yeah we we brothers yeah but be clear we didn't jack together i didn't even jack at all jokes aside i'm trying to have a baby die but i haven't been trying like every day so i'm just trying to figure out really what's really going on i don't know maybe i'm low maybe i'm high i'm always high but i'm trying to see if i'm low so i mean you know then you tell me what i got to do next as you read the results can you do them from high to low we want to go from first place okay okay look which one is the highest okay drum roll please okay so the highest we have is a1 first of all i would like to thank all my fans all my supporters you know um this is a moment for me he had his wife come bro that's a cheat code damn it's a moment for me you know what i'm saying so your your count came as 75 million more than 15 is good bro this man is backed up all right this is getting real here i'm tripping right i think that the doctor just said that a1 has the highest sperm count god what did i do to get in this position i'm in look out for me a second so the next one is safari yes yes you got 43 million which is also very good man no no doc my artistry is is at risk ah poor ray j i'm gonna send you some flowers and some cards and i know exactly where i'm gonna send it to you cause that's exactly where you're gonna be working with hazel lee your account actually came in a little bit low nine million normal it's 15. jam mine is low any studios around here i'm gonna suck yourself so all right all right i lost seriously i need to find out what i gotta do to get my sperm up because i cannot go back to princess and tell her that i got an issue down there the first thing is we can do some lifestyle modification and maybe give you some medications what kind of lifestyle modification like no smoking no drinking what's important here is getting you right ray that's what's most what's important is getting me right no most important is we find a studio nearer all right all right all right all right i'm already thinking of the song short cummings bro that was a great one [Music] yo it looked like we about to do a seance what is this man what's happening here yesterday was a lot and it was a lot for me to have a conversation with safari and there's been a whole bunch of stuff going on on this trip after breakfast everyone went back to their rooms and they really didn't speak to each other but since today is our last day in costa rica i want everybody to regroup and i want to give everyone the opportunity to release things that they may be going through i know this trip was supposed to be fun and just to come out here and spend a few days away from home but it's actually been very therapeutic for me i'm not sure for any of you guys um i cried a few times unexpectedly i i found that i was holding on to a lot of hurt and pain that i didn't even know was there and i decided to have this so that way if any of you also experience the same thing that you can go ahead and jot something down or many things down whether it's hurt whether it's pain whether shame anything in your life that you feel is a burden or is some baggage that you're holding on to we're going to burn it and burning it means it dies here we're not taking it back home with us we're going to be done with it today can i talk before y'all start all this therapeutic wait joe joe you have the floor if there's something that he wants to say we should throw it in the pit okay let's do it let's do it safari you don't feel like you owe me and my lady an apology what i'm asking no to what so you have zero idea of anything in the universe that could exist that you could possibly owe her and i an apology about nah i'm lost so you don't remember the phone call that you and i had last week about home girl when i asked you if you were flying her out here because that's my girl's old work so that was a man call between you and i that was a call for you to hit me and let me know what was happening so i can know how to move and dictate my household in the appropriate manner what are we talking about though eric is here oh i called safari before this trip i asked him if he was bringing erica mina he said no mano asked him he said no so you can imagine our surprise when all of us picked up our phone and saw none other than eric amina hanging out and tanning at our resort i guess my new question is why don't you feel like you owe us an appointment well when we had that convo that that wasn't the scenario of me bringing bringing my girl here when the situation changed you got my number that was a simple text if you care about the relationship you're not a stranger to me we talk i've been to your home you have been to my child you put yeah i don't take these types of things lightly at all i'm gonna keep it being with you so i'm trying to address it this way any other i swear to god this would go different this would go a different way so when you run around with homegirl have a blast man but when it's in that close proximity of my family it's a security breach i don't play family games you know last time i checked i don't need permission from anyone to go anywhere to bring anyone anywhere i don't need permission for anything it's my business and nobody's seeing her any any y'all seeing her i'm not asking what the you think about it i don't give a [ __ ] about your views clearly your ideology is off i'm not asking you something i'm telling you when you with my old you gonna respect my word my this is the reason why i fell in love with joe he's passionate he's strong he's vocal and then you know sometimes i hate that too but for right now i love it it's nobody's business fam if i'm putting nicki minaj and i fly out here that's your business it is what it is it's now the way you're coming clapping all that cursing i wouldn't come at you like that you could still get you keep turning that it's gonna go a different way you hear me my i'm not playing with you type of attention finish no this helped my kid i'll put this face in the sand don't play with me all i do is cash out pop they down all these they want me and they know i'm trying to smash now all i do is cash out [Music] all these they want me and they know i'm trying to smash now all my boys we gully all my boys we gully all my boys we gully everyday making money i just wanted to have a talk with the fella so i told him to meet me at the beach so we could you know get our workout on get our swole on and just you know talk about everything that's going on i think we're done man you didn't did it you did it you know you did too much yeah yeah your stomach's supposed to look like that that's that yeah bro i need i need i need you in here i got some fam i'm gonna work out with you but you you know it's just stressing me out you know this wedding man you should have just eloped that's what i did bro get the [ __ ] out of here man oh man you know what i did it bro so y'all married we married what i'm saying right because we've been building together last thing you wanted somebody to get inside your mind your parents the people you love dearly and then they rearrange how you feel you know what i'm saying right man i wish i had these guys relationship problems what i'm going through in my marriage i'll take any one of those over this one i haven't talked to shonda since she gave me the letter so right now i'm just trying to stay positive and pray that we can make things work see this is the thing you out here at venice beach i saw you on tmz you know what i'm saying walking around yeah with um oh girl i don't know what y'all talking about it wasn't nicki nicki it was nikki oh what's up with that man the paparazzi caught me and nicky out on a date now it's all over the blogs this kind of ain't what we really wanted but it happened and it is what it is we just went out to eat we leave in paparazzi outside you like nicki baby yeah like nikki yeah i like her a lot she good man she got a good heart [Music] nicky has a big heart but uh the real thing you know is the different assets that she carries look behind pooh pow oh my god but i'm engaged though so at the end of the day you know that's just it she cool she cool she look cool but look you know i got the scooty bike store right you know what what's next door to my store casimir that roast a coaster um her shot uh-huh i heard they both i'm saying like one in one when you say they won what you're saying don't get your feelings caught up in one if she was somebody else you gotta demand both i need to be with both of y'all [Laughter] [Music] i really want to settle down and be in a relationship right now but nikki and rosa that's a every bad man fantasy you see me [Music] normally ray j's and vice is a little crazy but right now i think he may be on something this is what i'm gonna do i'm gonna go meet her like the next event she do and then outside of all the hoopla and all that we're gonna go somewhere no cameras none of that and i'm gonna just really be like yo ray told me right now don't say ray said nothing like i'm helping you don't expose like i'm your i'm like your guardian angel fam that's what you need to do you need to come in with one of the magazines wrote song and just put the magazine down in front of her and then you hit her with the i want it off and all she going gonna tell you is you can have it all daddy ray's my guy but i'm not quite sure that safari should be taking advice from him even if this was a good idea which is not i don't think safari could pull it off and that's it people they're going to lay down and they're going to give it to you or you're going to lay them down and give it to them i'm going to give it to the both of them congratulations congratulations on the title i mean i get to talk we made it mom top of the world i'ma stay i'm gonna stay here and work out though man y'all gonna be the lazy guys okay i want it all [Music] tonight i have a huge club appearance and i had tc and nia come by so they could finally meet miss rosa acosta since they know about this crazy love triangle i've gotten myself into i trust them both not to say anything about safari to rosa they were shocked when i said really if you look like to her history of guys it's not like the greatest list had to go through a few bad ones too yeah you've been through like all of the bad ones rosa seems like a super sweet girl and she seems like she adores nicki i just hope that nikki is careful with this whole love triangle thing she has going on all right well look i'm about to go get dressed in the back and get myself together okay all right we'll be back okay bye [Music] after talking to the mondem i need to really boss up in this relationship i find out where we all go because right now i'm lost no matter how hot the guys think it is that nikki's dating rosa if that's going on behind my back that's betrayal i saw on the gram that she has an event coming up i'm about to pull up 12 o'clock on her like this and see what's really good pretty much take anything and i felt like that was the same thing okay only thing was was like what's up hi how you doing how are you what's up hey you look nice where's nick here i don't know those shirts well damn i don't know what to do i'm like nia should we like hold him hostage here or i don't want to be involved honestly hey what's up what's up oh my god i didn't think they would catch me slipping like this now i have absolutely no choice but to come clean well moment of truth guys i asked you if there was any other type of side fishy business going on and you said no this is not fishy business okay i don't know about it it's fishy business we'll let you let me talk i i have not been totally honest i have been seeing both of you i just can't believe that nikki actually lied to me we agreed that we were going to be honest i just don't understand what's going on right now like excuse me you're like in a full-blown relationship or you just dip on some some ball game vibes what i've been into the wire and i what's into me mean for y'all too i think you know what into musings no i don't enough to make each other feel really good what um okay i just don't understand why you care so much you're she's not your girlfriend you don't know what me and her been doing honey you guys are not building a goddamn thing you living like a double life right now why are you so upset we're not in a relationship you tell me that you're not dealing with anyone else man come on that's very deceiving but she doesn't have to be explaining you a goddamn thing anyways when i first met nikki i fell for her aside from her being beautiful and a boss i feel like we got a connection i made it clear from the jump i wasn't going to be seeing anybody and she said the same exact thing and then if that was a change we were going to let each other know this is what i want to know because she's acting like feisty right now i want whatever you have i want to both y'all what do you think they said you're walking in here trying to say hey can i too that's not cool you're not that type of guy so don't come in here on that that's what you're doing you're just doing it separately what i share with her is different than what i share with you nikki's sitting there trying to be mad at me and i'm the one who walked in and caught her kissing another chick i don't work like that bro i'm waiting for you to leave like you're taking forever to leave i'm gonna leave um y'all two are gonna be able to have this couch and do it oh we will whatever y'all want to do to each other but don't think that when i leave this i'm never gonna speak to her see her again i'll kick your ass of course i feel bad for lying to them both and not being totally honest my plan was never to hurt their feelings and that's exactly what i just did but right now there's honestly nothing i can say at this moment to make either one of them feel better about the situation what i'm gonna do is fight for your attention and your love with somebody like him you know what i mean you need to open your eyes because a lot of people hang out with you for the wrong qualities that he has that i really do appreciate and even if you don't see it i'm telling you okay and there are things that i feel with you that you know it's all it's separate this is some bull if you want to date a loser now what could go ahead girl i do it but it's just like i'm not going to put myself in a position where i have to even like let this guy stay right like oh i'm not telling you to put yourself in the position no but you already did i'm still figuring out it is what we are even even with me and you you're like we're just hanging out we're just hanging out okay if we're just hanging out do i owe anybody a mother explanation that's exactly what i thought but then i have to hear it from safari i didn't expect him to walk in here okay but it was gonna happen eventually rosa i i'm not one of those people who can build lies on lies online so i was really going to tell you like this i was waiting for the moment to tell you all right i do feel bad this is what happens when you wait i got the wedding i want people sipping i want people feeling good just cause i don't drink don't mean people can't have a good time and drink and so at the end of the day i need y'all to help me through the process that's the tropical ulav you know what i'm saying listen i told my baby girl that i'm back in full effect i got the guest list together i got grandma out here and it really touched her soul and now i'm going three for three i don't drink but i'm bringing the homies in so they can do the drink tasting for me yo woman is always right that's why i want y'all to drink the woman is always righteous okay this is what this is called is always right women are always right drinks okay make sure you drink it all up i ain't seen safari since venice beach since we was working out so i don't know really what's happening and i really want to see if my plan was put to the test run him to play tell him who you which first and foremost um nikki baby that's what you're doing yeah that's what he's doing the other day he was at the beach working out ray is telling me you know he was hearing some little weird funny things going on with her i heard nikki was messing around with rosa rosa costa yeah rosa costa you went to talk to her about the situation better had it check this out i ain't even check her or ask her nothing right she has an event i walk into the room my day and they're kissing oh wow that's a movie what you do i'm feeling making me proud so look i kind of caught them off guard they both looking at me and i'm like what's going on and it's so crazy because you know with rosa rosie used to have these like dvds back in the day and she used to shoot her calendars so i'm looking at her like damn i used to just like whack off to it and i'm not gonna lie the whole time i had what you told me in the back of my head three words that's all you had to say so i just looked at her i said i want what you got if we together i want this i want it all and you got it i didn't i didn't get it all right three simple words i won it all that's all you need okay you follow the play you scored a touchdown all he has to do is execute nah he want to call her audible rosa just starts getting mad at me she's going off she started snapping bro she was getting a little hostile like her muscles was just like swelling up and i just was like i ain't one i didn't want no issues nikki got mad at me cause i said i wanted the both of them but you know she hit me up she's saying she wanna meet up with me tomorrow man i knew rey's advice was gonna blow up in safari's face as of today rey is a faithful man headed to the altar but the ray j that we know from back in the days is not a dude that i would be taking love advice from listen if you need an earbud in your ear and you need me to be like watching and then giving you the right for the beginning you know what listen can we set that up one earpiece one night one try i never was too sure about rey's advice from the jump cause we all see how that played out but you know ray and soldier they're a bit more familiar with these hollywood streets and how these girls move out here so i'm willing to try the railway one more time let us know if you want to get that earbud but back to uh the wedding yeah to me being famous [Music] safari can you hear us i hear you yeah i hear you all right look i'm gonna give you bullet points i don't want you to go word for word i want you to feel the vibe and do it how you do it i really like nikki but i'm starting to feel like she's playing way too many games it's about that time i need to find out where we stand what the truth is and just know what's up where we going with this you stand are you done [Music] what's going on you got me [ __ ] up you got me [ __ ] up oh really yeah first off you don't address me like that when i'm sitting down hi how are you nice to see you too okay i address you how i feel and address you i address you how i feel like i want to address you except for i don't know who you think you talked about if somebody's gonna address me the way they think they're gonna address me we're not gonna have a conversation i'll walk in and see you kissing another but look how i walked in on you kissing another chick oh i thought you're i didn't know you got mad no what's up with you in roses though i mean we haven't spoken much since the whole situation happened she's kind of like you're a liar you're a cheater you this and that and i'm just like okay cause at the end of the day i don't have to beg nobody to forgive me so if she don't believe me or think it's genuine then you know what can i do i would never put you in no situation like that you wouldn't no i'm never gonna have you looking crazy if we really together and i'm out of town you ain't gonna hear oh safari was out doing this when it comes to trust and me being with somebody all the way like i put my all into it i don't have it of course i do okay i'm gonna put my mind body and my face into it my body my face into it safari can you be serious right now so barney talking to me a little bit crazy he must be feeling himself little does he know i got his acquaintance outside and she might know a thing or two about what he does when he goes out of town i just want you to know i had a conversation about you okay to one of my friends okay she wanted to meet you again for the second time i'm gonna let you meet her for yourself as long as you're with it i'll wait as long as you're with it cause i want it off cause i want it all hey i'm wet all right and once it's a girl jackpot that's it you did it hello do you know my girl over here no you don't know my girl up here coffee you know me what please don't play dumb right now because i might hear from you i don't know what's going on right now but it's not what was supposed to happen i thought nicki baby was about to bring out rosa and they was going to give him that ooh two times over abort mother abort who the hell is this don't play those boys last game because i don't have time so i'm sitting there in front of nikki waiting for my apology because i'm old one do i get one no she's coming at me talking about some girl that i never seen a day in my life you got to be aggressive in a g man they putting you in a trick bag y'all got me [ __ ] up i would never with a 30-foot pole touch this person i have a picture of you touching me all right let me see it obviously where is it they changed the picture oh look y'all weren't together miami we went together miami [ __ ] you remember who i am what's up say [ __ ] oh a fan on the strip a [ __ ] fan of what [ __ ] are you kidding me oh my god on the strip that's a public fisher outside big munting i'm famous i take pictures with a million people i don't remember half of them but this girl right here y'all know my track record and this don't add up my girls everything wrong mighty fat stomach flock and this y'all like this real talk i'm a little disappointed that nikki's believing this random chick over me nicki god bless you god bless you today i didn't i didn't tell you to meet somebody and mess around with them honey you look weird i would never talk to you the fact that nikki is here trying to turn the tables on me again i'm at a loss for word if and when she comes around she has my number but until then i'm gonna leave this situation alone and stop listening to ray damn bro what the [ __ ] happened bro she just walked in with some fan that i took a picture with bro the most that girl was getting this official she just was trying to [ __ ] man she tried to set you up she acting like you're a weenie nikki's just tripping whatever happened with her and rosa now you coming here trying to do the same thing with me rose is not the problem i'm not the problem come on so you done with nick i ain't feeling this right now bro i ain't gonna lie i'm gonna fall back it's just the last night to just live it up but in a safe brotherly papoose kind of way after safari not spoke at the gym he gave me a call and invited me to the bachelor party i was absolutely happy to get the invite because it just lets me know that everything in the past is now water under the bridge but i ain't gonna lie this part is pretty boring i'm just trying to show my brothers the right way man this guy he ready for the strip club to come to him he ready for poles to drop out the sky erica's bachelorette party's so litty [Applause] there's clothes flying off dollar bills being thrown and ass in cities everywhere what's crazy though is that i haven't heard a peep from the other side safari side what the hell is going on over there yeah i wasn't there but me and rich we had met up at the gym he expressed his sincereness like he apologized it was genuine so it's like i can't be mad at someone for apologizing what i'm saying is in the building never done everything that's so loud me and safari just got over him lying about this whole inviting andy situation and here he is letting this man who has spent years defaming my character be allowed in his bachelor party it's a huge slap in a face to me erica is pregnant we already know this is affecting her we have to go look out for our girl man get the hell out of here come back in your room what the yo how do i have a group of girls in lingerie coming to check me like mind your business and go back deep inside hold on hold on i'll talk about that in a private i don't need no group of people coming in oh come on no it's a one-on-one thing like y'all wasn't there when we made that video [Applause] [Music] [Applause] in front of your friends [Music] yo i can't handle this what was the purpose of that though why they did that because they're in here complaining about rich being here erica is erica safari and i are on good terms and he invited me to his bachelor party i'm feeling like she should just let it be safari you got your work cut out for you homie marriages for the rest of your life it is what it is erica she she not with it i'm out say look brother all right i'm out [Music] yo erika is pissed i haven't seen that vein in a long time this is not good don't be mad at me worry about your deep inside and let me handle our rock hard side okay why do you have people here that you don't really it's not that serious weird and stupid why would you even let that go down it's like you have no respect for me lower your voice and calm down relax and making everything so serious yo [Music] here i am being ambushed by my past rich and here i am not being respected by my future safari at this moment the wedding is around the corner of course i'm freaking upset and my hormones are running high i'm literally sitting in the twilight zone and i wish someone would help and get me out me alone go to your side i'm here to talk to you i don't want to talk to you okay well i want to talk to you anyway man this wedding is 24 hours away and this is the last type of stress i need she got this whole situation twisted in her mind and she is blowing it up into something that it really isn't this is how you want to go for us supposedly getting married yeah you did that how you did that oh you did that you should be you got to be stronger than that yeah and you got to be real loyal you got to stop being a herb all right i don't want to hear it bye have fun oh yeah look don't give the don't give up that is mine but he didn't invite you what did he invite rich to his wife's party he invited rich to his so they and let's say like this if she invited one of his exes that he got beefed with that violated him tom carter i ain't invited to your party she had my party but when it came to his attention he handled it though when they found out she was uncomfortable i can't front he went straight so she has to acknowledge that at some degree yo i'm out this is whack is yo turn to me right now we're not gonna yo i don't think i'm doing that on monday it's working my mother like we're about to commit for the rest of our lives and to be mad at me for something over this like they got a bad taste in my mouth right now i'm not gonna lie the way lyrica reacted to the safari rumors makes me feel like she got something to hide if lyrica's not gonna own up to it it's only one way to find out safari is in town for kay's show so i hit him up to see what's good [Music] safari is supposed to be my dog so tonight is going to either make or break our friendship and my marriage what's good keep doing texts on my wife bro it is what it is like what you mean today you taking a bunch like you came out here to do something what you mean bro bro it ain't even like that what is it like man [ __ ] like me if she like me tweeting her disney's like you it is what it is this is like you might what you tuck in your trainer [ __ ] like you [ __ ] like you safari is the homie so i thought i could trust him to be a friend right back but this hollywood attitude that he got going on has got me [ __ ] up let him go a-1 missing the family i like that you can't come to l.a you gonna ask me on some regular hey when you have to come at me like that you could have been like your son you shouldn't even been texting her you should be like my homie like i don't know nothing ain't even nothing like that bro k michelle said that you said that she tried to you might bro is that true or not listen what is it true or not my it is what it is bro and just because you want to act stupid i'm a text lurker and tell how you acting you weak yeah leave go home how's somebody with black nail polish gold dreads and sparkly shoes telling me i'm weak don't let it fool you you better know where i'm from i got shows pull up it's gonna happen what's going on [Music] what's going on no what the [ __ ] is going on i'm not gonna do this today what's the going on why the princess just tell me that you told him that we i didn't say that no no no lyrica what's up what's going on spit it out all of a sudden you can't talk safari say it right now what the [ __ ] happened right yes or no you said you sent her a pic you said that now you know i'm here and i am pulling for a1 and lyrica but this is messy as hell there's a little tension in this room but i tell you one thing nobody's looking innocent up in here i said did you smash or didn't you and if you did just admit it just say you did it what did you do explain to me what you did what my body did because i'm confused listen explain to me how this went when i spoke to ray and ray was telling me just all the talks and everything that was going on i'm just like yo i know none of this was even being said when he told me sound like you're talking in circles bro i need you black and white i mean you got to think about it they they they about to have a baby now that could be your baby like is that your baby no no no what you're not gonna do come listen i don't know what's going on in your relationship or whatever y'all got going on but leave me out of it okay what you mean guys y'all fix everything last time in the parking lot with safari i was ready to take his head off but this time i'm being patient but he ain't saying nothing he's just dancing around and i'm sick of it you took too long bro so because i took longer to climb on the table like a wild beast that's what you deserve you're supposed to be my brother you wait that long i'm sitting here patiently that's what you get for lying on yo ray come on let's go man come on it's a variety come on just make sure y'all invite me to the baby shower i'm still your brother okay that's what you get for lying on your i would never do that all right bro bro that's cat bro i'm mad at ray where were you at ray i was great brain do that i don't think it's a ray thing keeping it 100 i don't feel like rey is the one that a1 should be mad at safari up here hemming and han and doing everything except for giving us a straight answer from where i'm sitting questions seem pretty simple and the fact that you could not answer that question you know that's really all you need bro i'm not gonna lie for you to be a married man you really just got me in some whole bush this dude just jumped over the table like a wild hyena about the beaches and i said it he would have got his ass beat that's what would have happened y'all call me laugh man come on and now you come telling me they had a baby on the way i just hope the baby don't look like you [Music] clerica like come on keep it all the way 100 with you that looked crazy that looked like as all has sex and he's just afraid to say it in front of everybody i want to know did you have sex with somebody you are not asking me that i've never known ray to be a liar you're not checking on me to you know that i haven't done nothing like that it's a one's baby you never slept with safari girl let's go find your husband girl the fact that you keep trying to play because i'll end up smacking you you still messiest yes come back brooks decide what you're gonna do you either believe me you're gonna back me up or you don't run around in here instigating like the rumor is true pick a side because right now you're looking real two-faced to me at this point it's me and a1 against the world listen don't let ignorance come in between her hey let's take a light sexual test let's go it's just one question messi brooke do you need to take a test or do you just believe me no i don't believe in that okay so there it is i love you it's giving me a moment baby that's okay you don't need to be mad kitty why are you still okay [Music] when safari reached out with me and lyrica trying to work things out and put stuff behind us i figure i owe this man one more one-on-one conversation and see if the cat still got your man's tongue or if he wants to speak up and speak the truth once and for all i want us to really be able to talk you know jumping off the tables and all that last time i seen you bro ray j sitting here time up you smashed my wife so you tell me what's the real well i'm gonna tell you straight up like i never ever had sex with lyrica nothing happened you saying that then what is ray j thomas look the conversations that i had with ray like i don't know if things just got misconstrued or broke running around saying uh they was flirty taxing it would just be talking about music and sometimes she would start to prob like start getting into the world of talking about you in the studio 24 7 and she ain't really getting as much of your attention as she would like you know what i'm saying i ain't mean nothing by it you know i wasn't trying to step in on your wife like that's the furthest thing from my mind and what's up with this picture that everybody's talking about like you sent her i didn't send a picture my question is did you send the video or not yo i don't know if i accidentally sent her something you know if you accidentally sent something i don't accidentally sing i didn't i gotta be honest i'm not buying what safari is saying here he's still looking guilty i'm taking full responsibility for this whole situation i apologize i'm wrong for it i still can't with you right now bro i don't know what's left to do so you know i spoke my piece it is what it is you know what i'm saying so we have something that we want to talk about because sometimes things hit the cutting room floor and today we have a clip of a steamy scene between mariah and safari that we want to show you take a look at this never before seen clip how come you have me come here so we could talk about the background this is a hell of a way to talk about the record you're in a bubble bath boobs exploding out yeah i still look pretty good why don't you get in and tell me why i'm not really dressed to get inside of a okay i'm sure you've got boxes in there [Music] [Music] at least it's [Music] [Applause] it's definitely hard to concentrate right now i can make it harder let me see those contracts [Music] [Music] i just want to know where your head is that squat up a little bit okay [Music] wow when the hell did that happen did it happen guy's spent on somebody that looks like me hey y'all got a sex style version of me wow when did this occur was this before you and dream made up or after my mother well watch this so originally it was to be petty towards dream but once i got to know safari i actually like him as a person but i will say this i didn't hold a gun or a knife to his neck or head and tell him to get in the tub he did all on his own safari i've never seen you this embarrassed i'm not embarrassed i just can't like i'm just [Laughter] jockway can you help him articulate what's wrong jacqueline no none rich help she like his sausage he like her donut they make good breakfast don't do that so can you tell me how are you feeling about mariah we saw you kiss her i'm i'm just flabbergasted right now you didn't answer her question but oh you kissed her y'all got the hit on okay so i know mariah said that this was kind of to be petty but dream does this bother you at all that it was kind of done with the intention maybe it don't affect me because i know that that that was the past and then safari he gonna be safari how did you feel seeing that he just said that you guys had the connection and did it make you feel in that type of way i don't feel any type of way he can do what he wants you feel like it further proves your point exactly absolutely okay let me make this clear nothing but the kiss happened in the hot tub and even after that scene when i seen the scene with him and juju and i seen them reenacting her play i hit safari and was like wait hold up i have so much love for juju you know judy when i see you yeah but let's make it clear we did not kiss no no no i know okay let's make that yes moved yes my hair was in the way i got a text today yo you kissed safari no i did not sure did okay [ __ ] you see him yeah i'm trying to find myself as you should all right so while safari tries to find himself we're gonna move on safari and i may have had our problems in the past but hey that is all water under the bridge have a seat thank you i know you got a big cushion let's miss it we're at a point where we can sit down as friends without no funny business going on and that's great for me because after chanel told me that she wanted to get her music career going i had to get these two together you look can you stop right now listen i have someone that i'm gonna introduce you to oh her ass might not be as fat as mine but maybe she can do it like me do what like you whatever your memories tell you [Music] how are you so cute nice to see you so far how are you doing how are you nice to meet you all right i am beyond serious about getting my music straight to the top so when nicki told me she wants to introduce me to somebody who can help get my career popping i'm all about it chanel is my friend i wanted you guys to you know meet and um she wanted to like expand like her career with the rap stuff and then you know you came to my mind you help a lot of people with their careers so what you what you doing now like what you're trying to do i mean really i've been doing music my whole life which a lot of people don't know people are like how is this girl a rapper what's her struggle and they don't know that before i was on tv i could barely afford a burger you know what i mean i just want to expand my fan base and and really just you know the music if i had a hundred million dollars on the table right now and said chanel i want you to write something about this loaf of bread what would you come up with um i mean i could write a whole song about it but you know you won't what are you saying you want me to sit here and start writing the song talk about the bread what are you gonna say i leave them underwater throw em off like a dead boat i got the game on lock like a deadbolt red red wine that's the best toast that's nikki i'm stunts that's west coast good job that's why bar up and give me my bread boy i get why you bringing this girl to me this ain't the first time i pushed a pretty young thing to the next level i'm not gonna give this girl an easy pass just like that i've seen her laugh on the couch but i want to see what this girl really got i want to um invite you and you to my coconut oil release party let's do it i will not have a shirt on i'm sure so i'm gonna also have a stage there set up i'm gonna have people performing if you wanna perform something that would be dope i'd love to i wanna see how you perform i wanna see your stage presence you know what i'm saying so i'm excited what do you want out of this you want percentage you're trying to get commission i just want a foot rep a foot rug i don't want you to touch anything else because you won't pay attention so foot rub is safe [ __ ] it is however many removed from me yo your pants look way too tight i don't like seeing all the ankles that i'm saying are you doing that i'm saying we doing that don't be disappointed are we doing that don't talk about somebody like that she's not here that's good for tv come on hey yo playboy just okay let's play that game guys let's call it that game table play that game slow-mo look at me running slow-mo slow motion all right we just got to get everybody to sit down yo you okay i saw your ankle twist i'll be from the plate okay rich make sure he's okay i'm gonna see him i'm gonna see you call him i'm making uncomfortable for all you you wanna play let's play i'm from the east side let's all play clearly that was crazy a little unexpected i don't understand why you think he has to tell you anything about his relationship and i love rich to death stop acting like you care don't try to embarrass him what he said was very disrespectful i would never sit here and speak about another man's woman especially when they're not here let's end this on a fun note can we get a a straight straight male 11 all right there we go all right let's move on look if i really am about to consider moving back to new york i want to turn up tonight playing cards with fizz and his biggest fan member chanel that's war oh that's war ready i d clear good war yeah give me that all right take that all right so cool you chin yeah nah man yo you should have pulled up to the video release party i was on daddy dude got it her and solo today solo all up on her hugging out kissing her licking her ears in my ear so then alexis and lyrica walk in she almost flipped the table security had to come and pick her up drinks was flying pick me up i know you had a crush on him when he was back in the game b2k and all that don't try to cover up you being a thug in these streets yo so what's up what's going on with the whole b2k get back and all of that wait you're getting the group back together i'm trying what's on marion saying he's saying nothing no i've been hitting him and i ain't really been getting a response i'm supposed to like meet up with april next week talk to her see if i can get through you feel me what if you just do it without him replace him yeah so he got a little brother that looked just like him he wanted to do the job i should go i'll have all right that's funny ever since miss lyrica decided to spill the tea on the bet with a1 safari and rayjay i've been figuring out how i'ma get even with these mother my good sis chanel dropped her location so it's time for me to pull up on safari and scratch that jamaican off my list if you guys do it i'll be ready right there just give me my vip pass so i could be side stage with my b2k shirt on what's up sis oh hey bo you look so cute good what's up chillin chillin how are you guys hello what's up sorry i didn't need to stay for your performance i know what the hell well i found out that safari was uh making a joke about me whoever had like the lowest sperm count had to work with me and that's really whack of you because i've been nothing but cool to you whoa easy fella i came into this whole sperm thing to support my boy ray j and the track ended up coming out good so yeah i've been so cool with you like why would you come for me listen i didn't come for you who came i yeah you mean that's my that's my sperm you know what i'm saying but look the song came out dope can you put some respect on my name like i don't play that in these streets out here in l.a welcome to my city you're going to be running out of it just like you did with meek mills here since you like to you know do so much i brought you some little to play with yo i'm sure barbie farry will get lots of good use of my presents maybe he'll think twice next time before he tries to clown a [ __ ] mr ray j i'm coming for your ass next did you really do that hold on is is this a mold of her nose she's gonna apologize oh i'm gonna go talk to her it wasn't me she threw it for himself welcome to hollywood hey yo with safari listen 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Channel: VH1 Love & Hip Hop
Views: 855,603
Rating: 4.8237333 out of 5
Keywords: vh1, love and hip hop, lhh, erica and safaree, couples, first meeting, erica mena, safaree samuels, reacts, couples react, Love and Hip Hop New York, New York, VH1 New York, Safaree love and hip hop, best of love and hip hop, best of Safaree, Best of VH1, Safaree New York, LHHNY, Safaree best moments, Safaree, Safaree LHH, Safaree moments, LHH compilation, Best of, Best of Love and Hip hop, Love and hip hop, VH1, girlfriend fight
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 22sec (3862 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 22 2020
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