Baldur's Gate 3 Patch 1 Steam Deck Performance Gameplay

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hello adventurers so larion Studios released a patch the first batch for this game today and it had over 1 000 fixes and improvements so I thought to myself why not try the game on Steam deck if the performance is improved now as you know the game didn't run the best on the steam deck once you leave act one it doesn't even run the best on my PC in act 3 I get 30 to 20. 20s maybe high 20s oh 30s and act three but yeah let's see if they improve the performance on the steam deck these are my settings everything low with balanced FSR okay struggle to older skate which is the most intensive area in this game the game is running off of an SSD now test is not SSD but in SD card because I've got a 64 gigabyte model of steam deck and the game is too big up too big obviously for that so I installed it on an SD card the loading times are quite long so let me just skip all right so the game is loaded now and we're in roller skates as you can see I've got 24 28 27 FPS which is not the best and that's with FSR balanced FSR I wonder what the game runs like without FSR OT Ultra quality and off [Music] oh my 23 FPS [Music] oh 17. wow I don't think act 3 is playable on this device and I don't think honestly that the game should be verified on the steam deck yet I believe it will get improved over the time but now it shouldn't be verified in my opinion [Music] it runs quite bad but yeah that's expected of such a big game again I want you okay What's Happening Here these common for me to learn to respect authority I think I'm happy to teach them okay [Music] thank you [Music] oh yeah there will also be a fsr3 frame generation support on a lot of gpus even the non-amd ones which is quite consumer for friendly unlike Nvidia which only has frame generation on the 40 series so III works on Steam deck there will probably quite a big Improvement on the performance of Boulder Skate 3 as well well that's if they ought support for fsr3 because the current version is fsr1 and I believe they said that they'll add fsr2 with the PS5 release so the PC version would will get it as well but yeah currently it's not the best experience on Steam deck and I recommend you to play it on a PC instead if you want to have a good performance but if you don't mind the performance they're free to play however you like let's try it with ultra quality at least hahaha it's quite better it doesn't look horrible so not the best looking but and we're down to 20s again yeah I really hope the FSR updates versus the game oh what's happening combat very well okay let's see how it performs in combat I guess shoot this dude female the dude eight shots I also have the action search so let's try that okay and we can kill her in one turn yes successfully killed her in one turn let's do riding bolts oh oh no they're inside I won't be able to hit them from here so I think I also have a misty step yeah I do let's go here is that an enemy yeah that's an enemy skip Turner I also have Misty step with blazel that's it yeah it's close but not too close it's their turn now Darkness on shadowhart and we're blinded no rest your hero doesn't have mystery step I think yeah I don't see it so let's just skip turn Greek Art Rover is using oh that's the house of grief on my way they're gonna be attacking me now because I killed their leader okay let's let's do fireballs you can of course has interrupted so no he's doing got Shadow Hearts still played barrier what's that oh saying I also have Fireballs so it's quite dumb to use it this close but how's the path interrupted let's just do a main hand attack time Soul breaker finally [Music] that's looter it's not for communal use it seems keep your hands dears okay we cannot either but yeah like I said the performance isn't the best and I recommend you playing on PC instead but if you don't mind a performance feel free to play it on Steam deck yeah don't forget to like the video and subscribe for more
Channel: Gwynbleidd182
Views: 2,213
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baldurs gate 3, baldur's gate 3, baldurs gate 3 gameplay, baldurs gate, balders gate 3, baldurs gate 3 review, baldurs gate 3 classes, baldurs gate 3 steam deck, baldurs gate 3 ps5, baldurs gate 3 news, baldurs gate 3 steam, baldurs gate 3 early access, baulders gate 3, steam deck, baldurs gate 3 leaks, baldurs gate 3 details, steam deck baldur's gate 3, baldur's gate 3 gameplay, baldur's gate 3 review, baldur's gate iii, baldurs gate 3 bear, baldurs gate 3 leak
Id: s_bjRUi1Tio
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 56sec (656 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 25 2023
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