Best Baldur's Gate 3 Steam Deck Settings!

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what's up guys how's it going Michael Tech here and today we're going to show you the best settings to use for Baldur's Gate 3 on your steam dip before we get started if you're watching this video chances are you're not subscribed because 99 of you are not subscribed that's a pretty bad number so if you like this one be sure to click on that sub or things button below speaking of thanks huge shout out to miss money Dad thank you for being a channel member if you want to become a channel member you get shout outs and videos just like this click on that membership button below nailed at that time back into the video itself what are the best settings for Boulder skate 3. I have been immersed in this game I absolutely love this game and it runs great but it didn't run great when I first installed it and went through the Character Creator and um all that good stuff it was kind of low res it was upscaled it did not look clean so I went through changed some settings and looks and runs much better so I'm gonna go ahead and go over my graphic settings and show you what I'm using and as well what changes I might recommend because there are some changes I would recommend for a very smooth gameplay experience so we'll take a look as soon as it loads so this is what the title screen looks like we're gonna go ahead and and press continue here you can see that we have already a good look at what the graphics will look like on uh 800p I guess you'd call it not 1080p all right so here we are in a fairly populated area we can zoom all the way in and see the details so that we can really see how this is running and you can see we're at about 29 to 30 frames per second and that's because I have my settings turned pretty far up but you are not going to get 60 frames per second out of the skin no matter what you change but let's look at what settings we actually have here so let's head over to video so unfortunately because I have this plugged into a game capture device this is defaulting to 1280x720 but you'll want to change this by to a 16 by 10 and 1280 by 800 to reach the full resolution uh the refresh rate you can leave at 60 hertz and we can keep this at full screen we can leave vsync at Double buffering and we're going to have the maximum frame rate at 30 frames per second so we can change model quality to high and detail distance to high instance distance distance to high texture quality to high tri-linear under texture filtering animation detail High slow hard drive mode off Dynamic crowds on Shadow quality low Cloud quality low and fog quality low and we're going to keep all of these the same uh FSR 1.0 is off sharpening is on sharpness all the way up anti-aliasing is TAA and uh I mean inclusion is off depth of field is gaussian depth of field quality is quarterly denoise God rays are off Bloom is on subsurface scattering is off so let's go ahead and try it out with these settings so you can see it's at a very solid 30 frames per second jumping between 29 and 30. we can zoom all the way in we get a very nice level of detail that's pretty sharp and clear we can see everything that we need to see especially at that 1280 by 800 resolution it looks a lot better um but yeah I think this works really really well and it makes the game very very playable you can of course uncap the frame rate and get the full amount but then you could risk getting some screen tearing or some lag trying to keep up with the full 60 frames per second you're also going to push your GPU and get a little bit less battery life that way so limiting the 30 will keep your processor and everything it looks like the GPU is working its butt off here so maybe not so much but it will definitely be a playable experience with a 30 frames per second here and it's going to be just fine but you can definitely uncap that if you'd like but yeah that's it for this one these are my favorite settings for Boulder skate 3. if you have a better suggestion please leave it in the comment section below thank you so much for watching and have a great day he keeps it fresh always bring something new I smack itself [Music] [Music]
Channel: MikeTheTech
Views: 6,533
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mikethetech
Id: kywGA-AMNwU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 59sec (239 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 18 2023
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