Columbo Investigates The Most Crucial Game | Columbo

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L tell it you're going to find this was an accidental death God forbid it's anything else your phone's a bug too they don't even work in that area I guess you just can't help yourself okay why don't you get yourself an empty seat or take the girl to the movies or something I won't need you at all this afternoon thanks Mr H right plenty of isce okay you scoot now yes sir Eric Eric is that you uh I'm not sure listen Paul who the I mean what do you mean calling me up like this get this straight you can't make up your mind on third down you call me on a field [Music] phone after Sunday fans today all holds [Music] are and it is on the 2 yd line hello yeah Eric it's Paul again uh I got the radio on here in the Box I guess it's a little loud yeah how'd you get here what are you doing wearing [Music] it [Music] coach yeah's nobody answering your field phone I'm been trying to reach you what happened here anyway the decedent's name is Wagner owns this place saw some blood and here sever con you see that uh what time do you think this thing happened h he's been dead about an hour now let's uh put it around uh 2:30 from the water that splashed in the decking he must have been diving he slipped in the board and that contusion would have knocked him unconscious how do you know what happened on the board I mean there's water up around the steps too I've seen it a dozen times officer is there a gardener it's private box Mr well I knocked you are Mr Paul hin aren't you I've seen your pictures in the newspaper well Eric Wagner was found dead a little while ago in the swimming pool I just talked to him he did called him from here before the game and I called him again a little time later looked like Mr Wagner had some kind of a party out there last night I don't think that's any concern of yours Lieutenant any more than it is mine you've done your duty that's enough is it well I did kind of wonder about the pool service by any chance you don't happen to know whether they come to the Wagner house on Sundays I don't know if any Pool Service it works on Sunday at all why oh there was just this water around the pool decking oh that's normal for there to be water around the pool isn't there yes sir but not fresh water no chlorine in it so his death was an accident there must be some simple explanation well that's why I said it looked like an accident sir because if someone had used a hose around there like to maybe hide something or make it look like Mr Wagner was diving well that's my problem sir red courtesy [Music] telephone can't talk to you go back you following me well sir it just seemed like a funny place to make a funeral Arrangement you know you sort of caught me by surprise back there I mean making that telephone call right after you told the girl back house you didn't have time to talk to anybody that's why I was on the phone I was calling off a meeting in Montreal for tomorrow Lieutenant you're going to find this was an accidental death and if God forbid it's anything else and then it was one of those crazy hippie girls he was mixed up with you see that's another thing I wanted to tell you about sir we located every girl that was at that party there are no leads there at all nothing so it looks to me like uh we're just going to have to look to someone else well you see we turned up a neighbor's kid who's reported seeing a dingling ice cream truck in the area around 2:30 that's just about when Mr Wagner would have died I called a dingling ice cream company they don't even work in that area so that's a what I call a loose end and it's something I got to tie up I told you I called Eric from the box just before the game I called him again from the Box about the end of the first quarter unfortunately the telephone company's records can't prove that that's not my problem is it no sir that's my problem it's also my problem to find somebody who might even have a motive to kill Mr wagon you looking for something hold it right there just raise your hand now wait a minute officer this isn't what it looks like it's all right he won't have a gun just get his Walling thank you sir well what do you know license and everything course I got a license my name is Ralph DBS don't feel bad could happen to anybody you see some of these these bugs have frequency leakage you don't put them in right it affects the other electrical systems that's what happened to you he take it easy will you those things are expensive sorry won't happen again anyway you put it in wrong that's all when they Ed the telephone it affected the radio I noticed the static but don't feel bad I didn't know anything about this myself till I had trouble with my TV when my wife used the haird dryer so the electrici he explained them you find this boring and tell me who told you to take out those bugs come on tenant you know my client's name is privileged information now I have a perfect right to keep his identity a secret I've got a perfect right to arrest you for breaking and entering not to mention illegal wi tapping so for the sake of that license of yours Mr DS who hired you Mr Hamlin those phones were bugged bugged and I'll admit that for a while I thought you had something to do with it so we checked your office and you know what your phone's a bug tub and by the same equipment and by the same man apparently they've got tapes of all your conversations for the past two weeks you want to see me been listening to that thing that's the last phone call 100 times nothing and let strike you funny man's watching a football game makes a telephone call just when they call pass interference against his own team and the two yd one maybe it can prove he wasn't really there in the meantime I got to have my equipment you see that's my problem can't prove where hland was that's why I'm listening to this trying to hear a sound something that doesn't belong there maybe he made the phone call from someplace else you ever think of that some place where there was a radio broadcasting background noises boat whistles dogs barking things like that just can't see listen will you go find yourself another suspect a come on Lieutenant Mr Paul hanlin did he make a reservation for Sunday for Montreal is that the game with the c boy the number of times I heard these guys voices over and over over and over still can't find it you know what it's like like you have hold of half or something and you can't get a hold of the other [Music] half offs back to passy goes to open in the flat he's complete to the all right Columbo now what do you want uh I've got something to show you sir won't take long Columbo I'm trying to watch this game what what is it you know you did the same thing the first time I came in here last Sunday I guess that's what started me wondering I did what you turned the radio down but not quite off when I told you that Eric Wagner was dead it's all right I do the same thing you know when I'm listening to the game and my wife interrupts I can't help myself however when I told you about the fresh water on the decking when I told you that Eric Wagner might have been murdered you know what you did turn the radio completely off well I thought I struck a cord or something no Columbo you struck out now will you please go find somebody else to pester I won't take long sir actually I just came here to talk about miss rosi when I saw the type of woman that she was it suddenly occurred to me why you were in such a hurry to rush out of that house and get to an outside phone and the only reason that could have been was because you already knew that the phones in that house were bugged you didn't know didn't you and I'm sure m rosi is going to do a lot more talking when she knows that this is really a murder and it really is Sir this is a murder case there is no question about it look he did it again I guess you just can't help yourself colum I'm going to throw you out of here on your ear I wouldn't do that sir I mean you'll miss the best part you see I'm not finished if you knew that house was bugged then you also o knew that you could use those phones to set up your perfect Alibi oh yeah I knew until I broken that alibi none of these other things would mean much but now look they scored a touchdown but now what you don't mind listening to last week's game again do you sir why well just by coincidence happens to be exactly the same time that you made that second phone call to Eric Pion back in their exactly 229 just a minute or two before he was murdered you know I L to this thing I can't tell you how many times over and over again figuring maybe I'd hear something that shouldn't be there some sound that shouldn't be there an ambulance a fire Tru like if you were in a phone booth something but you didn't because it isn't there I made the call from this booth from that phone's no I had it backwards what are you doing now maybe there was a sound that should be there the radio on here in the Box I guess yeah so how are my Gladiator like what getting murdered something right in front listen is your head clear yet what kind of sound oh sh I'm not by the pool now but are you in it yet will 20 more laps satisfy you I told you I'd be ready didn't I now get off my back Handlin pick me up at 5:30 you got that just one more [Music] thing
Channel: Columbo
Views: 80,937
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: columbo the most crucial game plot, columbo the most crucial game characters, columbo the most crucial game filming locations, columbo robert culp episodes, columbo the most crucial game full episode, columbo the most crucial game imdb, columbo robert culp football, Columbo, Lieutenant Columbo, Peter Falk, Howtocatchem, Whodunit, Murder Mystery, William Link, Basset Hound, Detective, Giallo, Mystery, Classic TV, Los Angeles Police Department, Patrick Williams, columbo Full Episodes
Id: ji_XUUCyyZA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 52sec (712 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 05 2023
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