Attorney Explains Auto-Knives In California!

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how's it going everybody in this video we're going to be discussing california legal auto knives so real quick before you jump in this video i want to thank the sponsor of this video and that is kershaw nice kershaw nice provides amazing nice in general i'm sure a lot of you aware of their company and they also have some great options for california legal autos and i'm going to be showing you some of those in this video but once again thank you to kershaw knives for sponsoring this video and if you like any of the nice that i show in this video you can find a link to the products down in the details so one of the most popular videos i have on my channel talks about california knives california knife laws in that video i cover knife laws in general but there's a lot of questions that came out of that specifically on auto knives and a lot of people asked well what about this knife this knife you know does not fall under the definition of a switchblade or an auto knife here in the state of california so am i allowed to have it so i decided to partner with kershaw knives and we put together a video discussing california legal auto knives so first let's get through all the legal mumbo jumbos so you understand the laws around what are deemed switch blades but what we commonly refer to as auto knives so in california there are some laws that dictate the and regulate the possession sale purchase all of that in regards to what are deemed as switch blades which are commonly referred to us as auto knives so to find the general law or general prohibition on the possession of switchblades you have to go to california penal code 21510 so as you can see what california penal code 21510 says is that every person who does any of the falling with a switchblade knife having a blade two or more inches in length is guilty of a misdemeanor a possesses the knife in the passengers or drivers area of any motor vehicle in any public place or place open to the public b carries the knife upon the person or c sells offers for sale exposes for sale loans transfers or gives a knife to any other person so this is the penal code that generally prohibits the carrying possession sale purchase all of that of auto knives here in the state of california but we have to go more in depth to define what exactly a switchblade is and in california we have a specific penal code that defines switchblade so let's take a look at that to find the definition of what a switchblade is you have to go to california penal code 17235 and what this says is as used in this part switch blade knife means a knife having the appearance of a pocket knife and includes a spring blade knife snap blade knife gravity knife or any other similar type of knife the blade or blades of which are two or more inches in length and which can be released automatically by a flick of a button pressure of on the handle flip of the wrist or other mechanical device or is released by the weight of the blade or by any type of mechanism whatsoever and then when you look further into the definition of what a switchblade knife is it also says that a switzerland knife does not include a knife that opens with one hand utilizing the thumb pressure applied solely to the blade of the knife or a thumb stud attached to the blade provided that the knife has a detent or other mechanism that provides resistance that must be overcome in opening the blade or that biases the blade back toward its closed position so that is your definition for what california sees as a switchblade and also what they define as not a switchblade so as you can see in that penal code definition there is a difference between these auto knives like kershaw knife cells and just a general you know folding flipper like this tumbler and carbon fiber it's another knife from kershaw knife i'm really in love with this one right now this has become my edc it's just a super nice knife but there is a direct difference in the language between what it deems auto knives and just other knives so if you're looking for trying to determine whether a knife falls under the definition of a switchblade or an auto knife here in the state of california that is the penal code you want to go look at and the reason why you want to be really careful about whether you are in possession of a switchblade or an auto knife that would violate the switchblade language here in the state is because the state of california has expressed penalties for the possession by use caring of a what they deem switch blade the possession or carrying of what california deems to be a switchblade is punishable by a thousand dollar fine a charge of a misdemeanor which could lead to six months imprisonment in county jail probation or there can be a combination of these items that's why you want to be very careful in determining whether the knife that you have is considered a switchblade or is not but i think for a lot of you it's very common sense if you have some sort of knife where you simply push a button and it comes out like this that is going to be deemed a switchblade now this video is discussing the workarounds that a lot of companies have come up with in regards to auto knives and also the general like rules about what type of knives or auto knives of sort you can have here in the state of california and really what this all hinges on is the definition section that says that if the blade length is two inches or more then it is determined to be a switch blade so a lot of companies made auto knives that have blades of less than two inches remember if it is two inches or more then it is a switchblade but if it is less than that if it's a 1.9 1.8 etc it is not deemed to be a switchblade here in the state of california so you could have an auto knife along with this um what i want to address in this legal mumbo-jumbo section has to do with your local laws and ordinances generally here in the state of california we went over what the penal codes say but there are some localities that have ordinances and rules in place that further restrict the possession use carry of specific types of knives this does not apply just to what we are talking about as far as auto nice or california compliant auto knives this also applies to other types of knives some localities have put further restrictions even on general folders flippers you know just your run-of-the-mill pocket knife so you always want to check your local laws to determine what exactly your locality has said because they can place those further restrictions on what you are allowed to have possess carry etc all right now that we have finished all the legal mumbo jumbo section let's talk about these specific knives that kershaw knives offers as far as california compliant auto knives one of the first knights we're going to look at is the kershaw launch 4. so here you can see the launch 4 all of these knives are going to be fairly small as far as blade length and overall length because they have to comply with that language that we discussed where the blade cannot be two inches or longer and also this just generally restricts and lowers the size of the knives because it doesn't make sense to have a ginormous handle on a knife with a small blade the overall length of this knife is 5.10 inches and the blade length is 1.9 so it still complies with the language that we talked about the blade material is cpm154 and it is a spear point knife and it has a plain edge type so this is the kershaw launch 4 and as i mentioned you can find all of these knives through a link that i'm going to put in the comment section as well as in the details it's just a generally kind of fun knife to just kind of fiddle with and all these knives that we're gonna show are just fun kind of fiddle knives as far as practicality whether i would edc these knives not really i feel like other nice like what i showed you this tumbler are more practical i i just would prefer to have one of these just plain flippers or another type of knife for my edc knife but these are just kind of fun to have the next knife is going to be the kershaw launch 9. this is actually probably my favorite little auto knife of all these ones i'm going to show you for some reason this one is just the most pleasing to me and as far as the actual like discharge of the blade it's super aggressive and i don't know why just for a small knife like this i really enjoy that this is probably my favorite fiddle knife and my wife is actually getting really annoyed with me to keep playing with this um but yeah this is the kershaw launch 9. the overall length on this is 5 inches and the blade length is 1.89 inches so again it falls in line with that definition and makes it not a switchblade and therefore it is a california legal auto knife again the blade material is cpm154 it is a drop point blade and it has a flat ground edge so if i was going to recommend any of these knives to you guys that are just kind of fun to fiddle with and that i actually enjoy it's going to be this kershaw launch 9. this is probably my favorite i kind of like them all but for some reason this one is just the most fun to me and the last blade we're going to be showing here is the kershaw launch 10. this is a lot different from the other nice i showed you as you can see it has a completely different blade on it it's really funky but of course all these knights are going to kind of be funky don't have a whole lot of utility because they are smaller autos but if you're just looking for something that's kind of fun factor this one's kind of fun so a lot of you probably will like this one the overall length of this one is longer it's 5.20 inches the blade length of this is 1.9 inches so again falls in line with that language and so it is a california compliant auto the blade material again is cpm 154 the blade style is what they call a hawk bill so as i guess you can see it literally looks like a bird's bill so that is why it's called that the blade grind again is a flat blade grind and it is a stone washed finish so this is the kershaw launch 10. so for those of you guys who are asking about california legal autos these are some great options for you guys there are other autos out there on the market that you can take a look at but remember the language that we talked about previously in this video where the blade length cannot be two inches or more so you need to make sure whatever blade auto you get has a blade inch that is less than two inches like all these autos that i showed you from kershaw knives again is there a whole lot of utility in these types of knives maybe not but they are fun to have like i mentioned they're really fun to just kind of fidget with and i don't know if you really have that auto knife itch it's a good route to go so that should answer some questions you might have about california compliant auto knives also known as switchblades here in the state if you have any questions go ahead and write in the comment section below and i'll try to answer to the best of my ability if you like this video and like support the channel one of the best ways to do that is to join the patreon and i'll put a link to the patreon down in the details and also just like commenting subscribing and also make sure you hit that notification bell because that notification bell helps you become aware of the videos i put out and really just helps the analytics in general just helps the channel so as always thanks you guys for watching don't forget to like subscribe and never forget this nation was built by armed scholars and this nation will be maintained by armed scholars
Channel: Armed Scholar
Views: 12,915
Rating: 4.9585185 out of 5
Keywords: california legal automatic knife, ca legal automatic knife, ca legal auto knife, ca legal auto knives, california legal auto knife, california knife laws, ca knife laws, knife laws in california, knife laws in ca, california knife laws length, california, knife laws, switchblade knife, switchblades, switchblade laws, daggers, dirk, california laws, ca laws, california laws on knives, knives in california, how long can a knife be to be legal, automatic knife, california legal
Id: 3A62yIYtKTM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 10sec (670 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 03 2020
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