Best of Ari Gold Season 5 Part 1

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long time no hear but you got Bea Arthur answering the phones for you I'm in a meeting alright what do you want ah yes the Murphy group doubling in size the past five months to two clients I have three clients Ari well they're gonna pay him Wow all about the money these days makes me proud and yet a little sad that you've lost that prepubescent boyish charm and offer pending a meeting is not a [ __ ] offer Ari how long have you been in this town Opie and offer pending a meeting is what you get when you make a [ __ ] movie and haven't been seen this side of the border in six months we're living in a post midian world but amazingly enough if Vince shows up with all of his limbs intact and doesn't have some sort of seizure in front of Urtz we are back in the game okay you'll call your to have a little rift huh what playing the MIDI game blame game let it go like a bad piece of [ __ ] just forget that you smelled it and move on if he passes on this thing now he might as well be Cat Stevens doing butterfly strokes in the Caspian Sea searching for Mohammed if you need a kidney at him I'm not willing to donate but I am willing to watch you slowly die if you're looking for that kind of thing I'm gonna skull-fuck you Davies it's just did Ari what did he want - [ __ ] you Yoko get e on the phone so he doesn't even up to talk anymore I'm gonna mime yeah Tolls major Baird I don't know what this has never heard of these guys I found that one what you jerk it out a turtle's [ __ ] how long did it take for the air to clear from [ __ ] Chernobyl what do you want us to do wants to sit around and do nothing I thought you weren't gonna talk but since you are yes you should sit around and do nothing or maybe go to Vinnie's super-secret hideaway in Mexico and come back when you're tan or tall whichever comes first rusty [ __ ] bucket [ __ ] I wasn't laughing [ __ ] come on all right I'm calling you as a friend all right I need your help it's a really good script can you help me yes I can eat lawyer get the number for UCLA Extension so Eric can take a course to buy and learn how the movie business works won't help me Ari we share one client II we're never gonna share two walk on the projector pre-sentence yeah hmm what the hell can we fix this [ __ ] projector already I'm sorry man I'm so sorry I'm gonna hit the bathroom real quick can somebody fix the [ __ ] projector you calling to apologize I'm calling to tell you that I blame you for every bad thing that's ever happened to Vince and every bad thing that ever could happen to him for the rest of his life you're the unfuckin lucky charm you hear me you should never utter the words I found a good script cuz you have no idea what a good [ __ ] script looks like live with that and you know what this town loves a comeback and since Britney [ __ ] turns up it's all you [ __ ] me yeah I'm sorry buddy I'm sorry but holy [ __ ] we only use her money for the small stuff you know someday when you're done sucking on Terrance's tit you might want to get yourself into a man's car like this so here is $100 please put it in a brown paper bag along with a nice big pile of [ __ ] and send it over there excuse me human [ __ ] Lloyd right now that is really disgusting though really disgusting is going to be the American Psycho style dismemberment I'm going to perform on you if you don't do that right [ __ ] now what about doggy poo human [ __ ] Lloyd yours if it's easier otherwise go camp out in the men's bathroom or the women's bathroom whichever will have you but I need a specimen I understand that Eric but you need to understand that you are the reason he doesn't have one Vince needs a studio movie not an indie so don't waste my [ __ ] time with the possibility that maybe Ed Norton might read or may not read some [ __ ] script that may or may not be good because some half-ass agent who couldn't carry my sperm sample likes it okay yeah okay it's about that bag of feces you sent when Adam Davies today what about it that sounds like an admission of guilt to me come from Bill Nye hold on a second wait a min wait hold on a second there's when does that need someone to present a crime since we say it is mr. gold you are literally on some sick [ __ ] are me mister all if you cooperate we'll make this as pleasant an experience as we can for you not to be shared with mrs. Ari now I know you don't know the man code so I want you to swear on Tom getting gangrene on his [ __ ] that you will say nothing shattered world is what you get when you mess with Ari Gold well if you ask me Ari Gold should rise up and be the bigger man well unlike your world where the bigger man pounds the smaller man from behind offended on the world wide web this is a little-known piece of cinema called hardbodies 3 did you book that chopper breathe I go way back alright we call your therapist Adam Davies I'm looking for you David where are you Adam Davies it's your unlucky day baby Adam Davies bring your bitch-ass out here Davis you serious coming here like this our games are games Davies but that is the mother of my children so apologize or I will kick your ass in front of your entire deadbeat agency that is what we call it [ __ ] slap a [ __ ] slap for a [ __ ] what do you say we go outside and finish it off huh you are going down for this Ari I don't really care now you apologize for what you did or I'm going to knock you the [ __ ] out right here and right now I'm going to count to three one I apologize I can't hear you I said sorry nice seeing everybody again come on boy big gold you have disappeared the kids you know what Sarah take care of your brother mommy and daddy have a little calm
Channel: MrILoveEntourage
Views: 199,281
Rating: 4.6732893 out of 5
Keywords: Best of, Ari, Gold, Ari Gold, Endeavor, Miller Gold, Barbra Miller, Vincent Chase, Vince, Chase, Chase brothers, Johnny Drama Chase, Johnny Drama, Drama, Victory, Viking Quest, Lloyd, Eric, Turtle, Sal, Entourage Season 5, Season 5, Entourage
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 5sec (425 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 22 2009
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