What is a Hybrid BCD *** Most Under Rated BCD of 2018

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in this video we're going to be talking about the latest be CDs out there for you to consider and it's called the hybrids if you're new to the channel please consider subscribing and also in the bottom right down here in the description I'm going to be putting links to any of the equipment that we look at make sure you stick around to the end of the video because what I'm going to be doing is I'll show you what makes this to secong quest hybrid a very unique BCD within the realm of all B CDs so the questions been what is the perfect BCD as the BCD has evolved it's been through many styles interations concepts features and today this is the latest and greatest these are called hybrids now the question is what makes a hybrid now some companies may call a hybrid a travel BCD where they cut all the harness and the bladder and everything they possibly can down to a minimalist situation really that's a travel BCD the hybrid comes in when we take the the early jacket style be city or even the current jacket style BCD and we take that concept that gives the very upright position on the surface and of course underwater with a minimal amount of air in it to make you neutrally buoyant it gives us a nice positioning but it doesn't force you into the neutral buoyancy position now when we step over and go to the back inflate BCD or the the back plate wing type BCD back Clayton wing extremely minimalist and but can be configured with steel aluminum back plates even soft plates out there and of course the bank inflate BCD where we kind of take the harness and such from the jacket style and then we put just the bladder and it attaches pretty much just to the back the storage areas become and Wade pocket ears become very minimal and such and of course underwater with minimal amount of air in those they tend to force you into a neutral buoyancy position because the bubble is basically on your back and there is no side bolster type of extension on the bladder if we take the the best of the jacket style and we take the best of the back inflate styles and start bringing them together that's where we come up with the hybrid now how can you tell you're looking at a hybrid well many of them will just say it other keys not always but other keys can be this if you'll take a look right up here you'll see where the bladder is attached to the harness you see how it stands off so it actually doesn't curve and it's not the bladders not sewn into this shoulder portion of the strap it actually stands away now when we look down and what I've done is I've really expanded and blown up this bladder and you see what happens is now this would be like if you were on the surface and now this bladder is two-thirds three-quarters full and the air is blown in and actually it's forced into this part of the bladder that extends into the side bolster extends right through here I'm going to deflate this and you're gonna see a fold in this bladder here and there's a piece of elastic right that's going to cause that to close and it keeps this bladder very small so I'm gonna take some of the air out of this alright so now you can see where the elastic is pull this in and it's caused this foal to go in place now this foal and such if you're underwater and you add a minimal amount of air then when this be CDs in that neutral buoyancy position then this fold here this becomes like the bladder on the back inflate that gives you the benefits of both the jacket style on the surface and the back inflate underwater the best of both worlds now suggested you stay to the end of the video because this particular hybrid BCD is a bit unique and I've been asked to recommend B CDs in the past that kind of fit the best of both worlds or even all three worlds and what I mean by all three is I'm talking about those divers that are beginning divers what most facilities do is they will use jacket style B CDs because again on the surface when a student inflates the BCD two-thirds or three-quarters then the jacket style BCD the student just sits upright whereas if it's a back inflate and they fill it two-thirds or three-quarters then that big bubble on their back tends to force their face in the water as an open water diver could you use this BCD absolutely absolutely this is a great BCD as an advanced diver do you have to go to a bank inflate absolutely not this BCD acts as a back inflate underwater so it's great for your more advanced divers and of course for scuba professionals like dive masters and instructors we spend a lot of time on the surface and water too deep to stand and so that when we're floating on the surface and we're talking to students we don't necessarily with a back inflate want to be leaning back because you get a crook in your neck but we don't want to lean through you know really far back we want to be able to look at our students and our divers and be able to converse with them so this BCD does that also this particular B city has a couple of other features I want to point out it does have a right shoulder dump really important in a BCD right shoulder dump because normally a right shoulder dump Vince air three times faster than trying to utilize an inflator deflator and of course in a neutral buoyancy position a lot of times you're going to have to hold this inflator deflator in AU position trying to get the air out or the diver is going to have to roll up on their their right side to be able to hold this up and get air out what's unique about this to sub BCD is that you see we've got a deflate button here we've got an inflating here and then we've got a third button and this particular button is interesting in that when you squeeze it it'll actually deflate off of this back left shoulder so it's a supplemental back shoulder dump to the right shoulder dump a lot of times as instructors we see people get addicted to holding on to the inflator deflator sometimes they tend to forget or maybe their BC DS don't have a right shoulder dump so they tend to get addicted to inflate deflate inflate deflate but a lot of times again to deflate they've got to stop stand up to get the air out of the BCD with this you just squeeze that side button and it vents off that bank shoulder pretty cool right alright so back here on the back there's also what we call but dumps now most BC these only have one either over here or over here the conquest conquest to has to but dumps are lower dumps whatever in a cuter you want to use and of course this is important when your head down fins up because the airs gonna move down here so you can either dump from this side or you can dump from this side whatever is the highest point really nice really nice piece that's what makes this BCD so unique in the world of hybrids and I recommend this BCD for any level diver please consider subscribing and of course we'd love to hear comments please post them below we'd be glad to answer them as quick as we can and if you would like more information on this BCD look right there in the description there's a link to it and also to many other bee CDs that we offer here if you have questions call one of our own line divers will be glad to chat with you and of course as we always say here at diver supply dive safe [Music]
Channel: DiversSupply
Views: 9,680
Rating: 4.9569893 out of 5
Keywords: bcd, scuba gear, buoyancy control device, Hybrid BCD, What is a hybrid bcd, What's the best BCD of 2018, BCD for all levels of scuba divers
Id: 9L7m2I4ORK8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 9sec (609 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 02 2018
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