Best NVIDIA Control Panel Settings for Modern Warfare 3! (MAX FPS & Visuals)

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today I'm going to show you guys the best Nvidia control panel settings for Modern Warfare 3 which should lead to a nice Improvement in performance and visibility whilst also making sure there's nothing outside of the game that is negatively affecting our gameplay experience so first things first open up your Nvidia control panel from your desktop and head to the adjust image settings with preview you've got three options here the one which we want to pick is use the advanced 3D image settings you need to make sure you've got this set so that when we move into the manage 3D settings area which is most of the settings we're going to be covering today those will actually apply in game if you start doing things like use my preference quality versus performance none of that's going to do anything so set this the middle option click apply and we'll be ready to move on before we look at the 3D settings a couple of other things to check firstly in change resolution make sure you've got your refresh rate actually set to the max refresh rate of your monitor the worst thing that could happen is that you have a 240 HZ or 144 htz and you're still running at 60 I still see this happening to a ton of people so come in here right now check the that this number is correct otherwise you're just completely missing out on most of the performance that your monitor can give in here as well you can check that you've got the correct resolution set 2560 X 1440 or 1440p for me it might be 1080p for you just make sure it's set correctly moving on to the adjust desktop color settings area the only thing I've changed in here is digital Vibrance which is essentially how colorful does your game look how saturated are the colors by default on a lot of monitors even if you've played around with the settings on them the game still looks kind of flat the colors don't really pop by turning the digital Vibrance up from the default of 50% you can get some really nice looking colors now personally I wouldn't go beyond 70% I think anything past that the colors just look horrible and just too iny face uh so I would go between 50 and 70% and find something that works for you now we're going to head back over to the 3D settings and run through everything in here there are two tabs in the 3D settings area the global settings and the program settings we're going to be doing everything today in the program settings so so that the specific stuff we dial in won't affect any other game in your system it will only affect Modern Warfare 3 you're going to need to select Modern Warfare 3 from the list up here if you don't see it here you can come over to add and it will take a little bit of time to load then I would recommend you go to A to Z and scroll down to Call of Duty HQ the one with the Call of Duty symbol if you played Modern Warfare 2 you'll see one with a Modern Warfare 2 symbol in here as well you don't want to select that one you want this normal all of Duty symbol then you just click add selected program and it should appear with the logo in the drop down here so the first setting in here is image scaling which enables your GPU to downscale your game and then apply a load of sharpening on it to maybe gain you some performance and make the game look better but honestly this does not look good in Modern Warfare 3 there is actually a way that you can change this image scaling to an image sharpening option which could be good for some people I'm going to cover that in another video if you want to see that leave a comment down below for now I would recommend you just turn this off because image scaling is not a good option to use and isotropic filtering this is something that you can actually set inside the game menus uh it's called texture filtering in there I believe and what it does is it makes textures look better when you're looking at them from angles that aren't straight on so essentially it just makes your game look better and it has little to no effect on performance whatsoever on any modern PC what I would recommend you doing here is force this to 16x so the best option this shouldn't any conflicts in game and I believe it actually makes the anistropic filtering even better when applied if anything you could put this in the global settings because this looks really good for any game but specifically for Modern Warfare 3 you definitely want 16x the next few settings in here are all related to anti-aliasing which determines uh how much we can remove jaggedness from the edge of objects that we look at in game the more anti-aliasing the more smooth everything looks we don't want to go and tamper with anything in here in regards to the this there actually isn't an anti-aliasing setting in game it's just hardcoded hard set we don't want to be messing around with that so for anti-aliasing mode make sure this is just set to application controlled let the game do its thing don't try and override anything in here you're probably just going to do something wrong and it's going to make the game look all kinds of weird then for FXAA I would stick this off because we're not trying to force some specific kind of anti-aliasing gamma correction in theory shouldn't do anything gamma correction hasn't been used in game in many many years and Modern Warfare 3 being a very modern game definitely doesn't use it so we're just going to put this to off as well and then anti-aliasing transparency you guessed it we're going to turn this off as well we're just letting the game do its thing in regards to antialising we're not trying to force anything from the control panel the background application Max frame rate setting allows us to set a frame rate that the game will go to if we ever alt Tab and do something on another screen in theory this sounds pretty good because if we alt Tab out and I'm doing something over here looking up the best load out on YouTube or something I don't want my game running at 200 FPS in the background I don't need it it can just come down to 30 or so however we actually have a setting in game that allows us to do this and that's going to work way better because it's built native to the game than anything we can do in the control panel so I would recommend that you force this off in here and let the game do its thing in regards to the frame rate for Cuda gpus leave this at the global setting of all in theory this won't do anything because most people just have one GPU these days they don't even have an integrated GPU on their CPU they just have their Nvidia or their AMD card you can open it and check that that's set in here correctly but for most people should be fine then Cuda sism fallback policy once again just set this to driver default we're not trying to overwrite anything here in regards to that moving on to low latency mode you've got off on or Ultra I still see loads of people saying come in here and set this to ultra because then you get ultra low latency and your game's going to feel great doesn't really work like that in theory what should happen is no matter what you set in here it will get overwritten by your setting of reflex low latency inside of the game which you can set to on or on plus boost however there are still some bugs going around that I've seen where people are setting on or Ultra inside of here and it's leading to problems in game it's leading to some sort of conflict in these latency settings so I would highly recommend you shove this up off inside of here and then control your reflex low latency setting in game now before we move on to the next setting I've got a couple of quick questions for you number one are you finding this video useful and number two do you want to see more of this kind of thing moving forward well if you do answer yes to both of those questions which I hope you do then why not consider subscribing down below it takes literally one click and you can come back and unclick it in the future if you do get bored but I've got loads of stuff in the pipeline coming for both Modern Warfare 2 and also the war zone up dates for ox stand that we've got coming at the beginning of December and you definitely are not going to want to miss it so yeah go down and subscribe right now Max frame rate allows you to set unsurprisingly the maximum frame rate that the game will be able to hit uh this can help make the game feel overall nice and smooth you're not having an FPS value that's going up and down up and down up and down but you can set this in game it's very similar to the background application Max frame rate which I recommended you turn to off and I'm going to say do the same thing here it's actually even more important to make sure this is off because the Nvidia control panel Max frame rate introduces more input latency than the in game one and that goes for not just Cod but any game that features an actual frame rate limiter inside of the game so yeah just force this to off monitor technology allows you to switch between fix refresh and g-sync g-sync being the technology that makes the monitor's refresh rate vary to stay in line with the FPS you're getting in game which should make latency feel pretty nice now I haven't gone into the depths of really getting g-sync set up with this game at the moment so for most people out there if you don't really know what you're playing around with just stick with fixed refresh you're just going to get that Max nice 144 HZ 240 HZ and we're not going to be messing around with that at the moment multiframe sampled AA or mfaa should make any instances of msaa anti-a lising look better however Modern Warfare 3 as I said earlier has fxed fil MI smaa built into it so you can't even use the msaa that this would help with so just put this to off it's not going to do anything so may as well put it off openg GL GDI compatibility as well as openg rendering GPU I would just leave these at kind of Auto or Global setting or whatever these aren't going to do anything for this game because it's not an open GL game it's running on directex so openg ain't going to do anything okay power management mode Let's get the debate going here everyone is is still saying to use prefer maximum performance because why not why not just get the max performance out of your games well it's been proven on many occasions that the benchmarks between normal and prefer maximum performance are no different you will always get the maximum performance out of your GPU when it needs it even when you're running at normal and by setting this to normal you will also allow your GPU to rest when it needs to overall power draw and power consumption will stay low fans won't be ramping up all the time when you're sat in the menus for no reason please put this to normal and don't wear your GPU out for no reason preferred refresh rate very simple put this to highest available we aren't running gsync in this setup so we always want the highest available refresh rate at all times now the next four settings in here are texture filtering settings the only one we're going to mess around with is quality the reason being if I change this from high performance for example to high quality it actually changes the other three settings automatically so we don't need to go and mess around with these now there's a choice of two options here that I'm going to give you you're either going to go with quality or performance it's been shown that the high quality and the high performance options cause more issues than they're worth basically if you want your game to overall look a little bit better but maybe lose a little bit of performance use quality if you want to gain little bit of FPS but maybe lose a little bit of that quality then use performance the differences are quite minimal so pick whichever one you feel try both out see what feels better for you I'm going to run with performance because this is a video about getting the maximum performance out of your game threaded optimization should allow the game to more efficiently utilize your CPU however you want to put this to Auto rather than on the reason for this is that putting it to Auto will only enable this as in when it needs to use it to gain more performance if you shove this to on and force it on all the time it might cause more issues than it's actually worth so safe bet is to just put it all auto last for you now triple buffering put this to off this will stop any kind of weird frame buffering that could be happening that might make vsync or gsync work better for our specific setup here and for most of you guys triple buffering not something we want to use vertical sink make sure that this is set to use 3D application setting that way if you decide you want to use vsync inside of the game don't know why you would apart from if you're running gsync uh well then it will let the game do its thing rather than trying to force anything in here and for all of us who don't use vsync it's just going to allow the game once again to control it and turn it off virtual reality pre-rendered frames unsurprisingly won't do anything because this isn't a virtual reality game it's not got any VR elements to it so you can just leave this at whatever it's set to it's not going to do anything anything and then the final setting in here Vulcan slop present method once again won't do anything because this game uses DirectX rather than Vulcan or openg apis as part of the rendering of the game so yeah you can just leave this at Auto to be honest that's probably going to be your best bet so now that we've dialed all this in you can come down here and click apply it might freeze a little bit and start flickering but when the apply disappears down here you know that everything's locked in you can open up your game and enjoy hopefully a smoother and better experience now that you've got those Nvidia control panel settings dialed in the FPS gains don't stop there so you need to go and watch this video next where I'll take you guys through the Modern Warfare 3 config file with all the changes you need to make uh the Windows settings that you need to change for even more FPS as well as some secret GPU tweaks that are known to help with performance even more
Channel: FourEyes
Views: 52,807
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Modern Warfare 3 pc settings, best graphics settings for modern warfare 3, best graphics settings for mw3, best pc settings for modern warfare 3, best mw3 settings, best modern warfare 3 settings for fps, modern warfare 3 fps boost, mw3 fps boost, mw3 optimization, modern warfare 3 settings for low end pc, best mw3 settings pc, modern warfare 3 visibility settings, best modern warfare 3 settings, modern warfare 3 settings, best modern warfare 3 pc settings for performance
Id: rtgO9GTMHeY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 54sec (774 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 18 2023
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