[WARZONE] Why Does Aiming Feel So Bad in WZ 3/MW3? 16 FPS Games Compared

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[Music] today's video is about the aim in Modern Warfare 3 so this should really be about Modern Warfare 2 because basically the engine changes they made Modern Warfare 2 carried into Modern Warfare 3 and basically over the last few months there's been tons of people specifically mouse and keyboard players saying that the aim just feels off something just feels completely off about the aim and they haven't been able to put their finger on it and that's what the point of this video is going to be so most of the things I'm going to talk about in this video are not specific to keyboard and mouse but specifically the main culprit that I think is causing aim to feel kind of off in Modern Warfare 3 has a dramatically exaggerated effect for keyboard and mouse so we're going to go through this step by step I'm going to talk about the things that I think are causing this I'm going to show you guys the 16 games that I've compared going to be like OverWatch fortnite CSO pubg just all the most popular games over the last like 10 years we're going to compare them see if they have these things in them and I'll try to explain why I think what I think about what's causing this all right the first thing we're going to talk about is just aim sway this is not something new to Cod but later on in the video you'll see how I think it is different and changed in Modern Warfare 2 and Modern Warfare 3 but basically I just want to explain how it works to start with so basically it's a it's a two sign wave curve in the x axis and the y- axis with slightly different frequencies and it starts when you ads it's constantly happening in the background before you've even ads then when you ads it moves your aim to that point wherever it was ran l in that those two curves so you can see this right here I'll put the the reticle right on the head of this target at 25 M and then when I ads it'll be in a random point off the target so you can't really predict that you don't know where it is because you can't see it when you're not ads so that's just one factor that makes it a little bit more random and feels weird when you you you know you flick to a Target you're right on their head and then you ads and you're just not actually on their head because you can't see that aim sway so obviously I built this gun to have terrible aim sway to kind of exaggerate the effect but you can see that it's in a random point when I ads you don't know where it's going to be and that just really makes it more difficult to you know snap onto people's heads and that's something that keyboard and mouse um you know every other game has basically direct input pretty much so where you're aimed is where you think you're aimed and it just feels a lot more crisp that way a sway is not a new thing this has been in pretty much all the Cod games that had you know the ads mechanic and it's in almost all other games that have an ads mechanic as well I just think it could potentially work a little bit differently so I've written some on code to show what it does now so basically if I run this it's going to pop up with a curve that's going to start animating you can see that it starts in a random point just like it does in game and then it'll draw draw the curve I'll run this a couple times so you can see how it's just in a random point at the start so this one started up in the top left instead of in the bottom left um but how I think this could be changed is just make it always start in the center so when you ads have the the curves start essentially at T equals z with no phase shift so if we change this code to basically just a random sign for you know the the x- axis and the y- axis and then always have it starting in the center you're going to see it's going to look a lot better so I'll do that now so running it now you can see that it started in the center and just moved away from that when you ads so that's what I would like to see happen in game I highly doubt this will ever get changed because this is something that's been the same for a long time but this is just one of those things that it just adds to the randomness and for keyboard and mouse like you know trying to have little flicks and just consistent aim you can't really get that so if I run this again you're going to see that it's going to start in the center again and go up to the left but basically the way I want it to happen is it'll have a random sign for the X and Y component so this one started down to the left but it still started in the center so it can move away from the center point in some random Direction but we want it to start in the center so basically that's just setting uh the t equal to zero after ads animation's fully finished all right effect number two that we're going to talk about this is one that I actually thought was new to Modern Warfare 2 and then also Modern Warfare 3 but upon checking the 16 games this was actually also in Modern Warfare 19 and War Zone war zone 1 so I don't think this is the culprit for why war zone 2 and war zone or Modern Warfare 2 and Modern Warfare 3 feel so off but I do think it impacts it and it is an effect that will uh cause problems for keyboard and mouse players and controller players alike but it's just these effects get EX exaggerated uh on keyboard and mouse so this is what I'm talking about so when you ads if you move your mouse One Direction the reticle shifts away from the center of the screen towards that direction so if I move back and forth quickly here you should be able to see this the reticle kind of wobbling back and forth left to right off the center of the screen and I'll show you guys some more stuff here in a second that really uh you know shows this effect all right so basically I took a weapon with high zoom and measured this and this is the maximum deviation so the Green Dot was the center of the screen and then obviously the Red Dot is where the bullet actually goes when you fire and this is purely from Mouse movement or you know controller right thumb stick movement so when you're aiming quickly so if you're doing a flick or just tracking someone quickly your reticle is going to shift away from the center of the screen and make make your bullets not go to dead center on your screen and that is a very very weird feeling for keyboard and mouse players because it's just something that the vast majority of other games don't have it's almost always been since the beginning of time for FPS games the bullet goes to the center of the screen and this reticle shift away from the center will create almost like a mouse acceleration feeling because there's a slight deviation As you move the mouse at different speeds which is kind of exactly what mouse acceleration does but this almost feels weirder than Mouse acceleration because it's Mouse acceleration normally is just kind of smoothing your mouse input out a little bit which can feel odd but this is smoothing your mouse input out and also shifting away from the center of the screen which we've just never really had before in other games the reticle always the center point was always where the bullet went and Modern Warfare 2 Modern Warfare 3 and it turns out even Modern Warfare 19 had this and I just didn't realize it so because it was in Modern Warfare 19 I don't think this is the true culprit but what I think happens is all these effects get combined bined and Modern Warfare 2 and mod Warfare 3 just felt even weirder because of all the combined effects but the next one we're going to talk about is the one that I think is the real culprit quick note before we move on to the next one this deviation might not look like very much compared to like this target size but this is only a 25 M away Target and that is already about half the width of a head hit box so at 50 m it was basically the size of the head hit box and I'm going to show you guys some math later on that calculates basically what all these effects can do and how much they can make your aim and it's pretty crazy what the end result is so we'll see that in a little a little bit later the other weird part about that aim shift is that it it kind of works the opposite as you would expect so they basically did this because they want it to feel more realistic they wanted to feel like the weapon has like mass and can kind of shift away from the center of the screen and you know in real life when you're you're moving your aim the weapon has weight and it's going to be hard to keep it like perfectly centered in your eye so they kind of did that to try to make it feel more realistic which Modern Warfare 2 was like all about realism it seemed like and in my opinion it's okay if there are games that are based in realism that's completely fine but Cod has never been that and I think that's why a lot of people really weren't happy with those design decisions um so that's why they did it but what's weird is it doesn't work how you'd expect so in real life if you if you were aiming down aiming down sights and you mooved to the left most of the time like the weapon weight is going to make the weapon want to stay in the same place so as you try to move it's going to almost like fall behind where you want it to be and in the game it does the opposite so when you aim to the left it moves the reticle left of center when you aim to the right it moves the reticle right of Center so it's almost like the opposite of what I would expect all right last up this is the third reason I think aim feels really odd and I think this is the main culprit this is the thing that was new in Modern Warfare 2 it was not in Modern Warfare 19 it was not in war zone 1 and it's not in pretty much any other game there were only like I think two other games of the 16 that I tested that had this I'll show all those clips later on so you guys can see that basically what it is is it when you when you strafe in this game when you strafe One Direction the reticle shifts in that direction away from the center of the screen just like just like the aiming causes it strafing also causes it and those two effects stack so if you're strafing left and you aim left you shift even further off the center of the screen to the left and again I'll show math later for what that can cause as far as how much off it is at different ranges and how it can cause completely missed shots so this one feels super weird to me so if I'm doing my normal 8080 spam when I'm trying to you know not get shot trying to miss bullets from the other person this makes my aim go all over the place and it's it's enough that you'll easily miss a Target at 50 meters because of this so that combined with the aim combined with the aim sway all these things compound and just make you know aim that just feels really like floaty and and weird and for Mouse and key Mouse and key is a super precise input it has you have to be perfect on Mouse and key to hit your shots where has controller you can be just kind of close to perfect and just kind of get on the Target and let a assist Take the Wheel whereas this mouse and key is direct input what you do is what happens and because there's all these other effects that are going on in Modern Warfare 2 Modern Warfare 3 that's no longer the case and that feels really really bad Mouse and key players I want to quickly show that you can actually see this in the Crosshair as well there's a setting in the menus now uh that you can change so I'll search Crosshair Crosshair dot it's right here um basically you can turn it on off or static I think it defaults to on if you set it to static the actual Crosshair will stay perfectly still in the center of the screen even though that doesn't show the true aim point on moves that Crosshair around so I've got the center dot turned on as well so that Center dot you can see in the center of my Crosshair that is the center of the screen and then as I move the gun around you can see that my Crosshair my actual real aim Point completely shifts around that it doesn't stay anywhere near the center um it gets pretty dramatically off in some cases it's and this is all because of the weapon having like a mass now you can tell that they're trying to make it feel real um basically it follows where the barrel is pointing so if you strafe left um the barrel shifts to the right and you can see that the aim Point shifts to the right as I'm strafing to the left and vice versa and then when I ads and strafe it does the opposite so when I'm strafing left the reticle shifts left because the barrel shifts left when I strafe right the barrel shifts right the reticle shifts right so it's just a thing they're trying to make the game feel more realistic but I just I don't think that Cod is the game for that and it's just makes Mouse input feel very very strange when basically no other games do this there's some couple a couple milsims that do things very similar to this but cod's not a msim that's just not what it's meant to be so let's combine all this and kind of talk about why this feels so much worse on keyboard and mouse than it does on controller the first reason is just the keyboard and mouse is direct input it's perfectly precise you have to be perfect with it in every other game and but it's predictable so in every other game you pretty much can snap onto a head and get that head shot because you know that the Crosshair the bullet everything is going to be in the center of the screen this game that's not the case anymore so that's the first reason um controller also has the same problems but because controller is just a less precise input you don't really feel that effect as much second reason and this is the big one this is what really like the mechanics are different between controller and keyboard and mouse for this so if you remember what I said when you aim to the right if you move your aim to the right the reticle shifts to the right off offc center to the right of the screen you strafe to the left the reticle shifts left left so when you get rotational aim assist what does that do well if you get rotational aim assist As you move left the reticle shifts left because you're strafing left but rotational aim assist pulls your aim back to the right a little bit so basically you get the effect of the reticle shifting left for the strafe and then rotational a aim assist automatically pulls your aim back to the right which shifts the reticle to the right so that kind of counteracts the effect of the strafe which is why controller players just don't feel this as much as Mouse and key players because every time they strafe One Direction they get a count counteracting effect from the way the aim is turning in the other direction that's just right there keyboard mouse doesn't have that automatic instantaneous computer assisted rotational aim assist so we only feel the strafe mechanic because we have to manually correct for both moving to the left and the reticle shifting to the left whereas controller players only have to correct for about half of that that reticle shift because of the effect of rotational aim assist so I've been working so hard on tgd getting all the data getting native apps out for IOS and Android which are both released by the way if you didn't see that in the intro we now have native Android and iOS apps so you should definitely go download those but I finally got to play the game for probably four or five hours the other night I was just grinding rust trying to get camos unlocked and this was a situation that I kept running into somebody would be on the head glitch up at the top of rust and I play keyboard and mouse and I can just feel this effect happening where I would be tap strafing back and forth and it just made aim impossible and I could feel when the sway and the reticle shift would just line up and just make me completely Miss so this is a comp comparison of keyboard and mouse versus controller so we're going to start with keyboard and mouse and then it'll shift controller and I'll mention that so this is keyboard and mouse me just strafing not no input from the right uh the mouse at all no input from the right stick when it switches to uh controller and you can see that it just kind of it just makes it weird like this just looks odd now we switched over to controller and we have rotational aim assist on that guy the exact same strafe spam and the re just basically stays on the guy there's still aim sway that you have to correct for in both cases but because that rotational aim assist kind of counters the effect of the retical shift you just kind of stick on Target and it doesn't feel a whole lot different than previous games did but for keyboard and mouse it feels completely different and it feels super wonky now I do want to mention before I go further this this strafe retical shift away from the center of the screen this is a new thing we've always had aim walking steadiness we had aim walking steadiness in war zone 1 where as you walked the gun would bounce a little bit um but that never shifted the reticle itself to the right or left away from the center of the screen what that did was was it was a consistent Cadence of bouncing that you could predict and you could learn how to deal with but this is just just feels so strange because it it counteracts exactly what you would expect basically they've coup coupled your your character's movement to your aim point which is what the main problem is here and that was not really done before in this way it wasn't really tied to the rate at which your character was moving the rate at which you were aiming aim walking steadiness was just a consistent Cadence bounce that was learnable and predictable and this is not and also there are attachments that reduce the the aimed walking bounciness essentially and there's no attachment or anything that reduces this this reticle shift it just happens and you can't do anything about it all right let's get into the 16 game comparison we've got a lot of the most popular games over the last 10 years as I'm going through this want to remind you guys to sub to the channel I put a ton of effort into basically everything that I do for tgd we've now released released native IOS and Android apps you guys can download those um this video took a long time to test and edit obviously get all these 16 games downloaded and tested um but yeah just wanted to remind you drop a sub drop a like on the video comment on the video and let's get into these 16 game comparisons essentially the comparison is just me looking for two of those effects I want to see if they have the reticle shifting away from the center of the screen when you move your aim point and I want to see if they have the strafing effect where when you strafe the reticle shifts away from the aim point and we'll go through this you'll see that not many games have those and I think that's for good reason it just makes aiming feel really weird and FPS gam is all about the Gunplay and this just makes Gunplay not feel good in my [Music] opinion [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I know how you feel Gohan you are gentle you do not like to hurt all right so as you can see as we went through that the vast majority of games do not have the AIM movement reticle shift or the strafe reticle shift some have both the only ones that had both besides uh besides Modern Warfare 2 and Modern Warfare 3 are was Battlefield 3 Battlefield 3 was the only game in all of these all 16 of the games that I tested that had both of those effects and the strafing effect was kind of minimized in Battlefield 3 because it was so slow so like the problem with what's happening in Modern Warfare 2 is it happens so quickly that it's like very important in a gunfight to be able to correct for it and see that it's coming and understand how it's going to happen and how it works and I think that's the the core of the problem is that most these people that are playing mouse and keyboard in COD have played shooters for their whole lives they've played all these different games and they've gotten good at them and they're just throwing all these wonky weird effects into uh the Cod engine nowadays that seem to just be kind of trying to make it more random more more difficult to hit your shots and those things just really impact keyboard and mouse players more than controller players because it is a direct input what you do with the mouse is where your aim goes so it needs to be predictable and that's what's causing the problem with war zone 2 Modern Warfare 2 uh and Modern Warfare 3 is that it's just very it's starting to get very unpredictable and we've got this muscle memory from you know 15 years of using Mouse and key on different games where we didn't have those effects and it just makes it feel like your aim is off and it's all it is is game mechanics and I think that um I think that's the core of the problem all right I said we would come back to a spike cuz I wanted to talk about something else this is that thing so in Modern Warfare 19 when you would look at the aim Sway and actually measure the aim sway it looked exactly like this Python program it looked perfectly predictable it was smooth everything was the same um it was still kind of you know an unpredictable curve that was the nature of aim sway but for some reason in Modern Warfare 2 aim sway seems to be completely impacted by these two effects I've mentioned so how you're aiming and how you're strafing and just the gun movement in general is now like added to the aim sway almost so just the way the gun is swaying as it you know as it has inertia while it's swaying that is factored into aim Sway and you can see this so it looked used to look just like this and now it looks like this so this is a gun sway so you can see it's just kind of random and weird you look at the background sway so there's two different components there's the way the gun sways around and then the background scene behind it sways also so that's what the difference is here you can see even the background sway just doesn't look like that at all these are direct points I measured in the game um using computer vision program that I wrote and if you combine the gun Sway and the background sway you can see it looks nothing like that that uh that curve that I showed in Python so it's just way more like random and weird feeling now on top of just being aim sway itself where it's not where you're expecting to be aiming in when you ads so just wanted to cover that the weapon mass and inertia seems to also be affecting the aim sway of the weapons like I said earlier in the video I actually did the math so it didn't look like the reticle was off by that much but you'll be amazed how much it actually is off by when we look at at this so at what range does just strafing make you miss your Target because of this strafe retical deviation so if you strafe or aim strafe and aim movement so if you move the mouse or you strafe to the left both of those have the same magnitude of deviation it's 0.126 degrees um if you do them both at the same time you can actually get you can double that because they just add up so 0.252 um but what we're going to talk about here is strafe spamming so when you're strafe spamming you're going left right left right left right trying to avoid their bullets um you can go from you know 0.126 degrees to the left to126 de to the right so that ends in. 252 de being off uh out at distance so you can see that this this chart here or this this table here um this is the distance here so distance to the Target 17 M 10 m uh then we have half the head hit box size and half the chest hitbox size because you're aiming for the center of the chest and the center of the head so if you're off by just half of the size of the hit boox those those shots are going to miss um so looking at this as soon as the degrees pass one of these two numbers that is when we start to miss so uh the head hit box size is in this column so at 18 M we start to miss head shots um if we are strafe spamming so 18 MERS you start to miss purely from this effect that's super close um if we look at where you start to miss just strafing in One Direction so if you're just strafing to the left your aim is off enough at 35 M to completely miss a head shot so it looked like a very small amount but when you're strafe spamming or just strafing in One Direction out at longer ranges it has a huge huge impact and it just makes it feel like there's like the mouse acceleration there that isn't supposed to be there because it's supposed to be direct input Mouse is supposed to be direct input if we look at the chest hit box you can see you're hitting your shots hitting your shots all the way down here until 57 M and you'll start to miss at 57 M that is 0.251 degrees so that is the strafe spam Miss point and then all the way down at 115 M you start to miss chest shots just strafing in One Direction um from from this strafing reticle shift effect that that is in Modern Warfare 2 and Modern Warfare 3 the previous one was just for strafing so what if the worst case scenario happens and we're strafing left and aiming left we combine those two and if we're you know doing both of those back and forth then we have these two numbers the numbers just get doubled so 0 252 and 0504 degrees um so you're you can see that immediately before shorter than 10 meters you are missing if you're doing the strafe and aim back and forth in the same direction you will miss a head shot that's how much it is off by it would be somewhere around like 8 MERS you're going to miss a a head uh head shot from this this same effect and then at 18 M you start to uh even if you're just going in One Direction you're aiming moving your aim to the left and strafing to the left then at 18 meters you fully miss a head shot um all the way out to Infinity obviously and then the chest hit box you start to miss if you're doing this the strafe spam and aim back and forth um at 29 M so that's super short to miss a Target completely in the chest and then you start to uh completely Miss if you're just going in One Direction at 57 M so this is it seems like a small effect in the videos but it's actually really dramatic when you have an input that has to be perfect so what's the solution what do I think needs to change well I think it would be awesome if am sway when you ads in if your aim sway started from the z00 position rather than being random talked about this earlier but it starts in a random position jumps to that position and then starts following the curve which makes it impossible to predict it's just a Randomness Fe feature that I don't I don't like it would be possible if the phase shift was removed to just started at 0 that'll be the first thing I like to see change I don't think that will ever change because that was how it was in Modern Warfare 19 as well so I don't think that U they will change that I think that the aim movement where you move your mouse and the aim Point shifts away from the center of the screen I think that it'd be great if that was reduced or removed but that was in Modern Warfare 19 so I know that that's not exactly what's causing this um but but I do think it's the stacking effect of all these different things adding up so I do think that's part of it um I think that it's just that in Moder Warfare 19 we didn't have the strafe effect and the strafe effect is the big one so I would love to see WD and the left thumb stick just completely decoupled from your aim position entirely I don't think that what you're doing with your movement Keys what you're doing with your left thumb stick should make your aim move I think that because Mouse is a direct input we need we need that direct input to just be exact L that almost every game in history the most popular FPS games of all time have just left the reticle in the center of the screen throughout all movement and you know where it is it's predictable your shots will go right there um so that would be my that's what I want I would love to see them just decouple the strafe any sort of movement from your aim Point all right guys that's it for the video I hope you enjoyed it took a lot of time to make this video a lot of effort so I would appreciate you sub to the channel like on the video comment on the video we also have those native IOS and Android apps so get those downloaded write us a review we really appreciate it um but yeah I hope you enjoyed the video hope you learned something and I'll see you in the next one
Channel: TrueGameData
Views: 393,714
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mwiii, mw3, modern warfare iii, modern warfare 3, wsp swarm, bas-p, rival-9, rival 9, fennec 45
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 7sec (1687 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 28 2023
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