Best Ever Chicken Fried Steak!

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it has a secret ingredient that i think makes it amazing and i'm gonna tell you what that is everyone should make it they should make it and they should make it right you can also use this as good stress relief if maybe say your children have been fighting ask me how i know i don't know the proper term y'all i am not schooled at this easy seriously this is not hard check your cue state you can think if you want if it makes it more fun you can do that let's do this let's make some chicken fried steak hey y'all okay we are back in the kitchen and tonight i am making one of our family's favorites which is cube steak actually chicken fried steak is what i call it this is the pre-cooked version chicken fried steak used to kind of intimidate me and even the first few times i made it i was like this is a lot of work it's actually not a lot of work i've done it enough now where i realized it's not a lot of work it's very good and i think everyone should make it they should make it and they should make it right and i for years have followed this one recipe i don't actually look at the recipe anymore i just kind of do it but it has a secret ingredient that i think makes it amazing and i'm going to tell you what that is so let's do this let's make some chicken fried steak i don't know why it's called chicken fried steak i guess because it fries up kind of like chicken wood but it's obviously not chicken it's beef yeah anyway somebody's going to tell me somebody in the comments is going to tell me if it's something different than what i just said and that would be great i would appreciate it all right i have actually done this on my other channel on my farming channel but i'm going to do it here specifically on my cooking channel and let it just let it sit here as well as over there yeah okay and i might do it different than i did over there because i don't even remember what i did but the way i do it here is the way i'm gonna do it tonight let's go so i have a pack of chicken fry of chicken fried steak of cube steak 1.05 pounds so basically a pound of cube steak is what you're going to need i'm going to cut it open and i'm going to cut it actually sometimes i will do it with the big pieces but they're so big so what i've started doing is cutting it into smaller pieces like half like cutting it in half each big piece in half so we have smaller pieces you don't have to that's my husband on the radio yes i'm here yeah all right the farmer's home and he needs a ride okay anyway we're getting back to chicken fried steak yeah so i'm just gonna cut these in half see they're like yay big now they're going to be this big four pieces so we'll actually end up with eight pieces math is math i'm not good at math but i can do that math okay okay now what i'm going to do is sprinkle them with some seasoned salt this is what i've always done and now that i have musket powder in my life which i didn't used to have i'm going to sprinkle some of that on there too it's going to be good i'm going to turn them over and i'm going to do the same thing on the other side see how that works easy peasy okay okay for the next part you're gonna need a ziploc gallon bag you don't have to you could use a plate but i potatoes are boiling over um i prefer to use a ziploc you're gonna put some all-purpose flour like that much i don't know y'all that's a cup or more and then the secret ingredient is saltines saltines you take your saltine sleeve um i'm just gonna use the whole sleeve but you don't necessarily have to use a whole sleeve but i'm just being lazy and you're gonna break it up so the easiest thing to do is to get it started it's really loud get it started crushing it up in the bag and then you can crush it up more in the other bag if you need to and then sometimes what happens is the bottom blows out and you make a big mess so i'm going to put it over the bag like this sorry i didn't get my tripod out i just i'm kind of i'm kind of going fast tonight but i still wanted to do this so here we are okay so you're gonna put that in there and you're gonna crunch it up some more try to get it good and smash try to get them smashed as good as you can all right so i'm going to work on that you can also use this as good stress relief if maybe say your children have been fighting ask me how i know um you can do that yeah i'm not beating the meat i'm beating the crackers for the meat the meat's already beat so that's the good thing about cube steak now that's good and crushed up um you could put some extra like salt and pepper in here some paprika i'm just gonna put a little more musket powder in here and then let me show you what's next okay now what i've got is two eggs and a little bit of milk and this is gonna be your egg wash it's not really an egg wash what do you call it it's for dipping for coding i don't know the proper term y'all i am not schooled at this anyway it's milk and eggs milk and eggs milk and eggs and what we're gonna do is a double dip it's okay to double dip for this recipe promise okay so what we're going to do is we're going to take the meat we're going to coat all the meat first with the flour mixture then we're going to dip it in the egg mixture then we're going to coat it again in the flour mixture and it's going to be ready to fry okay easy seriously this is not hard just take a few pieces at a time shake shake shake shake shake shake shake your cube steak shake your cube steak you can think if you want if it makes it more fun you can do that all right and then shake it off put it on a plate take it out of the bag put put the rest in shake it up sorry this is also stress relief this is just really this is just a lot going on tonight that's good for stress really and then you get to eat it which is even more stress really because this y'all is comfort food at its finest it is okay now you're gonna take your meat you're gonna dip it in the egg this this does get a little messy okay and then you're gonna put that i do this one at a time back in your bag and shake that up okay sometimes i'll take it and i'll like pat it that's what i'm doing in here even though you can't see it to make sure it's coated really good and there you go we're gonna do that a few more times and we're ready to fry okay now i'm gonna turn this on medium high i have got my mmm my medium sized skillet this is my 12 inch skillet and i just covered the bottom with oil peanut no it's not it's not peanut what is it canola oil use whatever kind of oil you want just use vegetable and i've got my meat here ready to go and once that gets hot we're just going to fry them flip them put them in flip them take them out and then we're going to make gravy and we're going to have mashed potatoes here in a minute and we're going to be set okay i know the grease is hot i just pulled that hot cobbler out of the oven that recipe will also be on here i don't know which one of these is gonna come first you're just gonna have to stay tuned yeah if it's ready i'll i'll give you the link all right um first anyway here we go look at that that's what i'm talking about yes i really wanted to get them all in here but i don't think that's gonna happen shucks i should have used the mack daddy one a big one that's all right we'll just do two batches okay they're gonna cook let them cook a few minutes then i'll flip them and then what i like to do is line full line uh baking sheet and put a rack on it and then when they come off i put them on here and put them in a 200 degree oven my oven is hot though because it had that cob wearing it so um i put them in there until i get the gravy done and that way they don't get soggy nobody wants soggy fried meat okay and this is the key to that the key to keeping it from getting soggy is to keep it in a very low temp warm oven until you're ready to eat it so 200 degrees okay trust me do it okay let's check them all right i think they're ready to flip once they get kind of golden brown see they're gonna flip them over let them cook another couple minutes those might not have been quite ready okay i'll let you stay over here for a second it's all good okay these are ready to come out so i'm going to put them over here like that smells really good y'all i flip those i'm gonna let them cook another minute or two we're to add these two little loners that got left out you could breathe heat back up and put these in the oven okay all the chicken fried steak is in the oven staying warm there we go the beef the beef it's always a cut above the rest yeah okay anyway i digress um now what we have is some very hot grease right very hot so i'm gonna get a measuring cup and i'm gonna pour said hot grease into there i'm gonna leave some in here though and some of the drippings and that's gonna be our gravy and i did that one-handed and i made a mess but anyway you see i poured a lot of it out i left some in there though and now i'm gonna add milk and some flour and we're gonna have gravy and that's that well probably a little salt we'll see okay i ended up pouring a little more out i had too much grease in there this is just hit or miss y'all but it always works out i don't i don't know measurements on this i just pour milk until it looks right and i just add some flour and i start whisking and we have gravy that's how it works for me okay hot stuff y'all hot stuff all right i'm gonna pour in about that much milk poured it about halfway i got got to leave it on you got to have some heat and this is what i like to use hold on i like to use this little whisk it's my favorite all right i got to put some flour in here what i like to do for my flour i'm sure there is another way but this is what i do i i use this thing i think it's actually a tea strainer oh is that old flower probably whatever it's been washed all right i take it and i put some flour in it and i dust it like that and that way it just really helps keep it from getting lumpy it really does i promise this is just something i've learned trial and error and this works for me usually so we'll hope it works since i'm actually videoing it you know how that goes or maybe you don't but let me tell you sometimes it doesn't work out it is though it's working see how those little lumps are going away we don't want lumpy gravy i make lumpy mashed potatoes but i don't want lumpy gravy so i'm going to add a little bit more and get it thick then i'm going to taste it i'm going to add some salt probably be very careful when tasting hot gravy or you will burn your mouth ask me how i know on your finger yeah yeah you're definitely going to want to add some salt i actually like to add more of the seasoned salt i love seasoned salt i really do so that's what i'm gonna do see how pretty that is it's just thickening up i'm just gonna dust it with some seasoning salt and i'm gonna stir it some more basic oh my gosh bonnie you okay that didn't sound very good did it um anyway we're going to stir this up and should be right i really think we're going to be right now turn that way down i still got to make mashed potatoes this is so much going on [Applause] a little more salt okay that's it that's gonna be it it's gonna be perfect okay if you don't have seasoned salt you can use salt you could add some more pepper shoot i could have put some musket powder in there never done it but it would be good um okay i'm gonna turn this off i gotta make my mashed potatoes and then we gotta eat supper yeah well i've showed this before too but this is how i make mashed potatoes this is actually yo i'm using half and half do you understand you need to understand that if you use half and half or even whipping cream a little bit of whipping cream i'm talking so low with your mashed potatoes you're gonna thank me yeah um i've been putting some cream cheese in them i don't know if i'm gonna do that tonight but i'm gonna use half and half butter and salt it's where it's at trust me and here we are again with our stress relief so much mash and mashing mashin and smashing going on tonight this is just how we like this is how i like to make mashed potatoes i might add some actual milk i also haven't added salt yet that's not good lots of salt potatoes need salt they need lots of salt when i say lots like lots they need lots of salt i mean in my kitchen they do anyway there we have it y'all chicken fried steak gravy green beans mashed potatoes and cobbler that i had to taste it's um it's edible it's more than edible it's delicious okay so i hope you will try that i hope you'll try the chicken fried steak i hope you'll try the cobbler i will link to it i think i'm going to put it up first so yeah let me put a link here i think it'll be here anywho check them both out let me know what you think and let's get cooking y'all
Channel: This Farm Wife Cooks
Views: 27,928
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: southern cooking, cast iron cooking, cooking with beef, farm raised beef, easy recipes, instant pot recipes, instapot recipes, butter, beef, cast iron, homemade, cooking at home
Id: 3mgharPpeQw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 3sec (1023 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 17 2020
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