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all right suppose she did die on the bathtub so joseph surprised her and killed her he dressed the body and threw it in the pool to make it look accidental so no sir that's not possible hit that radio you know why you see the bathroom the bathtub the faucet itself everything was bone dry including the towels not even slightly moist that was the first thing i checked sir no she had to have drowned before six maybe even before five otherwise i wouldn't been that dry long before jessup got there as a matter of fact just about the time that you came home for supper listener i believe you killed your wife and i believe he either killed janus called well you're covering up for it [Music] you just lost your badge my friend [Music] come on come on keep digging at first i thought mr corbin was responsible but that didn't work out because of the nightgown business and then the next night when your wife was killed and you had that terrific alibi then it suddenly hit me you were in it together and you're trying to blame what he joseph and the truth is that jessup was nowhere near either house either night commissioner it wasn't man all right how do you explain these janice caldwell's jewels i can explain it now you took him from the caldwell house you hit him and today you planted them here to incriminate mr jessup you're crazy you can't prove anything like that sergeant randall here's her you commissioner halpin says he found those jewels under your mattress that's crazy you're a liar hey i don't even live here what i can verify that he doesn't live here i live here these are my shirts that's my underwear my brother-in-law it's my nephew my niece i haven't lived there long just moved in you see the apartment was vacant for three weeks i just signed the lease you looked in the closet those were my pajamas in my bathroom the file folder the report on the desk yes sir i'll have to take responsibility for that you see i persuaded mr jessup to telephone mr caldwell knowing that caldwell would contact you i was sure that once you know the true identity of the burglar you try and incriminate him so this morning very early just after i signed the lease i made up a new file folder on mr jessup everything was the same except this address only one person beside myself knew this address that was you sir [Music] for this table where'd you find those linen closet and the hallway edna how could you oh damn believe me i have no idea how they got there you better not say another word but even up he's right you intend to charge her formally captain it's up to lieutenant colombo it's his case what do you mean it's his case i thought he was we know what you thought mr kingston lieutenant well i think we can get started with the fingerprinting let's get the kid but careful there be very careful gee there's something aren't they pastels you know may ask what this is all about lieutenant both of them lieutenant oh mr kingston uh yes just give us a moment please do you mind we're getting a few good i'd like an answer if you don't mind uh well i'd have to start with your uncle's will what about it well you see he pulled a rug out from under you when he left his collection of mrs matthews so you uh only had one thing that you could do murder him and blame it on her i hope you realize the full import of what you're saying lieutenant there are witnesses here you see under the law anyone who criminally causes the death of someone else can't inherit from that person is that right mr simpson that's correct so if mrs matthews is convicted you're next in line everything goes to you that's why you planted the gun and that's why you planted the wrapping paper and that's why you planted these paintings dale i can't believe it now but you'd like to wouldn't you get you right off the hook all right lieutenant you claim that i planted these paintings suppose you prove it can we yeah yeah with fingerprints sorry to disappoint you lieutenant fingerprints won't help you at all my fingerprints are all over those paintings my uncle and i unwrapped them when they came back from the exhibit i told you didn't i i told you myself they're covered with my prince no we're not looking for your prince what do you remember the time that i was in your apartment and you came in with some paintings and you said that they were watercolors and you wanted to evaluate them and remember i wanted to see him and you wouldn't let me and i even touched him you touched yes my fingerprints are on those paintings now if mrs matthews is guilty how could my fingerprints get on paintings that she stole this is entrapment it's a setup that's all you you you touch those paintings just now while i wasn't looking you saw him do it didn't you you put your prints on those paintings while you were bent over watching when they were working on it he touched them you thought you'd [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] they were all ruined weren't they well these are just some inferior wines uh i was trying to chat up the soul 1938 inferior well a great label doesn't always denote a great wine you thursday the 20th that's what did it sir you know it got very hot in that vault with the ventilation turned off but that one day that thursday it hit 109 degrees outside so inside the temperature went way up over 150 degrees wine overheated that was it that's why i mentioned that hot day outside the restaurant i knew it would ring a bell i figured you'd have to get around to disposing of the wine sooner or later i must be killing you to throw all this stuff away yeah you have no idea it's like how did you know [Applause] how did i know what else here do you mind if i smoke i don't know i did a terrible thing here you remember that day when we were in the vault and i kept saying if somebody got locked in here there would be no way for them to get out and in order to prove me wrong you closed the door and you left me in there alone well i took that opportunity to steal a bottle of port your port ferrier vintage port 1945. that's right sir that bottle of wine in the restaurant that was your wine see the wine stewart was in on it and you did the rest i certainly did not yeah that's ironic sir well i am probably one of the few men in the world who could have told you that wine was spoiled and and told you it was because it was overheated yes sir it required a very delicate palette 109 degrees is that some kind of a record for that day in the year no sir 1938 111 in 1870 the weather bureau doesn't keep records before then that's a pretty i would have liked it to be a record [Music] shall we go uh we'll take my car sir it's parked right around the corner i'll send somebody to pick up yours do i get a confession oh yes i'll confess there's no remorse attached to it's a great weight off my mind as a matter of fact why is that while you see you karen that guessed the truth she was turning with thumbscrews on me she's quite a little iron maiden that lady i guess the freedom is purely relative [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] who's going to look after all this the grapes and plant it'll go answer it's the only place in my entire life where i was ever really happy i took the liberty bringing along a surprise [Music] monte fiasconi that's an excellent dessert wine i was hoping you like it and very suitable for the final course you've learned very well lieutenant thank you sir that's the nicest thing anybody's ever said to me [Music] just one more thing [Music] you
Channel: Columbo
Views: 825,903
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Columbo, Lieutenant Columbo, Peter Falk, Howtocatchem, Whodunit, Murder Mystery, William Link, Basset Hound, Detective, Giallo, Mystery, Classic TV, Los Angeles Police Department, Patrick Williams, Columbo Full Episodes, columbo ending, columbo endings, columbo ending scenes, columbo endings youtube, columbo great endings, columbo final scene, columbo finales
Id: Rfw3E232PeI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 33sec (873 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 21 2022
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