Best MasterChef Canada Season 1 Moments | MasterChef Canada | MasterChef World

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first to audition is danny a proud portuguese canadian food is a huge deal in a portuguese house my dad is a european chef he taught me everything i got some crazy knife skills i'm gonna blow everybody out of the water each home cook has only five minutes to finish plating their signature dish if two of the three judges think they've got what it takes they will receive the coveted masterchef canada apron and the chance to move ahead in the competition how are you guys excellent so what's your name my name is danny great you have five minutes thank you and what are you making today i'm making pan-seared chorizo with a spicy portuguese rice and a beer mustard reduction sauce what do you do i'm a high-rise construction worker wow how high do you go 60 floors sometimes and that doesn't scare you uh no not at all i do not do heights that's a lot of butter you put in the pan what's the plan there just gonna put some beer in there okay mustard also mustard in a plastic bottle you know a bit skeptical did you make that chorizo yourself yes it takes me three days how's your sauce doing yeah it's a little buttery just put more mustard and put more salt and pepper in that's not hard [Music] taste as you go right taste it again all right we gotta close this deal you happy with that no i'm not so i think i'm just going to leave it off [Music] i don't want to give you something that i'm not happy with so was this hand cut all the meeting here yes thank you chef [Music] i'm looking forward to this because you made it yourself yes the sauce it's horrible i would never serve that to you sauce yes sorry sauce sorry chef sauce sauce that's the game winner there you're very proud of your sausage aren't you yes very proud it's old recipe it came from my grandmother thank you chef [Music] danny for me the dish fell short so it's a no but thank you for what you did portuguese families they're very tight yes give me supporters here yes we'll go get them follow you come in [Music] this is my family this is why i'm here the chorizo was awesome apparently that's a recipe that's been passed down yes she says yes yes it is very good well if she says yes then i say yes thank you chef [Music] i was looking forward to that beer and mustard sauce that sauce would have made this dish perfect but unfortunately it blew the sauce [Music] but you know something i like the chorizo that's good it's a yes [Music] this is what i've wanted all my life dream big it's my model keep this just in case the next home cook to try for an apron is one of the youngest in the competition 21 year old eric a recently graduated chemical engineer with asian parents you have three options doctor engineer or get beaten i end up being an engineer this is the one chance i have to escape what i studied for and actually do something i'm passionate about and what are you making today eric my dish is called this is ducking awesome i'm making pans here duck breast on a bed of rice whether my take on a red thai curry sauce got five minutes so tell me your dad don't want you to be a chef no why doesn't see a future in it you want to know something i also have a degree in engineering really eric what is your dream my dream is to open up a restaurant i just want to get away from like what i was forced to do be my own man it seems as if you have this burning desire to do this this is a big chance for me to actually do that that duck looks burnt this is how i usually cook my duck plate has to be up how many times have you cooked rice i don't know a billion what's a sauce oh that's a plum sauce you try that duck it's got some good flavor to it what's in the egg roll is there tucked inside uh no there's no duck inside you put some duck on that at least you know there's some connection fat you say it's crispy yeah i say it's burnt it doesn't taste i promise you that eric yeshua i don't like it when people tell me i'm wrong [Music] eric you're a smart guy and you have a great story but it's the food that really spoke to me so i say yes thank you chef eric i think you know food and i think you're a pretty decent cook but i don't think you're ready for it yet my answer's no eric the chef tells you it's burnt it's burnt i understand chef don't argue because if you argue we don't want to teach you be humble learn you're smart correct yes i'm smart but if i'm going to give you a yes i need to see more can you give me more 100 chef do you know who i am you're alvin love you're a chef you're an engineer you're living my dream [Music] from the canadian land the sea and sky the ingredient marina chose was [Music] smelts [Music] these home cooks are squirming like little smelts smell where's it smelt it's even got a dumb name shmelt who named that fish smells thick man portuguese fish so i'm pretty happy i am absolutely ecstatic i know what to do with smelts i've never heard of it never seen it never tasted it never cooked with it i'm screwed i'm going home maria and brooke are safe from elimination they don't have to create an incredible masterchef worthy dish with smelts but you do ready your 60 minutes starts now one thing you got to be careful smell it doesn't carry a lot of flavor it's a very mild fish yes what would you be making with smelts well i would just simply bread it a bit of flour deep fry get a bit crispy and seasoning i would probably go down the same route i would be definitely deep frying i might even add a little bit of ground corn flour because a nice bit of crunch and texture exactly so what are the pitfalls here it's got to be quick fast direct heat you're limited with the cooking methods exactly they get very soggy and mealy if you stew them in the oven or bake them in the oven let me guess smelts and chorizo no no chorizo in this really you're doing smelled croquettes is that a portuguese dish it usually is done with cod i figured i'd try a little risk and switch it up you're pretty confident don't you absolutely [Music] danny just threw all his fish into a blender pureed smells is a no-no what do you think of the big concerns here you know danny's making a croquette i can see the smell it doesn't have a lot of flavor being lost in the potato in the seasoning i'm in my zone they're all nervous crab crab crap i'm the coolest cucumber 30 minutes left danny how are those croquettes doing uh almost there i would have killed that fish you should be glad i'm up here uh she talks a lot she's pretty darn cocky kayla's got a lot of garbage on her station man 15 minutes you have 15 minutes left there's some very interesting dishes coming out very creative don't you think i'm absolutely surprised yeah very much so dale's doing the gouger looks like a choux pastry he's trying to stand out that's his strategy 10 9 8 7 6 5 four three two one good job we gave you a beautiful ingredient from the canadian oceans and lakes let's see how you did danny please come up here with your dish what's going on here smelled croquettes with chili lime sauce [Music] where are the smelts i pureed them and then you pureed them why why would you puree a beautiful fish like that and turn it into mush it's pretty bad danny i saw you out there arms folded like this you're very cool always let's see is this a joke i mean this is master masterchef canada and you give me this i'm pretty much screwed i could be going home for coquettes [Music] dale would you please the home cooks are racing to finish a classic bistro dish steak frite with bernays sauce the person with the weakest dish will be going home why no two minutes you should be plating there's only three components on the plate they all have to be perfect everything has to kind of come together in harmony in order to be a delicious experience otherwise you're going to have cold freeze hot steak bernay sauce which is thick and gloopy you don't want that [Music] three two one [Music] time's up and i'm like yes got it all down it was really close to get those fries down but i'm actually feeling pretty good about it i have no idea how my steak is cooked on the inside it could be raw it could be overcooked i'm not overly confident right now i don't know if i've done enough to make it to the top four i finished everything my sauce tastes great my fries are perfect and i believe my steak's a perfect medium rare i can't go home i really can't kayla we asked for a steak to be cooked perfect medium rare what am i gonna see when i cut your steak open um nice and crisp on the outside and a beautiful medium rare on the inside you're confident of that never too confident it certainly is a little darker on the outside than i might expect okay [Music] that is a nicely cooked medium rare steak yes see it quite nicely it's a little dark in some areas which would lead me to believe maybe the pan was a little too hot yeah but the cook is perfect medium rare the difference of color from the searing from the outside edge to a richer deeper pink as it moves to the center beautiful thank you chef it's very very good the seasoning is spot on also thank you chef i was very concerned that you were putting too much on hi chef you happy um i'm very happy with my steak and my bernays these uh french fries try one [Music] what do you think i think they're cooked i think they need more color on the outside though i definitely agree with you that it needs a lot more sun i think looking at my fries all i'm thinking is where is my purse i need my bronzer right now these fries are pasty [Music] i would pay for that thank you so delicious it's well balanced great acidity how did you master a bernays in one hour you made it before uh third time's a charm uh this is my my third time but i um i eat a lot of it so i know what it's supposed to taste like it took me hundreds of times to master the basic humble hollandaise sauce which is the mother of the sauce and you've done that three times thank you chef had you nailed the fries you'd probably have one of the best steak frites with bernays that i've ever had it's so close yes chef so eric what am i going to see when i cut your steak open perfect medium rare chef that's pretty confident glistening beautiful very nice thank you chef and i see around the stake on the outside and all the way around see the color differences around the edge as it comes to the center it is much darker and richer pink perfect thank you chef [Music] and very nicely seasoned that's about as good as it gets on a steak eric looks very impressive that came to me in the restaurant i would be a happy man thank you chef french fries that's nice that's consistency that's uniform but then we are the crispy expert right yeah chef i can basically almost you know hear the crunch i would give this a very good pass thank you chef maybe a bit more you know when this dish is made properly it has complete harmony there's nowhere to hide though here i'm talking about fries steak and a sauce what happened here i don't know chef it's very thick you couldn't even pour the brene sauce out it's not uh brene sauce it's brene's mayonnaise it would really suck if i just went home and disappointed my family i hope it tastes better than it looks me too chef i am taking the biggest breath i think i have a good chance to win this challenge [Music] at this point i'm thinking my sauce could definitely send me home mike boy hey chef we asked for steak to be cooked perfect medium rare is that what i'm gonna find when i cut into the steak i sure hope so chef oh god it's blue as soon as michael cut into that i'm like i'm going home for sure that is not medium rare now my steak is still mooing it's really tough but mike could be going home on a blue steak [ __ ] i just didn't get the sear i needed on it before i got in the oven there you were the only one that took it to the oven yeah do you think it was in the oven and out of uh out of your mind no usually like if i get a good sear in a skillet and five minutes in the oven at 325 will usually do it right for me but i just didn't have the residual heat going into the oven nicely seasoned though thank you very nicely seasoned are you happy with the result i'm really kicking myself over that steak i would be too yeah [Music] hi mike hello chef french fries what do you think about them uh there's a bit of a couple uneven cuts there chef it would have been nice if i had a moment to definitely pick out some of the couple larger scragglers got in there but french fries tastes pretty good crispy soft right consistency nice size chef how are you had better afternoons for sure that blue steak there's no excuse that cow's still milling wow yeah you know it's not a perfect medium rare but it is a perfect rare which is not a bad thing for some people who like rare meat the bernays now nice consistency chef i like the shine to it it's beautiful this looks pretty textbook i've made a few bernices in my time well i like the way it coats the back of the spoon which is one of the tests for all apprentices when they make a bernays that coats it beautifully how does it taste [Music] it's delicious thank you chef for their first team challenge the home cooks are at the air canada center making lunch for the toronto maple leafs the leafs alumni and their families but dale's choice of fish is being challenged by his team members so many bones [ __ ] hell and by chef alvin who chose a fish i chose the trout get me a piece of pickle get me a piece of pickle here we're really struggling at this point the fish is a lot bonier than we could have ever imagined i made a mistake this humanity look it's fully developed it's a filet so next time check always check okay go yeah chef with only 30 minutes to go before the home cooks serve lunch to the leaves it's too late to replace dale's choice of fish so the white team is stuck with deboning the trout he should have checked the products he should have used the pick roll because he was filet it was skin he could have used it he's lost complete control of his kitchen right now oh my god as the white team tries to get a handle on their fish help them work on those potatoes they gotta go in the oven pinot is running the blue team's kitchen like a well-oiled machine my fish is going in we are on top of the world everything is coming together we just got a few things to take care of follow through check on this is easy street now don't worry i'm watching i'm watching a chef while things heat up in the white team's kitchen the leafs finish their morning training and head for the showers this is your 15-minute warning 15 minutes to go before you have to serve lunch hell man hey get those fish in the oven get them in the oven all of them all of them wow oh god be careful our kitchen is chaos dale's not a very good leader when you're catering an event like that you got to work with your team but dale kind of just seemed to like run around and like yell at people please do not throw me under the bus come on guys we do not want to go home let's do this i feel like everybody's going to let me take the fall for this if it goes down don't worry baby we got you nobody's going home not today with the maple leafs now on their way the blue team's perfect facade is starting to crack it's gonna be tight with those potatoes keep the doors closed and if need be put some foil over the top okay okay the potatoes are going to be tight on time i just checked them okay these are coming out perfect they've already got the fish cooked which i think is a little too soon the potatoes should be where the fish is and vice versa hey guys let's go let's get some foil paper here and start boiling it i don't think pinot even has the pasta on yet peter are you not blanching this no you're just going to put them right here in the sauce does it get starchy and heavy chef clydewood doesn't think it's a great idea to cook the pasta in the sauce i am really concerned that i'm taking a little bit of a risk here but pinot isn't the only home cook who's stressing about his pasta over in the white kitchen kayla's herb puree is getting the thumbs down that is saltiest we need to brighten it up i'll prep some lemons kayla's definitely impressing me by how easily she can screw things up kayla yeah start chopping these tomatoes okay i get blamed for it now i'm on to chopping tomatoes i hate tomatoes what'd you do go go go next thing you know kayla split her finger down the middle and she disappears this is really gonna hurt us in the kitchen it's not very hard to slice a tomato this should be the simplest task in the kitchen i can't let my team down i need to get back in there with only five minutes left before the leafs arrive the white team is racing to finish with one cook down while the blue team is already setting up for service in the ringside dining room we got the pasta we got our sweet potato green beans we got our hell of it we're looking good green beans got to go over there put the pasta here and the salad at the end okay you're the boss people you know when all these things work you keep it hot in one and gold in another there's no clear organization and dale's just screaming like a girl in the background and nobody really knows what we're doing so we're screwed who's pleading what guys i've already been over this you should have been paying attention i was actually getting it i was getting it done okay that's not my fault nope when we get onto the floor there's still a few hiccups happening but i don't have time to keep going over it okay because kayla had cut herself in the kitchen she doesn't know what to do and dale is being really mean to her no the other way around quit changing stuff this way we want this together okay so they have a choice of which one to pick please go back to the station i assigned you to i have this i don't have a [ __ ] station and i'm gonna snap okay don't get moody with me because you messed up okay that's not i did not mess up i wasn't told what to do you couldn't handle it that's why i switched you okay like really guys let's grow up like we're adults let's just serve some food okay i'm just gonna stand here 30 minutes the home cooks are feeling the pressure in a nose-to-tail elimination challenge i'm not cooking i'm going to be immune from elimination i can't believe that i actually made top ten feels fantastic they have just 90 minutes to create a stunning dish using a variety of alberta beef cuts nose-to-tail cooking nothing goes to waste not even the brain hello chef dale so eric gave you the plum cut tell me how you're cooking it i made my own spice mixture here you did what's in the spice mix salt black pepper white pepper garlic powder uh rosemary and thyme fairly generic uh it's it's very generic but i don't like to mess with meat so i like to actually taste the flavor and meat and just enhance it a little bit and the cooked degree i am hoping for medium rare you're hoping for medium rare i'm hoping for medium rare and what's in the pan um it's going to be red wine raised leeks good luck with it and what's the time thank you so much [Music] hello marita hi chef how are you today what are you doing i am making a masala kidney what are you doing here i'm just testing out a piece to see how it cooks that's a good idea it's all curry spices well with the kidneys i figured you know it needed something kind of strong you're looking more and more like a one trick [Music] pony you have 15 minutes left julie has one of the easiest proteins to cook here and she's struggling with it she looks lost she's looking at things prodding poking it's as if she's doubting her every single move should i be cutting my knee i'm not trying to send her home but she just gets surprised about anything dora is the one who is really struggling here she was standing around pacing up and down waiting for her cheeks to cook wait on my pressure cooker i'm freaking out right now she'd seem to have nothing else to work on cook you bastard cook i'm very concerned about danielle she lost a lot of time on trying to peel the underside of the tongue which didn't need it one minute you should be plating shoot [ __ ] i have so much going on i think the steak is good enough to get me into the top ten finishing touches on those plates please nine eight seven six five four three two one heads up [Music] i decided to go a little on the rarer side compared compared to the medium rear side i don't know what the judges are going to say about it but i'm happy with it i'm making it in top ten i'm not going anywhere i'm staying for sure dale you're up next the dish today is spiced omaha steak with parsnip stuffed leeks and tri-color french fries dale you told me you were going to cook this medium rare this is raw it is blue raw it registered 127 in three different places i don't care what it registered that is raw the top four home cooks are facing their toughest challenge yet battling to impress guest judge joe bastianic i hope you can walk the walk in a surprise twist the home cook with the weakest mystery box dish will be eliminated who's going home today ten minutes remaining [Music] so some very interesting things happening out there at this point i think he'll if she can pull off the stuffed feel and if it's still pink and moist in the middle that would be very impressive but very very very ambitious i'm really interested in trying morita's roti he's frying it off a little skillet pen right there and by the look on her face she seemed to be quite pleased with it so far eric who's gone the traditional route i think he's a little bit confused of what italian simple italian pasta means like i've seen a lot of raw garlic [Music] yep just one minute left nine eight seven six five four three two one stop hands in the air everybody good job the first dish we would like to try is you marita please bring your dish up everything's riding on the calamari i'm so nervous okay maria tell me about the dish i did a mediterranean calamari stew a little bit of capers and a roti with olives and fresh parsley [Music] the calamari is cooked perfectly still very very moist very delicate the tomato stew has very nice fresh flavors you taste the olives you taste the onions you taste garlic a lot of garlic for me it's a very very good expression of ingredients and i think quite frankly it comes together really really strong good job thank you oh the dish looks beautiful thank you chef [Music] i think you've honored italian ingredients really well here i like the fact that you added something that's from you which is the roti very strong dish thank you thank you chef i am so relieved that it's cooked right eric please bring your dish up pasta and tomato sauce could seem too simple and underwhelming and it could definitely send me home tell me about the dish homemade fettuccine sausage and crushed tomato sauce topped with [Music] it's basil simple though did you want to stay simple or you're trying to impress i usually overcomplicate things today i thought i'd stick with clean flavors it does kind of come together as a pasta dish it has good flavor try what do you think say you're in my restaurant what would you pay for that fifteen dollars fifteen twenty dollars are you overvaluing yourself uh see what they say i'm really happy this time you kept it simple yes but you're going to charge 20 bucks for that pasta that pasta better be right on and i mean from the sauce to the noodle texture consistency you hit it right on i would say it's a very nice fish thank you kayla could you please come with your dish this dish could either shoot me up into top three or it could send me home tell me about your dish veal loin with cheese olive tapenade crispy fried capers very tricky to get a stuffed veal line perfect how did you want to cook it medium rare medium uh medium medium medium yeah let's see not bad it's a medium true medium so you nailed the temperature you were able to get a nice seasoned crust on the outside the filling i take it or leave it the pinkness of the veal in the center is spot-on and it's moist and tender and really quite flavorful [Music] you think you made any mistakes here the fact there's no starch anywhere to be found i think that it was a risk and i think if you conceptualize a dish correctly you don't always need starch you've nailed the cooking here the color is perfect it's rested basted it properly you think this dish is going to take you to the next level i hope so chef i don't want to be too confident but i think i have impressed them okay tomorrow would you please bring your dish up [Music] tell me about it yoloing boiled in pan fried some spatzle tomato uh reduction and a tomato salad so what do you think of this challenge i think it's a really tough challenge i'm a bit creative and i like to kind of go outside the box and today i had to stay within the box this is a very very ambitious dish showing off a little bit here right uh no i wanted you're not showing off no if you're not gonna show off now when are you gonna show up i'm a bit of a poker player i wanted to do something that is gonna set me apart from the rest of them [Music] you have a perfectly cooked meal line thank you what is that with the canadians we know how to cook our meat are you not a cookie of meat what did you season it with just some salt and pepper i think that this dish shows your ambition but also at the same time shows a bit of your inexperience thank you you're welcome [Music] i see the tomato salad super simple super straightforward and super safe which is a little unlike you and then on the other side it is far more gutsy and adventurous [Music] veal nicely cooked i think you could have put considerably more white wine with that tomato base that you had there more olive oil and had a much more luscious sauce it's not perfect it's a decent dish thank you please join the others [Music] we've tasted all your dishes and now we need a moment to discuss [Music] everyone has a really good dish i do not see a clear front runner i think overall they honored italian ingredients really really well absolutely i definitely wasn't expecting top four to be on top three i'm super worried about going home the level was high overall i mean i have to say very impressive everyone had high points and low points and i think this one was close it was a little simplistic right you could the restaurant be very happy absolutely that was fantastic so let's go break the news joe bastianich will announce the winner of the mystery box challenge but it will be up to the judges to announce who is going home overall i was extremely impressed the way that you canadian home cooks handled my favorite italian ingredients the person who made the best dish in this last mystery box challenge who is about to become a top three finalist in masterchef canada is [Music] kayla congratulations so very much great dish should i put this all bottled no we should have waited on that anything acidic should go into the onions i never do it that way bro everything i suggested danielle tonight i'm putting some soy sauce in there no because we got brown sugar molasses i just don't think she knows how to make a good barbecue sauce kayla what's up the sauce needs some flavor like i feel like it needs a little acid or even the dijon would be nice in there dijon i think i'm okay with that but let me get a group opinion dale what a little bit of dijon in the sauce is that okay yes dijon's fine julie are you okay with that um yeah very little though very little danielle a little bit i can't agree to put dijon in a barbecue sauce okay then we're not doing it if we can't get a group consensus we're not doing it come on because one person didn't want it it didn't go in come on guys stay focused all right what do we have in here a barbecue sauce that tastes rot wow i would speed this up higher heat divide it into two pans going at the same time and reduce that right now otherwise you're going to have just tomato sauce on top of the steak and i wouldn't want to eat that cladio told us what we already knew we were not off to a good start hey what's going on guys what was the feedback danielle can we fix this yes or no are we watching it danielle comments please be honest with me i need this it's not how i would have cooked a barbecue sauce and i said that the whole way through can we fix this yes or no are we botching it i don't know if we can fix it but we'll try work with each other come on guys this is part of the truth there's a whole thing of potato still over there i need to get those potatoes out we have enough potatoes julie okay kayla has made the choice to no longer prep potatoes i'm gonna keep doing them no done on potatoes you're done on potatoes and i know this is a mistake let's get this going get those brussels sprouts in the oven we don't have that many traffic yet pinot okay hold on we don't have enough brussels sprouts what can we throw in the brussels sprouts some kale kale quickly i'm thinking beans let's put beans in it i need to add beans okay one more scoop you have now 30 minutes left so the steaks better be on the grill soon let's get those steaks on danielle how are you doing hon morale is up you betcha okay what's happening here we're just starting to cook off our steaks whose idea was to dip this in the hot sauce and then grill it was that your original idea no and so why did you change it because barbecue sauce was not cooking down quick enough so we are actually grilling it off you don't have a lot of time yes chef what are you making i'm just making a quick little bourbon sauce kayla i don't think we should bother too late to do this already if it comes together it comes if it doesn't it doesn't okay it's not going to you started it five minutes ago you have to move one of these so i can get gloves yeah you can ask nicely you could listen to me the first time i'm in the grill tent and all i can hear is bickering you haven't been listening to this whole thing i have actually no you haven't it sounds like an old married couple in there because what happened to that sausage you were making i threw it out because oh right because it wasn't finished we're trying to get something done and that something is feeding 151 people [Music] [Applause] 151 soldiers will receive a steak dinner from both the red and blue teams and vote for their favorite there you are if either team runs out of any food their vote automatically goes to the other team there you go thank you the red team is serving roast potatoes and a brussels sprout and bacon hash with their steak good afternoon we meet again while the blue team is pairing their steak and barbecue sauce with brussels sprouts and beans and a couscous salad couscous salad thank you very much you are enjoy blue is the way to go go blue go blue while the blue team service is fast and confident thank you very much kayla is giving her steaks a last-minute sear on the flat top get it a little hot for you and it's holding up the line can we speed this along kayla we need the line to move so no more grilling just do it yeah you got it kayla yeah i'm worried this is all we have left [Music] you have three more plates my stomach is sinking because i know that every single troop member that does not get brussels sprouts on their plate is an automatic boat to the blue team if you're not a brussels sprout eater we won't be offended brussels sprouts out brussels sprouts are out i know that this is gonna cost us the challenge can we give you guys extra potatoes um kayla that's not a great idea i knew we weren't gonna have enough potatoes and we told kayla that we're almost out of potatoes too by the way hi how are you and she just said just keep smiling that extra pan would have been perfect julie portioned them so julie was completely 100 responsible for the potatoes caleb when i wanted to do the extra potatoes this is why the last of the potatoes kayla were done hey i'm very sorry sorry i don't have any more slides to give you i apologize okay let's clean up minute 30 guys this is amazing she's looking confident very confident [Music] [Applause] six five four three [Music] [Applause] [Music] this is it this is my best and if i don't win then there's no one better to lose you than burrito i lasted till the end i am feeling proud of myself maria and eric it's time for the most important tasting of your life please bring your desserts to the banquet room let's go [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right eric it's your turn please bring up your dish [Music] it's an asian banana split banana tempura red bean and green tea ice cream and fresh grated chocolate because there's no banana split without chocolate [Music] [Music] asian banana split home juicing you have taken all the comfort the good of banana spit and you have put it into this dish red bean that is comfort to chinese because we love red beans and green tea that's universal you have hit it spot on you too have done an amazing job i find the red bean one has a little sweetness to it that i expect with a red bean the tempura batter it is light and airy so it really does not hide that banana flavor i think it's a very innovative and high reaching dish that you've done very successfully eric i think the dish is very dynamic on many levels and actually the ice creams both taste incredible they're very creamy the one flaw though i wish there was some more fresh fruit on the plate to cut through the richness of the ice cream and the richness of the batter but overall i think it's an incredible dish marita and eric please go back to the kitchen the next time we see you both we will be crowning one of you canada's first ever master chef [Music] thank you both making a decision it's going to be incredibly difficult they were two amazing menus two very different approaches i think both home cooks just cooked us the meal of their lives i feel like i just did something incredible i am going to win i am going to be canada's first master chef marita has this wonderful gift her dishes really speak about where she comes from herself taste is very important and what we taste is sweet sour bitter hot salty she is an expert with those flavors i've never had so much at stake i'm definitely going out big this is guns blazing it's my future on the line eric you know he's always going to provide you a dinner that takes you on an adventure here he used nitrogen he did uh double cooked pork he has moved a long way either of those menus i would be proud to put on any of my restaurants you know we have a tough job ahead of us [Music] this is next impossible [Music] there can only be one winner that's it [Applause] i am extremely glad to be standing next to eric and i do wish him all the best [Music] but this chef code represents the person i always wanted to be there's no plan b i'm not going to fall back in engineering i'm meant to be in the kitchen and i hope my dad sees that today marita and eric after your incredible journey in this kitchen you have both proven that you're much more than just home cooks and you've earned your place on this stage please trade places with the three of us [Music] you two have been on a grueling culinary journey you've both fought hard to be here and you've grown not only as cooks but as people this is just the beginning of your food journey this decision tonight is one of the toughest we've ever had to make you've both performed so well that it literally came down to the smallest of details but as you know there can only be one winner [Music] one of you will win 100 000 this magnificent trophy and the right to call yourself canada's very first masterchef the winner of masterchef canada is [Music] eric [Music] [Applause] [Applause] you have no idea how it feels to actually realize your dream i gained my dad's approval and he's really proud of me you
Channel: MasterChef World
Views: 1,623,840
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: masterchef, #masterchef, master chef world, best dishes on masterchef, master chef, how to cook, cooking show, cooking competition, masterchef world, masterchef best dishes, best masterchef dishes, masterchef canada, masterchef canada season 1, masterchef canada eric chong, masterchef canada compilation, masterchef canada season 1 best moments, masterchef canada alvin leung, masterchef canada eric, masterchef canada best moments, eric chong, steak, masterchef canada steak
Id: maSdPqEr7WA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 51sec (2871 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 22 2022
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