Best Graphics Settings for Warzone 3! Improve FPS, Visibility, and Reduce Latency

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ladies and gentlemen welcome aboard I'm TCAP X today we're going to be covering the best graphic settings to help you guys get faster FPS but without sacrificing visual quality that way you guys can have improved visibility and see enemies better going to show you some tips on how to make your game just look more vibrant and kind of more like pleasing to the eye and also reduce any extra latency you might have to give you the best competitive performance that you can get now I do want to start out and say that I have a very high-end PC and I definitely cannot guarantee you're going to get the same results as I'm getting I do have a 4090 GPU and a 13900 K CPU so some of this stuff is going to vary and we're going to talk through what settings might change depending on your setup if you do own MW3 the multiplayer version I'd recommend running this Benchmark at first to kind of get an idea of where you are and you do this by going into private match in multiplayer and then there's a thing that says run Benchmark and keep note of what your bottleneck is on your CPU and your GPU cuz we're going to discuss why that's important later so we're going to start off with the display settings for graphics here so first of all display mode for the absolute best performance full screen exclusive is going to be your best bet especially for reducing any latency if you have multiple monitors and you like to go between them and you're not like a super ultra competitive player full screen borderless is probably fine you probably won't notice the difference but exclusive is your best for Less latency display monitor is just whatever your monitor is display adapters whatever your GPU is so would only need to change if you have more than one GPU in your PC for some reason for refresh rate whatever the highest one available is what you're going to want to check I'll show you guys how to double check it set correct in your PC itself as well display resolution is whatever your highest one available is probably what you want to be I'm on a standard 16x9 1440p monitor so it's going to look like this if you're on a normal 1080 it's going to be 1920 by 1080 now if you're on a like an ultrawide monitor like not a standard shape or size monitor it might not be your 16x9 automatic should pick it up but you might want to look up your monitor specs to know what your aspect ratio is just so you get that correct for the display gamma if you're on a PC monitor it should be 2.2 but if you were playing on a TV especially if you're on Console then you would be on 2.4 for brightness I recommend turning this up just a little bit from the default 50 I like to do 55 but you could absolutely go even a little bit higher to 60 and this is going to help you see in some of those dark Corners just a little bit scrolling down here so Nvidia reflex low latency this is the one that matters when it comes to that CPU bound or GPU bound thing that I pointed out in the Benchmark if you are GPU bound which I am myself and the majority of you guys probably are you're going to set this to on if you're CPU bound though you would do on plus boost and FYI if you have an AMD card you won't have this option at all now the what this does is basically it's Nidia technology it's going to help reduce any latency on the system to figure this out one you can run that Benchmark but if you do not own MW3 multiplayer and you can't run that Benchmark another thing you can do is go to your interface settings go down here to your Telemetry it show more and turn on your GPU card time and your processor CPU time now now you're going to need to do this in game because this is not accurate in the menu here but whichever one is higher in game is what you're bound to So based off this it looks like I'm CPU bound but in the game My GPU tends to be even or just 1 millisecond higher actually than my CPU so that would be a GPU bound case so there are some eco mode presets which are meant to kind of like save power I have mine set as custom and I just have everything changed individually here for vsync gameplay and menus I have both of these off V usually leads to a lot of screen tearing and latency issues however if you are experiencing a lot of screen tearing you could try to turn this on but just know there probably will be some unwanted latency or delay if you do use vsync for the custom frame rate limit in reality I should probably set this to custom and I should probably leave this at 240 because I have a 240 HZ monitor so there's not really much of a point of me going over that uh I had it on unlimited because I wanted to test my FPS and go beyond that now when I'm in the menus or if I'm autof Focus which means I'm tabed out I have my FPS way down because I don't need 200 FPS when I'm in the menu it's just no point we let that time and use our GPU and see if you kind of cool down during that time Focus mode is a weird setting it creates like a blurry kind of black edge around the edge of the screen when you turn it up and I think it's maybe like a visual thing to help people focus on the center of the screen I recommend leaving this all the way off at zero HDR also you're going to want to leave that off in terms of performance and we're going to kind of adjust some of the color stuff later now moving on to the quality tab here so I have mind set to custom you're as soon as you change anything it's going to go from one of these and change into custom for your render resolution just leave this at 100 there's really no reason to turn this down or up because of other settings that we're going to adjust because of that so Dynamic resolution is an interesting setting I would only recommend using this if you're on a very low-end PC basically what it does is it will scale down your resolution when the PC is like overworking and it's trying to kind of boost your FPS to what you have it set I really don't recommend using this because the upscaling and sharpening features are generally better options than the dynamic resolution assuming you're on a average to good PC the majority of you guys are going to want to use Fidelity FX cast because what this does is it's going to make your game just look a lot sharper a lot more crisp with very minimal to no FPS drops as far as the strength goes completely personal preference you might see slightly more FPS drops if you crank this to 100 I'm on 75 this is completely personal preference so now if you are on a really low NPC and you are struggling for frames you could try doing Nidia dlss if you have a Nidia card and if you have an AMD card AMD FSR 2.1 this however both of these cause a lot of latency yes you will get more FPS it's not going to feel like you're getting more FPS it's just going to say you are up in the top corner there so really I recommend avoiding that and probably just sticking to Fidelity FX gas path tracing and Ray reconstruction ction if you're playing campaign you want your game to look super cool turn it on but if you're at all a competitive player make sure this thing is turned off vram okay vram is kind of a confusing one and hopefully I explain this decently a lot of people like to just crank this sucker all the way to 90 and they're like yeah more vram dude that's not always a good thing because it'll likely lead to more 1% lows or more like stuttering and hitching even on my PC I experienced that just a little bit more so I've benchmarked every different setting 70 actually worked the best for me I'm I'm going to assume most people are going to do better between 50 and 70 if you can run the Benchmark or just try to get a feel but you're probably not going to want to be on 80 or 90 this again this setting is is hard to explain because every setting and setup is going to be different depending on what your specs are variable rate shading is a newer setting I believe to Call of Duty this year and it's very very good make sure this is turned on from what I understand what it does is the center of your screen gets priority in terms of rendering and FPS and things like that and the Very edges are slightly decreased in terms of priority of getting like rendering so you're basically going to have a sharper clearer picture of that kind of Center and it's actually going to help your FPS so I would recommend turning this one on scrolling down here into details and textures for like 90% of you guys I'm going to recommend low very low looks like crap it looks like Play-Doh and I would only recommend that if you're on a Ultra Ultra lowend PC most people low looks way better and has much better fps performance the only reason I play normal is because I have a very high-end PC and my low 1% are literally better than what my monitor Max refresh rate even is so I might as well boost my visual quality because it basically doesn't matter for me I don't recommend High unless you're playing like campaign you want the game to look super good but normal to high the difference is minimal but normal FPS wise gets a very big benefit texture filto in anot Tropic uh this has to do with like looking things at an angle there's not much of an FPS difference here here honestly I could probably go to high but I've just got mine on normal just cuz what I've always run it but again low if you're on a super low NPC but probably normal if you're anyone else depth of field make sure you turn this off this gives this weird blur effect when you zoom your gun it is just not good for being able to see enemies detail quality level has to do with like the bushes and the trees and the grass it's not very important so I have that turned low because we're just going to get more FPS out of it particle resolution this has to do with explosions here and I'm going to actually move my camera over so so you guys can see that a little bit better so on low you see much less Sparks on high you see a lot more Sparks you can go to very low if you wanted to that's going to be your best for absolute performance I have mine on low it's not much of a difference FPS Wise from what I can tell but that's how I am bullet impacts really has nothing to do with FPS it's just shows the holes in the wall when you're shooting it I like to leave it on because if I'm looking at recoil patterns or something like that persistent effects is kind of similar to particle resolution and then it has to do with explosions and stuff I leave that off because I just don't see the benefit in having longlasting explos exposion effects in the game Shader quality is a very important one when it comes to FPS high does look really good and really pretty if you're playing campaign go for it but you're going to want to go low because it is a pretty big effect when it comes to your FPS on demand texture streaming will actually try to actively download textures onto your PC so that you can render things at a like higher level I don't think this is good at all for competitive purposes if you're playing campaign again turn it on but for better performance just leave this off there's not that much of a difference from what I can tell in terms of visual quality either local texture streaming quality though this one I feel like did make the game look better and I noticed no FPS drops when I did this if you are again on a super low-end PC feel free to turn this down to low though Shadow and lighting is another very important area just because Shadows tend to be one of the biggest things that has to do with your performance and FPS now when it comes from very low to normal yes you will gain a few more FPS on very low but Shadows start to look really wonky and bad here if you can see how like Blurry and Edge they are versus how crisp they are here when we go to normal they look pretty close to how they are on Ultra but way less FPS so I play normal again Lower nend PCS low or very low is what you're going to want to play with screen space Shadows has to do with the Shadows from your gun or your character so I like to leave mine on low just that way I can see because I believe this has to interact with if there's an enemy standing above you and they're making a shadow if it's off I don't think you will see that shadow from what I can tell so I like to keep it on low that way because there's been times where somebody's above me and I see their shadow and that's how I know they're there so that's why I like to leave it on low ambient occlusion has to do with kind of like other shadowing like you can look at the under the wheel here how the Shadows are not really big in terms of helping you see better I actually think you can see better with it off anyway so this should help you see better in dark Corners screen space Reflections again it's really pretty but not going to really help you in terms of performance- wise so we're going to leave that off and then the static reflection quality is another thing that has to do with the mirrors here again it looks pretty but not going to help you FPS why so we're going to leave that to low and then going down to the environment here tessellation has to do with how if you look here like at this little mound of dirt how it's raised versus the low or off it's like flat so it it helps kind of those like natural surfaces of like brick walls and stuff like that I have mind set to near so if I'm right up by it it doesn't look like Play-Doh but it's not trying to render it super far from all again for Max performance just leave it off but I have M set the near CU it makes the game look just a little bit better without much of an FPS hit volume extra quality make sure you leave this off this will make things like seeing through the fog and lighting a little bit easier this is with on high you can see those kind of light particles shine through a little bit more whereas over here it's just like a normal clear picture deferred physics quality and then weather grid and water quality we're going to leave all of these off again these all look really pretty but they're only going to hurt our FPS and they're not going to help us see enemies better either with any of these on moving on to the view tab which is the final tab of Graphics so field of view is going to be a bit subjective here I do play on the max maximum of 120 but do keep note that when you play Above about 100 you can start to see some FPS hits and decrease to your performance when you go above 100 if you're used to playing on Console back in the day in war zone 1 you might want to stick with about 100 to 110 until you get more used to it but me I like to have 120 because I get a wider fi of view and I can see around me much easier and pick up enemies on the very edges of my screen with ads field of view most of you guys are going to want to run affected because this is going to keep that field of view wide even when you aim your gun independent will bring that Zoom way in only when you're Zoom your gun it does have some benefits if you struggle seeing people at a distance you could try independent but you will have more visual recoil on Independent whereas affected will make that recoil seem like it is less because of that wider field of view for the weapon field of view I also use wide simply because this is going to push that gun farther away and it's going to take up less of your screen allow you to see enemies more in front of you when you have that gun down front of you third person there really is no third person in this game except zombies but I have it to the max vehicle field of view same thing I'm going with wide so I can see things wider around me if I am in a vehicle for camera make sure your motion blurs are off this is not going to help you see enemies it's going to make it much harder same with film grain you're going to want to turn this off this is just like a cinematic effect it makes the grein look kind of blurry and grainy not even sure why it's a setting to be honest for all the movements make sure these are on lease this is going to reduce any unnecessary shaking of your camera spectator camera make sure this is on game unless you like the helmet one but the helmet camera is kind of weird in my opinion you can also invert your flashbang if you want it to be your screen to go black instead of white so you don't get blinded when you're playing at 3:00 a.m. in the morning but I just leave mine off because I like getting blinded at 3:00 a.m. in the morning now after Graphics I am going to go into the interface tab here because I do want to show a few things I would recommend you turn subtitles off unless you like them for multiplayer that way they're not taking up your screen and you're in in your way at all like that when we come down to color customization though here this is something that you can do to make your game kind of pop and look a little bit better so on my mini map I actually have my enemies set to this pink color so I have my palette to custom and then mine is this kind of pinkish purple color I just think it's a little bit easier to see than the red there's nothing wrong with red this is totally personal preference I've seen some people set it as green because it stands out more to them again totally personal preference there on that one now when it comes to the color filter settings though I do recommend going to Filter 2 this is a color blind setting but it just makes the game look more vibrant and prettier I feel like you can see in dark areas a little bit better as well change your target to both and then also your intensity to 100 for both of those and the game should look a little bit more vibrant and pretty going down to your HUD bounds you can crank this in a bunch and what that will do is going to bring things like your mini map in closer to your screen so you don't have to look so far mine's brought in just slightly and I like it the way it is so I'm not going to mess with it but that is a good option to bring these in just so you can see a little bit better there mini map shape make sure this is on square square actually allows you to see larger than Circle if you have a set on there um recommend turning the mini map rotation and horizontal compass on for your crosshairs I do like playing with the center dot on and the center dot as largest just helps me with my centering as I'm walking around and aiming I like to have that larger Center dot but it's totally personal preference there few other settings here to cover really quick just to show you guys for my Telemetry this is what I use totally personal preference i' recommend you just leave these first three on at least that way you know your FPS any latency and pack loss if you're having any issues there and then just around out there is the rest of my interface settings as well so go ahead and close the game and we're actually going to open up our documents file so go to your documents and go to Call of Duty double click on that go to players and then it should be the first one it's options. for.cod 23 open up that if a prompt comes up and it asks you what to open it just do it with notepad here and where there's a few things we can change in the game config files that you it doesn't allow you to change in the game settings here the first one is going to be the renderer worker count and this is going to depend on your CPU here so generally what you're going to be doing here is the you're going to do this for the number of cores that your CPU has not the number of threads so look up your CPU so if you have like an Intel i77700 or something like that look it up and it'll tell you on the manufacturer website the amount of cores and you're going to put it as right here now I have an Intel i 93900 k the newer Intel CPUs are a little bit weird because their first performance score is labeled as P0 they technically have P1 through 7 you're probably fine to run with eight here but I've been told by some people that seven might technically be better I don't really notice the difference in performance from 7 to 8 but I just wanted to throw that out there cuz I know somebody's going to ask why are you on seven so to find some of these something you can do is you can just hit contrl F and then you can type it in so one thing you can do is type in blood here and for this first one here this show blood effects if you change this from True to false it will actually decrease the amount of like blood splatter that pops up on your screen here and it is nice because it's less kind of visual clutter when you're trying to shoot at someone you can also just below here at show brass you can change that to false because when guns are shooting at the shells you can turn that off so again it's less visual clutter next type in Cascade and this one that is sun shadow Cascade what you're going to want to do is you're going to want to copy this here exactly so contrl C and then crl V paste it into this area and this is going to help to do with the shadows and you're going to see really no change much in terms of your Shadow quality but you should get a pretty big bump in your FPS now another thing you can do is type in start to type in resize so I like reiz here I've heard I might speak incorrectly on this I've heard from several people that if you are on an Intel CPU with your resizable bar you want to turn this off so you can do this in the config files by turning this to false now other people have said you have to go into your bios and do this but I was told no that's not true you can leave it on in your bios and just turn it off in the game only so you might want to do a little bit more research on that if you feel like it but I have this off and my games I'm running great so when you're done with all that just make sure you do control save and then exit out if you have a Nvidia GPU right click on your monitor and open your Nvidia control panel here and I will show you a few things that help a lot when it comes to visibility here now really quick here just double check here make sure you have this set to the U Advanced 3D and that you also check this and pulls over to Performance here in your manage 3D settings I'm not going to go through and try to explain all these and act like I know what every single one of these does like to great detail because I I don't I will just scroll through here and you're feel free to look at these I have had these recommended by some other people that are a lot smarter than me when it comes to PCS so that's what I have but I can't guarantee it'll be the same because it might be a little bit different depending on your specs and Hardware here now go down to your change resolution here and make sure for your monitor that is one set to the correct resolution but make sure the refresh rate is set to the highest that it can go here see a lot of people will get like a brand new monitor and it's like a 240 HZ Monitor and they have it set to 60 and didn't even know so just make sure that is there my second monitor doesn't really matter cuz it's not my gaming monitor there moving down to the desktop color settings here this one is very important and this one I really recommend with digital Vibrance turning this up at least some I would say try going up to about 75% I play at 85 and I used to play as high as 100 uh when I exclusively played asika because of how just gray and dull that map is this just basically makes colors pop more but it also makes blacks not as dark from what I can tell and I feel like I see a decent amount better in Darker areas from turning that digital vibrant setting up there then go down to your adjust video color settings here and click on the width of video settings C on Advanced and then make sure the dynamic range is set to full and not limited and you should get like a wider color spectrum with that another thing too that a lot of people forget about doing and I can't really show this but if you go onto your monitor itself or your TV if you're a console player playing on TV don't forget that you can adjust your saturation brightness contrast all that in there so this is a really good tip especially for console players that can't go in and change all these crazy settings that we have access to on PC is change the saturation bring your saturation up a bit bring your brightness up a bit and that could definitely help with visibility a lot as well a few other things I want to say before I wrap up here I have had my PC overclocked and optimized by someone uh the person that I've worked with several times now his name is uh Papa season and I will link his Twitter and stuff he's been great to work with so far I'm not paid to say this by any any reason something like that but I just had my PC optimized and overclocked by him you know if you're techsavvy you're good with it go for it do it yourself but he did a lot of different things and just made my PC just run way smoother also helped with some streaming issues I was having with my streaming PC also helped with my internet so he was just a good guy that I would vouch for and recommend the other thing is I do have a paradox Customs PC again I am not paid to say this uh they are technically a team sponsor of the team I'm on but they've just been great to work with I've been really really happy with that PC so if you are looking for a new pc I would absolutely vouch for them as well and then the third person I want to kind of shout out is Art Is War if you guys know art he is responsible for the awesome custom audio tune uh that's going around in war zone he also I know just released a custom uh filters video that allows you to put a color filter on your monitor and it makes colors pop even more than that digital vibrancy tip that I talked about so definitely check that out if you want to play even more around with brighter filters and things like that but otherwise guys uh let me know if you have questions hopefully this video helped another quick shout out I apolog olog I did pick up a few config file tips from four eyes on YouTube he's made several good graphic settings videos that I've referred to and has help for myself so shout out to him as well and hopefully that wraps it up thanks for watching guys we'll see you in the next one
Channel: TCaptainX
Views: 298,240
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: graphics settings warzone 3, warzone graphics settings, warzone 3 graphics settings, best graphics settings warzone 3, tcaptainx graphics settings, warzone 3 settings, improve fps warzone 3, get more fps warzone, improve visibility warzone, see enemies better warzone, reduce latency warzone, graphics settings warzone 3 ps5, best graphics settings warzone 3 ps5, best graphics settings warzone 3 xbox
Id: yp40WLOjuvo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 41sec (1301 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 04 2024
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