Beef Tip Stroganoff Recipe

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yeah this is a good quick easy meal you should known to make this in 20 minutes or less I'm gonna dust my mates cream of mushroom at look yummy yes simmer simmer down that would be gravy right so he drinks Wow let's tight welcome to my world and there you have it [Music] hey y'all I'm back um tonight I wanted to do something pretty easy no it was easy it's very easy I had a pack of beef tips and my Fraser in here that I need to do something with and a lot of times I don't know what to do with beef tips you know just beef tips and gravy but tonight I'm gonna use them to make stroganoff I'm also missing one key ingredient to stroganoff which would be mushrooms so I'm gonna make it sans songs without mushrooms and it's still gonna be fine but I will put mushrooms in the ingredient list and if you have them go for it I don't even have like a little can of mushrooms I'm striking out but anywho this is what we're doing and yeah this is a good quick easy meal you should make this in 20 minutes or less so here we go the stars of this show are gonna be B tips I see Daisy I just call these out in the microwave which I don't recommend doing because you see they got partially cooked uh yeah to better put them in the fridge and leave them sitting out till they thaw out or whatever but that's what we've got it's gonna be fine some onion a little flour for dusting egg noodles premium mushroom soup I'm also gonna use hold on I'm also gonna use some beef broth base I love this stuff I use it all the time I use the ham there's a ham version it's powder C it's like powder and you mix two teaspoons per one cup of water to make one cup of broth of course I don't typically measure it I just put some in there and stir it up but it works really good for bra so I don't have to keep cans of broth around this works great I use the ham seasoning and all of my vegetables now so when I cut green beans filled peas and snaps butter beans all those kind of things I put the ham C's then it's great collard greens it's amazing it's been a life changer I'm sure there's other varieties this is what I use is what I can find this is what we have at the pig and it works great so shout out to orange and farms where are they I don't know I don't know where they are but anyway it's good stuff okay and I'm also gonna use two musket powder and a little bit of olive oil and a little bit of butter uh yeah so let's get cooking you can tell bonnie bonnie bonnie has it rough today Bonnie you know what you have right here funny has paint she has paint on her from yesterday we made a little bit of a mess in here didn't we show them yes we did okay to me I digress somebody's a little butter and a little olive oil I don't know a couple tablespoons in each little light oh there she goes all right I'm gonna let that melt and then we're gonna put our onion in nice I'll take it if you had fresh mushrooms you could chop them up and put them in here and do that without as well you could also use a little garlic hey let's do that I basically never buy home garlic I just buy it like this this version the already minced version it's a lot less work and it's still garlic so yeah let's do that I probably used more onion than maybe some people would but I like onions I like cooked onions anyway so you don't have to use this many onions a small onion half of a small onion if you like onions go for it if you don't love onions then don't use this much but anyway to each their own we're gonna let them do their thing okay I have my B tips here and I considered putting them in the insta pot and letting them cook there and then just mixing it all up but I changed my mind I'm gonna do it like this but since some of the pieces are kind of big I'm gonna go through and cut some of them up just a little bit more just to make sure that they're bite-sized okay and then we're gonna dust we're gonna dust oh man that really did get cooked me it'll be alright you could also you could also use like be first stay um I get down on my knees here you can also use B for Stewie for this I've done that before and cut it up you could also use like sirloin steak or something if you wanted to do that but I prefer to say my steak for actual steak and sirloin I prefer to save for fajitas I don't know why she's my favorite cut to use fur to heat us so anyway alright I'm gonna stand back up now so I can see better what I'm doing [Music] all right yeah smelling good see okay I took the onions and garlic out and now we're gonna do the meat so I'm gonna sprinkle it with some red label musket powder if you don't have musket powder why though I'm just kidding um yeah you can also use seasoning salt or your own favorite seasoning whatever that is but this is what I'm using and then I'm gonna take this really old crazy-looking little I think it's actually a tea strainer but I use it for dusting and I'm gonna get a little flour and I'm gonna dust it I'm gonna dust my mates with some flour okay and then I'm going to put a little more butter in here and we're gonna let that mount y'all I'm having um I'm having meltdown issues with my phone today so I'm having to stop and start again anyway it's all good okay so we have our meat dusted and now we're just gonna put it in here we're gonna put it in here if it'll come off the little thingy majiggy okay and we're gonna let that saute and I'm gonna have to reclaim my stove it's all good good gonna let this saute and get brown then we're gonna add the onions back and the other goodness the problem with my phone is many it's the it's because I don't clean it I own I don't clean it all for cleaning it out enough and I had eight thousand videos so I've deleted about three thousand I'm just really bad about not not deleting after I transfer to my computer in my external hard drive so yeah welcome to my world alright now that that is pretty well brains we're gonna put the onions in the garlic I guess or 10 mushrooms back in there we're gonna dump in our prima mushroom look yummy yeah and then we're gonna put about that much of that in there we're gonna come over here we're gonna make our beef we're gonna stir this up we're gonna put a lid on it and we're gonna let it salt a simmer simmer simmer down we're gonna let it simmer down I don't know 20 minutes or so and then we're gonna top it off with some sour cream I forgot to say that in the beginning we need sour cream and guess what I'm low on sour cream so I'm gonna put the amount in the recipe I'm gonna use what I have but you really want to use about a cup or so I don't have a cup or so so it's still gonna be fine it might not be as creamy as as I would like it but it's still gonna work all righty really let that do its thing for a little while and I'll see you in a bit one thing I don't have that I wish I had with lids for my cast-iron skillets I looked online I cannot find them if they exist I cannot find them but I do have lids for other pots that fit a couple of my cast-iron skillets so that's what I he's clean that bad boy this weekend to look at their like to see myself in it bar keeper's friend do you know that tip I have found some cleaning tips lately on Instagram bar keeper's friend or like a charm so we're gonna put a lid on that and let it simmer on low and then we're gonna get our water boiling and pick our egg nails okay you're also gonna want to come back you're gonna check on it you're gonna want to check on your stroganoff and you're gonna want to stir it up I wish I could talk today and you're gonna want to start a little bit because it might get stuck on the bottom a little bit Salvage chunks chunks of the soup they disappear y'all it's all good no you could put let me tell you something you could do if that bothers you you could put the cream of mushroom soup and the beef broth in a separate bowl and you can whisk it together until it was smooth and then you could pour it on top of your meat you could do that and that would be great that would be gravy right but it would be another bowl to wash and I'm not much on having to wash more than I actually have to so I didn't do that but you can you can and also in other news it's suppertime and guess what there was one tiny iota of tea left in this picture I get really upset when people put the tea picture back in the refrigerator with a smaller left anyway here it is I'm drinking it so the good news is I don't have to scurry and make tea while I'm trying to cook supper tonight because I have to starter did you see that video if he drinks Wow I don't start if you drink sweet tea you need this in your life I will link to it right here you can find it on the channel we're gonna pour the starter in we're gonna fill it the rest of the way up with water and guess what we have tea Cheers and there you have it beeps driving off I'm some noodles that I'm already drained a little bit i drained them and leave just a little bit of water in there until supper is ready I'm gonna keep some moist for lack of a better word and uh yeah you can also put some butter on there to keep them well moist and delicious why didn't I do that hmm I don't know anyway hindsight okay Supper's ready wait no it's not ready I forgot about the sour cream I'm always bad when you have to add something at the end I forget sour cream this is all I have I have my house so because we use a lot of sour cream and when I went to the grocery store the last time there's evidently a shortage on sour cream I bought two small containers that's all they had so anyway I'm gonna put the rest of this in there stir it up and then Supper's gonna be ready and now the only thing left to do is eat how'd it go good you
Channel: This Farm Wife Cooks
Views: 12,972
Rating: 4.9602752 out of 5
Keywords: southern cooking, cast iron cooking, cooking with beef, farm raised beef, easy recipes, instant pot recipes, instapot recipes, butter, beef, cast iron, homemade, cooking at home
Id: N9a4-nsdHeg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 50sec (830 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 06 2020
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