An Evening with Bobby Bowden

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men take a knee no sense in telling them anything else they don't know nothing else played a great game last week one of the best ball games we have played since i've been here you know what it's just like i told you money forget it forget it go if you think about that that gumball game again i think you're whipped tonight right go out there and play the best you can play you can't do any more net can you that's it that is it hey good to see all you guys two or three minutes before the half we had the ball on there on our 40 fourth down that's it that's a good time to fake because if it don't work they still got to go 40 yards you know and so one of the coaches said let's go and run the fake punt i said no they've got us 14-7 and if we run it i'm afraid we'll score and then we'll they'll be tied 14-14 it'll be mad let's let them let's let them go in there ahead of us fourteen or seven will be mad you know so so we don't know that's true story 1981 you know lsu away pitt away notre dame away oh stayed away lsu away back to back you know and i really thought to myself bobby you got to be gone by that don't hang around because you can't survive out you know what and uh and so anyway it came so anyway but so the year before that we went undefeated so we i think i'll stay you know and down seven um the 24 welded will spread out to his right and throw his first pass pops the arm now he wants to go long downfield he's got dorsey wide open what you have to do is pace yourself because we're going to do about 20 of them you know what so you got to pace yourself over but you got to get back at a certain time or you're going to run another one you know well so they all line up the linebackers line up and coach says go and boy he flies across that field touching the other side and flies but man he's coming back this way when that's still going that way you know what and then he gets and goes over in the shade tree he thought he thought practice was over and coach said get out of that shade mickey get out of that damn shade and uh so anyway so everybody started calling him shade tree from ashley people ask me people will ask me who's the best player you ever had i said it's like asking you which child do you love the most you know you can't pick one out you can't pick one out now now if you ask me who was the best athlete you ever coached that's ben that's dion you know a great athlete and of course miami ended up one in five we won two in florida one two i mean you know they talk about the southeastern conference how good it is it is good but y'all remember back in the late 80s and 90s it was three schools it was miami florida state and florida winning all of that out of 34 years here what was your favorite year i have a favorite year there was a certain year that was more enjoyable to me than any of those 34 years and that was 77 1977. now the reason now the reason is this when i came to florida state you remember how bad we had been 0 and 11 and all that stuff and then my first year is a losing year 5 and 6. well the reason 77 was so good to me is we won 10 ball games we beat texas tech and the tanzer old tangerine bow ended up 14th in the nation well that was satisfying even more than the national championship game no you never you know you don't go out there and say hey man let's try to win more games in the role than anybody else it just happens it just happens why it happened i don't know but you look back you say hi in the world did it happen it might have been coaching but i don't think so uh so so hello how you doing i'm weren't always kind to us or to you but you were always gracious to them what was your philosophy about being nice to the media bad years and by the way we played five homecomings that year none of them none of them ours but you know nebraska was a national power like they usually are back in those days you can beat them there
Channel: Florida State Seminoles
Views: 13,276
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Florida State Seminoles, Florida State, Seminoles, FSU, Noles,, flstate, ACC, NCAA, Bobby Bowden (American Football Player), Florida State University (College/University), college football, bowden returns
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 49sec (469 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 25 2013
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