Best Of Best Friends: JJBA Eyes Of Heaven

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[Music] Giorgio's no Kimmy Honorable Kim aye I was hoping for someone cool but we got fugu isn't Fuko cool yeah I don't know who that is he's part of passione he's part of us oh I'm I'm right there yeah he's but he's something he's among the less cooler four members of the gang Mista is the [ __ ] and that's all you need to know hey gang if you made it past that intro and that spoiler warning you either hate Jojo and don't care or like Jojo somewhat and and so come on yeah n if there's gonna be there might be a weird Middle where you like Jojo a lot but you just have caught up and so you're in the middle of spoiler town heavy now about some promotions ago that's pretty good you're asking me about he's a dog episode 4 rohan came out like last week so we're going in who will we be starting as I'm gonna guess Speedwagon Joe taro oh I remember I remember when at the end of part 4 I was blown away at how like mundane the actual like end of Kira was like he's hit by a shard of glass what the setup to the like it's it's so unglamorous right like you get slashed by a shard of glass of the neck and wanders off and gets eaten by a ghost yeah I was gonna say but then but then like karma takes care of the rest and it's so fine it's funny because we never see what happens to all the other villains but Kira you get to see the Karma because he's so [ __ ] far gone yeah it's plastic okay cars gets it the worst of course do gets locked in a coffin cars gets blasted into space a deal gets annihilated into dust Kira gets [ __ ] mercs so bad and I don't know having fungi par 5 but I hear it's bad yeah he gets he's another he basically it's another car situation okay so okay I'm currently on Jojo Leone I've read all the parts you're caught up as can be I'm not like I'm not fully at caught up on Jojo Leone but I'm in the middle of you are wicked up to some degree some degree okay I'm generally knowledgeable but not an expert and you don't mind no don't mindful on doesn't affect me at all okay just like I hope everyone that is watching this by now yeah we just bought a bunch of [ __ ] [ __ ] yeah so so you want to talk about bad [ __ ] diavolo gets it because he gets stuck in an infinite loop loop of cause with no consequence so he just dies for infinity who's that we already know we are and we already know that like in alternate universes we have 36 cars on the moon and we have beyond so I'll shut up it always blew me away that Joseph is such a [ __ ] dyed-in-the-wool piece of [ __ ] that within about 10 seconds of being brought back to [ __ ] life he will troll his grandson yeah yeah yeah are you were the man who like cheated ken was like a [ __ ] scumbag also like a coin and to his perspective every one of your team is dead yeah yeah oh they just called him jean-pierre I guess cuz polnareff might be a name that's taken yeah no absolutely and it's like again Joe shows a few old [ __ ] scumbag infidelity you piece of [ __ ] thank God you cheated because josuke is the best like good job like knocking up that hussy that's horrible ken was like I don't like him because he made me a villain and I owe you my life [Music] oh why would you do this this is gonna get weird the eternal narrator Speedwagon yeah is the best even he's afraid so I always loved that line but then when I somebody told me to read that panel more carefully and I discovered that it's not a thought bubble and it's not a narration book it's a speech bubble speech bubble [Laughter] someone is saying even though Speedwagon is saying even Speedwagon is afraid I think I have a new favorite panel though by far yeah well that hopefully hopefully we'll get to it well that's rough how does your partner like work is he like you just went to you yeah he fights on his own well amazing holy [ __ ] there there there what an amazing stand battle you can do a general you can beat up the storable boston terrier so funny valentine says oh my god yeah hold the hold on yeah [Music] yeah oh dude there you go it follows them down that's good his whole character is like utterly defined when cars is being blasted out in the [ __ ] space it's like did you plan this way I totally planned this 100% planned it [ __ ] top to bottom play and then he's like yeah no I didn't plan nothing whatever he'll piss you off when you're floating in space becoming a rock and they may omage that in steel ball run to there's another guy that didn't like it's sent to the bottom of the ocean and gets stuck there yeah and he's like I'm gonna wait for them to come get me and it's like oh yeah really are you so what do you got what do you got speed we're gone I love you Joseph can you be my grandpa so the whole eclipse a lot of Speedway yeah so a speed wagon gets the corpse he is able to travel through [ __ ] time oh don't forget please don't tell me you forgot that'd be stupid and lame this reminds me of when you were telling me I was asking you like how strong Athena is in King of Fighters mm-hm and you told me God walking around on earth power level board and and it's yeah and it's like okay if we can completely recombine Jesus's corpse we can do the only way to defeat this bad guy is to resurrect the Son of God I already turned the water into wine who's the world he uses to switch em out saw the father the son and escape man turning turning religion into anime is my favorite that's so good it's pretty good in this parallel universe black people don't exist therefore I'm golden said wooly oh yeah see that was the intended joke and then I realized you were laughing too hard and then I realized how it was like oh you did the speech bubble but you didn't point where the arrow kids draw the line oh these are extra bad revenge battles you can fight enemies you've already defeated okay and you can experience pleasure okay right alright so this is some grinding [ __ ] so there might be the middle this is this is what wooly does off-camera this is about the character stronger work but I think that the josuke they used is the Joe scape from the game I think it is if not if not kind of close to it but I might be wrong on that now I guess that just straight up leads us into phantom blood I assume starting with the okay you know and free metal play do so you start with the popular part three and then yeah you walk yeah let's battle battle because if they walk into phantom blood that he's so [ __ ] backwards but sure they walk into part eight like a but like they do on the rugby field going what the [ __ ] are these giant men doing here why now what is up okay [ __ ] chronological order all over the place three to five that's golden wind part five the most important and noble goal of Jojo protagonists becoming a gangland star Gang Starr a gang don't make it cooler than it is spoilers Palmer ruff comes back cool and he's in a wheelchair because he got his [ __ ] [ __ ] up really you know what I like about getting spoiled on Jojo being spoiled on things like there's a there's a stand that if someone sees your back you die or mm-hmm there's a stand that makes everyone come I'll fall asleep like that tells you a cool thing but tells you almost nothing about how it's going to be involved in the plot even even like I remember reading up like everything that the radio tower could do like every single thing yeah it's involved traveling on the boats and all of them yeah every single thing that's involved in that battle and was still like riveted page to page when I got there because so creative so many different combinations of people interactive circumstances what makes it interesting exactly knowing what funny Valentine stand does knowing what d4c is all about doesn't [ __ ] matter because dirty deeds done [ __ ] done dirt cheap in context is where the employers I know the moon is pregnancy excuse me it's his little bomber it's little bomber it's like an Aerosmith yeah so unfortunately these are part five jabbers jabbers jabbers jabbers jewel boobs yes if you really want to get them yes look at my chest look at it do you see my boy chests there's not a single hair on it I want phantom blood to be last on the on the whirlwind tour before you know and collecting your JoJo's like pokey man yeah and I want Joe to I want Jonathan to absolutely free [ __ ] when his entire future family law like you all came from my balls no but no not over that it's like you're still fighting yeah yeah yeah did like like him because this cube up right cuz they're gonna show up like as he is dying after defeating do for the last time and it'll be like I will sacrifice myself to kill do and he's hugging his head right and then they show up he's like okay do is a problem like a hundred years in the future he's and he's looking down a deal [ __ ] head oh that's little does he know that he's inside of it right now maybe the only reason why the turtle would be here at the station actually know they were using it to transport each other he wasn't inside of it yet he never look at that bulge yeah so it's peeking out it really is we're getting some side ball cleavage and tons of ass to do needs quick access yeah he could do worse yeah yeah and he levels up when he went Pluto dude straight up when Poochie shows up like they're like yo we're just gonna hang out in bed all day and talk about the world that I'm going to create ads and stuff you down and pooches like I'm so down I am I am I knew that I was always gonna have this problem but I'm completely unable to mentally separate Enrico Pucci from the dog it's impossible it's impossible yeah eight-page pledge fest dude it goes on for so long yeah I undersold it on the podcast talking about it yeah it [ __ ] eight pages man playing no he's punching he's punching this guy kisser how much did you punch him punch him a lot earlier after all Nikki you're super alive but we saw their ghosts and you know that anyone that you see their ghosts they're dead for real you saw justice ghosts too remember justice ghosts dies after do sucks his blood and he like gives like Jonah or like a thumbs up god that's a trope that Araki cannot let go for then he [ __ ] red herrings here it's like your ghost went to heaven and then you put deals blood and Joseph and he just like rips it back comes back he's like oh yeah this is like what was that with the ghost he's like what are you talking about no oh man you just paid it up in your head idiot I didn't tell you [ __ ] I'm trying to say that if you wanted to Jesus could have crushed mad push that's what I'm trying to say well Mary Magdalene was always like yo Jesus crushed this [ __ ] and he's like nah I bet no one can crush it like you he's like nah lol I'm gonna go build tables the idea of Jesus like Mary Magdalene is like literally looking through the window and like rubbing her puss on the [ __ ] window ad on missions tomorrow ask Metatron Metatron all the way to I don't know sometimes I talked to your dad and your dad was like that it's like you sure's like build your table Sunday you want some weird [ __ ] and I'm never ever gonna get over this is probably the weirdest thing is the head is only found when a pure like we've got like a virgin basically approaches the rest of the corpse yeah and then she gets impregnated magically like there like like Immaculate Conception type [ __ ] yeah but she's pregnant with just that she gives birth to it and she has the head in her stomach it is horrifying it's her name a young it is [ __ ] nightmare fuel dude and you see the imprint of where the baby would kick except it's for face I have one question for you GL are those holes big enough for a sausage or three yes look that is the joke I'm making look sometimes I like to carry around two sausages in my face holes in order to eat them later let me show you what passione does behind closed doors yeah fix it Giorno it's not delivery shocked you responded in any way Shawn they find notorious b.i.g who is a stance that only activates when the user is killed so that whole discussion we had about like a new business stuff yeah it's like they have an explicit dude who comes running at them like they're getting on a plane and he's comes running at them and they're like what's this guy's deal he's clearly a stand user some guy is running at them on the airstrip as the planes taking off and they're like what do we do what's your deal like you know and like there's just some weird fatty and they're like [ __ ] it kill him you know and they just kill him and they're like what was that I don't know all right we're good we're good we just fight avoided you know okay so we're back let's continue I've done a little huge Inge you got huge a little bit Jojo huge as at least as huge as you can Jojo JoJo's actually like lose muscle mass as they gain power yeah and especially when you're talking about these like passione little little Twinkie guys kind of here but I could punch out [ __ ] this Jojo but so yeah one of what I've been doing is building up the ability tree and the trust levels and so on so everyone back up why is it say your total playtime is 103 hours overnight what's the left okay yeah I must have left it on at this point number one we say I said the food goes a [ __ ] yeah the truth is that foo go was written out of the story for being too Opie oh yeah because his stand was basically you get a disease that kills you in 30 in about 30 seconds or so yeah I'm getting near him but he can't control who gets it so it was the most Opie ridiculous thing that just murders anybody no matter what and they're like all right well Eric he's like yeah I get this guy out of the story hey you can't break these diamonds I think the absolute best out of context Jojo panel is Kira naked in the bathtub with the kid who's like threatening like Oh what happened like and it's a free haircut - no I mean he's drawn a little different or his models will hold of him hopefully yes who might be like the most baffling bad guy good guy turnaround where he goes from I'm going to kill all like he goes from hitting yeah he goes from like kicking cuicci in the head over and over in a doorway well Luigi's dying from a chest wound - yeah let's be buddies yeah well cause it's like hey you're actually a good person and my brother is always this kind of a [ __ ] yeah and my dad really was just the mutant that needed fixing so you know I'm not really a bad guy nah son he's doing the thing that we like I saw the panel with Jesus yeah yeah did they tell you he's so [ __ ] cool man almost enough to convince me to get back in it's like your salvation is not no man it's all good it's like every every week is a new chapter comes out you know the Paul Arc and you just yeah you sometimes you got to tap out cuz it's predictable and the rioting sucks lists of things that can control their stands better than Holly Cujo a rat a radio control tower a fly a monkey like she is horrible and [ __ ] at what at [ __ ] biggest an user she has no fighting spirit [ __ ] you should Jessi chariot requiem de is alive because Vollmer ups pretty much almost dead at the time yeah and so he's chariot reckons on its own it not only puts everyone to sleep it switches there's minds with other people's bodies whoever whatever living organism is nearest to you swaps into your mind and you swap into its and then as time goes on you slowly become stance on your own inside the other person's body also it can make your own stand attack you Sonny just declaring just to clear the air just to clear the air it's kind of a big problem at the end of part 5 it's a huge deal there it has its own will Oh chariot Requiem has its own will and it just starts walking in a straight line [ __ ] up the entire city of Rome and there's very little anyone can do about it it's amazing it's really good like bad guys good guys dude there are stands but there are stands that don't get defeated they run away from them because they're too strong and then the problem kind of dissolves exactly there's literally a standards like we're just gonna leave that over there and hopefully it never moves and that's it it's like it's like it did there's no like oh retired at the end of the chapter it's like no we escaped we got away man did you know that if you disappear for a while and show back up and reenter the story your name is now in all caps and it means you're better I did I did that's been sick for a while yeah the dramatic in that dynamic entry who is it it's are we gonna get a stage inside of it cuz that'd be great that'd be super weird wouldn't pull knife not like that I think I'll go jumbo is just the turtle right now it's fine the turtles name is Coco jumbo president Coco don't know mr. president is the name of its stand you're running around picking up pieces of Jesus yeah what the [ __ ] go back on that screen please okay go all the way to the bottom what okay like the one the one girl on the team is like you know what it's softer you know what no you get no con yeah you get nothing I made it softer yeah I don't know but for some reason the protagonist of Jojo Leone has four testicles and they make a huge deal out of it at all times that's probably a repeat that off yeah yeah no no they really bring it up all the time and they create circumstances people find out through various ways like his pants is always falling down or like [ __ ] happens where people are like what it's happened twice so far I don't know if it keeps happening but how is there no Suge Knight stands at least Sutan I tried to kill him and that's going around ah really at some point had a hit out on him ah the [ __ ] considering I'm hearing that Suge Knight is also somewhat responsible for Tupac stuff yeah ran over those people enabling he's not responsible for it but he did enable it Suge Knight getting and getting it done out there I suppose well not anymore but like he's like no I only ran over those people because I had a heart condition though I was really really he's recovering from being shot it's gonna be pretty rough for you with that heart condition though alright talking to these people doesn't really seem to give us much like really Suge that that's what you're going with yeah he was scared from the last time he got shot and he didn't want to get shot again so we ran over that guy sir using your prior acts as as explanation of your current bad acts on the set of the movie that's about your bad acts anyway sir is it sure that you had just filmed the scene in which you ran over a guy and then when questioned by the police you said it was because of your heart condition yeah well yeah I can stop time and punch you yeah but I put a bomb in your ass all right I'm a perfect immortal being that can stand up in the sunlight or whatever yeah but I've got a wineglass oh my god shut her overseas this person do is a [ __ ] most disgusting dude like I don't stomp fest I don't know what's gonna happen right now you drive a truck no he doesn't of course I really like Diego's outfit I think it looks [ __ ] cool the fact he's got his name on his riders helmet is what an ass really [ __ ] cause [ __ ] wait simultaneous guilty sorry i'm so excited the only stand that i'm 100 in the dark on is do-over heaven yeah like me too what can he possibly do that these dudes are willing to work under and are they gonna give are they gonna do some crazy [ __ ] and give Jonathan a stand like they do in some of those novels and what we call it so the the Aeons is in that ridiculous non-canon book Jonathan gets a stand and it's it's something crazy I don't what it is right now it's out of control zoom dick so I'm a big fan of automatic stance mmm and to my knowledge my favorite one so far is killer Queens hand Porsha it's the bomb another one bites at the not the not the not the not the reflection it's the the not perfection the little car the little car so I'm pretty sure Killer Queen is that and that's part of it and then another one bites the dust is when he gets the [ __ ] backwards time travel [ __ ] there's definitely another name but the little car yeah because he's sitting across town having coffee yeah yeah go on like I think someone's sweating my standard but it's also because it's really dumb it's a really dumb stand that you can trick yeah like he's like nothing he says a line like like it nothing can stop it from from like completing its minute and echoes just stops it yeah yeah like the idea the idea of sitting somewhere so I think I'm having a stand battle right now sim yeah great that's goofy [ __ ] it's it's the same thing with another one later where once once you know people are blowing up all over and he's the kid having a [ __ ] nervous meltdown it's like Oh have I just killed a bunch of people in time loops or whatever that's cool I guess he just wants a comfortable life man you know show me the Keira did nothing wrong stickers [ __ ] off [ __ ] off with that jotaro's like you can't bring people back to life once they're dead says the guy who bled vampire blood into his grandfather and brought him back to life well not with stands or whatever also don't think about the part that's gonna happen a little bit later from now when do skid totally brings someone back to life from the brink of death don't worry there's a difference from the brink of death and dead he reanimates Bruno and has him walking around in a corpse but he's not a zombie yeah it just doesn't bleed yeah so also like for real though the the Jotaro one is way dumber because he gets he sees Joseph's [ __ ] ghost fly off into space yes yes and polder s polar EPS floating out there too and then like he actually manages to like kind of pull him back in a way it gets stupid the point is Jonah can't bring back people life unless he can josuke was [ __ ] light your your [ __ ] grandpa sucks and he doesn't exert to come back to life cuz he's a bit character and he scared you with his fake gun and yes die cuz the villains [ __ ] him ya know it's like these Joseph's ghost go dead and leave his body and give him a thumbs up and be like you can do it buddy yeah and then Joseph comes back and they don't talk about it how do they not talk about it hey grandpa did you wave at me when I saw your [ __ ] ghosts before you comment on my total playtime I knew I knew you're gonna like beat me to it like the as soon as we talked about it before those it turns out that when you put the rest mode ps4 mode on it keeps the clock going so that would explain that I didn't sit here for another hundred and sixty eight hours since last time and keep grinding no you did [ __ ] well huh what I did do was I bought some more abilities with our points and I bought some of those dual heat attacks actually my favorite part is like thinking about it now it's like if with that being the case I'm sure there were people that saw light he grinded for a hundred hours and he only gained like forty eight level what the [ __ ] that's a lackadaisical [ __ ] grinding somebody made a youtube video of like shelter Oh telling josuke not to not to save his uncle because it's pointless and then it does like a [ __ ] Benny Hill style like flashback cut yeah of like [ __ ] happening in there and there's also Twitter comments of some guy like hey Joe skate I also fought a stand made entirely out of water I'm actually super good at this yeah and could solve this easily and all sorts of stupid [ __ ] livin Sinhala the entire interesting thing though about battle tendency is that like it's a threat unlike any other in any other part that not everyone could deal with dealing with pillar men is a fuss like 90 different 99% of stand users would lose to the pillar men right it's not at all the same game because like stands that are super strong against human beings and I think of like highway star example like bordering on 9 visibility like wouldn't be able to kill any of them and if they hit the stand hard enough the user would just die if highway star existed in like a time when you only had two horses that already makes it I'm just not gonna win oh yeah like hope think of how God [ __ ] to your whole horse would have been in the year ninety what's up mommy yeah that was a weird moment mommy that's way hotter than like the girl you end up with and like everyone else Suzie Q's already a second like Suzie Q's alright but come on dude Lisa Lisa [ __ ] kills it Jos Kay's mom is the only competitor yeah oh [ __ ] like despite being an objectively better fighter than Jojo in every way yeah losses to cars like two seconds because she doesn't lie hard enough so what what should happen is you're blown one and then the fight stop basically one would hope this scarf is needed with the bra there's so much going on with what's happening right now and it is it is like the single most bizarre thing about Jojo and it makes me think that like Eric he is like a secret like Hitler sympathizer or whatever Stroheim shouldn't need to be controlled by the evil force murderous Nazi bastard but he helps beat the bad guy so he ends up on the side of good what like that that weird undercurrent in the battle between humans and pillar men we're like we're underneath the plot yeah everyone it feels like Araki like forgot the part that Stroheim like sacrifice like hundreds of people for fun and profit and all that matters is where the story ends and at the end you're standing on the right side I know you walk emotive you're the best so what you're saying is that the Nazi stood on the right side of history against the pillar men yeah okay okay do you want to take a guess at what cream starter does it's a lighter and it's a spray it's a spray then No it sprays flesh out of itself that's oh man you know what I love okay just rub you can go back and look at those careful viewers but when the camera pans back to Joe to row his [ __ ] chain just shoots off his body yeah yeah because the physics are reset exactly yeah it's [ __ ] stupid I hate that bug it's in every in everything everything when you have chains to react physics calculations they tipos and then they go in from there tipos into that yeah within one frame but the physics takes slightly longer to catch up it's fine it's like clipping like his hair is clipping through his collar right now look clipping is like my most hated of all graphical errors who you never get to meet as this [ __ ] club's dad ever he's a musician and he's not good for anything he's good for dick and Holly good old Cujo the good old [ __ ] run Cujo I have to go on tour exactly [ __ ] whatever okay don't get choked up in some plants they're gonna kill you [ __ ] later who's stupider polnareff or Joseph at their dumbest moments dumbest moment he gets like multiple people grievously injured and killed that's there's that or pig head sticking out to lick the [ __ ] yeah so and and the difference with with polnareff is that everyone's like polar [ __ ] god [ __ ] - stop it you're so stupid he's like what mady's do my sister i'ma say plumber power it's dumber speaking of there you go oh [ __ ] I know that voice you see this I'm gonna cry show me your nasty veins my hat is weird also it's always a fun oh wait okay wait a sec hold up some guy told me about whatever it's weird that he's purple here this fight is impossible yeah this is a this cannot be won everybody I really don't like Wham's coloring year but I love cars is that's actually really nice back when he was holding his beauty back yeah instinctively they see the best place to pose like a secret filler man ability is to like identify this the entire scene for the best most epic place to stand him looking at them in that intro you know high up on the mountain they are pretty high up and the mood is right over there the chadman just just make him a little orange ER and you're done blonde up the hair a little bit well not lam way I'm sorry oh he's already very luscious blonde locks did he just say cos or you know he said grin I saw somebody say something the other day and maybe we want to shoot my own [ __ ] dick off and it was how nuts is it the gtas had better follow up than [ __ ] super pretty [ __ ] bad Oh No yeah [ __ ] Gigi's more consistent yeah and like yeah if you hit the number four like it's a huge problem for him as far as unlucky it's not it's unlucky though it's unlucky in Japan these are British and Italians they're super Italian far as unlucky the fact I got a beef to pick with Japan hey man we have buildings that literally don't have a floor thirteen no here's my beef you ready go four is too early in the sequence to be unlucky but seven is not to be that's positive so that's fine but four oh don't do it like four is so common it's such a common number I believe in China like there's it's like three and a couple of other early numbers I shut up or something like what is an unlucky number oh don't have one of anything your baby will die uh-oh we made a policy against it [ __ ] yeah maybe the darkest joke we've ever told let's see if any what if cars wasn't evil I'm just looking at Jorah I'm like is what a deal wasn't evil what if cars wasn't evil and there'd be 36 of them on Mars yeah that's right alright alright that was for someone sure wasn't for you yeah alright literally the exact same gambit the fact that they do this over and over and it's in their luggage like oh it's the best we've strapped a bomb to it in two different cuts in my luggage gingy just just just get get some wet-naps and wipe your hands off that will solve the problem Adam is a big messy thick sticky thing it just gets everywhere Adam you got to wipe that Adam off oh all up in your hands and [ __ ] boy need to contain the Adam in a song all right so sock thing is the most disgusting everything everyone that ever did that [ __ ] sock ship is a [ __ ] subhuman animal that is just the [ __ ] worst Oh Joseph's really really taking over this part well I mean he had you know what he had years to think about it yeah to agonize over it yeah that's what you heard huh I never would have cheated on my wife no that's not like if I he would have been like did it no you know it's all their fault you wouldn't like look how awesome my grandson turned on I should have cheated in way more that's exactly what it would have thought shut up you know I'm telling the truth it's their it's their fault they made me do it see how high they were I couldn't get over like oh yeah old guy you still pregnant this up she agreed to roleplay Caesar oh that's why it's [ __ ] that's why I love you like I can't wait for them to get to like deal over heaven or whatever in like the last dude he summons in is [ __ ] Jonathan's dog in the oven with the glowing energy of evil no oh boy that's never forget the original sin fear is more of a cat person actually is more of a bird person yeah way more of a bird person it's a very good pet for him like Noble and and loner and all that [ __ ] you know did that thing just eat like five dogs [ __ ] sick I hate dogs put this helmet on coming with me it's got a sick feather I like to think that pet shop already and do didn't know that it had a stand and picked it based on that so speaking of the lyrics of chased man this this LP maybe the most [ __ ] rambling [ __ ] nonsense ever it's the Joe Joe trivia podcast where half the facts are wrong yes that's accurate enjoy annotating this episode oh man I wanna I'd rather I'd rather [ __ ] play that game what's the conversation like inside the turtle so you're from Italy too huh yep yep so my dad's do Jesus invented the bow and arrow defense like I like where we're going that's not a rocket ship that's a rocket ship all right I know where we're going we're going to the Kennedy Center [Applause] Canaveral Osaka okay Canaveral of the Kansai region you know the one that's where all those weird new PO commands are coming from this is mean this is the most cooperation you'll ever see out of them yeah yeah do they do they like act in total isolation from one other and instead ocean well for one thing he's an incapacitated for a whole bunch of it yeah but even when he's not like yeah because you described it as poochy going okay my plan is important so Turo done all right moving on with my plan rip star platinum the [ __ ] out of your body yeah step one of the plan if that fails the rest of the plan doesn't matter right what if judd arose dad was home all the time right instead of leaving and not being a strong father figure for him I like I like the idea that Jolin is thinking that maybe she can like get in with dad now that he's not obsessed with the dolphins cuz once the dolphins come in no just being a good daddy oh good daddy okay because you know he went now and he's like nah [ __ ] Shamu yeah daddy to say he can turn it off cuz he's that [ __ ] cold okay whatever we have a I knocked up some chicken yeah I believe it right which one of those flocking cheerleader girls that won't leave me alone that I stick it in the dumpy one makes sense that one didn't care about me that's what I needed I accidentally got a little too bit on point with that you know that you know that frumpy girl that's like jennarose such a piece of [ __ ] shut it was like that's the one that's the one no way I might I think that made that rainbow hmm yep damn straight okay I was right heavy where this covered everybody's [ __ ] like take that turtle yeah and throw it as hard as you can out of here right now basically he's got beef against Pucci hard but also against the KKK because I could buy that there's an interracial relationship that goes real south and it's one of those shitty to get one of those which we call it's a Romeo and Juliet yeah animations Oh with the KKK and the girlfriend comes back not knowing that he thinks she's dead and then he kind of is not dead but then she just she kills herself because she's afraid you know one of those shitty things yeah where it's like I woke up and I thought you all know very Romeo Giulia very literal Romeo and Juliet and after that he's like ah [ __ ] Pucci you made her kill herself and I'ma get [ __ ] darn you Pucci go back to your home planet oh my god of course just of course just the fit he's got space stuff and he floats up into the sky like Poochie at a certain point he does like yes like I'm very disappointed in in the lack of hooch es Poochie art what I've seen that being said in two or three or four years there will be many YouTube videos about and then Poochie went back to his home in it so when there's actual footage for use in fact I want the in Taiwan like a do Wang style redub so you don't be [ __ ] psycho if [ __ ] funny Valentine came out yes oh [ __ ] snap this josuke I mean Joe don't even know who or what that is no yeah no they don't oh you got a dumb bird or whatever like one of those things one of those 20 messages that was and I got a different agility one of those Twitter messages like jotaro's heart is like so I can totally fly but I'm never gonna bring that up ever again oh yeah no you're like let's not for let's like don't forget what's happening at the end of our no that's not I'm never gonna teach anyone else that like totally like like generic standability which is to push yourself off the ground using your stand-in to to soften your landing and then just keep it going yeah absolutely like that would be [ __ ] so godlike in morio in so many think think of the difference between the fight with highway star if josuke knew how to kick off the ground and [ __ ] fly yeah yeah yeah okay are they implying that like do-over heavens stan is like a way way stronger version of funny Valentine's in which he can take a piece of a reality and say no it's this now like he can like literally imagine their pages and he can like cut out a like this article and slap it on to this reality and like now that's how things are here heaven's door for the world yeah right yeah maybe like it is called heaven's door yeah and it's over okay maybe it's miss that's I'm poor not because I'm assuming heavens door is is going to be right I'm assuming over like made in heaven shape over have [ __ ] you know what I mean yeah I'm sure I'm assuming that there's a tie-in with the stand that Pucci eventually gets yes but maybe there's a tie-in with through the ability to overwrite reality like no hand does but not on a personal level because we're on a [ __ ] gross yeah yeah that that's that'd be a problem here's the reality in which you have no legs here's you know here's the reality in which stands don't exist and now that's the Canon reality for all of you but not for me hmm says here in this page that all of the JoJo's are gonna team up and yeah let's just rip that out ya know that didn't happen all right okay it's not a it's not a powered up version of Pucci stand it's a powered up version of roller handstand where its global instead of personal everybody that this is super interesting yeah you're younger than your daughter right now no no also she's super not his type no what is Jonah Rose type a normal girl that won't obsess over it and normal the one that won't hang on normal super plain I don't even like Joe dura basically I will I just want a [ __ ] baby oh my god oh my god only one man's got gloves with that level of fashion that's funny [ __ ] Valentine she has multiple industries devoted to someone's gonna buy this yeah some obsessed purse oh there you go is gonna buy this no matter how expensive we make it that anime is called anime that anime games called industry we made four would you like this blu-ray only the rich man exactly I saw pastic comment what if he teamed up with with [ __ ] what's-his-name or what if Mistah teamed up with whole horse is that the comment no okay was it be kicking their bullets around it was it was me talking about how whole horse which is wreck ass and like you year 300 okay because like a gun versus night [ __ ] that can move anywhere and it's invisible that'd be amazing and I was it was a comet pointing out Slyke if whole horse had been born in the year 300 there's no way his stand would have manifested as a gun yeah that's true because guns don't exist yeah his brain wouldn't have told him to make it that yeah he would have made it like a an a bow and arrow or a sword or so of them objectively shittier yeah yeah please don't be so obsessed with saving the world that we can't get a couple of nice moments no remember who his family is okay Jotaro is a robot okay Joseph is an old [ __ ] yeah josuke the reasons why we loved him as a kid are the reasons why we hate him as an adult because he's a cheating piece of [ __ ] okay josuke has family problems yeah and why would he give a [ __ ] about his Joestar great-great-grandfather secretly gives a [ __ ] his remember his daddy yeah but no he's so far [ __ ] removed at that point yeah giorno is like my dad is enemy I'm bear I barely even know what I am only I'm a weird hybrid see girl only reason I'm even technically related to you it's because my dad used your great Grandpa's dick [ __ ] my mom so he's looking straight at Joseph's dick like I came out of that wrong dick John sorry he's looking at Jonathan's pickling I came out of there you my dad but you're not my daddy what does this mean and Jolene's like you guys are losers she's she [ __ ] like what you would call it there's one point in part six we're like a bunch of people are watching The Sixth Sense and she's like oh yeah this movie Bruce Willis is [ __ ] dead the whole time [ __ ] [ __ ] and just walks by and everyone's like [ __ ] those criminals I want the Canon explanation to be that he is actually styling his hair in the shape of a hat he's been wearing a visor the whole time I think someone made that panel joke somewhere I think someone had a thing where he thinks off the runways gold yeah yeah yeah that's a visor and then the rest of it is all just super hair sprayed hair yeah see if Darby was smart he'd be like no it's right Oh is nothing to do with the but he knows about the eyes of heaven how would you know who she is what's going on Odile filled him in on everything and he came here of his own volition deal didn't even send him no cuz deal just keeps him around okay why not whenever I need a guide again yeah yeah okay so here you feel you'd give him the deal and he just left and he went to Mariah he would do what you will with this info yeah cheating cheating effects now active now pick cards to see what to change select seven cards you want to get rid of select everything but but the ace and now exchange and it could give you I can't wow I can't believe they've built this whole system that's [ __ ] on this is way I remember you can only cheat it one more time yeah korban give me back my daughter Darby loses yeah I didn't ask I saved that daughter that I don't give a [ __ ] about boy dog it's just like taking I was loaded for the adventure in the killin boy I sure loved that killin oh really really what do we we gonna get [ __ ] Darby Requiem now so here's my question does the chair go with him he finishes teleporting does he immediately fall down or does he appear in a horse stance or does he appear in a different chair my legs don't work yeah that's that's a cool thing to like he does the big final attack and he doesn't [ __ ] work like it's having these two next to each other really like demonstrates the change in hierarchies art style there's Kenshiro yes and there's an there's life fashion body model did everyone wants to have sex with but he can't walk yeah and you've never seen anything like it before yeah [ __ ] bright green yeah like my lipstick on everybody yeah my main character has to [ __ ] crawl around [ __ ] I'm familiar zero looks weird but he looks so [ __ ] yeah sure but like cowboy hat with purple lips he's got girls in the [ __ ] 1800s brought our 1900s man no 1890 1890 yeah he's got [ __ ] grills on his teeth that saved go-go's eppley like he comes from this super traditional italian castle family that's so uptight about everything and the moment he lands here he just [ __ ] it's a it's amazing couldn't be more different then then we'll well cuz he's not supposed to be though he's supposed to be a Caesar supposed to be Caesar yeah that's Johnny yeah at the end of the you think it's will but then at the end here they reveal secrets for each other they go like tell me something about yourself no one else knows because my full name is Jiro Kaiser zeppeli timeline make no sense yeah and then Johnny fills him in on a weird fetish that he has it's [ __ ] hilarious oh god well is it dammit it's killing me right now they give they say it in their team-ups i want a girl to just pound on my useless legs with a hammer Stan power what do we do I turn people into dinosaurs technically zombie dinosaurs that follow his orders that do whatever I want them to do still though I'm gonna make I'm also a dinosaur I'm good I'm gonna wait till 1934 you know not 1919 whatever and make them [ __ ] cars the people have images of that for the future there we go cars would be on board who loves nature no like automobiles Oh cars civilian vehicles yes okay for a meme dinosaurs having sex with cars you have to clarify cars or cars yeah that's a little confusing cuz car is that we know he [ __ ] he you know he killed those dudes over that puppy yeah and he he knocked himself I don't even wanna think about what pillar man sex is like considering anything can go into any part of their body at a reason hey you want to try something new yeah why not jamming into my rib cage it'll work yeah kind of hurts but I can get into it yeah how do you think they figured out that whole wedding band thing wasn't their first rodeo yeah a bunch of [ __ ] like what's a pillar man gangbang look like it looks like a big [ __ ] blob of arms and legs that maybe oh boy that's and just yeah and just jizz just shooting honor it it looks like inside except just with occasional occasional like okay alright alright I notice that that design is the same one on funny Valentine's oh okay sorry no just Johnny's fetish is seeing insect bites on girls oh he likes little bites and bumps no what no wonder his stands about firing off his finger don't tell anybody he's a creeper don't tell them fight these dinosaurs I thought he was gonna I thought he was gonna yeah cuz you know it'd be a great moment CEO walks out that would be terrifying but we already know what he looks like the deal it's not gonna be no but just another yeah yeah yeah and I met I bet do over heaven is like you cannot send more than two deals out mmm they fight between each other enough it's like we figured out that we can trade stands at will amongst ourselves [Music] prepare for dinosaur vampire time stop how many dinosaurs can attack you how much water can you spray and stop time oh god yeah that is my favorite of the stop time jokes ever there you need to get a little bit more hold this is you know you know what I want you I want I want to hear from somebody who didn't care that this had Joe Joe spoilers in it oh right and then that's never even bothered and all mother started to watch it and then I want to see after all the way said all they've seen yeah how much of it they could actually retain yeah because I bet it's close to see like okay there will be a quiz at the end if that's great yeah that's what the parts are in the background because that's what it says okay so like imagine listening to two people making up the stupidest story you ever heard for eight four hours try and remember parts of that yeah it's it's you know what this sounds like like you don't know Joe Joe what our conversation sounds like it sounds like what you sound like when you try and explain to somebody what your nightmare was about and then there was a guy and he had your face but it wasn't your face and then dinosaurs attacked me you know because we were in a different dimension this girl started spraying her body out on to people I was in the body you were in the body no the body was a vampire and then Jesus came to America right oh yeah he makes these jokes that do not translate into English at all and they've become beyond that like though they become the best because they're completely unlike you cannot understand impenetrable and nonsense completely impenetrable like like hey Pat I thought of a joke okay alright what's your joke okay count to three one two three get out of my way [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [ __ ] Johnny just loses his [ __ ] he just starts laughing and he's like it's amazing I love it oh okay so Johnny and giorno have an actual [ __ ] shot he's straight-up afraid of gold experience is what he say well gold experience is [ __ ] yeah it's a problem [ __ ] it is a problem if I remember correctly it's not cuz Diablo has consequences all vacations where I shoot you with a gun and he goes no that didn't happen elliptical right old experience Requiem I shoot you with a gun I'm sorry no a Diablo gets to say I shot me with a gun but I didn't get shot whereas gold experience recreant gets go you shot me with a gun no you didn't you didn't shoot me with a gun okay I shot you with okay King Crimson I shot you with a gun no you didn't that good that bullet was never fired from the gun nothing happened yeah it didn't get shot Gold experienced Requiem I shot you with the gun actually no what happened as you died so oh man speaking of losing everything yeah like gyros gyros main reason for entering the races doing the whole thing is cuz he's fighting to save a child that's wrongfully sentenced to die okay and if he wins the race he can probably save the child alright so the whole thing goes down and eventually the boy gets acquitted because yay the good guys win great and then a single panel with the picture of the boys face says and then he died of a cold it is single-handedly the coldest pun intended harshest most [ __ ] unbelievable thing that's all right he has done so I have I have just invented a term in my mind for this and we're gonna fall we will find other term ways to use this term and it's called arc nullification okay right yeah and you can immediately think about that right yeah absolutely we're a single line of dialogue or doing a single event or whatever completely nullifies every event and every character growth and everything that happened in an arc like it is a single panel and it's just a cute little picture of the boys face and it's like and then he suddenly died of a coal he eventually died of a cold and that's all you get it is unbelievable man that's pretty [ __ ] rough man that's pretty for what for [ __ ] what look at these cool ass kids they're the coolest aren't they you know what else is cool sailors yeah I guess shut up [ __ ] cool show ok ok ok like Jojo has always had this amazing undercurrent of latent homoeroticism that's correct but having your character be this life pretty beautiful sailor boy yeah feels like I'm not saying it's too much I'm worried that there's nowhere to go Araki's fetishes are revulsion yeah we're watching a man discovered himself sexually that one weird part was like what about girls and then he was like nah maybe if they're androgynous enough I guess ok not girls but what about boys they look like girls but their legs don't work okay okay I'm listening I'm listening all right we got school boys yeah no no delinquents thugs oh boy mobsters Italian mobsters yeah they lick each other's faces oh man I managed to find the wiki description of nullification of cause and effect as experience gold experienced rec room so if we want to take a stab at this we can leave it as confusing as it needs to be all right unless I will leave one sentence here Carrie what's up it is mentioned by Joyner himself that even he is unsure of my back workings and limits of requiems powers and that that which one is he talking to the one that he knows are you sure the just get this the Kira that we see has black hair in the in the future okay are you sure no I've never been less sure but that's the [ __ ] I know and love oh and then Jessica it's gonna be like what I can't believe look at that straw yo swerve on a nigga's yeah of course you'd be around so here's what I don't want to happen that just hit me what I don't want to happen is that like they grab the parts put it together and instead of Jesus it becomes to you that was supposed to be just a like instant like I'll [ __ ] you in yet and you just punch it old woman are a we're good that woman is like responsible for like tens of thousands of death personally the only reason why that fight becomes a challenge is because polar F is being all nice to an old lady if he didn't do that if he was any other character there it would have been [ __ ] done it all would have had very similar problems yeah it feels a very polite sure sure I'll take that right and right up until the time we use shot in the head it's like let's piss in this guy's mouth yeah yeah but like that's literally the whole fight is like oh no you had manners oops you know and every time you turned around and she's got a knife like behind her back and you're like eh you got a knife behind your back lady yes why didn't you say so [Music] hey he's got a star on his design look at this sex guard boy I'm here to [ __ ] the universe and the universe is blushing yeah oh you're right that's right no way you shouldn't be no that's all eight plus the spine oh what a took it from Jonah Rove oh the booty have some kind of backup plan did here's the star platinum the world to take him back the last second hold on hold on hold on please explain what Zoey yes didn't work actually work see that you see that stand Kidz Bop yeah it's an any take any normal stand copy and make it waste shittier but you can take anyone stand at any time Kidz Bop the world only time stops for you yeah kids my world continued his pop would be super strong yeah but but like this it depends on how shitty you make a shitty stops yeah yeah right it's like say it's like thirty percent that's still good he tried to share that dick of the way too many people wait a gun yes so okay okay so remember what I told you about the final test thanks Valentine Valentine return there it is oh my god oh my god okay Valentines for real he means every word okay I'm gonna not press X for a second all police don't tell me what to do the whole game again blatant okay let's think what is the only time Joseph could have impregnated Jost Kay's mom on a visit to Japan where he was hanging out with his daughter she's hanging out with Holly he's like cool I gotta get out of here and get some snatch and he sees someone younger than Holly yeah and he's like oh my god the man at the local universities mm-hmm say hey I'm rich and old to Darvey so since no bet has been made Joe DeRosa just punch him through the window yeah one pair of us two pair [ __ ] off you won the game and now now it's like here are you betting reality on this hand sir yeah are you sure that's what you would like to do are you sure you want to ruin yourself with the orphan maker [Music] Oh three four three digit by the way tell your brother he [ __ ] at videogames I dislike Darby the younger for one reason and its Darby the elder is like I love cheating so much if you can cheat and win [ __ ] cheat cheat all day right but Darby the younger is like cheating is for losers while he's cheating yeah yeah yeah yeah that's like I I much prefer Darby the elders way of looking at things it's like I could I would never cheat I can just beat you no matter what with my own stand and it's like [ __ ] uh okay so we've got you guys got uh we've got Joshua guess so that's probably a combo okay yeah so your stand is so good and you're so stupid if only you weren't so stupid look I feel like part you're very different if josuke and OPI su had their stance switch oh my god oh my god right bow could they have beaten Kira yes the idea of the idea of just josuke just [ __ ] using the hand to just wipe away everything - dad dad but I was grandpa why are you friends with a Nazi the law gives the possible story so the longest possibly listen listen no listen listen there are some things in life that are worse than Nazis - 2000 year old posing pillar men grandpa where'd all this gold cups no boy time to use my patented Joestar tree you know what you know what I was thinking about that please grill right we were talking about how hard it is to get that grill back in the day yep and it made me think of Jared Leto's Joker okay and somebody I was reading I was watching this YouTube video talking about how like they didn't quite like that portrayal of the Joker and the best point I ever heard was the Joker doesn't seem like the kind of guy that's gonna sit in the chair well you do hours of dental work on it yeah yeah that is true right you can't take that oh hey wait the day and a half it takes to get tatted up like that just sitting calmly in a chair you know like that that part of it falls apart for sure like right away like like you had to get really intricate all over his body to like damaged ha ha ha the skulls anyway don't worry about that soft and wet wait here's the ability to steal it from the ground I stole the concept of breathability from the air [ __ ] [ __ ] I recently knew somebody who was having a bad day and so they went home and ate 23 jalapeno poppers as I've had multiple bad days in a row that sounds about right and then once they got over it they were like oh so you feel better she's like not really really why cuz I need 24 people or something and we were like why didn't you learn your lesson no no I didn't nothing what the [ __ ] why would you do that to yourself all this is okay yeah I mean I guess the you know the the the fire burns through the clothes he's wearing yeah but not the metal so charring to cut back to [ __ ] imagine he's solving the mystery he's doing it it's me the Biggest Loser I can't stop running by the way that's this thing right now is this yeah [ __ ] my pants his ability thing it's like it's like basically you I don't completely understand it but when you use it he just starts running non-stop and like and if you don't take any damage or if you avoid getting hit or whatever he eventually goes like it's me I did it I did it I did it yeah I'm the best and then like he does that crazy laughs and you get a buff yeah a serious case of [ __ ] face you know that she tried to fix it didn't go so good you know why don't we watch that episode I was sitting watching mine watching the the Cinderella episode with my girlfriend and it's like this isn't a romantic story these people are all [ __ ] up including coachee for saying take my eyes out yeah all right Cinderella woman is just really stupid crazy obsessed with being a fairy godmother to the point of being pretty much evil people's lives for no reason choose your face from these things because uh fables do that so I guess that's what I want to do and of course [ __ ] crazy ass chick ourselves is that what she took away from it what your girlfriend basically these are crazy teenagers that are that are all obsessed with their shape it's not romantic at all I girlfriend I watched they had the same episode together and had a very different take away and what was like she was like near tears over how romantic oh my god that like sacrifice his eyesight dude no and it's the same reaction dude abso-fucking-lutely not and it's the same reaction I have to like Romeo and Juliet when you step back a moment because initially you initially you know you're initially you feel that in your heart and you're like wait no these are dumb kids making really stupid decisions no it's the thought that goddamnit you did everything wrong you dumb [ __ ] children i right don't and it's wheat but it's sweet that's all that matters yeah Reinhart Dominus cush that diva dumbness cush that diva Reinhart she's exploding and you're gonna kill yourself don't block it to save routine it's sweet okay dude the sentimentality some things can be sweet the sentimentality is real I'm not gonna pretend it's not but when you step back you know what is happening in those she's a fairy godmother she's a hero she's just she's a hero I'm gonna make you a hideous creature for possibly no reason why she let also daughter out on rush times - she let a she fixed the problem cuz she she was so sweet love conquers all she was afflicted by by Koichi doing something it's all so stupid but selfless and said alright I'm gonna make this go away so the part the part that's actually crazy is that Cobie she gets like horribly stalked and like misery style attacked by this chick who's like I'm gonna kill you for that penis yeah and then he's like after a while he's like no wait I am into that yes no but that's fine right I'm not saying I'm seeing like the I can I can get over the insanity of that slightly what I cannot get over is the fact that you would be willing blind yourself in love that's not someone that doesn't have a class love it is a crutch at it it is a crush and it's true it's you barely know the girl you don't even believe in true love do you I mean chemicals do what they got no you don't know this girl there so can't you see watch this this is love this right here what josuke and co each enjoyed what step together again that's good dude like Dora rah rah rah is an onomatopoeia owned by Joseph in reality agrees that he owns it and when I write it that's what it means listen Buchi dig strong woman you can dig them as much as you want he likes that she's willing to go out and get what she wants but to take it to the level of being willing to sacrifice everything she was willing to sacrifice everything because she's obsessed like a stalker in a healthy way Wow oh my god I can't do this [ __ ] do this I can't do this you won't you won't acknowledge their the height of their emotions in their soul but anyway no like Cinderella is stupid and has no reason to do the things she does she's making people happy she's obsessed and she wants to live out her fantasies she's empowering people to take the lives that they want people are delusional and if you in high school on the 3rd or 4th time you met and hung out with somebody fell for them so hard that you'd be willing to blind yourself yeah you have [ __ ] problem that's pretty bizarre - I love the idea of them being best friends you can get this and I'll get the other yo Patrick yeah Patrick feel this card feel feel this business card oh my god where did you get that Patrick it's my business card it's mine to talk about you want to listen to some music what do you what are you thinking about Huey Lewis and the news this classic right here yeah you see it's it seems like it's about the pleasures of conformity and that's true but it's also a statement about the band itself you see that one where they edited it to be about Jojo yes yes I did and it's awesome it's perfect it is the perfect final form of that scene yeah [Music] for years we thought him pointing at the Recker at the music at the the record player or whatever - for dubs was the final four but no there's the trope and I'm watching overwrite the trope oh okay so he's my son I have to look out for him that's like your son's a serial rapist and murderer right yeah like but he's my son right or whatever it's like I thought about that deep in laws and what I came to the conclusion is that I will mark out anyone who is evil no matter what yeah my mom my dad you don't come to pass to hide the bodies yeah I love my parents in the world I think they're the best but if I found out that my dad was like the [ __ ] serial murderer all this time that stops right to [ __ ] here right now because that means that the relationship we had was predicated on the lie what's it like that I'm not a serial killer I kind of respect life maybe ya understand it's like I never told you I wasn't a serial killer and that's like well you just assume that's a lie by omission because it's to be assumed that you're not and you know a lot of the good movies are about that exact thing that being said robbing banks someone sent me the clip of Alessi breaking into the room like doing The Shining yeah homage with the axe Andy and like his version of the narrow narrow is way worse because he's like I'm here also cuz he's aiming it at a child while DL is gonna lose now because dere's going up against true love the Catherine L peach is leaching into this thing alright alright let's take some bets alright will Poochie betray no okay no no no no no way more important than that okay who's the same main who's the UK I don't know which one is which that who's the top and who's the bottom I'm gonna save D I was a power bottom i'ma say do some power like he pushes back he's like that he's like that [ __ ] there's this [ __ ] Arby's commercial have you ever seen this thing yeah there's a talking oven it's talking to the guy who works at the foot in the back of the Arby's goes like yeah put the bread in me and the guy's like oh oh it's like yeah I'm gonna cook the bread real good inside me and it's super it's super intense yeah if somebody can find it send it to me on Twitter so I can show it around to people but it's super intense yeah do takes control from underneath yeah cuz that's the way all right does it be too tired for him to just be a top I mean that's - he's used to tease used to crawling up from the bottom so you know so my favorite part of us doing this Jojo up he is starting to manifest and it is it is dankmemes showing up on our subreddit that's great that are just screenshots of arguments about King Crimson yeah it is just screen grabs of text message arguments on people's phones or [ __ ] Facebook arguments or forum posts like no this is how that rooms latest what's just Valentine's sliding between realities in 1890 yeah do defeat Zotero in 1991 1989 why the [ __ ] would he incur encounter this timeline in the future yes I do it for just dude Valentine is the [ __ ] best and like I like it place the word justice with America I like you have no chance but you're awesome for trying I love the the villain who is not malicious he's just idealistic and wrong that's what he would like dude faced with the end faced at the end that's what he would say cuz that's what he does say yeah it's like oh you're a scumbag piece of [ __ ] you hit that gun on you everything I do I do it for America moral annihilate Valentine from whatever by moving into a different reality or did he actually fight him oh by the way how about this for try this one on for size Oh No Deal is causing my mom to die because her stand is killing her and she can't control it hey poochie's you wanna knock this stand disc out of my mom's head and save her life yeah sure man there you go cool imagine if back then since do and Poochie were a thing okay if the if deal just said look stop stop I'll just there's my boy I'll just fix your mom no problem we'll just fix her in like two SEC's like I know I hate you joestar's but here I got you could you imagine they'd still be after him of course they would but for way less like motivational reasons and then they would look maybe that's what happened they'd be after him just because they wouldn't you know yeah but the whole my mom is on the line thing he's like not enough hair I took the disc she's good every time I would talk about the the cause doesn't matter what's this effect doesn't matter thing there's a specific person that gets in touch this is what I'm to say that I get it wrong each time yeah I'm actually pretty sure I'm not getting it wrong because it just works the the things you're doing in the in the time that gets deleted and now incognito mode in real life incognito bug on into that one yeah those actions still exist they happen no they don't have don't have get removed but you still have the thing the creep porn you visited yeah he's got you getting that porn is gone but you have the porn still in your head yeah but then the Rizzo now you can act on that porn but gold experience only knows how to get the porn from chrome Requiem is endless porn it's a browser that has nothing but porn on it can't no it's a browser that just never stops downloading porn that you can never watch it you can never watch it you know it always starts the buffers forever how about that questions no no Anna Sui is the thing okay Anna said the other day like just on Twitter like Anna Sui was originally a lady yeah and and I had like nearly the same exact design except for boobs yeah except for boobs and then Eric he was like that no he wasn't like nah [ __ ] it he was like Jolin is gonna have a girlfriend okay and then the producer the editor was like no she's not oh and Eric he's like but and he's like no she's not and then he's like you know she's not oh yeah well I know I'm getting my headcanon there you go into a slug [ __ ] I don't including my buddies I don't get it isn't it great now it's great that doesn't make how is that part of the weather how is that part of the weather that he turns you in the slug and I can put my blood on the ground and then yeah all right you're not answering my question watch magnolias no what does that have to do with Jojo cuz there's also all the shitty kids the shitty do kids oh my god we never got you guys no he didn't anyway oh yeah oh my god I love you so much and I love that he's so useless for so long the best and they don't even see him fight pet shop yeah is how he goes from being a dog to being a dog with a human face like once he starts thinking and going he just becomes a little mini furry man yes it's weird you're a man in a [ __ ] dog cos it's a little whopper how do you get your hair to know like that we can when you type Enrico Pucci into Google autocorrects to Emilio Pucci so you really like it was just like no you you want to look up this guy no I don't I want to find out about c'moon no you want the fashion designer stop it I guess I kind of do if I'm looking up that's good the first thing we saw oh yeah you know she spells her name differently right Jose yeah with an H and a seat okay because [ __ ] daddy just hurry up okay she's got strong hips like hey my name is ac/dc and me and my boys has this sick ancient mesopotamian pose wall and that we waited 2000 years until some other [ __ ] started posing harder so we had to come down to show them what the deal was that's a pretty good pose bro good pose wall man Joline like you know how everyone gets there like a maze like I said they're amazing final attacks yeah and what not Jolie's clutch last minute [ __ ] thing mm-hmm things are going so bad that her amazing clutch play is hooking her string up to empery oh and some dolphins and having them swim away from Pucci as fast as possible because he's so beast that you can't beat him it's amazing it's like like the shake ass move is running away harder than we've ever ran I was looking at a tumbler today called dirty ass Jojo confessions it's a bunch of [ __ ] image macros of like I want [ __ ] join inside me or whatever but one of them and the people it's it's these [ __ ] post that people have made images for after the fashion and the foot the one that kills me is like I want to go to SeaWorld and throw a [ __ ] photo of children to the dolphin enclosure because that's where he belongs now it's so stupid that wasn't that cool Jethro yeah you thought it was but it wasn't you ever see like you see like someone going to the barber and it's like you know what you in the which you in the mood for it's like yo you ever see JoJo's Bizarre Adventure it's like yeah and then the barber shirt the barber was like say no more fam and then you just see the guy with the with the tie top with the cut that looks like he's wearing a hat yeah that kind of [ __ ] so just like Fucci walks into a barber shop like like what you in the mood for it's like I'm want I'm awaiting the new moon I wanted to go to heaven I got you fan say no more fair oh why don't we just go into a cuts do you know how to pick em boy he knows how to [ __ ] Wow Wow that's awesome oh my god ride or die in the Jonathan's like man we should move that I love there's a lot of things that I love about this but as we pointed out before it's happening again and it's bit for the final battle it's like Speedwagon and the horse are there as they should be like listen Speedwagon and Speedwagon foundation are the joestars stand family stand the family standing Speedwagon foundation great underappreciated infinite resources and backup and prosperity and they'll believe you infinity into the future my question is the salary for working at the Speedwagon foundation must be quite lucrative I wouldn't want to work for the Speedwagon foundation I mean let's fly over here and give this guy some water in a Jeep oh no bro time to knock on that family's door what why does this why do you have a flag draped over a water can't eat ma'am you might need to sit down for this one straight forward into the point oh that's great Oh No that's great all that hard work oh my god mr. president was so important mr. president turned speedwagon's [ __ ] face turn was so baffling it's so fast he throws it and he nearly decapitates him and he's like yeah we're gonna get ya and then Jonathan give us like a little speech he's like oh my I'm turning my whole life for that look at that feminine penis rubber yeah rubber nips that purely penis of yours I don't know I actually think you're gonna have to actually do like another round with your game stretch purposes like my point is that now is the time to break Joe Joe down to its most component parts its most pure penis wearing a dress that is Araki developing over the course of 30 years his fetish is evolving it's honestly it works when you just imagine the joestars as giant penises hold on hold on hold on now now is the dress like a little frilly lo no no no - and as you know in in part one it's like a suit it's like a penis or in a suit but then it starts tearing off its leaves right and then in part two it's like well maybe if the penis wore a scarf mm-hmm then like by part five it's like there's mesh on it is matching there's a little heart yeah on it and then you just add the two to four part six and then the part eight you're just like let's go sailor hat on well part eight there's a little sailor hat but there's two pairs of balls yeah did it we did it that's cannon that's cannons you're gonna have to beat all these [ __ ] again I apologize to the artists in advance oh yeah the ones that are gonna make all that sick patreon money draw that [ __ ] throw that up on [ __ ] tumblr and see what the followers have to say this is my new stand it makes you [ __ ] out your dick nipples there is a stand by the way you love these I know you by the way called it's called as Megan ease up now it's called a shake down shake down road or shake down alley I think it's the name of the song yeah whatever but it's a street where it's [ __ ] nice horse combo the street has a bunch of trees with leaves on them right okay and these leaves have the ability yes to make things happen in a way that it makes you do an action like you slip on the leaves and go somewhere and then you don't notice what happens and then you come back to where you were and then you don't know what happens but someone else nearby saw it happen so a bunch of people on it stand around and they let you break things so they protonate like you slip into things and whatever and then they [ __ ] exploit you for the money in the most Japanese way possible like don't walk away and say nothing's wrong you know we're watching you and then they came so confused why this explains so wait I go and I slip on the leaf and I break something and then I don't know what happened but I did break it the leaves have stands I think so far until further explanation is given I think it's the street that has the stand but then what is the street what is a road where does that concept begin and ends all radio tower had to stand so but no it wasn't the radio tower it was the guy and controlled the rial no he actually controlled a really badly yeah I was stuck inside of it so we're adding plants to things that control their stand then Holly Joestar this might be the case a [ __ ] leaf well okay say yes we're not that far right and then go and continue and then right and we'll see where it were that happens come on video games yeah come on don't [ __ ] on us we never [ __ ] on you we what that is the big you understand that yeah if you work with the baby you made a stand and made things that you said true you would like cease to exist upon uttering that statement oh my god [Music] but where's the hero what's the name of the horse a slow dancer because he fell see yeah I did oh thanks that's a good shot yeah yeah I like that well where's the hero amongst these heroes I'm over here leaving this restaurant without paying to calling my mom a [ __ ] dude he feels so powerful he says that I leave without paying all the time like you're supposed to go like oh damn Jonah rose the bat like what young kids smoking sitting in jail yeah this ghost brings things to me like such a stupid weirdo oh wow so this is the most overpowered thing that could possibly exist he's he's got all the powers of Jesus and all of the souls of every Joestar now you can mi oh [ __ ] [Applause] because we're the same our stands are the same flat over heaven like here we go why are you so stupid that you keep forgetting that that was amazing well he killed good job we beat the game do as a [ __ ] whoa not go hon it's stupid look at this fight that's happening though yeah the best best part of the fight would do for me anyway is when Joe Toro throws the magnet on his fingers or his collar to make it look like he's moving when he's not but he's actually moving or how about the phone books under his jacket I'm sure you know practical stupid [ __ ] like that Goku is never gonna put a bunch of phone books under his shirt that's stupid [Music] that'll do it that'll work yeah yeah oh and even though he's got his vampire powers right like yeah it's a realities oh that's interesting yeah also with vampire and now we're back this is just a complete recreation of the fight but I'm gonna wait for you to get back up and then I'm gonna hit you so hard to do I'm gonna hit you so hard okay so like so but that's clearly like that that do the beat Jojo did not he didn't experience this that's why he ended up doing the exact same yep I can let and that's why Gennaro would beat him instantly if when that moment came again you never never got to this part so now I'm gonna override it so that everyone forgets [Music] now I'm gonna overwrite reality so that everyone leaves me alone especially my wife what I say give me a break the world has to give me a break has to if you want to be really like like out there with your fan cannon [ __ ] you can say the reason why star platinum learns to stop time is so that people can leave them alone for a second the real question isn't hey if Joseph spotty became a [ __ ] ghost and went to heaven how to come back to life the real question is how come Joseph isn't a vampire yeah yeah because that's actually it was it was his own blood going did you rewrite this reality huh that's not supposed to happen no you can't do that that it does it'll work that's a bad ideas to the people you meet will not exist now or I don't know how that's gonna play out wait stupid dude what's the number one rule of time-travel you can't [ __ ] with anything because the ripple will continue forward and have a butterfly effect I like the more specific version of that rule is the first rule of time travel is don't go back in time and kill Hitler you don't know what's gonna happen oh don't go back in time until Hitler God good things might be bad now right but you have no idea how bad they could possibly be in an infinite series of like okay say say Totoro has a key and an AB doll and cat going in there around right so he doesn't have to try as hard fighting the stand users the poochy sends against him so they just straight up just lose against poochie's but just straight up back it up even further when when polnareff is attacking Diavolo when he first discovers - what the [ __ ] going on he has other dudes at his site - to fight Diavolo with and they possibly beat him as a group okay how about this one Abdul was in charge of searching the east end of town for tailors to find the button oh he missed that one shop so cure got away the end and then he slowly picked them off one by one yeah oh you know I don't even I can't even imagine all the places but it's like having them around in future parts could have meant a lot of good things and a lot of bad things and entire entire things going completely differently what the [ __ ] are you doing it cuz a lot of the winds are like it just so happens to play out in this very specific way that allowed the heroes to wish Jesus Christ general doesn't know he doesn't know if you could go back in time and change and and relive your life up until this point would you do it like no I got really lucky and a bunch of really obscure ways to get to where I am right now I don't think I'd be able to recreate those events yeah and he's the same [ __ ] that tells [ __ ] josuke that you can't bring the dead back you can't bring back your grandpa I brought back my grandpa that's different he's got your Grandpa's not important enough he's got a standard my grandpa's super cool he [ __ ] your mom he [ __ ] your mom so hard her grandpa's just a cop he's an old cop he's been on the job for a while it's [ __ ] you let him die let me tell you about the pillar man all eleven years later oh so this is the this is the [ __ ] oh my god it's no Joe no oh this is cannon Kochi yeah oh no someplace when you do something yes [ __ ] finally Canon because because there's more stand users that are his pals so he's able to spend more time with Joleen my daughter turns out to be not what I wanted I should have tried harder let me fix that because I get to do that yeah I get to be a good daddy [Music] [Music] so arose strong his character I will ever invent he's the coolest and the strongest he doesn't scared of nothing
Channel: Mysterious Jojo
Views: 333,830
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tbfp, eyes of heaven, jojo, jojos bizarre adventure, montage, compilation, best of
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 122min 0sec (7320 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 19 2017
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