ISE Diving Knife How To

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hi Akash tatva inner space explorers today we want to talk about knives and cutting tools so in the early days divers tend to buy big knives I don't know maybe to compensate something and they usually carried them on the legs so here's a nice example of one of these sports so the first thing is that's really big and so hard to store the only way to really carry it is to put it on your leg next thing is they have these retainers from rubber so to get the knife all you have to take this thing off which is sometimes a little bit tough so if you're in a stress situation um you don't want to play with this new trainer second thing it's rubber it will break and if it's not there the light will actually fall out um quite nicely and you can lose it next thing as you can see it's pretty heavy tool so unless you want to want me to kill somebody I don't know what you what you need it for but it's it's a it's far too big and tall far too much negative points to carry just to cut some line also of course you can cut line as it but it's not a point to carry such a such a big thing just to cut some line in emergency what I also like to keep in mind is that today you may have issues traveling with one of those because most people will not accept that this is it I've not so nice piece for your collection but not something you want to carry here in a dive even today there's some manufacturers still manufacture some stuff like that so here's a more modern example secular titanium life it was a plastic sheet same thing you have to carry it on your leg and it just looks kind of cool but it's nothing you want to use for your for your daily diving and the funny thing is they don't even cut very well so I'll show you here that it takes quite a bit to cut the cave line here and so this is not very convincing here's another example let's take this off for a moment here's another example that's a military diving knife piece of my collection quite nice for somebody who likes knives but nothing I would ever think about taking into the water if you use it it's quite expensive and again it's not a tool that we need for normal recreational or technical diving and again big sheet hard to carry it somewhere and therefore keep it at home enjoy it but don't take another dive now I have two smaller examples for dive knives actually stuff that is salted a post very sharp those was one major actually was two major disadvantages there's the two tips that are really really sharp and they have both edges on both sides so first of all you can hurt yourself you can cut your gear and when you take in way and put it back in the sheet and you put it next to the sheet you may puncture your your suit your wing or other parts of your equipment so this is not a good idea actually this one I use for fishing where it's quite nice but I have it on the boat but I would never ever carry it on a dive next thing is again it's sheets where you can easily use them if you do not put them in properly this one is a plastic sheet again there's a wreck trainer so if you press this you can also easy knows it and again you would have to carry it in a position about is probably on the way I see a lot of people carrying knives like that on the arm on the side looks kind of cold and of course you can access it with your with your other hand you can see it which is good but if this hand is entangled or occupied with something else with this hand you have a hard time reaching that knife so it's not a good good idea as well so let's talk about the knives that you recommend after all these negative examples and the Most Wanted knife so to speak is this one it's actually a kitchen knife it has a serrated edge that goes all the way to the handler if you compare it as this one there the simulation stops quite a bit from the angle so you lose this part of it has a cutting device so that's not a good example but this one's quite nice it's very cheap about 4 euros in most supermarkets you can take an edge grinder cut it off make it nice round and smooth and you have a dive knife that also doesn't hurt you if you lose it the knife is the life sheet is Ghidorah has a nice grip on the knife you can see I'm not losing it I can not shake it out of this you carry it on the belt of your back plate so it's in this position you have original access to it you can use it with both hands and if you need it you can just pull it out the next thing is these knives are razor sharp especially versus aeration so cutting line is not an issue at all blindness is tight you can see easily and this is actually what it is for cutting lines when you get entangled on lines that are in the way in our potential risk for other divers if you're not into edge grinders and making one yourself if you want to buy a commercial knife let's take this one Thurmond scooper has a nice one it's a titanium knife again also not a real tip it's dull here you can see cannot hurt my finger no problem at all our makers are really nice serrated edge so also very sharp and really nice for cutting line and it comes also in a good order sheet that you can carry on your belt the only downside on this life is the devel crow that holds it first of all you have to open it before you can take it out and this vehicle starts to collect a lot of dirt and in fiber and at some point it doesn't really hold down anymore and then you can actually use the knife actually lost quite a few of those but overall it's a nice knife and I can recommend it so when we're done with the knives I would like to talk about additional cutting devices that we can use so there's the so called set knife or the mine cutter and there's two types there's the u-shaped one and there is a sec shaped one which we have an example here and we recommend those as additional cutting tools or aspect up if you lose your knife or sometimes for example when you cut Nets it's much easier to cut a net with a line cutter then with a knife um especially if you pull it tight and you can really cut through it I'm gonna give you an example get my line back here so the downside of this one is as cool as it looks when you put it on you can see the lab put a lot of pressure on it and it's not cutting the line so actually I have to make a sawing movement to go through the line and this is because of the u-shape second thing is that it has a serrated edge here and if you just take it you can cut your gloves you can cut your fingers so I'm not a big fan of that especially not of all these u-shape type of colors when you take your set knife instead which has a sharp angle here um you can just as you see cut line like nothing and you can grab it easily you can pull the line you can cut through it and works really nice with Nets you cannot hurt yourself it's completely protected your thing I cannot go in here it's round edges and it comes in nice velcro pouch as well and you can carry next to your knife you can see it and you can access it with both hands alright last thing I want to talk about is additional cutting tools that you can use for wire and the more heavy stuff that probably a line cutter or knife cannot cut anymore so when you do a lot of wreck diving you come along some cables that are hanging down from the ceiling and that are a potential danger and I'm going to show you on this piece of cable here that was the knife you can actually not cut those can try just the cutter nope doesn't work so what you use is a wire cutter and there you can actually see that that is without any problems so these cutters you can buy in shops for bicycles and bike repair they are usually used to cut the steel cable that goes from the brakes to the brake pads and as you can see they have a sharp edge in here that they have a blunt tip so again very safe and they can you can put it in your pocket without cutting your suit or damaging any other gear I just put a piece of bungee around here so to keep it closed the bolts then obviously to attach it so that is something I keep in my pocket if I do dives where I can expect wire to to become a potential danger alright that's it so we talked about the knives set lives and the wire cutter and that's all me
Channel: InnerSpace Explorers - ISE
Views: 68,369
Rating: 4.7026548 out of 5
Keywords: InnerSpace Explorers, ise, How to, UW Messer, underwater knifes, Knifes
Id: nzaVx_W2eTo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 3sec (663 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 22 2015
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