"I'll settle for ruling Hollywood."

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so what are we here to talk about well this is extremely secretive everything in here is I'm buying a very big company Oh Congrats which he said wouldn't cost us anything this deal will make me the head of the largest agency in the entire entertainment business you said it wouldn't cost us anything well I didn't think that it would he said the company was gonna buy it I thought that the company could but it's been a rough year so you know we're a little strapped for cash but the bank has asked me to personally guarantee something twelve million dollars I think it's great that you do have such open communication about your money it's not our money it's her money oh and I just put up my money when we started this new agency and that was over two years ago and we still haven't gotten all of that money back yet and that doesn't concern you earn no because we're gonna make it back 50 times on this one you don't see it this way even if I did I don't see this as just about business is it about ego Ari well I've always dreamed about ruling the world but now that I'm getting older I would settle for ruling Hollywood oh it goes much deeper than that he's got enemies at this company he wants to buy I have enemies everywhere who are these enemies these are very personal conflicts he wants payback and I'm not sure he's thinking clearly what tell me about these conflicts Ari they don't matter your wife seems to think they do my wife doesn't know how I do my business but you need her money in order to buy this business that you want so why do you want it for revenge for a music department parents for a book department that I can pair with filmmakers Lloyd for sports stars is it possible that these people are the reason you want to buy the agency yes he wants to destroy them tell her tell her is it true do you want to destroy these people Ari okay yes if I could gouge out terrance McCue --ax I ball and eat them for what he did to me I would and I would sell that Benedict Arnold Adam Davies in a white slavery if we lived in a place that had a market for it and Lloyd that little Queen who I welcomed into my home and allowed to play with my children and care for my dog and who left me for those two scumbags I would tie him up and allow the entire Screen Actors Guild anally rape him if not for the fact that I know he would enjoy it I hate them all and yes I want to see them destroyed but that is not why I want this company I want I know I need this company because it's good business it's good goddamn business and if I don't buy it someone else will and that will be very very bad for my business and my wife of all people should know that when it comes to business my judgment is never clouded so please please support me like you always have and I will deliver for us like I always have what do you think I think it was a good speech yeah do what you need to do Ari really I love you can we hear it's me are it was Terrace this is reality I'm sorry over are you guys busy what what is this Ari well you made it unannounced pop over today and I wanted to return the favor oh this is not very discreet I hate discretion I want to put my cards on the table anyone want to see him everyone get out quickly so you've reconsidered I have but now for 100 but do you have an offer I do what's this it's a vagina what does it look like what's the meaning of this it means that I'm amazed as taking you this long but once again you have led a vagina get you into trouble what are you talking about Ari I think you know you and I have always understood each other without saying too much that's why we were so good together but you me and now you someone else and now I'm gonna you I don't know what you think you know well I know you got busted again and I know you don't want to sell this company in the middle of an ugly divorce especially with Melinda she's tough Melinda and I are great thank you how are you and Kelsey that stupid told you have you ever heard of a prenup oh you have one I'd kill my wife before I got a divorce and I tell you something this is my first marriage not my fourth what do you want I want to know if you want to make a deal oh not if you think you're gonna lowball me No everyone in this town is gonna lowball you once they find out you're desperate I'm not desperate I just don't want a battle 6585 that's my drop dead number not a dollar less I don't care what you think you know otherwise I'll open it up to bidding you open yourself up to your humiliation don't you want to be on a beach somewhere when nikki Finke starts flashing pictures are you trying to get your dick hard nikki Finke before I let her affect my business decisions 85 Ari give you 75 provided that after I do my due diligence I don't find out that you screwed up everything I did here yes or no have the papers drawn up ciao Donna wouldn't you like to know hey Lloyd if you're hiding somewhere go deeper because I will find you soon enough
Channel: Fazil Fuad
Views: 1,081,547
Rating: 4.8065953 out of 5
Keywords: ARI, GOLD, entourage, hollywood, agent, vincent, chase, jeremy, piven, i'll, settle, for, ruling, video, fazil, fuad, best, scene, dialogue
Id: Z3Yn8d8YZ7M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 3sec (363 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 07 2010
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