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hi everybody i'm rachel from rachel cooks with love in today's video i'm gonna be making a delicious chicken fried steak dinner with a wonderful creamy gravy and my favorite sides my ron said he wanted something that was gonna stick to his ribs i made two or three suggestions and this is what he wanted so this is what i'm gonna make it's easy quick and super delicious let's get started so i'm going to start out with my meat so i've got two cube steaks right here as you can see cube steak is just top round steak or top sirloin and then it's tenderized really well and the butchers usually do that as you can see see how it is if you can't find cube steak you can just get yourself a sirloin steak or a ribeye steak and just have your butcher tenderize it for you and that's what you're going to get right here now i keep them between the paper towels because i want to make sure that there is no moisture left on the cube steak because if it's wet it's not going to hold on to the breading so you want to make sure they're nice and dry before you start out with your bread so i'm going to go ahead and set this aside and start out with my ingredients now in this dish i'm going to be putting in my buttermilk and my egg mixture and here i'm going to have my flour mixture so i'm going to start out with one egg so i'm going to break my egg in here and i'm going to beat it just like that and then i've got three fourths of a cup of buttermilk now if you don't have buttermilk or you don't want to have to buy the whole container of buttermilk when you're only going to use it once you can make your own now in here i've got three-fourths of a tablespoon of white vinegar and three-fourths of a cup of milk so it's just equal amounts so this is my three-fourths of a cup of buttermilk and i'm gonna go ahead and put it in here with my egg and mix it together right here just like this so i've got that ready now in here i'm gonna put in three fourths of a cup of flour now this is good for about three chicken fried steaks maybe you can make four if they're not too big today i'm going to be making two of them one for me and one for my raw so i've got my three-quarters of a cup of flour i'm going to be posting all my ingredients and amounts right here on the screen and i'm also going to put them below in the description box so you'll know exactly what i used and how much here i have my onion powder i'm gonna put three fourths of a teaspoon of onion powder just like that in with my flour and i'm gonna put the same amount of garlic powder right here i want this flour mixture to have a fantastic taste you don't want to have a chicken fried steak that just doesn't have you know good seasoning in it and i've got a fourth of a teaspoon of cayenne pepper so i'm gonna go ahead and put that in there now it's optional but i like the cayenne pepper because it gives it a little kick but you can leave it out if you don't want any in there i'm gonna be putting in a fourth of a teaspoon of baking soda and a fourth of a teaspoon of baking powder now the baking soda and the baking powder together give you good volume in your breading and it also gives it a fantastic flavor with a nice brown color now i've got three fourths of a teaspoon of parsley flakes just like this i'm gonna crush them real good and put them in there i'm gonna be using three fourths of a teaspoon of paprika this will give it a fantastic flavor and color about 3 4 of a teaspoon of pepper i like to put plenty of pepper in here and i'm going to be putting in some salt now that's up to you i'm going to mix this together really well and that's good that easy so now i'm going to get one of my cube steaks here's one of my cubescapes i'm going to put it through my egg and buttermilk mixture right here like this want to make sure your hands are real nice and clean just like this now i'm going to put it through my flour mixture like this and you want to make sure that it goes in through all those little cracks as best as you can like that see then shake off the excess and do it again let it drip off like this and then put it into your flour mixture and get it in there real real good like this see now i like to tap it in there so it'll go in to all the little cracks just like that and then just shake off most of the excess like this and lay it aside right there and i'm going to go ahead and do the same to this piece right here and this is going to give you the best crust this has nothing to do with chicken even though it's called chicken fried steak say where does the chicken come in well the chicken doesn't come in anywhere because it doesn't have anything to do with a chicken it's got a crust like fried chicken so that's why they gave it the name chicken fried steak because it's fried like you would fried fried chicken so i'm gonna go ahead and set them aside like this see you want your buttermilk and egg mixture to come together with your flour mixture to give you the best crust so you want to let it sit for at least five minutes so that it'll just come together really well now when it gets sticky like this and lumpy that's what's going to give you that best crust so you want to let it sit there for a few minutes i'm going to go ahead and wash my hands clean up my area and get ready for the next step now i've got my heat set on medium i'm going to go ahead and put in one cup of vegetable oil into my cast iron skillet now you can use any frying pan that you want but i love to work with cast iron and i'm going to wait until it gets nice and hot now i've given it a few minutes and i think it's ready so i'm going to get one of these little bit now can you see the bubbling like that now i know that it's ready so i'm going to go ahead and put my two cube steaks in here now try your very best to make sure that they don't touch because if they touch they get steamy and soggy just like that now can you see the way it's sizzling like that that's exactly the way we want it to be and i've got it set just a little bit less than medium now you don't want to burn them so you want to make sure that it stays about like that and do not flip them around they will be flipped around only once so it's been three minutes so i'm gonna go ahead and flip them over to the other side [Music] see how beautiful that crust is now as you can see i don't have them fully submerged in the vegetable oil i want to make sure that it's about a fourth to about three-fourths covered from the bottom with oil i'm gonna go ahead and let them fry like that for another three minutes now my three minutes are up i'm gonna go ahead and turn off the heat as you can see they look beautiful so i'm gonna go ahead and remove them right now now i've got a rack right here and i've got some paper towels at the bottom because i want them to drip and i don't want to put them directly on the paper towels because if i put them directly on the paper towels they get soggy so i'm going to go ahead and put them just like that now i've got my oven set at 200 degrees i'm gonna go ahead and put them in there to keep them warm so that i can get started on my creamy gravy so now as you can see you see all those bits that were left behind from the stakes i'm going to go ahead and leave them in there but i'm going to get all this grease out of here just like that but i want to keep the bits so i'm going to put them right back like this so i'm going to make sure that these bits go right back in like that see i'm going to add some of my bacon grease as you can see this is where i keep it i'm gonna put in two tablespoons now if you don't have any bacon grease to use you can use two tablespoons of the same vegetable oil that you just removed but we just didn't want this much in here so now that my bacon grease is nice and melted like that i'm gonna go ahead and put in two tablespoons of the same flour mixture that i used to bread my cube steaks now this flower as you know it's very well seasoned so that's why i'm using this so i don't have to put anything else into it because it's already seasoned and i'm just gonna whisk it around like this until it gets a real nice golden brown and that'll be a perfect rule for this delicious gravy that we're going to make now you hear all this scraping i'm picking up all the bits that were at the bottom because that's what's going to give this gravy a delicious taste [Music] so as you can see it's a real nice golden brown now i'm going to add my milk i'm gonna put in two cups of milk just like that and i'm gonna add a little pepper i love pepper and the gravy just like that now i'm gonna be very careful with the salt because i had already seasoned this flour but i'm going to put in a little bit because of the milk and as it gets thicker i'll be tasting it to make sure that it's just right i know it looks real watery right now but it will get thicker as the minutes go by now as you can see it's been about two minutes and i've been whisking continuously you don't want to leave it alone because you don't want it to stick on you and and as you can see it's getting a little thicker and thicker i'm gonna go ahead and taste it oh my gosh it's delicious with that bacon in there i'm gonna go ahead and add a little bit of salt and some pepper i love the pepper in here and i'm going to continue whisking it around like this for another minute and a half now you want to continue tasting it until it's perfect just the way you like it if there's anything that you think that it needs you can go ahead and add it so my gravy is ready as you can see and it tastes super delicious now i've adjusted the salt and the pepper just the way i like it so this would be a good time for you to do it so i'm going to go ahead and turn off my oven and i'm going to get my chicken fried steaks out of the oven now i usually keep them in the oven just to keep them warm so they're okay in the oven so now it's time to serve now i went ahead and made some mashed potatoes earlier and i've got some delicious corn right here with butter you can serve anything that you want on the side now i'm going to get my chicken fried steak right here like this oh my gosh look at that okay like that get me some of my buttered corn just like that so here's our chicken fried steak with mashed potatoes and delicious buttered corn now it's time for the taste test oh my gosh i can't wait look at how tender it is see look at that look at that see oh my gosh this is super delicious mmm now this will definitely stick on my ron's ribs um if you like my video give me a thumbs up send me a comment and tell me what you think please subscribe if you haven't yet and share with your friends thank you
Channel: Rachel cooks with love ❤
Views: 197,885
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: tSXI7VFTw38
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 53sec (893 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 07 2021
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