Best Fallout Game To Play In 2024 - Which Fallout Game Should You Play? (Fallout TV Show)

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as soon as I finished the Fallout TV show I sprinted to my PC to play a Fallout game but which Fallout game should I play and should you play because there's a lot of choice and consequence to choose from here so today we'll cover all the fallouts and give you which one you should play Let's [Music] go let me know which Fallout game is your favorite in the comments now just for clarity here I won't be covering any real spoilers at all for the TV show though I am going to mention some location things that may be relevant to say which game you choose to play but I'm going to keep spoilers as clear out of this video as possible so let's start with the older original titles and some of the spin-offs here so that really includes Fallout 1 Fallout 2 tactics and Brotherhood of Steel now Fallout began in 1997 as a classic PCC RPG and I was followed up with Fallout 2 A year later now these games still today have some of the best writing in the Fallout Universe however they're not very easy to play these days there's a bit of friction in terms of just like trying to play them because for one they not very user friendly to today's hardware and also like in terms of resolutions and everything like they they're very much still in the '90s right now you may like that really old style game and want to jump into these and you definitely can like the writing here is really good all the themes that are present in the show are absolutely present here you'll run into some locations that you will remember from the show like there's absolutely a lot to love here if you like those old style PCC RPGs but the downside here really is that you know sometimes you can play like older games and it it doesn't feel like an old game like it's aged quite well whereas you know just personally I think these original Fallout games have not aged well they are quite cumbersome to play and and really sink your teeth into so I wouldn't recommend starting with these but you know if you want to play The Originals and see where Fallout actually began then you've actually got these available to you now they are only available on PC at the moment right like all the originals you can get them on Steam Etc but you can't play them on Console Fallout 3 however is the first of the modern Fallout games now we move from a top down CP view here to a first person or third person if you prefer perspective Fallout 3 is set in the capital Wasteland surrounding Washington DC now starting in Vault 101 a vault designed to never be opened your father James who's voiced by Liam niss just a year old and already walking like a pro has secretly left the Vault and left you behind to deal with the consequences you'll soon also Escape into the Wasteland following in his steps while discovering what's been happening above ground as the enclave and the Brotherhood of Steel are ADW for resources and the people of the capital Wasteland try to survive on the scraps this was bethesda's first Fallout game and it's widely considered one of the best Fallout titles I have a full review of Fallout 3 on the channel which I'll link here if you want to know more about my own thoughts Fallout 3 is a personal favorite of mine as it was my first Fallout game and I spent a ton of time playing this game when it first originally came out on the Xbox 360 now I would say that a lot of the DNA of the Fallout TV show originates from Fallout 3 and then into New Vegas and 4 Etc but in terms of a starting point if you want to sort of let's say start at like the very beginning or mostly the very beginning in terms of playing the modern games this is the one that you will definitely want to pick up now Fallout 3 is got a lot of great things going for it you have a fantastic Vault initial setup the Wasteland here while you know maybe not being as pretty or as visually pleasing as some of the modern titles here Fallout 3 has a lot going for it in terms of its writing and story and the combat is really the thing that you will probably struggle with if you're jumping into this in today because you can't aim down sides which is something that basically you always do in these days now the Vats here freezes time and you'll heavily be relying on Vats really to deal with some of the cumbersomeness of the combat when you are actually playing so that's isn't something that you really see in the show though it is kind of hinted at but you will use it a lot throughout Fallout games as a core part of the combat Loop now Fallout 3 is available on PC though it does have some issues with crashing and running smoothly but it's definitely absolutely playable it's also available on Xbox series X and S with backwards compatibility running at a higher resolution and frame rate but PlayStation fans unfortunately are out of luck here as it doesn't exist on Playstation currently from what I can see so you'll either have to pick it up on Xbox or PC Fallout New Vegas despite a pretty rough launch has become most fans favorite Fallout game it uses the same engine assets and systems originally developed by Bethesda game studios for Fallout 3 however Obsidian Entertainment has really taken that framework developed it further and created Fallout New Vegas it really enhances all of the core systems that you'll experience in Fallout 3 like the immediate one is Gunplay being able to aim down sights deeper role playing mechanics and systems as well as skill checks and a much deeper reputation system as you run into the factions across New Vegas in Fallout New Vegas it is set around Las Vegas you don't actually play as a vault dweller you are The Courier working for the Mojave Express Postal Service after being robbed shot and left for dead by a mobster and casino owner Benny your task with finding out more about the Platinum chip that was stolen and where Benny has run off to You'll very quickly be entangled into a brewing war between Caesar's Legion the NCR and Mr House who runs the New Vegas strip New Vegas being said on the west coast of America you will absolutely hear a lot of things and see a lot of things that are referenced and mentioned in the Fallout TV show namely the NCR is the most obvious one but there are plenty of other references to things and events from New Vegas that are mentioned or shown in the show as well even just like little backdrop things that that you may have seen in the show and that will actually appear in New Vegas like Sunset ASAS Barella like a competitor to nuca Cola for example now exploring in New Vegas you will come across the similarities to Fallout 3 in terms of its color palette and its depth of world which is something that's a little lacking in terms of the exploration from these older titles for both of these while it is definitely still good and I do get a kick out of exploring the New Vegas Wasteland as well as the capital Wasteland there is something about just sort of the the flatness of the calip palet and just because of the the issue of the times right you know as times have passed these games by but both these games are absolutely playable and have really fantastic stories to tell and uh a great introduction point to the Fallout World especially with New Vegas being said in the west right like you'll get a lot of that connection to the TV show if that's what you're looking for now while Fallout 3 has some amazing DLCs New Vegas definitely has some of the best DLCs for the Fallout Universe from Old World Blues to Lonesome roads couple of my favorites Fallout New Vegas is available on PC with a much smoother experience than Fallout 3 and it's also on Xbox series X and S with back compatibility unfortunately it's also not on PS5 after a 5-year break Fallout 4 was released by Bethesda game studios now taking the Wasteland to the surrounding region of Boston known as the Commonwealth you would have heard mention of the Commonwealth in the TV show as well the Story begins before the war in 20177 as you and your spouse which by the way your playable character is now voiced in Fallout 4 you seem like an okay guy are enjoying a day at home with your son Sean a voltech representative admits the family into Vault 111 the local fallout shelter and conveniently right before the bombs actually drop so in Vault 111 you're placed into cryostasis for 210 years years but before you are released an unknown figure arrives kills your spouse and takes Shawn and as you escape the Vault you'll be on the hunt for Shawn the unknown man and get roped into a conflict between a much more aggressive Brotherhood of Steel and the artificial humanoids called since the Minutemen a faction that aims to drive out Raiders and other threats in the Commonwealth and the railroad a secretive organization dedicated to rescuing those sins from The Institute one of my favorite things about Fallout 4 is that it does start pre-war you get to see what the world was like pre-war you get to interact with things and it is a short section of the game but it's just exciting to see you know we did get more of that in the TV show as well but it's just something that I really enjoyed about Fallout 4 Fallout 4 is the most popular Fallout game but it's also one of the most divisive though it received very positive reviews and rightfully so there was some Fallout fans including myself that were a little disappointed in the simplification of some of those role playing elements from the special skill tree to The Limited dialogue options seemingly due to the voiced protagonist now bgs addressed some of these issues with the DLC additions from Far Harbor to nuk World which are both excellent by the way which isn't to say that there isn't anything to love here like the world design in Fallout 4 is I think absolutely the best in the series with a much denser exploration experience a deeper crafting system and a much cleaner combat loop as well as the introduction of sediment building where you can help rebuild the Wasteland or build your own vault now I talked a little bit about some of the friction with some of these earlier titles that they're a little hard to play all that sort of thing and if you want just like the smoothest Fallout experience it's definitely Fallout 4 due to it being a bit more of an action game than a role playing game the movement and combat mechanics and a significantly tighter combat loot really has really led to this being one of the easy experiences to jump into if you just want to experience Fallout and sort of dip your toes into the video games Fallout 4 is definitely one of the best options for that and it'll get even better very soon as it is getting a free nextg update for Xbox and PlayStation 5 adding new graphics and performance modes Quest bug fixes and free creation Club content as well as that update is coming to PC as well but this is available on all major platforms except for switch so it's definitely the most easily accessible and it's one of the tighter experiences if you just want to jump into that full out experience and not have to get too deep into a role playing game then Fallout 4 is probably the option there though there is some of those role playing elements it's just not as deep and dense as the earlier titles of 3 and New Vegas 3 years after the release of Fallout 4 but there's the shocked us all really with their first online multiplayer game from the studio and for Fallout with Fallout 76 set in Appalachia which is a representation of West Virginia Fallout 76 takes us back in the Fallout timeline to only 25 years after the bombs fell as one of the first vaults to open after the bombs you and your friends are tasked with reclaiming and rebuilding the Wasteland while finding out what what happened to your vaults overseer and the conflict between the two major factions the settlers and the Raiders you may have heard a lot of negativity surrounding Fallout 76 especially its launch which is definitely warranted it was a bit of a complete mess from top to bottom both inside and outside the game in terms of bugs and issues at its launch but as a mad Fallout fan the pitch of being able to play Fallout with friends was really exciting to me and I was definitely one of those players at launch that just didn't connect with Fallout 76 I did give it another shot with the wastelanders expansion which added NPCs to the game a bunch of brand new story lines and characters and significantly overhauled the game they have been subsequent updates since that point not on the same scale but adding additional storylines and contents from daily OBS to Expeditions and additional events and this year with the introduction of the attic City the First new explorable area to Fallout 76 the game is absolutely alive and well now Fallout 76 is a game that I used to cover extensively and stream weekly back in the day while it's not my favorite Fallout experience if you've never played 76 or you want to play a Fallout game with your friends it's definitely worth your time as long as you temper your expectations right I wouldn't be expecting this to be the best Fallout experience that you can have but it's absolutely a fun game despite its shortcomings in terms of its design and everything but significantly improved since the Wasteland is updated with the content they have haded to the game since then even returning to the game today after about a year away from the game I myself have noticed a bunch of improvements that have just come to the game after you know playing the game for 300 hours before that it's it's positive to see that this game is still being supported by bgs as well and and Fallout 76 is available on all the same platforms as Fallout 4 but because of its online nature you will have a great combat Loop here you'll have a lot of fun with your friends but a lot of those deeper role playing mechanics that you may expect from a single player title you won't really see them here all right so which Fallout game is best or which one should you play right now if you've watched this video up until this point there's probably one of these games that's connected with you personally more than the others right now if that's the case just go and play that one ignore whatever I say next it could be the deeper role playing systems of Fallout 3 or New Vegas or maybe it's the tigh of combat experience from a Fallout 4 or maybe it's just being able to play with your friends from a Fallout 76 if you want my personal opinion though I'll give you two options the first I personally would suggest starting with Fallout 4 I think it's the best opening sequence of a Fallout game it really solidifies the position of what Fallout is with that pre-war experience and seeing the bombs drop and the denser world and exploration will keep you engaged it feels the most like the TV show in my opinion because of that but if you want to experience something that is set on the west and one of what maybe what Fallout is in its Essence then I would recommend New Vegas right you'll see a lot of references to things from the TV show that you'll definitely connect with if you haven't played it before but really there is no wrong answer look you can even just go and play fallout shelter on your phone and have an absolute Banger of a time cuz that is a great game as well but let me know your thoughts in the comments which Fallout game is your favorite or are you going to play based on this video I'd love to read your thoughts in the comments but thank you guys for watching this video till the end thank you to our members for supporting the channel my name is noza and I hope you have a great day
Channel: NorZZa
Views: 550,792
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: which fallout to play, which fallout is best, best fallout games, fallout games ranked, fallout, fallout 4, fallout new vegas, fallout 3, fallout 76, fallout 2, fallout games ranked worst to best, all fallout games ranked, fallout 1, fallout ranking, fallout ranked, best fallout game, every fallout game ranked, fallout lore, fallout tier list, ranking fallout games, new vegas, fallout 4 next gen upgrade, fallout 2024, fallout tv show, fallout tv, fallout show, norzza
Id: 6SqWG4DK9fI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 51sec (831 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 15 2024
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