Making PHO For The First Time!

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F everybody loves these brothy noodles that they have at a f restaurant but for whatever reason people don't cook it at home especially if you're not Vietnamese or Cambodian shout out to my Cambodian friends you probably didn't know f is popular both in Vietnam and Cambodia but today finally I'm going to be making f for the first time I'm going to be doing it in the most authentic way possible except I'm going to cut down the time from 2 days to about 2 to 3 hours and I'm going to show you the whole process I'm going to show you all the ingredients how I prepare everything and hopefully Judy and the girls love it one of the reasons I love f is because not only is it delicious it's very healthy for you so let's get right into the ingredients I will be doing an oxtail F just because I saw this at Costco and that's what I'm going to use I also have this ribeye steak which I will be freezing and slicing thin to put on top a lot of of these ingredients are the condiments we got the lime the green onions Thai Basil I don't know why I bought Thai Basil that that's just what they had at the Filipino grocery store and the bean sprouts and then for the broth I'll be adding in all of these cloves cardamon pods cinnamon Starnes coriander seeds other things to flavor this we've got the fish sauce this is the Vietnamese brand we do have the Filipino brand but that's what I picked salt MSG and and then sugar a lot of the recipes I watch on YouTube have Rock sugar or like a like a big chunk of sugar I got these rice stick bufa I actually asked the Auntie that was at the Filipino store she said yes this is the one so I've never cooked this and as I mentioned this is my first time but I watched a ton of videos and this by no means is to teach you how to make it it's just to share my first experience doing this I know authentic fall takes about 2 days but I'm going to do the 3-hour version and the way I'll be doing the shortcut version is using the pressure cooker now I'm not sure how much that amount of oxtail will fill this up so I might pressure cook it in here but then move it to the sock pot in here when I add all the other ingredients one of the first things I'm going to do is prepare the oxtail the reason I'm doing this is because a lot of recipes say to boil off all the gunk I did watch mdty matthys in I know he's not Vietnamese but he is a dope chef and I I'm entertained by his videos he just removed the gunk and then use the same water to me that kind of makes sense because that's a lot of flavor you could be losing now I don't know why people dump all the water out if that's maybe something because of the meat or the meat quality I'm going to decide if I'm going to do that or not but right now what I'm going to do is open this up put it in here put cold water and then get it on on the stove ASAP whoa all right got on stove now going to turn it up to high heat I want to get this to a rolling boil and see how much Gunk comes out of it and then I will determine will I dump all the water out or will I just remove the scum I don't know yet [Music] [Music] this smells so good already and it's just the oxtail in there as you saw I've been skimming all the junk off in fact I'm going to do it right now and the question was was I going to dump this water out or not and I've decided I'm not sorry to all you people that are so used to that and let me know in the comments I I like to know why is it that you dump the water out why I should consider doing it the reason I'm not right now now is because I'm skimming this off and the liquid below is clean looking I don't know if it's it's a meat quality thing or it's just just easier to dump the water out but right now I feel like there's a lot of goodness going on underneath the surface that I don't want to lose I don't want to lose in my f broth so I'm just going to keep doing this for probably another 7 minutes and then I'm going to throw on the pressure cooker lid and let this thing go to tell me cuz right now it already smells good obviously it doesn't smell like F I didn't put anything but the ox tow in here but I'm just going to keep it let me know in the comments why do some people not dump out the water I'm curious listen listen it's way past your bedtime but I have one question for you actually two one does this smell good that what are you making I'm making noodle soup right now tell me does it smell good or bad um actually smells good I know from her face okay the second question is this hey do you want to stay up tonight are you going to scream no are you going to be quiet are you going to listen to your sisters if you give me a kiss you can stay up tonight I love you Dad life all right so with this ribey steak I'm going to freeze it so that I can cut it really thin I'm going to put it in there for about 45 minutes I'll put it right there what that's going to do is enable me to be able to cut it really thin with just my knife at home so I'm going to turn off the heat cuz it's been actually 30 minutes now time to pressure cook I've already turned this off there we go there we go I can tell this thing is already wanting to pre-pressurized put on the top I have to start boiling it again want to keep the pressure on right here now if you're not familiar this is called a pressure cooker it's exactly what it sounds like it just keeps all the pressure inside it takes a while to get going but once it gets going there's this little thing that pops up right now and that is indicating it's pressurized this will cut down the cooking time dramatically so normally F takes about 2 days this I'm going to be cooking for 45 minutes maybe 40 minutes and it's going to be amazing maybe even less than that 30 minutes but it's going to be pressurized one of the other things I learned from a friend of mine Grant is it keeps all the flavor inside too which totally makes sense afterwards I will have another session where I add in all the other flavors and then that's going to inherit the F flavors that you know f for but while this is cooking I'm going to go ahead and prepare the other ingredients the first thing I'm going to do is roast the aromatics and then also pan fry these spices so let's go so in a lot of these recipes I've seen on YouTube they add onions and they add garlic and they roast them so what I'm going to do here is I'm going to cut this into halves obviously peel it and then this Ginger I'm just going to wash it peel some of the skin off but not all of it and then I'm also going to roast this that'll be the base of the flavor done going to go ahead and add these to the oven and to roast them I'm just going to broil them right underneath that flame there we go while the ginger and the onions roasting I'm going to go ahead and dry roast these on this non-stick pan these are the spices I'm using the cinnamon Stones this is the cardamon this is coriander seeds cloes never done this before I've only seen videos it calls for five stares just going to take half of this I bought enough herbs for me to do this again in the future maybe take some of these smaller ones there we go two camman pods I'm just going to do three and then cloves it says four whole cloves just going to go that's enough for me maybe one more cuz I like clove so I'm going to do one tablespoon of coriander seeds just going to go ahead and do about half of them last but not least cinnamon sticks I'm just going to take half of these which smells so good oh my gosh can't wait put those right in there I've got this on kind of a well high heat but to smaller burner I'm just going to kind of do this until I smell the goodness I will add these into a little baggie that I create and then put it into the stock a little bit just going to go ahead and flip these guys over smells like shpow yeah kind of does funny enough we go does it smell good mhm very good so what we need to do go get scissors cuz we're going to make a little basket here I want you to cut it right down this go get those spices and you're going to put it right in the center there you go what we're going to do is create a satchel so we tie it up like this like a pepper maybe yeah it's a little bit thicker than normal maybe I don't need it to be that thick go ahead pull that pull that string there you go there you go pull it tight good I did see that's that's going to keep all the spices in there without going in there I put it in yeah you can I'll do then put you totally can put it in I'm going to double knot this you want to release it you want me to do it what it watch it's going to release it okay I just released the pressure it's good to open you have to be very careful with the pressure cooker oh my gosh let me just show you what it looks like real quick there's a lot of fat in there there's a lot of goodness in there the oxil is definitely cooked up super big but we're only about halfway there I've got the stock pot here it's in the sink because it's so big I don't want to spill this one's going to strain out all the little bits that one's just going to catch anything else you definitely don't want to waste this I'll be very careful when you're doing this oh baby you know I already strained a lot of it go oh yeah that's a lot of you little look at that meat right there baby a lot of connective tissue a lot of protein a lot of flavors in addition to this I'm going to go ahead and add all these bones you know what though you know what I don't care I'm I'm going to put them back in there so what I'm going to do is I'm going to take the meat off the bigger ones and then what I'll do with the smaller ones I'll all continue cooking those in here they're just going to basically melt away this I'm going to bring back to the stove and I'll show you what I'll do to finish this okay so I have no idea what I'm doing here but uh I've got a huge stock pot it's ready to go I'm going to go ahead and add all the ingredients to this so first we're going to turn up the heat place that one in first good and then what you're going to do is put these in there to you should probably use the tongs don't drop it in Go real close to the bottom there you go do it with all of them in my face okay good now go grab those bottles of water over there by the toaster oven fish sauce why don't you smell it tell me what you think of the smell okay then pour some in the whole bottle no definitely not the whole bottle just like a little splash don't touch the pot one more of those maybe one more that's good MSG pull the whole bottle definitely not shake shake a whole bunch of it in there yep two like a whole bunch just keep going I'll tell you when I think that's too much Daddy um done a little bit more okay that's good now the sugar no here here you go I think think that's plenty that's plenty there no put it in there never put it back in there and then the salt there you go good I'll tell you when to [Applause] stop okay go ahead and stir it with these you're going to stir it smells smelly that's my notse it's so hot okay it's past midnight right now and the timer went off a while ago for this so this is partially frozen I'm going to cut it thin but the soup stock on the stove and I'm going to let it cook for another probably 20 minutes after I get this prepared I'm going to prepare all the toppings and hopefully this this and the noodles I'm going to cook with the toppings can make for a deliciousness cuz I'm hungry and I also want to go to bed but I'm doing this because I want Judy to try this in the morning too can I wake up what's that I'm going to wake up momy heck no [Music] [Music] [Music] so we're pretty close to finishing I'm prepping all the toppings right now but I want to do a little taste test dadd go ahead you taste it do you like it I do I think it needs a little bit more salt just a tiny bit more salt maybe not salt maybe flavor more flavor I know what to do I saw a trick that two Vietnamese people did two different Cooks totally different Lifestyles totally different professions totally different skill levels and they added this one thing they added this now is this completely a cheater move I don't know but I saw them do it so I'm going to do it now what is it what is it it's basically beef soup boil down to its simplest form yeah it's like curry curry is just Curry condensed down add about that much right in there and I think we need more salt [Applause] too I'm also going to add a little bit more fish sauce There we go there we go good job that's plenty it's kind of pass your bedtime you know that right are you tired are you sure this just removes all the U [Applause] moisture M cilantro M what that okay so noodles are in Kira is very sleepy and very hungry Leah is not sleepy I don't want these spices to overwhelm the broth so I'm going to take it out if anything I'm making a very subtle F broth cuz the girls really aren't familiar with f me and Judy we love fa smells great but I want it to be kid friendly so we're just doing some noodles for Kira you tell me what the flavor is like okay try the broth and then the noodles I wouldn't wait 3 hours at day oh no at the restaurant they do this ahead of time is it good right [Music] everybody's asleep it's 1:30 a.m. I'm finally going to Plate this F and eat it for myself for the toppings I've got the ribeye steak that I cut real thin then I got the meat that I removed from the oxtail and then I got the toppings I showed you the green onions bean sprouts the basil cilantro I did not show you the thinly sliced onions and of course the lime [Music] [Music] finally look at that whoa now little bit of that lime can't spray it too far away oh yeah get a little that basil little that onion little bit of that cilantro maybe a little bit of that oxtail get one big old bite there you go baby finally my [Music] god get some of that get some of that meat right there mhm mhm mixing those Breen Sprouts all right let's see how see a lot of people they remove that fat I want that fat in there oh my God oh my God subscribe if you love food cuz I'll be sharing all my food adventures in here comment below what should be my next first time cooking recipe video appreciate you hopefully you guys are inspired to try this I'm going to cook this a few more times only took me 5 hours
Channel: Benji Travis
Views: 44,919
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Benji Travis, benjimantv, shopping vlog, food vlog, family vlog, Making PHO For The First Time!, make pho at home, easy pho recipe, how to make pho at home, making pho less intimidating, easy pho recipe for home
Id: -8pXhvdpCZs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 15sec (1395 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 22 2024
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