Best Dive Gear Holders, Lanyards and Accessories of 2018

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we're going to be talking about accessories you've all seen the divers out on the dives their equipment is dragging all over the place I know you hate it as much as I do stick with us what we're going to be talking about are accessories now we're taking a look at the edges package and this is our element nano package but what we're going to really sharpen in on here are the accessories that that make us good divers and of course what we always want to be is we want to be citizens of the underwater world and not just tourists down there so let's look over here what edge has come up with is we have a really nice lanyard and this lanyard connects over here and comes down it's got a nice swivel on it it's got a split ring that you can use it comes down and you've got a bungee so that when you look at your gauges either the gauges or the compass you're able to release it and it goes right back in the proper location now over here on this side this is an alternate air source holder or better known as octo holder we see a lot of people that will take their hose and actually fold it in half and shove it up in a d-ring trying to keep it there well we all know that they they just fall out they don't stay there and if you ever had to deploy one because it's folded up and you're pulling straight out it can get stuck in there especially with the with the rubber hoses but this particular October is much better than the ones you've seen out there before and the reason why is it's got a swivel on it of course makes it nice and convenient got a nice bit of webbing and the actual holder is we call this our deluxe I Doh holder because this is made out of silicone and it's really thick and when you put your octo on here it stays put and it's not going to break in just a couple of uses like those thin flimsy ones that you see out there do in addition we also have come out with a bungee octo holder and fits in the same place a lot of times you guys like to put them here you might also like to put them down here on the the d-ring next to your pocket just depends on where you like your alternate air source but this has got a bungee in it which really makes it nice and allows you to wrap this around the mouthpiece and makes it stay in place really it's really a decent piece last but not least down here we've introduced a magnetic octo holder now I use these virtually exclusively at all the IDC s and all the divemaster training because you know how you're constantly deploying your octo back and forth back and forth now folks this thing is strong and so when you pull it loose and you reconnect it all you have to do is hold it close listen to it on my mic that's strong that's really strong so it makes it so much more convenient for you to be able to control your octo so these are some great accessories to go along with any of your dive kits see you soon [Music] [Music]
Channel: Edge-Hog Dive Gear
Views: 8,697
Rating: 4.652174 out of 5
Keywords: Scuba BCD accessories, gauge holders, octo holders, magnetic Octo holders
Id: oZbJ_2YjNkQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 10sec (250 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 03 2017
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