Unicorn Overlord: Tips To Speedrun The Demo For More Content

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alrighty hello every folks and good morning welcome to a discussion on speedr running the Unicorn Overlord demo so this thing has been incredibly fun in terms of giving you only a little bit of uh time to actually go explore everything but you might potentially Be Wondering uh how on Earth it is that people are getting well frankly seemingly all the content in this entire continent within that 5H hour period how are people possibly speedrunning this thing so dang fast uh that they managed to actually have time left over by the time that they finished every in here well uh that's because this game is going and properly teaching you how to speedily handle things but not only uh not only can you handle fights quickly there's actually a lot of tech to a lot of this other stuff as well so first and foremost we're going to start by making things a little bit simpler uh you may notice that we have that timer down there on the bottom right uh this is uh starting right as the uh the demo starts so as soon as you're out of the introduction um it starts counting down from 5 hours so first thing I want to mention uh is that we're going to be doing doing this on Expert obviously but uh when we go uh go look through the rest of this um as far as your auto advance time set this to nothing so you so that you're not wasting any time in between cutcenes enable fast forward and cut scenes for those situations that you can't Skip and additionally uh go down here and set auto run on for those that didn't know you can hold down Circle or B by default to run around uh this is just going to set it permanent uh but it allows you to move around twice as fast now that's obviously one thing uh for another thing Auto pause at the start of every map uh so we're going to go ahead get that thing going right away um another thing to mention pay attention to the stuff that you're picking up so uh go to the store immediately buy yourself an empowering draw and a defensive draw so I'm going to show you a quick little uh little startup thing uh right at the very beginning of the game here to potentially get you steamrolling really darn quick so technically uh bear in mind this is losing some time right now you want to always be running around technically I would recommend going over that bridge and quickly handling your Archer fight first for most folks if you're feeling confident however you potentially can have a far far faster time going this way so you go up North and anytime you see a shiny realistically uh you should go ahead and uh you should go ahead and pick that up so uh anyways uh so we don't don't need suggestions there Joseph we know what we're doing ideally anytime you see a shiny just go ahead and pick it up and run you don't have to wait for things to be collected you can just run away and you'll get them just fine uh most items uh you'll uh you'll just end up automatically have gravitating towards um so they'll give you two warnings whether or not you want to take this fight but we're going to want to go ahead and take it so uh we get the warning we get to deploy and then we get started so this is going to be Wizards and house Carls for the most part um and this this is going to be a team that's going to be vastly uh higher level than you as well as coming in with a lot of advantages uh that's actually why we set up that Joseph Squad earlier so here's how we're handling this um under normal circumstances these guys would have absolutely no shot whatsoever but we don't take Fair fights around here so uh first things first so we're going to go ahead and deploy we're going to get Joseph's unit we're going to get him over here uh second of all we're going to go ahead and deploy our two defensive squads uh so we're going to have Lex's unit up here it doesn't have to be these particular guys it's just everybody else with Khloe on uh on her own uh this will become relevant as a bit of a backup plan so we're making use of a lot of abilities uh when it comes to Joseph uh he has the ability to resist magic Towers um just basically all magic uh assist attacks very well and that is going to absolutely sh spread your units in this place so what we want to do is we want to have him go ahead and charge on through uh so that uh so that we can get into position uh now the thing is Cavalry has five stamina your infantry has six your Flyers have four um so we don't have a whole lot of stamina to carve way through he can technically beat everything on this map in a 1V one uh but we don't want to be uh we don't want that situation to happen so we actually have a couple of little backup plans that we're working on here so ideally our plan is actually just to have him uh go uh go through the Woods here uh go ahead and uh take this uh this Watchtower through one means or another um and then uh and hopefully uh with the uh the way that the units are wandering around hopefully they will stay out of your way and you don't have to worry about losing anyone but it is very possible that you'll simply end up getting too tired out by the time you get to this bridge so in this case uh we are getting into one of those positions where we are currently getting way too tired so we can take this uh this Tower but we just have barely enough stamina to take this bridge this is actually kind of the ideal scenario here so we just barely made it if uh if you get one more fight along the way then you're in trouble but uh we go ahead and go here we take next to no damage from those magic supports um and frankly for all the rest of the stuff we don't have to worry these guys won't be doing very much however these guys will consistently be casting a fire plume uh over here on this uh uh on this bridge however this team can take it the thing is right now we want to get up to two points um as it stands right now while he can win the rest of these fights he can't do it alone just yet there's a couple of ways for him to get points uh we actually can go ahead and undeploy one of these units right here if we want to so given that we're in an ideal scenario we're actually going to go ahead and withdraw her and additionally since we don't want to rest we're actually going to go ahead and uh we're going to go ahead and use one of the abilities here um uh to vitalize this party to go and give them a few extra points so now that gives them two extra stamina that's why we had him there so the house Carl will be useful for that particular thing so we're going to keep this party over here on our uh on our home base uh to try and dissuade additional units from coming that way um but the reason we have Chloe off by herself is as a backup plan so if this doesn't go well because this is basically Joseph carrying this team if this doesn't go well and these guys don't get their training up um we are stuck in a situation where he might potentially be too tired to uh to get through Andor somebody might die he wants all of these party members here so that he can make use of them to actually beat the boss at the end so essentially the reason that chloee was put off by herself is to sneak herself onto this Tower so that she can then long range revive if needed in this case that didn't end up being necessary because they didn't get any lucky hits or anything like that so those house Carls are going to go ahead and go over that way these these guys are going to hit him with blaze it's going to do next to nothing um his uh his team will be perfectly fine they'll just be able to out heal that damage it's not a problem so in this case we run into the reason that we picked up those items earlier so we pick up an empowering draw and that's going to go ahead and give us a bit of an advantage here and going to allow us to go ahead and win this encounter right here so that'll kill off these guys and this is actually one of those tricks that you need to start paying attention to uh in order to speedrun this thing it's actually a one of the old rules for ogre battle there as well um that with a lot of these parties especially the ones that are just running the same kind of unit it really only takes the death of one of them to uh to actually make you start just immediately tipping stuff over so this actually this is actually going to be the next detail I forgot to mention up to this point so if we go over here uh we go over to uh to Joseph's slice switch this over to to highest HP the thing is a lot of times uh when we get to this point where the entire team can start doing their thing um we're going to start running into uh into situations where he's wasting his attacks finishing somebody off so if he prioritizes somebody at higher Health he's going to get better efficiency out of his engagements um additionally uh with um with Elaine there he's going to be healing with his attacks uh which means that we probably want to actually use him for finishing stuff off instead he's going to be healing a little bit less but generally he's going to be the weaker of the two so we might as well get a little bit of better efficiency there and it again causes them to heal more often so there's that so now these guys are going to be doing just fine there's one party in particular that we're actually kind of uh going to have a little bit of an issue with down the line because one of them comes with a Guardsman out front uh and uh comes with uh uh with uh some uh some axes in the back now the reason that this is an issue is just because some of their attacks are getting defended now that's actually the other reason that we brought aen along um see the original version of the strategy involved bringing Khloe and in Khloe's case uh she's there to provide additional healing but these guys are already perfectly fine as far as healing goes actually one of the the other kind of reason that I was going and bringing it along initially um is uh because a lot of these Caster type of teams typically also will have a Caster right behind somebody so you have the spear stab and also I was trying to see if you could speedrun a uh uh speedrun uh having a um having a lane cheat on his girlfriend before she's actually rescued it turns out it's not actually possible in the demo you can max out their relationship it's actually surprisingly easy to do um but you can't um uh you can't quite uh get it all the way done anyway so in this case uh we did end up taking a loss from from auin there so we're just going to go ahead and heal him up real quick um but we are in a good enough position now to go ahead and take this Tower so because of the the fact that we didn't take that bottom Tower uh they haven't panicked as much as far as sending additional units out uh so they actually will send waves of units for every time that you take a tower now this one in particular we want to take because while it isn't much damage that we're taking from it it is enough to chip down this relatively newbie team so uh what we want is for for uh for these guys to go ahead and hide in this Tower I'm going to mix up the controls because I'm suddenly switching between uh uh switch and PS4 here anyway so we want some additional points so they're going to go ahead and take that one um and as you can see they've stopped sending people towards our base so what we're going to do is we're going to go ahead and withdraw these guys and we're additionally going to go over here and we're going to go ahead and use that vitalize ability so we're going to go ahead and use vitalize and we're going to go ahead and give them two additional points so that they can go and charge in and take the capital uh I say the capital you know what I mean um anyway so there's no support for them at this point yes yes go ahead and Skip so at this point uh the what this ends up giving you sorry controls are being a little weird there the reason that you'd actually end up doing this the reason that you would want to do this whatsoever is because it's a very quick and consistent way generally speaking uh to actually be able to uh to get access to a magic support way earlier than you normally would because normally your first magic export would be over in the swamp um when you get yarna sorry for the throat clearing winter is going to Winter anyway so in this case you can get access to Ash right away or if you want to to go the other way you can actually uh pick up um uh pick up an early lapis from sacrificing Ash instead now in this case we're going to go over to our items and we're going to go ahead and use our uh treatises uh to go improve our dude here uh in order to uh give him a little bit more goodness um and additionally we'll go ahead and use a defensive draw to take away 20% of their offense so with this being said now we can go ahead and win the first engagement uh it's going to give us another level there and additionally we're then going to go in for another followup and and then finish it so as I said before all oftentimes all it takes is to tip one unit uh to see everything completely shift in your favor and in this case we tipped over their Spearman uh which allowed Us full access to their squishy back line and there we go we get access to uh to a staff we get access to our first Caster um as well as making magic support squads right away so yada y y these guys are going to do their thing um I would recommend uh keeping your uh your magic supports as uh well obviously to be uh to be uh support squads are all they have to be infantry but keeping them with other infantry just to make sure they that they have as much stamina as possible but anyways uh we're just going to go go ahead and get this freaking try hard right here and put him in our team uh going to go ahead and Skip saving progress for the moment it doesn't really affect anything timing wise I skip that part to save a little bit more time and there we go we get our honors we get our Renown yada yada and now we can go ahead and pick up more items so we get wizards again we're not going to bother going into our menu right now but we get some items here here we get some items here and again uh when you're first running through or taking new fights or what have you remember that you can do that additionally uh when it comes to juking around some of these other uh units here remember that you do have access to your other squads while you're in this menu and uh in many cases um uh since uh uh since you are just kind of going by percentages more than numbers in a lot of cases uh you can find yourself in a position where you can actually get uh get away with uh getting by in a lot of these higher level areas simply by means of tech only technically winning the fight you don't have to eliminate these guys and also most of the time they're going to run directly forward so you can get yourself a lot of upgrades early on and if you get access to an Archer team uh this will allow you to uh um this will allow you to get their support as well also don't take this fight until way the hell later um honestly this one's kind of bizarrely difficult as far as how it is just due to uh due to specific quirks that come out of that fight uh let's just say that they use a lot of abilities very quickly it's a very it's a very short fight that you got to beat in very short order um but the good thing about doing it this way where you're just kind of running around and uh kind of collecting items and what have you um as well as uh going and inspecting things um is that it basically allows you to uh to be able to fast travel to any of these locations afterward so we're just going around we're just collecting whatever items we can whatever uh shards or whatever else we can um we're I don't think we're going to run into what's her face out here um again remember just try to Juke around these guys as much as you can um if you were thinking I memorized these Maps I did not um I'm just kind of uh vaguely looking for different uh materials and then once you get to um once you get to uh to certain points uh you get access to New Missions those missions are just free for you to go back whenever and then you can go back with more people once you uh have the right tools on hand um in this case I think we're pretty well just kind of screwed versus this uh uh this radiant night team so we're just going to go ahead ahe and get ourselves sent back yes thank you Joseph um okay so one thing to actually mention is uh well actually I guess it'll be its own video that technically if you speedrun everything hard enough you can get access to customization items um anyway uh we're not going to be doing that this exact second these guys are also going to get run over again because I went in the wrong direction and my throat is bugging me something fierce today if it isn't interruptions it's that anyway so at this point I would recommend uh going and picking up your uh your support so we're actually going to go ahead and uh nope don't do that use the weird touchcreen button to then go back in this direction uh so we're going to go ahead and travel over to this direction and uh we now can go ahead and win this fight right here so the uh the other thing that uh here let's go down this direction go and replace you with uh with OSH uh we're going to go ahead and replace Lex with uh with uh what's his face Travis and let's go ahead and uh leave you as the commander which will give us a magic support which will help us out here all right skip through this skip through this but yeah so that's generally speaking this is kind of how speedr running this whole thing goes that you're not really worrying about picking up specific things um but uh once you uh once you have everything you just go into a town you kind of dump all of your resources into that town uh with a square button uh collect whatever you can go to the relevant Island go collect all the stuff on set Island so there we go we'll go ahead and Skip all this yes yes yes all right skip through this yet again and we'll go ahead and deploy our Ace squad over this way immediately order them to go take this town uh they're going to have a little bit of difficulty from the Archer squads uh so we'll go ahead and uh send Ash so we're going to go this way we're going to leave the uh leave the pike to probably go defend um actually in this case we're actually going to send Joseph to go talk first uh so go ahead and do the chitter chatter cuz they're going to try to go after our city in a moment as always skip these uh with the uh start Andor plus button whatever is relevant to you but yeah thieves are going to be good at dodging everything except for arrows and Magic so make that a thing um however you can overwhelm them I mean when it comes to magic stuff they can't Dodge everything is the thing if you got magic supports they will help out quite a bit because they don't have a whole lot of health and you know magic Sport's going to Magic sport so uh with yes yes thank you tutorials uh remember to mash mashing is important um okay uh we actually might as well just take this town first uh while he's right here uh probably uh let's see I probably just win some of these fights directly just to make sure that they're not taking our HQ because I want to save some of those points for for a bit later man got uh got some got some toys out for uh for the bigger of our dogs and every now and then they just will drop something that makes the loudest for noise anyway so we'll just go ahead and take this uh take this town get some stamina back so if you ever need to get some quick stamina back for your Ace squads just remember taking a town usually will give you additional stamina uh so it's just generally a good policy all right so we get our range support slowly trotting over this way uh there's only a few more fights that they need to participate in so I'm not too worried about their stamina here um all right so uh let's see you're done there should be these guys sorted all right and then we got our magic Squad they're going to pop over here to do support type stuff normally what you'd want to do is to get your Cavalry over to take that Archer Squad uh just to uh to make sure that their support's out of the way uh we're going to go ahead and skip that little step right now uh because these guys should be overpowered enough courtesy of their previous fight to just kind of make it happen um all right so we'll just go ahead and charge in there actually we might as well just send these guys back eh maybe not we can't technically send them back to get additional points and then once we have those additional points um uh that will uh then give us a some additional goodness also if you ever need to select everybody remember that you can just hold down your selection button select everybody at once circle around them and then just kind of go for it it feels very like if you ever played uh if you've ever played Command and Conquer on a PSP it feels very similar to that or PS1 I guess um but yeah the PSB version is there and so now we'll just go ahead and uh put our Valor skill here so valor's order gives you first strike uh which means that you can absolutely cleave through stuff uh so we'll just go ahead and take our actually why don't we go ahead and cancel your movement for just a second while our supports arrive because we only get this for one attack um all right get in range y'all come on what is taking you so long okay so make a little pause you stop moving so that you can attack you also stop moving so that you can attack and you go ahead and attack with uh with everything now all right actually I think they already had the support I just didn't realize that they were a slightly farther away anyway so we'll go ahead and get that attack off on there these guys are technically countered by this unit but there's just so many attacks going on that it doesn't really matter um so we'll just go ahead and uh just watch the battle play out just so we can see how it happens um as to why they occasionally will miss this is technically a bit of a lost time also I love how they're like oh would you like to spare this guy and it's like no this guy looks like a complete freaking lunatic why would we ever want to spare him [Music] anyway yes yes it needs an update I got you I got you so anyways yeah he'll just go ahead and Dodge away all of this not really anything too crazy to talk about but uh any of our other units will be able to uh to go get a little bit of scratch damage in you can just go ahead and wrap it up and that gets us our r support so with rol on the team his edgy ass is going to be able to uh to now give us range support as well as magic support wherever we happen to go now we get the Viper Fang would recommend actually putting that on Joseph at the very start the reason for this is because sometimes stuff will barely survive especially the tanky units that you start running into after this like the Gladiators and such um on your way going down south if you give him the Viper Fang uh he actually will have a far easier time finishing his stuff off otherwise pair him up with Lex uh personally what I would recommend at this point um if you can spare it is to uh just go immediately uh kind of make a lane overpowered so we're going to go ahead and skip this so at this point uh what I would re what's funny this decision is hilarious to me because they're like Han them to the town watch they're dead though we just saw them die um okay so we're going to hand them to whatever was there for the uh for the town watch and we're going to go ahead and Skip all this skip all this we get a recruit short bow uh go ahead and give that short bow to your preferred Archer which obviously should be Rolf at this point um oh come on yes yes yes we get it we get it um obviously if you have preferred team comps this would be the time to go uh to go get get some additional recruits and things but anyway yes yes Joseph I get it I get it I get it there's birds we're doing stuff we got places to be man time's are tiing we got to move enough talking we go to hustle soldier Okay so next order of business uh we're actually going to go over here and we're going to make a lane super overpowered now the reason I choose him for this is just because of uh the fact that he's typically paired with Joseph in this particular setup um but basically the runic uh sword is basically Absolut I I saw some folks mentioning like oh you can get the super powerful like crazy King sword or whatever else right um here's the thing that takes a whole long ass side quest in this case uh you basically just go you buy the Rune sword from the shop uh you give it to this guy and now he is just absolutely cracked uh so that's kind of about that um additionally if you want to again just get some more poisy type of stuff going um if you're using Lex anywhere which I guess yeah I guess we'll bother um then you can go ahead and throw them here throw them behind Chloe they actually are a pretty decent pair as as far as units go um he defends mostly uh she uh she goes and does other stuff um however uh what we actually want is do we have the other thing yet we do not have the other thing yet okay we're going to get some other accessories anyway we got a freak run now the reason that this magic sword is overpowered and as far as I'm concerned it's the best sword in the demo sure the other thing might have 25 attack but you know what this thing freaking has magic attack so you don't need a Caster to uh to go give you that benefit um you can just immediately uh go hit as if your sword was uh was enchanted the entire time uh which means that uh yeah you can just delete your enemies so as far as fights like this go where there's you know potentially a lot of uh yeah go ahead and go on potentially a lot of Fairly tanky units and whatnot uh you can absolutely curb stomp this thing so we go ahead and start the stage we've got Gladiators where we've got house Carls uh those are going to be units that are not particularly good versus casters granted the uh the Gladiators are really absurdly tanky um so if you want to see near un like unreasonable amounts of bulk just like fail lanks plus uh plus Gladiator um anyway so we send out Joseph Squad they are going to be able to basically hard counter everything until the end of this fight um uh we're going to go ahead send them out and we're going to go ahead and send uh we're going to leave chlo's unit as is um however uh we are going to we're right we don't have the hammer guy yet once you have hammers by the way this might seem a little bit of a weird thing to actually point out uh once you have hammers um it's worth uh it's actually worth uh going and starting off fights with those sometimes because uh they will push enemies backwards um but for the time being we're going to go ahead and do something like this that these guys need to be focusing on taking this town there we go get our fast forward going now we don't need our magic assist yet uh they're just kind of vaguely going to be sticking around uh remember that you do have to have that particular unit available as a commander uh in order to get your assistances going um and also in cases like this uh where where you stick a thief up front uh they can very effectively uh tank for your Caster so that's going to help out a lot in cases like this where we've got a lot of DED ated frontal attackers um anyway we're going to have you go over this way we're going to have you go over this way if you would like to uh May proceed over in this direction yeah that's not looking like a particularly good engagement but they're not going to leave that bridge so we're just going to park you over in that direction once we take that second town we can go ahead and uh assign a Archer Squad to go deal with some stuff uh so that'll give us a bit more uh bit more play here just to uh show how good this magic sword is real quick so automat will automatically that uh that magic attack will automatically cause him to prioritize heavy armor enemies um so he basically is as strong if not situationally stronger than Joseph is at this point um that being said uh you also can if you find any priority accessories up to this point uh throws throw those on auin uh to allow for some uh some defense breaks um anyway these guys can just completely uh annihilate things like Aubin is probably my favorite back row just kind of assist as far as these kinds of teams go just because he gets the additional attack on the back he gets the potential priority opener move uh they're just kind of a fantastic jack of all trades um anyway we're going to take this Harbor real quick uh we're going to get our stamina bonus um and then we're going to go ahead and take uh take on the pegasi uh once you get the Pegasus uh what I would recommend is actually uh saving up your uh uh your points uh to be able to upgrade to a four person Squad and replacing these guys Commander with a pegasus if uh if possible um and we'll then go ahead and alter Chloe's unit real quick here so we're going to go ahead and replace you with Rolf for the moment um and they are going to go ahead and assist with uh they're going to go ahead and assist with the Pegasus so let's go ahead and move you over this direction uh they're just going to go kind of around here so really our Cavalry is the main one that needs to uh that needs to get the job done but the uh the others are going to be there for support so going go go ahead and do that fast forward a little bit um if if you see anything on screen by the way as far as just things popping up that look like why are there circles and squares and things like this um that would be the Vita controls so the PlayStation Vita uh can connect to a PS4 which allows it to play this game and I wish it would have come out on the Vita it's kind of funny because every other vanilla wear game is also playable on a Vita whether through Remote Play or like this uh we might lose our magic support right here um actually wait a minute they're all Spearman if we if we use a Revival on you and then we go ahead and Resort the party a little bit wonder if we can't just uh yeah if we do this that should help out a little bit and in fact if we use one more healing item that might be enough to get the job done and in fact why don't we just give you a free level while we're at it uh there we go and that would suddenly turn that into a win it really doesn't take much again as soon as you find that one Tipping Point that one little piece to go push over that's that's when stuff uh gets a little bit wacky for you you know so one thing to mention with these assists they're very handy um but they're also going to be something that will be extremely stamina intensive so just kind of bear that in mind um okay yes yes yes skip all that he says he's up he is not up um I mean he might be partially up if he's within range there we go he does a little bit more um archers will do extra damage versus wings as you'd kind of expect uh if we want to give him a little bit of extra experience uh maybe they can wrap the squad nope uh they cannot fine you go deal with it then let's give him a little bit of additional experience if we can all right we're going to save our assists for the moment because they won't have time to rest uh so the thing is uh when you're going and doing this kind of spearhead strategy um it's tempting to try and immediately rely on just using all your Firepower at once uh but you want to try to conserve that as much as possible so if you can use them in situations like right here like we're going to set up a range support and a magic support and prioritize magic support so that they don't burn through stamina when they're going and attacking there um we know that we're going to get additional stamina over on on his unit so we should be okay in that regard so now we're going to have him ride out over here just uh very slightly so they should be able to crush it hopefully without help but if they need help it's basically free here so the uh the help is is going to be uh free in uh in situations like this and if they ever do give you free help it will be triggered by default as far as I can tell so uh so this does mean that you can potentially use a lot of your assists more often um allowing you to carve through fights a lot more so basically using stuff like this you can completely ignore that levels exist now I mentioned earlier that we'd be getting more points again we make use of vitalize over here to give them a bit more juice uh we are going to run over and take that town in a moment but we got one more Gladiator Squad coming up and we also need to be able to uh to take a few other fights as well so first of all these Gladiators can they be taken by the two helpers here uh a little bit too far away to uh to pull that off right now um and we aren't going to have enough stamina to be able to take the tower as well but I am confident that these rookies will be able to uh uh to handle um handle this uh this one fighter Squad that's coming up so we're just going to go ahead and uh go ahead and Waypoint our way through the woods so normally the uh the uh roads will be prioritized because you run faster on them um so whenever you're going and uh taking movements like this you will have those cases that uh well that that you'll be wondering like how it how it is that you can take shortcuts and things you have to manually set those uh those shortcuts a little bit more information on this I know we're dumping a whole lot on there at one time um but a little bit more on the shortcuts um is that you actually will move a little bit slower when going through forests and additionally if you ever find yourself in a position that you need to rest like you have a fast moving unit that's tired um they're having issues uh they're you know they need a little bit of a break they need to hide uh what you want to do is actually Park them into a forest so see if there's any deep forests around run them in there have them take a rest as long as it doesn't cause any defensive issues for you um and you can have them take a rest because they will be in stealth mode while they're in that Forest so just something for you to consider all we'll go and Skip through that fight I I used two of the smoke knots on them there uh because they needed two more attacks and they still needed one stamina to be able to take that location um which will then give them additional stamina yes this wasn't exactly worth it in the long run I probably should have just skipped it this time but it's fine it happens sometimes you don't have absolute control over everything but you do get most the information uh so you can mostly get this uh stuff done pretty consistently so we'll get our stamina bonus there um we'll see about getting some of our other squads deployed here in fact I think we're going to go ahead and move a rol Squad up here a little bit see if we maybe need to swap them um I may have to sacrifice the Mage Squad here real quick uh just because of how close they're getting uh so let's see if we use this if we get a ranged assist that's actually going to be a very consistent win there uh their Thief went down so we're actually going to send them over to the city to recover actually no we won't uh because instead we're going to no that's the bridge right they don't get a rest point over there okay in that case oh uh go ahead and head over here uh we're going to have dude guy take one little rest before he runs out and goes to conquer uh just cuz he's already mostly healed so this is getting a little bit risky they're going to take a little bit of damage but these guys don't take much damage um will they be able to survive this one Yes actually they're they're going to be able to pulled us off pretty well if your squads are mostly damaged and you're in a position like this where you can take advantage to finish off a squad just take the opportunity um in that particular case again the dead units are still getting experience they're still getting training um and while they will be left high and dry after this fight um we will generally uh get better results for taking this fight this way I feel so that'll take these guys out give them a bit more experience we'll have a range Squad move up and take that bridge and then during that time we can actually go ahead and uh it's a little risky okay we're going to send our Cavalry in first so caval is almost healed uh we're going to have them move over this way they're going to attempt to use vitalize once they have the opportunity so these guys over here are still generating points uh for their side they actually do seem to have a point economy uh that that we have to uh pay attention to but the nice thing about having auin in your back field here is that it does allow you to potentially uh generate stamina wherever you are as long as you're getting kills oops I forgot to turn off yet another alarm anyway so uh we are almost up to two points once we get up to two points that allows us to hand over some free stamina to these guys we can now move our Archer squad over this way um we'll uh we'll go ahead and take take a few attacks from these guys though realistically we'll want to push forward here so let's say we're pushing forward in this direction we see that we're going to kind of suffer a little bit we do want to have both support squads ideally um so we're going to have Archies go over this way um H we might as well just have these guys rest whatever um so they're just going to rest up as soon as they're ready to go they'll be ready to go um and then yeah we'll get it all done uh probably have the archers rest up a little bit uh we can just kind of sit here chill on on the bridge we're less than uh less than halfway done with our time so we're doing great um we're going to do fine enough like it's funny how after enough times you kind of just get to the point where it's like do do you actually even want to spend the points to go rest or do you want you just start being afraid of rest um or do you want to go do it this way uh anyway our casting support is currently down so uh I think what we're actually going to do is uh spend our Point here since we're not necessarily going to be building up too much um I'm thinking we actually go ahead and uh make you the leader uh so we're going to go ahead and not not that button uh yes change you to the leader uh which will then allow for uh going over here uh let's see if you hit that Tower you die um but they can go over to the fort and start recovering if they recover great if not oh well um they'll be able to get over there a little bit faster we shouldn't need any more of our Valor points going forward here um ranged assistance again we're just going to wait for the moment um should probably let them rest up somewhat just in case we need to use them so if uh Joseph's Squad ends up getting tired out while doing this attack uh we're going to want these guys to be able to uh kind of tag in uh to help assist so they're a few seconds out from getting better these guys are about to get fully restored as long as this doesn't kill them uh the nice thing is while they will continuously waste their points on uh on AR rain they will still be wasting their points so actually if we have somebody over here we uh potentially don't have to worry about any other abilities um it's maybe worth considering but either way we'll let uh let one more attack happen here uh they're going to get shot down right here and away they go and we'll then go send you over in this direction we'll get our range support going in as well uh looks like we'll be getting a decent engagement there um all right and off they March right is our range support within range uh yes yes nice talking for a dead guy anyway we get a range support in there we're actually going to take a bit more damage on count of that range support which isn't ideal but we also did more in the meantime um I forget if I mentioned this yet but when fights are happening whenever you see those situations that are looks like they're taking more damage for uh for the fact that you put an assist in this is basically the fact that you're rrolling the scenario more or less so the think of it as your units basically telling you hey I have a good angle on this guy I don't have a good angle on this guy um it's essentially just kind of rrolling the scenario that if you add more it's also rrolling like hit chances how much damage somebody did all of that kind of thing so somebody might guard somebody might not guard the entire situation will be different but it allows you to kind of do a version of um of the uh the chess Ru from tactic ogre PSP um I I know oddly specific call back there but like specifically in that one there were situations where if you didn't end your turn you could kind of redo the uh uh the rolls because the game had a lot of really weird uh kind of a chance type of things and it was kind of satisfying to uh to redo the roles uh but if you specifically only did it dur during your current turn it didn't actually count against you um however if you try to reset a turn any longer than that it would say that you were cheating so um in that particular case it uh it just kind of led to this uh this kind of fun uh fun little mechanic where you would go and reset stuff anyway all right so we get a recruit sword we get a light feather which allows you to move faster and with nice is that you get that light feather at the same time that you get your pegasi yes yes yes okay so we'll now go ahead and collect even more materials even more towns um and then we'll later be going back to those other towns just so you know if there's any particular character that you wants to have uh you know a lane having an interest in down the road you can also do a thing where in any place that you uh uh any place that you rescue uh you can just go in and uh you you can go in and give them a um oh there's another one of those tablets uh what am I forgetting here uh sorry you are put them as a guard in a in a location um and you can just force feed them as many items as you'd like uh so you can go and max out their uh their finity with somebody if that's what you want to go for or the Rapport rather so let's go a and do this actually while we're here let's go ahead and talk about boats real quick because I kind of just skipped over that part so if we go over to the boats right we go over here we go go to the deliveries you hit Square you get all your deliveries done um does uh does its thing you want to do them all at one time so that it's not wasting time on the menus and we now have boat and now that we have boat uh we can also go ahead and go to the provisioner we can go ahead and buy flowers um so we'll just go ahead and buy some flowers we'll go ahead and uh pick up another empowering draw as well as another uh so smoke nuts Revival orbs uh healing fonts all of these kinds of things and pretty much if you're if you're buying every a couple of fights if you're buying out all those items um you'll typically have enough money to still get the uh uh the customization item towards the end of the demo um so like in this case uh when I'm going and uh buying out uh uh buying out oh shoot I didn't mean to do that uh when I'm going and buying out those items uh you only need 30k by the end of the demo uh to be able to uh buy the customization item so in this particular case uh what we end up doing is uh we get those items to make fights happen faster once those fights are happening faster uh we can then go ahead and uh well not have to worry about spending additional items on heals or things like that as long as we just kind of handle it all through hyperaggression as it were and so this is just kind of how you do it so we'll get a hollow corn as over here those allow you to technically restart fights after the timers ended though personally I will say especially if you're playing on Expert those two points are potentially far more valuable uh you can also spend them for two points in the middle of a fight rather than uh using them to reset a map resetting just kind of keeps the thing going it might like it it's fine as far as that goes um and I'm sure there's going to be some cases where you maybe have to rely on those but so far I have not seen a single map that you can't just win through othera means so anyway just something to consider all right so so like let's say right over here let's say we wanted to get a Lane's whole thing here going with Chloe right oh yep yep yep all well and good so uh we go over to uh to Chloe here and we go ahead and station them and they will go ahead and show up out front yes yes thank you tutorials um and we'll go over to her we'll go ahead and uh give her a gift it's a little bit weird in this particular section but uh basically you just give them as many items as you'd like and while it does say it's for items they specifically like um there's a lot of items that just seem to give you gigantic dumps of Rapport to the point where I gave somebody just the entire pile of everything that was in here and and they seem to just be fine with it so I'm not sure how their preferences work exactly I don't think that lady likes flowers um but either way uh they ended up getting just like flans and cakes and I think caviar or something um there's a lot of that kind of stuff um you know funnily enough now that I think about it speaking of food I have gone through this demo multiple times now I don't think I've ever actually fed anybody dinner yet I don't think I've actually seen a meal mechanic um but yeah using stuff like this uh this allows to like if we wanted to go take that fight right there right now we could uh if we continue going down this way though we'll have access to pegasi so if we go over to here sorry let's go over to this if we go over to our uh to our pegasi over here um we'll get another Fort over in this sorry in this direction yeah I probably wouldn't recommend playing this on a Vita it's just fun that you technically can um so like if we go over here we go ahead and hire uh let's go ahead and pick up a a griffin Knight um so sure there apparently their name is Sean tall they look red and awesome and crimson and everything that looks pretty freaking cool we'll just go ahead and hire them as is and uh we got 37 for honors uh we would need 50 as well as rank C to upgrade to four people so uh what we would do is we're probably going to go ahead and replace Joseph at this point uh with uh with Shan tall um I feel like this generally does a pretty solid job um but uh let's go ahead and go over our items here as well uh I don't think we have any recruit stuff that we've picked up yet uh let's see uh so burn immunity blindness immunity uh does that really help us much here I mean it does give some magic defense I suppose um but we're going to go ahead and give her chlo's charm for additional experience to start off with um if you picked up the um if you picked up the Brown Beret which you should have by this point uh this allows you to get additional damage and then you just go over here and go over to uh uh either lowest HP or back row typically will give you the biggest returns um uh so it just kind of allows them to clean up as it were and then they take their wing rest at the very end now the thing is just so you know while this works in a general sense uh there's going to be cases where you're going to have a much harder time uh getting those guys to work whatsoever versus Shaman down the down line like Shaman seem too hard counter Flyers that's one of those reasons that that fight I mentioned earlier is so much of a problem uh let's see this fight's fairly easy but we're going to skip it for the moment uh there's a lot of fights that you can skip to make uh the earlier ones a little bit faster so like there we go there's the yarna fight so we're going to get our uh our cat now the thing is uh what you can do with this fight is just kind of handle it pretty darn easily at this point so we've got our supports we've got this uh we're going to go ahead and start the stage and from here um I actually got to get going so I'm going to wrap this up but the reason that we did all of this stuff up to this point is to now go ahead and up it to even more magic supports so now we've got her with her Squad um they're going to already hard counter a lot of stuff that's on here but additionally we'll go ahead and uh we've got an Archer and we've got uh we've got this guy so we're going to go ahead and uh switch you over as the leader sorry the uh the controls are looking a little weird to me at the moment for reasons but due to hard counters and things we'll go ahead and pop you out there uh we can have our Archer support actually go deploy in the other Direction uh since these guys will actually be pretty good uh dealing with those guys over there uh while it does recommend using the uh the house Carl here to go break through bar those barricades honestly it's not too much of a priority so we're just going to go ahead and head over this direction uh due to that sword uh that we uh that we gave our dude earlier we're going to have a ton of advantage in this uh situation so not only do they have magic supports uh you can bring along like a little happy turret here um you can additionally uh just had it just add all of this other stuff on top so we got magic assist magic assist suddenly we're taking no damage they're dead before the fight even starts um so we've got multiple assists so we can go in different directions um we can have some of our Flyers uh standby over here and really you can just take this fight just slow and steady and uh carve through them one by one take rests allow your uh your massive Firepower Squad to just kind of uh kind of hop in and uh and handle everything for you if you'd like uh like in this case we're just going to throw in a ranged assist just give them a little bit more experience again just manage your uh your experience as best you can here or manage your stamina as best you can um uh if you need them to take a rest often times it's going to be faster to actually fly them back to the command post uh if you're in this early section because there is some time for them to uh to come back and attack and the uh the benefits that you get from the command post uh will allow for healing a little bit faster uh typically and now I don't know what the exact timing is but I feel like in general these guys are typically faster at recovering um win on that command post so we uh we go ahead and we deal with these guys as they come um you're probably safer just attacking from the uh from the uh the right side uh the left side does give you a whole other town to work with but it doesn't really give you much of a launching Point uh to go do anything extra so if you want to skip that point go for it uh nothing's really going to be too horrible if you do uh we're not going to bother taking advantage of any follow-ups here just because of uh the fact that they're that they're all infantry right now they're going to waste some of their points on vitalized that's not going to be a problem for us um these guys are going to get hard countered pretty bad what about you how's how's your situation looking uh looks like we've already got some stamina back on our bird we can launch them once again as soon as we need to uh which will ideally be to take out that tower on the right side so we'll go ahead and throw both these assists over here again very stamina intensive uh but the bird will take over once these guys are tired but this does allow for a lot of experience for everybody involved this does allow for a lot of flexibility because every one of these squads has has Cavalry has Heavies has just direct Fighters and things so this does give us a lot more opportunities for different potential approaches as we need them um so like right here we'll go ahead and throw in multiple assists to uh to have the Cavalry deal with these guys um if you find yourself in a position that you're really in trouble uh you can go ahead and throw in some of your other units as well um we're going to start getting the bird out here to uh start calling in for fights as well uh the uh the feather that we got earlier would actually help out pretty decently here so there we go there's another unit down uh once these guys get tired uh that's when we're going to start just letting them rest and uh let the birds kind of clean things up but again the this obviously is a is just kind of how I prefer to handle it um the reason that we're kind of doing all this is again to have flexible support squads that can cover for uh for the Flyers who then can fly in and then just deal with whatever the target is of the day often times skipping huge chunks of the map so this allows for maps to be finished up in potentially under a minute in real world time so this is pretty generally useful but just kind of keeps everything fairly flexible as it were so yeah uh so these guys are going to go ahead and take one more encounter here probably take a ranged assist uh should be able to get the job done and also they'll be able to rest at the same time so uh let's see those guys are down you're going to actually we're going to let them take one more attack um because they can just kind of swap in there's just a few wounded squads right now uh birds can go in and tag in for some of it but they'll just keep sending units out uh nothing too much to worry about yet oh our ranged range Squad is a bit down at the moment that would probably be a bit of an issue huh uh well they're going to rest first uh once this uh little Skirmish here is done they're going to take a little bit of a nap um and yeah we'll just have Joseph do his usual of just curb stomping stuff but everyone's still getting experience in the meantime uh do we want to bother with this I feel like these guys probably want to go deal with this witch Squad instead yeah let's go do that just because they're a bit better suited to the job uh can we swap in that'll do that'll do pretty good I what's funny is that this is basically an evolution of the Legion mechanic from ogre battle 64 you can just kind of shift people around into different positions it it just feels very good but as you saw earlier these guys had a good angle on on us before um this time around we're not missing our attacks and looks like we should be able to sweep them up with no real issue um however that is uh three squads that are currently completely tapped but again uh they are all going to be working as one cohesive unit so for now they're all going to be resting while the bird covers for them so we go here you go here you go here these guys take their nap and then bird will go ahead and uh start working on this Tower so well they will work on the tower first things first they got to go deal with this guy uh so yes yes thank you we got that yes yes they're barricades hopefully we're not going to be touched by them uh we should be able just to fly over these things but we go ahead and kill off this one and then we go kill off the tower see these guys are going to be fine just kind of sitting there um ideally we'll have this other Squad all rested up and ready to go so what we're going to do is we're going to Waypoint that way and then we're going to go take on this Tower uh we're also going to go ahead and use our uh our empowering there uh in order to go and make sure that we get these guys in one swoop so they're getting some range support off in the background there uh we're just going to go ahead and put this wind charm up uh that we picked up from that last fight uh this will then Shield us from that ranged attack we'll then also go ahead and go over to get our empowering here uh get this going in this direction and uh just for the hell of it I think we'll actually probably just take a smoke nut here uh so that we can go ahead and uh uh claim the tower after afterwards so I'll just go ahead and kill them off do a little bit of healing um and then from there they will now be able to completely hold that location so this will so allow these guys to go this way um and as you can see they're still sending more squads up there they're not going to send these guys they're not going to fully commit just yet um but uh we will want to get more people going in that direction so hopefully this helps to kind of explain the general mindset of speedr running this whole thing I hope you picked up some tricks and all that um I do have to get going so y'all have yourselves a good one thank you for stopping by and I'll see you next time
Channel: Coffee Potato
Views: 4,320
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: unicorn overlord, ogre battle, tactics ogre, march of the black queen, ogre battle 64, switch, nintendo, speedrun, ps vita
Id: ukkg7xaSbjg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 29sec (3089 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 27 2024
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