Best OBS Settings For Streaming | The Ultimate Guide | 2023 Edition

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what's going on everybody and welcome back to the channel today I'm going to be showing you guys the best possible settings you could be using in OBS for live streaming on Twitch YouTube Kik or wherever you are at but before we jump in let's give a shout out and thank you to our sponsor for today's video is the place to go guys if you're looking for some fresh new graphics for your stream whether you're on Twitch YouTube or Facebook gaming you'll find something that's a perfect fit for your channel they offer full themed overlay packages which are great if you're trying to give your stream a complete makeover but let's say you're just looking to pick up some new alert Graphics don't worry because they've got you covered there too you could find single Graphics such as alerts banners panels and logos as well and one of the best parts about most of these overlays is that they are completely modular so if you and your friends all pick up the same overlay such as this Rodan one right here you can change the colors and tweak it to match your brand and none of you will have the exact same overlay if you guys are looking to take your stream to the next level be sure to check out using my link below to support the channel I alright guys so I'm going to switch over to my desktop view and let's get started okay so I'm recording with OBS right now so the first thing we're gonna do when we want to edit our settings is we're going to head down to the bottom right here and we're going to click on settings this is going to bring up all of our settings within OBS so it starts us off in the general tab I'm going to go down each item and every tab on the left here and just make sure that you guys can see my settings so if worse comes to worst and you have no idea what you're doing you can at least mimic my settings and then tweak them later so in the general tab really the only important things here that we're going to take a look at is the theme make sure you're using yummy it looks great and I highly suggest it anyways really you could use anything you want but let's scroll down a little bit here one thing that I think you guys should enable here is Source alignment snapping now what source alignment snapping is is it allows you to basically kind of fine tune the sensitivity of when you're lining up Source elements on your stream so basically if you're trying to put your camera and then some graphics around the screen somewhere maybe your alerts and things like that it'll help you snap them to specific locations instead of it being completely free moved so that you can kind of line things up to to be almost perfect so my settings for that are 10.0 for the snap Sensitivity I have snap sources to edge of screen enabled and snap sources to other sources enabled as well and as for the rest of the settings in the general tab none of this will affect your stream quality by any means at all so we're gonna head over to the streaming tab here this is where you're going to set up where you're streaming too if you're streaming to Twitch you're going to obviously want to select twitch here leave the server set to Auto it'll Auto Select the best server for you to stream to and then right here if you're not connected if you're setting this up for the first time you're going to be able to click a button that says connect account you'll log into your Twitch account or your YouTube account wherever you're streaming to and then it will tailor your entire OBS to that you no longer need to copy and paste your stream key and all that stuff and then there's one more important thing in this tab come down to this little box right here that says ignore streaming service setting recommendations you're going to want to enable this check this box because when you're streaming to Twitch they cap your limit at 6K bit rate now if you're playing fast moving games fps's and things like that 6K bitrate is not really enough to keep it super crisp and clear when you're streaming in 1080 at 60fps so you want to enable this and I'm going to show you why later on keep watching next we're going to head over to the output tab first thing you're going to do in this tab change the output mode from simple to Advanced this will enable us to tweak a few more settings so make sure you're selected the streaming tab right here at the top and then going down right here we have streaming settings your audio track you're going to have it set to one most likely if you have more than that selected then you probably aren't watching this video anyway and you're probably doing something a little bit more complex twitch VOD track have this set to two I don't have it enabled so it doesn't really mean anything to me I would pretty much ignore this setting and like I said again if you're using these settings you probably don't need to watch a video on how to set up OBS you're a little bit more advanced so I'm not even going to get into detail when it comes to that your audio encoder your video encoder all of these things are a little bit more important so your audio encoder mine is ffmpeg AAC yours most likely is going to be the exact same thing but the video encoder is where you're going to have some different options right if you're using an AMD GPU you might have an AMD option here I suggest using that um it'll be like AMD h.264 select that if you're using an Nvidia GPU you're going to want to use Nvidia nvank h.264 don't use x264 encoding and the difference here is massive and can make a a huge difference when gaming and streaming at the same time so if you use x264 it's going to actually use your processor your CPU for the encoding it's a software encoding which is a lot harder on your machine this used to be the way to do it when people did dual PC streaming and things like that some people still do a PC stream I do from time to time but it's really not necessary with the hardware that's on the market today so I suggest using whatever encoder you have for your GPU if you're using an AMD GPU use the AMD encoder if you're using an Nvidia GPU use this encoder right here uncheck rescale output here even if you are down scaling to 720p we're going to do that later on so make sure this is unchecked as for your encoder settings you want to set the this rate control to CBR and you want to set your bit rate to 8 000. now remember earlier when I told you to check that box that said ignore streaming service encoder settings well there's a trick if you check that box and you set your bit rate to 8K no higher you will get an 8K bitrate on Twitch you can go check this out for yourself if you don't believe me and you don't need to be a twitch partner for this to work so set your bitrate to 8K make sure you checked that box earlier don't go any higher than 8K if you go higher than 8K let's say you go to 8 500. what will happen is you will no longer have 1080p streaming on your stream until you close OBS down and reset your settings 8K is The Sweet Spot you'll get 1080p 60fps 8K bitrate and it looks fantastic and if you don't believe me try it for yourself you don't need to be a twitch partner for this to work I know in my last video a lot of people were like oh you need to be a twitch partner you absolutely do not trust me on this try it for yourself and then comment down below that it works so other people believe that I'm telling the truth here your keyframe interval set this to two seconds your preset so this is going to vary based on your machine my machine I'm running uh an AMD 7800 X 3D processor yes I just switched over to AMD for my CPU um and I'm running a 3080 TI so for me I'm able to get away with using slowest uh if you have similar specs I suggest using slowest as well if you have a little bit less specs go down the list try slower try slow um you know one of these three options here should be good for you it depends really on your specs so try them all out try starting with slowest start streaming see if you're getting some choppiness or losing frames in game or your stream is your encoders being overloaded if it is shut your stream down try slower and go down the list until you find that sweet spot where it's working for you for tuning you want to have this set to high quality at all times multi-pass mode here's another one where you can kind of mess with it I have mine set to two passes full resolution you can tweak this depending on your machine as well you can go down to two passes quarter resolution the difference between these two options is negligible you really can't see it obviously if you can afford it your PC's resources are fine use full resolution but quarter resolution it doesn't mean your stream is going to be you know one-fourth the quality of before uh it's really really hard to tell the difference between these two so I suggest if you don't have a super high-end machine use quarter resolution your profile you want to set this to high look ahead uncheck this cycle visual tuning you want to check this GPU set this to zero Max B frame set this to two heading on over to the audio tab right here is where yours might look a little bit different than mine I'm going to explain to you why my settings look like this so for me I have everything disabled here except for one mic auxiliary audio device which is broadcast stream mix because I'm using a go XLR mini to handle all of my audio if you do not have a go XLR you're going to select default or your headphones or whatever ever it is here for your desktop audio whatever you're hearing things out of and for your microphone you're going to want to select your headset microphone or your USB microphone whatever you're using the reason like I said that mine is only showing one is because my go XLR is a piece of Hardware that basically takes all of my audio devices mixes it down into what's called this broadcast stream mix and that's the only sound going out to my stream because I do all the mixing on the hardware itself heading on down here you can set up an advanced monitoring device if you want to hear your stream back I don't suggest doing that right off the bat but anything else down here is really not necessary when it comes to the quality of your stream I could just say at the top your sample rate you do want to have this set to 48 kilohertz and your channel is set to stereo make sure this is not set to Mono if it's set to Mono people will be hearing sound out of like one earphone it's just an overall bad experience coming down to the video tab on the left hand side here so your base canvas resolution this is going to be what you're seeing what you're gaming at what your main monitor is I game on a 1080p 240 hertz display so for me I have mine set to 1920 by 1080 and then your output scaled resolution is what's going to be output to your Stream So if you want to down scale if you don't have that high end of a PC you want to stream in 720p at 60fps this is where you would select that right here output scale resolution you'd set it to 1280 by 720. I stream in 1080P so I don't have anything being scaled whatsoever your down scale filter if they match if your resolutions here match you won't be able to select the downscale filter here because you're not down scaling if you are down scaling to 720 I suggest using the lensos filter in the downscale filter list I can't click it right now because I'm recording so it's grayed out and then your FPS value you'd select common FPS values and you'd put in your FPS here everywhere you want to do 30 or 60 if you're gaming I suggest 60fps if you're doing more of a talk show where it's just your camera you can get away with using 30fps and no one would really notice next tab over here on the left side is hotkeys this is where you can bind pretty much any function within OBS to to a hotkey on your keyboard you can have your stream starting key your stop streaming your start recording anything like that change your scenes if you have extra keys on your keyboard that you're not using in your game and you want to bind them to functions in OBS this is where you would do that and under Advanced here we have a couple of different things that some people may use some people won't I'll give a really brief overview of this so process priority you want to make sure this is set to normal if you bump this any higher what's going to happen is your PC is going to start allocating resources more to OBS than to the game you're playing and you're going to start dropping frames and it's going to get a little messy so never change this from normal under the video section here the only things that I could say that would make a difference with the quality of your stream is your color space your color format and your color range now most people say that setting your color range to full is better I have tested both and I like the way my stream looks better when I have it set to limited it's a little deeper of a color when you set it to full you're going to get a little brighter of an image overall it almost looks a little bit a tiny bit Overexposed so I have found that setting color range to limited is the way to go here and then obviously scrolling down here these are some recording settings you can add an additional delay to your stream if you want right here and you can enable automatically reconnect so let's say you drop internet for you know a minute or two um your stream will not go down it'll automatically try and reconnect and everyone on Twitch or will see you know a picture of like ethernet core being unplugged or something meaning hey this streamer is trying to reconnect they dropped internet for a second it won't shut your stream completely down so I do suggest enabling this setting right here it will definitely help keep your stream involved and just in case you do disconnect they know what happened and then when your internet comes back it'll automatically start working again so there you have it guys those are all the settings you guys are going to need to start streaming on Twitch Youtube kick wherever it is that you're streaming you can basically copy my settings and then tweak them like I said to your machine it depends on the specs of your machine so these videos are a little bit tougher to make because I don't I can't really tailor the video to every single person's PC so all I can do is explain these settings to you the best that I can and say listen if your machine's a little bit less than this try this setting and I hope that this really does help you guys you guys have been asking me to make an updated settings video for quite a while now so if you enjoyed this video please hit that like button and subscribe to the channel turn on post notifications so you don't miss the next time I post a video and if you want to hang out with me live I do stream on Twitch Monday through Friday at 8pm eastern time at hammerdance I'll drop a link to that in the description below this video but thank you guys all so much for watching I want you to keep those hammers up and I'll see you next time [Music] thank you
Channel: Hammer Dance
Views: 324,054
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: obs studio tutorial 2023, obs studio tutorial 2022, obs streaming tutorial, obs studio settings, obs studio settings for low end pc streaming, obs studio settings for low end pc, obs studio stream settings, obs studio streaming tutorial, obs studio recording, obs studio recording settings, how to record with obs, how to stream with obs, best settings for streaming with obs, obs studio setup, obs studio guide, obs, streaming, best obs settings, obs settings, hammer dance
Id: csGhOVSrkLg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 47sec (827 seconds)
Published: Tue May 30 2023
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