How To Actually Tune A Chainsaw!

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alright guys welcome back to American peddler I'm your host Ezra today we discuss on how to actually tune your chainsaw stay tuned I'll tell you a bunch of tricks to a chainsaw so if you're like me um you've probably got smaller Saul's i've got this small echo CS 306 it's the first song I ever bought then I bought the Husqvarna 455 Rancher and then I've got the steel and I got other sells at this point when I first started out I am I was just the typical homeowner didn't know what to get so if you guys end up buying one of these saws let me tell you some of the tools that you're going to have to have to tune it up okay these are splined specialty wrenches or sockets so-to-speak screwdrivers and a little flat screwdriver you guys have to have these specialty tools to bypass the factory settings now with that said warning if you go past your factory settings and blow your saw up it's not my fault it's not the factory's fault it's your fault so please know what you're doing now let's get back to it so this goal here is to get the saw to run efficiently okay we don't want it to lean because if it's too lame when you pull the trigger it'll just start with stuff out and die if it's too rich what happens when you pull the trigger to load itself up it'll flood itself and die so you want to find a happy medium also on the far end when we get to tuning the high end of the saw if you lean it out too much yeah it sounds like it's got more power and it sounds tougher but it runs hotter and and leaner like we said but also it loses power in the cut itself so that won't do you any good so by the end of this what we want is we want to solve that we can grab pull the cord start and go to work so that's the whole name of the game all these tools for specialty tools okay that you'll need I also keep a filing guide because I'm not real good at hand filing all those tools will be in the links below including scrunches they'll be in a link below if you guys use those links it helps me out it's my Amazon affiliate account and that greatly appreciate that so I'm gonna move you up here to the workbench and we're gonna get started we'll start you all the way in from if you just picked us all up you can't get it to run at all to solve it's running rough and we'll go from there so let's take a closer look at the Husqvarna 455 rancher okay you have an adjustment here okay this will be your idle and then you have another adjustment here and here see how they're low and they're high so I don't know if you can see in there or not but I've taken the factory stops out and it looks like a normal screwdriver and it is but if we can get down in there there's still splined so what happens is you have to take one of these see if we can get it to focus see how that's blind okay and that goes in and it pushes in and then you make your adjustment okay so Husqvarna has them I know the echo has them some of them still most of the homeowner Sol's are gonna you're gonna require these and the dealer won't sell them to you so again I'll have a link for those below and we'll start at idle then we'll start at our low end and we'll go high that's how you do every saw the top I've done it forever whether it be a a two stroke saw or a two stroke weedeater all of those things let's turn it all the way in okay and it probably won't start if it does it's not gonna run real well and this is where you can start I'll do it with all of them okay so we'll take the high [Music] okay right now this is all everything's cranked in which is too much okay so was everything cranked in now we'll take and we'll back let me explain to you when I tell you a turn okay imagine that this circle right here see this circle is a clock so if top of the clock is 12 that's that's zero at three o'clock it's a quarter turn at six o'clock that's a half a turn at nine o'clock where the L is that that's three quarters of a turn and back to noon is one we're going to start one to one and a quarter turns out on both all the settings every setting so let's do it together okay this part of the tool is where we're at so see how it went that way so that's a quarter now it's at half now it's it three o'clock which is going the other way so now we're one full turn when we go to the quarter one and a quarter okay I'm gonna do the same thing here okay so quarter half three quarter one and a quarter right okay I hope that helps now with the idle we'll do the same thing okay so I remember that that was one so if my noon started there right one on a quarter now we'll see where we're at see it was still idling too fast so this is our idle screw remember so we're gonna go out a whole nother turn come all the way back to one start it see how that change us barely crawls there that's kind of what we're going for so now once you get your idols set you'll come to the low side which is right here okay see that L that means the low and we're going to adjust that out until we get that real crisp when I pull this this all should go whoa just climb all the way up real quick as I press that this all should just snapped then you'll have your low set then you go to your high side and the high is where you set your rpms and I'll also have a link where you can get a tack and put it on your soul and you can make sure that you're at your limit every saul has different limits that you know their max rpm some are twelve thousand thirteen fifteen whatever it is so you can look that up for your soul and you'll know where you're supposed to be at your idle and your top-end you can use that tachometer to do that so let's go ahead and get our low set and we'll start to saul again and use the wrench to adjust the low side just the low side we got our idle where we want it that doesn't sound bad there I'm gonna take it out another quarter turn another quarter [Music] good that town all right now or this becomes the most important part of today's lesson okay of today's American pitler show we're gonna go to the high end of the song you can blow your soul up okay you can adjust this carburetor enough and pull the trigger and blow it up we're not trying to do that we're gonna take it to the limit we'll hear it running and then I'm gonna back it off of that once I back off of that somewhere in between being too rich where it loads up and falls on his face and to lean where it's gonna blow itself apart okay once you get to that lean part come back out of it you'll be able to hear it it'll be seeing the knee maybe meaning in it it'll be real real real high-pitched you'll hear it okay we're gonna take it back down to where it's almost four-stroke and you can hear that in a saw but that's what we're going to take it to the to the extreme and then we're gonna come back out of that and right in there is where it should be and we're gonna turn our saw off remember my sauce warm now we're gonna see if it starts flip the switch pull the cord okay should start half a pull and up we're pretty much there this is pretty good salt I've had I've had this Husqvarna nature for eight years and that's no exaggeration and it's been a real good saw but I also I take care of it and I'm giving you this video so that you can take care of yours so really it's it's more of a video of what to do if you get a saw and you don't know how to start it just crank everything in and then work your way back out and that will really help you to get this all started alright guys I got the my saw mounted here on on this this buy switch is a great vice you just want to make sure that you know nothing's hidden underneath it if you're gonna do it the way I'm doing things in the shop and I'll leave you a link for that that buy saw so I love this spice it turns and twists and it's just been a really good handy vise to have on the corner of the workbench here in the shop really just love it here is our high side our high side tuning you hear it here at the top up did you hear that at the top where it's they call that four-stroke in there okay so I've taken it to the rich side of it by backing it out of it and it won't make its full power will come out of that will go lean on this next run and then we'll come back towards the the the rich side and right there in the middle is where you want your saw so we're going to come out of the richness where you should be able to hear it I've turned it down pretty good here and then like I said we'll go lean here we go now you hear where we got it so lean it cut out okay that's hard on your soul but that's how we want our saw okay we take it lean I took it rich and I've put it in between now this all should have good power in wood and we may just take intestine all right guys listen I hope that helps I hope that gets you from where if you've just tuned up a salt which may be your chainsaw won't start I left a video I'll leave a link for that right here I think is where that'll be check that out I appreciate you guys watching again you're gonna need these tools especially tools that are in the links below okay god bless you thanks for watching keep on pit [Music]
Channel: American Piddler
Views: 249,684
Rating: 4.8446403 out of 5
Keywords: CHAINSAW, STIHL, HUSQVARNA, ECHO, How To, Carburetor, Small Engine, Tuning, adjustment, Logger, Farm
Id: eA2jEGJCrZ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 28sec (808 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 04 2018
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