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hello this is Jamil recently we've had some noisy neighbors next door that have been playing loud music through the walls I want to show off my device to you that I've come up with to get them back in a nutshell what it does is it listens for the loud music through the walls and when it detects it it'll start playing a CD player to blast annoying music back at them and so I'll show you the different parts of my system right now firstly I have these big speakers that I just bought at a thrift store I have this microphone here that will end up being taped to the walls the microphone gets fed in to the simple preamp circuit I put together and then it gets fed into my Arduino controller I have some LED bars here and you can actually see as I'm talking into the microphone now that's showing me the level if it goes up to the red then this orange light comes on it goes into warning mode and if it keeps hearing noise from next door for 10 seconds that's when it starts playing to music and the reason I set that up is to avoid any false positives where maybe the neighbor just bumped the wall and I don't want to start blasting music right away at them just for this test I set the music up to play for only 15 seconds at a time if I'm actually using it on the neighbors I'd probably lengthen that to 30 seconds or a minute and I can just set it up when I go to work or leave for the day it'll blast music back at them for as long as they're loud even if I'm not here all right so now I'm gonna show you this device in action so I'll just load my annoying music into the CD player get that ready and I'm gonna simulate the music coming through from the neighbors boom boom boom annoying neighbors boom boom boom boom boom bass bass bass {Who let the dogs out} and as soon as it's done playing the music it pauses it and goes back to monitoring the volume it'll keep playing it continuously as long as they keep making the loud noise and so for the real thing I'd probably extend the period of time that it plays the music to maybe 30 seconds or a minute and I'll turn the speakers around to to focus the sound back at the neighbors all right so our neighbors are playing their loud music again as you can probably hear so I've got the system all set up here with the Arduino not powered up I've adjusted the threshold pretty low so I'll power it up and we'll see if it works {Who let the dogs out} it sounds like they're still playing it so our music should come back on Oh I'm just gonna stop it now okay stopping it now but yeah it works so that's cool so uh I can just set it up next time I leave for the day and let it blast music At them for as long as they play they're so cool
Channel: XOS
Views: 2,942,234
Rating: 4.5191627 out of 5
Keywords: loud neighbor, noisy
Id: 74rDE6lzwV8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 42sec (402 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 22 2017
Reddit Comments

If their music is really that loud, the chances of them hearing your music is very very low

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/christian5670 📅︎︎ Mar 15 2019 🗫︎ replies

Wouldn’t your noise be detected as well?

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/u248 📅︎︎ Mar 15 2019 🗫︎ replies

Sounds like the speakers might be underpowered or something. No bass and some distortion.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/shawster 📅︎︎ Mar 15 2019 🗫︎ replies
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