Best NVIDIA Control Panel Settings for Warzone 2! (MAX FPS & Visuals)

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today we've got the best Nvidia control panel settings for Warzone 2.0 to ensure we're maximizing the game's performance and not being held back by the settings outside of the game I've already covered all of the in-game graphic settings to make sure we're maximizing our FPS and visibility but the Nvidia control panel is another key part that a lot of people forget about that can improve that performance just that little bit more so open up the Nvidia control panel and we can begin with the adjust image settings with preview area bit of a mouthful uh we're gonna go for the use the advanced 3D image settings options the one we want to select out of the three here because the other two let the 3D application decide just means that we've got no control using the Nvidia control panel and use my preference emphasizing means that we're using some sort of preset most of this video is going to be the 3D settings in the manage 3D settings area so you need to make sure you've got this selected we're going to skip over the 3D settings for now because that's the bulk of the video we'll come back to that just for some other Quick Settings that are important starting off with and I don't want to make you guys sound like idiots but but uh come in here and check your refresh rate itself correctly for your primary monitor for me I've got a 240Hz Monitor and I can see here that it's definitely set up correctly the amount of people even friends of mine who have ran with 144hz monitors capped at like 60 hertz for a year and they didn't realize is actually insane just please come in here and just check this I don't want to make you guys sound like idiots but it's important next move on to the adjust desktop color settings we're only going to touch one small thing on here which is really going to boost the colors in Warzone 2. I will say Warzone 2 looks a lot better than Warzone one and the visibility is a lot better too so not as much needed as previously but in here with the correct monitor selected come down to digital Vibrance this will be set at 50 by default I'd recommend you boost this to around 60 to 70 it's gonna be personal preference but what this does is it just boosts all of the saturation all of the colors and makes your game look so much better this is going to be a globally set thing so if you do play other games it's gonna be set for those as well there are applications you can get to control this on an application by application basis but I do this for my games have it set at 60 it makes Warzone 2 look even better than it already does next we'll move into those 3D settings that we skipped over earlier and we've got the global and the program setting so what these two areas are if you guys don't know the global settings is going to be settings that are set for every game across the board whereas the program settings are going to be set on an application by application basis now I've got some optimized settings done for my Global but we're going to do most of the stuff today just in the program area the only thing we want to do in the global area is to come down to Shader cache size and only if needed set this to 100 Gig now why would you need this basically if you are crashing a load in game at the moment this is a well-known fix to fix the problem you can do this along with going in game and setting your cash size I believe it is uh to either high or Ultra this way you eliminate a lot of the crashing that's happening in Warzone right now what the Shader cache size does is it sets the amount of Shader storage space that you can have you won't ever get anywhere near 100 gigs so don't worry about setting it to that it's just giving it the available space and it just seems to make the game Crash a lot less this was found by some people on Twitter and it's been confirmed that it works out decently so yeah go try it out next we're going to head into the program settings area now I've got Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 which is the same as Warzone 2 obviously they're running on the same client um in order for you guys to actually add this in here you'll need to click add up here and assuming you've had the game running recently it should be on this list for me uh it's Call of Duty HQ it should be the same for you you'll know it's uh the location ends in cod.exe that means you know you've got the correct thing selected once you've got that selected click add selected program I've already done it so I'm going to click cancel but then it should be in the Box up here and we can begin with these settings starting off with image scaling you want to make sure that this is set to off in Warzone 1 I recommended doing a little bit of a tweak which allowed you to change from the image scaling to the old image sharpening which was really useful in Warzone one to boost a lot of the visibility with no FPS loss but in Warzone 2 I'm really seeing no need for any additional shopping we've got the Fidelity FX sharpening already in the game and everything's looking a lot more crisp so I'd recommend you turn this off ambient occlusion we can't set because it's not supported for the application and isotropic filtering I'd recommend that you Max this out at 16x I do this globally for all my games but we'll set it specifically to 16x for war zone two um anisotropic filtering is not a costly uh thing to set for any game it is a really really light uh and kind of visibility boosting uh setting that is really really good for every single game so maxing this out you're not going to lose any performance and you will get overall improved quality and Fidelity in game which is great why would we not do that then we move on to gamma correction make sure this is set to off uh this apparently doesn't actually do anything anyway in basically any game gamma correction hasn't been a technology that's been used in games for quite some time now um but we'll just make sure it's set to off here so it's not doing anything funny in game uh without us knowing for the anti-aliasing mode we want to set this to application controlled obviously in game we have two options we've got the smaa t2x and the filmic smaa t2x we want to let the game have the control over how the anti-aliasing is running if we try and start setting uh things in here I mean you can't even choose what kind of anti-aliasing you're running FXAA smaa msaa you can't even select it in here so just set it to application controlled and let the game do the work for you not something we want to control in here for anti-aliasing transparency just to keep this to off once again this is kind of like the anti-aliasing mode we don't want this to be controlled by the Nvidia control panel background application Max frame rate my Global setting is on because globally there's a lot of games that don't actually allow you to do this in-game however Warzone does there is a setting where you can customize your frame rate I mentioned it in my in-game settings video where you can set it so that when you alt Tab out of the game it limits the FPS and because of that I'm going to set this to off I'd recommend that you guys do the same set up a max out of uh out of application frame rate limit inside Warzone and then switch it to off from the Nvidia control panel settings there's no use application controlled which is what I'd more expect to see but this just means that the game setting overrides anything that we're having happening here and you don't get some weird frame rate limiting happening conflict that wouldn't be good Cuda gpus in general you should just be able to leave this at uh all if you've got multiple gpus just make sure you've got the correct one selected but really in this day and age most people just have one GPU so you can just leave this as default low latency mode a lot of people will come in here don't think that on or Ultra are the best options not the case put this to off in Warzone we have access to reflex low latency by Nvidia and we can set that to either on or on plus boost in game when we're doing that in order to get the best results from that we need to make sure that low latency mode in the Nvidia control panel is set to off this is specific for any game that has reflex low latency built into its settings if that wasn't there in game we would set it here instead and it would force it but you can get some weird conflicts and weird latency issues from having it set on in here so keep it off Max frame rate this is going to be exactly the same as the background application Max frame rate we have a frame rate limiter in game the in-game frame rate limited will give you the best frame times and the best latency if you're ever going to limit your frame rate so I would recommend you keep this to off in the Nvidia control panel so we don't get any more conflicts moving down opengl GDI compatibility just leave this as Auto this is something which doesn't really do anything for war zone 2 anyway so just leave it to Auto so we're not causing any conflicts and then with opengl rendering GPU once again you can just do Auto Select I'm for good measure gonna select my GPU just to ensure that it's not trying to weirdly select anything else in my system even though there's nothing else there just for good measure select the GPU that you want to use then we go to power management mode everyone here is going to go wow prefer maximum performance I want performance that's what I want tonight put this to normal this has been proven uh by many many benchmarks that setting to normal gives the GPU all the performance it needs all you're doing by running a prefer maximum performance is you're maxing out the clocks on it at times when it does not need to be running on at that level and you're just hiring out the GPU over extended periods of time Nvidia themselves have said that when you put this at normal it will make your GPU run as optimally as possible and you will not see any performance impact having prefer maximum performance on you're just running your GPU into the ground for no reason so keep this to normal preferred refresh rate set this to highest available ensures that we're always hitting that refresh rate that we set earlier you know we haven't got it accidentally limited to 60 hertz on 144 Hertz that would be bad then we come down to this area of four different texture filtering options you're only going to touch one of these and that is the texture filtering quality setting and in here you're going to pick one of two things you're either gonna pick quality or performance basically if you want a little bit more Fidelity a little bit of a nicer looking game overall but maybe a little bit less performance like a tiny bit potential quality if you are just a complete performance hog you just want all the FPS you want all the performance then performance is the same you want to put on high quality and high performance are both known to cause a load of different bugs in a bunch of different games I haven't done all the in-depth testing for Warzone 2 but in general it's recommended that you do not touch these options what you'll see is as you change between quality and performance the other three settings around change specifically this anisotropic sample optimization with quality on it turns that off with performance on it turns that one on I prefer FPS so I'm going to run performance and that's what I'd recommend most of you do but quality might work out better for some of you guys who want your game to look a little bit more crisp next we'll move to threaded optimization just leave this at Auto this is a bit of technology which will be used as and when it needs to be used you don't want to force this on all the time or anything like that just set it to Auto let the game do its thing and use it as and when it needs it triple buffering make sure this is set to off this is not a setting we want to tamper with and it's kind of to do with uh frames and vertical sync and that kind of stuff and it's not something we want for war zone 2. vertical sync speak of the devil put this to use 3D application setting don't try and force it off in here don't try and force it on or anything just put it to use the 3D application setting this way if you've got it off in game it will just be off if you've got it on in game for a g-sync related uh setup then it will it'll do its thing just let the application control it it's it's so much easier down down the line to not have to come back in here and change it every time you want to mess around with g-sync or anything virtual reality pre-rendered frames this isn't going to do anything because it's not a virtual reality game so leave it as whatever it does not matter and lastly Vulcan opengl present method just leave this at Auto once again not something we want to touch in the control panel for zen2 after all this we're just going to click apply it might lag a little bit it'll do a bit of flashing and then we've got it applied and ready to run the game and with all that finished we've got an optimized Nvidia control panel setup that's going to run nicely with the in-game settings that I covered last time if you guys haven't seen that video be sure to go and check that out next so that you get the maximum FPS invisibility possible in Warzone for season one see you later guys
Channel: FourEyes
Views: 322,963
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: warzone 2 nvidia control panel settings, best nvidia control panel settings for warzone 2, warzone 2 pc settings, best warzone 2 settings, best graphics settings for warzone 2, best pc settings for warzone 2, warzone 2.0 settings, best warzone 2 settings for fps, best warzone 2 settings for visibility, warzone 2 optimization, warzone 2 fps boost, warzone 2 settings, warzone 2 max fps, warzone 2 settings for low end pc, warzone 2 visibility settings, improve fps warzone 2
Id: nWGbFRje6sM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 28sec (748 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 22 2022
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