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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/eddino55 📅︎︎ Aug 08 2021 🗫︎ replies
you're known for your sunglasses and you've been very successful over the years is it experience that helps you win these football games is there something special about those sunglasses those sunglasses are the key people who are here today and I look so much cuter of them then later on I had an uncle he got fired lost his job he moved he was he had two boys my age they slept with me so I slept with those two cousins were a great dad slept over there and I'd really never slept alone they got married [Applause] what's funny so I've got graduating January I'd go down Alabama I get word my roommate was Paul krumping who lived in Birmingham he he goes to Birmingham one weekend I stay home at school you know like all this good students did he goes on a permanent he comes back he said Bobby I thought you were going steady with him this stock I said yeah I am he said well I saw her on the streetcar our last Friday night was shorty white shorty I don't show they all my life you know buddy went to he went to Phillip someone long we played against each other you know but he dadgum it and found out I've been doing something and so she they don't show the data you know what do you weigh so I I said I'm gonna marry that girl this thing is getting out of hand so I called her on the floor I got up the nerve I called her on the phone one night down in Tuscaloosa and we're still in high school it would long she answered the phone I said yeah will you marry me she said yes yes who is this [Laughter] being gone as much as I am I miss an you know and she knows that and so she made me a tape she made me a little tape about a 20-minute tape of her talking you know so I take that tape with me when I travel it's like the other night up in Omaha you don't have to spend the night you know I'm so given get homesick you know so I pull out a chair there in the hotel room and turn the TV on throw my clothes on the floor you know and and cold I'm homesick you know then I get her tape out I get her tape out and put it in and turn it on and ignore it but anyway to tell you a story about that about a month ago I was bent over to Panama City and I was coming through Quincy on the way to Tallahassee and I came I was going 35 miles an hour and that thing clicked flashed I saw it it took my dadgum picture yeah and took my tag you know and I said what in the world's going on how it's going 35 miles an hour that thing - took my picture so it around the block I got a block again cut it to 30 click got me twice man I went around another time click I said man this is something wrong I ended up going around five times it took my picture every time I saw it I got out of my car I poured it to that camera I said I ain't being y'all nothing this is a dead gum ripoff y'all just I've got my crunk took off you know the Tallahassee Florida well a month about two weeks later I get a letter from the Sheriff's Office in Quincy I got five tickets for not wearing a seat belt players come off the bench over there you know and start shaking hands we didn't have high fives back in days we had no hana' 5052 did you sit there and shake your hands will just come off you know they want me as a head football coach and the athletic director so I go down and you get a head coach doggone right I'd be interested I'd go down get interviewed and he offers me the head football athlete Griffin head basketball coach what are you laughing at you've already heard about my basketball oh well so my wife goes with me and we did interviews and I go he says well I'll call you next week I'm gonna do another guy and I'll call you next week so next week he called me any game of the job so my wife and I we had at that time had four kids take off a Douglas Georgia you know and but he was lasted by a basketball coach I didn't I my first year I don't lemon let me that bad is lost lemon or Odin lemon home [Music] I was I was I was the ad so I fired me with hire another guy to coach basketball in football Tommy is something I couple things about Tommy y'all probably y'all did not realize he was adopted well I never I never - I never told him about it but they brought him back don't ever sleep I get up at 4:00 have a cup of coffee take my mouth no you never you know you don't go out and say hey man let's try to win more games of the world with anybody else yeah it just happens it just happens why an apple I don't know but you look back just say hi in the world did it happen it might have been coaching but I don't think so my wife used to make me so mad every football season Bobby you love football more than you do me I heard that every you'll have a football more to do me I said college of pro now when I came up here tonight I flew it's too far to drive I couldn't didn't have time talking drop bag so but if I'm speaking anywhere 50 or 60 miles in Tallahassee I'll Drive but the thing about it with the kids gone now and can go with me and she does all the driving you know I just sit there whole wheel first time I've been here since about 1975 when I was at West Virginia I used to come to the Hall of Fame dinner every year because I could drive you know so anyway my wife and I drove up from Morgantown to here and got us a room and everything and we were not we're not used to that kind of luxury and and so we check in and go up to our room they would go out eat and then come back and so my wife said that this was right after the Watergate you remember Watergate my wife said I bet you this rooms bugged you know and she said you know all these big important hotels world where a lot of dignitaries come they bug them I said no and they wouldn't they wouldn't bug its place you know but I got to thinking about it what she went on to bed and I so I started looking around you know I looked over the door seal I looked under the teeth old and I looked under the bed and behind the flowers I searched the room no no it wasn't bug couldn't find anything sorry to go to bed looked out in the middle of floor and there was a rut little rug out there little ate my full rug I said I bet you something's under that you know something is under that it's too suspicious so I go for and I picked that rug up and shirt off this little steel plate still played about that size there with a screw in this end a screw in so I go get me a dime you know and I unscrew the screw here you know then I unscrew the other screw then I'll lift it up and and and look it over and there's nothing there nothing there so it ain't right so I screw it back in and I go back and this ain't nothing look we get up the next morning go down check out we're gonna check out and the girl said was your room okay oh yeah it was good did did y'all everything was okay oh yeah everything was fine well you heard about the people underneath it in you know chandelier fell on I went to Florida State in 1976 Florida State we played on my first year we played Clemson we played Clemson that year and Charlie Pell was a head coach and I think we led Clemson 12 to a nine at the half and they came back beat us 14 to 12 down there and but that was my first year well when I went too far to stay course the coach had made it just got let out he had gone 11 110 3 8 and as you know that won't hold up Tommy that will but so so anyway the coach before me lost his job I got the job I go down to Tallahassee now they had a 41,000 seat Stadium that's half of what you got here you know and and they were averaging 17,000 a game back in 1975 you know and so I go down there and take that job and and so weird so I would go through spring training it was starting to season and boy I'm more people to come to the game you know I can be 17,000 it's no good we got to get people to come these games well they gave the head coach we still do that the head coach gets ten complimentary tickets you know sister coaches get four complimentary tickets so I got my ten tickets my first year we played away from home first game played away the second game lost both got ball games come back home first home game boy I'm going to see that Stadium feel you know well anyway my ten tickets I give one to my wife I give two children there and I give a to to the neighbors and I give two and I got two left over and like I can't give them away nobody wants to I saw the janitor say here's you two tickets I stopped there in front of the door my hold above nobody nobody want me to take it so I said I'm gonna get rid of them tickets I'm gonna get two people in that dadgum ballgame so I go down to the Tallahassee mall the day before the ball game get me a haircut I get those two tickets and I put them on the outside of my windshield I'm parked right up against the mall I said now somebody I'll get them tickets they'll steal them or there will be two people that game I put those two tickets there I go inside and get my haircut I come back out in an hour six tickets on my windshield [Applause] okay okay [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] people say well how do you how do you stay married that long to one woman you know and I say well my wife just got it straightened out with me when we got married that Bobby you must put our marriage ahead of football marriage ahead of football so I heard that all my life I got so far they married a hit up last time she said and I want why do you keep bringing it up after 55 seasons you know but anyway my youngest daughter ginger my my wife called me and when she was in college at Florida State my wife calls her Bobby said I heard ginger and John talking she was dating John one of our football players I heard them talking the other night that time I get married we don't know we don't we don't know enough about John we need to find out something about John I'll find out about him you know so next saddest she had invited him over to suffer so when he came I took him back in the back room then close the door and started question him you know and I said hey John I am tell Smith you and ginger we're talking about getting married how can you afford to get married you you're going to school she's going to school you don't have a job how you gonna are you gonna how you gonna get married well I thought I'm going to school to get an education where I can get a job and I hope to get enough money and he said anyway God will help me it's okay then I said well all right so y'all get married she's going to school you got a job you don't even have a car how you gonna get her to school and get you to work you know well I told you I'm gonna get a job and save up enough money and hope I can buy a car and anyway God will help me and every time I ask him is God was gonna help him you know well anyway and called us Bobby y'all come on Missy let's go eat John John takes off so I go through the kitchen I gotta tell them I want to learn yeah so I go through the kitchen and gratzman said Bobby you talked to John I said yeah sure did had a long talk with him she said what do you think I said Anna I like it he thinks I'm God you know how coaches before gave me that in the center Thiel and shake hands unless it's Steve Spurrier [Music] what you have to do is pace yourself so we're gonna do about 20 of them you know what so you got to pace yourself over but you got to get back at a certain time are you going on another one you know well so they all line up the linebackers line up and the coach says go and boy he flies across that field touch the other side flies but man he's coming back this way well that's still going that way you know and then he gets and goes over in a shade tree he thought he thought practice was all funny and coach said get out of that shade Mickey get out of that denim shade and so anyway but saw everybody start calling me shade tree from outside we had a we had a odd thing happened to us three years ago we we win the ACC conference so the winner goes to the BCS bowl so we're going to get to go to the Sugar Bowl we're gonna play Georgia Georgia had a great year Georgia I think was 13 know that yeah y'all remember three years Jordie had a great ball ballclub we were we were gosh maybe eight they forward something like that which you know not like Georgia so anyway our quarterback misses a final exam he sleeps through a final exam now we got a rule in Florida State University if you don't take your final exam you keep playing the bowl now we're the only dadgum scooter conscious got that room makes me so sick one day Tommy got kids he'd been to school yet [Applause] of course he didn't either haha but anyway I got back to the book back to the ballgame so anyway so we're gonna play Georgia we got a quarterback my second muscle that was the year my second team quarter guy got kicked off for gambling you remember that so now I got a third team corbeil ain't played it you know he's gonna have to start against Georgia so we preparing the best we can guys we we just know Georgia had a great defense see so we get him prepared the best we can so we go out there we've we got who kicks off but anyway Georgia scores first they get a field goal yeah it's three nothing first quarter our quarterback goes back and hits a pass hits a touchdown pass now we're up seven three he's doing okay you know then the games kind of rocking along both defenses are holding each other also my quarterback throws a flat he got some pressure and he just threw the ball without thinking somebody picked it off what about 75 foot touchdown you know now they now they're ten seven and then later on he throws another pass intercepted then it comes back in the third quarter throws another interception now what happens the game had caught it with him the game had caught up with him and we threw that third interception instead of another Georgia score when he came off the field and Quan Bolden our number-one receiver who was Rookie of the Year last year in the NFL told him he said Fabian said if you'll tell me which one of those safeties you're throwing to I'll try to intercept it now when I was pulling out these tabs here I was reminded of a story because I've got to tell you I was an assistant coach here in 1963 and 64 and 65 in six to six I left and went to West Virginia University I coached up here for ten years and came back to Florida State when I came back to Florida State I was looking through some of my summer clothes which I could not wear up there it was too cold looking through one of the pockets and I found the stub and it was a stop to the old palace shoe shop it used to be down the middle of town it's not there anymore and I happen to remember ten years before I took the pair of shoes to have half soles and heels put on which we did back in those days to save money and I said I said you know I'm gonna go out and have some fun with that yeah so I go down there and I walk in that place the same old guy he's a lot heavier his hair is gone you know I recognize him he don't recognize me because I've been gone ten years you know and I said I see if my shoes are ready that guy took anything and it was it was wrinkled and it was gray oh and it kind of confused him he said wait just a minute and he walked back behind the curtain you remember the curves where they have all the old shoes back that say goes back behind the curtain and I hit him shuffling around boxes you know and I'm about to crack up wondering if I should go ahead and tell it it's been that long ago but in a minute he comes back out says he'll be ready thirsty people ask me what it's like to be retired I like it up at 12:30 then it's time for my now
Channel: Single Shot
Views: 33,390
Rating: 4.9291139 out of 5
Keywords: fsu, florida state, Seminoles, noles, nole, college, college football, samford, samford football, howard football, fsu football, seminoles football, florida state football, bobby, bowden, bobby bowden, joke, story, stories, jokes, laugh, laughs, best, best of, speech, speeches, interview, hall of fame, hotel, motel, tommy, ann, anne, ann bowden, anne bowden, retired, retiring, retire, retirement, sleep, nap, naps, shoe, shoes, tallahassee, tommy bowden, church, christian, ncaa
Id: sud-itbGJaU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 39sec (1359 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 08 2017
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