Best California Legal Automatic Knives!

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today we are talking about best California legal automatic knives as an automatic knife even a small one that's real this one really does tick all the boxes I would happily carry any of these but if you had to guess which one we sell the most of I bet you don't know which one let me tell you which one it is okay I'll tell you it's this one how's it going guys this is Holly with grind works and today we are talking about the best California legal automatic knives if you're new to the channel make sure to subscribe hit that little notification button so you don't miss anything new if you're not new to the channel welcome back so you may be wondering why California legal knives you've never heard of those before you might be thinking okay what's the special about California why do they get their own category of knives well that's because California's automatic knife laws are different yeah look them up sometime but even if you don't live in California I think having a small snappy little ATO is pretty much you know the best thing ever so let's get right into it now we're gonna be looking at these in order for a price from lowest to highest so we're starting here with the mini bullet automatic knife it's got a safety switch up here boom that safety is really comes in handy when you consider that the the button there for deploying the blade sits up pretty high from the handle so makes that really useful you're not going to accidentally deploy it in your pocket this has got an aluminum handle that's milled to look like a bullet which is super fun cool little novelty knife black finished blade no pocket clip is that focusing focus focus focus focus the blade goes maybe you know three-quarters of the length of the handle so you've got plenty of room down there on the end to throw a lanyard on there just you know make it easier to access when it's in your pocket but super fun little knife these guys fly off the shelves and it's it's easy to see why when they come in at less than $4 as always check the site for current pricing but dude three bucks and fifty cents for this little guy right now so these these guys go real quick and they're just super fun I mean that action is super snappy and fast lock up is pretty good there's just a tiny bit of play there but that's really not bad especially considering it's three dollars and fifty cents I don't know if you heard me say that before so really handy little knife for you just everyday little things you're gonna be doing opening mail you know any small cutting jobs around the house around the office all right next up is our mini duct stiletto this is another favorite on the site comes in four styles the sims stag simulated stag handle what you see here there's also a white acrylic there's a black acrylic and then there's a wood kind of kind of like a rosewood and it really is just basically a shrunken down version of a stiletto it's got the scales it's got the bolsters you know the sort of imitation swivel bolster up here it's even got its even got the little non-functioning nail neck which i think is hilarious that they made sure to include that it does include a pocket clip which most stilettos actually don't have so that's handy does not have a safety the button does stick up a little bit there but not much higher than the than the screw there's probably not too much risk of depressing that by accident and this one's gonna run you right around seven dollars on the site so if you're into stilettos this is one that you just have to add to your collection super super fun am I saying super enough I hope so okay we're moving up in the world guys coming in at ten bucks is the mini Joker automatic this is a miniature side opening version of the Joker's Cupid OTF knife from Batman Batman oh you guys are gonna give me a hard time if I can't remember this is it the Dark Knight which is the one with the Joker somebody tell me in the comments I really should know that so this comes in a ton of different colors the red one is probably my favorite but it comes in silver black there's a pink one gray I think there's a blue a whole bunch of different colors so you'll have to jump on the site and see see if you can find your favorite one this one also does not have a safety so you gotta be a little bit careful there with that button I think you should be safe there without a safety huh safe without a safety but it does include a lanyard hole and a pocket clip so you can wear it in your pocket and you can bullying it up if you want I think these are super fun very snappy this is one you definitely have to add to your collection you know it'll really put a smile on your face you guys did you guys hear what I did there you you know put a put a smile on your face like the hit yeah anyway next on our list is the bear ops bold action 3 now with this knife you are taking quite a hike in the price you know you're going from ten dollars down here to $69.99 for this knife but as an automatic knife even a small one this really this one really does tick all the boxes it's got the action it does have the safety switch it also includes a pocket clip deep carry one at that I also just kind of dig the design on this one you know for such a little knife it just kind of has an attitude this sort of all-black finish you know pointed spear no that's more of a bayonet bayonet style blade the way that the handle kind of flares out right when you get to the blade there gives you a nice spot to put your fingers when you're using it so even as a small knife functionality is pretty high up there so this is another great option for an itty-bitty automatic knife now I'm sure none of you are surprised to see this knife on the table if you're gonna talk about awesome California legal automatic knives this has got to be one of them this is the Kershaw launched for hold on I have to do that again just listen to that BAM now this guy's gonna run you $79.99 on the site currently ten bucks more than the bear ops and quite a bit more than all the other ones we've looked at so far but it's worth every penny because this right here is the furthest you could get from a novelty knife it's like they took a legit big beefy automatic knife and they just gave it a tiny little body like if a six foot 200 pound you'd stepped into the ring with a featherweight fighter the featherweight would win right I mean take an inexperienced guy no matter how big he is and he's gonna have no chance that's what this knife is like there's a lot of really good knives out there but it's like Kershaw wanted to make sure you didn't overlook this one it goes toe-to-toe with much bigger knives now don't get me wrong this is not a pro tech you know it's not a sprint it's not a cow Mego but it's also not you know 100 120 130 plus dollars it's made in the USA has the longest blade of the pack so 1.9 inches on these were these guys are hovering right around 1.75 inches so you get a tad more blade it has a really good pocket clip I mean is there even any really any real comparison between these like if one of them is gonna stay in your jeans I think you know which one that's gonna be not deep carry got a lot more purchase on your pants and then this dude now it's under 2 ounces but this one has like a substantial sturdy feel to it that these ones don't just just don't quite have but if there's anything you're gonna highlight from this knife that's gonna you know separate it from the rest of the pack it's gonna be the action it's really got some kick like when you push the button on this guy it's got this tendency to want to kind of pull your hand this way just a little bit when it opens because that spring is just so strong man I could just do that all day long so if you ask me which one of these is my favorite I mean it'd be the Kershaw hands-down but I would happily carry any of these because you know I'm one of those people who really likes to have fun with my knives too so this is the favorite but just for pure entertainment factor I think I'd have to go bullet this guy's is so fun to look at and fun to play with - I mean Oh wrong way no that was the right way don't I can guess yourself it's like when you're taking the multiple-choice test and you know it's B but then you're like all but maybe it's D and then you choose D and then you found out you were wrong it was B all along thanks for failing the test so I really dig my bullet and my little stiletto oh I like this guy I like all of them I like all of them you guys tell me which one you would like whoa I just moved the whole table but if you had to guess which one we sell the most of I bet you don't know which one it is you ready you want me to tell you okay I'll tell you it's this one were you surprised by that I was surprised by that then again where else can you find a really fun little miniature stiletto knife it's just so cool okay I think that's enough talking for me your turn tell me which one you like best subscribe like the video give it some nice thumb a thumbs up and hopefully we'll be seeing you again real soon thanks guys [Music]
Channel: Grindworx
Views: 25,014
Rating: 4.7063293 out of 5
Keywords: knife, knives, knife review, pocket knives, california legal, automatic knives, best automatic knives, mini, small knives, kershaw, launch, push button knives
Id: 1iDwmKTBHhU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 54sec (594 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 18 2019
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